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‫‪ ٢٨‬شباط ‪٢٠٢٤‬‬

‫أنت مدعو!‬
‫موقع الحدث‪.‬‬

‫‪ 30‬دقيقة‬

?Which of the following does NOT open into the right atrium


circumflex artery

mitral valve

All of the above

vena cava arteries

None of the above

One of the following is related to arteries

They drain blood from a different section of lungs and carry it to heart

vessels that return blood to the heart

.the exchange of materials between the blood and tissue cells

The superior vena cava carries blood from your upper body

the color of blood is bluish red


One of the following is false

Electrical conduction system has a network of electrical bundles and Purkinje fibres , SA
node , AV node

The main pulmonary artery (pulmonary trunk) leaves left ventricle at pulmonary . valv

Capillaries, the smallest and most numerous of the blood vessels

Blood flows from the left atrium, through the mitral valve, into the left ventricle,
through the aortic valve, and then into the aortic

What is the advantage ofseptum

it produces fluid to lubricate your heart

A layer of muscular tissue

keep heart from rubbing against other organs only

.sac that covers your entire heart only

.one layer of your pericardium

all of a above

?What is the exact position the heart

Between the right and left lungs

in the middle of chest

behind and slightly to the left of sternum

rests on the diaphragm

All of the above

.Regarding the left ventricle

,The left ventricle’s chamber walls are only about a inch thick

is slightly larger than the right

After the blood passes through the mitral valve, it enters the left ventricle

all of the above

The right and left coronary. artery branch from the aorta



The circumflex artery and anterior descending artery branch from the

Option 3 and 4

.Left inferior pulmonary vein

The left main coronary

The right coronary artery

pulmonary trunk

squeeze and relax to send

blood throughout body

Heart chambers

Electrical conduction system

heart walls

:Purkinje fibers are found in

.A. Endocardium
.B. Epicardium
.C. Myocardium
.D. All of them


Heart muscle is also called






The valve between the right ventricle and the blood vessel leaving the right
ventricle is the

.Aortic valve

.Tricuspid valve

mitral valve

Pulmonary valve

:Which of the following blood vessels is part of the systemic circulation


Coronary artery

Inferior vena cava

All of the above

Pulmonary artery

2 ,1
.Based on the figure above, answer the questions


Which of the following blood vessels carries oxygen-rich blood



None of the above


Blood path through 7 - 9 -10 - 8-4

systemic circulation

pulmonary circulation

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