My 1st Ever Character

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My 1st ever character

Campaign info

In my 1st ever Dnd Campaign by the time I joined the group the others already had 2,246 experance

The GM decided to let me catch up by doing the 2 adventures from The 1st Basic Boxed Game

Boy oh boy did I catch up, getting all the loot, killing all the monsters, even resisting Bargels Charm
Person Spell and killing Bargel

All in all by the end of the 2 adventures from The Basic Boxed Game I had 2,561 experance

Because that gives me a lot more experance then the other Pcs I persuaded The GM to lower my
experance to what the other Pcs had, meaning it was lowered to 2,246 experance

Rolls on A Table The GM made show that all my loot is tripled and I also get enough to pay The 40
Gold Coins for a suit of platemail that you get between adventure 1 and adventure 2 without
spending any of my characters money

This is mainly due to the fact that I decided "what's their to lose?, nothing, what's their to gain?,
loads, so risk it all and leave whether I live or die up to the results of the dice rolls"

This resulted in me taking loads of risks

The GM even let me swap The Potion of Growth that's worth 15,000 Gold Coins for 2 1-dose bottles
of Potion of Healing and 1 +1 Shortsword that are worth a total of 12,000 Gold Coins

Win, win for both my character and the trader, the trader gets something worth 15,000 in exchange
for things that are only worth 12,000 Gold Coins and I get things that are a lot more useful then A
Potion of Growth

I even got Bargels 2 Spellbooks and 1 Spellscroll and rolls on A Table The GM made show that
between them those 2 Spellbooks and 1 Spellscroll hold 8 1st level, 3 2nd level and 1 3rd level Spells

The 8 1st level spells where Charm Person, Hold Portal, Light, Magic Missile, Read Magic, Shield,
Sleep and Unseen Servant, The 3 2nd level Spells where ESP, Magic Mouth and Ray of Enfeeblement
and The 1 3rd level Spell was Dispel Magic

A reward roll of A 94 out of A 100 on 1D100 netted me 3 rewards

A large farm worth 800 Gold Coins that earns me a profit of 7 Gold Coins a month. That’s a profit of
84 Gold Coins a year or a annual profit of 10.5% of its market value

The ability to buy a title that could be as high as senior Baron ruling a very large Barony at a discount
of -20%. Sadly this ability is lost the 1st time I use it to buy a title

Whenever I roll to see if I've earned a title I add +15 to the roll but I lose this ability the first time that
using it nets me a title but I don't lose it if I either fail the roll or do something that guarantees me a
title rather then rolling to see if I get 1

My 3rd adventure was my 1st as part of a group, The GM decided to roll on A Chart he'd made for
random adventures

The rolls were A 76 out of A 100 on 1D100 followed by A 15 out of a 20 on 1D10 followed by A 9 out
of A 12 on 2D6
This means that it was a unique jousting tournament, 1 designed to find commoners worthy of
becoming A Noble and the winner would become A Noble by being made A fairly senior Landed
Knight that rules A large Fiefdom

If the winners Intelligence or Wisdom or Intelligence and Wisdom where 9 or lower then The Earl
would pay for A Spell that would boost the winners Intelligence or Wisdom or Intelligence and
Wisdom to 11

My character won this unique jousting tournament, 1 designed to find commoners worthy of
becoming A Noble and the winner would become A Noble by being made A fairly senior Landed
Knight that rules A large Fiefdom

What’s more his intelligence gets boosted from 9 to 11 and his Wisdom gets boosted from 8 to 11

When rolling for the tournaments other rewards The GM rolled A roll of A 76 on 1D100 followed by A
14 on 1D20 followed by A 9 on 2D6 followed by A 7 on 1D8

This means that the other rewards were 1,000 Gold Coins in cash, 300 Gold Coins worth of Jewellery,
4 sets of good quality daywear, 4 sets of good quality nightwear, 3 weeks worth of very good quality
food, 3 weeks worth of very good quality cheese, 2 3 week old Pegasus Foals, 1 tent, 1 lance, 1 light
warhorse and 1 crate that holds 12 2-pint bottles of good quality beer

I have the option that rather then roll for changes to the population I can choose to not risk the
population going down by having it automatically stay the same, as a added incentive every 4th year
the population goes up by between 4 and 8(2D3+2) and I took this option

For the sake of balance I persuaded The GM to give all 5 player characters a mere 550 experance

The GM occasionally persuaded us to not go up a level as soon as we were had enough experance so
that we could do a adventure he wanted to do, my 2 favourite examples of that are Beacon at Enon
Tor and A Box for The Margrave

I let Reg is a hero in his home town

During his 1st adventure he killed the 3rd level Chaotic Magic User Bargel which he admits was
thanks to a lucky blow, risking his life in a failed attempt to save the life of The Cleric Aileena then
risking his life again to take her corpse back to her family so they can bury her

Then during his 2nd adventure killing 2 groups of 3 Goblins and A Rust Monster that had all been
troubling local farms

The fact that he freely admits that his victories over Bargel, The 2 groups of 3 Goblins and The Rust
Monster were more due to luck then skill but skill played a part have only increased his popularity

Now Reg has earned himself a noble title in a commoners only jousting tournament, true the title is
only fairly senior Landed Knight that rules A large Fiefdom, which is a lowly noble title but its still a
noble title

He risked missing the deadline for entering the tournament to get souvenir sweets for his sister and
her friends, he didn't miss it but the fact he took the risk speaks of his kindness

With his parents being too old to care for his little sister he decided to adopt his little sister rather
then risk her going to the orphanage, now she will get a great life, a great education and have access
to good quality food, drink, clothing, accommodation and medical care
He even adopted 15 orphans from the local orphanage, where is sister almost ended up, that where
friends of his sister, all because he can, can afford to and its the right thing to do, now they will all get
a great life, a great education and have access to good quality food, drink, clothing, accommodation
and medical care

Being honest enough to his little sister to disappoint her by telling her he now lives in a manor house
rather then risk breaking her heart, not literally its a saying, by not telling her the truth and letting
her see the truth with her own eyes

As far as the townsfolk know he's the 1st commoner from this town to ever earn a noble title, their
may be others they don't know about but he's the 1st they known about

The slave Tate Hopper that was his sweet heart for a few years, even though they broke up after a
very heated argument and will likely never be as close as they once were and even though she would
never be allowed to marry him he still has enough lingering fondness for her to buy her freedom,
give her a decent bit of cash and give her a job as 1 of his servants

He even vouched for Tate to make sure she got a job in the stables despite her youth, lack of
references and her lack of training, skills, education and experance because he knew having worked
for almost 10 years as a slave stable hand that Tate would have had enough 1st hand experance for
the job

Mind you Regs head of staff isn’t biased or prejudice against former slaves, he was simply worried
about safety and security due to Tates youth, lack of references and her lack of training, skills,
education and experance and not because she’s a slave



On I go

My character


I named him by giving him the same 1st name as the nickname of The Bill Character that at the time
was my favourite Bill character and giving him the same surname as The Bill Character that at the
time was my 2nd favourite Bill character


That’s why he’s called Reg Santini







Strength 17, Constitution 16, Dexterity 11, Intelligence 9, Wisdom 8 and Charisma 15

Strength 17, Constitution 16, Dexterity 11, Intelligence 11, Wisdom 11 and Charisma 15

Permanent stat changes


Intelligence and Wisdom boosted to 11 as the prize in a jousting tournament








At 1st level

At 2nd level



Armour Class

Weapon proficiencies


Daggers, Crossbows, Maces and Swords


Daggers, Crossbows, Maces and Swords




The Common Tongue and The Lawful Alignment tongue

The 2 extra languages from his Intelligence of 11

Bugbear and Goblin



17 years, 0 months, 0 weeks and 1 day


17 years, 11 months, 1 week and 0 days



The 4/7/14,836


The 21/1/14,837

Social class

The very low end of Lower-Upper



1 Sword

1 Dagger

1 Lance

1 Crossbow with 8 Bolts

Armour and shields

1 suit of platemail

1 Shield

1 suit of Leather


14 Glass Gems

4 flasks of oil

4 torches

4 sets of good quality daywear

4 sets of good quality nightwear

2 small sacks

2 vials of oil

1 50 yard length of rope

1 Tinderbox

1 large sack

1 lantern

1 leather backpack

1 large Tent

1 money pouch

1 small bag

1 telescope

1 set of carpenters tools


3 weeks worth of very good quality food

2 weeks worth of fruit, nuts, biscuits, mutton, ale and beef

2 weeks worth of iron rations

1 keg that holds 1 kilo of apples

1 keg that holds 1 kilo of Vegetables

1 keg that holds 1 kilo of Beef


104 half pint bottles of good wine

12 half pint bottles of fine wine

4 bottes made of stone that all hold 1 pint of cheap wine

2 Waterskins

2 Wineskins

1 crate that holds 2-pint bottles of good quality beer

1 keg that holds 1 litre of ale

1 keg that holds 1 litre of wine


3 dose’s of small snake venom



1 light warhorse

1 Medium Warhorse

2 3 week old Pegasus Foals



Gold Coins


Silver coins


Copper coins


Electrum coins


Platinum pieces



300 Gold Coins worth of Jewellery

4 Trinkets that are each worth 1 Gold Coin

3 Giant Rat Skins that are each worth 2 Gold Coins

1 box that holds 13 Gems that have a combined value of 900 Gold Coins that consists of 10 Gems
that are each worth 60 Gold Coins and 3 Gems that are each worth 100 Gold Coins

Magic stuff

Melee weapons

1 +1 Shortsword

1 +1 Hamd Axe

Ranged weapons

3 +1 Arrows


1 +1 Ring of Protection


3 1-dose bottles of Potion of Healing

Spell stuff
2 Spellbooks and 1 Spellscroll that between them hold the following Spells

1st level

Charm Person, Hold Portal, Magic Missile, Read Magic, Shield, Sleep and Unseen

2nd level

ESP, Magic Mouth and Ray of Enfeeblement

3rd level

Dispel Magic


The 1st

How did he earn it

He won it in a jousting tournament

The title is fairly senior Landed Knight that rules A large Fiefdom. All in all very good for a common
born 17 years year old that became a adventurer just under 1 month, 1 week, 3 days ago


The domain is as follows

In it is A Small Manor House, 3 villages that all have 102 people in them, 5 farming communities that
all have 40 people in them and 18 farms that all have 10 people on them

The Manor House isn’t actually small, rather its only small when compared with the manor house's
of more powerful nobles and its size is ideal for a fairly senior knight

That gives it a population of 784 that consists of 686 civilians that consist of 429 Adults and 257
Children, 84 soldiers and 14 advisors



684x12 or 10,260 Gold Coins per month in Taxes

686x4 or 2,744 Gold Coins per month from resources

343 +343 +378 +173 or 1,237 Gold Coins per month from minor earnings

916 Gold Coins per month from animals

275 Gold Coins per month from the vineyard


15,432 Gold Coins per month

+10% from confidence level

That’s 16,976 Gold Coins per month

The costs are as follows

3,366 Gold Coins per month to The King

1,683 Gold Coins per month to The Church

4,320 Gold Coins per month for the garrison

5,800 Gold Coins per month for the advisors


15,214 Gold Coins per month


1,762 Gold Coins per month



A roll of A 90 out of A possible 100 on 1D100 means that the treasury contains the equivalent of 40
months worth of earnings, that’s 66,280 Gold Coins




A flock of 98 Chickens that each earn the ruler 2 Gold Coins a month

A Herd of 45 Sheep that each earn the ruler 5 Gold Coins a month

A Herd of 34 Goats that each earn the ruler 4 Gold Coins a month

A herd of 22 Pigs that each earn the ruler 4 Gold Coins a month

A herd of 16 Cows that each earn the ruler 16 Gold Coins a month

The recommended animal consumption per year

Its recommended that you only eat enough of the young each year that after eating most of the
young per year as part of your consumption the animals go up by +10% rounded up +1

For example if you follow the recommendation at the end of your 1st year, not full year, you gain 1.3
cows rounded up to 2 cows +1 more cow or 3 cows

Theirs nothing stopping you from eating more then the recommended number if you want to but in
the long term its best to eat only the recommended number

This way over time the number of animals you can eat per year whilst still allowing each group to get
a small increase its numbers each year will go up

Similar stuff

It has A 11 acre Vineyard that every month makes the ruler 275 Gold Coins and every year produce
106 half pint bottles of good wine and 12 bottles of fine wine

2 Vegetable and 1 Animal


73 Clerics that consist of 41 1st level, 17 2nd level, 9 3rd level, 4 4th level, 1 5th level and 1 6th level

Men At Arms

62 Men At Arms that consist of 34 1st level, 15 2nd level, 9 3rd level, 3 4th level and 1 5th level Men
At Arms


A 84 garrison that consists of 34 Light Infantry with Ranged Weapons, 34 Light Infantry with Melee
Weapons, 11 Medium Cavalry and 5 Heavy Cavalry

Manor House Staff

It’s a semi-feudal society, meaning that the ruler gets unskilled servants to work in my manor house
that I don’t have to pay but the number is limited

5% of the adult population of the domain serve as unskilled servants in the rulers Small Manor

That means that my Manor House has 21.45 unskilled servants that are rounded up to 22 unskilled


Rolls show that they are 11 general purpose staff, 4 Cooks, 2 Grooms, 2 Gardeners, 1 Entertainer, 1
Doormen and 1 Butler



4 Magistrates/1st level Str 18 Fighters

4 Rural Wardens/1st level Str 14 Man At Arms

1 Bailiff/2nd level Dex 17 Thief

1 Magistrate whose A 1st level Fighter

1 Herald


1 Equerry


1 Chaplain whose A 5th level Wis 17/Int 13 Cleric

1 Tax Collector/2nd level Dex 17 Thief

Confidence level


150 +84 from A 1D100 roll of A 91 +81 from my stats or 323

So its Healthy 323


That means that every month all enemy spies, saboteurs and agents have A 25% chance of being
caught and every month the income goes up by +10%


Healthy 323


That means that every month all enemy spies, saboteurs and agents have A 25% chance of being
caught and every month the income goes up by +10%


I have the option that rather then roll for changes to the population I can choose to not risk the
population going down by having it automatically stay the same, as a added incentive every 4th year
the population goes up by between 4 and 8(2D3+2) and I took this option


How did he acquire it

By landing the killing blow on A Young Marsh Dragon

The title is fairly senior Landed Knight that rules A large Fiefdom. All in all very good for a common
born 17 years year old that became a adventurer just under 1 month, 1 week, 3 days ago


The domain is as follows

In it is A Small Manor House, 3 villages that all have 102 people in them, 5 farming communities that
all have 40 people in them and 18 farms that all have 10 people on them

The Manor House isn’t actually small, rather its only small when compared with the manor house's
of more powerful nobles and its size is ideal for a fairly senior knight

That gives it a population of 784 that consists of 686 civilians that consist of 429 Adults and 257
Children, 84 soldiers and 14 advisors



684x12 or 10,260 Gold Coins per month in Taxes

686x4 or 2,744 Gold Coins per month from resources

343 +343 +378 +173 or 1,237 Gold Coins per month from minor earnings
916 Gold Coins per month from animals

275 Gold Coins per month from the vineyard


15,432 Gold Coins per month

+10% from confidence level

That’s 16,976 Gold Coins per month

The costs are as follows

3,366 Gold Coins per month to The King

1,683 Gold Coins per month to The Church

4,320 Gold Coins per month for the garrison

5,800 Gold Coins per month for the advisors


15,214 Gold Coins per month


1,762 Gold Coins per month



A roll of A 90 out of A possible 100 on 1D100 means that the treasury contains the equivalent of 40
months worth of earnings, that’s 66,280 Gold Coins




A flock of 98 Chickens that each earn the ruler 2 Gold Coins a month

A Herd of 45 Sheep that each earn the ruler 5 Gold Coins a month

A Herd of 34 Goats that each earn the ruler 4 Gold Coins a month

A herd of 22 Pigs that each earn the ruler 4 Gold Coins a month

A herd of 16 Cows that each earn the ruler 16 Gold Coins a month

The recommended animal consumption per year

Its recommended that you only eat enough of the young each year that after eating most of the
young per year as part of your consumption the animals go up by +10% rounded up +1

For example if you follow the recommendation at the end of your 1st year, not full year, you gain 1.3
cows rounded up to 2 cows +1 more cow or 3 cows
Theirs nothing stopping you from eating more then the recommended number if you want to but in
the long term its best to eat only the recommended number

This way over time the number of animals you can eat per year whilst still allowing each group to get
a small increase its numbers each year will go up

Similar stuff

It has A 11 acre Vineyard that every month makes the ruler 275 Gold Coins and every year produce
106 half pint bottles of good wine and 12 bottles of fine wine


2 Vegetable and 1 Animal


73 Clerics that consist of 41 1st level, 17 2nd level, 9 3rd level, 4 4th level, 1 5th level and 1 6th level

Men At Arms

62 Men At Arms that consist of 34 1st level, 15 2nd level, 9 3rd level, 3 4th level and 1 5th level Men
At Arms


A 84 garrison that consists of 34 Light Infantry with Ranged Weapons, 34 Light Infantry with Melee
Weapons, 11 Medium Cavalry and 5 Heavy Cavalry

Manor House Staff

It’s a semi-feudal society, meaning that the ruler gets unskilled servants to work in my manor house
that I don’t have to pay but the number is limited

5% of the adult population of the domain serve as unskilled servants in the rulers Small Manor

That means that my Manor House has 21.45 unskilled servants that are rounded up to 22 unskilled


Rolls show that they are 11 general purpose staff, 4 Cooks, 2 Grooms, 2 Gardeners, 1 Entertainer, 1
Doormen and 1 Butler



4 Magistrates/1st level Str 18 Fighters

4 Rural Wardens/1st level Str 14 Man At Arms

1 Bailiff/2nd level Dex 17 Thief

1 Magistrate whose A 1st level Fighter

1 Herald


1 Equerry


1 Chaplain whose A 5th level Wis 17/Int 13 Cleric

1 Tax Collector/2nd level Dex 17 Thief

Confidence level


150 +84 from A 1D100 roll of A 91 +81 from my stats or 323

So its Healthy 323


That means that every month all enemy spies, saboteurs and agents have A 25% chance of being
caught and every month the income goes up by +10%


Healthy 323


That means that every month all enemy spies, saboteurs and agents have A 25% chance of being
caught and every month the income goes up by +10%


I have the option that rather then roll for changes to the population I can choose to not risk the
population going down by having it automatically stay the same, as a added incentive every 4th year
the population goes up by between 4 and 8(2D3+2) and I took this option

Other ways of making money

A large farm worth 800 Gold Coins that earns me a profit of 7 Gold Coins a month. That’s a profit of
84 Gold Coins a year

7 Gold Coins profit a month or 84 Gold Coins profit a year from the farm isn't much on paper but
when you consider that a profit of 84 Gold Coins a year is a yearly return of 10.5% of the farms
market value of 800 Gold Coins, which is loads

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