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Quantitative analysis

Read through the whole method before starting any practical work. Where appropriate, prepare a table
for your results in the space provided.

Show your working and appropriate significant figures in the final answer to each step of your

Acids are defined as substances that can donate hydrogen ions, H+, to bases.

You will determine by a titration method concentration of hydrochloric acid.

FA 1 is a solution containing hydrochloric acid, HCl

FA 2 is 0.105moldm–3 aqueous sodium hydroxide, NaOH
bromophenol blue indicator

(a) Method

● Pipette 25.0cm3 of FA 1 into a conical flask.

● Fill a burette with FA 2.
● Add several drops of bromophenol blue indicator to the conical flask.
● Carry out a rough titration and record your burette readings in the space below.

Final reading (cm3) 0.00
Initial reading (cm3) 24.80
Titre (cm3) 24.80

The rough titre is ...........24.80............. cm3

● Carry out as many accurate titrations as you think necessary to obtain consistent results.
● Make sure any recorded results show the accuracy of your practical work.
● Record, in a suitable form below, all of your burette readings and the volume of FA 2 added in each
accurate titration.
1 2 3
Final reading (cm3) 24.20 1.45 19.80
Initial reading (cm3) 48.80 26.35 44.30
Titre (cm3) 24.60 24.90 24.50

Initial and final readings and titre recorded for rough titration and accurate titre details tabulated

Heading and units correct, DO NOT ACCEPT ‘V’ for Volume as correct heading – no point if V is used

All accurate burette readings are recorded to the nearest 0.05 cm3

The final accurate titre recorded is within 0.10 cm3 of any other accurate titre

Points V – VII are for accuracy

b) From your accurate titration results, obtain a suitable value for the volume of FA 2 (NaOH) to be
used in your calculations.
Show clearly how you obtained this value.

Using titre 1 and 3 the average is

24.60 + 24.50 / 2 = 24.55 cm3
25.0cm3 of FA 1 required .. 24.55 cm3. cm3 of FA 2. [1]
(c) Calculations

(i)Write a balanced equation for the reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, in
your reaction include state symbols.


(ii) Calculate the number of moles of sodium hydroxide present in the volume of FA 2 (NaOH)
calculated in (b).

n = c*V = 0.105 * 24.55 * 10-3 = 0.00257

moles of NaOH = 0.00257 mol [1]

(iii) What amount in moles of FA 1 (HCl) were present in the volume of acid you used to neutralise
the NaOH solution?

Mole ratio from the balanced equation is 1:1. So n(HCl) = 0.00257 also

moles of FA 1 = 0.00257 mol [1]

(iv) What was the exact concentration of FA 1 hydrochloric acid in mol dm-3?

c = n / V = 0.00257 mol / 25.0 * 10-3 = 0.103

concentration of FA 1 = 0.103 mol dm-3 [1]

[Total: 12]

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