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Herald F.

Jayme JNHS

STEM 11-Maxthon 3/6/2024

Are u ready for this change? Or is change ready for you?

Large Corporate Farm

The 21st century sparked the world of technology, embarking on new ways to make

our lives easier and more innovative. Climate change, wars, and corruption lead to the

declination of biodiversity, leading to malnutrition and even death. As a part of this large

corporation, in this growing economy, we are using this glowing green gem as a tool for

eradicating world hunger. We firmly believe that genetically modified foods (GMOs) are

reliable, improve the nutritional values of food, and even enrich our economy.

In this corporation, we deal with precision in the quality of our products, making sure

that our consumers are getting the safest and cleanest produce. We believe that GMOs are not

a threat, but rather a bridge for a revolutionary change. According to the Food and Drug

Administration (FDA), GMO foods are as healthful and safe to eat as their non-GMO

counterparts. Some GMO plants have actually been modified to improve their nutritional

value (Food and Drug Administration 2022). Studies have shown that GMOs are safe to

consume, but theoretically there is a possibility of a potential risk. However, scientists,

agriculturalists, and even fellow farmers are splitting hairs observing GMOs, recognizing the

flaws, and making sure that they are dealt with.

Farming in today’s world is quite challenging; a lot of obstacles might ruin a perfectly

mapped-out plan. In terms of our land nowadays, there are several factors that can lead to its

downfall, like soil degradation, soil erosion, and even drought. This can possibly affect the
nutrients and minerals inside our produce. According to Liana E. Pozza, degradation in soil

quality and loss of nutrients present within the soil may lead to crop failure and malnutrition,

reducing both the quality and quantity of food available to the rapidly growing population

(Pozza, 2023). That’s why GMOs are effective at recreating and regenerating lost nutrients.

According to Discovery Eye Foundation, a gene selected for modification can increase or

decrease the vitamin, mineral, or fatty acid content found in the modified food. For example,

golden rice is genetically altered to increase its beta-carotene content (Discovery Eye

Foundation, 2015). However, there is a possibility that the modification process could

accidentally alter other nutritional components; nonetheless, we can safely use GMOs, and

utilizing new technology like AI, we can seamlessly eradicate this problem.

GMOs have emerged as a pivotal force in modern agriculture providing our economy

with a more innovative way of creating crops making it more cheap, robust, and

environmentally friendly. According to Brookes, the main reason why GM crops contribute

to reducing the cost of food worldwide has to do with the very nature of the biotechnology

involved, which helps farmers increase production thanks to herbicide and pesticide resistant

crops (Brookes 2016). GMOs have emerged as an essential force in modern agriculture,

offering a complex solution to the challenges faced by the global food system. Their

innovative traits not only reduce the cost of food production but also enhance the quaity of

crops, contributing to economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, and improved food

security on a global scale. As we continue to navigate the complexities of feeding a growing

population, the role of GMOs in shaping the future of agriculture remains crucial.

In this corporation, with these ever-changing times, we believe that every change is

not bad but, rather, is for the good. GMOs are starting to be at the forefront of modern

agriculture, cultivating scientists, agriculturalists, and even fellow farmers in this new age.
Genetically modified foods will be the highlight of the century by being the most reliable

source of crops, improving the nutritional value of food, and even enriching our own

economy. It should be labeled but, don’t fear it and make more discoveries about it, Now are

you ready for this change? Or is change ready for you?

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