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The Architecture of Team Leadership (EDL 117)

UNITED: An intervention program for effective team management

I. Background

Team management plays a significant role in creating a positive and effective

educational environment. This is a crucial part of an organization that needs to be
prioritized by school administrators.

The domino effect of team management greatly affects various aspects of an

organization. When a team is managed well, positive outcomes tend to cascade through
different areas of an organization most especially to its members, creating a chain
reaction of success. On the contrary, poor team management can lead to a negative
domino effect, causing problems to propagate across the members as well as the

Consequently, giving importance to effective team management is not simply a matter

of achieving short-term goals; instead; it is a gateway to long-term success and
sustainability of an organization. it is an investment in the long-term success and
sustainability of an organization.

II. Intervention Program

The intervention program UNITED is designed to guide administrators on planning and

implementing ways or activities to ensure effectiveness, success and sustainability in
their organization.

The acronym UNITED means:

Unified Vision involves individual perspectives that are cohesive and interconnected.
Everyone is expected to work together towards a common goal which will foster clear
direction and success for the team. Moreover, this will be achieved if there is
communication and understanding among its members.

Nurturing Collaboration includes team members who are willing to share their
similarities and differences, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. It goes beyond
simple cooperation to cultivate a culture of collaboration, where innovative solutions and
effective team performance are obtained through collective efforts.

Individual Development is closely related to an organization’s success. A member who

feels supported and accepted are more likely to contribute positively and work
effectively in a team. This also includes providing opportunities for members to grow
personally and professionally through career advancement trainings and skills.
Team Empowerment refers to providing an avenue for members to make decisions and
take responsibility or ownership of their work. Teams which are empowered are more
likely to be flexible, innovative, creative, proactive, dynamic and independent. Also,
high-performing work environment and success are stapled with team empowerment.

Effective Communication is the foundation of any organization regardless of its

population. It includes transparency and active listening among its members. Open
communication is also anchored with trust, respect and understanding which would
significantly affect the working environment.

Distinction and Rewards serve as motivation for team members for their relentless
efforts rendered in an organization. It may include praise, awards and incentives.
Rewards boost members’ morale and reinforces their positive behaviors and self-worth.
This will also contribute to their drive in pursuing greater heights that will greatly affect
the organization as well.

II. Expected Outcomes

The expected outcomes of the intervention program are:

 Set and discuss actively common organization goals

 Increase team collaboration and cooperation
 Improve members’ skills and capabilities
 Increase team’s accountability and creativity
 Establish communication flow and promote understanding
 Recognize accomplishments and evaluate work progress

III. Conclusion

Multiple factors could contribute to the effectiveness and success of a team. The proponent of
this program believes that these aspects of team management mainly affect the positive or
negative working environment in an organization. This could be used by administrators or
leaders to identify or organize these elements from the highest prioritization until the least. In
this sense, leaders could plan necessary activities to improve a particular aspect that could
greatly influence the success of an organization. Hence, these elements can contribute not just
to the team’s efficiency but most importantly, to the team’s resiliency amidst organizational
challenges. After all, every leaders goal is to make the organization successful and make
his/her team united.

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