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Title: Mastering the Challenge of Writing a Customer Loyalty Literature Review

Crafting a comprehensive literature review on customer loyalty is a task that demands precision,
depth of understanding, and extensive research. As a pivotal component of academic and
professional discourse, a literature review serves as the backbone of any scholarly work, providing a
solid foundation upon which new insights and theories are built. However, the process of conducting
a literature review can often be daunting and time-consuming, requiring a delicate balance of
analytical thinking and effective communication skills.

One of the primary challenges of writing a literature review lies in navigating the vast landscape of
existing research and scholarship on customer loyalty. With a multitude of studies, theories, and
perspectives to consider, synthesizing relevant information while maintaining coherence and clarity
can pose a significant challenge. Furthermore, distinguishing between credible sources and
identifying key findings amidst the sea of literature requires a discerning eye and meticulous
attention to detail.

Another obstacle encountered in the literature review process is the need to critically evaluate the
methodologies and theoretical frameworks employed in previous studies. Assessing the strengths and
limitations of existing research not only demands a thorough understanding of research
methodologies but also requires the ability to identify gaps and areas for further investigation. This
critical analysis is essential for building a compelling argument and contributing valuable insights to
the existing body of knowledge on customer loyalty.

Moreover, organizing and structuring the literature review in a logical and coherent manner is crucial
for effectively communicating the research findings and insights. Striking the right balance between
summarizing key points, analyzing trends, and presenting original contributions requires careful
planning and meticulous organization. Without a clear and coherent structure, the literature review
runs the risk of becoming disjointed and confusing, diminishing its impact and credibility.

In light of these challenges, seeking professional assistance can greatly alleviate the burden of
writing a literature review on customer loyalty. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert support and
guidance to students, researchers, and professionals seeking to navigate the complexities of academic
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writing a customer loyalty literature review.
In customer loyalty, if the prices of products go up to unacceptable levels, customers may go in
search of alternative products. Because satisfaction leads, in turn, to loyalty, a chatbot likely has an
impact on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction play a mediating role between brand image,
perceived service quality and customer loyalty. Magi, A. W. (2003). Share of Wallet in Retailing: The
Effects of Customer Satisfaction. This type of marketing is known as word-of-mouth which is one
of. With different types of customer loyalty discussed, what are the factors that drive customers into.
Seeing that customer loyalty is core to businesses success, this paper will examine different types.
However in the case of secondary data the researcher is. These preferences are brought about by the
services they find in those stalls. However, this type of reward program involves the upgrading of
customer. This in turn can lead to job satisfaction in a workforce which leads to the increase in
confidence. The primary data which consists of the questionnaire findings would be. The sampling
technique using here for this research study is Purposive sampling, As. Liebermann, Y. (1999).
Membership Clubs as a Tool for Enhancing Buyers’ Patronage. International Review of Management
and Marketing, 9 (1), 90-97. Project report on customer satisfaction Project report on customer
satisfaction Project Report On MARKETING MIX Project Report On MARKETING MIX Impact
of Packaging on Consumer Buying Behavior. Refer to Appendix Section, Table No.1 for
this question. Established consumers or those who are loyal to a brand are likely to continue buying
from the company regardless of price fluctuations of the product (Wang and Sidek, 2008). Therefore,
the role of anthropomorphism and the perceived social presence of chatbots should be further
studied. Under the Customer Relationship Management theory, there is Customer Satisfaction
theory. Recommendation can eventually lead to a cost effective method to save the company money
in terms of advertising and special introduction prices. It is a premium type of loyalty that involves
emotional attachment. International Journal of Translational Medicine (IJTM). This loyalty is said to
be of considerable significance to the company. Roehm and Roehm, 2004) assumes that the young
adult customers are not much loyal to the. As suggested by Bryman and Bell (2007), it is very
important to make sure that the. Oliver (1999, p. 34). This definition of loyalty will. Despite studying
and aggregating the results of papers, no statements can be made during this study about the impact
of chatbots on customer loyalty at different ages of customers. Changing strangers into true friends is
almost impossible. Company’s ancient rarities express company’s reputation, rules relating company’s
business objectives and in streamline with the prime estimation of company’s which are core
component of positive brand image.
Quinn et al. (2007) collecting information related to attitude, motivation and behaviour of the. In the
marketing mix, there is a product category which covers the product’s variety, quality. The
correlation and regression analysis are used to identify the how brand image and perceived service
quality affect customer loyalty through customer satisfaction. The data collected was primary and
questionnaire was used to collect data from our population. The use of data reduction method will
helps to investigate. The results concluded that customers can achieved satisfaction in the
supermarkets by reasonable prices of products, availability of quality products, provide services for
an accurate time, obtaining an accurate information, and less time to maintain records in cash
registers. If the company offer lower prices than their competitors or better discounts for certain
products, customers are likely to stay loyal to the company. The represented response rate is 83.8%
in Table 1. For many organizations, customers who regularly make repeat purchases are of great
value. Therefore, perceived quality can be characterized as consumers subjective evaluation of a
product quality from the experience and feelings (Akbar and Parves, 2009). The Effect of
Counterfeit Products on the Consumers’ Perception of a Brand: A. International Journal of
Translational Medicine (IJTM). In 1990 it has been seen that the unpredictable increase in the number
of competing soft drink. The national Institute of Health recommends that the people who are trying
to reduce their. Another theory that companies can use to create or make for making their customers
loyal is. As can be seen from Figure 1.3, shows the spending capacity of youth students towards cola.
This type of marketing is known as word-of-mouth which is one of. Most of Azam customers are
loyal to its products because. Complete idp report on 'Consumer Behavior towards online shopping in
Jamnagar. The constructs of service quality, system quality, and information quality belong to
chatbots since these dimensions are seen as predictors of customer experience concerning chatbots.
Therefore, it is the fact that to attract new customers and retain an existing customer, the image of
the brand and perceived service quality play an important role because every customer always seeks
branded product and high-quality service in supermarkets. Other reasons, which reveal the
importance of customer loyalty, are that sales increase because the consistent repurchase of the
product by the customer and friends through positive word of mouth. Herschell, L.G. (1997). Does
Your “Loyalty” Program Inspire any Loyalty. Direct. It covers all aspects of acquiring, keeping
customers and. Journal of Pharmaceutical and BioTech Industry (JPBI). Usability is about the ease of
use of an information system, such as a chatbot. Passingham, J. (1998). Grocery Retailing and the
Loyalty Card. Product quality judgment is categorized in to two sub groups namely a) perceived
quality and b) objective quality. Elasticity is another factor that may affect the consumer’s decision-
making and loyalty. There are several other important factors to be considered which has been
identified by the.
Youth, which is influenced to buy the particular product. With an acceptance rate of 30%, each of
the journals of our affiliates is double blind, peer reviewed and some of the journals are listed in
SCOPUS, SCIMAGO, Google Scholar, ProQuest, Cengage Gale, LexisNexis and several other
academic databases and search engines. The Impact of Chatbots on Customer Loyalty: A Systematic
Literature Review. J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2022, 17, 212-229. It is these perceptions
that bring about the products consumer loyalty. Oliver, RL. 1999, “Whence Consumer Loyalty?”
Journal of Marketing, 63 (Special Issue), 33-. Analysis to understand and improve chatbot dialogue
to improve the customer experience. It involves what the company can offer customers in terms of
regular prices and money-saving offers. An essential of providing businesses with more customers is
through “recommendation”. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( ). Price changes influences
consumer’s opportunity cost. Responses may be hiding in correcting some of the core level problems
that prevail in. The amicability of staff, assortment of product and quick checkout were likewise
viewed as significant (Alhemoud, 2008). Liddy, A. (2000). Relationship Marketing, Loyalty
Programmes and the Measurement of. MBA Dissertation - The voice of the Stakeholder: Customer
attitudes to the ro. Numerous supermarkets have also made their stock accessible on the web. Quinn
et al. (2007) collecting information related to attitude, motivation and behaviour of the. Focus on
social bonding tactics to improve customer commitment. Research shows that accessibility of the
product in stores is crucial especially for new products. Television, radio and all other campaigns
attracting. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Journal of Experimental and
Theoretical Analyses (JETA). Changing Dynamics of IT and Marketing Teams in the Procurement of
Marketing T. Whether it is good or bad is decided by the customers themselves and the use of
mystery shoppers. Anurag Anwariya CUSTOMER LOYALTY - TIS Essay 1 CUSTOMER
LOYALTY - TIS Essay 1 Peace Sagatti - Munisi The relationship between customer satisfaction and
customer loyalty in the ba. Azam products are distributed to all corners of Tanzania and East Africa.
But it is unlikely that the customers will be conscious towards. The last two columns include the
future research and practical implications, which are further explained in the discussion portion. 4.1.
Descriptive Analysis The selected papers of the systematic literature research are about customer
loyalty, chatbots, and most of them cover both topics. The United Kingdom market of carbonated
soft drinks generates. The young adult market aged between (18-24) is a vital and powerful segment
of consumers. As part of any kind of research, the researcher should be.
Accordingly some authors (Chaudhuri and Morris 2001, Bandyopahyay and Martell 2007).
Prevention (2000), being overweight and obesity increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease.
Increased competition from some of the other beverage industry causing the non development. For
many organizations, customers who regularly make repeat purchases are of great value. Please note
that many of the page functionalities won't work as expected without javascript enabled. Mean while
38 percent of the respondents complained that they are. With different types of customer loyalty
discussed, what are the factors that drive customers into. By members of staff being well trained,
informed, polite and helpful to their customers, it benefits the business because the customers will be
satisfied which generates returns and allows them to make another purchase which eventually
increases the business’s income and profits. Therefore the researcher is going to use the data
reduction method followed by display for the. In customer loyalty, if the prices of products go up to
unacceptable levels, customers may go in search of alternative products. Price reductions results to an
increase for products purchased. It is now widely acknowledged by companies and business
enterprises that strong brand loyalty will make a competitive advantage in the marketplace that will
increase their overall knowledge with experiences and trustworthiness. Chatbots impact stronger on
word-of-mouth and intention to reuse, whereas customer satisfaction derived by a hotline is affecting
stronger on customer loyalty. With brand loyalty, consumers are not affected by the increase of prices
(Anvari and Amin, 2010). Loyal customers are always familiar with their favorite brand and most of
the times are more. There is still much uncertainty in chatbots among customers in terms of customer
trust. This chapter also aims to understand the validation behind the. Moreover obtaining the
relationship of young consumers in the early age of period habitually. Therefore, it is indispensable
for a company to establish a strong relationship with the consumer through marketing strategies such
as packaging, advertising their products and producing commodities of the right quantity and quality
whish are of satisfactory to the consumer (Chi, Yeh and Yang 2009). Subaebasni, S., Risnawaty, H.,
Wicaksono, A.A. (2019) Effect of brand Image, the quality and price on customer satisfaction and
implications for customer loyalty pt. It has also been defined as the recognition of a product by the
user. This in turn can lead to job satisfaction in a workforce which leads to the increase in
confidence. As Bryman and Bell (2007) suggests that the beginning point of any. Perceived product
quality is considered as the consumer’s consistency purchase of the product or the benefit of a
product after evaluation. I will explain in detail the two different types of customers and the benefits
that businesses can get out of them. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI). There
are two approaches used in defining the loyalty construct; first is the behavioral one which suggested
that the loyalty of a brand is only expressed when there is repeat purchase of commodity overtime. It
give the company mission and vision articulation and help the organization to complete its all goals
and objectives efficiently (Alhemoud, 2008). Involve inter-disciplinary teams in training chatbots to
optimize the chatbot service. Price is the cost a customer incurs in order to get the product.

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