Daniel Dennett and Free Will

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The Free will that


Daniel Dennett
Compatibilist view My mind is my brain Everything is determined

If I were to believe in physicalism and determinism,

how can I have have free will?

We need to understand that free is difficult We want a free will that matters, we
to be reconciled also with indeterminism, want a free will that determines what
or even, only with indeterminism we do

We want to determine our actions but

we don’t want us to be determined in
the determining of our actions
Biology vs Physics
Free will is a biological phenomenon, within us, it’s not a physical level phenomenon.
Our parts are not free, the physical world is not free, but we are (without adding
anything mysterious).

We want to make free will compatible with determinism

Inevitable vs Determined

If my future is determined is determined ≠ If my future is determined is inevitable

Free will is the capacity to

We always have “avoided” in
see probable futures in time
evolution (biological level). We
Brick example to take steps so that
can control our choice between
something else happens
determined futures
instead, that we determine
something else
Traditional vision of free will
Traditional vision of free will is wrong.

In our deterministic world either we have a non physical variety of free will or we must understand what free
will really is.

There is only a variety of free will that really matters, and it isn’t something mysterious, it’s something we
learn to have.
We have to give up the ideology about freedom and accept determinism and that through our chosen
actions we continue to determine.
We are choosing between determined futures.

Example of the babysitter and choosing between determined futures

The set of choices we are determined to have is the one we care about ( we do not want a chaotic and
infinite set of possibilities).

We want our choices to be determined by the best evidence and reasons

“could have done otherwise” issue → we do not want a quantum coinflip deflecting us the last possible

We can be determined to take free choices, which means that the choices we were determined to make,
given that we are determined to be rational competent human beings, and determined to have the facts at
your disposal, are determined to be the best thing to do at a certain point. → this is in our interest

We have regulative control

We must be aware about our capacities regarding freedom.

We cannot be absolutist about responsibility.

But we can still have responsibility (which is in our interest) that does not come from delusion about our
capacities (capacities that make us untruly and incredibly free)


We cannot be responsible of everything, and we are not 100% responsible for being responsible

But no everyone of us has free will, and those people must be treated differently.
How to treat wrongdoings
Dan Dennett backs a modified version of desert, stating that individuals experience positive outcomes for
good deeds and negative consequences for destructive actions, independently of societal advantages or
disadvantages. Still, Dennett advises against evaluating exceptions to this principle individually, as it may
erode trust in the legal system and trigger inconsistent judgment implementation. Decisions should
prioritize safeguarding the legitimacy and consistency of the legal apparatus.

Caruso (opposite part in the debate) worries that concentrating on desert might engender harsh penalties
and shift attention away from deep-rooted societal drivers behind criminal behavior. The notion of earned
rewards and punishments strengthens the fallacy of self-made individuals, diminishing the significance of
external components in personal successes.

How do we address this?

Addressing Social Disparities: Understanding the crucial functions of poverty, inequality, and prejudice and
tackling these issues through legislation and resources.

Applying Holistic Preventative Strategies: Developing comprehensive plans that surpass conventional
retributive models, ensuring improved communal prosperity and security.
Personal view


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