Sojourner Truth

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Sojourner Truth

1. Summary

2. Biography

3. Important moments of her life

4. What did she do?

5. Her speech

6. End
1797 - 26 november 1883 (86)
Pseudo Sojourner Thruth
Father James Baumfree
Mother Elizabeth Baumfree
James, Premature death
Diana, 1815
Peter, 1821
Elizabeth, 1825
Important moments of her life
1826 Truth's Escaped 1828 Truth sued a white
man She won 1864 met with Lincoln
from Slavery
What did she do?
Civil War, Sojourner recruted
Her speech Ain't I a woman soldiers for the Union Army.
Her speech
Ain't I a woman?

29 may 1851

1851 Ohio Congress of

Women in Akron

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