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Nakita ko lang🤣🤣

Educ ka kapag alam mo lahat ng to😏😌

John Dewey - learning by doing

Confucius - education for all, golden rule

Bandura - modeling

Froebel - kindergarten

John Locke - tabula rasa

Sigmun Freud - psychosexual

Erick Erikson - pyschosocial

William Sheldon - physiological

Carl Jung - psychological

Jean Piaget - Cognitive

Lawrence Kohlberg - moral development

Edward Thorndike - connectionism

Ivan Pavlov - classical conditioning

B.f. skinner - operant conditioning

Bandura&Wallace - social learning

Kohler - insight learning or A-ha

Lewin - topological

Brunner - instrumental conceptualism

Lev Vygotsky - social cognitivist, scaffolding

-admin S

🇵🇭JULIAN FELIPE- Composer of the Philippine National Hymn.

🇵🇭MANUEL GUERRERO- Filipino doctor who discovered Tiki-Tiki.

🇵🇭PEDRO BUCANEG- The earliest Ilocano poet on record.

🇵🇭DEL SUPERIOR GOBIERNO- First Newspaper in the Philippines.

🇵🇭ANAHAW- The National Leaf of the Philippines.

🇵🇭JOSE PALMA- Filipino poet who set words to the National Hymn.

🇵🇭APARTHEID- complete segregation of white from black.

🇵🇭AGUSTINIAN CHURCH- First church in the Philippines.

🇵🇭TAGAILOG- Pen name of Antonio Luna.

🇵🇭PINEAPPLE- The newest source of alcohol in the Philippines.

🇵🇭KOHAUTEK- comet of the century

⭐SINTAKS/SINTAKSIS/PALAUGNAYAN - sangay ng barirala na tumatalakay sa masistemang pagkaka-

ayus-ayos ng mga salita sa pagbuo ng mga parirala at pangungusap


⭐ANDRES BONIFACIO – May Pag-asa, Agapito, Bagumbayan



⭐EMILIO JACINTO – Di Masilaw, Tingkian



⭐JOSE RIZAL – Dimas alang, Laon laan


⭐MARCELO DEL PILAR – Plaridel, Dolores Manapat, Piping Dilat

⭐MARIANO PONCE – Tikbalang, Naning, (Satanas), Kalipulako


1. EKSISTENSYAL – mayroong isa o higit pang tao

Halimbawa: Mayroon daw puno sa bakuran.

2. MODAL – nais/pwede/maari (Gusto ko matulog.)

3. PANLIPUNAN – pagbati, pagbigay galang atbp.

4. SAGOT LAMANG – “Talaga?”, “Oo”

5. SAMBITLA – masidhing damdamin (Aray!)

6. TEMPORAL – panandaliang kalagayan o panahon


1. PAYAK – iisang kaisipan

2. TAMBALAN – dalawang sugnay na ‘di makapag-iisa

3. HUGNAYAN – madalas nagsisimula sa kung, dahil sa

4. LANGKAPAN – mahabang pangungusap

🇵🇭Quijano de manila- pen name of Nick Joaquin

🇵🇭Mark twain- pen name of samuel clemens

🇵🇭Pedro Bukaneg- father of ilokano literature

🇵🇭Lola basyang- pen name of severino reyes

🇵🇭Manila bulletin- oldest existing newspaper in the country.

🇵🇭Jose corazon de jesus- father of tagalog poetry

🇵🇭Alejandro Abadilla- father of modern tagalog poetry

🇵🇭Noli me tangere- rizals literary crowning achievement

🇵🇭Mahabharata- longest epic in the world

🇵🇭Alibata- first filipino alphabet

🇵🇭Kundiman- song about love

🇵🇭Ambition- cause of Macbeth's tragic end

🇵🇭Steven javellana- author " Without seeing the dawn

🇵🇭Paz m. Benitez- author " dead stars

🇵🇭Ares- god of war

🇵🇭Stratosphere- layer of the ozone

🇵🇭Food web- system of food chain

🇵🇭Sahara desert- largest ecosystem

🇵🇭Skin- largest organ

🇵🇭Dinoflagellates- cause red tide

🇵🇭Philippines- ring of fire

🇵🇭Type O- universal donor

🇵🇭Teoryang pooh- pooh- tunog mula sa silakbo ng damdamin

🇵🇭Teoryang bow wow- tunog mula sa likha ng kalikasan

🇵🇭Scanning- pahapyaw na pagbas

🇵🇭Skimming- pinakamabilis na pagbasa

🇵🇭Francisco lopez- sumulat ng unang balarilang ilokano

🇵🇭Mariano perfecto- ama ng panitikang bisaya

🇵🇭Santiago magean- ama ng moro-moro sa pangasinan

🇵🇭Jorge fajardo- ama ng panitikang pampango

🇵🇭Eriberto gumban- ama ng panitikang bisaya

🇵🇭Pascual poblete- ama ng pahayagan, unang nagsalin ng noli sa tagalog

🇵🇭Amado hernandez- makata ng mga manggagawa

🇵🇭Graciano lopez jaena- fray botod

🇵🇭Liwayway arceo- uhaw ang tigang na lupa

🇵🇭Narciso reyes- lupang tinubuan

🇵🇭Severino reyes- walang sugat

🇵🇭Lope k. Santos- banaag at sikat

🇵🇭Zoilo galang- a child of sorrow

🇵🇭Aurelio tolentino- kahapon, ngaun at bukas

🇵🇭UST- pinakamatandang university

♦️Monalisa- most famous work of art of leonardo da vinci


1. COMMUNIST – classless society - State plans and controls economy

2. PARLIAMENTARY – majority of people voted

3. REPUBLICAN – power comes from people





- Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Brunei, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia


3. KYOTO PROTOCOL (UNNCC) - fight global warming decreasing greenhouse gases

4. RIO DE JANEIRO CONVENTION - environment and sustainable development

5. TEJEROS CONVENTION – election - Bonifacio elected as Director Imperator

6. TREATY ON GENERAL RELATIONS - recognition of U.S. to Philippine freedom

7. UNDERWORLD-SIMMONS ACT – full free foreign trade

8. PAYNE ALDRICH ACT – partial free foreign trade


1. AUGUSTINIANS – most intelligent

2. FRANCISCANIANS – sends medical aids

3. DOMINICANS – richest


5. RECOLETOS – most killed schools


1. BURGOS – youngest, mastermind of secularization

2. GOMEZ – Oldest, likes “sabong” and hid there.

Different Types of Crimes:

1. ABDUCTION - forcibly taking someone away against their will.

2. ARSON - setting fire to a building, cars or property on purpose

3. ASSASSINATION - killing a famous person or public figure.

4. ASSAULT - attacking someone physically.

5. BIGAMY - marrying someone when you are already married to another person.

6. BLACKMAIL - threatening to reveal someone’s secrets if a lot of money is not paid.

7. BOMBING - detonating an explosive device with the plan of harming people or property.

8. BRIBERY - giving money or granting favors to influence another person’s decisions or behavior.

9. BURGLARY - breaking into a house in order to steal something.

10. CHILD ABUSE - treating a child badly in a physical, emotional, or sexual way.

11. CORRUPTION - behaving illegally and dishonestly; especially those in power.

12. CRIME - doing something illegal that can be punished by law.

13. CYBERCRIME - doing something illegal over the Internet or a computer system.

14. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - behaving violently inside the home.

15. DRUNK DRIVING - driving with too much alcohol in your blood.

16. EMBEZZLEMENT - stealing large amounts of money that you are responsible for, often over a period
of time.

17. ESPIONAGE- spying, to obtain political or military information.

18. FORGERY - illegally copying documents, money, etc. to cheat people.

19. FRAUD - getting money from people by cheating them.

20. GENOCIDE - killing on purpose a large number of people, especially from a particular group or area.

21. HIJACKING - taking control of a plane, train etc by force, often to meet political demands.

22. HIT AND RUN - not stopping to help a person hurt in an accident caused by you.

23. HOMICIDE - killing another person unintentionally.

24. HOOLIGANISM - being violent or aggressive on purpose; often used to describe youth.

25. IDENTITY THEFT- using someone else’s personal information for one’s own gain.

26. KIDNAPPING - taking someone away by force, often demanding money for their safe return.

27. LIBEL - damaging someone’s reputation by writing lies about them.

28. LOOTING - taking things illegally and by force, during a riot, war, etc.
29. LYNCHING - killing someone without legal process, often by hanging, often by an angry mob.

30. MANSLAUGHTER - killing someone without malice aforethought.

31. MUGGING - attacking someone with a plan to rob them.

32. MURDER - killing someone on purpose.

33. PERJURY - lying in court, while under oath.

34. PICKPOCKETING - stealing wallets, money, etc. from people’s pockets in crowded places.

35. PILFERING - stealing small quantities of goods over time.

36. POACHING - hunting illegally.

37. RAPE - forcing someone to have sex.

38. RIOT - causing a noisy, violent public disturbance.

39. ROBBERY - stealing large amounts of money with force or violence from a bank, store, etc.

40. SHOPLIFTING - stealing something from a store.

41. SLANDER - damaging someone’s reputation by speaking lies about them.

42. SMUGGLING - taking things secretly in or out of a place, country, jail, etc.

43. SPEEDING - driving above the speed limit.

44. TERRORISM - using violence, threats, or fear, usually for political purposes.

45. THEFT - stealing, in general.

46. TRAFFICKING - trading something illegal like drugs, people, etc.

47. TREASON - betraying one’s country by helping its enemies.

48. TRESPASSING - entering another person’s area; hurting people/damaging property through force.

49. VANDALISM - destroying private or public property purposely.

50. VOYEURISM - secretly watching naked people or sexual acts & getting sexually excited.


LET Reviewer Online Philippines



1. THRUST – proceeding without assessing

2. DANGLING – hanging activity by giving another

3. TRUNCATION – leaves activity 4. FLIP-FLOP – returns to a left activity while currently

doing an activity

5. STIMULUS-BOUND – distracted 6. OVERDWELLING – overtime in one topic

7. OVERLAPPING – multitasking results negatively


HUMANISM – build

IDEALISM – enough in mind PERRENIALISM – constant PRAGMATISM - practice (T&E) PROGRESSIVISM –

improve REALISM – enough to see UTILITARIANISM - best



PRE-SPANISH – survival and conformity

SPANISH – Christianity

AMERICAN – democratic ideals and way of life

COMMONWEALTH – moral character, efficiency

JAPANESE – progress


B.F. SKINNER – Operant Conditioning

BANDURA – Modeling BANDURA & WALLACE – Social Learning

CARL JUNG – Psychological CARL JUNG – Psychological CONFICIUS – Education for all, Golden Rule

EDWARD THORNDIKE – Connectionism

ERICK ERIKSON – Psychosocial IVAN PAVLOV – Classical Conditioning

JEAN PIAGET – Cognitive FROEBEL - Father of Kndrgrtn

PEZTALLOZI – realia, Froebelʼs protégé

JEROME BRUNER – Instrumental Conceptualism

JOHN DEWEY – learning by doing JOHN LOCKE – Tabula Rasa (blank sheet)

KOHLERS – Insight Learning LAURENCE KOHLBERG – Moral Development

LEV VGOTSKY – Social Cognitivist, Scaffolding


HEDONISM – pleasure principle DOUBLE EFFECT – sacrifice for the good or bad

FORMAL COOPERATION – cooperation with will

LESSER EVIL – choice of the less one from two bad things

MATERIAL COOPERATION – cooperation without will


1. ORAL (0-1 yrs. old) – Infant

2. ANAL (1-3 yrs. old) – Toddler

3. PHALLIC – Preschool

4. LATENCY – School Age

5. GENITAL – Adolescense OEDIPUS – son to mom ELECTRA – daughter to dad


PRC BR 435 – Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

PD 1006 – Decree Professionalizing Teachers

RA NO. 1425 – inclusion of the works of Jose Rizal

RA NO. 4670 – “Magna Carta for Public School Teacher”

RA 7722 – CHED

RA 7796 – “TESDA Act of 1994”

RA 7836 – Phil. Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994

RA 9155 – BEGA (Basic Educ.) or DepEd Law

RA 9293 – Teachers Professionaliza tion Act

RA 10533 – K-12 Law

ACT NO. 2706 – “Private School Law”

COMMONWEALTH ACT NO. 578 – “persons in authority”

(Balagtas,Mr29-Ap4) PROKLAMA BLG. 186 – Linggo ng Wika (Quezon,Ag13-19) PROKLAMA BLG. 1041 –
Buwan ng Wika (Ramos)


RA 1079 – no limit of Civil Service eligibility

RA 6655 – “Free Public Secondary Educ. Act of 1988”

RA 6728 – “Act Providing Government Assistance to

Students and Teachers in Private Education

RA 7277 – Magna Carta for PWD

RA 7610 – Anti-Child Abuse Law (Amendment: RA 9231)

RA 7743 – establishment of public libraries

RA 7877 – “Anti Sexual Harassment Act of 1995”

RA 7880 – “Fair and Equitable Access to Education Act”

RA 8049 – Anti-Hazing Law

RA 8187 – Paternity Act

RA 10627 – Anti-Bullying


1. ENACTIVE (0-1 yrs. old) – action- based information

2. ICONIC (1-6 yrs. old) – image- based information

3. SYMBOLIC (7+) – code/symbols such as language



o Comprehension o Application

o Analysis

o Synthesis

o Evaluation o Remembering o Understanding

o Applying

o Analyzing

o Evaluating o Creating
AFFECTIVE: o Receiving

o Responding o Valuing

o Organizing

o Characterization



o Perception

o Set

o Guided Response

o Mechanism

o Complex Overt Response

o Adaptation

o Origination o Reflex movement o Fundamental Movement

o Physical Movement

o Perceptual Abilities

o Skilled Movements

o Non-discursive communication






Exhibit Demonstration Collaborative Work Simulation

Real thing


2. AUTONOMY VS. SHAME/DOUBT (1-3 years old)

3. INITIATIVE VS. GUILT (3-6 years old)

4. INDUSTRY VS. INFERIORITY (6- 12 years old)

5. INDENTITY VS. ROLE CONFUSION (12-18 years old)

6. INTIMACY VS. ISOLATION (early 20s-early 40s


8. INTEGRITY VS. DESPAIR (mid 60s-death)


1. SENSORY – senses



1. VACUUM TUBES (1940-1956) 2. TRANSISTORS (1956-1963)


4. MICROPROCESSORS (1971- present)



1. ATTENTION SEEKER – “teacher, notice me”

2. REVENGE – “teacher, I am hurt”

3. POWER-SEEKING – “teacher, may I help?”

4. INADEQUACY – “teacher, donʼt give up on me”

5. WITHDRAWAL – “teacher, please help me”



Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Orientation

Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange LEVEL 2: CONVENTIONAL MORALITY

Stage 3: Good Interpersonal Relationships

Stage 4: Maintaining the Social Order LEVEL 3: POST-CONVENTIONAL MORALITY

Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights

Stage 6: Universal Principles

CENTRAL TENDENCY -Central (middle location) Tendency MEAN – Average MODE – most occurring

RANGE – highest score minus lowest score

LOW SD–Homogenous, scores near to mean(almost same)

HIGH SD – Heterogenous, scores far to mean (scattered)

DECILE – 10 grps (D1...D10) QUARTILE – 4 grps (Q1...Q4)

SUSPENSION – time REVOKATION – condition



0.21-0.40 DIFFICULT


0.81-1.00 VERY EASY

POSITIVELY SKEWED (LEFT FOOT) - low scores, mean greater than mode


- high scores, mean is lower than mode


- overcoming other trait, either bad/good



1. BOW-WOW –kalikasan at hayop

2. DING-DONG – bagay

3. POOH-POOH – masidhing damdamin

4. YOHEHO – pwersang pisikal


DANIEL DEFOE – “Robinson Crusoen” (novel)

EDILBERTO TIEMPO – made “Cry Slaughter” that has been translated many times


JOSE GARCIA VILLA – “Comma Poet”, Dove G. Lion


“Don Quixote” that is most influential NICK JOAQUIN – Quijano de Manila – Spanish Culture Writing

PAZ MARQUEZ BENITEZ – made “Dead Stars” that is the 1st

modern English short story SAMUEL LANGHORNE CLEMENS – Mark Twain

- “Adventures of Tom Sawyer”

- “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” (best novel)


- sangay ng barirala na tumatalakay sa masistemang pagkaka-ayus-ayos ng mga salita sa pagbuo ng mga

parirala at pangungusap


ANDRES BONIFACIO – May Pag-asa, Agapito



EMILIO AGUINALDO - Magdalo EMILIO JACINTO – Di Masilaw, Tingkian


JOSE MA. PANGANIBAN ¬– JoMaPa JOSE RIZAL – Dimas alang, Laon laan


MARCELO DEL PILAR – Plaridel, Dolores Manapat,

Piping Dilat

MARIANO PONCE – Tikbalang, Naning (Satanas),



1. EKSISTENSYAL – mayroong isa o higit pang tao

Halimbawa: Mayroon daw puno sa bakuran.

2. MODAL – nais/pwede/maari (Gusto ko matulog.)

3. PANLIPUNAN – pagbati, pagbigay galang atbp.

4. SAGOT LAMANG – “Talaga?”, “Oo”

5. SAMBITLA – masidhing damdamin (Aray!)

6. TEMPORAL – panandaliang kalagayan o panahon


1. PAYAK – iisang kaisipan

2. TAMBALAN – dalawang sugnay na ‘di makapag-iisa

3. HUGNAYAN – madalas nagsisimula sa kung, dahil sa

4. LANGKAPAN – mahabang pangungusap


1. PABULA (fable) – hayop

2. PARABULA (parable)– Bibliya

3. ANEKDOTA (anecdote) – tunay na buhay

4. MITOLOHIYA (myth) – diyos at diyosa (pinagmulan)


2. IMPERPEKTIBO – tumatakbo 3. KONTEMPLATIBO – tatakbo


1. LANTAY – walang pinaghahambingan

2. PAHAMBING ¬– inihahalintulad 3. PASUKDOL – nangingibabaw (H: pinakamataas)


1. PATULA (Moro-moro)

2. PASALAYSAY (Epiko, Awit, Korido)


1. DALIT/HIMNO – pagsamba sa anito o pang-relihiyon

2. DIONA – kasal

3. DUNG-AW – patay (pagdadalamhati)

4. KALUSAN – paggawa

5. KUMINTANG – tagumpay (pandigma)

6. KUNDIMAN – pag-ibig

7. OYAYI – pagpapatulog ng bata 8. SOLIRANIN – pagsasagwan 9. TALINDAW – pamamangka

PAGBABAGONG MORPONEMIKO 1. ASIMILASYON – Parsyal (pangsukli), Ganap (panukli)

2. MAY ANGKOP – wikain mo – “kamo”


- muntik – muntikan, pagmuntikan, pagmuntikanan

4. METATESIS – linipad – nilipad 5. PAGKAKALTAS NG PONEMO – takipan – takpan

6. PAGLILIPAT-DIIN – laRUan (playground) - laruAN (toy)

7. PAGPAPALIT NG PONEMA – madapat – marapat




Source: Oyotnas Zeñab Khar Rhen > LET Reviewer Online Philippines


Some Facts About Human Body


Number of bones - 206

Number of muscles - 639

Number of kidneys - 2

Number of milk teeth - 20

Number of ribs - 24 (12 pairs)

Number of chambers in the heart - 4

Largest artery - Aorta

Normal Blood pressure - 120 - 80

PH of blood - 7.4

Number of bones in New born body - 300

Number of vertebrae in the spine - 33

Number of vertebrae in the Neck - 7

Number of bones in Face - 14

Number of bones in Skull - 22

Number of bones in Chest - 25

Number of bones in Arms - 6

Number of bones in human foot - 33

Number of bones in each wrist - 8

Number of bones in hand - 27

Number of bones in each human ear - 3

Number of muscles in the human arm - 72

Largest organ - Skin

Largest gland - Liver

Smallest cell - Blood cell

Biggest cell - Egg cell (ovum)

Smallest bone - Stapes

First transplanted organ - Heart

Average length of small intestine - 7 m

Average length of large intestine - 1.5 m

Average weight of new born baby - 2.6 kg.

Pulse rate in one minute - 72 times

Body Temperature - 36.9o C (98.4o F)

Average blood volume - 4 - 5 liters

Average life of RBC - 120 days

Pregnancy period - 280 days

Largest endocrine gland - Thyroid

Largest lymphatic organ - Spleen

Largest cell - Nerve cell

Largest part of brain - Cerebrum

Largest & strongest bone - Femur

Smallest muscle - Stapedius (Middle ear )

Number of chromosomes in human cell - 46 (23pairs)

Largest muscle - Buttock (Gluteus Maximus)

⭐Philosophy - Is defined as the quest for truth based on logical reasoning aside from the factual

⭐Branches of Philosophy:



👉Axiology and


⭐Metaphysics - Deals with the nature of being and reality, essence truth, space, time, causation,
essence of God, and the origin and purpose of the universe

⭐Ontology - Deals with the meaning of existence and tries to resolve the question of whether existence
is identical with space, time, nature, spirit or God

⭐Subdivisions of Metaphysics: Cosmology, Teleology, Ontology

Advocates of Skepticism - Pyrrho and Rene Descartes

⭐Agnosticism - Is the doctrine that conclusive knowledge of ultimate reality is an outright impossibility
and claims that it is impossible for man to prove the existence of God

⭐Epistemology - Study of knowledge

⭐Cosmology - Explains and theorized on the origin and the nature of the universe including creationism
and evolutionism

⭐Agnosticism - Is the doctrine that conclusive knowledge of ultimate reality is an outright impossibility
and claims that it is impossible for man to prove the existence of God

⭐Posteriori - Advanced the idea that knowledge comes from experience

⭐Priori - Is the reasoning that knowledge comes from pure reason alone, and knowledge is independent
and comes from experience.

⭐Skepticism - Is the doctrine that any true knowledge is impossible and everything is open for doubt
⭐Subdivisions of Epistemology: Agnosticism, Skepticism, Posteriori, Priori

⭐Teleology - Explains the purpose in the universe

⭐Morality - Means the distinction between right and wrong

⭐Aesthetics - Is fundamentally concerned with beauty and standards or tests of values

⭐Logic - Is the science and art of correct thinking and correct reasoning

⭐Priori - Is the reasoning that knowledge comes from pure reason alone, and knowledge is independent
and comes from experience.

☯️Different areas of concern of Logic: Induction, Deduction, Syllogism, and Dialect

⭐Induction - Is reasoning that is done through the process of inferring a general law or principle from
the observation of particular instances to a general conclusion

⭐Axiology - Seeks to rationalize the questions like what is value and what are the values to be desired in
living and the likes

⭐Deductions - Is reasoning through a process that is from general principle to specific included within
the scope of that principle

☯️Subdivisions of Axiology: Ethics and Aesthetics

⭐Ethics - Is defined as the art and science that deals with the morality of human acts

⭐Syllogism - Is argumentation in which a conclusion is derived from two propositions called premises?

⭐Middle term - Is found in two premises and not in the conclusion

⭐Act of Man - Is an act that does not proceed from the deliberate free will of man is sometimes

⭐Major term - Is the predicate of conclusion found in major premise

⭐Dialect - Is a means of discovering the truth by proceeding from an assertion or thesis to a denial or
antithesis and finally reconciling the two into synthesis

☯️Types of Human Acts: Good, Evil, Indifferent

⭐Minor term - Is the subject of conclusion found in minor premise

⭐Human act - Is an act that proceeds from the deliberate free will of man

⭐Good - Is in harmony with the dictates of right reason

⭐Ignorance - is the absence of intellectual knowledge in man

⭐Evil - Is in opposition to the dictates of reason

⭐Concupiscence - Refers to the bodily appetites or tendencies like love, hatred, joy, grief, passion,
daring, fear and anger

Indifferent - Is when it stands in no positive relation to the dictates.

⭐Fear - Is shrinking back of the mind from danger

☯️Elements of Human Acts: Knowledge, Freedom, and Voluntariness

⭐Violence - Is an external force applied by a free cause, which impairs man’s free will

⭐Habit - Is born of frequently repeated acts

⭐Law - Is defined as an ordinance or reason promulgated for the common good by the one who is in
charge of the society

☯️Types of Law - According to author, according to duration, according to manner of promulgation of

physical, according to prescription and according to effect of violation

☯️Modifiers of Human Acts: Ignorance, Concupiscence, Fear, Violence, and Habit

⭐Conscience - Is a practical judgment of reason upon which an individual act is considered good, which
is to be performed or evil, which is to be avoided

⭐States of Conscience - Are correct or true certain, erroneous, and doubtful

⭐Values - Are anything that can be desired and something chosen from alternatives acted upon and
enhances creative integration and development of human personality

☯️Properties of Value: Relative, Subjective, Objective, Bipolar, and Hierarchal

⭐Relative - Is the subject to change, good for what and for whom
⭐Bipolar - Is good and bad such as beautiful-ugly

⭐Subjective - Is good for one but not for others

⭐Objective - Has an absolute character

⭐Hierarchal - Is scaled graduation and according to priority




● The ID, ego, and superego are three parts of the human personality. These three parts combine to
create the behavior of human beings.

★ The ID is based on our pleasure principle. We were born with it and it allows us to get our basic needs
met. The ID works to satisfy our basic urges, needs, and desires.

★ The SUPEREGO consists of two systems: the CONSCIENCE and it represents one’s idealized self-image.
The SUPEREGO’s criticism’s, prohibition’s, and inhibition’s form a persons CONSCIENCE.

★ The EGO is very organized and is the mediator between the SUPEREGO and the ID. The EGO Interacts
with the external world and responds to internal forces. The EGO is the “self” or “I” of any person.

● There are three ego states : the parent, the child, and the adult. THE KEY TO A HEALTHY PERSONALITY
IS A BALANCE BETWEEN THE ID, THE SUPEREGO, EGO. An imbalance between these three parts of the
human personality can result in maladaptive personality.

Share po ako ng BLESSINGS. Reviewer ko last September 2018. Good luck and God bless March 2019


PRC BR 435 – Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

PD 1006 – Decree Professionalizing Teachers

RA NO. 1425 – inclusion of the works of Jose Rizal

RA NO. 4670 – “Magna Carta for Public School Teacher”

RA 7722 – CHED

RA 7796 – “TESDA Act of 1994”

RA 7836 – Phil. Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994

RA 9155 – BEGA (Basic Educ.) or DepEd Law RA 9293 – Teachers Professionalization

Act RA 10533 – K-12

Law ACT NO. 2706 – “Private School Law” COMMONWEALTH ACT NO. 578 – “persons in authority”


(Balagtas,Mr29-Ap4) PROKLAMA BLG. 186 – Linggo ng Wika (Quezon,Ag13-19)

PROKLAMA BLG. 1041 – Buwan ng Wika (Ramos)


mRA 1079 – no limit of Civil Service eligibility

RA 6655 – “Free Public Secondary Educ. Act of 1988”

RA 6728 – “Act Providing Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education

RA 7277 – Magna Carta for PWD

RA 7610 – Anti-Child Abuse Law (Amendment: RA 9231)

RA 7743 – establishment of public libraries

RA 7877 – “Anti Sexual Harassment Act of 1995”

RA 7880 – “Fair and Equitable Access to Education Act”

RA 8049 – Anti-Hazing Law

RA 8187 – Paternity Act

RA 10627 – Anti-Bullying SB 1987 ART. 14 SEK. 6-9 – FILIPINO (National Language)



● John Locke 👉 was an English philosopher and physician "Father of Liberalism" ; to form character
(mental, physical, and moral) ; Education as Training of the mind/Formal discipline ; Notable ideas -
"Tabula rasa"

● Francis Bacon 👉 was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator and author. "Father of
scientific method" "Father of empiricism"

● Jean Jacques Rousseau 👉 was a Francophone Genevan philosopher, writer and composer of the 18th
century."Hollistic education"(physical,moral, intellectual)
Notable ideas - moral simplicity of humanity; child centered learning; Famous novel: "Emile" or On
Education; Human Development

● Edgar Dale 👉 was an American educator who developed the "Cone of Experience"

aka "Father of Modern Media in Education"

● Erik Erikson 👉 was a German-born American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for
his theory on "psychosocial development" of human beings.

● Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi 👉 was a swiss pedagogue and educational reformer who exemplified
Romanticism in his approach. "Social regeneration of humanity" Notable ideas: "Four-sphere concept of
life" his motto was " Learning by head, hand and heart"

● Friedrich Frobel 👉 was a German pedagogue a student of Pestalozzi who laid the "foundation of
modern education" based on the recognition that children have unique needs and capabilities. "Father
of kindergarten"

● Johann Herbart 👉 was a German philosopher, psychologist and founder of pedagogy as an academic
discipline. ;

● Edward Lee Thorndike 👉 was an American psychologist ; " Father of Modern educational psychology;
connectionism; law of effect. ; "Realize the fullest satisfaction of human wants"


● IDEALISM 👉 Plato (own ideas) nothing exist except in the mind of a man/ what we want the world to

● REALISM 👉 Aristotle;Herbart; Comenius; Pestalozzi; Montessori; Hobbes; Bacon; Locke

▶ (experience) fully mastery of knowledge

● BEHAVIORISM 👉 always guided by standards/by procedure; purpose is to modify the behavior

● EXISTENTIALISM 👉 Kierkegaard; Sartre; "Man shapes his being as he lives"

▶Focuses on self/individual

● PRAGMATISM/EXPERIMENTALISM 👉William James; John Dewey - learn from experiences through

interaction to the environment

▶Emphasizes the needs and interests of the children

● PERENNIALISM 👉 Robert Hutchins

▶focuses on unchanging/universal truths

● ESSENTIALISM 👉 William Bagley - teaching the basic/essential knowledge

▶ Focuses on basic skills and knowledge

● PROGRESSIVISM 👉 Dewey/Pestalozzi (process of development)

▶focuses on the whole child and the cultivation of individuality


▶Focused on how humans make meaning in relation to the interaction b/w their experiences and their
ideas. Nature of knowledge w/c represents an epistemological stance.

● SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTIONISM 👉 George Counts - recognized that education was the means of
preparing people for creating his new social order

▶highlights social reform as the aim of education

➡ ACCULTURATION - learning other culture; the passing of customs, beliefs and tradition through
interaction and reading.

➡ ENCULTURATION - the passing of group's custom, beliefs and traditions from one generation to the
next generation

➡ Convergent questions - are those that typically have one correct answer.

➡ Divergent questions - also called open-ended questions are used to encourage many answers and
generate greater participation of students. Higher order thinking skills; to think more creatively.

➡ 90 days - enrolled bills becomes a law

➡ 30 days - "lapse"


● Psychosexual Theory/Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud

● Psychosocial Theory - Erik Erikson's Theory of Personality

● Ecological Theory - Eric Brofenbrenner's Theory of Development

● Sociohistoric Cognitive Linguistic Theory - Lev Semanovich Vygotsky

● Cognitive Development - Jean Piaget; John Dewey; Jerome Brunner

● Phenomenology - Abraham Maslow; Carl Rogers; Louis Raths

● Behaviorism - Edward Thorndike; Ivan Pavlov; Burrhus Frederick Skinner

● Moral Development - Lawrence Kohlberg

● Ivan Pavlov - classical conditioning

● Edward Thorndike - connectionism

● B.F. Skinner - operant conditioning & reinforcement

● Albert Bandura - "bobo doll" experiment; modelling; self eficacy

● David Ausubel - Meaningful Reception Theory

● Jerome Bruner - Discovery Learning Theory/Inquiry method

● Wolfgang Kohler's - Insight Learning Problem

● Richard Atkinson & Richard Shiffrin's - Information Processing Theory

● Robert Gagne's - Cumulative Learning Theory

● Howard Gardner - Multiple Intelligence

● Kurt Lewin's - Field Theory/ his concept of life space

● Brofenbrenner's - Ecological System Theory

● Lev Vygotsky - Social Constructivism; Zond of Proximal Development (ZPD) * gap b/w actual and
potential development

● Hilda Taba - Grassroots Approach

● Max Wertheimer - Gestalt Psychology

● Wilhelm Wundt - "Father of Modern Psychology"

● William James - wrote the "Principles of psychology"/ consciousness

● hypothalamus - brain's stress center

● Abraham Maslow - physiological needs; "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" ; safety&security; love &
belongingness; self-esteem; self-actualization

● John B. Watson - (behaviorist approach) an American psychologist who established the psychological
school of behaviorism.


● Metaphor - is a comparison made b/w things w/c are essentially not alike.

Ex: "Nobody invites Edward to parties because He is a wet blanket"

● Simile - is like a metaphor and often uses the words "like" or "as"

Ex: "Jamie runs as fast as the wind"

● Personification - when something that is not human is given human-like qualities, this is known as

Ex: " The leaves danced in the wind on the cold October afternoon"

● Hyperbole - exaggerating, often in a humorous way to make a particular point is known as hyperbole.

Ex: "My eyes widened at the sight of the mile-high ice cream cones we we're having for dessert"

● Onomatopoeia - when you name an action by imitating the sound associated with it.
Ex: "The bees buzz angrily when their hive is disturbed"

● Idiom - an idiom is an expression used by a particular group of people with a meaning that is only
known through common use.

Ex: "I'm just waiting for him to kick the bucket."

● Synecdoche - a synecdoche is a figure of speech using a word/words that are a part to represent a

Ex: referring to credit cards as "plastic" is a synecdoche

● Assonance - when you repeat a vowel sound in a phrase, it is an assonance.

Ex: "It's true, I do like Sue."

● Metonymy - a metonymy is a figure of speech where one thing is replaced w/a word that is closely
associated with it such as using "Washington" to refer to the United States


● RA #⃣7836 - Philippine Teacher Professionalization Act of 1994

● RA #⃣7796 - TESDA Act of 1994

● Article XIV 1987 Philippine Constitution (Educ.Sci & Tech,Arts,Culture& Sports) 👉this is the very
fundamental legal basis of education in thr philippines.

● Education Act of 1982 (Batas Pambansa 232, Sept 11,1982) 👉an Act providing for the Establishment &
Maintenance of an Integrated System of Education

● RA #⃣4670 - Magna Carta for Public School Teachers (June 18,1966)

● RA #⃣6713 - Code of Conduct & Ethical Standards For Public Officials and Employees

● RA #⃣7877 - Anti-sexual Harrassment Act of 1995

● RA #⃣9155 - Decentralization; Legal basis of Shared Governance in Basic Education

● RA #⃣7784 - Establishment of Center of Excellence

● K-12 Curriculum - Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum

● RA #⃣90210 - "An Act to Integrate Information Teachnology into the Public Elementary & Secondary
Curricula & Appropriating funds

● RA #⃣10121 - DRMM approval headed by OCO office of Civil defense May 2010


● Folklore - traditionally derived and orally transmitted literature

● Folktales - reflect the people's beliefs handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth
● Epilogue - conclusion or final part of non-dramatic literary work

● Genre - distinctive type of literary composition such as epic, tragedy, comedy & novel

● "Quo Vadis" - means "where are you going"

● hieroglyphics - oldest forn of egyptian writing

● Allegory - narrative whose meaning is beneath the surface

● Elegy - a meditated poem of grief

● Sonnet - verse w/14 iambic pentameter lines

● Epic - long poem w/c depicts the adventure of a great hero who reveals his country's aspirations;
narrates heroic deeds and supernatural happenings w/local actor in w/c people sing/chant

● Soliloquy - speech made by a person who reveals his thoughts

● Manuel Arcilla - "How my brother Leon brought home a wife"

● Washington Irving - "The Legend of a Sleepy Hollow"

● Fall of the house of usher - hypochondriac living in morbid fear

● Cyrano de Bergerac - poet & soldier noted for his Peculiar nose

● "The Illiad of Homer" - great epic poem whose plot centers around the anger & wrath of Achilles
against agamemnon

● "The Bells" - "If eyes are made for seeing, then beauty is its own excuse for being"

● Cacophony - literary term w/c means harsh & discordant sounds introduced for poetic effect

● George Bernard Shaw - know for his excellence of characterization, swiftness of narrative & clarity of

● Edgar Allan Poe - greatest American writer of horror and detective stories

● Rabindranath Tagore - best known for his collection of poems called Gitanjali/song offerings

● Robert Frost - ranked as one of the best modern American poets.

● Geoffrey Chaucer - Morning Star of English Literature

● Mark Twain - "Samuel Clemens"

● Harriet Stowe - "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

● Charles Darwin - Origin of species

● Lazlo Biro - invented the ball point pen

● Harry Potter - epic kind of story

Emulate 〰 imitate

Vouchsafe 〰 grant

Abeyance 〰 suspended

Denigrate 〰 malign

Furtive 〰 sneaky

Remonstrate 〰protest

Corroborate 〰confirm

Gullible〰easily deceived








Stupefy〰make numb








Ostracized 〰excluded


Cacophonous〰loud and unpleasant



Candor 〰honesty
Contemptuous 〰 scornful

Feeble 〰 weak

Inevitable 〰 certain


● Ang panubong - handog sa dalagang may kaarawan (koronang bulaklak)

● Florante at Laura - (awit) "katiwalian ng mga kastila"

● Jose dela Cruz - tungkod ng tulang tagalog

● Noli Me Tangere - (Rizal) suliraning panlipunan ng bayan

● "Doktrina Kristiyana" - Fr. Domingo de Nieva 👉 unang aklat na nalimbag sa pilipinas

● Severino Reyes - Ama ng dulaang tagalog

● Juan Luna - La Spolarium

● "Alim" - pinakamatandang epiko ng pilipinas

● Jose Palma - naglikha ng "Himno Nacional Filipino"

● Liwayway - nabigyan ng pagpapahalaga ang sariling wika

● Lope K.Santos - "Ama ng balarila ng pilipino"

● Andres Bonifacio - "anak bayan"

● Pupdok/Kinting kulirat - hindi kailanman ginamit ni Marcelo del Pilar

● Teodoro Agoncillo - isang kilalang manunulat ng kasaysayan

● Manuel Quezon - Ama ng Wikang Pambansa

● Constancio de Guzman - lumikha ng awit na "Ang Bayan Ko"

● Pascual Poblete - Ama ng pahayagang tagalog


🚫 Do not change your answers. UNLESS you are very uncertain about your first answer. Kung sure na
sure kayo na nabasa nyo o nareview tlga ung tanong na un why not baguhin nyo pero sabi ng

🚫 Make the most intelligent guess you can kung di nyo tlga alam ung tanong.

🚫 Find KEY WORDS or phrases in the question that will help you choose the correct answer.

🚫Make sure you understand what the question is asking.

🚫Watch out for these words: (first,primary,initial,early,best,most/least,most important,priority,except)

⛔LONG TIME PREPARATION - need po paghandaan ang board exam, malayo pa magreview na or
magbasa basa ng notebooks or mga xerox noong college, kung super bc yung simpleng pagbasa ng 1-2
pages sa isang araw makakatulong un :)

⛔REVIEW CENTERS(RECOMMENDED) - kung kaya nmn ng budget nyo maghanap kayo ng reviewcenter
sa lugar nyo kasi iba din po ung weekly may nagtuturo, at merong handouts silang bnibigay na
makakatulong sa pagrereview ninyo. Meron rn libreng mga reviewcenter na pinapatupad ng gobyerno
sa ibang lugar tulad dto samin maging resourceful po kayo. Kung di kaya ng budget ok lang naman mag
self review 😁

⛔BE RESOURCEFUL(WAG MAHIHIYANG MAGHANAP) - maghanap kayo ng maraming reviewers , books,

or mga xerox copies sa mga kakilala wag mahihiyang maghanap 😀 Mas maraming mababasa, mas
marami matututunan nyo malaki pa chance mo makapasa kasi mrami ka alam.😉


Wag kalimutan magdasal dahil lagi nanjan ang Diyos para satin, wag sabihin sakanya na sana makapasa
kayo , but instead " Bigyan nyo po ako ng linaw ng pag iisip upang maunawaan ko lahat ng tanong sa
exam upang makuha ko ang tamang sagot at matapos ko ito sa takdang oras"


wag kayo mawalan ng pag asa lalo na sa repeaters tandaan nyo lang po to

" WINNERS NEVER QUIT, AND QUITTERS NEVER WIN" kailangan lakasan nyo loob nyo mahal tayo ng
Diyos hndi nya tayo papabayaan


wag pabayaan ang sarili, kung hndi kakain sa tamang oras, balewala ung pag aaral ninyo, kumain muna
bago mag aral at matulog ng maaga, Kumain lagi ng maraming prutas at gulay esp nuts and dark
chocolate recommended ko yan pampatalas ng isip.

PS: IWASAN ang junk foods nakakatuyo po ng utak yun hndi kayo makakafocus mag aral

⛔MAGREVIEW NG MAGREVIEW NG MAGREVIEW - wag po susuko, may awa ang Diyos basta mag effort

" PAG MAY TYAGA MAY NILAGA" Pag desidido at matyaga kayo, makakaya nyo yan, lahat naman ng
bagay dinadaan sa TIYAGA , right po? Para hndi maistress, relax lang chill lang ienjoy nyo lang ang

IT TAKES A LOT OF EFFORT, PERSEVERANCE and TIME. Lagi natin isipin na kaya natin.

✔ANOTHER TIPS PO TO BUT THIS IS EXCEPTIONAL Depende sainyo kung gagawin nyo to or hndi pero
ako ginawa ko to lahat naniniwala kasi kami sa pamahiin. Wala naman mawawala kung gagawin right ?

💒GO TO CHURCH🚶†(few days before exam)

Una, few days before the exam , dalhin lahat ng gagamitin sa exam like pencils,envelopes,calculators etc
sa church at after ng mass ipabless o pababasbasan sa pari ung mga gagamitin sa exam day (for catholics
only po to)

❌ BAWAL MAGPAGUPIT NG BUHOK ✂(few months before exam)

Wag mag gupit or wag magpagupit ng buhok girls/boys habang naghhntay ng big day until examination
day why? Kasi mawawala daw ung mga pinag aralan mo kasi connected daw po un sa utak pero after
exam day pde na magpagupit :)

🎒WEAR SOMETHING RED (during exam day)

Pdeng red ponytail, red na panyo, red bracelet, socks, basta anthing na kulay red, lucky color daw po
kasi ang red and fighting color rin ang red 🎈🍎🍅🍉🍓🍒🚩🐞💄💘


Bago ka maghanap ng seat # Kanan na paa daw po unang ihahakbang papasok sa mismong room kung
saan ka mag eexam. At pagkapasok mo sa room upuan mo agad ung mismong upuan mo after makita
ung seat # mo

🏫 (During examination day) Bring 2 pencils (para hndi hassle putulin na ung isa sa bahay bago exam day)
Bago lumabas ng room, icheck lahat ng gamit kung nsa bag na then after mo maipasa answer sheet,
idonate sa watcher ung ginamit mong lapis,(ung hndi putol ang idonate)ruler,eraser etc

⚠ tapos sipain ng mahina ung mismong inupuan mo pag exam sabay labas ng room diretso palabas ng
campus Wag ng tumigin ulit pabalik sa room na pinag examan mo, why? Para hndi ka na daw bumalik
ulit sa rum na yun kasi papasa kna.

✏tapos ung isang extrang lapis na putol na, itapon mo naman sa madadaanan na trashcan sa loob ng

💰During exam day, wag kalimutan magdasal syempre bago magsagot then maglagay ng coin/s sa right
pocket and rosary (for catholics) naman sa kaliwang part pampaswerte daw po yun.


Credits to Miss Suson 💓💓

LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

2018 Professional Education Reviewer Part 10: 50 Questions with Answer

1. Which statement on IQ and EQ is correct?

a. EQ has a greater contribution to performance than IQ

b. IQ has a greater contribution to performance than EQ

c. Blending of both IQ and EQ can make a difference in performance

d. The contribution of IQ and EQ to performance is dependent on factors like age and gender

Ans: c

2. Teacher Nikko helped his students recall that stalagmites grow on the “ground” while stalactites grow
on the “ceiling” of a cave by associating “G” in stalaGmites with ground and “C” in stalaCtites with
ceiling. What did Teacher Nikko make use of it?

a. Visual aid

b. Mnemonic device

c. Audio-visual aid

d. Meaning-maker device

Ans: b

3. “Makabayan” as a subject in the re-structured Basic Education Curriculum is the “laboratory for life.”
What does this mean? It is in this subject where the learner ____________.

a. Will be taught the Filipino strengths and weaknesses

b. Will demonstrate practical knowledge and skills gained in the other subjects

c. Will be taught the true concept of being “pagkamakabayan”

d. The biographies of heroes who are “makabayan” will be taught

Ans: b
4. In the faculty room everyone is talking about a teacher who is torturing for a fee from her own pupil
who is vying for honors. What is the professional thing for the other teachers to do?

a. Talk to the parents of the tutee. Tell them what teachers doing is unprofessional

b. Leave her alone, she might accuse you of meddling in her personal life

c. Correct her and remind her torturing one’s own pupil for a fee is unethical

d. As a group, report her to the principal

Ans: c

5. When Teacher Demi presents a set of data then asks the students to enter a conclusion,
generalization or a pattern of relationship which method does she use?

a. Process approach

b. Type method

c. Unit method

d. Inductive inquiry method

Ans: c

6. Which individualized teaching method makes use of workbooks, teaching machines or computers?

a. Project method

b. Unit method

c. Programmed instruction

d. Inductive inquiry method

Ans: c
7. I want to elicit more student responses. Which one should I avoid?

a. Creating an evaluative atmosphere

b. Using covert responses

c. Prompting to covert wrong answers to correct ones

d. Giving non-threatening comments

Ans: a

8. For practice to be effective, which guideline should bear in mind? Practice should _______.

a. Be done in an evaluative atmosphere

b. Be arranged to allow students to receive feedback

c. Take place over a long period of time

d. Be difficult enough for students to remember and learn

Ans: b

9. Which of the following is a practice in progressive education?

a. Open classroom

b. Study of classics

c. Academic orientation

d. Cognitive education

Ans: a

10. The workers’ rights to form unions or to strike can be suppressed in times of national emergency. On
what norm is this based?
a. Higher law, inalienable rights before alienable

b. Wider social order, the society before the individual

c. Clearer title, the certain before the title

d. Nobler person, God before man

Ans: b

11. Which skills should be taught if Teacher Joey wants to equip his students with the skill to organize
information gathered?

a. Note-taking, outlining, using the library

b. Outlining, summarizing, using the card catalogue

c. Note-taking, outlining, summarizing

d. Summarizing, note taking using the library

Ans: c

12. Annual medical checkup required of teachers is done in the interest of:

a. Filipino medical doctors

b. Parents

c. The state and of every teacher

d. School administration

Ans: c

13. In a study conducted, the pupils were asked which nationality they preferred if given a choice.
Majority of the pupils wanted to be an American. In this case, in which obligation relative to the state
are schools seemed to be failing? In their obligation to:
a. Respect for all duly constituted authorities

b. Instill allegiance to the Constitution

c. Promote obedience to the laws of the state

d. Promote national pride

Ans: d

14. To be an effective classroom manager, teachers must be friendly but at the same time be:

a. Buddy-buddy

b. Rigid

c. Business-like

d. Highly demanding

Ans: c

15. Which of the following field of Social Sciences below is more connected with the study of social
traditions and cultures?

a. Theology

b. Psychology

c. Sociology

d. Anthropology

Ans: c

16. When an individual or group adapts the culture of others, practice them and become habitual, this
a. Culture change c. Culture shock

b. Culture lag d. Culture difference

Ans: a

17. Which appropriate teaching practice flows this research finding on the brain: “The brain’s emotional
center is tied into its ability to learn.”

a. Tell the students to participate in class activities or else won’t receive plus points

b. Create a learning environment that encourages students to explore their feelings and ideas

c. Come up with highly competitive games where winners will feel happy

d. Establish the disciple of being judgmental in attitude

Ans: b

18. Which statement holds true to grades? Grades _________.

a. are exact measure of IQ and achievement

b. are a measure of achievement

c. are necessarily a measure of students’ IQ

d. are intrinsic motivation for learning

Ans: b

19. Which practice does not fit in a classroom that recognizes individual differences?

a. Uniform requirements

b. Sharing from multiple perspective

c. Accommodating student’s learning styles

d. Various modes of assessing learning

Ans: a

20. Teacher Benny says: “If it is billiard that brings students out of the classroom, let us bring it into the
classroom. Perhaps, I can use it to teach Math.” To which philosophy does Teacher Benny adhere?

a. Progressivism c. Essentialism

b. Existentialism d. Reconstructionism

Ans: b

21. “The greatest happiness lies in the contemplative use of the mind”, said Plato. Therefore, let us give
more opportunities for our students to do __________.

a. Social interaction c. Role playing

b. Introspection d. Cooperative learning

Ans: b

22. Why is it sound to encourage students to define terms in their own words? Because ____________.

a. Defining the terms in their own words helps them memorize the definition faster

b. Students remember information better when they mentally process in some way

c. They ought to connect the terms that they learn with other terms

d. This is one opportunity to brush up with other terms

Ans: b
23. Pavlov is to classical conditioning as ______ is to operant conditioning.

a. A. Bandura c. J. Watson

b. J. Holt d. B.F. Skinner

Ans: d

24. You arrange the rows of blocks in such a way that a row of 5 blocks is longer than a row of 7 blocks.
If you ask which row has more, Grade 1 pupils will likely say that it is the row that makes the longer line.
Based on Piaget’s cognitive development theory, what problem is illustrated?

a. Conservation problem

b. Assimilation problem

c. Egocentrism problem

d. Accommodation problem

Ans: a

25. Were teachers in the Philippines required of a professional license since the establishment of the
Philippine educational system?

a. No, but the equivalent of a license required was a certificate in teaching

b. Yes, it was required since the Americans established the educational system

c. No, it was only with the effectivity of R.A. 7836 that professional license was required

d. Yes, except for the Thomasites

Ans: c
26. The increase in the number of school children left by OFW parents intensifies the teacher role as

a. Student’s friends

b. Guidance counselors

c. Facilitator of learning

d. Substitute parents

Ans: d

27. As a teacher, you are a rationalist. Which among these will be your guiding principle?

a. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven

b. I must teach the child to develop his mental powers to the fullest

c. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything

d. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill and value that needs for a better future

Ans: b

28. A teacher put together the output of her colleagues in one workshop and published it with her name
as author. Which is unprofessional about the teacher’s behavior?

a. Failing to correct what appears to be unprofessional conduct

b. Giving due credit to others of their work

c. Not giving due credit to others for their work

d. Holding inviolate all confidential information concerning associates

Ans: c
29. In what way can teachers uphold the highest possible standards of the teaching profession?

a. By pointing out the advantages of joining the teaching profession

b. By good grooming to change people’s perception of teacher

c. By continuously improving themselves personally and professionally

d. None of the above

Ans: c

30. To reach out to clientele who cannot be in the classroom for one reason or another, which of the
following was established?

a. Special education (SPED)

b. Informal education

c. Alternative learning delivery system

d. Pre-school education

Ans: c

31. Teacher Neil discovered that his pupils are weak in comprehension. To further determine in which
particular skills his pupils are weak; which test should Teacher Neil give?

a. Standard Test c. Diagnostic Test

b. Placement Test d. Aptitude Test

Ans: c

32. In the context of multiple intelligences, which one is the weakness of the paper-pencil test?
a. It put non-linguistically intelligent pupils at a disadvantage

b. It requires paper and printing and is so expensive

c. It utilizes so much time

d. It lacks reliability

Ans: a

33. Out of 3 distracters in a multiple choice test item, namely X, Y and Z, no pupil chose Z as an answer.
This implies that Z is ________.

a. An effective distracter

b. A plausible distracter

c. A vague distracter

d. An ineffective distracter

Ans: d

34. The Thematic Appreciation Test is an example of a (an) __________.

a. Self-report technique

b. Projective technique

c. Interest inventory

d. Socio-metric technique

Ans: b

35. The following are features of the Restructure Basic Education Curriculum, except:

a. Increased time for tasks to gain mastery of competencies

b. Interdisciplinary modes of teaching

c. Greater emphasis on content, less on the learning process

d. Stronger integration of competencies and values, across the learning area

Ans: c

36. The free public elementary and secondary education in the country is in the line with the
government effort to address educational problems of _______.

a. access and equity

b. relevance and quality

c. effectiveness and efficiency

d. productivity

Ans: a

37. The task of setting up routine activities for effective classroom management as a task that a teacher
should undertake ______.

a. on the very first day of school

b. every day at the start of the session

c. every homeroom day

d. as soon as the students have adjusted on their schedule

Ans: a

38. Teacher Honey uses direct instruction strategy. Which will she first do?

a. Independent practice
b. Guided student practice

c. Review the previous day’s work

d. Presenting and structuring

Ans: c

39. Teacher Janice observes cleanliness and order in her classroom to create a conductive atmosphere
for learning. On which theory is her practice based?

a. Behaviorism

b. Psychoanalysis

c. Gestalt psychology

d. Humanistic psychology

Ans: a

40. Which activity is meant for kinesthetically intelligent pupils?

a. Independent study

b. Individualized study

c. Pantomime

d. Cooperative learning

Ans: c

41. With which will the existentialist agree? The school is a place where individuals _____.

a. Listen and accept what the teacher say

b. Can meet to pursue dialogue and discussion about their lives and choices
c. Can observe by using their senses to the maximum

d. Can reflect on ideas

Ans: b

42. Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an instructional objective on working with and
relating to people?

a. Writing articles on working and relating to people

b. Organizing a community project

c. Home visitation

d. Conducting mock election

Ans: b

43. Which physical arrangement of chairs contributes to effective classroom management?

a. Sticks to the traditional chair arrangement in the classroom

b. Distinguishes teacher from students

c. Makes it easier to clean the room

d. Enhances classroom interaction

Ans: d

44. Each teacher said to be a trustee of cultural and educational heritage of the nation and under
obligation to transmit to learners such heritage. Which practice makes him fulfill such obligation?

a. Use of the latest instructional technology

b. Study of the life of Filipino heroes

c. Use of interactive teaching strategies

d. Observing continuing professional education

Ans: b

45. Writing an original essay is an example of which level of objective in the cognitive domain?

a. Evaluation c. Analysis

b. Synthesis d. Application

Ans: d

46. Which terms refers to a teacher helping a colleague grow professionally?

a. Technology transfer

b. Independent study

c. Facilitating

d. Peer mentoring

Ans: d

47. Which terms refers to the collection of student’s products and accomplishments for a period for
evaluation purposes?

a. Anecdotal record c. Diary

b. Observation report d. Portfolio

Ans: d

48. To develop reasoning and speaking ability, which should I use?

a. Debate c. Experiment

b. Storytelling d. Role-playing

Ans: a

49. Under which type of guidance service does the concern of schools to put students into their most
appropriate courses fall?

a. Individual inventory service

b. Research service

c. Placement service

d. Information service

Ans: c

50. After having been humiliated by his teacher, a student evaluates that teacher very poorly, despite
teacher’s excellent performance. Which trait is illustrated by the student’s behavior?

a. Particularism c. Personalism

b. Rationalism d. Impersonalism

Ans: c


LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

1. Research on Piagetian tasks indicates that thinking becomes more logical and abstract as children
reach the formal operation stage. What is an educational implication of this finding?
a. Engage children in analogical reasoning as early as preschool to train them for higher order thinking
skills (HOTS)

b. Learners who are not capable of logical reasoning from ages 8 to 11 lag behind in their cognitive

c. Let children be children

d. Expect hypothetical reasoning for learners between 12 to 15 years of age

Ans: d

2. Research says: “People tend to attribute their successes to internal causes and their failures to
external causes.” Based on this finding, what should be taught to students for them to be genuinely
motivated to succeed?

a. Tell them the research finding when applied will make them genuinely motivated

b. Convince them that genuine motivation is the only factor that matters for a person to succeed

c. Make them realize that failure is a part of life

d. Make them realize that both success and failure are more a function of internal causes

Ans: c

3. Which characterize/s a learning environment that promotes fairness among learners of various
cultures, family background and gender?

I. Inclusive III. Gender-sensitive

II. Exclusive

a. I only c. I and III

b. III only d. II and III

Ans: c
4. Which of the following steps should be completed first in planning an achievement test?

a. Define the instructional objective

b. Set up a table of specialization

c. Select the types of test items to use

d. Decide on the length of the test

Ans: a

5. The computed r for scores in Math and Science is 0.92. What does this mean?

a. Math score is positive related to Science score

b. The higher the Math score, the lower the Science score

c. Math score is not in any way related to Science score

d. Science score is slightly related to Math score

Ans: a

6. Which types of test is most appropriate if Teacher Yanny wants to measure student’s ability to
organize thoughts and ideas?

a. Short answer type of test

b. Extended response essay

c. Modified alternative response

d. Limited response essay

Ans: b

7. If I want to hone my student’s meta-cognitive ability, which is most fit?

a. Drill c. Brainstorming

b. Debate d. Journaling

Ans: d

8. I want to test student’s synthesizing skills. Which has the highest diagnostic value?

a. Multiple choice test

b. Performance test

c. Essay test

d. Completion test

9. Here is a test item:

Why is this test item poor?

I. The test item does not pose a problem to the examinee

II. There are variety of possible correct answer to this item

III. The language used in the question is not precise

IV. The blank is near the beginning of a sentence

a. I and III c. I and IV

b. II and IV d. I and II

Ans: b

10. Joanne’s score is within x±1 SD. To which of the following groups does she belong?

a. Below average

b. Average
c. Needs Improvement

d. Above average

Ans: b

11. Here is a test item:

What makes the multiple choice type of test poor?

a. The options are not grammatically connected to the stem

b. The stem fails to present a problem

c. There are grammatical clues

d. The options are not parallel

Ans: b

12. If Teacher Betty wants to measure her students’ ability to discriminate, which of these is an
appropriate type of test item as implied by the direction?

a. “Outline the Chapter on The Cell.”

b. “Summarize the lesson yesterday.”

c. “Group the following items according to shape.”

d. “State a set of principle that can explain the following events.”

Ans: c

13. A test item has a difficult index of 0.89 and a discrimination index of 0.44. What should the teacher

a. Reject the item

b. Revise the item

c. Make it a bonus item

d. Make it a bonus item and reject it

Ans: b

14. Which form of assessment is consistent with the saying “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.”

a. Contrived c. Traditional

b. Authentic d. Indirect

Ans: b

15. Here is a test item:

What is WRONG with this item?

a. Item is overly specific

b. Content is trivial

c. Test item is option-based

d. There is a cue to the right answer

Ans: b

16. A student’s score were as follows: 82, 83, 84, 86, 88, 84, 83, 85. The score 84 is the:

a. Mode c. Median

b. Average d. Mean
Ans: c

17. Which text form would you choose if you want to have a valid and reliable test based on the table

Test Form Validity Index Reliability Index

A .47 .68

B .87 .57

C .20 .86

D .40 .41

E .63 .07

a. A only c. A and D

b. B only d. B and E

Ans: b

18. A mathematician’s test was given to all Grade V pupils to determine the contestants for the Math
Quiz Bee. Which statistical measure should be used to identify the top 15?

a. Mean percentage score

b. Quartile Deviation

c. Percentile Rank

d. Percentage Score

Ans: d

19. Use the inbox below to answer the question that follows:

Percentage Grades for Final Examination

40 70 80 90 100

Which of the following statement is true about the plot of grades above?

a. The median is a score of 80 and the range is 60

b. The median is a score of 70 and the range is 60

c. The median is a score of 80 and the range is 20

d. The median is a score of 70 and the range is 20

Ans: c

20. Which can be said of Nina who obtained a score of 75 out of 100 items in a Grammar objective test?

a. She performed better than 25% of her classmates

b. She answered 75 items in the test correctly

c. Her rating is 75

d. She answered 75% of the test items correctly

Ans: b

21. The criterion of success in Teacher Butch’s objective is that “the pupils must be able to spell 90% of
the words correctly”. Student Dave and 24 others in the class spelled only 40 out of 50 words correctly
while the rest scored 45 and above. This means that Teacher Butch _____________.

a. attained his lesson objective

b. failed to attain his lesson objective as far as the 25 pupils are concerned

c. did not attain his lesson objective because of the pupils’ lack of attention

d. attained his lesson objective because of his effective spelling drill

Ans: b
22. Which of these can measure awareness of values?

a. Sociogram

b. Moral dilemmas

c. Projective techniques

d. Rating scales

Ans: b

23. Marking on a normative basis means that:

a. the normal distribution curve should be followed

b. some should fall

c. some get high marks

d. the grading is based on a present criteria

Ans: a

24. Which process enhances the comparability of grades?

a. Using a table specifications

b. Determining the level of difficulty of the tests

c. Giving more HOTS (higher order thinking skills)

d. Constructing departmentalized exams for each subject area.

Ans: d
25. If the scores of your test follow a negatively skewed score distribution, what should you do? Find out

a. why your items were easy

b. why most of the scores are high

c. why most of the scores are low

d. why some pupils scored high

Ans: b

26. Principal Gemma is talking about “grading on the curve” in a faculty meeting. What does this
expression refers to?

a. A student’s mark compares his achievement to his effort

b. A student’s grade or mark depends on how his achievement compares with the achievement of other
students in a class

c. A student’s grade determines whether or not a student attains a defined standard of achievement

d. A student’s mark tells how closely he is achieving to his potential

Ans: b

27. Which tests determine whether students accept responsibility for their own behavior or pass on
responsibility for their own behavior to other people?

a. Locus-of-control tests

b. Thematic tests

c. Stylistic test

d. Sentence-completion tests

Ans: a
28. Which of the following is a weakness of self-supporting personality checklists?

a. Many personality measures have built-in lie scales

b. They lack stability

c. They may not get true information because individuals can hide or disguise feelings

d. They have poor internal consistency

Ans: c

29. Which response/s come/s from a behaviorist?

a. #2 and #4 c. #3 and #4

b. #1 and #2 d. #1 and #3

Ans: d

30. On which educational philosophy is response #1 anchored?

a. Existentialism c. Progressivism

b. Essentialism d. Bahaviorism

Ans: d

31. If you leaned toward a progressivist philosophy, with which response would you agree?

a. #2 b. #3 c. #4 d. #1

Ans: c
32. Teacher Wilson wants his students to master the concept of social justice. Which series of activities
will be most effective?

a. Pretest-teaching-posttest

b. Pretest-teaching-posttest-re-teaching for unlearned concepts-posttest

c. Review-pretest-teaching-posttest

d. Teaching-posttest

Ans: b

33. Teacher Raymund likes to show how the launching of spaceships takes place. Which of the following
materials available is most fit?

a. Model b. Mock-up c. Replica d. Realia

Ans: b

34. Teacher June likes to concretize the abstract concepts of an atom. He came up with a concrete
presentation of the atom by using wire and plastic balls. How would you classify Teacher June’s visual

a. Chart b. Replica c. Model d. Realia

Ans: c

35. The class was asked to share their insights about the poem. The ability to come up with an insight
stems from the ability to:

a. analyze the parts of a whole

b. evaluate the worthiness of a thing

c. relate and organize things and ideas

d. comprehend the subject that is being studied

Ans: d

36. To ask the class any insight derived from the poem is based on the theory of:

a. Realism c. Conditioning

b. Behaviorism d. Constructivism

Ans: d

37. On which assumption about the learner is Mr. Sales’s act of asking the class to share their insight

a. Learners are like empty receptacles waiting to be filled up

b. Learners are meant to interact with one another

c. Learners have multiple intelligence and varied learning styles

d. Learners are producers of knowledge not only passive recipients of information

Ans: d

38. On which assumption/s is the principal’s action anchored?

I. Students learn by personally constructing meaning of what is taught

II. Students construct and reconstruct meaning based on experiences

III. Students derive meaning from the meaning that the teacher gives

a. II only c. I, II and III

b. I and II d. I only

Ans: b

39. Which materials will her teachers least prefers?

a. Controversial issues

b. Open-ended topics

c. Unquestionable laws

d. Problem or cases

Ans: c

40. Which concept/s of the learner will Principal Evelyn not accept?

I. “Empty vesse!”

II. “Tabula rasa”

III. Candle to be lighted

a. III only c. II only

b. I only d. I and II

41. How can you make the items homogeneous?

a. Increase the number of items in Column B

b. All items should be on polygons

c. Remove the word triangle in items #1 and #2 in column A

d. The word “gon” must be included in column B

Ans: b
42. What is the main defect of this matching test?

a. The matching type is an imperfect type

b. The items are NOT homogeneous

c. The items quite easy

d. An obvious pattern is followed in the answering

Ans: b

43. Which should be done to improve the matching type of test?

a. Capitalize the items in Column A

b. Items in Column A and B should be exchanged

c. Drop #6 item in Column A

d. The item in Column A should be increased

Ans: c

44. Which of this/these is/are essential in constructing a scoring rubric?

I. Description of criteria to serve as standard

II. Clear descriptions of performance at each level

III. Levels of achievement (mastery)

IV. Rating scheme

a. I, II and III c. I, II, III and IV

b. I and II d. I only

Ans: c
45. Which statement is true of the rubric?

a. It is developmental

b. It is analytical

c. It is both holistic and developmental

d. It is holistic

Ans: c

46. Which is true of the scoring rubric?

I. It describes criteria of levels of achievement

II. It has a rating scheme

III. It limit itself to 4 levels of achievement

a. I and II c. II and III

b. I and III d. I, II and III

Ans: a

47. Which guidelines should you follow for behavior modification to be effective?

a. Subject yourself to group pressure

b. Work on several behaviors at the time for a significant change

c. Never use negative reinforcement

d. Work on one behavior at a time

Ans: d
48. In which phases/s of change, according to Kurt Lewin, do you feel the pain?

a. Transition c. Refreezing

b. Unfreezing d. Transition and freezing

Ans: a

49. In the writing of performance objectives for mastery learning, what is an acceptable standard of
performance called?

a. Behavior c. SMART

b. Condition d. Criterion measure

Ans: d

50. Why learning activities should be carefully planned?

a. The ability of the teacher to plan is tested

b. This is expected by pupils

c. The accomplishment of objectives is dependent on the plan

d. This is required of a teacher

Ans: c

LET EXAM - Questions & Answers

1. With a death threat over her head, Teacher Donita is directed to pass an undeserving student. What
will a utilitarianist do?

a. Pass the student, why suffer the threat?

b. Pass the student. That will be of use to the student, his parents and you

c. Don’t pass him; live by your principle of justice. You will get reward, if not in this life, in the next

d. Don’t pass him. You surely will not like someone to give you a death threat in order to pass

Ans: b

2. Teacher Alessandra knows of the illegal activities of a neighbor but keeps quiet in order not to be
involved in any investigation. Which foundational principle of morality does Teacher Alessandra fail to

a. Always do what is right

b. The end does not justify the means

c. The end justifies the means

d. Between two evils, do the lesser evil

Ans: a

3. You are very much interested in a quality professional development program for teachers. What
characteristic should you look for?

a. Prescribe by top educational teachers

b. Responsive to identified teacher’s needs

c. Dependent on the availability of funds

d. Required for renewal of professional license

Ans: b

4. To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and professional development, which of the following
measures must be implemented?

I. A school head plans the professional development of his/her teachers.

II. Every teacher formulates his/her own professional development plan.

III. The implementation of what is learned in training must be monitored.

a. I only c. II and III

b. I and III d. II only

Ans: c

5. As a community leader, which of the following should a teacher not do?

a. Solicit donation from philanthropists in the community

b. Support effort of the community to improve their status in life

c. Make herself aloof to ensure that her decisions will not be influenced by the community politics

d. Play an active part in the activities of the community

6. In a highly pluralistic society, what type of learning environment is the responsibility of the teacher?

I. Safe III. Secure

II. Gender-biased

a. I and II c. II only

b. I, II and III d. I and III

Ans: d

7. A teacher is said to be “trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under
obligation to transmit to learners such heritage”. Which practice makes the teacher fulfill such

a. Use interactive teaching strategies

b. As a class, study the life of Filipino heroes

c. Use the latest educational technology

d. Observe continuing professional education

Ans: b

8. Large class size in congested cities is a common problem in our public schools. Which measure/s have
schools taken to offset the effects of large class?

I. The deployment of more teachers

II. The implementation of 1:1 pupil textbook ratio

III. The conduct of morning and afternoon sessions

a. I, II and III c. III only

b. I and II d. II only

Ans: a

9. The failure of independent study with most Filipino students may be attributed to students’?

a. Unpreparedness for schooling

b. Ambivalence

c. High degree of independence

d. High degree of independence on authority

Ans: a

10. The following are characteristics of interdisciplinary teaching except:

a. Allows learners to see connectedness between things

b. Provides learning opportunities in a real-world context

c. Eliminates boundaries between content area

d. Discussion from a single perspective

Ans: d

11. For more efficient and effective management of school as agents of change, one proposal is for the
DepEd to cluster remote stand-alone schools under one lead school head. Which factor has the
strongest influence on this proposal?

a. Psychological c. Geographical

b. Historical d. Social

Ans: c

12. What does the acronym EFA imply for schools?

a. The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys and for girls

b. The stress on the superiority of formal education over that of alternative learning system

c. Practice of inclusive education

d. The concentration on formal education system

Ans: c

13. The wide acceptance of “bottom up” management style has influenced schools to practice which
management practice?

a. Exclusion of politicians from the pool of guest speakers during graduation exercises

b. Prescription of what ought to be done from the Center Office

c. Involvement of students, parents, teachers, and community in school planning

d. Allowing schools to do what they think is best

Ans: c

14. Material development at the expense of human development points to the need to do more in
school. This is base on which pillar of learning?

a. Learning to do

b. Learning to know

c. Learning to live together

d. Learning to be

Ans: d

15. The schooling incidents in school campuses abroad have made school to rethink the curriculum.
Which is believed to counteract such incidents and so is being introduced in schools?

I. Inclusion of socio-emotional teaching

II. The emphasis on the concept of competition against self and not against others

III. Focus on academic achievement and productivity

a. I and III c. I and II

b. II and III d. I, II and III

Ans: d

16. The specialization requires of every professional teacher for him/her to be competent is in line with
which pillar of learning?

a. Learning to know

b. Learning to be
c. Learning to live together

d. Learning to do

Ans: a

17. Widespread abuse of Mother Earth prompted schools to teach sustainable development. Which one
does this prove about schools?

a. The curricula of schools are centered on Mother Earth

b. Environment factors influence the school as an agent of change

c. Schools can easily integrate sustained development in their curriculum

d. Sustained development cannot be effectively taught in the classroom

Ans: b

18. Which pillar of learning is aimed at the holistic development of man and his complete fulfillment?

a. Learning to live together

b. Learning to be

c. Learning to know

d. Learning to do

Ans: b

19. A father tells his daughter “You are a woman. You are meant for the home and so for you, going to
school is not necessary.” Is the father correct?

a. It depends on the place where the daughter and the father live

b. No, there is gender equality in education

c. Yes, women are meant to be a mother only

d. No, today women can take on the jobs of men

Ans: b

20. Is there a legal basis for increasing the teacher’s starting salary to PHP18,000 a months?

a. No, it is a gift to teachers from Congress

b. Yes, R.A 7836

c. Yes, the Philippine Constitution

d. No, it is simply an act of benevolence from President GMA

Ans: c

21. As provided for the Educational Act of 1982, how are the institutions of learning encouraged setting
higher standards of equality over the minimum standards required for state recognition?

a. Voluntary accreditation

b. Continuing Professional Education

c. Granting of Special Permit

d. Academic freedom

Ans: b

22. Despite of opposition from some school official, DepEd has continuously enforced the “no collection
of fees” policy during enrolment period in public schools. In this policy in accordance with EFA goals?

a. No, it violates the mandate of equality education

b. Yes, it somewhat eliminates gender disparities

c. Yes, it supports equitable access to basic education

d. No, it does not support parent of adult education

Ans: c

23. “Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less.” Hence, it is better to be a generalist,
claims Teacher Fonda. Which Philosophy does Teacher Fonda subscribe to?

a. Existentialism c. Essentialism

b. Perennialism d. Progressivism

Ans: c

24. Mencius believed that all people are born good. This thought on the innate goodness of people
makes it easier to ________ our pupils.

a. teach c. like

b. respect d. motivate

Ans: b

25. A student complains to you about his failing grade. When you recomputed you found out that you
committed an error in his grade computation. Your decision is not to accept the erroneous computation
before the student and so leave the failing grade as is for fear that you may lose credibility. Is this
morally right?

a. No, the reason for not accepting the error before the students is flimsy

b. No, the end does not justify the means

c. Yes, the end justifies the means

d. Yes, as a teacher you must maintain your credibility

Ans: b

26. Which violate(s) the principle of respect?

I. Teacher Ana tells her students that what Teacher Beth taught is wrong.

II. To retaliate, Teacher Beth advises students not to enroll in Teacher Ana’s class.

III. Teacher Catherine secretly gives way to a special favor (e.g. add 2 points to grade) requested by
student Alex who is vying for honors.

a. II and III c. I and II

b. I, II and III d. I and III

Ans: b

27. Which is/are in accordance with the principle of pedagogical competence?

I. Communication of objectives of the course to student.

II. Awareness of alternative instruction strategies.

III. Selection of appropriate methods of instruction.

a. I and III c. III only

b. I, II and III d. II and III

Ans: b

28. To earn units for promotion, Teacher Flora pays her fee but does not attend class at all. Does this
constitute professional growth?

a. Not immediately but yes after promotion

b. No, it is simply earning MA units for promotion

c. It depends on the school she is enrolled in

d. Yes, just enrolling in an MA program is already professional growth

Ans: b

29. If Teacher Analiza asks more higher-order questions, she has to ask more ________ questions.

a. fact c. convergent

b. close d. concept

Ans: d

30. Misdemeanor has a “ripple effect.” This implies that as a classroom manager, a teacher:

a. reinforces positive behavior

b. responds to misbehavior promptly

c. is consistent in her classroom management practice

d. count 1 to 10 before she deals with a misbehaving student

Ans: b

31. Based on Edgar Dale’s “Cone of Experience,” which activity is farthest from the real thing?

a. Watching demo c. Video disc

b. Attending exhibit d. Viewing images

Ans: d
32. The students of Teacher Yue scan an electronic encyclopedia, view a film on subject, or look at
related topics at the touch of a button right there in the classroom. Which device/s does teacher Yue’s
class have?

a. Teaching machines

b. CD

c. Video disc

d. Videotaped lesson

Ans: a

33. Which is an inappropriate way to manage off-task behavior?

a. Redirect a child’s attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is continuing work

b. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task

c. Make eye contact to communicate what you wish to communicate

d. Move closer to the child to make him feel your presence

Ans: b

34. When Teacher Pearl tries to elicit clarification on a student response or solicits additional
information, which of these should be use?

a. Directing c. Structuring

b. Probing d. Cross examining

Ans: b

35. Which priority criterion should guide a teacher in the choice of instructional devices?
a. Novelty c. Attractiveness

b. Cost d. Appropriateness

Ans: d

36. Which learning activity is most appropriate if a teacher’s focus is attitudinal change?

a. Fieldtrip c. Role play

b. Exhibit d. Game

Ans: c

37. Teacher Hannah strives to draw participation of every student into her classroom discussion. Which
of these student needs is she trying to address? The need to _______.

a. feel significant and be part of a group

b. show one’s oral abilities to the rest of the class

c. get everything and be part of a group

d. be creative

Ans: a

38. To be an effective classroom manager, a teacher must be friendly but must at the same time be

a. confident c. analytical

b. business-like d. buddy-buddy

Ans: b
39. Which software is needed when one wants to perform automatic calculations on numerical data?

a. Database

b. Spreadsheet Program

c. Microsoft Word

d. Microsoft Powerpoint

Ans: b

40. Which of the following questions must be considered in evaluating teacher-made materials?

a. In the material new?

b. Does the material simulate individualism?

c. Is the material expensive?

d. Is the material cheap?

Ans: b

41. Kounin claims that “with-it-ness” is one of the characteristics of an effective classroom manager.
What is one sign of “with-it-ness”?

a. Giving attention to students who are having difficulty with school work

b. Aware of what’s happening in all parts of the classroom

c. Seeing only a portion of the class but intensively

d. Knowing where instructional materials are kept

Ans: b
42. Which of these is one of the ways by which the internet enables people to browse documents
connected by hypertext links?

a. URL c. Welcome page

b. Browser d. World Wide Web

Ans: a

43. Which characteristics must be primarily considered as a choice of instructional aides?

a. Stimulate and maintain students interests

b. Suited to the lesson objectives

c. Updated and relevant to Filipino setting

d. New and skillfully made

Ans: b

44. You can exhibit referent power on the first day of school by __________.

a. telling them the importance of good grades

b. giving your students a sense of belongingness and acceptance

c. making them feel you know what you are talking about

d. reminding your students your authority over them again and again

Ans: b

45. I would like to use a model to emphasize particular part. Which of these would be most appropriate?

a. Regalia c. Stimulation
b. Audio recording d. Mock up

Ans: d

46. What must Teacher Luke do to ensure orderly transitions between activities?

a. Have the materials ready at the start of the activity

b. Allow time for the students to socialize in between activities

c. Assign fewer exercise to fill the allotted time

d. Wait for students who lag behind

Ans: a

47. The task of setting up routine activities for effective classroom management is a task that a teacher
should undertake:

a. as soon as the students have adjusted to their schedules

b. on the very first day of school

c. every day at the start of the session

d. every homeroom day

Ans: b

48. What principle is violated by overusing the chalkboard, as though it is the only education technology

a. Isolated use c. Variety

b. Flexibility d. Uniformity

Ans: c
49. Teacher Sandra uses the low-profile classroom control technique most of the time. What does this

a. She is reactive in her disciplinary orientation

b. She manages pupils personalities

c. She reacts severely to a misbehaving student

d. She stops misbehaving without disrupting lesson flow

Ans: d

50. If curriculum is designed following the traditional approach, which feature(s) apply(ies)?

I. The aims of the curriculum are set by professionals and experts.

II. Interested groups (teachers, students, communities) are assumed to agree with the aims of the

III. Consensus building in not necessary.

a. III only c. I and II

b. I, II and III d. I and III

Ans: c




1-150 Items with Answer Key

1. It is equivalent to the average score of the group or class?

A. Mean
B. Median

C. Mode

D. Standard Deviation

2. Here is a test item: _____ is an example of a mammal. What is defective with this test item?

A. The blank is at the beginning of the sentence.

B. It is a very short question.

C. It is an insignificant test item.

D. It is very elementary.

3. What is the initial step that a homeroom adviser must do at the beginning of the class?

A. Get to know each member of the class.

B. Prepare a seat plan.

C. Secure the class list.

D. Memorize the names of the students.

4. Who is more likely to advise you to modify your classroom environment in such a way that your pupils
will be motivated to learn?

A. behaviorist

B. humanist

C. cognitivist

D. social-cognitivist

5. What will be the most effective way of dealing with non-participative students?

A. Employ engaging and enjoyable activities.

B. Let them do what pleases them.

C. Refer the matter to the Guidance Counselor.

D. Give then the grades they deserve based on their performance.

6. Research findings showed that student's motivation may vary according to socio-economic
background. Which observation can attest to this?
A. Females are more likely than males to earn higher grades.

B. Students from low-income families are among those likely to be at risk of failing and dropping from

C. Gifted students are more highly motivated.

D. More boys than girls become underachievers.

7. Teacher R, a science teacher, makes sure all eyes are on her as she demostrates the proper behavior
for lighting a Bunsen burner. Whose theory supports Teacher R's practice?

A. Vygotsky's

B. Glasser's

C. Piaget's

D. Bandura's

8. What should be the first consideration of the teacher in the choice of instructional media?

A. objectives of the lesson

B. techniques to be used

C. choice of the pupils

D. availability of the media

9. Which apply/applies to extrinsically motivated learners?

I. Tend to process information superficially

II. Tend to be content with meeting minimum requirements

III. Achieve at high level

A. I and II

B. II only

C. I and III

D. I only

10. Which does not belong to the group?

A. content-based instruction

B. cooperative learning

C. thematic approach

D. multi-disciplinary approach

11. If the difficulty index of your test item is 0.98, what should you do with this item?

A. Revise it.

B. Reject it.

C. Retain it.

D. Reserve it for another group of pupils.

12. Keeping track of assessment results from one periodic rating to the next is useful in contributing to
the development of a _____.

A. regional plan

B. annual implementation plan

C. school improvement plan

D. division plan

13. What is the implication of using a method that focuses on the why rather than the how?

A. There is best method

B. Typical one will be good for any subject

C. These methods should be standardized for different subjects.

D. Teaching methods should favor inquiry and problem solving.

14. Here is a question: "Is the paragraph a good one? Evaluate." If broken down to simplify, which is the
best simplification?

A. Why is the paragraph a good one? Prove.

B. If you are asked to evaluate something, what do you do? Evaluate the paragraph.

C. What are the qualities of good paragraph? Does the paragraph have these qualities?
D. Is the paragraph a good one? Why or why not?

15. The philosophical doctrine that emphasizes the role of experience rather than the role of reason as
the source of knowledge.

A. Pragmatism

B. Empiricism/Pragmatism

C. Progressivism

D. Functionalism

16. The Department of Education directed that the lowest passing grade is _____% and the lowest
failing grade is _____% in the report card.

A. 70 - 60

B. 75 - 70

C. 75 - 65

D. 70 -50

17. Which guideline in test construction is NOT observed in the following test item? Identification.

A. The length of the blank suggests the answer.

B. The central problem is not packed in the stem.

C. It is open to more than one correct answer.

D. The blank is at the end of the question.

18. If there are three raters of an essay test, what conclusion is determined?

A. triple rater

B. inter rater

C. external rater

D. multiple rater

19. Professionalism on the part of the Government officials and employees does not mean:
A. performing and discharging duties with the highest degree of excellence

B. working less intelligently when salary is low

C. entrance with the public service with utmost devotion

D. discouraging wrong perception of government employee’s role

20. Teacher U asked her pupils to create a story out of the given pictures. Which projective technique
did Teacher U use?

A. Rorschach test

B. narrative

C. thematic apperception test

D. reflective

21. As a community leader, whicb one may a teacher not do?

A. solicits donation from philanthropists in the community

B. plays an active part in the activities of the community

C. support effort of the community to improve their status in life

D. makes herself aloof to ensure that her decisions will not be influenced by community politics

22. Approach every student as they are without allowing yourself to be influenced by your
foreknowledge of their home background. This is an advice from a/an _____.

A. rationalist

B. existentialist-phenomenologist

C. positivist-behaviorist

D. essentialist

23. Teacher C wants to develop moral reasoning among her pupils. Which one should she employ?

A. conflict stories

B. games

C. simulation
D. concept mapping

24. In what way can teachers uphold the highest possible standards of quality education?

A. By continually improving themselves personally and professionally

B. By wearing expensive clothes to change people's poor perception of teachers

C. By working out undeserved promotions

D. By putting down other professions to lift the status of teaching

25. Which is an appropriate way to manage off-task behavior?

A. Make eye contact.

B. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task.

C. Move closer to the child.

D. Redirect a child's attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is continuing to work.

26. A student is finding it hard to read. When the guidance counselor traced the child’s history, the
counselor was able to find out that the student came a dysfunctional family, aside from that, the child
was abused and neglected. What could have caused the student’s reading disability?

A. Emotional factors

B. Neurological factors

C. Poor teaching

D. Immaturity

27. Which measure(s) of central tendency is (are) most appropriate when the score distribution is badly

A. Mean and mode

B. Median

C. Mode

D. Mean
28. Whose thought is this: “Although there is an external world from which human beings acquire
sensory in formation, ideas originate from the workings of the mind.”

A. Rationalist

B. Existentialist

C. Empiricist

D. Pragmatist

29. The Domain on Social Regard for Learning in the NCBTS focuses on teacher's actions and
demonstrating value for learning. Which are the indicators for these actions?

I. Model the value of punctuality.

II. Consider the influence of teacher's behavior on learners.

III. Use cooperative learning activities

IV. Communicate higher learning expectations.

A. III and IV

B. I and II

C. I and III

D. II and IV

30. Vygotsky claimed that social interaction is important for learning. What does this imply?

A. Since they are not capable of interaction, children in the crib has no learning yet.

B. Children learn well by passive presentation of information.

C. Children learn from adults and other children.

D. Children are independent problem solvers.

31. All men are pretty much alike. It is only by custom that they are set apart, said one Oriental
philosopher. Where can this thought be most inspiring?

A. In a multi-cultural group of learners

B. In multi-cultural and heterogeneous groups of learners and indigenous peoples' group

C. In a class composed of indigenous peoples

D. In heterogeneous class of learners

32. Why do we need to establish classroom routines?

A. to make our work easy

B. to minimize problems in class

C. to ensure order and discipline

D. to promote organization in class

33. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't
like it. I can't do it.) Which of the following about Joe is correct?

A. has a low sense of self-efficacy

B. has a high sense of self-efficacy

C. has no sense of self-efficacy

D. wants to be sure of his self efficacy

34. If a student is encouraged to develop himself to the fullest and must satisfy his hierarchy of needs,
the highest need to satisfy according to Maslow is _____.

A. belongingness

B. safety

C. psychological need

D. self-actualization

35. Student M obtained an NSAT percentile rank of 80. This indicates that _____.

A. he surpassed in performance 80% of her fellow examinees

B. he got a score of 80

C. he surpassed in performance 20% of her fellow examinees

D. he answered 80 items correctly

36. On which philosophical foundations is reflective teaching grounded?

I. Plato's contemplation of eternal truths

II. Aristotle's basic method of inquiry

III. Rationalists' superiority of reason

A. I, II, and III

B. II and III

C. I and III

D. I and II

37. Soc exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or
confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated

A. Generalization

B. Extinction

C. Acquisition

D. Discrimination

38. The improvement of basic education should be the top priority of the Philippine government.
Defend or refute this position. Under what type of question does this item fall?

A. convergent

B. evaluative

C. low-level

D. analysis

39. Which of the following abilities is stressed by humanistic education?

A. Enjoy the great works of man such as the classics.

B. Learn the different philosophies of education.

C. Make man distinctly civilized, educated and refined.

D. Develop men into a thinking individual.

40. The language problem was identified in the studies and surveys conducted as early as 1929. The
proposal to solve the problem is the use of the _____ for instruction form Grades 1 to 3.

A. vernacular
B. first language

C. second language

D. mother tongue

41. Like a TV, the computer has a _____.

A. disk drive

B. keyboard

C. screen


42. In a grade distribution, what does the normal curve mean?

A. a large number of students receiving low grades and very few students with high marks

B. a large number of more or less average students and very few students receiving low and high grades

C. a large number of students with high grades and very few with low grades

D. all of the students have average grades

43. Which is not a characteristic of authentic assessment?

A. focused on lifelike, meaningful, relevant types of student learning

B. offers opportunities to study problem intensively

C. easy to complete

D. fruitful in terms of genuine learning

44. Which technique is an application of B.F. Skinner's theory on operant conditioning?

A. mastery learning

B. process approach

C. computer-assisted instruction

D. project method
45. Schools are communities of learners committed to pre-determined measurable quality criteria for
student learning. Which statement best describes schools that will ensure attainment of such criteria?

A. Everyone in the school is accountable for student outcomes.

B. Families are encouraged to support and participate in student learning experiences.

C. Regular evaluation of student achievement is done by teachers and administration.

D. Teachers continually update themselves by attending training programs.

46. Which of the following is effective in teaching students' critical reading skills?

A. interpret editorials and read and interpret three different movie reviews

B. read and interpret three different movie reviews

C. interpret editorials about a particular subject from three different newspapers

D. evaluate the consistency of ideas expressed in an editorial

47. In a multiple choice test item with four options and out of 50 examinees, Which was the least
effective distracter?

A. the option that was chosen by 13 examinees

B. the option that was chosen by 2 examinees

C. the option that was chosen by 30 examinees

D. the correct answer that was chosen by 5 examinees

48. Which of the following is the most important contribution of Gestalt psychology to the theories of

A. Use of multimedia approaches

B. Importance of the reinforcement in the learning process

C. Cognitive insight

D. Concept of readiness in learning

49. Which is a valid assessment tool if you want to find out how well your students can speak

A. performance test in extemporaneous speaking

B. written quiz on how to deliver extemporaneous speech

C. display of speeches delivered

D. writing speeches

50. Which should you use more if you want to counteract the spirit of destructive competition among
your students?

A. community involvement projects

B. listening activities

C. self-evaluation activities

D. concept miming

51. Referring to alternative learning systems, which one does not belong?

A. distance education

B. formal classroom instruction

C. computer-mediated communication

D. flexible delivery

52. On which theory is Teacher A's practice of conducting her lessons in a way that her students are
taught to discover and perceive new relationships for insight and understanding based?

A. cognitive theory

B. humanist theory

C. behaviorist theory

D. physiological theory

53. A sentence that comes before is missing. How is understanding of a concept shown by learners?

A. by repeating what has been heard

B. by memorizing what has been read

C. both a and b

D. by using and adopting these concepts

54. Which was perceived to be contrary to the democratized access to education?

A. the granting of scholarships to a selected few

B. the "Study-Now-Pay-Later" plan

C. the giving of the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE)

D. the imposition on moratorium on pro-poor courses

55. What is an alternative assessment tool for teaching and learning consisting of a collection of
work/artifacts finished or in-progress accomplished by the targeted clientele?

A. rubric

B. achievement test

C. evaluation instrument

D. portfolio

56. A philosophy based primarily on science and scientific discoveries is _____.

A. positivism

B. realism

C. liberalism

D. pragmatism

57. In their desire to make schools perform, the DepEd then published the ranking of schools in NAT
results nationwide. As an effect of this practice, what did schools tend to do?

I. Taught at the expense of NAT

II. Conducted review classes for NAT at the expense of teaching

III. Practiced the so-called teaching to the test

A. II and III

B. II only

C. I and III

D. III only
58. Basic education is intended to lay the foundation on which subsequent learning can be based. Which
is not part of basic education.

A. early childhood education

B. elementary education

C. secondary education

D. tertiary education

59. I combined several subject areas in order to focus on a single concept for inter-disciplinary teaching.
Which strategy/method did I use?

A. Problem-entered learning

B. Thematic instruction

C. Reading-writing activity

D. Unit method

60. Research says: "People tend to attribute their successes to internal causes and their failures to
external causes." Based on this finding, what should be taught to your students for them to genuinely
motivated to succeed?

A. Make them realize that both success and failure are more of a function of internal causes.

B. Tell them that the research finding when applied will make them genuinely motivated.

C. Convince them that genuine motivation is the only factor that matters for a person to succeed.

D. Make them realize that failure is a part of life.

61. Professor B once said: "We talk of developing critical thinking among our students, but when they
disagree with us, we get offended." To which Filipino trait does this point?

A. inquisitiveness of the Filipino Youth

B. the lack of seriousness among Filipinos

C. extreme authoritarianism

D. lack of subjectivity
62. Which of the following appraisal techniques would be most useful with a big number of desired

A. interview

B. observation

C. questionnaire

D. autobiography

63. A negative discrimination index means _____.

A. more from the lower group got the item correctly

B. more from the upper group got the item correctly

C. the test item could not discriminate between the upper and the lower group

D. the test item has low reliability

64. Principal A wants her teachers to be constructivist in their teaching orientation. Which one should
teachers the avoid?

A. student's reflection

B. rote memorization of facts

C. inquiry of students

D. self-directed learning

65. Which of the following indicates a strong negative correlation?

A. -0.75

B. -0.10

C. -0.25

D. -0.15

66. What produces the condition for excellent team performance?

A. disciplined action

B. team norms
C. complementarity of team members

D. members' selflessness and dedication

67. Which activity can help develop teamwork among your students?

A. journal writing

B. metaphorical thinking

C. reflective activity

D. roundtable

68. Suppose two of your students fought in class while the lesson was going on. What would be your
immediate response?

A. Take the two students immediately to the principal's office.

B. Settle the issues immediately even if you have to stop the lesson.

C. Stop the fight and place the two boys in a corner.

D. Refer to the class who is the winner of the fight.

69. Nita doesn't enjoy writing but can't escape from it. She has to finish it in order to graduate. Greta has
always liked to write. She really likes to become a writer because she wants to be a journalist someday.
Who is more likely to be more focused on the writing activity and why?

A. Greta, because she is intrinsically motivated.

B. Nita because she is extrinsically motivated.

C. Both, because they are both motivated anyway.

D. It cannot be determined. Motivation fluctuates.

70. A number of test items in a test are said to be non discriminating. What conclusions can be drawn?

I. Teaching or learning was very good.

II. The item is so easy that anyone could get it right.

III. The item is so difficult that nobody could get it.

A. II and III

B. I only
C. III only

D. I and II

71. The subject matter integration and organization of the curriculum involves _____.

I. life-centered approach

II. core approach

III. fused approach

A. I only

B. I and II

C. II and III

D. I, II, and III

72. Which is a selective reading technique meant at getting important facts very fast?

A. silent reading

B. skim reading

C. oral reading

D. scanning

73. Teacher M sees to it that her classroom is clean and orderly so her pupils will less likely disarrange
seats and litter on the floor. On which thought is her action based?

A. behaviorism

B. existentialism

C. progressivism

D. reconstructionism

74. Inclusion is a basic right of every Filipino child as mandated in the Philippine Constitution, R.A. 7277
or the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons and EFA 2015. What fundamental changes have to be
operationalized in inclusive education?

I. Philosophy of education

II. Relevant curriculum

III. Mainstreaming

IV. Homestudy program

V. Structural organization

A. II, III, and V

B. I, IV, and V

C. I, II, III, and V

D. II, IV, and V

75. Which element should be present for brainstorming to be effective?

A. Lax atmosphere

B. Teacher’s nonjudgmental attitude

C. Teacher’s use of “put down” strategy

D. Threatening atmosphere

76. What is the norm of a test?

A. the mean of grouping scores

B. the standard of for adequate performance

C. the standard deviation of a group of scores

D. the typical performance of a certain group of individuals who took the test

77. Teacher F asks one student, "Rachel, can you summarize what we have just read? Remember, the
title of this section of the chapter." This is an example of a teacher's effort at _____.

A. scaffolding

B. inspiring

C. directing

D. giving feedback

78. Among the components of the learner's marks/ratings, behavior is reflected in _____.

A. Values Education (CERC)

B. Technology and Livelihood Education

C. Filipino

D. outputs/projects

79. Which statement about Median is CORRECT?

A. It is a measure of variability

B. It is the most stable measure of central tendency

C. It is the 50th percentile

D. It is significantly affected by extreme score

80. Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an instructional objective on working with and
relating to people?

A. conducting mock election

B. home visitation

C. organizing a community project

D. writing articles on working and relating to people

81. The theory where in association between a conditioned stimulus a response is strengthened by
repeated presentation with the unconditional stimulus.

A. Connectionism theory

B. Classical Conditioning

C. Operant conditioning

D. Social Learning theory

82. Marking on a normative basis means that _____.

A. the normal curve of distribution should be followed

B. some students must fail

C. fewer students must get high marks

D. grades show how a student achieves relative to other students

83. Which graphic organizer is most fit for sequencing?

A. hierarchy diagram

B. Venn diagram

C. flow chart

D. double cell diagram

84. Which of the following test is used as a basis in giving grades or rating?

A. mastery

B. formative

C. summative

D. post test

85. International educators propose a definition of the term global competence. What is the most
appropriate characteristic of a globally competent individual?

A. having an open mind while actively seeking to understand norms and work effectively outside one's

B. ability to become familiar with a new culture and work environment

C. having the intercultural facility of effective two-way communication

D. having the professional competence to speak a foreign language

86. In preparing storyboards for PowerPoint presentations, which must be strictly observed?

A. There should be varied animations.

B. There must be different colors to attract the learners.

C. The rule of 6 x 6 must be applied in the slides.

D. There must be an illustration per slide.

87. Teacher M, an ineligible teacher was given a probationary appointment in SMN High School. When
can he avail of permanent status?

A. when there is a vacant permanent position

B. after finishing MA in education

C. once given the “Teacher of the Year” award

D. after rendering at least 10 years of efficient service

88. In which the document are the contents of each subject in the elementary level contained?

A. Minimum Learning Competencies (MLC)

B. Philippine Elementary Learning Competencies (PELC)

89. Which of these instructional materials will be most effective to the tactile learners?

A. PowerPoint presentation

B. acetate/ transparencies

C. real objects

D. film strips

90. The reciprocity of rights and duties is the true foundation of peace and harmony in society. Which
illustrates the reciprocation of rights and duties?

I. You have the right to a just salary but it is your duty to teach as expected.

II. Your right to a good reputation corresponds to everyone's obligation not to destroy it.

III. You have the right to a just salary and it's the duty of the government to grant it.


B. I and III

C. I and II

D. II and III

91. Research on the brain reveals that the numbers of dendrite connections in the first five years of
growth are in tens of billions. What does this underscore?

I. The significance of a stimulating early childhood education

II. The necessity of forcing the child to learn at an early age or else may never get interested at all

III. The need to punish preschool children when they can't follow a lesson for them to remember the
IV. The significance of right parenting

A. I and III

B. II and IV

C. I and IV

D. II and III

92. Why are there more illustrations in elementary books than in upper levels?

A. Elementary pupils are slow in the reading process.

B. High school students are more mature and imaginative.

C. Elementary pupils are less imaginative yet, they need more exposure.

D. There is no need to motivate the elementary pupils all the time.

93. According to Ausubel, one of the ways to strengthen the student's cognitive structure is by using an
instructional tool called _____.

A. cross-referencing

B. spiral approach

C. advance organizer

D. narrative

94. Which is a true foundation of the social order?

A. Obedient citizenry

B. The reciprocation of rights and duties

C. Strong political leadership

D. Equitable distribution of wealth

95. I drew learners into several content areas and encouraged them to solve a complex question for
inter-disciplinary teaching. Which strategy did I use?

A. Problem-centered learning

B. Unit method
C. Reading-writing activity

D. Thematic instruction

96. A pre-school child says: “That tree pushed the leaf off, and it fell down.” This shows that the pre
school child believes that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities and are capable of action. This belief is
called _____.

A. symbolism

B. animation

C. realism

D. animism

97. The use of valies clarification as a strategy in Values Education flows from which philosophy?

A. existentialism

B. progressivism

C. essentialism

D. reconstructionism

98. The incorporation of the content materials in language lessons is called _____.

A. problem-solving instruction

B. content-based instruction

C. integration approach

D. thematic approach

99. What school of philosophy believes that truth is that which works and successful in solving problem?

A. communism

B. positivism

C. pragmatism

D. personalism
100. Which is a sound classroom management practice?

A. Avoid establishing routines

B. Establish routines for all daily needs and tasks.

C. Apply rules and policies on a case to case basis.

D. Apply reactive approach to discipline.

101. Which test has broad sampling of topics as strength?

A. Objective test

B. Short answer test

C. Essay test

D. Problem type

102. What do the school campus expressions "promdi" and "barriotic" indicate?

A. the powerlessness of the poor

B. low literacy rate of the country

C. the power of the rich

D. the prevalence of ethnocentrism

103. After reading and paraphrasing R. Frost's Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening, Teacher M
asked the class to share any insight derived from this poem. On which assumption about the learner is
Teacher M's act of asking the class to share their insight based?

A. Learners are producers of knowledge, not only passive recipients of information.

B. Learners are meant to interact with one another.

C. Learners are like empty receptacles waiting to be filled up.

D. Learners have multiple intelligence and varied learning styles.

104. You want to have a small group discussion in your class. Which topics will be best for group
discussion? Those topics _____.

A. where a high degree of consensus among students does not exist

B. where a high degree of consensus among students already exists

C. that are formally structured by texts

D. that are factual

105. Teacher P does not personally agree with one school policy. What is her professional responsibility?

A. Be indifferent about it but exert effort to understand it.

B. Make an honest effort to understand, support, and carry out the school policy even if she does not
personally agree.

C. Remain connected with the school but defy the policy because in conscience, she cannot agree.

D. Lead a campaign against the abolition of the policy involved.

106. Principal A wants her teachers to be constructivist in their teaching orientation. Which material will
teachers most likely use?

A. facts

B. laws

C. time-tested principles

D. hypotheses

107. High levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, inhibits learning. What is an implication of this in the
teaching-learning process?

A. Teachers should be non-threatening in their ways.

B. Avoid quizzes and tests.

C. Never raise your voice.

D. Do not give assignments.

108. Factors affect learning that made through the use of audiovisual aids, review, drills and other
means is _____.

A. motivation

B. extinction

C. reinforcement

D. interest
109. How is effectiveness measured by results-driven education?

A. by using relevant data to promote continuous school improvement

B. by assessing results as bases for planning

C. by comparing schools in a division

D. by comparing schools in a region

110. Scoring guides for rating open-ended questions are called _____.

A. outputs

B. outcomes

C. rubrics

D. scales

111. Sec. 3 of Commonwealth No. 180 set the requirements for a private college to fulfill before it is
granted university status. This statement means:

A. Philippine education grants university status to qualified colleges.

B. Philippine education strives to be of high quality.

C. Philippine education recognizes the complementary roles of public and private educational

D. Philippine education is financed by public and private funds

112. Which is the least authentic mode of assessment?

A. paper-and-pencil test in vocabulary

B. oral performance to assess student's spoken communication skills

C. artistic production for music and art subject

D. experiments in science to assess scientific method

113. If you believe that the child’s mind in TABULA RASA, in what process will you engage the child to

A. Sensory impressions
B. Reasoning

C. Reflections

D. Metacognition

114. The teacher is the first audio-visual aid in the classroom. How can she act as one?

A. Sing before the class starts to keep them awake.

B. Use TV and radio for everyday lessons.

C. Have a pleasing physical appearance and modulated voice.

D. Wear multicolored dress to catch the students' attention.

115. Professionalization of teachers and teaching as promulgated in Presidential Decree No. 1006,
defines teaching as profession concerned with classroom institution ______.

A. by teachers on fulltime basis

B. at the tertiary level in both public and private institutions

C. at the elementary and secondary levels in both public and private schools

D. by teachers of permanent status

116. Which type of test would yield significant data for a regionwide assessment of school performance?

A. aptitude

B. achievement

C. evaluation

D. placement

117. Referring to assessment, what are the essential features that should be explained to the learners?

I. Role of learners in the assessment

II. Why learners will be assessed

III. How their performance will be measured

IV. How the results will be used




118. If you want your students to develop reading comprehension and learning strategies which one
should you employ?

A. reciprocal teaching

B. cooperative learning

C. peer tutoring

D. mastery learning

119. This law was enacted on June 8, 1940 and conferred the status of “persons in authority” upon the
teacher, professors, and persons charged with the supervision of public or duly recognized private
schools, colleges and universities.

A. Commonwealth Act No. 80

B. Commonwealth Act. No. 1

C. Commonwealth Act No. 578

D. Act No. 2706

120. Which describes Philippine education during the Spanish regime?

A. Establishment of a normal school

B. Vernacular as medium of instruction

C. Separation of church and state

D. Emphasis on religious instruction

121. It is necessary that the parts of a lesson plan from the first to the last have _____.

A. completeness

B. conciseness

C. symmetry

D. coherence
122. In a multiple choice test item with four options and out of 50 examinees, which of the following
must have served as a plausible option?

A. the option that was chosen by 30 examinees

B. the option that was chosen by 2 examinees

C. the option that was chosen by 13 examinees

D. A, B, and C

123. Which of the following is true about ICT?

I. The use of ICT has negative effects

II. The use of ICT has a lot of benefits.

III. The use of ICT is effective only in industrialized countries.

A. I and II

B. II only

C. III only

D. I and III

124. Which of the following are the attitudes and skills of teachers who help all types of learners?

I. Establishing clarity about curricular essentials

II. Accepting responsibility for learner success

III. Accessing a repertoire of information

IV. Developing flexible classroom routines

A. I, II, III, and IV

B. I and II

C. I, II, and III

D. III and IV

125. Jose Rizal said that national redemption can be achieved by _____.

A. gaining economic recovery

B. stabilizing political situation

C. opening our doors to foreign influence

D. upgrading the quality of the Filipinos through education

126. How will you help the shy and timid students in your class?

A. Let them be as they are.

B. Encourage them to join as many activities in class.

C. Treat them naturally.

D. Refer them to the Guidance Office.

127. Philippine flags which have become worn out through wear and tear shall be _____.

A. thrown away

B. solemnly burned

C. kept in a storage section

D. washed, and given to schools without flags

128. Teacher B wants to determine students' strengths and weaknesses in the use of laboratory
equipment. Which assessment procedure will be most appropriate and authentic?

A. observation of students' use of laboratory equipment while they conduct experiments

B. paper-and-pencil test that requires students to enumerate the do's and don'ts in the use of laboratory

C. practicum test on the use of laboratory equipment

D. requiring students to draw and label the laboratory equipment

129. Which type of report refers toon-the-spot description of some incident, episode or occurrence that
is being observed and recorded as being of possible significance?

A. Autobiographical report

B. Biographical report

C. Value and interest report

D. Anecdotal report
130. Which applies when there are extreme scores?

A. The median will not be very reliable measure of central tendency

B. The mode will be the most reliable measure of central tendency.

C. There is no reliable measure of central tendency.

D. The mean will not be very reliable measure of central tendency.

131. Whenever possible, the proper authorities shall take all steps to enable married couples, both of
whom are public school teachers, to be employed in the same locality.

A. Yes, it is provided in Republic Act #4670.

B. No, it’s against on nepotism.

C. Yes, as long as they will not be in the same school.

D. No, it against the provision of Republic Act #4670.

132. What is an effective technique in teaching children in the emergent literacy stage?

A. imposing the use of correct spelling when writing

B. giving of isolated word drills and memorization of rules

C. providing activities that let them enjoy

D. having a print-rich classroom

133. The difficulty index of a test item is 1.0. This means that the test is _____.

A. a quality item

B. very difficult

C. very easy

D. missed by everybody

134. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. In
which stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?

A. Enactive and iconic

B. Symbolic

C. Symbolic and enactive

D. Iconic

135. To cater to the needs of the diverse types of learners, what materials must be prepared?

A. multipurpose materials

B. colorful materials

C. durable materials

D. big and bold materials

136. To ensure that all Filipino children are functionally literate, which mechanism is meant to reach out
to children who come from a barangay without a school?

A. mobile teacher

B. multi-level classroom

C. multi-grade classroom

D. Sine Eskwela

137. Watson applied classical conditioning in his experiments and the results showed that behavior is
learned through stimulus-response associations, specifically the development of emotional responses to
certain stimuli. This helps is in _____.

A. interpreting reflexes as emotions

B. understanding fears, phobias, and love

C. connecting observable behavior to stimulus

D. understanding the role of overt behavior

138. If one asked to develop himself to the fullest, what need is he trying to satisfy according to
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

A. Safety needs

B. Belongingness

C. Physiological needs
D. Selfactualization

139. Teacher S wants to determine immediately the learning difficulties of her students. Which of the
following do you expect her to undertake?

A. Require her students to prepare a portfolio.

B. Administer an achievement test.

C. Administer a diagnostic test.

D. Interview her students directly.

140. The theme of Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory emphasizes the role of appropriate assistance given
by the teacher to accomplish a task. Such help enables the child to move from the zone of actual
developmeny to a zone of proximal development. Such assistance is termed _____.

A. competency technique

B. scaffolding

C. active participation

D. collaboration

141. A test is considered reliable if _____.

A. it is easy to score

B. it served the purpose for which it is constructed

C. it is consistent and stable

D. it is easy to administer

142. Research says that development in one domain influences and is influenced by development in
other domains. What is an education implication of this finding?

A. use thematic teaching

B. use MI approaches

C. stimulate the sense of sight which is the most important of the senses

D. both a and b
143. For maximum interaction, a teacher ought to avoid _____ questions.

A. informational

B. rhetorical

C. leading

D. divergent

144. Which is essential in the cognitive development of a person according to Vygotsky?

A. independent thinking

B. social interaction

C. individual mental work

D. scientific thinking

145. In a 100-item test, what does Ryan's raw score of 70 mean?

A. He surpassed 30 of his classmates in terms of score.

B. He got 70 items correctly.

C. He surpassed 70 of his classmates in terms of score.

D. He got a score that it above the mean.

146. The result of the item analysis showed that item no. 4 has a discrimination index of 0.67. What
characteristic could be true about this item?

A. Difficult

B. Valid

C. Easy

D. Average

147. In a social studies class, Teacher P presents a morally ambiguous situation and asks students what
they would do. On whose theory is Teacher P's technique based?

A. Bruner

B. Piaget
C. Kohlberg

D. Bandura

148. Which measure of central tendency is most reliable when scores are extremely high and low?

A. cannot be identified unless individual scores are given

B. mode

C. mean

D. median

149. Who among the following needs less verbal counseling but needs more concrete and operational
forms of assistance? The child who __________.

A. has mental retardation

B. has attention-deficit disorder

C. has learning disability

D. has conduct disorder

150. Good teaching is accepting responsibility for helping to make the journey as interesting, as
rewarding and as exciting as possible. This proves that teaching demands?

A. rest and relaxation

B. interest in the profession

C. efficiency in service

D. deeper commitment

Answer Key:

1. D

2. A

3. A

4. A

5. A
6. B

7. D

8. A

9. A

10. B

11. B

12. C

13. D

14. C

15. B

16. C

17. C

18. B

19. B

20. C

21. D

22. B

23. B

24. B

25. D

26. B

27. D

28. A

29. B

30. C

31. B

32. C

33. A

34. D
35. A

36. A

37. C

38. D

39. C

40. A

41. C

42. B

43. C

44. C

45. A

46. D

47. B

48. A

49. A

50. A

51. B

52. A

53. D

54. C

55. D

56. A

57. A

58. D

59. D

60. C

61. C

62. C

63. A
64. B

65. A

66. B

67. D

68. C

69. A

70. A

71. B

72. D

73. A

74. C

75. B

76. D

77. A

78. A

79. C

80. C

81. B

82. D

83. C

84. C

85. A

86. C

87. D

88. B

89. C

90. D

91. C

92. C
93. C

94. B

95. A

96. D

97. B

98. C

99. C

100. B

101. C

102. D

103. A

104. A

105. B

106. D

107. A

108. C

109. A

110. C

111. A

112. A

113. A

114. C

115. C

116. B

117. D

118. A

119. C

120. D

121. A
122. D

123. A

124. A

125. D

126. B

127. B

128. A

129. C

130. D

131. A

132. D

133. C

134. B

135. A

136. A

137. B

138. D

139. C

140. B

141. C

142. D

143. C

144. B

145. B

146. D

147. C

148. D

149. B

150. D

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