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Literature search/bibliography :

Scite A.I. : Finds academic literature with keywords/semantic search, gives short summaries, can
find references and organizes the references in categories (supporting, contrasting, mentioning) (in
some cases it does not), gives relationship between different references and visualises them.

Research Rabbit →
Finds academic literature with keywords/semantic search, gives short summaries, finds connected
work (later, earlier, similar work, lets you create collections and add paper to those collections
which in turn fuel further literature search and visualises the connections between the works (either
by network of authors or time) in your collection, which can help to track the state of research and
find related works. Also lets you export your findings to zotero and similar tools.

Tavily A.I → Creates Agent based on prompt that researches sources for you on the internet. Gives
recent information but not academic literature. So only limited use.

Semantic Scholar → finds recent literature, gives short summaries, references, related papers,
numbers of citations not only on one paper but also for all papers in a specific collection that you
have made.

Silatus → Let A.I. Do your research (promises academic research) → General and Academic
mode, fast and precise. Takes 6-10 minutes. Gives sources (not amazingly up to date stuff). Gives
summary document. Factors, strategies, context sources. → Not academic level research.

Aomni → Autonomous market research. Understands assignment. Gives recent academic research.
Latest advancements, current challenges → A.I. Agent that accesses the internet with assignment
you give it. Key takeaways, Good summary of current literature. (and its free)

cognosys → Goes to literature finds multitude of different sources, gives sources, up to date
reviews of state of research. Latest advancements. (probably not exaustive, stuff not quality that
could just be copy pasted )

Elicit AI (paid)→ Search for papers on a specific topic or research question, gives an answer to
the research question, with references using the top results. Gives a table with papers relevant to the
topic including short summaries. Citations can be exported to a citation managing program civ+ or
Gives a possibility to specify what information you want extracted from the findings. Analyzes
limitatons of those findings. Gives information on what the main findings of a found paper are. And
many more option to categorize the data used and presented in those papers.
Can Extract data from papers,Find concepts across papers. One can upload your own papers, Save
results to review later, can hold a lot of papers. Can extract information from group of pdfs. Gives
summary columns. Evidence backed answers. can identify research gaps.

Consensus (paid) : Search for papers on specific topic or research question, gives short summaries
on found papers. Key Takeaways and references citations.
ResearchBuddy: Researchbuddy uses the ChatGPT API. This is generative AI and can be
prone to hallucination. Therefore some papers referenced in your review may not exist.
Output should always be verified against authoritative sources.

Understanding what you have found! : Similar papers, Similar Papers

These papers cite the same papers as your selected paper. They tend to bias towards newer papers in
the field.
most important papers (as ranked by PageRank. These tend to be the older
papers in the feld.), Review Papers
These papers cite the most papers present in the graph. As a result, there is a high likelyhood that
these papers are review papers.Recent Papers by the Top 100 Authors
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'data')
The Most Important Recent Papers
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'data')

smartsearch : search papers in various databases

seedpapers /Litpapers : Visualization of connected and derivative papers.

ChatGPT+ Code Interpreter → does not go to the internet , feeds on Data that you provide.
Read, edit, summarize, → code interpreter can interpret tables. Problem character limits. →
solve with hey gpt. Can chat with data, youtube, can store data answers questions based on
data fed by you.
Chat GPT + Code Interpreter → Data scientist next to you through all of your research (Beta
features) → what can it do → Can tell you what data is included into a given sample. Graphs.
Sophisticated analysis and interpretation. Visualization of Data. Data cleaning. Can identify
problems and ask followup questions to clarify. Improves efficiency. Productivity.

Scholarcy → Gives glossary of Key Terms in a paper

expand ideas, clean up papers, research assistant, different ideas on how something should be
researched or presented, summarize,

Semantic Reader Open Research Platform → 2 Tools Papermage, Papercraft → Scim → Skimming
scientific papers : Produces markers that makes papers with dense information more readable
(shows where results, methods and so on, so you do not have to read the whole paper) very helpful
if research papers are very dense.

OpenRead : Chat with a document. Gives summaries with basic information.

Explain Upload a paper , mark some text and have it explain you the paper with
followup questions

paperbrain → asking questions about specific papers. Gives ai generated answers back.

Heuristica → Mindmaps → literature → Generates answers based on that data → Good First
step into a research field.

powerdrill : Build knowledge base that you can ask question about your data for example : based
on this research what are obvious next steps?
Give me a summary of my research (very precise), gives references where it has pulled out
information and can make sure that you do not miss anything. → does all of this, upload pdfs. Summarizes , conclusions. Paraphraser.

Limitations → Library size

explainpaper : unlimited library size, unlimited explanations

good explanations (you can choose the level of sophistication of the answer) → good for overviews.
You can also ask questions to a paper that u upload. Summarize text and interact with it.

---> (add documents + create labels=groups of documents ---> Then chat with
documents ) → If it does not have the information it advises you to give further information if
it needs it to answer a question. So if a paper or group of papers does not answer your
question you will know. Gives accurate references. Helps write robust literature review as it
points out evidence weakness.

Kahubi: Write, Read and Analyze effectively. Rewrite, Analyze Data. Curated prompts for every
aspect of work a researcher might want to do. Organizes Research documents. Research Proposals.
When writing weak on giving references. But gives enough information to start working. Does
not chat with pdf documents.

Chat GPT structures data well understands what researchers want from the information they gather.
Chat GPT: Write Report highlighting trends and changes discussed in dataset, besser als claude
dabei interessante informationen zu extrahieren, vergleich usw. → follow up mit Fragen möglich
basierend auf erhaltener Information.
Vorschläge für Forschungsfragen mit Bedingung. : Given the rise of xyz give me 3 research
questions that dive into condition + condition + condition.

Avid Notes : Smart Comments , Explanations, different AI prompts. Reading taking notes all
in a web interface – saves all prompts.

Claude gibt gute Antworten, geht nicht ins Detail, kann aber mit sich selbst debattieren
Chat GPT : Debattiert mit sich, hat Opening statements, main points of discussion für pro
und kontra → For academic writing : Sowohl Claude als auch Chat GPT können gute
Einleitungen schreiben. Chat GPT ist aber besser in der Strukturierung. Oft hilfreicher.

Semantic search

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