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Philippine Academy of Sakya

Grade 10 Mathematics

Android vs. IOS

Research Paper Submitted to:

Ms. Rochel Lyn Aldes-Marin

Submitted by:

Kayesheen Azian O. Aurellano

Jaizel Riann C. San Pedro

Aihy Mari Alay-ay

Jarred Ponce David

Patrizia Romano

Philippine Academy of Sakya

Grade 10 Mathematics

Chapter 1


In the modern world, technology is a huge and vital part of everyone's life. The
way people communicate has been completely transformed by it, mostly thanks to
cellphones, which mostly depend on complex software systems. It is interesting to
observe that in this field of software, two leading competitors have become the most
well-liked options for users worldwide: iOS and Android. These two software
systems' unique characteristics and functionalities have attracted a lot of interest and
widespread adoption. However, it is important to acknowledge that despite their
popularity, each platform possesses its own set of strengths and weaknesses, catering
to the diverse preferences and requirements of users. Evaluating the merits and
drawbacks of these software options allows users to make informed decisions based
on their individual needs and priorities in the ever-evolving world of technology.

IOS, multiplatform operating system (OS) created and developed by Apple Inc.
for its iPhone. The platform formerly also supported the company’s iPad (until 2019)
and iPod Touch (until 2022) devices. The software is based on Mac OS X (after 2016,
macOS), which Apple has used since 2001 to power its Macintosh computers. In turn,
iOS was the template for watchOS, tvOS, and iPadOS, the systems that support Apple
Watch, Apple TV, and iPad, respectively. In 2022 iOS remained the second most-
installed mobile OS in the world. The debut of iOS on the first-generation iPhone in
2007 was a significant advance on existing multitouch technology, which enables
users to operate computers with contact pressure, such as via a stylus or hand gesture.
The system’s update in 2008, which allowed users to buy new applications from third-
party developers, made the iPhone not only a financial success but one of the most
significant new consumer products of the 21st century. Less than four months after
the iPhone’s release, Jobs announced that a software developer’s kit for creating third-
party applications would be available in 2008. Apple took a 30percent commission on
all apps sold. When the App Store opened in July 2008 as part of iOS 2, the iPhone’s
sales rose dramatically, and a new market for smartphone applications was born, one
that revolutionized how people socialize, shop, and work. The jailbreaking
phenomenon declined as Apple and third-party developers met public demand; its
legacy, however, continues to influence iPhone and application development. Today
the iPhone enjoys the reputation of being one of the most secure systems on the
market, honed by years of competition with hackers who continually seek new
jailbreaking exploits. Not all new iOS features have had a smooth rollout. From iOS 1
to iOS 5, Apple used Google Maps as the default Web mapping service. With iO6 the
company sought to replace that system with its own Apple Maps. At time of release,
however, users found that their new default mapping app suffered from suboptimal
routing, fewer search results, and even incorrect placement of famous landmarks.
Backlash from customers was so strong that CEO Tim Cook issued a rare apology to
Philippine Academy of Sakya
Grade 10 Mathematics

customers. The company set out to improve Apple Maps with every iOS update since
its debut, and the app is now considered a worthy competitor. (Adam Volle, 2024)

Android, operating system for cellular telephones and tablet computers. Android
began in 2003 as a project of the American technology company Android Inc., to
develop an operating system for digital cameras. In 2004 the project changed to
become an operating system for smartphones. Android Inc., was bought by the
American search engine company Google Inc., in 2005. At Google, the Android team
decided to base their project on Linux, an open source operating system for personal
computers. On November 5, 2007, Google announced the founding of the Open
Handset Alliance, a consortium of dozens of technology and mobile telephone
companies, including Intel Corporation, Motorola, Inc., NVIDIA Corporation, Texas
Instruments Incorporated, LG Electronics, Inc., Samsung Electronics, Sprint Nextel
Corporation, and T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom). The consortium was created in order
to develop and promote Android as a free open source operating system with support
for third-party applications. Android-based devices use wireless networks in order to
take full advantage of features such as one-touch Google searches, Google Docs (e.g.,
word editors, spreadsheets), and Google Earth (satellite mapping software). (The
Editors of Encyclopaedia, 2024)

Both iOS and Android have characteristics to consider when creating

applications, such as the user’s age, location, the number of hours they spend using
the app, etc. These variables influence the customers’ purchasing habits.
(WharfStreetStrategies, 2022)


Android apps require more sustomization and are coded in more difficult languages,
they tend to be more expensive to develop and maintain. By constart, IOS apps require a
less significant chunk of your resources to build and execute
1. What is the profile of respondents in term of:
A. ) Age
B. ) Gender
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Android?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of iOS?
4. Is there significant difference between Android and iOS?
Philippine Academy of Sakya

Grade 10 Mathematics

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference between the Android software and IOS software.

Alternative Hypothesis

There is significant difference between the Android software and IOS software.
Philippine Academy of Sakya

Grade 10 Mathematics

Chapter 2


Mobile phones have become a fundamental part of our lives for the past
years. It is a dominant communication device. Every year, the number of mobile
phone subscriptions rises steadily. Globally, there were about seven billion users as of
2016. Between 2000 and 2015, the percentage of people using the Internet climbed
seven times, from 6.5% to 43% worldwide. Additionally, the proportion of homes
having internet connection grew from 18% in 2005 to 46% in 2015. (ICT Facts and
Figures-The World in 2015). In 2012, a new Time Mobility Poll conducted a study in
which approximately 84% of respondents said they "couldn't go a single day without
their mobile devices." (Duerson MH. We're Addicted to our Phones: 84% Worldwide
say they couldn't go a single day without their Mobile Device in their Hand. New
York Daily News). According to 206 published survey findings, about 27% of parents
and 50% of teenagers believe they are addicted to their phones. (Wallace K. Half of
Teens Think they're Addicted to their Smartphones) In recent years, most of the
global population (especially college and university students), use smartphones, due
to their wide range of applications. While beneficial in numerous ways, smartphones
have disadvantages such as a reduction in work efficacy, personal attention social
nuisance, and psychological addiction. Currently, the addiction to smartphones among
students is 24.8%–27.8%, and it is progressively increasing every year. (Jeong HS,
Lee YS. Smartphone addiction and empathy among nursing students. Adv Sci
Technol Lett). The recent studies also reported the increase of mobile phone
dependence, and this could increase internet addiction. (Billieux JL, van der Linden
M, Rochat L. The role of impulsivity in actual and problematic use of the mobile
phone). (Int J Pharm Investig., 2017)

Technology has significantly transformed our lives, from roadways to
communication, and has contributed to our luxury and convenience. It has also
improved our understanding of the world and outer space. The importance of
technology in every field is evident, with future sections focusing on its benefits and
impact. There is continuous work and progress in the area of technology as it offers
significant benefits. These benefits have a huge impact on our day-to-day lives and
the operations of countless industries, such as healthcare, automobile, communication,
manufacturing, and business, among others. Organizations constantly struggle with
the goal of maximizing their output while reducing the inputs. This is where
technology is a game changer, especially automation. With automated processes,
repetitive and redundant operations take minimal time or labor while ensuring
expected output. Since machines are way faster than humans, certain tasks that may
require an incredible amount of manual work and attention to detail can be easily
accomplished with the help of technology. Technology also ensures improved
accuracy. Further, the use of technology in certain areas can also help save significant
costs. For instance, transitioning to digital communication from paper-based
communication and engaging machines in tasks that might take a lot more time to
complete can help save costs. (What is the importance of Technology? by
Simplilearn, Jan. 2021)

Internet, a system architecture that has revolutionized mass communication,
mass media, and commerce by allowing various computer networks around the world
to interconnect. Sometimes referred to as a “network of networks,” the Internet
emerged in the United States in the 1970s but did not become visible to the general
public until the early 1990s. By 2020, approximately 4.5 billion people, or more than
half of the world’s population, were estimated to have access to the Internet. And that
number is growing, largely due to the prevalence of “smart” technology and the
"Internet of Things," where computer-like devices connect with the Internet or
interact via wireless networks. These “things” include smartphones, appliances,
thermostats, lighting systems, irrigation systems, security cameras. vehicles, even
cities. The Internet provides a capability so powerful and general that it can be used
for almost any purpose that depends on information, and it is accessible by every
individual who connects to one of its constituent networks. It supports human
communication via social media, electronic mail (e-mail), “chat rooms,” newsgroups,
and audio and video transmission and allows people to work collaboratively at many
different locations. It supports access to digital information by many applications,
including the World Wide Web. The Internet has proved to be a spawning ground for
a large and growing number of “e-businesses” (including subsidiaries of traditional
“brick-and-mortar” companies) that carry out most of their sales and services over the
Internet. (See electronic commerce.) The Internet resulted from the effort to connect
various research networks in the United States and Europe. First, DARPA established
a program to investigate the interconnection of “heterogeneous networks.” This
program, called Internetting, was based on the newly introduced concept of open
architecture networking, in which networks with defined standard interfaces would be
interconnected by “gateways.” A working demonstration of the concept was planned.
In order for the concept to work, a new protocol had to be designed and developed;
indeed, a system architecture was also required. What began as a largely technical and
limited universe of designers and users became one of the most important mediums of
the late 20th and early 21st centuries. As the Pew Charitable Trust observed in 2004,
it took 46 years to wire 30 percent of the United States for electricity; it took only 7
years for the Internet to reach that same level of connection to American homes. By
2005, 68 percent of American adults and 90 percent of American teenagers had used
the Internet. Europe and Asia were at least as well connected as the United States.
Nearly half of the citizens of the European Union are online, and even higher rates are
found in the Scandinavian countries. There is a wide variance in Asian countries; for
example, by 2005 Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Japan had at least half of their
populations online, whereas India, Pakistan, and Vietnam had less than 10 percent.
South Korea was the world leader in connecting its population to the Internet through
high-speed broadband connections. (Robert Kahn, Michael Aaron Dennis, 2024)

Software, instructions that tell a computer what to do. Software comprises the
entire set of programs, procedures, and routines associated with the operation of a
computer system. The term was coined to differentiate these instructions from
the physical components of a computer system. A set of instructions that directs a
computer’s hardware to perform a task is called a program, or software program. The
two main types of software are system software and application software. System
software controls a computer’s internal functioning, chiefly through an operating
system, and also controls such peripherals as monitors, printers, and storage devices.
Application software, by contrast, directs the computer to execute commands given
by the user and may be said to include any program that processes data for a user.
Application software thus includes word processors, spreadsheets, database
management, inventory and payroll programs, and many other “applications.” A third
software category is that of network software, which coordinates communication
between the computers linked in a network. Software is typically stored on an external
long-term memory device, such as a hard drive or magnetic diskette. When the
program is in use, the computer reads it from the storage device and temporarily
places the instructions in random access memory (RAM). The process of storing and
then performing the instructions is called “running,” or “executing,” a program. By
contrast, software programs and procedures that are permanently stored in a
computer’s memory using a read-only (ROM) technology are called firmware, or
“hard software.” (Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia, 2023, September 7).
Philippine Academy of Sakya

Grade 10 Mathematics

Chapter 3

In this chapter, the researchers are to collect data from respondents and will be
discussed using the following: research designs, data gathering procedures, research
instruments, sample and sampling techniques, and statistical treatment.

Research Design

Given that it employs quantitative techniques that prioritize objectivity, this

study is quantitative. Measures and data collected using statistical, mathematical, or
numerical analysis surveys, polls, and questionnaires, or by applying computer
methods to modify statistical data that has already been collected. Observations and
interviews are not used because this is quantitative research.

Research Instrument

The researchers utilize a survey-style questionnaire, and one of the items uses
scale in any case; everything else belongs to the former category. We employ the
aforementioned tool to ascertain the distinctions between the two mentioned software,
Android and iOS.
Philippine Academy of Sakya

Grade 10 Mathematics

Sample and Sampling Technique

The researchers used a random sampling technique to determine the sample of
this research. Junior High School of Philippine Acadamy of Sakya were chosen as the
sample of this research.

Statistical Treatment
Standard Deviation

σ = Population standard deviation
N = The size of the population
χi = Each value from the population
μ = The population mean

Independent T-test

X1 = sample mean of 1st group
X2 = sample mean of 2nd group
S1 = variance of the 1st group
S2 = variance of the 2nd group

N = sample size
DF = N1 + N2 - 2

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