Beneficios Terapia Buena

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Benefit-Finding for challenges, and to focus more on the family members while they are away
positive aspects of caregiving. may not be available. As Lingler sur-
Dementia Caregivers
The benefit-finding intervention is mised, this one-to-one intervention,4
Through Cognitive based on the theoretical founda- though producing similar results,
Reappraisal tion of cognitive-behavioral therapy, yielded effect sizes (moderate effects
framed in terms of searching for on depressive symptoms and role
benefits rather than correcting dys- overload only) smaller than those ob-
TO THE EDITOR: functional thoughts. Moreover, the served in the first trial,2 in which the
Many societies are facing the chal- training was not delivered by psy- intervention was conducted in
lenge of caring for the increasing chotherapists, further avoiding groups. Still, the effects were
number of people with dementia. perception on the part of the impressive.
As well as providing symptomatic caregivers that they were being Despite the descriptions of the in-
treatment to patients, healthcare “fixed”. From a psychotherapeutic tervention in the papers2,4 as well as
practitioners have to deal with the point of view, this has the advan- the study protocol,5 however, I am
needs of family caregivers who are tage of minimizing resistance to still not clear how benefit-finding
at elevated risk for depression and change. Evaluated against two through cognitive reappraisal was
health problems. Programs to psychoeducational programs in a accomplished. Given the promise of
support caregivers to exercise their cluster-randomized controlled trial, this intervention, it will be desirable
role in the long term and to reduce the benefit-finding intervention if Cheng and his team can elaborate
the likelihood of adverse health out- was found to have a large effect on in greater detail how this was done
comes are urgently needed.1 reducing depressive symptoms so that the methods can be replicated
Within this context, I read with and moderate effects on burden, by others who work with caregivers.
interest Cheng et al.’s article describ- role overload, and psychological
Resa Gersdorf, Dr. Med.
ing a benefit-finding intervention well-being.2
Private practice, Berlin, Germany
for dementia caregivers. 2 In this Lingler, in a thoughtful commen-
intervention program, a cognitive re- tary, attributed such positive results
appraisal component was added to to running this program in groups
1. Schulz R, Czaja SJ: Family caregiving: a vision
a typical psychoeducation program in which a sense of universality and for the future. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2017
to help caregivers interpret their mutual support could be fostered 2. Cheng ST, Fung HH, Chan WC, et al: Short-
challenges in a positive way. This is among the caregivers.3 This is in con- term effects of a gain-focused reappraisal
intervention for dementia caregivers:
an interesting and innovative ap- trast to most psychotherapeutic
a double-blind cluster-randomized con-
proach, as programs for caregivers interventions for caregivers, which trolled trial. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2016;
are overwhelmingly oriented toward are delivered on a one-to-one basis. 24:740–750
educating them to handle behavioral Lingler’s speculation seems to be rea- 3. Lingler JH: Commentary on a gain-focused
reappraisal intervention for dementia care-
problems and functional dependen- sonable as Cheng’s team conducted givers. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2016; 24:751–
cies in a practical way, without another randomized controlled trial 752
dealing with the caregivers’ mindset. of the same intervention, but on a 4. Cheng ST, Mak EPM, Fung HH, et al: Benefit-
finding and effect on caregiver depression:
Thus, in addition to enhancing one-to-one basis in caregivers’ a double-blind randomized controlled trial.
the competence of caregivers, the homes.4 This second trial was needed J Consult Clin Psychol 2017; 85:521–529
benefit-finding program promotes because leaving home to receive train- 5. Cheng ST,Lau RWL,Mak EPM,et al:A benefit-
finding intervention for family caregivers of
the use of positive reappraisals ing is often impractical for caregivers
persons with Alzheimer disease: study pro-
to reduce the extent of negative as alternative arrangements for en- tocol of a randomized controlled trial. Trials
thoughts in relation to everyday suring care and attention to their 2012; 13:98

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry ■■:■■, ■■ 2017 1

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