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Bats are actually really intelligent creatures, but sadly the bat population
had gone down drastically in the last five years. This is due to threats like a
regular house cat and even cars driving through the forest at night. These
could all be prevented if owners keep their cat/s inside at night. It would
help if drivers only drive at night needed and stay in the speed limit.
The RSPCA rehabilitate 250 bats every year. They feed underweight and
struggling bats electrolyte fluids from a syringe, then gradually,
mealworms are added to their diet. Once they are strong, they get released
into the forest.

Badgers are very useful animals. They spread sees that help grow crops.
Their constructed setts provide shelter for foxes, bunnies, and other small
species of animals. There was a major increase of farmers killing them for
eating their crops. Another reason for their population decline is because
they are a carrier of tuberculosis that transfers to humans and cattle. The
why the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 came into action.

One of the good things about these little dormice is that they make their
homes in trees. When they have had their babies they leave the nest. The
nest doesn't go to waste because dormice will sometimes reuse it,or wildlife
will use their nest.
These incredible creatures are sadly going instinct across the UK because of
predators like badgers, weasels, bats, and other small animals. They are
endangered because a food scarce and big mammals walking on their
underground tunnels. This is why the Protection Law of the Conservation of
Habitats and Species Law came in to act in 2017.

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