Making Conclusion From A Set of Details

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Brown rat is the most common rat in the world, it originated in Asia and
travelled to Europe. Only Antarctica, part of the Arctic and some isolated
island, and conservation areas are brown rat free.


Brown rats are not picky eaters, they eat whatever it is in the streets. It is very
common here in the Philippines, it is expected to be around in every
neighbourhood. Whenever a rat is around it implies that the environment is
dirty so they are considered pests that causes illness such as leptospirosis and
carries bad bacteria that can be passed on to humans.


The toads were deliberately brought in from Hawaii to control native beetles
that were destroying sugar cane crops in coastal north Queensland. Cane toads
produce a poison that ills or sickens most animals that tries to kill them. They
have migrated across the top of the continent into Western Australia.


From what I know, cane toads are usually seen in sugar cone fields. It is
brought by the farmers from abroad thinking it would benefit them although
nowadays cane toads are no longer common in the Philippines.

After collecting details from the text and gathering information I know, I came
up with this conclusion…
Both of these animals can easily reproduce and bring illness to other animals
and to human as well. They can easily adopt to new habitats and considered as
pests because of the possible viruses they carry, they are also harmful to crops
and other livelihood. Because they can easily invade an area, to eat or to
destroy everything. It is almost impossible to get rid of them immediately.

1. A
2. B
3. C
1. How might a person’s body language give a more accurate picture of what
a person is trying to communicate?
- A person’s body language gives a more accurate picture of what a person is
trying to communicate through facial expressions, I believe that although
words can lie for you your facial expressions can’t. if you’re suspicious that
someone isn’t telling you the truth better stop listening and start observing
because a person’s facial expression is a mirror of their emotion. Facial
expression is the most effective body language but you may also consider
gestures, for instance, when a person is hiding something, you will observe
their panicking gestures as if their out of theirselves you can easily spot the
difference between a confident and a suspicious person through their body
language because although it’s easy to open your mouth and construct
untruthful scenarios, your gestures are something that’s very hard to control.

2. How might a person’s body language might be misunderstood when we go

to other countries?
- Our gestures might be misunderstood when we go to other countries
because there is different body language in different countries, our “yes’ may
mean “no” to them, this is why there are some people who study body
language thoroughly for them to be aware of the differences and not
misunderstood the body language of people from all around the world.


Why do you think actors and public speakers have to learn body language
- For them to be able to properly deliver what they want to say and
express to the public, for them to make us feel what they want us to feel
and to make us think what they want us to think. It is very important for
them to be excellent at body language because a lot of eyes are
watching them meaning to say a lot may misunderstand them if they
show a wrong gesture, so it is very important that they control their
body language accordingly.


DETAILS FROM TEXT: body language is not a true language it isn’t a
replacement for words and sentences, yet it’s expression can be readily
understood. In fact, researchers say that body language accounts for 80% of
what people communicate

WHAT I KNOW: it is one’s way of expressing themselves through actions

DETAILS FROM TEXT: if someone says “ I love cleaning my room” while rolling
their eyes, it usually shows that the person means the exact opposite of what
they said. The visual signal carries the true meaning of the statements

WHAT I KNOW: body language makes it easier for a person’s feelings to be

understood, it reveals the truth covered by words people compose.


Body language helps us be understood without having to speak, our face

expressions compose words that can be read by others without you having to
write it. Other than the common expressions and gestures I believe that every
people have their unique body language and this implies to the people close to
each other. For instance, your best friend knows that you are frightened at the
moment because you are starting to speak fast, this body language does not
imply to everyone but it is a body language. Body language also helps us
understand what words cannot process, it gives us signals. Body language
helps us communicate to one another, it helps us understand and be
understood. That’s why there is this famous phrase “ your actions says
otherwise” because although your mouth tries to bury the truth, your gestures
will dig it up.

Depression…. What do you know about it? Do you pay enough attention
regarding this topic? Do you pay attention to the people around you?
Depression is a serious condition that affects a person’s mental health, how
they think, act, feel, and even their daily activities.

When you feel like something is off about someone and you ask them “ are
you okay?” and they respond coldly with a simple “ yes” yet they can’t look at
you in the eyes, not even for 2 seconds, should you trust your instincts and ask
them once again or would you just let it be since they said they’re okay.
The moment you turn your back on that person, a big possibility will open up, a
possibility that that conversation you had with that person might just be the
last. That simple “okay I guess you’re fine” is a weapon of a crime, you have
the ability to kill a person with your words just because you are not aware of
what they’re going through.
When a person bumped into you as if they’re not looking at where they’re
going and you instinctively shout at them, have you ever wondered what might
that person be thinking of? Maybe that shout of yours may be the cause of
that person reaching his/her breaking point and you might just be the very
reason his/her life lasted only till that day…
You see, everywhere and anywhere we go there is this chance that we run into
someone with depression, your friend might have it, a part of your family, or
maybe even your neighbour and if you just try to pay more attention and be
nicer then maybe you would’ve saved a life without you noticing.
Depression is a very underrated topic, here in the Philippines there is a high
number of people who dies from suicide because they are depressed and it
was addressed by the Filipino’s that it was nothing but “kaartehan” and with
no one to open up to and with no one to listen, sadly, these people decided to
just take their life, we should really pay more attention to this topic rather than
[paying attention to the daily gossips your neighbour talks about.
Let us encourage each and every one to PAY MORE ATTENTION, LISTEN MORE
AND SPEAK LESS, DEPRESSION IS SOMETHING. For us to be able to help people
with depression, here are the signs you should pay attention to.

• when a person no longer communicates with you as frequent as they used


•when a jolly and outgoing person you know starts turning into a quiet
person and no longer socialize often.

• when a calm person starts being short tempered

• when a person can’t look at you in the eyes even when you’re just casually

• when a person starts having mood swings often

• when it seems like a person is always out of their selves and seems like
they’re thinking about something really deep

• when a person’s hand’s/body shivers randomly & often

There are many more ways to know if a person is depressed, but that is some
major signs that I know. Please watch out for a person’s body language, don’t
just listen to words, observe, if what they say contrast with their actions, take
actions. Sometimes we don’t need the right words to say, just big ears to
listen. Your eyes may save lives.


TOPIC: the article’s topic/focus is depression, making awareness for

depression, how to help people with depression and signs on how to know if
a person is depressed

• Depression is a serious condition that affects a person’s mental health, how
they think, act, feel, and even their daily activities.
• Depression is a very underrated topic, here in the Philippines there is a high
number of people who dies from suicide because they are depressed and it
was addressed by the Filipino’s that it was nothing but “kaartehan”

CONCLUSION: depression is something we must not neglect. We should pay

more attention to each and every one of us and we should lend our ears and
understanding specially to those who are willing to open up to you, make them
feel safe that they are sharing the dark moments of their life with you. Some
people might not be aware that they are actually encountering people who
suffers from depression so instead of ignoring we should be vigilant about
someone’s actions because someone’s action might be a sign that they are
suffering from depression or that they are deeply troubled because in some
studies one’s body language can be a mirror of their emotions/ mental health.

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