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The Foundation points, this cost borders on Level x8 for Foundation and Level

x6 for a Pillar, considering 10 experience points for the first

point. The cost of Pillars is reduced by one point for minors, to
This topic is specific to Storytellers who wish to use foundations
XP. Bonus points have no modified costs.
as a means to simulate Mage Spheres. If there isn’t that kind
of interest for your chronicle, skip it. In vampire, a mage has
limitations for casting a spell. Although he has a great deal Creating the Spell
of freedom to choose what he wants to do, he does need the Whenever a wizard casts the spell, the first step is to make it
resources necessary for the magic to happen. In Mage 20TH: as clear as possible what he is trying to do. A wizard has several
The Ascension, the Spheres are divided into nine and are your possibilities at hand. His spells could be like “I want to create fire
techniques for creating the desired effects. In Vampire, the through my hands” to “I want to turn this silver coin into gold”.
Foundations are a “philosophy” that mages preach to name the
Once you have determined which Pillars are needed, you need
Spheres in classical antiquity.
to determine the Focus. Spells often require specific instruments,
The Spheres are the Foundations. The Pillars are the Paths of gestures and rites. They can be as elaborate as a sacrifice in the
Magic they can follow. These represent the arcane knowledge middle of a sacred diagram or as simple as a prayer to Jupiter.
of a sorcerer. If he has the necessary Pillars (there may be more These focuses represent the belief and occult knowledge that
than one needed to cast a spell), he can make the attempt at produce the spell. To ignite an enemy, the awakened one can
magick. Inspect each Pillars keywords, general description, and invoke his God by praying to him and brandishing his symbol.
ranking descriptions to determine if the spell would fit them.
Each Foundation point beyond the first allows the sorcerer to
These Pillars can be found on the following pages.
dispense the focuses needed for a specific Pillar. If the sorcerer
Whenever an awakened one uses his spells, define what the still requires focuses for at least one of the Pillars of the spell,
Sorcerer wants to accomplish and determine the Pillars, Focuses he must incorporate them into the spell. Then, the narrator
and minimum necessary successes. Any spell roll is instantaneous determines the minimum number of successes according to the
is determined by Foundation + the highest rank among the Pillars rules described below::
required (difficulty 7). The spending of Quintessence remains
• The number of successes is defined by the level of the highest Pillar
as described in the topic above.
used to perform the spell. Add the extra success needed if the mage is
It is always important to remember that only one system should trying something unbelievable in the presence of sleeping mortals.
be used. In his chronicle, either the mage has Disciplines or he
• Add more difficulty points needed to satisfy all spell effects (listed
has Foundations. Just in case he was a Ghoul he could have
on the following pages). This can exceed the limit of successes needed,
some points in Disciplines, without getting Paradox. If a wizard
necessitating the creation of a ritual for the spell to work.
has Foundation, he only receives Paradox points when he uses
them and not when he uses Disciplines. Casting a Spell
Acquiring Foundations and Pillars When casting a spell, the character rolls Foundation (difficulty
When creating a character, he must buy a Foundation point, 3 + Level of the highest Pillar used during the spell).
where he will be entitled to one of the three available Pillars. Example: Marius wishes to predict the thought of a mortal. The
When he uses his spells, he rolls his Foundation rank. The Storyteller decides that this requires Soul 1 and Evros 3. Marius has
awakened one always rolls the Foundation related to the Pillar Foundation of Mind 3 and Pillars of Reason 2, Soul 1 and Evros 3.
he is using. In the case of interspersing his spells, he uses the So he rolls 3 dice (difficulty 6), requiring three successes.
greatest Foundation among those he has.
If the Spell requires a minimum Pillar level that exceeds
In terms of Vampire, it’s as if the Foundation were one of the sorcerer’s Foundation, the player must spend an extra
the Sorceries and the Pillars were the Paths, with the difference Quintessence point per check, boosting their concentration with
that the mage can merge spells even if they belong to different raw power. Quintessence can also be spent to increase a spell’s
Foundations. The mage’s Foundation is the only trait that prospects. Each point reduces the difficulty of the casting check
can reach Level 10, however Pillars are limited to Level 5. In by 1, maximum -3 (minimum 3).
addition, the awakened one chooses one of the Pillars to evolve
The wizard can spend one Foundation point when casting his
along with their Foundation. This is considered your primary
spell to add automatic successes equal to his Foundation level.
Pillar. Secondary Pillars cannot have the same or higher level
He doesn’t lose this point permanently, only temporarily and
than the Primary Pillar.
must stay for a number of days equivalent to the Foundation
Every mage receives a starting point on his Foundation token. Level lost without being able to use those levels. He always spends
This point allows you to buy your primary Pillar. He cannot the highest point, that is: a mage who has Foundation 5 and
evolve other Pillars above this one and this Pillar evolves along spends one point receives the automatic successes dodging his
with his Foundation level. Foundations cost the equivalent of 7 Foundation, but cannot use any fifth-level Pillar for five days. If
per point in bonus, while Pillars cost 5 per point. In experience the mage spends two Pillar points, being level 5 and then level
4, he must first recover the lowest level to recover the highest. attacker’s. Additionally, other supernatural beings can attempt
So, he will need to wait four days, recover the fourth level and defense as long as they know the minimum Blood Magic or
then 5 days to recover the fifth level. Sorcery, rolling their Willpower (difficulty 8).
A mage can only cast spells on targets he can perceive with his If the spell directs material power through space, such as a
natural senses, ie: sight, hearing, or fact, touch or taste. Some Pillar of Flame or throwing an iron door, the target can simply
Pillars may allow spells to be cast at a distance greater than the dodge it with a Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty 6). If the
mage’s senses can catch, though this requires extra successes on target gets more successes than the spell, it moves out of the
the waking part. way. Otherwise, all the power of the spell works. If the attack
is invisible, the difficulty increases to 9, considering Blind
Using Rituals Fighting, but can be reduced by Spiritual Sense (Auspex). Spells
A sorcerer can cast his ritual as an extended action. A ritual that directly manipulate the target’s body, mind, or other innate
can last from two consecutive turns to up to a scene or an entire qualities cannot be avoided by simple avoidance.
hour. There are rituals, however, that the sorcerer can spend
Targets may attempt to resist mental attacks caused by a wizard’s
hours or days doing to make sure everything goes right.
Willpower spells (difficulty 9), or Fortitude’s Mind Barrier and
The awakened must roll their Foundation dice to accumulate Sensory Shield (difficulty 7). It takes a number of successes
successes for each hour of ritual. He is able to accumulate equivalent to the successes determined in the topic “Effects of
a maximum number of successes equal to his Foundation x Magic”, described below. In the case of a spell with extended
Willpower, but the player can only roll as many times as his duration, which has already affected the target, it can roll its
Stamina + Foundation. If a roll fails, he can spend a Willpower resistance until it gets rid of it, as long as it gets the necessary
point to continue, but Failing twice in a row or a Critical Failure successes. The first two saving throws can be made on subsequent
once ruins the spell and he must start again. In the event of a turns. Additional plays can be made every hour or scene, at the
Critical Failure, the mage loses control of the Spell and casts narrator’s expense.
it with a chaotic effect. The consequences can be diverse, from
directing who the magician did not want to cause the opposite Os Efeitos da Magia
effect of what he wanted. When a mage accumulates the necessary successes, the
Storyteller can use two ways to accurately count all effects. The
Permanent Magick first would be to demand a minimum number of successes
A wizard can make a spell effect permanent. Most of the time and say that “that effect happened”. One way to exemplify this
this requires a ritual for the amount of successes needed, as it would be to say that “Marius would need 15 successes to summon
requires your 10x the raw successes the mage would need, ie: a lightning storm on an opponent that could deal 10d10 damage.”
without the reduction by the expenditure of Quintessence. The These successes are determined by the narrator and when they
wizard can spend a permanent Willpower point, if desired, to are achieved, they happen.
increase the number of successes equal to the level of Willpower
The second way is by dividing successes between different traits.
spent. However, he will not be able to regain these points for at
This includes Targets, Intensity, Damage, Manipulation, Area
least an entire story arc.
and Duration. The number of successes the wizard acquires, in
Be careful! A permanent magick, if affected by Paradox or addition to the successes needed in the spell, is distributed among
through Critical Failure can fully focus its effects on the sorcerer these traits according to what the narrator or player thinks he
himself. Depending on what the mage wanted to do, he could needs at that moment. The mage would be able to distribute
be completely destroyed by it. different successes between each trait, affecting a number of
targets, changing duration or other effects. This probably requires
Defending Yourself From Magic a number of successes already accumulated for the mage to get
There are ways to defend against a mage’s Foundations. Though what he wants or a good expenditure of Quintessence.
they are complicated defenses, other sorcerers like vampires and
• Targets: the number of successes defines the number of targets,
certain supernatural beings can nullify incoming spells. If the
always adding two targets per success used in this trait. A wizard who
target can use a hidden supernatural power that can deflect
doesn’t invest points can only affect a single target. An Area spell,
or block it, roll the dice pool used for that power on difficulty
however, discards the need for this investment.
8, which cannot be changed by any traits the target has. If the
target’s successes exceed those of the spell, it neutralizes the spell. • Intensity: This trait measures the power of an undefined magical
Otherwise it will take full effect. If the target’s combat power effect, such as a mind-control spell, for the purpose of attempting to
rating is lower than the sorcerer’s rating on the highest Pillar used, dispel or resist it. For example, with five Intensity successes dedicated
add +2 to the defender’s difficulty. Mistaking sorcery when you to imprisoning a demon would require five successes to overcome. If the
don’t have the knowledge to do so is a dangerous act. Awakened spell also has the Duration, then it must be overcome first.
can attempt to use their defensive action for a counterspell, with • Damage: two Health Levels per success, with the damage type
difficulty increased by two, rolling their Foundation against the determined by the Pillars used. If the spell increases some other form of
attack (such as a knife slash), they become automatic levels. To inflict learning.
Aggravated damage with an attack that does not normally inflict it,
or with pure magical strength, the sorcerer must possess the necessary Pillar of the Soul
Pillars and spend an extra Quintessence point per attack. Through matter, there is spirit. There are worlds and planes
that are not noticeable or frequented by humans, but for a
• Shaping: Increases or penalizes a similar mundane Attribute, Skill,
friend with Pillar of the Soul, this is not a difficult task to do.
or Trait to one success per point, for the duration of the spell. Most spells
The mage is able to use this pillar as a way to visit other planes,
cannot change permanent supernatural Traits, such as Generation.
interact with spirits, create objects and manipulate the planes
• Area: One success affects a sphere with 10 feet / 3 meters radius of the Umbra.
or equivalent area. Each additional success doubles this area, up to a
Mages who use the Pillars of the Soul a lot often have an
number of successes equal to the Sorcerer’s Foundation. In addition,
extremely noticeable otherworldly connection, as if they saw
the Area can only expand further with Pillar of Evros.
something we weren’t able to see. Normally they interact on an
• Duration: Duration considers the table below to determine how umbralistic level that vampires aren’t able to access, but ghosts
long a spell will remain there. Any damage spell cannot have more than and werewolves can.
one success in duration.
Power Specializations: Umbral Travel, Spiritual Relations,
Shroud Manipulation, Primordial Spirits, Celestials, Infernals,
Possession and so on.
Successes Duration
• Sense Spirit / Discern Aura: Most mortals have little or no
1 Sucesso One turn.
interaction with the supernatural world. However, mages can do
2 Successes One turn per Foundation point. it once they know this power. This level allows a mage to change
3 Successes One scene or hour. his perception so that he can sense spirits of all kinds, see them,
feel the thickness of the local Umbra, and read a target’s aura,
4 Successes 12 hours. as in Aura Reading.
5 Successes 24 hours. Combined with other Pillars, the magician can locate forces,
6 Successes One day per Foundation point. places, or items with unusual connections to the spirit world,
7 Successes One month. such as Awakened objects, elemental spirits, possessed organisms,
Surfaces, Nodes, and so on. With Quintessence 1, the magician
8 Successes One month per Foundation point. can make a combination in order to perceive powers being used
9+ Successes Undetermined. To the Storyteller’s charge, such as Spirit Sense, from Auspex.
such as “until next spring” or “until this sword It is necessary to know that the spirit world that a mage reaches
is taken from the rock.” is not necessarily the Land of Shadows, used by the Wraiths and
Specters. The mage reaches a much more superficial layer of the
Umbra, but can still see ghosts that are nearby, especially those
who seek to come to the world of men.
The Foundation of the Mind •• Manipulate the Shroud / Touch the Umbra: Now, the
The Mind Foundation works with the three Pillars that involve magician is able to slightly manipulate the shroud and touch the
spells that influence or depart from a mage’s psyche in some spirit world, so that he can transfer or bring objects from there.
way: Pillar of Soul, Pillar of Evros, and Pillar of Reason. The This feat also allows understanding of spiritual objects such as
Pillar of Soul works with mentalization through the spirit and Fetishes and Apparition Artifacts.
strengthening it, the Pillar of Evros works with the transition of This manipulation of the shroud allows the mage to move into
consciousness and evolution of immediate perceptions, while the Umbra, speak to spirit entities, or touch them for a brief
the Pillar of Reason works with the evolution and projection of few turns, depending on the successes invested in Duration.
reason as man’s main tool. Additionally it can thin or thicken the local Shroud. In the latter
Wizards who invest in the Foundation of Mind are generally case, each success decreases or increases the Shroud Index by
quite rational, intelligent, and some tend to explore the paths of +1 for each success obtained, and can increase or decrease the
Philosophy. They preach the rationalization and full expansion of difficulty even for werewolves (minimum 4, maximum 9). That
the senses, seeking to perfect the “I”. Among these magicians, the said, a human mage cannot lower the Gauntlet to below 4 in
exploration of the spirit, mind and senses is full and they value the mortal world.
creatures with a high degree of intelligence for seeing “beyond” ••• Pierce the Shroud / Jump Flat: By jumping through the
the average population. flats, the magician is able to cross the Umbra, transmuting his
Focus: Meditation, prayers, mantras, concentration rituals, physical body into a spiritual one. He can carry some material
dream-inducing herbs, focus on the “inner self”, writing and goods, though changing them to spiritual also increases the
difficulty of the roll and the number of successes needed for the ghosts, only spatial and immediate senses. Without the help of
trip, and in some cases requires Elements 2. Simple equippables other Pillars, he cannot do everything Auspex would do on his
like clothing and normal items increase both factors by +1 own, for example.
difficulty while bulky clothing and items increase by +2. No awakened person is capable of casting a spell at a distance
The mage is not yet able to harm spirits, but can minimally greater than his instantaneous senses without the third level of
interact with them. In addition, he manages to expand his the Pillar of Evros. When combining Evros with other Pillars, the
knowledge by adding other pillars, allowing the projection of Effect becomes limited. in game terms, the level of the secondary
thoughts through the barrier (combined with Reason 4 or 5), Pillars cannot be higher than the level of the Pillar of Evros of
awaken elemental disturbances in the spiritual world, such as a that awakened one. A mage, for example, who only has Pillar of
small energy storm (Energy 3) or can imbue spiritual residues, Evros 2, could try to perform an effect of Elements 4 and Energy
powers and effects on objects (Elements 3). 3 to try to initiate ranged shots, however he is limited to Strengths
The mage is not yet able to harm spirits, but can drain them, 2, a very low level to cast these shots of objects. To increase this
weakening their energies (Quintessence 3) and can also help effect, he would need to increase his Pillar to at least 3.
living creatures touch the other world (Life 2). Words of Power: Conjuration, Divination, Gates, Protection,
•••• Imprison Spirit / Hurt Spirit: the magician at this Teleportation.
level of knowledge can affect spirits in a much deeper way. He • Space Comprehension / Sharpened Perceptions: the first
is now able to imprison them, creating Fetishes and Artifacts effect of the Pillar of Évros involves an innate understanding
purely at the will of these spirit entities (Quintessence 3, Time of space. With this level, the character can manipulate their
3), although these objects may be short-lived. Hurt the spirits immediate perceptions, such as perceiving any creature, object,
with spiritual, mental or physical attacks, simply by combining knowing the direction of North, South, East and West and even
the Pillars. estimating the distance between the senses. This type of use of
A mage with this ability can also wake up from any moment of power removes Blind Combat penalties.
sleep, coma, induced or not, in addition to being able to project •• Elevate Senses / Sharpened Perceptions: now, the
his soul spiritually (combined with Reason 2). magician is able to extend his senses through space, being able
••••• Banish Spirit / Seal the Breach / Jump into to sense presences in other places. This type of use of power
Shadowland: The spirit master is now able to tear open portals leaves noticeable marks for oracular powers as in Spiritual Sense,
through the Umbra, allowing groups and large objects to pass of vampires. Additionally, the magician can shape perceptions
through. It can also close these spaces, even for long durations. so that he can notice supernatural influences, as the Auspex
Discipline itself does.
At this Level, the mage can also force spirits to appear, trap
them in Fetish objects, or tie them to certain locations or prisons. The character is able to increase his senses just as Heightened
For obvious reasons, this bondage is risky, especially if the spirit Senses and Spiritual Sense can, reducing the difficulties for
is powerful. A brave or foolish mage can even transform into a Perception checks equal to his Pillar level.
temporary Fetish, channeling a spirit entity into his mortal body. ••• Hide / Pierce Space / Track: a mage who understands
In such cases, he loses his ability to use true magic, but he can his correspondence in this range is able to hinder attempts to
employ the spirit’s abilities within him. On the other hand, he perceive himself, similar to Obfuscate, by placing his successes in
can also exorcise a spirit that has possessed a mortal host and Intensity. However, he can only hide spatial perceptions such as
banish it from votla to the plane of the dead. In all cases, the covering his tracks or preventing his powers from being detected.
wizard enters a series of opposed checks against the spirit, pitting When active, this effect can increase tracking difficulty by one
his Willpower against the spirit itself. point per success.
This power also allows the mage to break the Umbra of Dreams The magician has also learned to dig small holes through space.
and venture beyond the Horizons (magical realms created by So if the awakened could combine this with other Pillars like
archmages) or wander the Deep of the Umbrae. These tasks Pillars of Life 2 or Elements 2, they could pull objects through
require at least 10 successes, but a brave DM can travel as far tiny holes in space, steal diplomatic letters, swords, small animals
as his soul wants. and the like from another location, apparently pulling them out
of nowhere. This hole isn’t enough for him to go through, and
Pillar of Evros his distance is still limited as the successes he puts in Area can
One of the most useful Pillars for every magician is precisely help him a lot and complete what he wants.
the Pillar of Evros, as it expands his senses on a regional scale
This power also allows the mage to trace through space. It can
and is able to move him through space and give him a complete
attempt to locate a target if it has any objects it once belonged
sense of the entire environment. These sensory advantages are
to or a trace of the target. Through allocating successes to Area
similar to the powers of perception provided by the Auspex
and Intensity, the magician expands his gifts in order to search
Discipline, however the magician is not able to perceive spirits,
for the target using the surrounding environment or sensing its
likely locations. Without any traces or belongings of the target, the worst decisions a vampire can make, especially in the case
it is impossible to locate him! However, with Pillar of Life, Mind of a vampire who is also fighting with the mind. These wizards
or Spirit, this quest can be made easier. are real mental barriers.
•••• Open Rift / Location Mark: while at the third level of Literally “thought-filled,” mind-knowing magicians possess
Foundation, the awakened can dig small holes through space, mental clarity and unnerving perceptiveness. Some seem to be
at this level the magician can open rifts between space. That adrift in a sea of ​​distractions, but most of them see the world
doesn’t mean it’s an easy task, after all, he still needs to follow with a laser-focused intensity that penetrates illusions to reach
the rules for successes in Area, Intensity and similar to know their deepest truth.
if he could cross the desired distance. These dimensional gates Words of Power: Communication, Illusion, Emotion,
are temporary and last at least one turn. Social Programming, Self-Empowerment, Astral Travel, Mind
There is no possibility for the mage to create a rift to a place he Protection, Psychodynamics, Psychic Combat.
does not know! He must at least have visited the environment or • Feeling Thoughts and Emotions / Perfecting the Mind:
heard about it. The difficulty of the rift check increases with the With a basic knowledge of mental magic, the magician learns to
paucity of information about where the mage wishes to teleport. feel other people’s emotions and superficial impulses. Although
The narrator is the final arbiter when making these changes. he cannot read specific thoughts, he is able to perceive psychic
The mage is also able to mark a location in order to perceive impressions about a person or (with Matter 1) a place or object.
all targets in the environment. The Area, Duration and Intensity Through this insight, he can guess the nature of weak impression
depend on how much the mage invested his successes and how he signatures and read the strongest ones immediately. Even without
created the location mark. For characters protected by Obfuscate, psychic impressions, the magician can scan auras, notice mood
compare successes between the Intensity and the target’s “See swings, discern truth from lies, or understand the general state
the Unseen” rolls. of one’s mind through a successful Foundation check.
••••• Alter Spaces / Co-Location / Extremely Acute With this power the magician can evolve his own mind, so
Perceptions: At this point, the magician has reached his apex that he can have better concentration, be able to do several
of spatial awareness. With this power level, he is able to split his tasks at once without penalties (invest successes in Moldar).
perception to see a number of places equal to his Wits + Alertness Additionally, each success he gets allows him to consider an
at the same time, without taking penalties. All of these locations additional target or speed up the processing time that a normal
appear as ghosts superimposed on each other, as if they have been person might require. For a scene or two, he may even increase
layered over the nearest location. Furthermore, by combining one of his Mental Traits by one point per success, thanks to a
Pillar of Évros 3 with Pillar of Energy, Life or Elements 3, the mind-enabling effect that focuses his mental faculties.
magician can move things at a distance, levitating, manipulating •• Mental Barrier / Empathic Connection / Reading
or teleporting them without the slightest physical contact. Shallow Thoughts: by focusing on people, the magician is able
By creating bigger holes in space, the mage can now open to fly over the minds of unnoticed targets by concentrating
permanent gates between locations (10 or more successes), their power and seeing shallow thoughts, discerning emotional
isolate forces, spaces, objects or people in their own tiny realms states, reading memories that have been left behind on objects
(combining the correct Pillars), and protect certain locations or places and projecting isolated words or emotional impulses
against specific Patterns like Vampires, Werewolves, Fairies and to other people. The simpler the emotional content, the easier
other beings. This protection effect can prevent or even block it will be to send or read. A flash of anger, for example, is easy
prohibited elements from entering or leaving the protected to project or receive, but a surge of melancholy can be complex
space, requiring more successes than the Intensity invested by even for experienced mages.
the mage. With Pillar of Elements and Life, the mage could Additionally, the magician also learns to protect his own mind
even deal damage by investing points in Damage on anyone from other people’s thoughts and emotions, building mental
who entered the location. barriers around his aura, emotions and consciousness. Each
As a last effect, the awakened one can also appear in several success on a coincident Foundation check removes one success
different places at the same time, within your Area’s radius. from any other character’s attempt to read these psychic elements.
To work, however, it must add the Pillar of Reason 1 for this ••• Mental Explosion / Telepathy / Command: With
Effect. Each copy reflects the actions of the original, unless it increasing skill, the magician learns to connect minds, create
also adds Pillar of Life 2, getting an additional action for every telepathic communications, read or influence another person’s
success invested in Casting. thoughts with subtle commands, and launch psychic attacks
Pillar of Reason on the consciousness of a reluctant rival. At this stage, mental
attacks can do painful, though rarely fatal, damage.
Masters of the mind are able to manipulate thoughts, implant
commands, read aura, spy on the mind, control dreams, and Combined with Évros, Energies, Elements or Life, he is able
other variables. Facing a master of the mind is definitely one of to employ telekinesis, pyrokinetics and psychophysical attack,
influencing objects, elements or people with the power of his by influencing his deeds and allowing him to contemplate the
mind. Unlike most other effects, this type of effect causes an odds at his hands.
additional Paradox point. Unfortunately, this power does not allow you to predict
•••• Controlling Dreams / Projecting Illusions / Advanced everything, without the help of other Pillars. A wizard without
Commands: Entering someone’s dreams and exploring Dream Pillar of Life and Pillar of Kronos could not know what a target
Realms is one of the capabilities a mage can most exploit at would die from, nor when. But he could know the chance of
this level of knowledge, and project illusions almost as real as a this target dying or with Pillar of Évros, who would have a better
Ravnos’s powerful. These magicians can confuse victims, wake chance of trying to kill him. Or perhaps he could perceive the
up from a coma, or even control their own dreams even if they event that would kill him, such as “violent death”, “sudden
are induced to do so. death”, “supernatural death”, without being able to specify
These mages also achieve powers very similar to domination, exactly what would happen and in how long it would happen.
commanding another person’s actions as well as their thoughts, Words of Power: Fate, Fortune, Decay, Order, Chaos,
altering their perceptions or mental state and even erasing Necromancy.
memories or molding them. • Sense the Probability: Although simplistic, the first level
••••• Change Consciousness / Read Deep Thoughts / of the Pillar of Destinies brings the great ability to sense the
Powerful Commands: A true master of the mind commands not probability of the consequences of something. Similar to
only his consciousness, but other minds as well. He is capable Precognition, but on a more immediate scale, like sensing if a
of altering a person’s consciousness, making him crazy or sane, person will tend to draw a sword against you or if “that man
receiving or curing his disturbances. He can also overlay his aura who owes you will pay you.”
with a desired impression and set powerful, as well as hypnotic, This power allows the mage to glimpse immediate probabilities
commands that his targets wouldn’t even know exist. in even one scene, but if combined with Pillar of Kronos, he can
At this level of power, the magician reads thoughts in the extend his insights into the future. With Pillar of Destinies, each
deeper layers of the mind and is able to alter any man’s stages success invested in Shaping reduces the difficulty of the wizard’s
of consciousness at his leisure. actions in subsequent actions. If you don’t have the Pillar of
Kronos, the awakened can only invest up to three successes in
Duration for this power.
The Foundation of Reality •• Feel the Truth: Lying to a wizard is a tremendous
challenge, especially when it comes to the Pillar of Destinies.
The Foundation of Reality the three Pillars that involve spells With this level of Pilar, the magician can detect lies, knowing
that influence the reality we live in in some way: Pillar of Destiny, when the person is telling the truth or not. However, this roll
Pillar of Quintessence and the Pillar of Kronos. The Pillar of is not similar to Auspex, as it would require a Pillar of the Soul
Destiny works with the manipulation of probabilities and events, to see a target’s aura.
as well as predictions of what may or may not happen. The
Pillar of Quintessence works with the transition of energies and By investing successes in Intensity, the mage can be much
transmutation from the beginning into matter. Finally, the Pillar more accurate about those words. A target who tries to lie
of Kronos works with the manipulation of time. naturally cannot dodge this power, only with the help of some
supernatural tool.
Magicians who invest in the Foundation of Reality are often
quite attached to concepts from our world. Understanding the ••• Control Probability: Now the magician can control
time, our fate on earth, the point of view through the energies, possibilities that he could only sense before. By altering the
all from a different perspective. These magicians study so much chain of seemingly random events, he can influence activities
about our reality that they distance themselves from humanity and outcomes in subtle ways, such as increasing the likelihood
for not being able to connect to the points of view considered of a Roman lawyer’s error or convincing some members of the
“human”. Senate to agree with his idea (combined with Pillar of Minds),
repeatedly hitting weaknesses and directing people and things to
Focus: Mantra, chakras, mystical rites through energized stones, a conclusion of their choice. It’s easier to track small events like
herbs that bring energy, destiny boards and games, connection who would win a fight in the coliseum or a carriage going down
to the world and contemplation. the wrong street than big events like controlling the probability
Pillar of Destiny of an entire house falling down.
Oraculists, prophets and other types of magicians had domain In systemic terms, this could increase or decrease the difficulty
of the Pillar of Destinies to know what they knew and get where of the targets or self rolls according to the successes invested in
they arrived. A mage with this Pilar level is capable of influencing Casting. Appropriate expenditure of Quintessence can lessen the
any creature’s fate, from sensing odds to causing bad luck and difficulty, however grand feats may require up to ten successes
good luck. A wizard with Fate could make his life much easier or more because they are unbelievable.
•••• Influencing Fate: objects break, people make mistakes, action that doesn’t involve casting magic (only one Foundation
strangest possible events happen in the way the mage has check can be made per turn) or else slow down another character,
controlled. With Pillar of Destiny 4, the wizard begins to dictate object, or even herself in an increment by success. This power is
the fate of his targets. That is, he could cause a “bad luck mate” very similar to Temporis’s Patience of the Norns effects.
by taking hits off his targets, controlling events on a larger scale, Additionally, the mage can thicken the walls of time, which
or increasing the effectiveness of events. makes other effects of Time more difficult. Each success she gets
This doesn’t rule out the need for a successful scroll! Overall, deducts one success from the attempts of other characters with
the mage can’t use Destiny Control to dictate whether his rituals experience over time, whether by Disciplines or Foundations.
or powers will work, but he can influence the abilities of other •••• Reverse Turns / Time Bubble: If desired, the wizard
targets, like saying “the Nosferatu slipped into the mud puddle will time backward one turn for every two successes. Combining
and broke its Obfuscate.” this Level with other Spheres, the magician can affect other
••••• Dictate Fate: curses, blessings, health or decay, Patterns (Forces, Life or Energies 2), cast effects across distance
whatever the wizard can dictate! At this power level, the awakened and time (Evros 3), go back in time while recalling events from
one is able to influence the Fate of any existing creature or event. the future. just left (Life 3 / Reason 2), or even invoke multiple
It could grant exceptional vitality or inflict sudden illness on its probabilities (Fate 3). Again, these attempts are Paradox magnets
target (combined with Health 3). This would allow for even the with dire long-term consequences.
most astronomical feats where it would cause or heal aggravated The mage can also withdraw from the time stream for a few
damage and may grant long-term luck or misfortune. turns, as he accumulates one extra Paradox point per turn that
Pillar of Kronos remains out of the stream. This effect is very similar to Temporis’
Out of the Flow. The difference involves the magician being able
Magicians who manipulate time can transition between
to withdraw from the flow of time. It is also able to do this to
energies considered strange to humans and other supernatural
try to keep up with the speed of a time handler that is freezing
creatures. Similar to ancient Brujah who studied the arts of the
it or doing similar actions. This power also allows this power
Temporis, these mages become somewhat apathetic due to their
to retain effects until they are triggered by events or by adding
understanding of the facts, always seeking logical reasoning as a
Évros, Energies, Life, Elements and/or Soul, capturing other
viable option for any decision-making.
beings or phenomena in bubbles of time, trapping them there
Words of Power: Perceptions, Prophecy, Triggers, Time Travel, for some periods of time although this may require a fair amount
Time Control of successes (+10 successes).
• Temporal Understanding: Understanding time begins ••••• Temporal Immunity / Temporal Redemption:
with the magician’s own perceptions. At this stage, it develops Temporal immunity is not based on the magician being literally
an accurate internal clock and can detect the temporal ripples immune to the effects of another character’s weather. In reality,
left by (or, in many cases, developing before) the effects of time. this power implies that when active, a mage tracks the speed of
Other phenomena also leave disturbances in the flow of time, another character even if he withdraws from the flow of time
and the magician may notice them too. This power is quite similar and can immunize people with him so that they too track these
to what Tempris’s Hourglass of Mind is capable of. temporal aspects.
•• Vision of the Future and Past: the awakened person In addition, the mage can bring a period of time to an area,
is able to look forward and backward in time. While these similar to Temporis’ powers that allow only visualization. The
impressions are subtle, nebulous, not entirely accurate, and tied magician is not able to travel into the past and not change anything
to the limitations of that time and place (ie, what a viewer at that that happened, but to see, interact and know. Any changes he
particular time and place might feel under the circumstances), tries to make to the scene are corrected by reality, which applies
they allow the Time seer to catch glimpses of the past. or future. some extra Paradox points to the mage and keeps things going.
This Effect also allows the mage to see only their current Pillar of Quintessence
location. By combining Past/Future Vision with other Pulars,
however, he can read past or likely future impressions of objects By studying the raw energy of the world, an awakened one
or places (Elements), living things (Life) and alternate locations learns to understand, manipulate and absorb the Fifth Essence
(Evros). With Destiny, the wizard is able to glimpse multiple within all things. Also known as Odylic Force, Primordial Energy
futures and choose the one most likely to occur. and Quintessence, this basic energy feeds the characteristics of
other Pillars and forms of power. Energies, Life, Elements, all
••• Difficult Time Ripples / Speed ​​Up or Slow Time: By flow through the sublime essence of the Soul. A skilled wizard
speeding up or slowing down the movement of time, the mage like Pillar of Quintessence, therefore, can create and destroy
can now take various actions, slow down other characters or things at their essential level, items of enchanted or Enlightened
phenomena, or rewind small fragments of time. In game terms, creation power, and sustain their own life essence through their
every two successes allows the character to perform an additional understanding of Primal Force.
Creating objects with primordia may still require the character master of Quintessence can extract it from any source, absolutely.
to use Crafts, setting the character of his weaponry. Using In addition, he manages to perform a very powerful effect of
channeling energies can be one of the best weapons a wizard has unloading Paradox, unloading one point per expenditure of
to match his powers against other powerful creatures. Quintessence, considering the successes on the roll. Each success
Words of Power: Absorption, Artifice, Perceptions, allows you to discharge an extra point, but Failure causes you to
Channeling, Creation, Destruction lose those Quintessence points.

• Sense the Ether: A mage with this knowledge of Pilar is

able to sense any type of target that channels Quintessence. It
can detect energy flows, including by using powers and other
The Foundation of the
magical stimuli.
•• Channel Power / Absorb Quintessence: absorb
Quintessence (wizards without this foundation cannot absorb The Foundation of Matter the three Pillars that involve
Quintessence without the Avatar Background) and infuse its magic that influence the reality we live in in some way: Pillar
Quintessence into an object, allowing it to store its personal of Elements, Pillar of Energy and Pillar of Life. The Pillar of
energy for later use. Elements works with the manipulation of palpable matter, as well
as fire, earth, water and the modification of their substances, as
Additionally, at this degree of control over energies, the well as the understanding of matter itself. The Pillar of Energy
magician can divert the Quintessence into new or existing forms. works with the interaction with energies that cannot be seen or
Combined with other Pillars, this allows the mage to create new manipulated by man, such as force, winds, gravity and others.
patterns of Elements, Life, or Energy (summoning them out of Finally, the Pillar of Life works with the manipulation of Life,
thin air) and infuse existing items with a primordial force to with the cure, with diseases, longevity and maximum adaptability
strengthen them or increase their protective or destructive power. of the human being.
Weapons or attacks infused with Quintessence can harm spirits
and deal Aggravated damage. Wizards who invest their knowledge in the Matter Foundation
are often quite attached to natural resources. Elemental spells,
The magician is also able to create light in an ephemeral way, manipulation of physical energies and knowledge of life are
projected through your body. Although this Body of Light has part of your daily life and allow you to further explore life’s
no substance or special properties, it does present a kind of probabilities. They tend to create a shamanic relationship with
glowing projection of magic itself. the world and utilize this through their rites. Some of the Masters
••• Extract Energy Flow / Channel Energy to Target / of this Foundation are believed to be located in the darkest parts
Temporary Artifacts: by tapping energy flows around you to of Gaul and Bretannia.
extract free and raw Quintessence from Nodes and solidified Focus: Incense, herbs, blood rituals, moon rituals, animal
Quintessence. This energy can also be channeled with its sacrifice, using natural resources such as stones or sticks, mystical
powers, to enchant any living target (combined with Life 3), deal symbols written in runes or prayers to the Gods.
Aggravated damage, or destabilize an organism.
Employ Quintessence on a target to create temporary Talismans Pillar dos Elements
or Artifacts, infusing them with powers from other Pillars to While the Pillar of Energies moves and manipulates
further strengthen what the mage is capable of, such as creating insubstantial matter, which cannot be seen, felt or touched, the
a sword of flame (Elements 3). Yet the mage can create a weapon Pillar of Elements manipulates palpable matter. Unlike other
of glowing energy to bring pain to his enemies. Pillars, this is one of the few that most needs variability. A
•••• Expel Quintessence / Destroy Quintessence / Drain magician without Energies or Pillar of Quintessence will not be
Greater Quintessence: The power of a wizard who is close to able to create matter through solid energy, reinforce or destroy it
mastery with Quintessence allows him to drain Quintessence through the Pillar of Destiny, or create any kind of manipulation
and forces (not from living targets), disintegrate something or of Life through the Elements.
decay it instantly (with Target 2). The mage can break extremely Words of Power: Transmutation, Modeling, Conjuration,
strong objects that cannot be broken or rotted naturally. Refinement, Complex Patterns.
At this stage, he is able to permanently enchant items and extract • Perceive Aspect: A primary understanding of matter allows
Quintessence from the energy sources of exciting events, as well the magician to perceive the properties of basic materials such
as unload his own Quintessence sources in order to crystallize as the quality of that material, its main properties and type of
them so that they materialize. At this level, the mage can drain material. With this knowledge, he can visualize the material
Quintessence from supernatural targets as well. composition of an object, notice its less obvious structures, find
••••• Nullify Paradox / Extract Superior Quintessence: A its hidden layers, or by combining this perception with Destiny,
point out its weaknesses. Combined with Vida, this Pillar detects things (in terms of the game, he must have the proper Abilities).
supernatural enhancements and other integrations of living As usual, however, complicated creations require lengthy rituals
tissue and inert materials. and many successes.
•• Basic Transmutation: the magician begins to understand Pillar of Energies
more about the state of materials and can change them minimally.
Heat and cold, drought and storms, light and darkness,
He is able to change basic things like temperature, turn it into
from lighting a candle to nuclear fusion, the Sphere of Forces
another material (like lead into gold), wood and stone, or water
encompasses natural energy and forces as well as their negative
into some spirits. However, the magician cannot change the form
version. Anything in the material world that can be seen or
to liquid, gas or solid.
felt but is not material can be controlled through the Pillar of
He also only manages to transform materials that have Energies. Electricity, gravity, magnetism, friction, heat, motion,
conditions for that. A rope could not turn to metal. However, fire, etc., as well as their opposites or their absence. At lower
a stone could be turned into iron. The material cannot be levels the mage can control forces on a small scale, changing
totally opposite or different from what the magician intends to their direction or converting one energy into another. At higher
transform. Knowledge in Alchemy can help you a lot to know levels, storms and explosions can be cast.
how to work better in the transformations of basic substances.
Words of Power: Alchemy, Movement, Elements (any or all),
••• Shape: With some advanced knowledge, the magician Physics, Weather, Weaponry.
is now able to shape substances. He could bend an iron bar
• Energetic Glimpse: By unlocking basic perceptions of the
effortlessly, shape a piece of wood, and even dissolve materials.
elements, a magician with Pillar of Energies can sense the flow
Now, the magician is able to mold materials in a way that of forces in their environment. He could increase his perceptions
makes them more or less resistant. Armor could easily be to see in other aspects, sensing darkness with exquisiteness or
fortified by manipulating metal. A stone column could stiffen observing through vibrational patterns, perceiving movement,
so that it would not fall to the magician’s touch. Additionally, discerning the flow of sound waves and hearing frequencies
the character gains a deep understanding of materials, being able beyond the normal human range.
to see through the supernatural aspects of materials (combined
This pillar only allows the mage to attain human perceptions.
with Quintessence 2).
Supernatural interferences are beyond his reach, such as
•••• Complex Transformation: changing the state of identifying a vampire’s Potency level or tracking the speed
substances such as gas to liquid or liquid to solid is now possible. of another creature’s Celerity. This would only be possible
The mage manages to make an almost complete transformation through the third level of this pillar. However, the mage is able
of the materials. He could easily, as in the previous example, turn to completely ignore dark perception penalties by reducing the
a rope into iron chains. It is interesting to say that the magician difficulties of his Perception rolls, understanding about weight,
will probably need knowledge in Alchemy to understand about pressure, kinetic strength as no one else would.
compositions, otherwise he simply transforms of his own free
Any Mental roll that involves this type of awareness when this
will and not because he understands what he is doing.
power is active has a guaranteed automatic success and can be
When combined with other spheres, this basic level of modified based on the wizard’s investments.
understanding allows a mage to conjure basic materials of energy
•• Influencing Energies: Changing the state of energies
or dissolve them into Quintessence, transmute matter into living
becomes part of the magician’s domain. It could completely mute
tissue (Life 4 or higher), move an object through space (Évros 2
a shrill sound or amplify it, simulating Fortitude’s Sensory Barrier
or higher ) or time (Kronos 3 or higher), ephemeral change in
effects. He could reduce or increase shadows, minimally shaping
matter and matter in ephemeral, or awaken the sleeping spirit
or dispelling them, similar to the first level of Obtenebration,
within material objects (Soul 3 or higher).
although he couldn’t control supernatural shadows, but see
••••• Change Properties: Complex and radical through Obtenebration like in Auspex, reducing penalties.
transformations now become perfectly possible, especially with
If unable to see something, the mage can distort the light to
the addition of other Pillars. Just the touch could turn someone
make things visible, change their colors by altering the localized
into gold (Life 4), people into thrones (Life 5), chariots into
light spectrum, or make them silent by bending the sound waves in
weapons (combinations of Energies and Quintessence). However,
their surroundings, damaging the Obfuscate of a hidden vampire.
these feats accumulate more Paradox than usual, causing an extra
point beyond the ordinary. With a wave of the hand, the awakened one can interrupt
electrical currents, blazing flames, or direct the course of winds
Different principles can be combined in complicated ways,
or gravity. However, mage is only able to command energy
creating contraptions quite advanced for the time. Complicated
around a single humanized character or within a small Area
devices (like the mechanics of a scorpio) can be conjured from
(maximum investment must equal the level of Pillar of Energies
empty space if the wizard understands the principles behind such
of the awakened one). To affect a larger area, you need a higher comes more easily in winter than in summer, and these radical
Rank on this Pillar. changes have repercussions that often outlast the original Effect.
••• Summon Forces / Telekinesis: With Pillar of Energy Absolutely all effects using Energies 5 cause three automatic
3, the magician is able to alter and summon energies that he Paradox points. In game terms, massive Forces spells should
could only touch before. By adding Quintessence 2, he could cast disturb the weather and leave massive resonant echoes behind.
powerful winds, fire, electricity, and so on. The mage could also
leverage the effects of his punches to deal damage beyond normal. Pillar of Life
Just as blood is life to vampires, the Pillar of Life represents
Combined with Life or Matter, it could turn people into
this trait to mages. In addition to being able to heal themselves,
electricity (Health 5 / Energies 3), dealing an amount of Lethal
they can shape the patterns of your own body. Some mages
damage equal to allocated hits to Damage, turn water to air
transform into other creatures and animals, for example. With
(Energy 3 / Elements 3), or attach an elemental force to material
life, a magician can take other forms, adapt to natural adversities,
forms, making them fly with Telekinesis, pinning them to the
feel life, and even mold other people. If a vampire saw such
ground, and having other similar effects (usually with Life or
traits, he would assume the mage might have domains similar
Elements 3).
to Vicissitude in combination with Valeren.
•••• Control Greater Forces / Extended Senses: Greater
Words of Power: Transformation, Shape Change, Healing,
effects become possible. Awakening could change weather
Improvement, Creation, Cloning, Evolution, Injury.
patterns, conjure darkness as in Obtenebration, decrease or
increase temperatures; protect locations or even destroy them. By • Sense Life: Similar to the first level of Valeren, of the Healer
adding an Ephemeral Pillar to this level, it can corrode or increase caste, this one provides a basic knowledge of life and allows a
energy (Target 3); manifest thoughts into energies (Reason 3), person to read the presence and health of nearby lifeforms.
transmute spiritual matter into physical energies (Soul 3); or set With this knowledge, the magician can discern the age, sex and
triggers for energy fluctuations at some later interval (Kronos 4). general health of a living being. By combining these perceptions
with other Pillars, he can also sense distant organisms (Evros 2),
A wizard who could amplify his senses to match a vampire’s
guess their potential for illness or misfortune (Fate 1), or perceive
speed with Celerity requires an amount of successes equal to
them through past or future states (Kronos 2).
the penalty the vampire imposes. A vampire with Celerity 6,
who causes +3 difficulty to sense it with the senses, can request •• Simple Healing / Subtle Changes: With some turns
3 successes from the mage in Shaping and Intensity, dividing investing successes in Intensity, the mage is able to perform
the successes between the two traits. healings that would not naturally be possible. Being a mortal,
the mage could not heal himself if he wanted to, nor could he
It is not possible for an awakened one to undo Chimerstry
heal other targets. With this level of power he can.
effects without distrusting them. The magician needs to know
that this is an illusion, but he could undo them as soon as he Focusing on its own Pattern, it can also heal itself (up to Lethal
notices the vibrational aspects. He must compare the effects damage, healing one point per success with difficulty increased by
of “Seeing the Unseen”, using his successes against those of +1), and any healing the mage does on other targets requires an
Ravnos so that he can deactivate a single illusion. The wizard extra Quintessence point spent to work, in addition to causing
manages to try to undo two levels of Chimerstry for every level lethal damage. Or make small changes (hair color, skin tone,
of Pilar you have. height, weight, and so on) to your basic shape.
••••• True Transmutation: Almost like a Methuselah ••• Alter Simple Lifeforms / Change Yourself: Similar to
vampire, a Master of the Forces works his Will over vast areas. what a Tzimisce would know how to do with its own body, a
He could cast tornadoes on a clear day (+10 successes), calm tides mage can make substantial changes to himself, creating the gills
would turn into overwhelming waves (+15 successes), and turn that would allow him to last longer underwater, claws that would
the very air into a firestorm (+20 successes). These mages don’t rip as much as a bear’s claws, skin shells that would give you
usually show their full powers without good reason. There are dice to absorb lethal damage, and so on. It remains essentially
few who survive long enough to enjoy it. It’s easier to invoke human, but it begins to dominate the definition of “human”,
these forces under the right conditions, after all, a cold snap reaching the aspect of perfect mastery of human bodies as the
Greeks would think.

• Note que essas adaptações foram fortemente inspiradas em M20, Idade das Trevas: Mago (Edição Revisada) e Guia da Mão
Negra para Tal’Mahe’Ra (V20). Em nenhum momento, o objetivo é desconsiderar o que foi escrito pela editora, mas revisar e
adaptar conceitos de forma que os universos possam trabalhar juntos. Todas as Esferas foram convertidas em Pilares, que podem
fazer exatamente as mesmas coisas, em escalas levemente menores do que um mago realmente poderia fazer no cenário original.
Seu Arete foi transformado em Fundação, mas o mago não possuí um único e sim uma linha ao qual ele domina mais. A ideia é
diversificar, equilibrar e tornar o jogo divertido.
Simple life forms like crustaceans, insects, plants, etc. become other species with new limbs, opposable thumbs, increased brain
“clay” in the magician’s hands, as if he could make small changes capacity, etc., as long as it doesn’t change its nature.
to these creatures. He learns to adjust their traits (investing ••••• Complex Life / Longevity: By molding his own body
successes in Molding), giving wings to a crab, for example) and the bodies of others, the mage can transform into other
without killing them. Although he cannot yet transmute them life forms of similar size and mass. Thinking about it, he could
into other states of being, he can make flowers bloom or wither, become a dog, for example, but not a hummingbird. Special
help trees to bear fruit, and so on, however subtly. abilities of this form (flight, water breathing and the like) are
•••• Advanced Healing / Radical Changes: A mage’s Life not carried, however, unless he builds them into this new form
domain is now vastly increased. He also gains the ability to heal with additional Health effects, and the new body may require a
Aggravated damage to himself and other complex organisms, put period of adjustment before the mind and the reflections reflect
them to sleep, or inflict Aggravated damage to their life forms. It the new features.
should be noted that healing for Aggravated damage requires 5 Additionally, the mage can increase their longevity, being able
successes and still requires eight hours of rest, although it does to stay alive for centuries or even a millennium. It is unknown
not spend Willpower on the mage’s part, but on the target’s how long the mage is able to rejuvenate himself so that he begins
part. A mage with this Health level could heal even lost limbs to age. However, he cannot live eternal life! At some point, his
if he wanted to. magic will no longer have any effect and he will have to depart
The magician can also make radical changes in any complex for the underworld.
organism like people, dogs, horses, and so on. It can elevate
Magickal Guide
Difficulty of Magic Points of Paradox
Classification Pillar Level +3 Min Successes What is the Pillar Level? Amount
• Difficulty 4 +1 Success • +0
•• Difficulty 5 +2 Successes •• +0 or +1
••• Dif. 6 +3 Successes ••• +1 or +2
•••• Dif. 7 +4 Successes •••• +2 or +3
••••• Dif. 8 +5 Successes ••••• +3 or Pillar x2

Feats of Magick
Classification Minimum Suggested Successes
Simple 1 Success: lighting a candle, improving your perceptions, changing your hair color and so on.
Common 2 Successes: heal yourself, light a torch, change your shape, protect your mind, and so on.
Difficult 3 Successes: affect someone’s mind, change their appearance drastically, cast a fireball, and so
Impressive 4 Successes: heal aggravated damage, regenerate lost limbs, cast a storm, control someone’s
mind, and so on.
Powerful 5-15 Successes: Conjure entities, blow up structures, possess someone’s body, jump to the
Land of the Dead or other realms, and so on.
Unreal 15-25 Successes: blowing up entire buildings, incinerating someone’s mind, creating complex
new life forms, and so on.
Divine 30+ Successes: incinerate cities, enslave hundreds of people, conjure hordes of spirits, teleport
a realm, and so on.

• Personal effects require at least one success, while effects that hit others require two or more successes.
• Always divide successes gained on the spell between the spell’s effects (Targets, Intensity, Damage, Mold, Area, or Duration).
• Effects that change the setting and world in some way require at least 4 Successes!
• Damage or Duration for these feats (not both at the same time) is based on the number of successes rolled, according to the
Base Damage or Duration graph. If you chose Damage, Duration is instant. If you choose the duration, the damage is zero.
• If you want to add to Damage, Targets or Effect Duration before making the check, find out how many additional successes you
would need, declare them to Storyteller, then roll considering the total amount (ie Base + additional successes ).
Magic Difficulty Modifiers
Feats Condition

Using a personal, improvised Focus -1 of difficulty

Using a unique, magical instrument -1 of difficulty

Use a magical, unique and specialized instrument -2 of difficulty (maximum)

Working with Foci that do not belong to your Foundation +3 of difficulty

Working with Focuses unfamiliar to you +2 of difficulty

Use Focuses even when you don’t need to -1 of difficulty

Using an object that belonged to your target -1 to -3 difficulty

Using Pillars during a fight +1 of difficulty

Cast more than one spell at the same time +1 of difficulty, per spell

Keeping one spell active while casting another +1 of difficulty, per spell

Circumstantial Modifiers
Feat Condition

Use Quintessence -1 to -3 difficulty (max -3)

Wait for additional Turns -1 per expected Turn (max -3)

Reflective spell (as in defensive action) +2 of difficulty

Rewind Turn in time +3 of difficulty

General Modifiers
Feat Condition

Study about the spell target in advance -1 to -3 difficulty

Use magic near a Node or Caern -1 to -3 difficulty

Distant target, hidden (not by Obfuscate!) +1 difficulty

Distracted magician +1 difficulty

Unreal or Divine Effect +3 difficulty

Use successes accumulated by ritual +1 to +5 automatic roll successes

Spend Foundation Points Add a Foundation Equivalent Success Variable

Range from the Pillar of Evros
Successes Range Contact

One Line of sight Body sample

Two Very Familiar Close or Allied Contact

Three Familiar Object of yours or casual friend

Four Visited Once Casual knowledge or object used once

Five Local Descrito Brevemente Tocou no objeto ou conheceu a pessoa brevemente

Six or More Anywhere in the world No type of contact

Note: the Pillar of Evros further extends the distance in Area of magical investments, beyond the “common” limits.

Damage Magickal Resistance

Successes Amount Pillar Defense
One None Pillar of the Soul Willpower or Auspex
Two Two points Pillar of the Reason Willpower or Fortitude
Three Six points Pillar of the Destiny Stamina + Fortitude
Four Eight points Pillar of the Quintessence Fortitude (dif. 7)
Five Ten points Pillar of the Elements Stamina
Six or more Successes x2 Pillar of the Energies Stamina + Fortitude

This score also reflects the number of Health levels healed Pillar of the Life Stamina + Fortitude
by the Pillar of Life or Quintessence points channeled by
the Pillar of Quintessence. Counter Magick Blood Sorcery or Founda-
Assume that the maximum damage dealt by any Pillar is tion vs Foundation.
equivalent to 20 Vitality points (10 successes or nine for
Pillar of Energies).
• Concussion Damage: Pillar of Reason. • Effects created by the Pillar of Reason can only be defended by
• Lethal Damage: Most Pillars. Willpower (difficulty 9), however Mind Barrier or Sensory Shield
has the difficulty reduced by -2. The target can only defend using
• Aggravated Damage: Any Pillar charged with the energies one of the options! Never both.
of the Pillar of Quintessence, with an extra Quintessence
point spent for the turn. Electricity and Fire Effects. Decay • Effects created by the Pillar of the Soul can be defended by
through the Pillar of Destiny, Life or Pillar of Quintessence. Willpower (difficulty 9) or Auspex (difficulty8).

The Pillar of Évros and Kronos are unable to deal damage, • All damage considered Blasting and Lethal to a non-lethal target’s
although it can be combined with other Pillars that do. physical body can be soaked with Stamina + Fortitude.

The Pillar of Energies adds an automatic hit to damage. • Aggravated Damage can only be absorbed with Fortitude.

The Pillar of Fate always deals Aggravated damage from • Counter Magic Defenses only work if the opponent knows some
fourth level onwards. Blood Sorcery or Necromancy that can assist him in such an act.
• Awakened roll their Foundation levels to try to defend themselves.
Successes Range
One Familiar perceptions.
Two A familiar place (refuge, home, etc).
Three A family member or someone you’ve met recently.
Four Visited briefly.
Five Heard some brief description.
Six or more Teleport even without knowing anything about the location.

Successes Illusion
One Only one sense (smell, sight, taste, etc.).
Two A simple, one-way illusion that moves.
Three Complex illusion, which affects two directions or simple, which moves (affecting two direc-
Four Complex and moving (various sensations)
Five Complex and reflective (various sensations)
Six or more Complex and interactive (multiple sensations).

• Mental Illusions = Pillar of Reason 4+ (only the target sees, the more investments in Intensity, the stronger the illusion)
• Physical Illusions = Pillar of Energy 3+/Quintessence 2+ (visible to a number of victims equivalent to Area level x10, can
manipulate elemental forces to manifest sensory components, but requires successes invested in Intensity).
• Interactive Illusions = Pillar of 4+/Quintessence 4+ Energies (intense reality level, requires at least one success in Intensity,
Area, and Duration).
• Ilusions usually do no damage! Unless successes are invested in damage, for the illusion. However, victims can be directed to
situations where they risk their lives.
• Pillar of Reason = bashing damage (absorbed with Willpower, dif 9 or Fortitude, dif 7).
• Pillar of Reason 4/ Life 4 = aggravated damage
• Pillar of Energies = Breaching or Lethal, depending on the energies involved during the spell.
The common Duration of an illusion is one scene. However, Duration or Damage levels can be added with additional successes.
An extra scene + two damage levels would need three more successes, for example.
• Visualizing through illusions follows the same rules as “Seeing the Invisible”, from Auspex vs Chimerstry. Levels of Chimerstry
can try to dispel illusions created by a mage, as long as they distrust it.

• All successes and descriptions shown in these tables are demonstrations of the minimum successes for a wizard to do as he
pleases with his powers. However, they do not rule out the need for extra investment in magical aspects. A mage can cast a
five-success illusion, but without Intensity, it’s easily resisted. The same goes for other effects! A Teleport may require successes
on Targets if the wizard wants to carry someone else, or on Intensity to go faster or on Area if the wizard wants to transport
more objects. No type of magic discards this feature.
Time and Distance Temporal Range
Affect Distant Object or Person Pillar of Evros 3 Min. Successes Temporal Range
Aging / Rejuvenating Pillar of Kronos 3 + Life 4 One Up to one year.
(living beings) or/+ Elements
3 (objects) Two Up to five year.
Summon an Animal Pillar of Evros 2 + Life 3
Three 20 years
Create multiple images Pillar of Evros 2 + Life 3
Four 50 yeras
Create passage between locations Pillar of Evros 4 or 5
Five 100 years
Create multiple objects Pillar of Evros 5 + Quintessence
Six or more 500 years
2 + Elements 3
Fall back a few turns Pillar of Kronos 4 10+ 1000 years

Create Temporal Trigger Pillar of Kronos 4

• Time range is related to how much a mage can visualize
Speed up / Slow down time Pillar of Kronos 3 in the past only. A mage cannot make time travel without
Temporal Travel Pillar of Kronos 5 + Life 3 + bursting out of Paradox or returning weakened.
Reason 3 + Quintessence 2 + • Time Spells give between +1 and +3 extra Paradox points
Soul 2 + Elements 2 above the usual when they involve going back in time.
Banning / Vigilance Pillar of Évros 3 + Quintessence • Going back in the past does not allow the mage to change
3 + Appropriate Pillar what happened. The timeline is unique and will correct
itself to whatever the mage tries to do.

Time Magick
Min. Successes Feats of Time

Three Jumping out of time (Mold) / Aging (Intense)

Four Take another creature outside the Time Bubble (Target) / Common aging

Five Take multiple targets out of the time stream (Targets), or an area of approximately 3x3m (Area), out of
time / Powerful aging
Eight Take a larger area of 6x6m of time / Aging to decrepitude

10-20 Take an even larger area out of time 12x12m / Aging on the brink of destruction

20+ Freeze or isolate a very large area (24x24m or more) or Event / Destruction by aging (Intensity x Damage)

• Aging or rejuvenation need the same number of successes.

• Attempts to return turns in time add +2 to the difficulty.
• Weak Aging increases a person’s age by up to five years. Each success in the intensity of aging increases ten years. The wizard
can only age the target equivalent to the level described if he gets the necessary successes. Vampires, fairies in their true forms and
demons are immune to any aging effects caused by the mage, but not decay.
• Vampires with Temporis can use Clotho’s Gift, Step Out of Time, and other effects to reflexively step out of the flow along
with the mage. However, these vampires are subject to a dice penalty equal to the difference between their Temporis level and
their Foundation level.
Body Alteration Spells Soul Spells
Awaken the Spirit of the Pillar of the Soul 3
Adapt to the Pillar of Life 2 or 3
Bless / Curse Pillar of the Soul 4
Animate body and parts Pillar of Life 3 + Quintessence 2
Command spirit Pillar of Reason 4 + Pillar of Soul 4
Animate bones and Pillar of Elements 2 + Quintessence
debris 2 Drain the Essence of a Pillar of Soul 2 + Pillar of
Cause or cure disease Pillar of Life 3 or Destiny 2 Spirit Quintessence 4
Hurt Apparition / Pillar of Soul 4 / Pillar of Destinies
Simple body change Pillar of Life 3 Ghost 3 + Pillar of Quintessence 2
Create body Pillar of Life 3 (simple) or 5 Hurt spirit Pillar of Soul 4 (as in Life 3)
(complex) + Quintessence 3
Open / Close Shroud Pillar of Soul 4 or 5
Duplicate body Pillar of Life 3 + Quintessence 3 Gate
Heal / Hurt Human Pillar of Life 2 or 3 See Spirits Pillar of Soul 1

Heal / Hurt Fairy Pilar da Vida 3 + Pilar da Razão 2 Talk to spirits Pillar of Soul 2

Heal / Hurt Vampire Pilar da Vida 3 + Pilar do Jump to Umbra Pillar of Soul 3
Elemento 2
Touch spirit Pillar of Soul 2
Heal / Hurt Werewolf Pillar of Life 3 + Pillar of Spirit 2

Increase P hy s i c a l Pillar of Life 2 Artifact Magick

Attributes Enchant talisman Pillar of Quintessence 4 + Pillar
Revive recently dead Pillar of Life 5 + Pillar of Souls 4 suitable for effect
+ Pillar of Quintessence 3 Create Fetish Pillar of the Soul 4 (trapping or
Rot body Pillar of Destiny 3 interacting with spirit)
Enchant Weapons Pillar of Quintessence 2 + Pillar
Change form Pillar of Life 4 or 5
of Elements 2
Sleep spell Pillar of Mind 2 (suggestion) or 4 Create artifact Pillar of Quintessence 5 + Pillar
+ Life 3 (combination forces sleep) of Elements 3
Soak Aggravated Pillar of Life 3
• Given the flexibility of the Pillar, there can be several options
Transform Body into Pillar of Life 3+, added with
when performing a particular feat. The methods listed on this
Element Appropriate Pillar for testing
page are simply the easiest ways to cast a spell, not necessarily
the only ways to do it. Common alternatives for the same task
Destiny and Fortune are separated by a semicolon.
• These tables represent the minimum level of Pillar that the
Alter probability Pillar of Destiny 2+ mage will need to accomplish the tasks he desires. The amount
of successes may or may not change depending on what the
Bless / curse Pillar of Destiny 5 + Pillar of Life
mage wants to do. The difficulty also varies.
2 or Pillar of Quintessence 5
• These spells have no automatic effects to work. A wizard
Cause destruction Pillar of Destiny 3+
still needs to allocate the necessary successes as with any other
Find weakness Pillar of Destiny 1 spell and the target can still try to resist if he has the resources
ready for that.
Quintessence Magick
Absorb Quintessence Pillar of Quintessence 3
Channel Quintessence Pillar of Quintessence 3
Create / Destroy Node Pillar of Quintessence 5
Destroy by Draining Quintessence Pillar of Quintessence 4 (object) / Quintessence 5 (crea-
Drain Node Pillar of Quintessence 4
Drain Quintessence Pillar of Quintessence 3
Enchant Armor / Weapon Pillar of Quintessence 2
Nullify Paradox Pillar of Quintessence 5
Share / Exchange Quintessence Pillar of Quintessence 3
Create a simple body of light Pillar of Quintessence 2+

Final Considerations of the Author

Even if you are playing or narrating, you need to think about the fun of your games. This supplement only exists for that. The
narrator and player must work together. While mages aren’t as powerful as those in the base scenario, they will be if the Storyteller
wants them to be. And if the player character wants to take any action, he can. Everything that is written here is solely and
exclusively a guide! It would be best if you DON’T stuck to it. If you think that to blow up a house, your mage will only need 4
successes? All good! It exploded! If you want a Mind 4 effect to be possible with Mind 2, congratulations! The world is yours, and
you can do it. Don’t get hung up on the book, but ALWAYS consider the balance and fun of your games. RPG chronicles are
not creations to generate frustration; they are fun. From the moment one of the players is frustrated or sad with their chronicle
and the other players, it’s worth a conversation to solve the problem.
Don’t fight over bullshit. Our groups don’t need to fight to prove that a Pillar or Sphere is more powerful than a Discipline or
that werewolves rip vampires in half. All this doesn’t matter. What matters is whether your chronicle is fulfilling its role. Life is
too short for us to focus on small arrogances like these. Proving points showing that powerful characters might not be as fun as it
sounds. A good story, laughter, and brotherhood among friends are what we look for and what I look for with my books. Always
remember to use the rules as fairly as possible. While these adaptations will help you, they won’t solve 100% of your problems
as a Storyteller. You are still the machine that makes your imaginative world go round.
Both this and other supplements were a gift to the community, which has always given me due to support to continue publishing
the books of Vampire: the Classical Era and others, which in the past were part of my daily life. If today, my work is with RPG, I
owe it to the community. All the books I’ve published and intend to publish are community-driven with the best quality I can give,
and I try to do this with perfection. I will continue to evolve my creations to higher levels if my creativity and abilities allow me.

I make RPG my art, my inspiration. Hope you like it.

Graciously, the Author.

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