2013-2014 Past Papers

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Faculty of Engineering

Department of CiviI Engineering

MEng. in Structural Engineering Design

Time Allowed: 3 Hours May 2014


This paper contains 4 questions on 10 pages.

This examination accounts for 60% of the module assessment. The marks assigned for each
question and sections thereof are indicated within brackets.

This is an open book examination.

No sharing of information is permitted.

Answer any THREE questions

All examinations are conducted under the rules and regulations ofthe University

All questions relate to the use of Structural Steel of Grade S275 (Grade 43) unless explicitly
stated otherwise.

The external elevation of a multi-storey building is shown in Figure 1.1. It is required to

provide a column free interior at the 3rd floor level. The lower storeys consist of 3 bays each
of 4.5 m width in the transverse direction (E- W) and 10 bays each of 3.0 m width in the
longitudinal direction (N-S). A plate girder has been proposed to support the roof.

6.4 mm


3.6m T 3rd floor

36m T
4.2m T 1st floor

I~ 4.5 m ~I~ 4.5 m ~I~ 4.5 m ~I

Figure 1.1 - External Elevation

a) Classify the building described above in the transverse .direction (E- W direction) as a non
sway frame or sway frame. The horizontal deflections, due to the notional horizontal
loads applied at each storey level on an external braced frame are shown in figure 1.1.
Although the building will be clad, the cladding has not been taken into account in the
deflection computations. (5 marks)

b) It has been stated that the lateral deflections at each floor level could be reduced by using
steel sections of the same cross -sectional dimensions and of grade S3 55. Briefly explain
whether this statement is true. (3 marks)

The design load intensity of the roof is 7.2 kN/m2 at the ultimate limit state. The roof load is
transferred to the plate girders by purl ins which are spaced at 900 mm intervals. The internal
plate girders span 13.5 m and are simply supported by the perimeter columns. The proposed
dimensions of the plate girders at roof level are shown in figure 1.2. It is proposed that
intermediate stiffeners of 8 mm thickness and 80 mrn outstands will be provided on either
side of the web of the plate girder at 4.5 m intervals.

c) Determine whether the shear buckling resistance of a plate girder in an internal frame is
adequate without using tension field action. (6 marks)

It has been argued that providing intermediate stiffeners at the proposed spacing has no
beneficial effect on the shear buckling resistance of the plate girder.

d) Briefly explain why you agree/disagree with this statement (2 marks)

A continuous fillet weld of 6 mm size and design strength 220 N/mm2 is used to connect the
flanges to the web of the proposed girder.

f) Show on a sketch how the weld detail is indicated using standard weld symbol notation
(4 marks)
1 20mm

r I

~ 8mm

1 I
...01 •••

1 20mm
>1 I
Figure 1.2

Table 1.1 gives the composition of the steel used to fabricate the plate girder.

Table 1.1 Composition of Steel

C I Mn I Cr I Mo I v I Ni I Cu
0.20 I 1.2 I 0.025 I 0.Ql5 I - I 0.07 I 0.08

f) Comment on the suitability of this steel to fabricate the welded plate girder. (3 marks)

g) Check whether a 400 x 400 x 25 mm thick base plate of S 275 steel bedded in concrete of ,
Grade 20 is adequate for the 203 x 203 x 52 UC section columns that are used for the
frame. It has been shown that an effective area of 150,000 mrrr' is required to withstand
the design force in column at the base level. (10 marks)


Figure 2.1 shows the structural plan of beams and columns for a proposed building. The
columns are located on a 4.5 m x 4.5 m grid. The main beams span between the columns.
Secondary beams of 203 x 133 x 25 UB at 1.5 m spacing are used to span between the main
beams in the E- W direction. All steel is of Grade S275. The reinforced concrete floor slab is
of Grade 25 concrete. It is 125 mm thick and of density 24 kN/m3.The slab spans between the
secondary beams. It is required to act compositely with the secondary beams at the ultimate
limit state. Trapezoidal profiled steel decking with a trough width of 300 mm and profile
depth of 50 mm is to be used as the floor decking. The weight of the decking is 0.15 kN/m2.


Figure 2.1

a) Check whether the moment capacity of the bare steel beam is adequate to withstand the
load on it during construction, assuming a construction load of 0.5 kN/m2. (7 marks)

b) Show that the plastic neutral axis of the composite secondary beam lies within the
concrete slab. (5 marks)

c) Show whether a full shear conriection can be achieved if 19 mm nominal diameter and
100 mm height shear studs are used in pairs in every trough. Characteristic strength of
shear stud has been determined as 95 kN. Reduction factor for profile shape is 0.78
(7 marks)

The tensile capacity of a single equal angle section of certain dimensions when bolted at each
end with a single bolt and of a particular grade has been determined as 30 kN. Two bolts of
the same diameter and of the same grade are used in line as shown in Figure 2.2 to connect
the bracing members to the columns ofthe braced bay of this building.

d) Briefly explain whether you agree with the statement that using two bolts in line reduces
the tensile capacity of the steel angle section described above. (3 marks)


Calculations have shown that the block shear capacity is inadequate to withstand the tensile
force in the bracing member.

Fig: 2.2

e) Briefly explain which one of the following suggestions will enhance the block shear
capacity and why the other suggestions are not suitable. Credit will not be given for
detailed calculations
1. Use the same diameter bolt of a higher grade
II. Increase the spacing between the 2 bolts in line
111. Use larger diameter bolts of the same grade
iv. Locate the bolts closer to the top edge
(8 marks)

A protective paint system specification requires a total dry film thickness of 85 microns
consisting of 35 microns of primer, 25 microns of under layer and 25 microns of top coat on
the blast cleaned steel surface. The steel fabricator has suggested an alternative system of 35
microns of primer and 50 microns of a top coat claiming that it is cost effective.

f) Briefly explain whether you would approve of the suggested alternative considering the
role of each paint coating. (3 marks)


The advice of a structural engineer has been sought on the proposed change of height of a
portal frame shed located in an existing industrial complex.

f :::
Figure 3.1 shows an existing portal frame. It is of 24 m span and has been fabricated using
406 x 178 x 54 UB sections for the columns and 305 x 127 x 37 UB sections for the rafters.

The frames have Pinne~

I< 24.0m >/

Figure 3.1

In order to install new lifting equipment, it is necessary to increase the height of portal frame
from base to eaves from the existing height of 4.5 m to 6.0 m, while the rise from eaves to
apex will remain as 1.8 m.

a) Briefly explain whether the simplified overall stability check of BS 5950: Part 1: 2000
could be used to determine the overall stability of the extended portal frame. (3 marks)

A preliminary analysis has shown that the critical combination of loading on the portal
frames is that of dead and imposed loads acting on the frame. The design load for this load
combination i$7.6 kN/m. The .adequacy r.atio was found to increase marginally from 1.08 for
the existing portal frame to 1.12 for the extended portal frame.

b) Briefly explain whether the reactions at the base of the extended portal frame increase/
decrease when compared to the existing portal frame, when the second set of plastic hinges
form for the critical load combination of dead and imposed loads. (3 marks)

The first lateral restraint was positioned at a distance of 1.2 m below the bottom level of the
haunch in the existing portal frame.

c) Determine whether this distance is appropriate, using the limiting length Lm approach
specified in BS 5950: Part 1: 2000 in the extended portal frame. (3 marks)

The bottom most lateral restraint was provided at a height of 3.0 m from the ground level in
the existing portal frame. It is intended to maintain the bottom most lateral restraint at the
same level in the extended portal frame. The design axial force in the column is found to be
5% of the axial compression capacity of the column. The buckling resistance moment has
been determined as 112 kNm corresponding to the position of the bottom most lateral

d) Determine whether the length between the bottom most lateral restraint and the base is
stable considering the out of plane column behaviour, using the simplified approach for
combined bending and axial forces. (6 marks)

It is intended to use a splice of the type shown in Fig: 3.2 to extend the column height.


~ I I

o 0
o 0 o 0
=o 0
o 0
o 0


Fig: 3.2

e) Briefly explain where the splice should be located on the column leg
(i) near the base
(ii) near the eaves. (2 marks)

The design forces and moments at the splice location are 102 kN and 80 kNm.

f) Determine the magnitude of force that has to be resisted by the bolted connection in each
column flange. (6 marks)

A new Gantry Girder capable of carrying cranes of classes Q3 and Q4 will be installed within
this building. The gantry girder spans 6.0 m with the distance between them of 12.0 m.

Crane capacity (hook load) = 120 kN;

Self weight of crane bridge 96kN;
Self weight of gantry girder 12 kN;
Self weight of crab 24kN;
Minimum Hook approach 1.0 m;
Distance between wheels 4.0m;

Assume 30% of static vertical load per wheel for impact effects.

g) Determine the un-factored crabbing force FR per wheel that acts transverse to the rail
given the data relating to the new gantry girder: (7 marks)

h) Briefly explain whether an intumescent paint should be used for the portal frame
(3 marks)


(a) Figure 4a shows a truss type steel bridge in Sri Lanka.

Figure 4a: View of a truss type steel bridge in Sri Lanka

(i) Briefly explain the reasons for having comparatively large sections at the ends of the
above bridge for top chord members? [4 marks]

(ii) If you are modelling the above bridge in SAP 2000 whether you will assign pinned
connections or rigid connections between the vertical members and the top and
bottom chord members. Explain your reasons. [3 marks]

(iii) A first year engineering student suggested using universal beam sections rotated by
90 degrees for top chord members so that to enhance buckling resistance in the lateral
direction. Do you agree with the student? Clearly explain the pros and cons of the
suggestion. [4 marks]

(b) It is proposed to construct a single span highway bridge to cross a river valley. The
abutments could be constructed 44.0 m apart, but approximately at the same mean sea
level. The bridge deck is to be consisting of a 12.4 m wide carriageway plus 1.0 m wide
hard strips and 1.5 m wide footpaths on either side.

(i) Calculate the number of notional lanes for the purpose of evaluating live loads
according to BS 5400: Part 2. [3 marks]

(ii) If the bridge has to be designed for HA plus 40 units ofHB live loading, calculate the
nominal live loads for the proposed bridge in accordance with BS 5400: Part 2.

(iii)Illustrate with figures how the two types of live loads should be applied on the bridge,
as specified in the same standard. [4 marks]

(c) To construct a long curved bridge, steel box girder sections together with insitu cast
concrete decking have been proposed. As an alternative proposal that make use of several
plate girder sections instead of box girder section has also been tabled. Describe your
recommendations by calculating the torsional stiffness of the plate girder and the box

girder sections shown in Figure 4b. (Shear modulus of steel is 81GPa). Clearly state your
assumptions. [6 marks]


IJ'\ IJ'\
•....• •.....

a 4 4
N 8

IJ'\ IJ'\
•....• rl

I 100

(All dimensions are in millimetres)

Figure 4b: Plate girder and box girder sections

(d) List some of the advantages and disadvantages of using steel lattice structures for towers
[6 marks]

Question 1 (45 marks)

An elevated water tank of capacity 100 rrr' is to be designed for an apparel manufacturing
factory in the Katunayake Export Processing Zone. The minimum head required is 10m.
Based on aesthetic considerations, a reinforced concrete cylindrical tank supported on a
cylindrical shaft is selected for the proposed tank. A flat slab resting on the wall is
selected for the tank roof as shown in Figure Q 1.

Imagine that you are the structural engineer entrusted with this design. The design should
be carried out according to the specifications given in BS 8007 and BS 8110. The
following data is also available.

• Grade of concrete to be used for the tank - C35A

• Reinforcements - grade 460 (type 2 deformed bars)

3.7 m


10 m

r '1 rI

Figure Ql

• Coefficient of expansion of concrete = lOx 10.6 1°C

• Fall in temp. between hydration peak and ambient (T)) = 30°C
• Fall in temp. due to seasonal variations (T 2) = 10°C

• Density of water = 9.81 kN/m3
• Density of Concrete = 24 kN/m3
• Imposed load on tank roof= 0.25 kN/m2

You may assume any missing information but state your assumptions clearly.

(a) If the dimensions are not given, how would you decide the internal dimensions of
the cylindrical tank. [2 marks]

(b) Consider that the tank floor is supported on a ring beam and cylindrical shaft as
shown in Fig.Q 1. Suggest a criterion to determine the diameter of the
supporting cylindrical shaft (d). [3 marks]

(e) How would you analyse the tank and supporting shaft to obtain forces and
moments for vertical loads under "tank full" condition. Indicate clearly all the
steps involved in the analysis using appropriate sketches and symbols. Do not
perform any numerical calculations. [10 marks]

(f) The following table gives the results obtained from structural analysis of the
cylindrical tank under water load. The wall thickness was assumed as 200 mm. It
was found that maximum hoop tension occurs at 1.3 m above the base and
maximum bending and shears force occur at the base of the wall.

Limit Section
state At base 1.3m above the base
N(kN/m) M(kN/m) Q(kN/m) N(kN/m) M(kNmlm)
Serviceability 0.0 5.9 22.6 80.0 -0.9
Ultimate 0.0 8.2 31.7 112.0 -1.2

where N - Hoop force per unit length

M - Vertical Bending moment per unit length
Q - Shear force per unit length

Sign convention - Tensile forces and moments causing tension on the inside face
of the wall are assumed to be positive.

Determine the reinforcement requirement for the cylindrical wall. [15 marks]

(g) From the wind analysis, the critical moment at the base due to wind load acting on
the tank and the supporting structure was found to be 205 kNm (load factor =1.0).
Due to low bearing capacity of sub soil, it was decided to adopt a circular raft
foundation. Determine a suitable diameter for the circular raft. [10 marks]

You may use the following information.

Bearing capacity of soil 75 kN/m2

Assume the total weight of the tank including the supporting shaft as 1730 kN.
If necessary you may assume the following dimensions as well.

Diameter of tower shaft -4m

Thickness of tank floor - 300 mm
Thickness of roof slab - 200 mm
Top and bottom ring beams - 250x500 mm
Thickness of cylindrical shaft - 150 mm
Thickness of the raft - 300 mm

(h) Check the overall stability against overturning of the tower. You may use the
information given in section (g). [5 marks]

Question 2 (40 marks)

Figure Q2 shows the cross section of a swimming pool with a diving pit. The width of the
pool is 10m. The base of wall at the deep end is 3m wide and connected to the floor slab
by a complete movement joint. Similar movement joint is provided at the base of other
walls as well.

0.9m --

4m 2m 4.1 m

r 1'-3~"'1
••• .1
15.5 m 2.7m 6.8 m

Figure Q2

You have been assigned the task of designing this pool with grade 30 concrete. The
following information is also available.

• Grade of concrete - C30

• Reinforcement - Grade 460 (Type 2 deformed bars)
• Bearing capacity of soil = 180 kN/m2

• Horizontal soil pressure coefficient K, = 0.33
• Coefficient of friction between concrete and soil = 0.3
• Density of soil = 18 kN/m3
• Density of concrete = 24 kN/m3
• Coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete = lOx 10-6 IDC
• Fall in temp. between hydration peak and ambient (T1) = 30 D
• Fall in temp. due to seasonal variations (T2) = lODe

You may assume any missing information but state your assumptions clearly.

(a) Check for stability against rotation of the deep end wall under tank empty condition.
Assume the base width to be 3m as shown in Figure Q2. Take the thickness of the
wall and base as 450 rnm. [4 marks]

(b) Calculate the amount of reinforcement required for the deep end wall to resist
(i) serviceability bending moment due to water load
(ii) shrinkage and thermal movement in immature concrete

and provide a suitable arrangement of reinforcement for the deep end wall.
[15 marks]

(c) Check the stability of wall at the deep end against sliding. If necessary calculate the
required area of tie bars to connect floor slab and wall base. Suggest another method
to prevent sliding of the base other than having monolithic construction of wall and
base slab. [5 marks]

(d) Is it possible to reduce the amount of reinforcement required to control thermal and
drying shrinkage cracking in the floor slab by proving complete movement joint at
the center of the floor slab? Assume a slab thickness of 200mm. Support your
answer with appropriate calculations. [6 marks]

(e) What are the factors to be considered in deciding the size of panel for concreting of
the floor slab? Indicate the recommended sequence of concreting the panels, with ~
reasons for your recommendations. [5 marks]

(f) If the wall is to be cast in vertical panels with gaps of 1 m between them, calculate
the reinforcement requirement to resist thermal and moisture movement in the wall.
[5 marks]

Question 3 (15 marks)

Briefly comment on following statements.

1) Plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete can be controlled by providing

2) Stabilizing period for testing of water tanks for water tightness depends on the size
of the water tank.
3) To prevent thermal cracking, maximum temperature rise in concrete structures is
limited to 70° C.
4) Self-healing of cracks depends only on crack width.
5) Lowering of fresh concrete temperature below 30°C is essential in concreting
thick sections.
6) Permeability of concrete can be reduced by curing.
7) Water bars are essential at construction joints in water retaining structures.
8} When considering temporary open sections in. wall construction, the only
temperature effect to be considered is the temperature rise due to heat of hydration.
9) High slump concrete is always better than low slump concrete.
10) For capacities larger than 500 m', the cylindrical tank is the cheapest form.
[1.5 x l O = 15 marks]

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