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Ans to the Q. No.

The ethical issues that arise in the following scenario is ownership,
intellectual property, loyalty, and privacy.
Ownership: Kravitz created an account when he was an employee of
phoneDog company. He got 17,000 followers by the time he left the
company. After he leaving this company. He made an agreement that
she will use this twitter occasionally with a new handle. But now
PhoneDog company claims that the twitter and its follower their
property. This raises question about the ownership is an ethical issue.
Intellectual property: PhoneDog sued Kravitz and argued that his list of
twitter followers is company’s property. Here is arise an ethical issue of
intellectual property right.
Loyalty: Kravitz agreed that he would still tweet on behalf of his
company using a different handle. But ethical issue arose when he
wanted to keep his original twitter account and list of followers.
Privacy: PhoneDog argued that they invested a substantial amount of
money in growing its customer list. Which may involve collecting user
information without knowing customers. The ethical issue arose for
privacy of customer.

Ans to the Q no. 1(ii)

Uniqueness to cybertechnology: In the question (i) the ethical issues
that arise are Ownership, intellectual property, loyalty, and privacy.
These are not unique to cybertechnology. Some aspects of this case are
unique to cybertechnology.

Name: Sabbir Hossain ; ID :2103119 ; Course code: CSC 215 ; Section:D

Intellectual property: Twitter accounts, followers and online content
are relatively new for the concept of ownership. But if you make
boundaries of ownership that is a unique challenge.
Online audiences: In the digital world rapidly growing online audience
such as twitter followers. Anyone can earn money by the followers. The
speed of online audience building unique challenge.
User Engagement: social media allow the users create content that can
go viral, reaching vast audience quickly. This virality and user
engagement make a unique challenge.
Anonymity: Social media platform often enable to the users to make
fake accounts. That is make it unique challenge to find out true identity
of those accounts.
In conclusion, the core ethical issues of ownership, intellectual
property, loyalty, and privacy are not unique to cybertechnology. I
discussed beside these issues some of unique case of the scenario. The
specific context and challenge presented by the digital realm make this
case of contesting the ownership.

Ans to the Q. No. 2

From the scenario Donald Sterling accused of making racist remarks,
their secret recording and then he making them available for wider
audience. There raises several ethical issues from the main three
perspective of cyber ethics.
The ethical issues arising in the following scenario from the three main
perspective of cyber ethics are:
Name: Sabbir Hossain ; ID :2103119 ; Course code: CSC 215 ; Section:D
1) Cyberethics as a field of professional ethics:

a) Privacy and confidentiality: Donald sterling’s comments

were in a private, confidential setting with someone he
believed to be a close friend. Recording and make it
available for vast audience raise ethical issue of privacy and
b) Professional Responsibility: V. Stiviano, as a close friend of
sterling they had a certain level of professional
responsibility. That can includes respecting the privacy and
trust in personal relationships. Her decision to secretly
record and disclose the private conversation raised an
ethical issue of professional ethics.

2) Cyberethics as a field of philosophical ethics:

a) Privacy and Consent: The secrete recording and make it

available for vast audience of secrete conversation without
consent challenge the principle of privacy and individual
autonomy. it raises questions about whether such action can
be ethically justified.
b) Consequentialism vs. Deontology: The scenario presents a
clash between consequentialist ethics and deontology ethics.
The ethical debate may revolve around whether the public
interest in knowing the truth justifies the breach of privacy and

Name: Sabbir Hossain ; ID :2103119 ; Course code: CSC 215 ; Section:D

3) Cyberethics as a field of Sociology / Descriptive Ethics:

a) Changing Norms and practice: The scenario highlights the

changing norms and practice regarding the recording of secrete
b) Impact on Relationship: The scenario raises question about
how the ability to secretly record conversation may affect trust.
It also highlight the potential shifts in societal norms regarding
what people are wiling to say in confidence.

In summary, the scenario present a complex role of ethical

issues from various perspective within the field of cyber ethics.
This include concerns about privacy, professional
responsibilities, consent, trust etc.

Name: Sabbir Hossain ; ID :2103119 ; Course code: CSC 215 ; Section:D

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