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‫ﺑﻨﻚ أﺳﺌﻠﺔ‬

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‫اﻟﻔﺮﻗﺔ اﻷوﻟﻰ ھﻨﺪﺳﺔ ﺗﻌﺪﯾﻦ‬

1. Mineral ………….. substance

A) is a naturally occurring
B) has a fixed chemical composition
C) is an organic
2. Silicate minerals are rock forming minerals with ratio………….
A) 30% B) ˃50% C) 40%
3. Felsic minerals are rich in……………
A) Si and Al B) Si and Mg C) Si and Fe
4. Mafic Minerals are rich in…………..
A) Si and Fe B) Mg and Fe C) Mg and Si
5. Mafic Minerals are poor in……………….
D) A) Mg B) Si C) Fe
6. Felsic minerals are poor in……………….
A) Mg and Fe B) Si and Al C) Al and Fe
7. Mafic minerals group include…………………
A) Feldspars and quartz B) Mica and garnet C) Olivine and pyroxenes
8. These are felsic minerals except…………….
E) Quartz B) Feldspars C) Pyroxenes
9. These are mafic minerals except……………………
F) Pyroxenes B) Olivine C) Muscovite
10. Olivine crystallizes in ……………….system
G) Tetragonal B) cubic C) orthorhombic
11. Garnet crystallizes in ……………….. system
H) Cubic B) orthorhombic C) Tetragonal
12. Olivine occurs as rounded grains in……………….
A) Igneous rocks B) Sedimentary rocks C) Metamorphic rocks
13. Which type of olivine is a gemstone?
A) Forsterite B) Fayalite C) Peridot
14. Peridot is a transparent………………...
A) Olivine b) pyroxene c) amphibole
15. The ratio of Si:O in ortho silicates is……………..
A) 1:3 B) 1:4 C) 1:2
16. The olivine structure consists of………………
A) individual SiO4 tetrahedra B) Two SiO4 tetrahedra C) Three SiO4 tetrahedra
17. Polymorphs minerals have……………..
I) the same chemical composition but different crystal structure
A) different crystal structure and chemical composition
B) the same crystal structure but different chemical composition
18. Which two minerals are isomorphs?
A) Quartz and forsterite B) garnet and fayalite C) forsterite and fayalite
19. Forsterite and fayalite minerals are members of ………………
A) Olivine and polymorphs B) Olivine and isomorphs C) Pyroxene and isomorphs
20. Isomorphs minerals have………………
a) the same crystal structure but different chemical composition
b) different crystal structure and chemical composition
c) the same chemical composition but different crystal structure
21. Olivine is characterized by………………
A) Low relief B) high relief C) moderate relief
22. Olivine is characterized by……………….
A) One cleavage plane B) Y cracks C) two cleavage planes
23. Interference color of olivine is…………………
J) moderate B) low C) high
24. Both of olivine and garnet have……………
A) High relief b) high interference color c) cleavage
25. Which mineral is isotropic?
K) pyroxene B) Garnet C) olivine
26. The upper mantle of Earth is mainly composed of……………..
A) quartz and amphibole B) Olivine and pyroxene C) Mica and garnet
27. Which mineral is orthopyroxene?
L) Diopside B) Augite C) Enstatite
28. ……………………belongs to clinopyroxenes group
M) Hypersthene B) Augite C) Enstatite
29. The most abundant minerals in the Earth’s crust are……………
A) Olivine and pyroxene B) feldspars and quartz C) mica and amphiboles
30. Orthopyroxenes crystallize in………………. system
N) Monoclinic B) Orthorhombic C) Tetragonal
31. Hypersthene mineral belongs to…………….group
O) Olivine B) pyroxenes C) amphiboles

32. Pyroxenes are characterized by……………….. cleavage planes.
A) Two B) one C) three
33. ……………… are single chain silicate minerals
B) Pyroxenes B) Amphiboles C) Micas
34. Orthopyroxenes can be distinguished from clinopyroxenes by their………….
A) Cleavage B) parallel extinction C) oblique extinction
35. Clinopyroxenes can be distinguished from orthopyroxenes by their………….
A) parallel extinction B) relief C) oblique extinction
36. Quartz is characterized by Si:O ratio ….........
A) 1:4 B) 1:3 C) 1:2
37. The silicate minerals are characterized by presence of………….
A) silica dihedron B) silica trihedron C) silica tetrahedron
38. ………………… are the most enriched silicate minerals in Si.
A) Double chain silicates B) Framework silicates C) sheet silicates
39. Clinopyroxenes crystallize in…………….. system.
A) Orthorhombic B) trigonal C) Monoclinic
40. ……………… found in igneous rocks such as gabbro and basalt.
A) Diopside B) augite C) Hypersthene
41. Augite is a clinopyroxene mineral formed in………………
A) gabbro and basalt B) gabbro and granite C) granite and basalt
42. Augite is found in ………………rocks
A) Sedimentary B) metamorphic C) igneous
43. Pyroxenes are found in………………
A) Acidic and basic B) ultrabasic and basic C) intermediate and acidic
44. The ratio of Si:O in pyroxenes is……………..
A) 1:3 B) 2:5 C) 1:4
45. Si:O ratio in single chain silicates is …………….
A) 2:5 B) 1:3 C) 4:11
46. Which mineral is orthorhombic amphibole?
B) Tremolite B) Anthophyllite c) Hornblende
47. Very dark brown to black hornblende is called…………….
A) Gabbroic hornblende B) granitic hornblende C) basaltic hornblende
A) ……………… is the principal mineral of amphibolite rock.
B) augite
C) Hornblende
C) Actinolite
48. Amphiboles exhibit …………………cleavage planes
D) Two B) one C) three
49. Hornblende exhibits two…………………cleavage planes
E) oblique B) perpendicular
50. Hornblende is characterized by ……………….relief
F) Low b) moderate c) high
51. Amphiboles are ……………..silicates
G) Single chain b) double chain c) sheet
52. The basic structure of amphiboles is a…....................... of tetrahedra
H) double chain B) single chain C) three chain
53. Hornblende shows …………………….in polarized light
I) Pleochroism B) extinction C) interference color
54. Hornblende shows …………………….pleochroism
J) Weak b) strong
55. The ratio of Si:O in amphiboles is………….
A) 1:3 b) 2:5 c) 4:11
56. The double chain silicates have Si:O ratio…….………….
A) 1:3 b) 2:5 c) 4:11
57. Mica minerals group are…..…………….
A) Sheet silicates B) ortho silicates C) chain silicates
58. Biotite shows ……………..good cleavage plane.
K) one b) two c) three
59. Biotite is characterized by ……………….relief
L) High b) low c) moderate
60. Biotite shows ……………….. pleochroism
M) Weak b) strong c) moderate
61. ……………….. shows strong pleochroism
N) Garnet b) muscovite c) biotite
62. ……………….. shows high interference color
O) muscovite b) quartz c) garnet
63. Muscovite is characterized by ……………….relief
P) High b) low c) moderate
64. Muscovite shows ……………..good cleavage plane
Q) one b) two c) three
65. ……………….contain parallel sheets of silicate tetrahedra
a) ortho silicates b) Sheet silicates c) chain silicates
66. Sheet silicates have Si:O ratio………….
a) 2:5 b) 4:11 c) 1:3
67. …………… the dark colored mica mineral.
R) Biotite b) muscovite c) plagioclase
68. …………… the light colored mica mineral.
S) Muscovite b) Biotite c) plagioclase
69. ……………… describes the degree to which edges of crystals are visible.
T) Relief b) pleochroism c) Crystal form
70. ………………….is the change of relief of the mineral on rotation of the stage.
U) Twinkling b) pleochroism c) cleavage
71. …………………minerals do not show interference colors.
V) Isotropic b) an isotropic c) both (a, b)
72. Gray and white interference colors are………..
W)High b) low c) intermediate
73. ……………………means equal extinction angles.
X) Oblique extinction b) parallel extinction c) symmetrical extinction
74. The extinction angle is (0 ) in….……………... extinction
Y) Symmetrical b) parallel c) oblique
75. The extinction angle ranges from 1 to 89 in….……………... extinction
Z) Parallel b) oblique c) wavy
76. All 4 oxygens are shared in…………………
a) Framework silicates b) sheet silicates c) ortho silicates
77. Framework silicates have Si:O ratio ……………
a) 4:11 b) 1:2 c) 2:5
78. Feldspars form well developed crystals in ……………
AA) metamorphic b) sedimentary c) igneous
79. The rock formed entirely of calcic plagioclase is known as………………
BB) gabbro b) anorthosite c) basalt
80. Feldspar minerals show …………………. relief
a) Low b) high c) moderate
81. Feldspar minerals show …………………. interference colors.
CC) Low b) moderate c) high
82. Which mineral shows simple twinning?
DD) Orthoclase b) plagioclase c) microcline
83. Which mineral exhibits lamellar twinning?
EE) Plagioclase b) Orthoclase c) microcline
84. Which mineral exhibits cross-hatching twinning?
FF) Plagioclase b) Orthoclase c) microcline
85. …………………is entirely composed of Si and O
GG) Feldspar b) amphibole c) quartz
86. Quartz is one of the most important components of …………
HH) Gabbro b) granite c) basalt
87. ……………… the second most abundant mineral in Earth's continental crust.
II) Feldspar b) quartz c) olivine
88. The polymorphs of SiO2 are………………..
a) Quartz and tridymite b) olivine and garnet c) muscovite and biotite
89. Quartz, tridymite and cristobalite are polymorphs of ………….
JJ) SiO3 B) SiO4 c) SiO2
90. Feldspars belong to ……………………….
a) Single chain silicates b) Framework silicates c) double chain silicates
91. Quartz belongs to ……………………….
a) Ortho silicates b) sheet silicates c) Framework silicates
92. Quartz is characterized by………………extinction
KK) Wavy b) oblique c) parallel
93. Quartz has ……………..
a) One cleavage b) two cleavage c) no cleavage
94. Many amphiboles are distinguished by their stronger pleochroism than…………...
LL) Pyroxenes b) olivine c) muscovite
95. …………………is mica mineral.
a) Augite b) muscovite or biotite c) hornblende
96. ………………… amphibole mineral.
MM) Hornblende b) diopside c) garnet
97. Si:O ratio in beryl is ……………..
a) 4:11 b) 6:18 c) 2:7
98. Si:O ratio in ring silicates is ……………..
a) 2:5 b) 1: 3 c) 6:18
99. Beryl is a ……………….mineral.
a) Ring silicates b) sheet silicates c) chain silicates
100. Beryl is an example of ring silicates formed from …………. silicon tetrahedrons.
a) 6 b) 4 c) 3
101. Feldspars group include ………………….minerals.
a) Microcline & plagioclase b) quartz & orthoclase c) beryl & topaz
102. Epidote mineral is mix between …………………
a) sorosilicates & chain silicates
b) sheet siliactes & orthosilicates
NN) orthosilicates & sorosilicates
103. Si:O ratio in sorosilicates is ……………..
a) 2:5 b) 2:7 c) 1:2
104. ………………..are characterized by very high specific gravity.
a) Calcite & gypsum b) Barite & galena c) a & b
105. Pyrite and sphalerite belong to…………………
OO) Sulfides b) oxides c) sulfates
106. ……………….. is the main constituent of limestone.
PP) Dolomite b) calcite c) quartz
107. …………………… minerals belong to halides group.
a) Cassiterite & chromite b) chalcopyrite & pyrite c) Fluorite and halite
108. ………………………are oxides minerals.
QQ) Hematite & magnetite b) calcite & magnesite c) gypsum & barite
109. ………………occurs in metamorphic rocks.
a) olivine b) graphite c) barite
110. Interference color of quartz is ………………
a) Low b) high c) moderate
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