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peED 01


Faculty or Engineering
Department of Civil Lnginccring

P.G. DiplomalM.Eng. Degree in Structural Engineering Design

Examination 20 I 1/2012


Time allowed: 3 Hours March 2013


This paper contains 5 questions on 9 pages.

This examination accounts for 60% of the module assessment. The total maximum mark
attainable is 100. The marks assigned for each question & sections there of are indicated in
square brackets.

This is an open book examination. Candidates may bring course notes for reference during

Answer only FOUR questions.

Assume reasonable values for any data not given in or with the examination paper. Clearly state
such assumptions made on the script.

If you have any doubt as to the interpretation of the wording of a question, make your own
decision, but clearly state it on the script.

All Examinations are conducted under the rules & regulations ofthe University.

Page i ot 9
peED 01

Question 1

(a) Define principal radius of curvature and Gaussian curvature r02 marks]

(b) Show that following expressions are true for an axis-symmetrical surface,

[03 marks]
1 ldz
-=-- l03 marks]
T;o: r d.s

Where ¢ = angle between the axis of revolution (z-axis) and normal to the surface,
I/r, = principal curvature along a meridian and I/r2 "'" circum fcrcntial curvature.

(c) A shell of revolution is formed by rotating a meridian about z-axis, The radius, r, related to
the height z by r3 = 9Ai

Re express the equation of the shell for r in terms of the angle, ¢, between the z-axis and the
normal to shell surface. Hence, or otherwise, find the principal radii of curvature of the shell
in terms of ¢. [10 marks]

Obtain expressions for the membrane stress resultants when the shell IS subjected to an
internal pressure, p, in terms of p and ¢ [07 marks]

Transversely loaded plates
a 4
DV4W=D (·-+2
w a 4
w B4wl
+- =P
•ax4 . axZay2 &y4
Doubly curved axis-symmetrical shells
N¢i Ng
Tl Tz
Thin shells: bending and stretching
d4w Et
dx" a2
where D = for a rectangular plate

Page 3 of 9
pem 01

Question 2

(a) A simply-supported beam and a portal frame are both subjected to loads that arc symmetrical
about the centre line, as shown in Figures Q.2a and Q.2b. Explain why the beam will
collapse in a symmetrical mechanism but the portal frame won't. [6 marks]

I 2L

2L I 2L
Figure Q.2a Figure Q.2h

(b) State the main assumptions of Johansen's yield line theory for reinforced concrete slabs.
Explain why the method gives lower bound to the ultimate moment or resistance required to
support a given design ultimate load. [5 marks]

(c) The reinforced concrete slab shown in Figure Q.2c is simply supported on all the outer edges
and has an additional wall support internally along the line a-a over which the slab is
continuous. The ultimate moments of resistance for sagging bending are isotropic and of
value M per unit width. The ultimate moment of resistance for hogging bending also
isotropic and of value 1.2M per unit width. If the design ultimate load intensity is 14 kN/m2
over the whole area and the yield line pattern is as shown, find the value of the moment
parameter M. [14 marks]
Sm 4m Sm

c;\v I
0 A

rU\~1/ -,

E --jl~--.<.
't,\ 7
,...., -------

Figure Q.2c

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Question 3

(a) Advances in materials and design led to the development of the suspension bridges.

(i) Briefly describe some of the failures happened in suspension bridges in the past and the
lessons learnt from them. 16 marks]

(ii) Discuss why suspension bridges are common for highway bridges but not for railway
bridges. IA marks]

(b) Figure Q.3a shows a cantilever AB constructed using a hollow steel box-beam of uniform
cross-section as shown in Figure Q.3b. The cantilever is rigidly built-in to the wall at A. A
small rigid arm BC extends out horizontally \ m from the vertical ccntreline of the box-beam
and supports a single vertical point load P of \ 00 kN at C. Shear Modulus ofSteel is 8\ GPa.

(i) Calculate the bending moment, shear force and torque at A. Assume the self weight of the
box beam is 2 kN/m and the self weight of the end arm 13Cis negligible. (3 marks]

(ii) Determine the angle through which the end section at U rotates about the longitudinal axis
of the box beam due to this loading. f2 marks]
(iii) Calculate the maximum longitudinal bending stress immediately adjacen~o the support
at A. [3 marks]

(iv) At this same cross section adjacent to support at A, determine the shear stress in the weld
at S located at the top of the web of the box beam (Figure Q.3b). [7 marks]

14 1~1
t J ,~7


mm ---.

--. 5

1m I':'
'~ 'f-'"

Figure Q.3a Figure Q.3b

Page 5 of 9
peED 01

Question 4

(a) A small single-story industrial building, 5 m x 5m in plan, is shown in Figure 0.4a. This
building has moment resisting frames in both direction and can be considered as shear frame
building. The roof slab is of reinforced concrete rigid slab. The weight or the structure can be
idealized as 6.0 kN/m2 lumped at roof level. All lour columns, made out of reinforced
concrete have 350 mm x 350 mm sections. The height of the building is 4.0 m. The clastic
modulus of concrete (E) can be taken as 25 kN/mm2.

~~.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- -.-.-.-.;?~

I i
I I Rigid slab
Lumped mass =m
I iI 3 So X 3S"O

5m I I E ; '25 kNlmm2.
I X i
I I EI 4m
I .
. I
I .
. I
I i
~._._. __ ._._._._._._._._._._.J:]

~ mm x 350 mm R!cOlumn, 3D view

Plan View
Figure Q.4a

i. Formulate the equation governing un-damped free vibration in x-direction of the

building. (This single story frame building can be treated as a single degree of freedom;
horizontal translation of the slab)
ii. Find the natural period of vibration of the building.
iii. Determine the base shear and base moment in columns due to EI Centro ground motion
applied in the x-direction. Assume damping ratio to be 5%. Combined 0- V -A response
spectra for EI Centro ground motion is given in Figure Q.4b.
iv. Calculate the maximum bending stress developed in the column base.
v. Sketch the stress variation along column section.
Assume, with usual notations; lateral stiffness of a column = 12 EI/h3
[13 Marks]

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r , f"-' r'l


:::: 20


: 1.i', t' ."{:\ :;

0.2 ~'--'---'-'-.J....L.L.J.....-.....LL--'---L....L..I...'-<.U,----,--,_, I\..., L l...-...-.~

0.02 0.05 0.1 n.:! I) S 2 5 10 ~n '0
Nanlral vibration I)(riud '1'", ~'l'

Figure6.6.4 Cnmhined (>-v-~ rc .,on\<: ~p«1.01I1i rf1l' t't f'lItrlJ ~r""ud IItt",!)II.:: 0,
2.5. 10. and 20%.

Figure Q.4b: Combined D-V.A spectra for EI Centro ground motion (Source: Anil
K. Chopra, Dynamics of Structures)

(b) It was decided to add one more floor for the above building given in Figure Q.4a. Then, this
two storey building can be idealized as a two dimensional frame for dynamic analysis as
shown in Figure Q.4c. It has rigid floors and can be considered as a "shear frame structure".
The masses of the building are lumped on to the floor slabs as shown in the Figure Q.4c.

1. Idealized the frame as two degrees of freedom showing the mass and the stiffness for the
dynamic analysis.
11. Derive the equation of motion for the system.:
lll. Calculate natural periods and associated mode shapes. ;,.
IV. Sketch the associated mode shapes with respect to a vertical axis.
[12 Marks]

4m E1 EI

4m 2E1 2El

~ 0
Figure Q.4c

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Question 5
(a) Briefly explain following terms with respect to earthquake analysis and design 01" buildings.

1. Performance based design

11. Time history analysis
1.5 Marks]

(b) A six-story office building with a storey height or 3.5 m (total height is 21.0 m) is proposed
for construction at Kottawa new town in Sri Lanka. The building consists of ordinary
moment resisting frame of reinforced concrete. The building has a rectangular plan with
dimensions of 24.0 m x 35.0 m as shown in Figure Q.5. Due to recent past earthquake
activities in the South Asia region, the consultant of the project has been requested to design
this building for earthquakes. This building may also be used for post earthquake reCO\le~
Since Sri Lanka has no specific earthquake design standards, ithas been decided to use
Australian Standard AS 1170.4 for the analysis.
Live load on the all floors including roof can be taken as 3.5 kN/m2 with live load
combination factor (tp= 0.4). Dead load on all the floors including roof can be taken as 5.5
kN/m2. Assume that the earthquake acts in Y-direction only and acceleration coefficient (a)
is equal to 0.08 (Assume Kottawa is same as Darwin in Australia). Site factor (S) is 1.5.

1. Categorize this building according to the AS 1170.4 and determine the following
a) Structure type
b) Importance factor
c) Earthquake design category
[3 Marks]
11. Using the procedure describe in AS 1170.4 - 1993, determine followings
a) Structural period
b) Total base shear for quasi-static earthquake analysis
c) Vertical distribution of horizontal earthquake forces
[10 Marks]

(c) Briefly explain limitations on application, advantages and disadvantages of use of following
vibration control techniques for buildings.

i. Base isolation
ii Tuned mass dampers (TMD)
[4 Marks]

(d) Briefly explain how you can avoid soft-story condition of a building that has to be designed
for earthquake loading.
[3 Marks]

Page 8 of 9

rcso 01

--.--.--.--. .
---.---.---.---. .
6ml· ·~ __ :- __ :----: :

7.0m 7.0m 7.0m

Figure Q.5

Page 9 of 9
•• ,.
/. \

=ceo 02


Faculty of Engineering

Department of Civi I Engineering

P.G. DiplomalM.Eng. Degree in Structural Engineering Design

Examination 20 11/2012


Time allowed: 3 Hours February 2012

Not applicable.

This paper contains 5 questions on .• ~. PCl3(..,s·

This examination accounts for 60% of the module assessment. The total maximum mark
attainable is 100. The marks assigned for each question & sections there of are indicated in
square brackets.

This is an open book examination.


Assume reasonable values for any data not given in or with the examination paper. Clearly
state such assumptions made on the script.

If you have any doubt as to the interpretation of the wording of a question, make your own
decision, but clearly state it on the script.

All Examinations are conducted under the rules & regulations of the University.

Page 1 of 12
Question 1

A continuous three span concrete bridge shown in l-'iglln' () 1.1 is situated ill all area
which has a tropical climate. The cross section of a beam ill the hridge is rectangular
as shown in Figure Q1.2. The simplified I.ernperatlln.'dtistrihutioll experienced in a
bridge beam as a result of solar radiation on a hot SIlIlIlY~Sgiven ill Figure Qt.). You
may assume that this effect is identical throughout the 1J;j~th of the beam.

Determine the stress distribution at sections A and B. Consider the Modulus of [29 N1 ol'k.s]
Elasticity as 30 kN/mm2; Coefficient of Thermal Expansion is 1.2 x 10.5 per -c. Use
displacement method to find thermal stresses locally. Force method may he employed
to analyse the structure globally.

You may show all steps clearly in your answer. Stress and strain diagrams should be
drawn to approximate scale.
. -
Also calculate the central deflection of the continuous beam. (E) .f~ 1Vlcv~1

A B £ c D

18m 24m 18m

Figure Ql.l Bridge Beam


,. .,



Figure Q 1.2 Beam Cross Section Figure Q1.3 Rise of Temperature

3 o-P- t2
Question 2

An architectural monument ABC has been erected at the main cutrancc of a

University campus 15 years ago. The material used is structural steel whose modulus
of elasticity is E. The structural form of the monument call I~ treated as a framed
plane structure with inclined members (each of length L) as in Figure Q:2Thc second
moment of area of the cross section is I. .
As part of the celebration to mark the completion or 25 years tJICUniversity, the
monument is to be enhanced by adding a large plaque at thc:C"cst of the existing
structure. This addition to the monument gives rise to an additional load of W at the
crest (B).
Using the matrix displacement method, determine the bending moment A and
translation at C due to the additional load. f-

Figure Q2
Question 3
. S·. II, S •21, S.••31. S 41 and S
•.51 of the stiffness matrix of the plane-stress finite
element In Figure Q3.1.

r-' r U
L.•j = 'I••(1 + t t;) (1 + '7".)
I. 1,2,3,4

at a node

~\3- Q'3. J I=- 'j Q D ·2 Shape function L 2

Plane-stress or plane-strain quadrilateral element. Natural coordinates ~ and T} define the

'location of any point. Pictorial view of a shape function (hyperbolic paraboloid). •.

Assume th'at the element is rectangular with sides band c parallel to the x and y axes.
respectively, and is made of an isotropic material with v = 0.2. Element thickness is
constant and equal to h. The nodal displacement vector and shape functions are
defined by

Where u., Vi are translation at node i in the x and y directions. The [L] matrix for the
element in Figure Q3.2 is

L = [LI 0 ~,O
L3 0 L4 0
0 LI 0 i, 0 ~ 0 L4
The functions L, is a sum of bilinear functions in the natural coordinates ~ and 1'\.
defined in Figure Q3.2. The value of L, is unity at node i and zero at the other three
nodes; any of the four shape functions may be expressed as

1 .
L; = 4' (l + ~~i) (l + 1717;) with i = 1,2,3,4
Using the above calculate the deflection at the middle of a beam idealized by two
elements as shown in Figure Q3.3. Take the beam width as h and Poisson's ratio as
0.2. Compare the result with that obtained by beam theory, considering bending and
shear deformations,
P6 "'1 CVvkSl

Note: The deflection calculated by the finite element method is smaller than the more
accurate value obtained by beam theory and the percentage error increases with an
increase in the ratio b/c.

Use the displacement determined above to calculate the stresses in the top fibre at the
fixed end. [8 tvl Q,y'it.s "')
P/2 :J
~ r-
F"j Q.3:.S
~ ~]c

, PI2 po.~ e. s l2..

I- b
=cao 02

Question 4

It is proposed to construct a four storey building that would be used as an office building as
shown in Figures Q.4;a and Q.4.b. This building has a lift as indicated to ensure adequate
access for differently able persons. This building has to be as cost effective as possible and
hence many cost effective structural systems will be used along with fair-finish whenever
possible. You are expected to answer the questions given using Figures Q.4.a and Q.4.b.
This building will be designed for a live load of 2.5 kN/m2. The weight of partitions have
been taken into account with an allowance of 0.5 kN/m2• The weight of finishes is taken into
account with an allowance of 0.75 kN/m2.

a. It is possible to use reinforced concrete solid slabs for both one way and two way spanning
slabs. Since the site operations involved for such slabs would be considerable inclusive of
form work and false work cost, it is proposed to use one of the alternative precast slab systems
for the one way spanning slabs indicated in Figure Q.4.a. Indicate three different alternative
slab systems that can be used for the one way spanning slabs indicated in Figure Q.4.a with
sufficient details giving the secondary beam systems and the details of the slab system.
[7 marks]

b. It is necessary to design beam identified as ABCDEF. Indicate the way that this beam will
be loaded if one of the alternative slab systems is used. You are expected to identify the slab
system that you have selected out of the three systems indicated in Section a.
[4 marks]

c. Determine the magnitude of the loads that will act on beam ABCDEF due to the self
weight, partitions and finishes and also the live loads that would act on the slabs.
[6 marks]

d. Is it necessary to consider pattern loading for the design of the beam ABCDEF. If so,
indicate the way that pattern loading can be created with the alternative slab system that you
have selected. [4 marks]

e. Since the soil conditions at this particular site was found to be poor due to the existence of
few localized weak regions, it is proposed to have combined footings created with an inverted
T type foundation. You are expected to select a suitable arrangement for the inverted T-type
foundation for this building. Indicate the arrangement that you have selected with a neat
sketch. [4 marks]

f. Describe the arrangement that can be used to model the frame containing beam ABCDEF
along with an inverted T type foundation in SAP 2000. Describe the way that you would
divide the inverted T type foundation for computer modelling. Determine the spring
constants that you can use at different segments of the inverted T-type foundation with an
allowable bearing capacity of 100 kN/m2 and also indicate the way that you would minimize
the risk of failure with inverted T-type foundations by using a parametric study for the
allowable bearing capacity. [9 marks]

Page 6 of 12
=ceo 02

+-' _J_·'---j1t....-3_·_+-12 -=.3_' '---1-=1 iJ.=-·--=--4----j.r--~4-. UJ/ ~

r I F I I lu
~ =. =. ~ ~
=. -,



•• .1

** * * .
0 S


~ ==:»
$ $
~ I
c R

** $ $
,/ ,/
=r:» =:»: ~

.\ B 10 .Q II
=r» =. =. ,/
=r:» ,/
~ Frame with masonry infill --------

Figure Q.4.a

Page 7 of 12
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j..'O III . b 7 . tJ b ,6 -;J.., 0


Rooftop garden with swimming pool

Third floor

A B c D E F
Second floor

First floor

Figure Q-4b

Page 8 of 12
=ceo 02

Question 5

Considering the rapid infrastructure development taking place at I-Iambantota, an investor has
proposed to construct a 22 storey building as an apartment complex with the scenic views of
the mountain range of the central hills on one side and harbour on the other side. The
investor wishes to promote this as a green project with the ccrti fication from Sri Lanka Green
Building Council (SLGBC). In order to provide adequate car parking spaces within a shade
as for the requirements of SLGBC, it is proposed to have two different grid arrangements in
this building. Up to the 4th floor, it will be the car parking spaces with some allocation at the
ground floor for the stand-by generator and other main services.

This building is also expected to have a roof top with only part accessible due to the
installation of a large wind turbine with 25 m long blades to harness the wind power. The
tower of the wind turbine o~ 40.0 m of height. This will be mounted on the concrete walls of
the lift. The installed capacity of the wind turbine will be 0.7 MW. In order to maximize the
gains of power generation, net-metering will be used in this building. The lightening
protection will be provided by anchoring the reinforcement cage of the building to the ground
at the foundation level.

For this building, the foundation selected was insitu-cast bored piles which would be
designed to carry the loads of the twenty two storey bui Iding and all the additional features
that will be mounted at the roof top level. The length of piles is about 26.0 m. In order to
improve the marketability and safety, this building should be designed to resist the forces due
to a minor earthquake, but its ductility will be enhanced substantially with the use of
earthquake resistant detailing. A three second gust velocity of 38 m/s (basic wind speed) will
be used for the evaluation of wind loads and the wind induced accelerations will be checked
for a more likely basic wind speed of25 m/s.

In this apartment building, the floor finish will be ceramic tiles. Since the slabs will be
repeated, above the transfer plate level, a special form work system has been devised to cast
the slabs of 160 mm thickness with mesh reinforcement so that the time needed to complete
one floor can be reduced to about one week.

An allowance of 0.75 kN/m2 has been made for the finishes. An allowance of 8.0 kN/m has
been made for the cladding on the external facade. The weight of the services is taken as 0.5
kN/m2. An allowance of 0.5 kN/m2 has been made for partitions since majority of them will
be out of "Dura"; the straw based panel with 58 mm thickness in this apartment complex.
For partitions in between two apartments, two numbers of Dura panels will be used with a
100 mm air gap for both thermal and sound insulation. All the shear walls will be of300 mm
thickness to facilitate the mounting of the wind turbines.

The floor arrangement is given in Figure Q.5.a for the apartment levels. The beams are of
600 mm depth x 400 mm width. The columns are of 1000 mm x 1000 mm size from 4th floor
up to the 12th floor. Beyond that, it will be 750 mm x 750 mm. The floor to floor height will
be maintained as 4.0 m to facilitate the ductwork needed for evapourative cooling system.
This building will be designed for a live load of2.0 kN/m2 at the apartment levels.

Since the grid arrangement is different, a transfer floor will be located above the 4th floor
level. The floor arrangement below the transfer floor is given in Figure Q.5.b. Up to the 4th
floor, the columns will be of 1200 mm x 1200 mm. The beams will be of800 mm x 500 mm

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b '4- b·+ 1·b ,

,I I
/ I

3·1) 3·0

~l ~l

Secondary beams

Figure Q.5b: The floor arrangement below the transfer plate

End of Question Paper

Page 120f 12

\1 PCED03



Faculty of Engineering

Department of Civi I Engineering

P.G. DiplomalM.Eng. Degree in Structural Engineering Design

Semester 3 Examination f
:2011 r~OI2-


Time allowed: 3 Hours April 2013

Not applicable.

This paper contains 4 questions on 7 pages.

This examination accounts for 60 % of the module assessment. The total maximum mark
attainable is 100. The marks assigned for each question & sections there of are indicated in
square brackets.

This is an open book examination. Candidates may bring course notes for reference during
the examination.

Answer Section A and Three questions from Section B.

Use Separate Books for Sections A and B.

Assume reasonable values for any data not given in or with the examination paper. Clearly
state such assumptions made on the script.

If you have any doubt as to the interpretation of the wording of a question, make your own
decision, but clearly state it on the script.

All Examinations are conducted under the rules & regulations of the University.

Page 1 of 7

SECTION A (46 Marks)


It is proposed to construct a ten storey building within .olornbo city limits. The plan of this
building is shown in Figure Q.I.a. The columns arc located at .6.0 m intervals. Thus, a stili
thickness 01150 mm was selected. The weight of (jnisl .... m2 to allow ceramic tile
finish. The weight of Ii~ht weight partitions has been taken into account using an additional
allowance of 0.8 kN/m. The floor slabs arc designed It)!' an im osed load of 2.5 kN/m2.
The floor to floor clear neight is 3.6 m. Steel reinforcement orgrade 46 will be used. The
grade of concrete will be 30 N/mm2.

a. Determine the steel area required for peripheral and internal tics. Ilow do you arrange
those with special reference to fulfilling anchoring requirements?
[8 marks]

b. At the sixth floor level, it is found that two numbers of 20 mrn diameter grade 460
deformed Type 2 bars at the top of a beam should be anchored past the face of an external
column. The column size is 500 mrn x 500 mm. The beam size is 600 mrn (depth) x 400
mm (width). The concrete grade is 30. Nominal cover to links is 30 mm. The diameter
of the links is 8 mm. The area of tension reinforcement required is 520 mrrr'. The
arrangement selected for anchorage is shown in Figure Q.I.b. Check whether the above
arrangement is satisfactory?
[8 marks]

c. It was found that in one of the slabs in thc central core area of the building, square
openings of sizes of 100 mm, 450 mm and 700 mm are required. Describe how you
would alter the reinforcement layout in the slab to accommodate these openings. The
bottom reinforcement in these two way slabs is laid at 150 rnrn clc where the
reinforcement diameter is 10 mm.
[6 marks]

d. In order to have a robust building, it is decided to adopt special details that can enhance
the earthquake resistance. Describe the special detailing that can be adopted in columns,
beams, beam column junctions and shear walls of this building.
[9 marks]

e. In the central core area, it was found that two shear walls on a grid line can be coupled
with a coupling beam of 800 mmx 250 mm. The length of the coupling beam can be
taken as 2.2 m. The shear walls have a thickness of 250 mrn. It was found that the
coupling beams at the third floor level can be considered as the one subjected to the
highest shear force. The magnitude is 210 kN. Determine the amount of extra
reinforcement required in this coupling beam. Sketch the arrangement that you would
select for these reinforcement. The cover to reinforcement is 30 mm.
[6 marks]

f. It is expressed that this ten storey building has a lower chance for suffering serious
damage than a two storey house with open plan layout consisting of few masonry
partition walls and also many large opening in the external walls. Describe this statement
with the aid of suitable diagrams.
[5 marks]

Page 3 of 7

g. Although shear walls provide significant advantages against earthquakes, they can suffer
serious damage unless the construction is carried out with due care. Describe the ways
that a shear wall can suffer damage due to earthquakes and the special precautions that
can be taken at the design and construction stages to prevent such damages. Describe
your answer with suitable sketches.
[4 marks]


\< 6.0 ~ core area
1< >1
Figure Q.l.a
f< >l

2 T 2.0.
. e 8)
/r(Ar<i J~

~l I
• 0 0
3T II"

, +00 6

.. r ,

- I

Figure Q.l.b

Page 4of7

SECTION B - Answer ALL questions (18 marks each)

Question 2

(a) Table Q.2a shows a pair-wise comparison chart for 4 objectives required of a bridge,
where the priority for a given objective is reflected by row-wise scores.

Table Q.2a
- -
Aesthetics Economy .-'onstructability Maintainability
Aesthetics - 1 - ..
1 1
Economy 0 - 0 1
. . .:
-, ··0' t - 1
Maintainability •. " '0 0 0 -

Arrive at appropriate weights for-the objectives, based on the above.

(6 marks)

(b) Requiring the aesth~tics of a light structure, a consultant has decided to use a
suspension bridge for the purpose of carrying a road over a river. What are some of
the problems that could arise in such a structure? How can these be remedied, (i)
using modifications to the basic suspension bridge structural 'form; or (ii) using a
different structural form that would preserve the essential aesthetics?

(6 marks)

(c) Figure Q.2c shows a beam type footbridge across a valley where a clear space (shown
by the dashed box) must be kept for traffic on a road below and perpendicular to the
bridge. Give two other alternative structural forms that could be considered, with their
strengths and weaknesses identified.

Figure Q.2c
(6 marks)


A sedimentation tank is circular in plan with vertical sides above ground and a conical
hopper bottom below ground, the slope of the conical part being 3 vertical to 4
horizontal (see Figure Q.3). If a minimum total area (A) of bottom and sides is desired
to hold a volume of 1200 m3, what should be the radius (R) and height (H)?

Hints: Start by obtaining an expression for A; volume of a cone = (l/3)1tR2D; curved

area of a cone = 1tRL.
(18 marks)

Page 5 of7

Figure Q.3

Question 4

Table Q.4. shows 34 sets (rows) of data in 4 columns (the first column is just an 10 number
to label each data set). These data have been obtained from past designs carried out by a
design office. The second column refers to the area of each floor (T) that is carried by an RC
column (assumed to be the same from top to bottom). The third column gives the concrete
grade used (G); and the fourth column the number of suspended floors (F) in the building.
The fifth column shows the cross sectional area (A) of an RC column at basement level.

(i) In the data shown in Table Q.4, what parameters (i.e. columns of data) would you
choose as independent variables - i.e. inputs to an Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-
and what parameter would you choose as the dependent variable - i.e. the output from
the ANN?
(2 marks)

(ii) Of the 34 data sets in Table Q.4, how many would you use as training examples and
how many as testing examples? Give the ID numbers of four data sets that you would
use in the group of training examples. What are your reasons for doing so?
(4 marks)

(iii) If you were using a single hidden (middle) layer, what is the range you would try for
the number of middle layer nodes, and why?
(5 marks)

(iv) If you wanted to use more middle layer nodes (to make training easier), would
reducing the number of inputs be a good strategy? Is there a way of reducing the
number of inputs for the data given in Table Q.4?
(3 marks)

(v) Instead of using the data to train a neural network, if you wanted merely to use it to
create a multiple regression model, write the equation of the model you would use in
terms of T, G, F and A. What are the advantages and disadvantages of neural
networks compared to multiple regression?
(4 marks)

Page 6 of7


Table Q.4

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

ID number Tributary area (m") Concrete grade No. or floors Basement column area (m")
(T) (G) (F) (A)
1 25.9 25 2 0.09 -
2 13.0 25 3 0.09/
3 72.3 35 12 0.28
4 20.3 30 2 0.09
5 19.4 30 4 0.09
6 36.0 30 6 0.16
7 25.3 30 5 0.30
8 25.0 30 5 0.30
9 64.0 40 28 0.75
10 36.0 35 8 0.30
11 20.0 30 \0 0.16
12 24.0 30 10 0.20
13 18.5 30 4 0.16
14 41.0 30 6 0.16
15 20.9 35 10 0.36
16 24.0 30 8 0.30
17 67.2 40 19 1.08
18 25.0 30 6 0.60
19 15.6 30 10 0.90
20 25.0 30 3 0.90
21 30.0 30 4 0.20
22' 12.8 ----- 30' - 2 0.090/
23 18.2 30 . 2 0.09
24 20.7 20 3 0.09
25 12.8 20 7 0.10
26 16.9 20 7 0.10
27 25.0 25 2 0.06
28 28.3 20 31 0.09
29 20.8 20 4 0.10
30 21.0 25 6 0.09
31 10.9 20 2 -0.06
32 22.4 20 3 0.06
33 11.3 20 3 0.06
34 20.1 20 2 0.06


Page 7 of7
University of Moratuwa
Faculty of Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

P.G. DiplomalM.Eng. Degree in Structural Engineering Design - Semester 2 Examination


Time allowed: 3 Hours December 2012


Graph sheets are available


This paper contains 5 questions on 8 pages

This examination accounts for 60 % of the module assessment. The total maximum mark
attainable is 100. The marks assigned for each question & sections thereof are indicated
in square brackets.

This is an open book examination.

Answer any THREE questions.

Assume reasonable values for any data not given in or with the examination paper.
Clearly state such assumptions made on the answer script.

If you have any doubt as to the interpretation of the wording of a question, make your
own decision, but clearly state it on the answer script.

All Examinations are conducted under the rules & regulations of the University

Question 1

In a multi-storey fast track building construction, precast concrete beams and. slab panels
are to be used to reduce construction time. The precast floor system consists of 125 mm
thick precast concrete slab panels spanning onto pretensioned concrete beams, which are
at 2.5m spacing. The pretensioned beams have a simply supported span of 5.0 m. The
details of the floor system are shown in Figure Q.1. The pretensioned beams are designed
as class 2 members with Grade 50 concrete. The concrete strength at transfer is 35
Nzmm", The imposed load on the floor is 3.0 kN/m2. The load on the slab due to finishes
and partitions can be taken as 1.5 kN/m2. The density of concrete is 24 kN/m3.

(a) Using BS 8110: Part I: 1985 find the allowable stresses, from first principles
show that a 300 mm x 400 mm rectangular section is adequate for the pretensioned
beams. Assume that the total losses are 25 % and the loss ratio a. is 0.80. [10 marks]

'1 I 125 mm I ~


Figure Q.l: Typical cross section

(b) If 9.3 mm diameter standard strands of fpu = 1770 Nzrnrrr' (cross sectional area =

52mm2) are to be used, determine a suitable effective prestressing force and

eccentricity by drawing a Magnel diagram. Hence, identify the property of concrete
and the state of the beam, which governs the selection of the effective prestressing
force in this case. Also find the number of strands required.
[12 marks]
(c) Determine the eccentricity limits for mid span and support sections for the
prestressing force selected in (b) above; hence identify whether it is necessary to
debond some tendons close to supports? [8 marks]

(d) Check whether the ultimate limit state of flexure is satisfactory. [4 marks]


Question 2
(a) A rectangular beam of depth 1000mm and breadth 500 mm is prestressed with a
single tendon of cross sectional area 1000 mm2 at an eccentricity of 200mm. The
stress, o, in the prestressing tendon is related to the strain, E, by

The prestressing steel carries a stress at transfer of 800 N/mm2. The initial elastic
strain in the concrete at transfer is small and may be ignored.

(i) Calculate the ultimate moment capacity in sagging bending if the limiting strain in
the concrete in compression is 0.0035 and the stress in the concrete in the
compression zone at the ultimate load is everywhere 20 N/mm2. [12 marks]

(ii) If, due to a flow in manufacture, the strain capacity of the tendon is limited to 0.01,
what is the revised moment capacity of the section? [4 marks]

(b) Freyssinet's original concept of prestressed concrete involved the elimination of all
tensile stresses by the application of prestress. He made very little use of
untensioned reinforcement.

Morsch, on the other hand, saw prestressing as a way of minimising the crack width
in reinforced concrete - his structures contained a lot of untensioned reinforcement.

T.Y.Lin envisaged curved prestressing tendons that balanced the applied loads.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches. [10 marks]

(c) Figure Q.2 shows some beams to wall connections adopted in the precast
prestressed construction. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of these beams
to wall connections. [8 marks]

rcsn 05

. . /'



Figure Q.2: Beams to wall connections


Question 3
There is a form of construction in which a precast pretensioned beam has additional post
tensioning added after an in-situ concrete top flange has been added. Ducts are left in the
precast beam to allow for the second set of tendons.

The section properties, design moments (which include self - weight) and allowable
stresses, for such a beam, are given in Table 3.1. The composite section properties take
account of any difference in the elastic moduli of the two materials. All losses may be
assumed to be negligible. The pretension is a force of 3000kN applied at an eccentricity.
of 0.1 m.
(a) Calculate the stresses in the precast beam when it is acting alone. [ 6 marks]

(b) Determine the loading cases that will cause the limiting stress conditions in the
top and bottom fibres of the precast beam and in the top fibre of the insitu
concrete, once the beam is behaving compositely. [ 8 marks]

(c) Derive appropriate inequalities for these limiting stress conditions in terms of the
additional prestress P2, applied at en eccentricity of e2 relative to the centroid of
the composite section. [to marks]

(d) Use the results of (c) to plot a Magnel diagram for (P2, e2). ( A suitable value of P2
to be used to construct the Magnel diagram is 2000 kN) [10 marks]

Pretensioned Beam Composite Beam

Overall Depth (rn) 0.8 0.95
Height of Centroid (m) 0.4 0.575
Area (m ) 0.32 0.47
Second Moment of Area (rn ) 0.017 0.04
Minimum Moment (kNm) 360 360
Maximum Moment (kNm) 360 1560

Allowable Stresses (N/mm ) Precast Concrete In-situ concrete
Tension o o
Compression 20 15

Table 3.1: Details related to pretensioned and composite beams

rcsn 05

Question 4

For a multi-storey car park, is has been decided to have post tensioned flat slabs in order
to reduce the dead weight of the structure and also to eliminate the need for secondary
beams. The post tensioned slabs will be constructed on insitu cast beams and provided
with draped tendons. Most of the slabs will behave as simply supported due to the access
ramps provided as inclined floors. One such simply supported slab has the size of 7.5 m
x 10.0 m. It has been decided to allow a surface finish with 30 mm thickness constructed
using a chip concrete based screed. An allowance of 0.7 kN/m2 is considered for this
super-imposed dead load. The imposed load is considered as 2.5 kN/m2. The grade of
concrete is 30. The prestress loss can be assumed as 18%.

The allowable stress in tension for service loads can be taken as 2 N/mm2. The allowable
stress in compression is 10 N/mm2 for Grade 30 concrete.

For this slab, unbounded tendons can be used. The thickness of the flat ducts can be
considered as 15 mm. There will be two prestressing strands in each cable and the
maximum load that can be applied per duct is 240 kN. The diameter of each strand will
be 12.7 mm and the corresponding area is 100 mrrr'. The elastic modulus of concrete can
be taken as 27 kN/mm2.

The cover provided is 20 mm. The density of concrete is 24 kN/m3.

a. Determine a suitable thickness for the slab and determine the bending moments
due to live loads in both shorter and longer span directions. [5 marks]

b. Propose a suitable prestress in the longer span direction with draped cables and
determine the spacing of ducts. [5 marks]

c. Determine a suitable prestress in the shorter span direction so that the dead weight
of the slab can be balanced. [7 marks]

d. Determine the stresses due to prestress and the live loads and show that they are
within limits. [7 marks]

e. Describe the way that the deflection of the slab can be calculated and determine
the value likely under the imposed loads. [6 marks]

f. Select a suitable crack controlling reinforcement for the slab and determine the
spacing needed for 10 mm diameter high yield bars. [4 marks]

rcsn 05

Question 5

a. If it is decided to use brittle high strength materials for prestressing applications, it is

important to ensure that those are unbonded to concrete. Explain this statement with
suitable background information such as stress strain curves. [5 marks]

b. If it is decided to use parafil ropes for post tensioning a concrete beam, how do you
anchor the cables? What are the steps in the stressing operation? Describe your
answer with clear sketches. [6 marks]

c. Describe the basis on which you will select the reinforcement in an end block. You
have to consider all the possible failure modes. [5 marks]

d. The beam end shown in Figure Q.5 has five anchorages of 120 mm square bearing
plates and a jacking force of 600 kN applied to each. Determine the reinforcement
required to contain the bursting forces if fy for the reinforcement is 460 N/mm2. The
grade of concrete used for the anchor block is 40. It is proposed to have a length of
900 mm for the anchor block. [ 14 marks]

e. Sketch the reinforcement arrangement that you would suggest for the beam end in
Section Cd). [4 marks]



...................... _ + .


t 160

Figure Q.5

End of Paper

peED 06



Faculty of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering

P.G. DipJoma/M.Eng. Degree in Structural Engineering Design

Examination 20 t 1/2012


Time allowed: 3 Hours January 2012

Not applicable.

This paper contains 4 questions on 9 pages.

This examination accounts for 60% of the module assessment. The total maximum mark
attainable is 100. The marks assigned for each question & sections there of are indicated in
square brackets.

This is an open book examination.

Answer Question 1of Section A (60 marks) and 2 questions from Section B (20 marks

Please use separate books for Sections A and B.

Assume reasonable values for any data not given in or with the examination paper. Clearly
state such assumptions made on the script.

If you have any doubt as to the interpretation of the wording of a question, make your own
decision, but clearly state it on the script.

All Examinations are conducted under the rules & regulations of the University.

Page 10f 9

Section A

Question 1

Due to many earthquakes that have been reported in the world, many investors are keen to
adopt earthquake resistant design in their future buildings. This is the situation even in
countries like Sri Lanka that can expect only intra-plate type earthquakes. With the new coal
power pl~t planned at Trincomalee in the eastern province of Sri Lanka coupled with a
number of large wind turbines of 1.25 MW capacity installed at few selected locations of the
eastern coast, it is expected to bring in many new industries to this town with the energy
security of short to medium term nature. Since Trincomalee is facing the Ring of fire close
to Indonesia, it is considered advisable to have earthquake detailing for a proposed 15 storey
building constructed as the administrative complex of an industrial park of 250 acres
promoted as a green project by the government with a zero emission using the power
generated by wind turbines. The idea is to use a new international marketing strategy based
on "zero emission - zero waste" manufacturing.

This building will also be provided with an additional canopy projecting 8.0 m from each
facade at the roof top level similar to the sky-garden building of Singapore to become a
landmark building in Trincomalee.

The vertical circulation needs of this building are fulfilled by using four lifts arranged as
shown in figure Q.I. You may assume that the center lines of lift shaft walls would be
aligned with the grid lines. The alternative access and fire escape needs are fulfilled using a
staircase leading up to the top floor of the building. The ladies and gents toilets are located as
indicated in the same figure. The shaded area is earmarked for vertical service shafts to
accommodate electrical, air conditioning, telecom, fire-fighting, etc. A small room will be
provided for cleaners. The water supply and waste disposal vertical pipes will be
accommodated within the bathroom areas. The following information is given:

• The columns are of 1.0 m x 1.0 m size up to the I Olh floor level. The size is reduced
to 700 mm x 700 mm above the I Olh floor.
• The floor to floor height is 4.0 m to allow the installation of various efficient air
supply systems with low energy usage
• The shear walls will be maintained as 200 mm for all 15 floors. All four lifts will be
continued up to the top floor of the building to allow soft zoning that could allow
more flexibility in fulfilling requirements arising due to renting.
• The floor framing system consists of beam and slab construction. The beams coincide
with the grid lines. The size of both internal beams would he maintained as 600 mm
depth x 400 mm width. The external beams will be of 800 mm depth x 350 mm width
to mobilize the external frame for resisting the wind loads in addition to the lift core.
The floor slab thickness will be 175 mm.
• The superimposed dead loads on slabs can be taken as 0.75 kN/m2 for finishes, 1.0
kN/m2 for partitions, 0.5 kN/m2 for services. The imposed load will be 2.5 kN/m2•
The density of concrete could be taken as 24 kN/m3•
• The external facade will be of double glazing combined with some solid walls. The
weight of cladding system can be taken as 4.0 kN/m along the facade at each floor
• It is recommended to use Grade 40 concrete for the columns. The beam and slabs
will be of Grade 30.

Page 3 of 9
peED 06

• The building is located on cast insitu-bored piles of about 20.0 m length resting on
bed rock. The soil above the weathered rock can be broadly identified as sandy clay.

You are expected to use the information given above when answering the questions given

a. Explain whether you agree with the values used to take account of superimposed
ads and live loads on slabs.
[4 marks]
b. Determine the approximate weight of this building in order to determine the
earthquake loads that will act on it. You may assume that all the floors will be of the
same weight. You can ignore the contribution from sky garden.
[8 marks]
c. Determine the approximate base shear load that can be expected in this building when
it is subjected to a moderate earthquake using UBe 1985 method. The natural period
of vibration of this structure is found~e about 1.45 seconds in both X and Y
directions as indicated by the sAP 2000"model. Determine the earthquake load that
could be applied at the loth floor level of this building. You may consider that all the
floors would have the same weight.
[12 marks]

As indicated by the SAP2000 model has already been prepared for this building the natural
periods of vibration in X and Y directions are almost the same and can be taken as 1.45
seconds. In order to ensure adequate safety, a basic wind speed of 49 m/s has been selected
for lateral load evaluations in both X and Y directions. For the acceleration calculations, a
basic three second gust speed of 25 mls can be used. When the average wind loads
corresponding to the basic wind speed of 25 mls were applied, the deflection at the top of the
building was found to be 12 mm in Y direction. You are expected to ignore the presence of
the sky-garden in all your calculations since it consists mainly of frames without significant
number of walls and hence is not expected to be an obstruction to the wind.

d. The designer is keen to determine the acceleration in the along wind direction at the
top floor level. Determine the hourly mean wind speed that can be expected at the top
of the building in Y direction considering terrain category 3 for the location in
Trincomalee area consisting mainly of flat land with many buildings and a basic wind
speed of 25 m/s used for the determination of acceleration. Indicate the assumptions
[6 marks]
e. Determine the along wind acceleration at the top of the building in Y direction. The
building can be expected to have a damping ratio of 0.01. Clearly indicate the
calculations carried out in accordance with AS 1170/4: 1989. Also indicate the Gust
Factor that is applicable to a basic wind speed of25 mls.
[16 marks]
f. Determine the cross wind acceleration at the top of the building when the wind is
blowing in Y direction. You have to obtain the appropriate weight of the building
using the approximate calculation performed for the earthquake load determination.
[8 marks]
g. If the acceleration values are higher than the acceptable values, describe the options
that would be available for the structural engineer to control it further. Describe your
answer with sufficient number of sketches. [6 marks]

Page 4 of 9
peED 06

, 8,CJ
,. 8. o I


3.0 3·0 c::lo

1j lj ~

- L,
~ \j

~ ~ do

.3-0 3-0

Figure Q.l : The plan view of the building

Page 5 of 9
SECTION B - Answer TWO (2) questions: 20 marks per question

Question 2

A. Table Q2A below shows the 28 day cube compressive test results for 11 samples
obtained at regular intervals (every 4 trucks) from concrete delivered to a bridge
project where the desired characteristic strength is 50 MPa.

(i) According to BS5328 and SLSll44, what is the number of test cubes
strengths that should be averaged in order to obtain a single result, If more
cubes than these are used to obtain the average, will it affect the compliance
[2 marks]

(ii) What are the two main compliance rules that should be used to check whether
these results conform to' grade 50 quality, when more than 4 results are
available (as in this case)?
[4 marks]

(hi) Perform the above checks to determine if the delivered concrete does in fact
satisfy grade 50 quality. Use a tabular format to present your results clearly.
[6 marks]


Sample No Test Result (MPa)

1 57.6
2 55.0
3 54.9
4 54.2
5 56.5
6 53.8
7 49.4
8 53.7
9 55.5
10 56.5
11 - 54.7

B. Table Q2B shows the equivalent in-situ cube strengths estimated from rebound
hammer testing on a structure around 35 days after casting - i.e. after the 28 day
control tests failed to show that the concrete used was grade 35 quality. The rebound
hammer testing was done because it was suspected that a faulty cube testing machine
gave low results for the control cube tests.

(i) What is the significance of doing the rebound hammer testing 35 days after
casting? If the test was done 6 months after casting, would that be acceptable?
[2 marks]

(ii) From these test results, you are asked to give an opinion about whether the
concrete used in the structure is of grade 35 quality. What would you say?
Give appropriate calculations and arguments.
[6 marks]


Test No Est. strength (MPa)

I 35
2 37
3 37
4 30
5 39
6 35
7 33
8 31
9 33
Average 34.44
Std deviation 2.96

Question 3

A. It is required to design a circular silo for storing cement clinker. The height of the
cylinder is to be 24 m and the internal diameter (D) to be 8 m. A wall thickness of 150
mrn is to be used. The storage cylinder is to be 8 m above the ground, with a conical
hopper independently supported by 8 columns via a ring beam.

Note that density of concrete = 24 kN/m3; density of clinker (y) = 15 kN/m3;

coefficient of friction between clinker and concrete (u') = 0.55; angle of repose of
clinker (~) = 35°; concrete grade (feu) = 30 N/mm2; yield strength of reinforcement (fy)
= 460N/mm .

(a) Determine the service load static and dynamic lateral pressures at ring beam level
only, assuming that the dynamic overpressure factor at that level is 1.75. Use the
Janssen formula for static lateral pressure, i.e,

where R = D/4, K = (1-sin~) / (l +sin<\»and y = level below top of silo.

Explain the reason for using a dynamic overpressure factor, and why this factor is
higher for the lower 2/3rds of the silo height.
[4 marks]
(b) Determine also the vertical friction on silo walls per unit vertical width per unit
circumferential length if the expression for this is given by (rY - O.8qv)(D/4) where
the static vertical pressure is given by q, = qy /K.

Explain the significance of the 0.8 factor in the expression for vertical friction on silo
walls, given above.
[4 marks]

(c) Design and detail the hoop steel requirements at ring beam level only, limiting the
service stress in steel to 160 N/mm2.
[4 marks]

B. It has been found that a solid circular foundation of 16 m diameter is required to

spread the loads from an elevated water tank to a fairly weak soiL The design
engineer wishes to however to (i) reduce the thickness of the foundation (if possible to
a 1.0 m depth) so that the temperature rise during concrete would be reduced; and (ii)
ensure that both top and bottom steel are required, so that the top steel will help in
thermal crack control too. He can do this by adjusting the diameter of the shaft -
variations in shaft diameter (and hence perimeter) will not affect the shaft cost too
much because the shaft height is fairly small. If he has to choose between an 8 m
diameter shaft and a 10m diameter shaft for his first trial calculation, what would you
advise him to choose - give clear reasons, simple calculations (if required) and
relevant sketches.
[8 marks]

Elevated tank

Shaft diameter
!Fig. Q.IB I

Question 4

A. Give sketches for each of the following: (i) A foundation for a loadbearing wall that
lies along the edge of the property on which a building is being constructed; (ii) A
column of a building that is located at the edge of the property, when this edge
column carries only around half the load of the adjacent interior column. For each
c~, indicate the main aspects that the structural design of foundation should cater
for. It can be assumed that firm soil is available under the foundations.
{ (8 marks)

B. If a load (P) is applied at the end of an "infinite" beam on an elastic foundation as in

Fig. Q.4(i), the pressure distribution (q) under the beam is given by

qx = 2PA..e-A.x.cos(l.x), (Note: A.Xis in radians for the trig. function)

where A.= {ks'/4EI}o.2s, where k,' = ks.B, where B = beam width.

E and I refer to the beam and k, is the modulus of subgrade reaction.

Fig. Q.4(ii) shows an idealized diagram of the loads from the walls on the monolithic
base of a rectangular water tank on the ground (tank empty condition), where the base
thickness is 0.3 m. (The dimension of 7 m in Fig. Q.2.2 is the smaller plan dimension,
the other being much greater than 7 m).

(i) Verify that a l rn wide strip of this base can be analyzed as an "infinite" beam
if E = 25 xl06 kN/m2 and k, = 40 xl03 kN/m3. Find the pressure at (a) the
midpoint and (b) at the ends (under the load) of the beam using the equation
given above. Assume that the base is weightless.
(5 marks)

(ii) Sketch the pressure distribution that can be expected in practice. Will it be
different to the distribution obtained from the above equation for qx? How will
it be different and why? Comment on the difference between the above
pressures and the pressure that would have been obtained if a "rigid footing"
analysis was used.
(4 marks)

(iii) What would the value of maximum bending moment be if a "rigid footing"
analysis were employed? Would be the maximum bending moment obtained
from a "beam on elastic foundation" analysis be higher or lower than the
"rigid footing" result? Explain why.
(3 marks)

---.~ x
I Fig Q.4(i) I
70 kN/m 70 kN/m
0.3 m I Fig Q.4(ii) I


Faculty of Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

MEng. IPG Diploma

Structural Engineering Design


Time Allowed: 3 Hours February 2012


This paper contains 4 questions on 10 pages.

This examination accounts for 60% of the module assessment. The marks assigned for each
question and sections thereof are indicated within brackets.

This is an open book examination.

No sharing of information is permitted.

Answer any THREE questions

All examinations are conducted under the rules and regulations of the University

The plan view of a pedestrian walkway is shown in Figure 1.1. It consists of a single bay of
3.6 m width and length of 12 m. Secondary beams of203 x 133 x 25 UB at 2.0 m spacing are
proposed to span between the two main beams. All steel is of Grade S275

Secondary beams

<, Deck slab M'am hearn,
<, /
3.6 m


12 m

Fig: 1.1 - Plan view of Pedestrian Walkway

The reinforced concrete deck slab is of Grade 30 concrete. It is 150 mm thick and spans
between the secondary beams. It is required to act compositely with the secondary beams at
the ultimate limit state. Trapezoidal profiled steel decking with a trough width of 300 mm and
profile depth of 50 mm is to be used as the floor decking.

a) Show that the plastic neutral axis of the composite secondary beam lies within the
concrete slab (5 marks)

b) Determine the plastic moment capacity of the secondary composite beam. You may
assume that the shear force is less than 50% of the capacity of the beam and a full shear
connection (3 marks)

c) Determine the number of shear studs required if 19 mm nominal diameter and 100 mm
height shear studs are used in pairs in every trough to provide a full shear connection.
Reduction factor for profile shape is 0.8. (9 marks)

d) Determine the shear capacity of the secondary beam 203 x 133 x 25 UB if a notch of 30
mm is cut at the top of the web so that the top flange is flush with the top flange of the
main beam and that the fin plate connection is made using 2 M 20 bolts.
(6 marks)

Fig: 1.2

e) A splice connection of the type shown in Fig: l.3 was provided in the main beam of 406
x 178x 74 UB

ili Fig: 1.3 - Splice Detail

Fig: 1.4 - Broken Splice Plate

Soon after construction, the walkway collapsed with the splice plate provided on the
bottom flange failing as shown Fig: 1.4. The shaded area broke away. Briefly explain
what this type of failure is and confirm with calculations as to why it happened.

The following data has been provided.

The splice plate is 120 mm wide and 10 mm thick and of S 275 steel.
The bolts were 20 mm diameter Grade 8.8 bolts.
The end and edge distances provided were 30 mm, while the spacing between bolts
was 60 mm.

The bending moment and design shear force at the section where the beam was
spliced, due to the actual loads acting at the time of failure, are 140 kNm and 12 kN

The following information relating to the bolts has been determined.

P, = p.A, = 91 kN; Pbb = Pbb dt = 156 kN;
Pbs = Pbs dt = 72 kN; P, = PtAt = 137 kN;
(10 marks)


The external elevation of a multi-storey building is shown in Figure 2.1. The building is of
square cross-section and has a column free interior at the ground floor level. The upper floors
consist of 3 bays of 5 m width in the transverse direction (E- W) and 3 bays of 5 m width in
the longitudinal direction (N-S). The load from the upper floor columns are transferred by
means of plate girders at the first floor level as shown in Fig: 2.2. The middle bay in each
direction is provided with cross bracing.

3.5m T Roof 4.6mm

3.5m T 2nd floor

5.2m T 1st floor

I~ 5.0 m ~I~ 5.0 m ~I~ 5.0 m ~I

Fig: 2.1 - External Elevation

~---m ---h-1-- f--;-I

1-:-1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 l--H--M--H
L Fig: 2.2 - Structural Layout at 1" floor level

a) Classify the building described above in the transverse direction (E- W direction) as a non
sway frame or sway frame. The horizontal deflections, due to the notional horizontal
loads applied at each storey level on an external braced frame are shown in figure 2.1.
Although the building will be clad, the cladding has not been taken into account in the
deflection computations. (7 marks)

b) Figure 2.3 shows the proposed splice connection of a typical internal column. The same
section (203 x 203 x 46 UC) is to be used for the entire height of the building. Check

whether 8 M20 (At = 245 mnr') bolts in the flanges and 2M16 (At = 157 rnm") in ea<.:h
web are adequate to withstand a design axial load of 520 kN. All bolts are Grade 8.8. The
joint is located near a point of lateral restraint. You may assume that the splice plates arc
of 10 mm thickness and that they are of adequate thickness. (14 marks)

o 0
o 0 o 0 Fig: 2.3
= 1=
o 0 o 0
o 0

The dimensions of the plate girders that are used to transfer the loads at Ist floor level have
been determined other than for the flange width and are shown in Fig: 2.4.

? mm
t 40mm


--7 ~ 10mm

Fig: 2.4

c) Determine the shear capacity of the web and check whether it is adequate if there are no
intermediate stiffeners provided. The design shear force on the girder is 840 kN at the
Ultimate Limit State (4 marks)

d) Determine a suitable width for the plate girder flange if the design Bending Moment of
4000 kNm at the Ultimate Limit State is to be withstood safely, while ensuring that the
beam can be classified as Class 1 (Plastic) (8 marks)


Portal frames of24 m span and 6 m spacing are to be used for an industrial building of 120 m
length. The portal frames are to be designed using plastic methods of analysis with pinned
bases. The height from base to eaves is 4.5 m, while the rise from eaves to apex is 1.0 m. The
haunch length is 2.4 m. It has been proposed that 406 x 178 x 74 UB sections be used for the
columns and 356 x 171 x 67 UB sections be used for the rafters of this portal frame. A
preliminary analysis has shown that the critical combination of loading on the portal frames is
that of dead and imposed loads acting on the rafter. The design load for this load combination
is 8.0 kN/m. The adequacy ratio has been found to be 1.1.

a) Briefly explain
(i) why it is necessary to check whether the section sizes for the columns and rafters
should belong to class 1 (plastic), if plastic methods of analysis are used to design the
portal frame
(ii) why the same section size can/cannot be used for the columns and rafters of the
portal frame
(iii) whether you agree/disagree with this statement that section sizes with a low (HP'A)
be usedfor the portal frame considering the behaviour of steel in afire.
(8 marks)

b) Show that the overall stability of this portal frame could be checked using the simplified
overall stability check ofBS 5950: Part I: 2000. (4 marks)

c) Check the overall stability of the portal frame using the above method (10 marks)

d) Determine the reactions at the base when the second set of plastic hinges form for the
critical load combination of dead and imposed loads. (4 marks)

e) After all the portal frames were fabricated, the client decided to restrict the building length
to 90 m. Meanwhile the consultant structural engineer has also undertaken to design the
roof for a new railway station. It has been suggested to him that the extra fabricated portal
frames could be used for this purpose (as shown in Fig: 3.1). The dimensional
requirements of the railway station match well with those of the portal frame.

Fig: 3.1

Would you approve this idea? What are the possible modifications that are required if this
idea is to be implemented? (4 marks)

f) Fig: 3.2a shows a typical 60 m tower that has been designed to support all the receivers
in the upper one third height (height of 40 m to 60 m from ground level). Several of
such towers have been imported to Sri Lanka. A mobile telecommunication supplier has
sought your advice as to whether it is safe to mount some receivers in the height range
of 25 m to 40 m (see fig: 3.2b) if it is ensured that the total weight of receivers do not
exceed the original design and that the design bending moment and design shear force
at the base level are not exceeded. Briefly explain whether you would/would not
approve the requested change.


Fig: 3.2 a - Original design Fig: 3.2 b - Proposed change

(3 marks)


6.0 m
Gantry girder

3.2 m

Fig: 4.1 ..
The steel columns in a factory building consist of 406 x 178 x 74 UB steel sections of Grade
S275. The columns have fixed bases and support steel roof trusses at a height of 6.0 m and a
crane beam at a height of 3.2 m as shown in Fig: 4.1. The design axial compression load on
the columns is 1200 kN.

a) Is the column likely to buckle locally (4 marks)

b) Determine the compression capacity of the steel column. (4 marks)

c) It is intended to use structural steel conforming to S275 of BS EN 10025 for the steel
columns. Explain with reasons as to whether a test specimen should be obtained from the
web or flange of a Universal Beam section if the consultant requires the steel to be tested
to check its conformity in relation to its strength. (3 marks)

A new Gantry Girder is to be installed within this factory building. It has been determined
that the crane beams of self-weight 1.0 kN/m that have been installed to support a gantry
girder are capable of resisting a design bending moment of 500 kNm and a design shear force
of 1000 kN. The crane beams span 8.0 m with the distance between them of 16.0 m.
The following data relating to the new gantry girder:

Self weight of gantry = 100 kN;

Self weight of crab = 25 kN
Minimum Hook approach = 1.0 m;
Distance between wheels = 4.0 m;
Assume 25% of static vertical load per wheel for impact effects.

d) Determine the maximum hook load that can be safely withstood (10 marks)

Fig: 4.2 shows a variable height steel truss girder bridge across a river in the SOuthern
Province of Sri Lanka. The bridge Was constrUcted nearly thirty years ago uSing Weathering

e) What is meant by •Weathering steel' and Why is it Suitable for bridges? (3 maries)

I) The heights of the first three nodes of the top chord above the deck level are 5 rn, 5.5 rn 6.0
rn respectively.
Possible Duelateral
to provide crosshead
to new roomas requirements
bracing a minimum of 6.0 m, it is not
shown in Fig:of4.2.

Briefly describe at least 3 different alternatives to provide lateral stability to the truss
girder bridge. Provide neatly drawn Sketchesto clarity YOUrdescription

(9 marks)


Fig: 4.2


. - -



P.G. Diploma/M. Eng. Degree in Structural Engineering Design 201112012

PCED 8 - Design of water retaining structures

Time allowed: THREE HOURS


1. This is an open book examination

2. This paper contains three questions on 6 pages.

3. Answer all questions.

4. The marks allocated to each question or parts of a question are shown in square

5. Unless otherwise stated the dimensions in all figures are given in millimetres.

6. Candidates may use their own unmarked copies of BS 8110 and BS 8007.

7. Assume reasonable values for any data not given in or with the examination
paper. Clearly state such assumptions made on the script.

8. If you have any doubt as to the interpretation of the wording of a question, make
your own decision, but clearly state it on the script.

9. All examinations are conducted under the rules & regulations of the University.

Question 1

The longitudinal section of a ground reservoir of capacity 10,000 m3 is shown in Figure

Q 1a. Roof of the reservoir is a flat slab supported on series of columns. Layout of the
columns is shown in Figure Q 1b. The outer edge of the roof slab is resting on a sliding
membrane. A complete movement joint is provided at the joint between wall base and
floor slab. The upper part of the reservoir wall is of uniform thickness while the bottom
part is tapered as shown in Figure Q 1a.

. I

, ,)


r ......• ('


I All dimensions are in mm

Figure Qla

Following information is also available.

• Grade of concrete - C35A

• Coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete - l Ox 10-6IC
• Fall in temp. due to seasonal variations (T2) - 10°C
• Reinforcement - Grade 460 (Type 2 deformed bars)
• Coefficient of friction between concrete and soil = 0.3
• Density of concrete = 24 kN/m3
• Soil density - 18 kN/m3
• k, for soil = 0.3

T- ---I


-t---t---1--- t---~- --t



-t---t---1----1---~- --t








t 1
- IT - -
-rn- - -
-rn-- - -
-m-- - -
- ---{l!-

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

-~ -- -~- - ~- - ~- -~ - ~ ~ 1

5000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


-b--- -~ -- -L ---L ---~

- -J I I I I


- $- - - -qr- - --
-tfr- - - ~

- -$-




~ ~----r------r----~------T------r----~----~I

Figure Qlb

You may assume any missing information but state your assumptions clearly.

(a) Calculate a suitable root thickness (x) and height of the tapered portion (y) of the
reservoir wall to limit the crack width to 0.2 mm under water load. (You may use
Design Tables) [8 marks]

(b) Considering appropriate loading and other requirements, calculate the required
amount of reinforcement for tank wall. [15 marks]

(c) What are the merits and demerits of isolating floor slab from the wall by
providing movement joints? [3 marks]

(d) Suggest a suitable detail for the joint at "B". [2 marks]


(e) Suggest two types of joints (other than the sliding joint) that can be considered at
roof wall joints giving merits and demerits of each case. [4 marks]

(f) Check the stability of wall against sliding. If necessary, calculate the required area
of tie bars to connect floor slab and wall base. Suggest another method to prevent
sliding of the base other than having monolithic connection of wall and base slab.
[10 marks]

(g) Suggest a suitable structural arrangement for the floor slab to reduce the floor slab
thickness. [3 marks]

(h) If the wall is to be constructed as vertical panels leaving temporary open sections
in accordance with Cl. 5.5/BS 8007, what would be the maximum length of each
panel? Give necessary calculations to support your answer. [4 marks]

(i) What are the precautions that can be taken during construction to reduce risk of
thermal cracking in thick concrete sections of this ground reservoir? [3 marks]

U) What are the factors to be considered in deciding the size of panel for concreting
of the floor slab? Indicate the recommended sequence of concreting the panels,
with reasons for your recommendations. [4 marks]

(k) If the wall is to be cast in vertical panels with gaps of 1 m between them, calculate
the reinforcement requirement to resist thermal and moisture movement in the
wall. [4 marks]

Question 2

An elevated water tank of capacity 400 m3 is to be constructed for a rural water

supply scheme. A rectangular tank supported on RC framed structure is selected for

- this purpose.

(a) Comment on the selected shape for the tank of capacity 400 rrr'. [2 marks]

(b) Suggest suitable internal dimensions of the tank considering the following
Required free board = 300mm
Ratio of costs per m2, considering concrete, steel and formwork is
approximately 1:1:0.7 for floor: wall: roof.
Length: width ratio = 2:1 [5 marks]


(c) . Figure Q2 shows horizontal moment and shear force distribution at mid-level of
the tank due to water load. Calculate the amount of reinforcement required for
the short wall at corner A to resist serviceability bending moment and direct
tension. Assume wall thickness to be 350 mm and design crack width of
0.2 mm. [13 marks]



SLS horizontal bending moment

at mid height (kNm/m) SLS Horizontal shear force at
mid height (kN/m)
(-) - Tension on loaded side

Figure Q2

Question 3

Briefly comment on following statements. [20 marks]

1) All water retaining structures should be treated with a water proofing material.
2) Plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete can be controlled by providing
3) It is essential to use grade 35 concrete for water retaining structures.
4) Stabilizing period for testing of water tanks for water tightness depends on the size
of the water tank.
5) Chlorinated water can promote corrosion of reinforcement.
6) It is essential to use sulphate resisting cement in construction of sewage treatment
7) Formation of cold joints in concrete can be prevented by proper compaction.
8) To prevent thermal cracking, maximum temperature rise in concrete structures in
contact with water is limited to 70° C.
9) Self-healing of cracks depends only on crack width.
10) The strength of concrete is the most important property of concrete for durability
of concrete water retaining structures.

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