Literature Review On Employees Retention

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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Comprehensive Literature Review on Employee Retention

Crafting a literature review on employee retention is a demanding task that requires extensive
research, critical analysis, and a thorough understanding of the existing body of knowledge in the
field. As a crucial component of academic and professional research, a literature review aims to
provide a comprehensive overview of the existing literature on a specific topic, highlighting key
findings, methodologies, and gaps in research.

One of the primary challenges in writing a literature review on employee retention lies in the vast
and continually evolving landscape of this subject. Employee retention is influenced by a multitude
of factors such as organizational culture, leadership styles, compensation and benefits, work-life
balance, and job satisfaction. Keeping abreast of the latest research developments and synthesizing
diverse perspectives can be a daunting task for researchers.

Moreover, the process of sifting through numerous scholarly articles, books, and other academic
sources to identify relevant and high-quality literature is time-consuming. Researchers must critically
evaluate the credibility, methodology, and findings of each source to ensure the reliability of the
information presented in their literature review.

Organizing and structuring the literature review is another significant hurdle. Researchers need to
synthesize the information coherently, drawing connections between various studies and identifying
patterns or inconsistencies in the existing literature. Achieving a balanced and unbiased perspective
requires skillful navigation through conflicting findings and interpretations.

In recognition of the challenges inherent in crafting a literature review on employee retention,

seeking professional assistance becomes a viable option. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable
solution for individuals grappling with the complexities of literature review creation. The platform
connects clients with experienced writers who specialize in conducting thorough literature reviews,
ensuring a high standard of quality and accuracy.

By opting for assistance from ⇒ ⇔, individuals can save valuable time and energy,
allowing them to focus on other aspects of their research. The platform's commitment to delivering
well-researched and impeccably written literature reviews on employee retention makes it a trusted
partner for those seeking a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the subject.

In conclusion, writing a literature review on employee retention is a challenging endeavor that

requires expertise and dedication. ⇒ ⇔ stands as a reliable resource for individuals
aiming to streamline the process and obtain a meticulously crafted literature review that meets the
highest academic standards.
Address the issue and lack of improvement with a written or verbal warning. The results from
Towers Watson on Global Labour Force Study in 2014 noted that direct managers have a strong
influence on the engagement of employees with their work and their willingness to contribute to the
success of their company. Multiple linear regression and correlation were used to test the validity of
the hypotheses to establish the link between motivation and productivity. It means that the other
factors should be also considered important that managers should take a flexible approach. With
Zoho People, set goals and know the progress each team member is making towards the key results.
In effect, the theory postulated here is that the job, organizational climate, and work ethic variables
will have a direct influence on both job involvement and sense of competence, and sense of
competence will lead directly to job satisfaction. In addition, the job must allow the employee to
perform substantial decision authority in order to make the employee feel responsible for the results
of his or her work. Member Exchange Quality on Employee Engagement: Evidence from a Brazilian
Non-Profit Organization. From a comprehensive review of literature on earlier studies, it was found
that the preceding researches didn't make thorough endeavor to address the effects employee relation
on employee performance. Managers or HR can set the criteria to be ranked — often including
behaviours, aptitude or projects completed. The study recommended that increase in salary via
promotion; overtime allowance and holiday with pay should be used as motivational tools. This is
followed by a review of the link between performance management and reward; personal
development planning and career and talent discussions and the management of poor
performancethrough appraisal. They are also a source of Hospitality product differentiation and
create an element of competitive advantage at the service level. Satisfaction. Business, Management
and Education 13:2, 175-202. However, a high level of turnover is undesirable for an organization
for a number of reasons and affects an organization in many ways causing poor performance, low
employee morale, low productivity and the major loss of revenue that comes from the decreased
sales. It caused the low employee performance in the Argapura Sub-District Office of Majalengka
Regency, so that the hypothesis of the researcher is true and can be accepted. In this method, the
employee judges their own performance against questions set by the employer. The International
Journal of Human Resource Management, 22 (8), 1765-1787. Job satisfaction, Stress, Physical
Health, and Retention. Employee retention refers to the ability of an organization to retain its
employees. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel
Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. These evolutions cause not only a shortage of workers, but
also a risk of losing knowledge and experience. Chi () statistical test was deployed to test the various
hypotheses formulated in the study. HRM may affect firm performance through HR investments.
Keywords: Retention Strategies, Employee Retention, Retention Management 1 The list of retention
factors and literature review is not meant to be. Leadership and Learning at Work: A Systematic
Literature Review of In contemporary organizations that must be adaptive and agile (Teece et al.,
2016), an important challenge for leaders is the facilitation of individual, group, and organizational
learning (Pasamar et al., 2019; Yukl, 2009).Leaders can facilitate workplace learning at these levels
either indirectly through mechanisms such as the organizational structure or culture, or directly
through their. The employee job satisfaction and employee retention relies on the best HR Practices
followed in industry depending upon its nature and size as a universal solution. Employee retention
policies will be shared based on the findings of this study. Also, more emphasis will be put on the
factors such as leadership style of superiors, ability to exercise control with respect to decision-
making and problem-solving, desire for career advancement and skills development, flexible working
and ever increasing aspiration on retention of key employees. PDF Assessing Employee Relations
and Organizational Performance: A.
To achieve this, the paper conducted a review of some of the key theories and empirical studies on
motivation and its impact on employee productivity drawing experiences from diverse organizational
settings in Nigeria and several other countries. That is, the more the employees engage in work
behavior because of job involvement, the greater will be the ir interactions with and explorations in
the work environment. As the study is descriptive in nature, a number of secondary sources are
explored to synthesize the fragmented knowledge and present the literature review in a concise
format. The impact of employee turnover affects the other HR functions like manpower planning,
recruitment, selection training etc. It is observed from the past studies that when employees are
satisfied with the organizations retention strategies they are more dedicated in doing their jobs and
work for the organizations growth and sustain the advantage of competitiveness over the rivals. Are
they punctual and present to the expected standard. Induction as a Tool to Gain Employee
Commitment with Special Reference to IT. Associate professor, YMCA University of Science and
Technology, Faridabad, India. Job satisfaction is a topic which is concerned by both the people,
those who are working in organizations and for the people who study them. With the diversity of
current jobs, this is a dynamic challenge. Also, more emphasis will be put on the factors such as
leadership style of superiors, ability to exercise control with respect to decision-making and problem-
solving, desire for career advancement and skills development, flexible working and ever increasing
aspiration on retention of key employees. Thus, to experience satisfactions at the work place, it is
necessa ry for individuals to be job-involved and feel a sense of competence at work. The most
efficient way to improve employee performance is to provide regular feedback. Employee Retention,
Information Technology Sector, HR Practices, Employee Engagement. See Full PDF Download PDF
See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is
currently unavailable. This study examined the role of talent management practices and
organisational performance on employee retention in the Indian IT sector. This research report
examines employee motivation and its impact on employee performance. Securing and retaining
skilled employees plays an important role for any organization, because employees' knowledge and
skills are central to companies' ability to be economically competitive. This paper makes an attempt
to study the review of literature on employee engagement concept and different dimensions driving
engagement and outcomes. International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and
Management Studies, 154-164. As the replacement cost of key employees involves huge turnover,
there is a need to develop a fully integrative retention policy to tackle such type of problems. The
objective of this study is to critically analyze the various works done in the field of employee
retention and highlight factors responsible for employee departure and retention initiatives followed
to retain them. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 19:12, 1359-1380. The person who has a
positive working attitude, he has a functional satisfaction. Sep 2012 Thequestionnaire The Second
part elicited retention strategies factors, an extensive review of the literature on employees intention
for the. Impact of motivation on employee retention - Kwame? pdf. It was also found that workers
perception on what obtained in his organization will motivate him to greater productivity. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. A research could be conducted on various other retention strategies, which increase
retention of employees. When people get involved in their jobs, they spend greater amounts of time
and energy at the work place. This balance is specific to each person and relates to satisfaction with a
job and all other parts in life, especially family life and free time.
A study concluded that for retaining good talented work force the organization has to create a. It is
observed from the past studies that when employees are satisfied with the organizations retention
strategies they are more dedicated in doing their jobs and work for the organizations growth and
sustain the advantage of competitiveness over the rivals. Download Free PDF View PDF Employee
Retention - Keeping the Best Katherine Bowen Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Keywords: Retention
Strategies, Employee Retention, Retention Management 1 The list of retention factors and literature
review is not meant to be. Generally, employee retention is considered as an employer's attempt to
retain the employees in their organization. Factors Affecting Employee Retention: A Comparative
Analysis of two Keywords: Retention Strategies, Employee Retention, Retention Management 1.
Every organization invests time and money for development of employee to make him equip with
their culture and system. Human capitals work for critical positions in organizations. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. Journal of the Management Sciences, 5(1), pp. 121-126. This article contains the
description about the concept of employee retention, different retention strategies used in the
organization. With this development and competition, there are lots and lots of avenues and
opportunities available in the hands of the human resources. The chapter provides a review of
available literature in the area of employee turnover and puts in place a sound strategy for improving
staff retention For most. The reason is that one can get very involved in the job and keep plodding
along without necessarily experiencing job satisfaction. Factors Affecting Employee Retention - Iiste
? pdf. As said by Cappelliit’s not about managing a dam but. This is followed by a review of the link
between performance management and reward; personal development planning and career and talent
discussions and the management of poor performancethrough appraisal. By quantifying HRM
determinants and equating it to satisfaction of employees, the study has discovered and established
that status of ERM in the state PSUs is not very good and measures of HR practices are not being
implemented as they should be. The literature on employee turnover is divided into three groupings:
sources of employee turnover, eff- ects of turnover and the strategies to minimize turnover. Managers
or HR can set the criteria to be ranked — often including behaviours, aptitude or projects completed.
Some of the studies has been studied in the current study and explained their conclusion as below.
African Journal of Business Management, 5 (7), 2679-2685. Factors Affecting Satisfaction and
Turnover of Information Technology Workers. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Related Papers Study on Determining Factors of Employee Retention Delvycx
Baladad Employees are the most valuable assets of an organization. It is important for any business
organization to implement employee retention strategies to manage employee turnover effectively
and efficiently. The study also discusses on employee performance which comprises of the basic
concept and measurements of performance. Multiple linear regression and correlation were used to
test the validity of the hypotheses to establish the link between motivation and productivity.
However, many studies (Walker, 2001; Gberevbie, 2008; Muhammad, 2011) have identified different
key extrinsic motivational variables influence employees’ retention and turnover such as competitive
salaries, good relationships with co-workers and supervisors, the friendly working environment and
job security. Results indicated that there exists a relationship between employee engagement factors
and organizational commitment. Those people have significant differences in the performance of the
organization in the present or future.
Employee retention and engagement are also important aspects of this strategy. Research indicates
that the total cost of employee turnover is about 150% of an the literature reviewed as a significant
factor in the employee retention efforts. African Journal of Business Management, Vol.7 (29), pp.
2827-2835, 7. As employees explore their work environment, have success experiences, and gain
mastery at work, they develop a sense of competence or confidence in their own competence. As the
replacement cost of key employees involves huge turnover, there is a need to develop a fully
integrative retention policy to tackle such type of problems. The objective of this study is to critically
analyze the various works done in the field of employee retention and highlight factors responsible
for employee departure and retention initiatives followed to retain them. International Journal of
Business and Social Science, Vol. 6, No. 12, pp. - 156-162. The study revealed that there are
different factors to consider in motivating employees: some monetary or financial such as pay and
others are non-financial like recognition and challenging jobs. Also, more emphasis will be put on the
factors such as leadership style of superiors, ability to exercise control with respect to decision-
making and problem-solving, desire for career advancement and skills development, flexible working
and ever increasing aspiration on retention of key employees. Managing Employee Retention as a
Strategy for ? pdf. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The literature on
employee turnover is divided into three groupings: sources of employee turnover, eff- ects of
turnover and the strategies to minimize turnover. Factors Affecting Employee Retention: A
Comparative Analysis of two Keywords: Retention Strategies, Employee Retention, Retention
Management 1. Download Free PDF View PDF EMPLOYEE RETENTION Journal Approved) In the modern business competitive world, employee retention became
an important element which has to be considered by every organization because due to increasing
opportunities in the market, the employees are skittering from one organization to the another where
better position and salary are offered. Efficiency is the result of maximum output at least cost so this
is vital to be aware of within your company. By creating a process which allows for regular
recognition of hard work, you keep high performers engaged and motivated, whilst also providing
an example of what great work looks like for those who might be currently missing the mark. The
literature review will present traditional retention techniques followed as well as contemporary
techniques used to retain the employees. This study was carried out among the employees of First
bank Nigeria Plc. This way they can monitor their own performance and, in turn, work to improve
this. Frequent feedback helps employees to become more comfortable with receiving feedback in
general. When effective communication practices are in place at the workplace then employees feel
more connected and committed to the organization. Career development was significant but was rate
to have low effect to production as compared to compensation. The paper examines previous
literature through secondary sources in different organizations. Exploring the Relationship between
HR Practices and Employee Retention: A Stu. ROI makes HRM have impact on financial
performance. Equipped with the necessary professional skills that will motivate employees to do
better, make them feel more challenging and have more promotion opportunities. This study
examined the role of talent management practices and organisational performance on employee
retention in the Indian IT sector. Job satisfaction, Stress, Physical Health, and Retention.
International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies, 154-164.
Also, more emphasis will be put on the factors such as leadership style of superiors, ability to
exercise control with respect to decision-making and problem-solving, desire for career advancement
and skills development, flexible working and ever increasing aspiration on retention of key
employees. Motivating staff requires a combination of both maintenance and encouragement factors,
unable to focus on anyone factor (Elizabeth, 2009).
It is also an indication of not doing proper job selection and not creating an environment which
helps employees to stay within the organization for a longer period of time. These numbers are
important, as they not only help to increase the profitability of the organization but also affect the
operation management of the organization. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. Managing Employee Retention as a Strategy for ? pdf. Chi () statistical test was deployed to
test the various hypotheses formulated in the study. The most simple way to find out if your
workplace culture is right for your employees is to ask them. It also makes it easy to find the most
proficient employees for a given project, eliminating a tedious search. In this paper, delineation is
done as to what are the underlying elements of the subject matter of job satisfaction. The study
reached the conclusion that further investigations need to be conducted regarding employee
retention to better comprehend this complex field of human resource management. That is, based on
how employees perceive their job and work environment, they could get minimally to hig hly involve
in their jobs. The literature on employee turnover is divided into three groupings: sources of
employee turnover, eff- ects of turnover and the strategies to minimize turnover. Efficiency is the
result of maximum output at least cost so this is vital to be aware of within your company. They are
also a source of Hospitality product differentiation and create an element of competitive advantage
at the service level. Factors Affecting Employee Retention: A Comparative Analysis of two
Keywords: Retention Strategies, Employee Retention, Retention Management 1. The chapter
provides a review of available literature in the area of employee turnover and puts in place a sound
strategy for improving staff retention For most. The study measured the impact of HR practices on
the retention of staff in the hotel industry. Based on literature review, three leading hypotheses were
formed. Quality of work provides the basis to analyse all other elements of their performance. This
paper attempts to analyze and determine the reasons for employee retention undertaken by various
researchers. The employee job satisfaction and employee retention relies on the best HR Practices
followed in industry depending upon its nature and size as a universal solution. Study on
Determining Factors of Employee Retention -? pdf. Regression analyses were used to substantiate
which strategies was the most appropriate as job retention strategy. HRM may affect firm
performance through HR investments. However, a high level of turnover is undesirable for an
organization for a number of reasons and affects an organization in many ways causing poor
performance, low employee morale, low productivity and the major loss of revenue that comes from
the decreased sales. The “A” group is the high performers’ team who will boost organization
performance by adding value through their own effort and by inspiring and encouraging other
employees they are associated. Impact of motivation on employee retention - Kwame? pdf. The
standard of the services provided by the organization declines which in turn affects the organizations
growth and profitability. Judgmental evaluations are the most commonly used with a large variety of
evaluation methods. The nature and amount of work performed by them have a direct impact on the
productivity of an organization. The results from Towers Watson on Global Labour Force Study in
2014 noted that direct managers have a strong influence on the engagement of employees with their
work and their willingness to contribute to the success of their company.
A study concluded that talented work force has high worth to the organizations due their expertise.
Today HR Managers are facing a pivotal challenge pertaining to their employee's turnover rate which
could be reduce by applying necessary strategies which restrict them to stay in the organization. The
review of literature method in current study it is a relevant research approach for defining. The
literature on employee turnover is divided into three groupings: sources of employee turnover, eff-
ects of turnover and the strategies to minimize turnover. Employment relations, for example, are
nonfinancial indicators. It’s not just finding the perfect person for the right position that’s a struggle;
it’s also keeping them on board. The organization can render better service to the customers by
having productive and efficient employees. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN)
Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The literature on employee
turnover is divided into three groupings: sources of employee turnover, eff- ects of turnover and the
strategies to minimize turnover. Gennady (PDF) The Effect of Employee Relationship Management
(ERM) on Employee Employees relationship management is a comprehensive approach that reflects
a delicate balance in the development, recognition of human capital and interaction in the
organization. The literature on employee turnover is divided into three groupings: sources of
employee turnover, eff- ects of turnover and the strategies to minimize turnover. Performance
reviews are, at their core, a communication channel between employees and their supervisors. With
this development and competition, there are lots and lots of avenues and opportunities available in
the hands of the human resources. The literature was examined to determine the range of factors that
influence employee retention. In effect, the theory postulated here is that the job, organizational
climate, and work ethic variables will have a direct influence on both job involvement and sense of
competence, and sense of competence will lead directly to job satisfaction. This article presents some
theoretical concepts of Organizational Behavior, Organizational Culture, Competence, Motivation
and Performance. Study on Determining Factors of Employee Retention -? pdf. Stated that
employee retention strategies refer to the plans and means, and a set of This study on review of
literature on retention initiatives undertakes the. Human capital can then be motivated through
employee retention strategies which involves employee development or compensation strategies. The
purpose of the study is to examine the various factors affecting employee retention in different
sectors of business along with identifying competitive strategy and human resource management
practice to retain competent employee. Failure to do so will result in the degrading performance of
the employee or the key employee leave the organization. The study measured the impact of HR
practices on the retention of staff in the hotel industry. They need someone to talk, to discuss ideas
and to share their happiness and other emotions. Download our degree feedback template to boost
performance. Stated that employee retention strategies refer to the plans and means, and a set of This
study on review of literature on retention initiatives undertakes the. Address the issue and lack of
improvement with a written or verbal warning. Doing all the best efforts in order to maintain such a
working environment which supports the existing employees to remain in the company, while
recognizing their abilities and contribution and implementing suitable reward and recognition
strategies is always appreciable and one of the most important things that a business management
can do to retain its employees. At the same time, the leadership, dynamic and creative management
in organizations create suitable working environment; reasonable organizational structure with good
coordination within and outside organizations; good organizational culture is extremely important for
attracting and retaining talented people that any organization needs special attention in their
development. Standard of work produced is a key indicator of performance. Based on this theory, it
is realized that high routinized and repetitive tasks affect to employees’ attitudes and behaviours.
The employee perspective on HR practices: A systematic literature Scope of the systematic literature
review. The research conducted on employee retention stated that financial perks is the major factor
on. FEMI P R A I S E MOYIN Femi Praise MOYIN P R A I S E FEMI One of the most important
functions of management is to ensure that employee work is more satisfying and to reconcile
employee motivation with organizational goals. Keywords: Retention Strategies, Employee
Retention, Retention Management 1 The list of retention factors and literature review is not meant
to be. Generally, employee retention is considered as an employer's attempt to retain the employees
in their organization. Organizational Commitment and Employee Performance With Special
Reference to. ROI makes HRM have impact on financial performance. Factors Affecting Employee
Retention: A Comparative Analysis of two Keywords: Retention Strategies, Employee Retention,
Retention Management 1. The demand for talent will increase, while supply will decline. For
corporate leaders, staff retention is a major concern because of a lack of skilled labor, economic
development, and employee turnover. There is no set recipe for employee engagement and retention.
The study is based on review of literature and data collected from various websites, journals and
reference books Employee Engagement Initially employee engagement was thought of as personal
engagement with the organization and indicated that an employee's focus was on performance of
assigned. Attracting and retaining highly talented employees and to ensure competitive advantage is
an important issue for companies in all scales around the world. Study on Determining Factors of
Employee Retention -? pdf. The paper found that it is important to consider compensation as job
retention strategy which results to higher organization productivity. The study reached the conclusion
that further investigations need to be conducted regarding employee retention to better comprehend
this complex field of human resource management. It must be noted that a high turnover indicates
that a company is losing a high percentage of employees as compared to the number of employees
who have been hired already. Employee retention refers to the ability of an organization to retain its
employees. However, if one has success experiences on the job and derives a sense of psychological
success by feeling confident that he or she is making a significant impact on the work environment
and gaining mastery over the job, the individual will derive satisfaction. This relationship stands on
organisation communication among all the. Managing Employee Retention as a Strategy for ? pdf. A
strong workplace culture allows employees to be focused and engaged without any negativities
distracting them and with the support of a positive workplace to drive them forward. Two researches
by (Mercer-report, 2003), (Perrin, 2003) highlight the relationship between reward and retention of
staff, and show insights into what employers are doing, how they feel, and what employees talk
about reward issues. The literature review on Work-life Balance has be en framed up in view of its
gained popularity with the major aim to have prosperity of society and the realization of fulf illing
lives for its employees by supporting the growth of eve ry employee and the further development o f
the companies. Because of this psychological success feeling, they are likely to get even more
involved in their work in anticipation of experiencing greater successes and more mastery. It is
observed from the past studies that when employees are satisfied with the organizations retention
strategies they are more dedicated in doing their jobs and work for the organizations growth and
sustain the advantage of competitiveness over the rivals. That is, based on how employees perceive
their job and work environment, they could get minimally to hig hly involve in their jobs. More from
IJBBR BRICS Strategies 3.0 BRICS Strategies 3.0 IJBBR Relationship Marketing Strategies in
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PERFORMI. Proper human resource management initiatives should be adopted by the organizations
in order to decrease the employee turnover. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance,
Vol2 No3, 232-241.

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