Euthanasia Literature Review

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Crafting a literature review on euthanasia is a daunting task that demands comprehensive research,

critical analysis, and adept writing skills. It involves delving into a myriad of scholarly articles,
books, journals, and other academic sources to gain a deep understanding of the subject matter.

The complexity of euthanasia as a topic lies in its ethical, moral, legal, and medical dimensions,
which often intertwine and provoke heated debates. As such, synthesizing diverse perspectives,
theories, and empirical findings into a coherent narrative requires meticulous attention to detail and a
nuanced approach.

Moreover, navigating through the vast sea of literature on euthanasia can be overwhelming for many
students and researchers. Identifying relevant sources, evaluating their credibility, and synthesizing
the information into a cohesive argument pose significant challenges.

In light of these difficulties, seeking assistance from professional writing services can be invaluable.
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It is an argument that has many forms, but the main thrust of the argument is the claim that once we
begin to kill others who have requested death, we will find ourselves sliding down a slope that leads
to killings that no one wants (Singer, 1995). The sensation of breathlessness or dyspnea in humans is
believed to originate from a direct activation of cerebral cortical sensory systems involved with
respiration conscious awareness of efferent motor command corollary discharge. On the other hand,
euthanasia is a type of killing which is normally performed without taking the permission of the
patient. Unless, the so-called 'substituted judgement test' is used. Sometimes a distinction is made
between normal nutrition and hydration on one hand and medical nutritional support involving
intravenous and naso-gastric feeding on the other hand. The paper 'Active and Passive Euthanasia'
presents the American Medical Association’s stance on euthanasia, which states that doctors should
not actively end the life of their dying patients, is morally and philosophically untenable. We cover
lots of different subjects including (but not to bound only these). The most important current
guidelines are Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (1997), General Medical Council
(2002) and British Medical Association (2001a, b). The inhabitants of the Grenada islands, the
Kalinago have induced herbal poisons to the aged and terminally ill people with the main intention of
relieving their pain (Honychurch, 2002). The law strongly supports the principle respect for
autonomy. These cover withholding and withdrawing treatment as well as cardiopulmonary
resuscitation. According to the conventional doctrine, although both Active and Passive Euthanasia
is illegal, the latter is sometimes allowed whereas active euthanasia has always been illegal. For some
patients this means the right to choose their own death. References Boonin, D.(2000). How to argue
against active euthanasia. This will include an analysis of the theories and principles which guide
healthcare practice and decision making, a discussion of the relevant codes of professional practice
and the legislation that may guide practice and decision making. Cengage Learning Publication, p.
308-310.MacKinnon, B., (2010). Ethics: Theory and contemporary issues. Other implications of
legalizing euthanasia include exerting a lot of pressure on severely incapacitated individuals in the
society to request for it, in order to relive their families from the burden of taking care of them. This
voluntary termination of the life is usually done by using any type of lethal substances, this. Non-
voluntary euthanasia is conducted where patients are not in the capacity to request premature death
themselves. The law first recognised the principle of double effect in the 1957 case of Dr Adams,
who was accused of deliberately increasing the dose of opiates used as pain relief in order to end the
lives of patients who has left him money in their wills. The secular views are that the decision of
mercy killing affects and rests mostly on their kith and kin. In this discussion, some state that both
assisted suicide and euthanasia are ethically incorrect and must not be permitted, in spite of the
situation of that specific case. In all of the above instances, it is plain that human convenience trumps
the welfare principle. We believe that the issue of euthanasia is one in which the interest of the
individual cannot be separated from the interest of society as a whole. The golden rule argument is
also one of the most prominent ideas presented by proponents of euthanasia. Unlocking the Power of
ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. The bereaved family and friends of
cancer patients who died by euthanasia coped better with respect to grief symptoms and post-
traumatic stress reactions than the bereaved of comparable cancer patients who died a natural death.
Proponents of euthanasia argue that its legalization. The death of a person affects the lives of others,
often in ways and to an extent which cannot be foreseen. In this case, failing to heed request by a
terminally ill individual to terminate his or her life in order to prevent further unnecessary anguish is
tantamount to cruelty and inhumanity (Thomasma, 1996, 62).
In this way the doctor has done the right thing by telling the truth to the patient and. Proponents of
euthanasia argue that its legalization. Euthanasia, or however people might call it to brighten up an
act of murder, is the act of. My problem with Rachels’ arguments is that it is obvious that he does not
believe in the sanctity of life. By and large, however, the ethic adopted in society reflects a societal
consensus, what most people either believe to be right and wrong or are willing to accept upon
reflection. Another very persuasive objection to euthanasia is the so-called 'slippery slope' argument.
This means that generally they are keen to put enormous resources into prolonging a person's life
irrespective of the. Report Back from San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) 2023:
Spotlight. Those who adopt this doctrine insist that, whenever possible, human life should be
maintained. Report Back from San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) 2023: Spotlight.
Euthanasia is also classified into Active and Passive Euthanasia. According to Care (2010), the major
worry is that voluntary euthanasia would gradually lead to involuntary euthanasia. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. May the good soul rest in peace who has lived and pained through
the battle of life. ProQuest Publication, p. 16-17Govier, T., (2009). A practical study of argument.
Even though medical sciences have improved a lot in terms of new drugs none of them promises a
better life for Aruna since three and a half decades. However, even though 'active' and 'passive'
euthanasia seems to be different, they are ultimately one and the same. Several statements for the
Euthanasia argument arediscussed: a merciful response that alleviates the suffering of patients which
is sometimes wrongly perceived to be otherwise unrelievable; the autonomy in which the patient has
the right to make his own choices; the regulation and legislation of existing practices of euthanasia to
protect health care providers and patients. The eighteenth century philosopher Immanuel Kant
proposed that man has no rights to end his life (Kant, 1986, p. 148). He is of the view that man
should act according to his reasons, a person is morally worthy only if he discharges his duty and this
duty cannot be delivered if he is swayed by his emotions or feelings (Shaw, 1993). In modern
medicine, palliative care has made considerable progress in addressing the mental and physical pain
of terminally ill patients. Several states have begun to consider legislation that would legalize active
voluntary euthanasia. Quill who was investigated but not indicted for his participation in the suicide
of a patient after he published his account of the incident. As an approach to decision making it can
be described as autonomous because it looks at the situation from the patient's point of view rather
than the viewpoint of others (Kennedy and Grubb, 2000). In other words, there is no doubt that in
law there is a fundamental difference between giving a patient a lethal injection (an act) - which is
unlawful - and withdrawing or withholding treatment (an omission) - which is lawful. These cover
withholding and withdrawing treatment as well as cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is therefore not
surprising that various professional bodies have issued comprehensive guidance on the basic moral
principles that should guide practice. A study was conducted by the Department of Gynaecology,
University Medical Centre Utrecht, and by the Research Institute for Psychology and Health (Swarte
2003) to assess how euthanasia in terminally ill cancer patients affects the grief response of bereaved
family and friends. When Sir Thomas Moore, the literary genius published his work Utopia- he wrote
about Euthanasia being possible for people who were suffering from terminal illness in his ideal
community. Many cases of coma have gone for years, and in the end, the. The first is 'Active
Euthanasia' and the second is ' passive euthanasia '.
They are not the same, therefore equal protection is not germane. The first reason for this is that very
few people can predict the future and manage to work out what will create future happiness. Finally,
refusal by a mentally astute individual to take life saving treatment is not considered as euthanasia
because the physicians cannot compel an individual to take medication against his or her will (Care,
2010). All the religions consider human life sacred and something which has dignity, so man has no
rights to take his own life whatever may be the circumstances. In opposition of euthanasia, critics of
its legalization present four main arguments, namely religious, slippery slope, medical ethics and
alternative argument. They are showing that dying, from old age or illness, is simply a final stage of
living. The major arguments presented by proponents of euthanasia include autonomy, mercy, public
policy, best interests’ arguments and golden rule. In treatment decisions at the end of life the
dilemma in applying these principles often revolves around what course of action will promote the
patient's best interests. We cover lots of different subjects including (but not to bound only these).
The argument is based on the decree of “doing unto others what you would like them do onto you”
(Kappel, 2007, p26). The hospital authorities claim that this care is a testimony of excellent care
provided by the KEM hospital which is out of love, dedication and professionalism. But like any
other law euthanasia can also be legalized provided the case has strong areas to claim it- we have
laws to prevent crime or burglary but it doesn’t mean that both these things never happen. Ironically,
it was the actions of two radical euthanasia zealots—Dr. As a result, many physicians have
participated in decisions and actions to end life-sustaining treatment, giving them a sense of control
over the timing and manner of a patient's death. It would also prove to be placing huge amounts of
social pressure on the most vulnerable people in the society. He was able to breathe and digest food
but could not see, hear, communicate, taste or smell. Most members of the public have never seen a
corpse and many people have long ignored the spiritual dimension when they face the mystery of
death. Ethics are the principles on individual uses, in order to make decisions in life and when
applying the values of a given profession. In very broad terms one can say that in relation to patients
who are dying or incurably ill the legal duty to act in a patient's best interest means preventing or
retarding a deterioration in their condition, and the relief of pain and suffering. The strangulation led
to a hypoxic damage to her brain cells resulting in a cut off in oxygen supply to her brain. These
differences were independent of other risk factors. The concept of the greatest good for the greatest
number of people is not straightforward. References Boonin, D.(2000). How to argue against active
euthanasia. The principle of the sanctity of life is a fundamental legal principle that is now enshrined
in the Human Rights Act 1998 (Article 2), but the principle is not an absolute legal one. This
explication might seem mysterious to many who are against euthanasia but it is always better than
having an excruciated life with unlimited vexation and worry. These clashes began in 1990 and
continue to this day. It is against suicide - euthanasia is assisted suicide in the case of voluntary
euthanasia. Assisted Suicide argue that there is no any right to end the costless human life because it
is the. However, the society remains polarized in opinion as far a legalization of the practice is
concerned. In the connection of this supportive notion, the name of Dr. Jack Kevorkian is very. Care
(2010). Euthanasia. Retrieved on February, 15 2012 from Dunnet, A. (1999). Euthanasia: The heart
of the matter.
Religious argument is founded on the belief that human beings are God’s creation, and hence human
life is sacred. This paper will examine the moral and ethical concerns surrounding euthanasia, clarify
the meaning of the term, present arguments both for and against the practice and conclude with a
recommendation to resolve the issue. My problem with Rachels’ arguments is that it is obvious that
he does not believe in the sanctity of life. Justification for giving the morphine lies in the fact that,
although the patient's death is foreseen, it is an indirect result of the treatment and unintended. This
means that competent adults have the right to refuse life saving treatment. Feinberg, Harm to Others
New York: Oxford University Press, 1984, 159-63, 171-86, 257-59n; P. But of course such places
are few, and probably decreasing in number. My argument is that the doctrine itself is sound since
there is moral importance to how a decision is reached in allowing or causing death. Each paragraph
in the body of the essay should contain. It is apparent that terminal sicknesses, such as cancer are
costly to manage and they cause severe suffering to both the patient and loved ones. Pure logic and
absolute trust seem a good idea at first, but when used as a basis for day-to-day decision making the
idea does not lead to acceptable practice on its own. It can be seen that utilitarian philosophy, like
most ethics, involves making personal judgements, rather than following strict rules in a given
situation. The law strongly supports the principle respect for autonomy. References Boonin,
D.(2000). How to argue against active euthanasia. The leading case that established this legal
principle was the famous bland case. 21 year old Anthony Bland had been crushed in the
Hillsborough football stadium disaster. Kappel (2007) argues that patients with severe medical
conditions could become suspicious of their physicians attempts to treat them, misinterpreting them
as effort to kill. Utilitarianism does not work very well when it is applied to day-to-day decisions, or
day-to-day actions. But the family members, her brother has a different opinion as he wanted her to
have a peaceful death so that it gives an end to her unending ordeal (Raghuram, 2011). Suicide.
According to this viewpoint, if patient is already suffering with deadly pain and. I find that argument
ridiculous because both examples are morally wrong—they are both murder, and the guy should be
prosecuted in both situations. Very often the group most targeted by physician-assisted suicide is the
disabled community because the 'quality of life' of its members is deemed to be 'poor' by people
outside the community. The non-religious arguments against euthanasia are that legalizing euthanasia
would result in over usage or even be practiced frequently. The most crucial element, according to
this argument is the possession of “biographical life”, which bestows a person the capacity to
determine, plan, and follow the chosen pursuits and desires, of his life interests independently.
Ironically, it was the actions of two radical euthanasia zealots—Dr. As a result, many physicians
have participated in decisions and actions to end life-sustaining treatment, giving them a sense of
control over the timing and manner of a patient's death. Kantians argue that it is impossible to have a
meaningful relationship unless it is based on truth, for example, a patient has free will and, if he asks
for a diagnosis, the truth must be told. For 3 years he had been in PVS but his brain stem was still
functioning. For some patients this means the right to choose their own death. This implies that there
is no sufficient reason for a patient to feel that he or she is suffering unbearably. The inhabitants of
the Grenada islands, the Kalinago have induced herbal poisons to the aged and terminally ill people
with the main intention of relieving their pain (Honychurch, 2002).

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