100% Pure New Zealand

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100% Pure New Zealand

戀戀三季 Three season



Working Holiday in New zealand

跟著 Alton 的腳步走遍紐西蘭

Music Date: June 2006 – March 2007

All Photos by Alton
Queenstown Bay on last day of 2006 – 皇后鎮景色 , 拍攝在 2006 年的最後一個日落
Queenstown Bay on last day of 2006 – 春天皇后灣的風光
Moeraki – 摩基拉大圓石 這裡約有上百顆的圓石散落在這海灘上
Dunedin – 初春的但尼丁城市
Nelson – 紐西蘭地理中心 在這裡可以欣賞到尼爾森這座城市
Stewart island - Watercress Bay 史都華島 Watercress 海灣
Stewart Island – Halfmoon Bay 史都華島 半月灣日出
Golden Bay - Rawhiti Cave, These are the largest entrance of any cave in New Zealand 黃金灣的鐘乳石岩洞
From Picton to Willington by Ferry – 搭渡輪經過南島北端的峽灣地形
The Sound terrain in Picton– 皮克頓到威靈頓的峽灣地形
Hey~ Welcome to Willington – 歡迎來到紐西蘭首都 - 威靈頓
Lake Tekapo of Winter – 七月嚴冬的蒂卡波湖
Mt. John - The weather was cloudy at the time, but as I saw the sun scattered on land that was covered with snow I thought
this beautiful sight is the best present for me.
Mt. John – Earth & Sky 山頂上的南極星觀測站
Mt. John in July – 七月嚴冬雪白覆蓋整座山脈
Timaru of Spring – shot in Organic farm 在 Timaru 交換食宿的有機農場初春景色
Sunrise in Timaru– shot in Organic farm 在 Timaru 交換食宿的有機農場面對南太平洋的日出
Queenstown gliding – 戶外活動天堂 皇后鎮
Queenstown Park – 春天裡綠意盎然的皇后鎮公園
Queenstown view – 皇后鎮景色 , 爬了一個小時才上到山頂
Queenstown – Deer park 皇后鎮旁的鹿公園
Queenstown – Deer park 皇后鎮鹿公園
Queenstown Deer park - Llama 皇后鎮鹿公園的美洲駝
Queenstown – Deer park 皇后鎮鹿公園的綿羊
The shepherd and his dog gathered in the sheep. 羊群 牧羊人與牧羊犬
Tongariro crossing track – Tongariro 火山穿越
Mount Cook of summer – 庫克山
Lake Wanaka of Summer – 夏天的瓦那卡湖
Lake Wanaka of Winter – 冬天的瓦那卡湖
Queenstown Deer park – 冬天皇后鎮裡的鹿公園
The ferry in Queenstown Bay – 皇后鎮湖景
Queenstown Bay of Winter – 冬天皇后鎮灣的景色
Queenstown Bay - sea gull 皇后鎮灣 - 海歐
Auckland - broken ridge 奧克蘭城外的一處斷崖 , 這裡有成群的海鳥棲息於此
New Zealand Birds - 紐西蘭豐富的鳥類
Southwest of south island – forest 葱綠的原始森林在紐西蘭的步道上到處都可看到
Southwest of south island – Grassland 典型的紐西蘭牧地風光
Southwest of south island – Mountain Valley 拍攝於紐西蘭西南部的山谷景色
Lake Matheson – Most famous panoramas in NZ and at the far end are unforgettable postcard views of Mt Tasman and Mt Cook
reflected in the water.
Fox glacier - Full-day walking, experience the amazing place of the nature. 福斯冰河 – 全天冰河健行 , 體驗大自然的神奇
Fox glacier – The glacier view 福斯冰河上的景色
Catlins Nugget Point – Lighthouse 南島最南的海岸線
Kaikoura – Shoreline view 凱庫拉 – 海岸線風光

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