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1. Here is a list and brief explanation of all the new form elements used in HTML5:

 <datalist>: This element allows you to provide a list of suggestions for the input, but also lets
the user enter their own input. It can be used to implement autocomplete features. You have
to use it with an <input> element and match their list and id attributes. For example, see
Datalist Example.
 <keygen>: This element is used to generate a public/private key pair for more secure form
submissions. The private key is stored locally and the public key is sent with the form data.
You can also specify a challenge string and a key type. For example, see Keygen Example.
 <output>: This element is used to display the result of a calculation or a user action. You can
use the for attribute to link it to the elements involved in the calculation or action. For
example, see Output Example.
 <progress>: This element is used to display the progress of a task. You can use the value and
max attributes to indicate the current and maximum values of the task. For example, see
Progress Example.
 <meter>: This element is used to display a scalar measurement within a known range. You
can use the value, min, max, low, high, and optimum attributes to define the measurement
and the range. For example, see Meter Example.

2. <meta>


a. <audio>: This element is used to embed sound files into a web page.
b. <video>: This element is used to embed video files into a web page.
c. <picture>: This element is used to display an image with multiple sources for different screen
sizes or resolutions. You can use the <source> element inside the <picture> element to
specify the media conditions and the image source for each condition
d. <source>: This element is used to specify one or more media resources for the <picture>,
<audio>, and <video> elements
e. <source>: This element is used to specify one or more media resources for the <picture>,
<audio>, and <video> elements
f. <source>: This element is used to specify one or more media resources for the <picture>,
<audio>, and <video> elements

4. The canvas in the context of HTML is an element that is used to draw graphics, on the fly, via
scripting (usually JavaScript). By default the canvas element has no border and no content.

5. CSS3 is the latest version of CSS that introduces many new features and improvements over CSS,
such as responsive design, animations, 3D transformations, advanced selectors, gradients, etc. CSS3
is also divided into modules, while CSS is not.


Inline CSS: This type of CSS applies the style directly to the HTML element using the style attribute.
For example, <p style="color: blue;">This is a blue paragraph.</p>.

Internal CSS: This type of CSS defines the style inside the <style> tag in the <head> section of the
HTML document. For example, <style> p { color: blue; } </style>. This type of CSS can be used to style
a single HTML page, but it is not very efficient if you have multiple pages that share

External CSS: This type of CSS creates a separate file with the .css extension that contains the style
rules for the HTML elements. For example, p { color: blue; }. This type of CSS file can be linked to the
HTML document using the <link> tag in the <head> section

7. The difference between window.onload and onDocumentReady is that window.onload is a native

JavaScript event that fires when the entire web page, including all the resources such as images,
stylesheets, and scripts, has been fully loaded. On the other hand, onDocumentReady is a jQuery
method that fires when the HTML document, or the DOM (document object model), has been
loaded, but not necessarily all the resources. This means that onDocumentReady is usually faster
than window.onload.

Another difference between window.onload and onDocumentReady is that window.onload can only
have one event handler, while onDocumentReady can have multiple event handlers.


1. CSS: Cascading Style Sheet

PHP: PHP Pre-processor
2. The difference between ‘==’ and ‘===’ operator in JavaScript is that the ‘==’ operator
performs type coercion before comparing the values of the operands, while the ‘===’
operator does not. Type coercion is the process of converting one data type to another, such
as a string to a number, or a boolean to a string. For example, if you compare the string ‘1’
with the number 1 using the ‘==’ operator, it will return true, because the string ‘1’ will be
coerced to the number 1 before the comparison. However, if you use the ‘===’ operator, it
will return false, because the string ‘1’ and the number 1 are not of the same type.
3. <html>

<h2>HND Student Information</h2>

<form action="">
Name: <input type="text"> <br><br>
Surname: <input type="text"><br><br>
Birth Date: <em>Formatted as yyyy/mm/dd</em><br><br>

Place of birth: <input type="text"><br><br>

email: <input type="email"><br><br>
Phone Number: <input type="number"> <br><br>
<input type="submit" value="submit">

4. <style>
5. body{
6. background-color: red;
7. font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;
8. font-size: 14;
9. }
10. h2{
11. color: navy;
12. margin-left: 20px;
13. }
14. </style>

5. Top level domain name of Cameroon: .cm

6. JavaScript is a client-side scripting language, which means it runs in the browser and can
manipulate the web page elements dynamically. PHP is a server-side scripting language,
which means it runs on the web server and can interact with databases and files.

1. A website is a collection of related web pages that are hosted on a web server and can be
accessed through the internet using a web browser. Hosting is a service that provides
storage and computing resources for websites and related services. It allows you to
publish your website or web application on the internet, and make it accessible to
visitors from all over the world.

2. A static website is a website that consists of web pages that are created using HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript. These web pages are stored as individual files on the web server, and are
sent to the web browser exactly as they are. The content of a static website does not
change unless the web developer manually edits the HTML files. A static website is
suitable for websites that have few pages, simple content, and do not require frequent
updates. A static website is faster, cheaper, and easier to create and maintain than a
dynamic website12.

A dynamic website is a website that uses server-side programming languages, such as

PHP, Node.js, or ASP.NET, to generate web pages on the fly, based on the user’s request,
input, or behavior. The content of a dynamic website can change depending on various
factors, such as the time, the location, the device, or the database. A dynamic website is
suitable for websites that have many pages, complex content, and require frequent
updates. A dynamic website is slower, more expensive, and harder to create and
maintain than a static website, but it offers more functionality, interactivity, and


3. function calculate(){
5. for(i=1;i<=12;i++){
6. var numMul= 9*i;
7. console.log(`9*${i}=${numMul}`)
8. // console.log(numMul);
10. }
11. }

SET 5 ( same as SET 4)


1. URL parameters, hidden files cookies, session storage, server side scripting . local storage
2. HTML: web language used in building the structure of the page , extension: .html
CSS: Used in formatting or styling the web page, .css
Javascript: a client-side scripting language, used to make the web page dynamic and
responsive , .js
PHP: PHP is a server-side scripting language, which means it runs on the web server and can
interact with databases and files.

3. The only difference between them is that “id” is unique in a page and can only apply to at
most one element, while “class” selector can apply to multiple elements.
4. HTTP and HTTPS are two protocols that enable communication between web browsers and
web servers over the internet. They are both used to transfer data, such as web pages,
images, videos, and other files, from one system to another. However, they have some
differences in terms of security, speed, and performance.
HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is the original and most widely used protocol
for data transfer over the web. However, HTTP is not very secure, because it does not encrypt
the data that is exchanged between the browser and the server. This means that anyone who
intercepts the data can read it easily, which poses a risk for sensitive information, such as
passwords, credit card numbers, or personal details.
HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It is an extension of HTTP that adds an
extra layer of security by encrypting the data that is exchanged between the browser and the
server. HTTPS uses a digital security protocol called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS
(Transport Layer Security) to create a secure connection and validate the identity of the
server. HTTPS also uses data hashtags, which are unique codes that are generated from the
data, to ensure that the data is not tampered with or corrupted during the transfer.

5. A dynamic URL is a web address that is created on the fly based on the user’s input or
request. Dynamic URLs are often used by websites that have a lot of data stored in a
database, such as e-commerce sites or search engines. They allow the website to display
different content depending on the user’s preferences or queries.

The scheme or protocol tells the web server which set of rules to use when accessing the
page. For example, https:// means to use the secure hypertext transfer protocol, which
encrypts the data exchanged between the browser and the server.

The domain name identifies the website or the entity that owns the page. For
example, is the domain name of Bing, the search engine owned by Microsoft.

The path specifies the location or the name of the page within the website. For
example, /search is the path of the page that displays the search results on Bing.

6. The internet is the network that connects devices, while the web is the information that is
accessed through the network. An internet hosting service is a service that runs servers
connected to the internet, allowing organizations and individuals to serve content or host
services connected to the internet
1. a. HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
b. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
c. URL: Uniform Resource Locator
d. WWW: World Wide Web

2. The solution will be to host the web project on an online server, that will make it accessible
to the world.

3. <style>

/* display: flex; */

background-color: navy;
width: 50%;
/* margin-left: 250px; */
align-items: center;
background-color: white;
border: none;

<form action="">
<h2>MY FORM</h2>
Name: <input type="text"><br><br>
UserName: <input type="text" class="js-Uname" id="name"><br><br>
Password: <input type="password" name="" class="js-password"><br><br>
SEX: <select name="" >
<option value="">Male</option>
<option value="">Female</option>
AGE Ranging: <br>
<input type="radio" name="" > 15-20 years<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="" >21-25years<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="" >26-30 years <br><br>
<input type="submit" name="" onclick="display()">


4. GET method appends the data to the URL as query string parameters, while POST method
sends the data in the request body1.
GET method can be cached, bookmarked, and stored in browser history, while POST method

GET method has length and data type restrictions, while POST method has no such limitations 3.

GET method is less secure and should not be used for sensitive data, while POST method is more
secure and can handle binary data4.



1. Javascript is used in creating interactive and dynamic web pages, Developing web
applications and services that run on the server-side.
2. Yes, if you intent to produce a static web page, t is possible to implement a web project
without using JavaScript, but it will be very limited in functionality and interactivity.
JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to create dynamic and interactive
web pages by manipulating the HTML and CSS elements in the browser


a. Make sure your web application works well and is secure on your computer.
b. Choose a service that can host your web application online and has the features
you need.
c. Create an account and a project on the service and give it a name and a web
d. Upload or link your web application files to the service and set up the settings and
e. Start the deployment process and wait for it to finish.
f. Check your web application online and see if it works as expected.
4. Hypertext Pre-processor tools: Text editor e.g visual studio and web

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