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Exploring the Role of Vitamin D in Health and Disease: A Comprehensive Literature Review

Vitamin D, often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," plays a crucial role in maintaining overall
health and well-being. From bone health to immune function, the benefits of adequate vitamin D
levels are well-documented in scientific literature. However, navigating through the vast array of
studies and research papers on this topic can be a daunting task.

Writing a literature review on Vitamin D in health and disease requires a deep understanding of the
subject matter, as well as the ability to critically analyze and synthesize information from various
sources. It involves sifting through countless research articles, clinical trials, and scholarly
publications to identify relevant findings and insights.

One of the challenges of writing a literature review on Vitamin D is the sheer volume of available
literature. With new studies and findings emerging regularly, keeping up-to-date with the latest
research can be overwhelming. Additionally, interpreting conflicting results and reconciling divergent
viewpoints can add another layer of complexity to the process.

For individuals looking to compile a comprehensive literature review on Vitamin D without the
hassle and stress, ⇒ ⇔ offers a solution. Our team of experienced writers specializes
in crafting high-quality literature reviews on a wide range of topics, including Vitamin D in health
and disease.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and energy while
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Whether you're a student, researcher, or healthcare professional, a well-written literature review on

Vitamin D can provide valuable insights and contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the
field. Let ⇒ ⇔ help you streamline the process and deliver a literature review that
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Reproduced with permission from Holick MF, copyright 2020. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and
Metabolism 2011 Oct;15 Suppl 4:S395-. Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves
several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for. Hodgkin lymphoma or cancers of the
endometrium, esophagus, stomach. Regular screening for Vitamin D deficiency may also be
necessary, particularly in high-risk populations. METHODS: We determined serum 25(OH)D(3)
concentrations in relation to. Vitamin D supplement in early childhood and risk for Type I (insulin-
dependent) diabetes mellitus. Seminario biologia molecular-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.
Inflammation - Clinical research indicates that vitamin D supplementation. JULIANA BENAVIDES
GUERRERO Work-role of Radiation Therapists in the Consequences of Adaptive Radiotherap.
Reproduced with permission from Holick MF, copyright 2020. The recommended dosage for vitamin
D intake in individuals who are at risk for vitamin D deficiency and dosage of vitamin therapy
treatment for patients with vitamin D deficiency. Summary of causes of vitamin D deficiency and
diseases and disorders associated with vitamin D deficiency. The most important role of vitamin D is
in strengthening the bones. National and international programs should be instituted to educate the
public about the health benefits of vitamin D and policies to fortify commonly consumed foods with
vitamin D to reduce the risk of vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy, childhood, and in young and
middle-aged adults when autoimmune disorders are most prevalent. In the absence of adequate solar
UVB irradiation due to season, latitude, or lifestyle, vitamin D can be obtained from fortified food,
oily fish, vitamin D supplements, and artificial sources of UVB radiation. (Altern Med Rev
2005;10(2):94-111). In another study, the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and. Low
vitamin D levels are known to be common in elderly patients. However, a variety of studies have
demonstrated that just as 1,25(OH) 2 D modulates T cell function so too does it regulate B-cell
activity. The second hydroxylation occurs in the kidneys and forms calcitriol, the biologically active
form of vitamin D. Blue solid line represents serum total calcium levels. Strategic Opportunities in
Advanced Illness Management, Palliative Care and H. Use of this website is subject to the website
terms of use and privacy policy. Immunologic Effects of Vitamin D on Human Health and Disease.
However, little is known about the direct influence of vitamin D on CTL. Given the pleiotropic
effects of vitamin D, the scientific focus has gone beyond its known classic benefits on skeletal
health to include diabetes and cardiovascular, neurological, respiratory, renal, and liver diseases, yet
numerous conflicting findings continue to emerge. International Journal of Human Nutrition and
Functional Medicine 2014 Oct 3. Vasquez A. Translating Microbiome (Microbiota) and Dysbiosis
Research into Clinical Practice: The 20-Year Development of a Structured Approach that Gives
Actionable Form to Intellectual Concepts. The hormonal metabolite of vitamin D, 1,25-
dihyroxyvitamin D inhibits. Kline Find this author on Google Scholar Find this author on PubMed
Search for this author on this site Cheryl Rosen Find this author on Google Scholar Find this author
on PubMed Search for this author on this site. Some observational studies suggest that vitamin D
levels during pregnancy.
Another link between vitamin d levels and cardiovascular health by Floyd Arth. Reproduced with
permission from Holick MF, copyright 2019. Kline Find this author on Google Scholar Find this
author on PubMed Search for this author on this site Cheryl Rosen Find this author on Google
Scholar Find this author on PubMed Search for this author on this site. CAD in type 2 diabetic
patients with elevated urinary albumin excretion rate. CONCLUSIONS: Vitamin D insufficiency is
associated with increased arterial. Low vitamin D levels are known to be common in elderly patients.
The recommended dosage for vitamin D intake in individuals who are at risk for vitamin D
deficiency and dosage of vitamin therapy treatment for patients with vitamin D deficiency.
Download Free PDF View PDF RELATED TOPICS Medical Entomology Community Medicine
and Health Re. Low serum levels of 25(OH)D are associated with multiple immune-related diseases
including autoimmune disorders and infectious diseases. This evidence has fostered the hypothesis
that increasing vitamin D intake may treat and prevent such disorders. Current best evidence
demonstrates that supplemental vitamin D can. Because vitamin D is fat-soluble, liver and adipose
storage can supply the body for a while. CONCLUSION: Either single-dose or daily-dose
cholecalciferol. RESULTS: Cholecalciferol supplementation resulted in increased serum 25-. In the
American Cancer Society's Cancer Prevention Study (CPS) II Nutrition. Vitamin D deficiency
causes rickets in children and will precipitate and exacerbate osteopenia, osteoporosis, and fractures
in adults. D-bound VDR binds to the retinoid-X receptor (RXR), and the resulting. Feature papers
are submitted upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and must
receive. Blue solid line represents serum total calcium levels. The World Health Organization has
responsibility for defining the. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Any links
on this web site to web sites operated by third parties are provided for your convenience only.
Reproduced with permission from Holick MF, copyright 2019. Vitamin D is mostly made in the skin
by exposure to sunlight. We know that vitamin D prevents and treat osteoporosis, but few know.
RESULTS: Higher 25(OH)D(3) was significantly associated with a reduced. How Children’s
Hospitals Are Shifting Toward Value and Population Health (All. Deficiency of vitamin D is
common among patients with inflammatory. This is the circulating form of vitamin D and the form
measured in blood to assess a person’s vitamin D status. While some UV light exposure is needed to
synthesize vitamin D, UV radiation is also carcinogenic, and too much exposure increases the risk of
skin cancer.
The aforementioned clinical trials using vitamin D in a wide range of. RESULTS: Of the 18 studies
included in the meta-analysis, 4 were prospective. Blue solid line represents serum total calcium
levels. RESULTS: The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was high (85.9%). Those. This helps to
protect the skin from damage from UV radiation—a helpful adaptation for those living closer to the
equator—but it also reduces synthesis of vitamin D. Journal of Pharmaceutical and BioTech Industry
(JPBI). Subscribe to receive issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals.
METHODS AND RESULTS: We measured 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D). Reproduced with
permission from Holick MF, copyright 2019. A more severe lack can cause s rious problems such as
rickets (in children) and osteomalacia in adults). It is also unknown whether giving 1,25(OH) 2 D 3
or one of its analogs is a reasonable approach for treating autoimmune disorders and infectious
diseases. More recent studies have found that vitamin D deficiency (serum levels. Finally, the role of
an adequate oral supplementation in the geriatric population is stressed. It is more likely that the
endogenous production of 1,25(OH) 2 D in the immune cells including monocytes and macrophages
is what is required for vitamin D to have its immunomodulatory functions. CONCLUSIONS: Lower
serum 25(OH)D levels are associated with prediabetes. OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this
study was to elucidate. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience.
RESULTS: Lower serum 25(OH)D levels were associated with prediabetes. Results from following
the information contained on will vary from individual to individual.
OBJECTIVES: Evidence of the association between vitamin D and. Download Free PDF View PDF
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patients and those with lower social support, no insurance. Bursitis is inflammation or irritation of a
bursa sac. These guidelines are being revised upward in light of new findings, especially for soft-
tissue health. We are not responsible for the content and performance of these web sites or for your
transactions with them, and our inclusion of links to such web sites does not imply endorsement. A
committee operating under the auspices of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the US National
Academies reviewed the evidence for beneficial effects of vitamin D. In the Women's Health
Initiative randomized trial, healthy. Migraine Headaches -There have been case reports of vitamin D
combined. Unfavorable metabolic profiles and oxidative stress in pregnancy are. Biochemical
measurements of a 32-year-old multiple sclerosis male who received 54,000 international units per
day of vitamin D 3 for 4 months.

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