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04 – Computer Systems Categories of Software

Basics - Software There are THREE basic types of software:
NCM 110: Nursing Informatics system software, utility programs, and
applications software. System software “boots
up” (starts up and initializes) the computer
system; it CONTROLS input, output, and
1. Identify the THREE categories of storage; and it controls the operations of ALL
software and their functions. other software.
2. Describe FOUR important analytic Utility software consists of programs designed to
themes in Information Science. SUPPORT and OPTIMIZE the functioning of the
3. Explain FIVE types of programming computer system itself.
languages and their general
capabilities. Utility programs help MAINTAIN the computer
4. Discuss smartphone applications that system’s speed, CLEAN UP unwanted
can be used as part of physical programs, PROTECT the system against virus
assessment. attacks, ACCESS the World Wide Web
5. Explain the DIFFERENCES among (WWW), and the like.
LANs, WANs, and MANs
Applications software include the programs that
PERFORM the business or personal work
Key Words people use the machine to DO.
o Software
o Programs System Software
o Programming languages
o Read-only memory (ROM) System software consists of a VARIETY of
o Random access memory (RAM) programs that control the individual computer
o Operating systems and make the user’s application programs
work well with the hardware.
Introduction System software consists of a variety of programs
that initialize, or boot up, the computer when it
Software is the general term applied to the is FIRST turned on and thereafter control ALL
instructions that DIRECT the computer’s THE FUNCTIONS of the computer hardware and
HARDWARE to perform work. It is distinguished applications software.
from hardware by its conceptual RATHER
THAN physical nature. System software helps speed up the computer’s
processing, EXPANDS the power of the
Hardware consists of physical components, computer by CREATING cache memory,
whereas software consists of instructions REDUCES the amount of confusion when
COMMUNICATED ELECTRONICALLY to the multiple programs are running together,
hardware. Software is needed for two purposes. “cleans up” the hard drive so that storage is
managed efficiently, and performs other such
First, computers do NOT DIRECTLY understand
system management tasks.
human language, and software is needed to
translate instructions created in human
language INTO machine language. System Software
At the MACHINE LEVEL, computers can
Utility programs include programs designed to
understand only binary numbers, not English or
KEEP the computer system operating
any other human language.
efficiently. They do this by ADDING power to
the functioning of the system software or

supporting the OS or applications software have longed for a machine that could accept
programs. instructions in everyday human language.

As such, utility programs are sort of BETWEEN Although that goal largely eludes programmers,
system software and applications software, applications such as office support programs
although SOME writers identify this software as (i.e. word processors, spread sheets,
PART of the system software category. presentation graphics applications and the like)
have become much easier to use with graphical
SIX TYPES of utility software can describe the user interface (GUI)-based commands.
majority of utility programs, although there is NO
formal categorization system for such
programs. The categories include at least Generations & Levels of Programming Languages
security programs, system management
utilities, backup for the user’s data, screen Programming languages are divided into FIVE
savers, archival assistance software, and generations, or sometimes into THREE levels.
programming environment support The term level refers to how close the language
programs. is to the actual machine.

The FIRST LEVEL includes the first two

generations of programming languages:
Applications Software machine language and assembly (or
assembler) language.
Applications software includes all the various
programs PEOPLE USE to do work, process
data, play games, communicate with others, Common Software Packages for Microcomputers
and watch videos and multimedia programs on
a computer. As noted above, the MOST COMMON package
sold with computers is a standard office
Unlike system and utility programs, they ARE
package. (The standard office package includes
WRITTEN for system users to make use of the
a word processing program, a spreadsheet
program, and a presentation graphics
When the USER orders the OS to run an program.)
application program, the OS transfers the
The upgraded or professional versions usually
program FROM the hard drive, or removable
add some form of database management
media, and executes it.
system, an e-mail system, and a “publisher”
program for preparing flyers, brochures, and
other column-format documents.
Programming Languages
The TWO most commonly used programs are
A programming language is a means of the e-mail system and the word processor.
COMMUNICATING with the computer.
Actually, of course, the ONLY LANGUAGE a In fact, SOME PEOPLE purchase a computer
CPU can understand is binary or machine with only an OS, word processor, and an
language. While it is certainly possible for Internet browser, and sign up for their e-mail
programmers to learn to use binary—some account and use little else.
highly sensitive defense applications are still
written in machine language—the language is
PAINFULLY TEDIOUS to USE. Software Packages Ownership Rights
For most applications, it is an inefficient use of PROTECTING ownership rights in software has
human resources, and worse, machine language presented a CHALLENGE to the computer
programs are quite difficult to update and software industry. A program sold to one
debug. Since the invention of computers, users


customer can be installed on a very large The greatest range of functionality is realized
number of machines. when computers are connected to other
computers in a network or, as with the Internet,
This practice obviously seriously HARMS the a system of networks in which any computer
profitability of software development. If can COMMUNICATE with any other computer.
programs were sold outright, users would have
every right to distribute them as they wished;
however, the industry could NOT SURVIVE in Information Science
such market conditions.
Information science is an interdisciplinary field
As a result, the software industry has followed an primarily concerned with the analysis,
ownership model MORE SIMILAR to that of the collection, classification, manipulation,
book publishing industry than to the model storage, retrieval, movement, dissemination,
used by vendors of most commercial products. and use of INFORMATION (ASIS&T, 2019;
Stock & Stock, 2013).

Common Software Useful to Nurses It is concerned with technologies, strategies,

and methodologies for GETTING the right
In most hospitals, much of the software used by information to people when it is needed
nurses is based in an HIS, a MULTIPURPOSE WITHOUT people getting overwhelmed with
PROGRAM designed to support many irrelevant and unwanted information. ALL
applications in hospitals and their associated SCIENCE is concerned with measurement and
clinics. analysis, and information science is NO
The components nurses use most include the
electronic medical record for charting patient
care, admission-discharge-transfer (ADT) Summary
systems that help with patient tracking,
medication administration record (MAR) Software is the set of commands TO THE
software, laboratory systems that are used to computer that instruct the system as to WHAT
ORDER laboratory tests and REPORT the the user wants DONE. Software is the general
results, and supplies inventory systems term that DESCRIBES the computer
through which nurses charge IVs, dressings, and instruction code, and particular items of
other supplies used in patient care. software are called programs. The THREE
general types of software are systems software,
utility software, and applications programs.
Computer Systems
Systems software CONTROLS the operations of
Every functioning computer is a system; that the machine and HOW it works with peripheral
is, it is a complex entity, consisting of an equipment and SUPPORTS utility and
ORGANIZED SET of interconnected applications programs.
components or factors that function
TOGETHER as a unit to accomplish results that Utility software SUPPORTS the efficiency,
one part alone COULD NOT. productivity, and security of the systems
software and applications programs.
Computer system may refer to a SINGLE
MACHINE (and its peripherals and software) that Applications software includes ALL THE
is unconnected to any other computer. PROGRAMS the user employs to do the work
for which the user got the computer. Examples of
However, most healthcare professionals use these types of software include OSs for systems
computer systems consisting of MULTIPLE, software, ANTI-VIRUS programs for utility
INTERCONNECTED computers that function to software, and WORD PROCESSING for
facilitate the work of groups of providers and their applications software.
support people in a system called a network.

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