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Scope and Sequence

Vocabulary Grammar It’s Our World

Unit 1 Cold-Weather Clothes:

boots, coat, gloves, hat,
This is her hat and these are her
boots. This is his scarf and these
Recycling Clothes
and Accessories
Clothes and raincoat, scarf, shoes, are his gloves. Is this his umbrella?
sweater Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Are these her
Pages 8-19 stickers? Yes, they are. / No, they
Objects: lunchbox, stickers, aren’t.
bracelet, sunglasses,
umbrella, key chain

Unit 2 Morning Routines: wake

up, brush your teeth, take a
They brush their teeth. They don’t
brush their hair. Do they have soap?
Healthy Routines

Morning shower, get dressed, put on Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. They
Routine your shoes, brush your hair, have toothpaste. They don’t have
Pages 20-31 wash your hands, dry your combs.

Personal Care Items:

toothbrush, comb, hairbrush,
soap, toothpaste, shampoo

Unit 3 Workplace: airport, clinic,

fire station, lab, office, police
He works at an airport. She doesn’t
work at a clinic. What does a vet
Around You
Professions station, restaurant, theater do? A vet helps animals. Does a
pilot fly airplanes? Yes, he does. /
Pages 32-43
Job Duties: clean teeth, fly No, he doesn’t.
airplanes, cook food, help
animals, teach students, take
care of people

Unit 4 Musical Instruments: cello,

clarinet, cymbals, flute, piano,
Do you play the violin? Yes, I do. /
No, I don’t. Yes, we do. / No, we
Having Fun

Free-time trumpet, tuba, violin don’t. No, I don’t play the violin.
Activities What do you do for fun? I go
Pages 44-55 Free-time Activities: do shopping. Do you play chess? Yes,
gymnastics, play chess, I do. / No, I don’t.
practice karate, go shopping,
watch movies, collect coins

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Vocabulary Grammar It’s Our World

Unit 5 Animals and Animal Body

Parts: camel, dolphin,
What does an ostrich have? An
ostrich has wings. It has wings.
Animals ostrich, tiger, tail, feather, fin, Where does a camel live? A camel
Pages 56-67 wing lives in the desert.

Animal Habitats: jungle,

ocean, mountains, zoo,
forest, desert

Unit 6 Body Parts: ankle, back,

finger, knee, neck, shoulder,
Does your knee hurt? Yes, it does. /
No, it doesn’t. My knee hurts.
Being Healthy

Health toe, wrist What’s wrong? He has a cold. He

Problems doesn’t have a headache.
Pages 68-79 Health Problems: fever,
headache, broken arm, cold,
toothache, cough

Unit 7 Countries: Brazil, China,

France, Japan, Mexico,
Where are you from? We’re from
Mexico. Is he from China? Yes, he is.
Around the World

Countries Morocco, United States, Do you speak Spanish? Yes, I do. /

and United Kingdom No, I don’t. Does she speak English?
Languages Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. Do
Pages 80-91 Languages: Arabic, they speak French? Yes, they do. /
Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, No, they don’t.
Portuguese, French

Unit 8 Activities: clean your room,

do chores, exercise, visit with
What do you do at home?
I do chores. We stay up late. Do you
Helping at Home

Routines friends, make the bed, send a study? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Does
Pages 92-103 text, stay up late, study he exercise? Yes, he does. / No, he
doesn’t. Do they visit with friends?
Frequency Words and Time Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. When
Expressions: never, every do you study? We always study.
day, sometimes, every week, When does he do chores? He does
always, every morning chores every day. When do they
exercise? They never exercise.

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