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Video quiz questions

1. He ____________the lift.

 didn't stop
 didn't stopped
 stopped
 didn't stoped

2. She_________her purple balloon.

 didn't catched
 didn't caught
 didn't catch
 catched

3. He __________pass the girl.

 walked
 walk
 walkked
 walking

4. The trolley_______away from the car.

 rollled
 rollet
 rolled
 rolling

5. He _____the leaflet from the woman. (leaflet=ulotka)

 didn't take
 didn't took
 didn't taked
 didn't taken

6. Put the words in order: helped He the lady. old

7. Put the words in order: They fast. didn't walk

8. The man_______the car.

 see
 saw
 seed
 seen

9. Put the words in order: purple car The stopped.

10. Put the words in order: the man. The lady old thanked

11.He_____at his hand.

 look
 lookked
 looken
 looked

12.He______the balloon to the girl.

 gived
 given
 gave
 give

13. Put the words in order: He tidied beach. up the

14. Put the words in order: children. with his played He

15. Put the words in order: completely. changed He

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