Prisons Need Change

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Prison systems in the UK have issues such as self-harm, mental health, addictions and many
more issues which seem to be growing.

It is of vital importance that the UK prison system introduces mandatory counselling for
prisoners. Firstly, this would allow prisoners to discuss their traumatic experiences which has
led to them ending up in prison. This will help to reduce suicide and self-harm rates in
prisons, it would also help with public safety. An example of a well developed prison system
is in Greenland. Greenland's prisons focus on rehabilitation methods which the UK should
apply. Greenland also prioritises providing inmates with education, vocational training,
therapy, and cultural activities to prepare them for a successful return to society. Due to this,
prisoners will get the opportunity to rehabilitate themselves and become better members of

Secondly, it is imperative that prisoners are able to be educated more before they are released
from prison. This will help with applying for jobs as they would have some sort of
qualification. This will help to reduce unemployment and homelessness rates. This will lower
the chance of criminals reoffending because they would be looking forward to a brighter start
after being released.

Thirdly, there is a lack of opportunities for prisoners when they are released from prison.
Some ex offenders are unable to find jobs because of the crime they may have committed
which can lead them to commit crimes such as shoplifting because they are unable to pay for
the essential food items as no jobs are available to them. Due to this, criminals keep
reoffending as they think it is the only way and nobody is there to help them. That is terrible.

In addition to this, many people believe that prisoners should do community jobs around the
area with supervision. This would help prisoners return back to a normal working life where
they are able to do things and build a bond with others. This can help bring out a different
side of them which could affect them emotionally and mentally because they now have built
a connection. Whereas, in prison they are isolated and lonely.

In conclusion, there is a strong case for reforming prisons to prioritise rehabilitation and
addressing underlying issues. While considering methods employed by other countries, such
as Greenland, it is important to adapt and change these approaches to suit the specific needs
of the UK. By implementing strategies that focus on rehabilitation, education, vocational
training and mental health support, the UK could make significant progress towards creating
a more effective and humane prison system. That leads to the idea that counselling is
mandatory because it would help with the emotional aspect that a prisoner goes through.

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