BMD Quiz

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______________________ is the process of using an organisation’s goals and strategy to forecast

the organisation’s human resource needs in terms of finding, developing and keeping qualified
human resources.
a. Leadership Development
b. Human Resource Planning
c. Human Resource Acquisition
d. Employee Motivation

b. Human Resource Planning
Read the scenario below and answer questions that follow:
Vusi, a Human Resources graduate, has just been appointed as an intern at Exemplify. Within the
first few months of Vusi’s internship his supervisor informs him that they need a new receptionist for
their head office in Pretoria, and asks him if he can recommend anyone for this position. Vusi
immediately called his friend Naledi and asked her to send her CV as he knows she was urgently
looking for a job. Naledi was shortlisted within three days and was invited for an interview the next
week. Before Examplify could offer Naledi the position she had to do a personality test as this forms
part of their recruitment and selection process. After the assessment Naledi was offered the position
and she started as the receptionist the next month.
What typically happens during the application and shortlisting phase of selecting a suitable
a. The application form is compared with the job specification
b. A diagnostic interview takes place in order to obtain information about a candidate’s past
c. The applicant’s references are consulted to confirm the information the applicant has provided.
d. The candidate has to undergo psychological and medical testing.

a. The application form is compared with the job specification.

During the application and shortlisting phase of selecting a suitable candidate, the HR team or hiring
manager typically reviews the application forms submitted by candidates and compares them with
the job specification. They assess whether the candidates meet the minimum qualifications and
requirements for the position. The aim is to shortlist candidates who seem to have the relevant
skills, experience, and qualifications needed for the role.
Harry has recently been hired as a software developer for a large IT company. As part of his training,
Harry’s job changes every month or so once he has mastered that current job. By doing this, Harry is
ensured that his development does not take place at random. What on-the-job training method
does Harry have to complete?
a. Job instruction training
b. Vestibule training
c. Job rotation
d. Mentoring
c. Job rotation
Harry is undergoing job rotation, which is an on-the-job training method where an employee moves
through a series of jobs within the company. The purpose of job rotation is to expose the employee
to different roles and functions, providing them with a broader understanding of the organization's
operations and a chance to develop various skills. By rotating through different positions, Harry can
acquire diverse experiences and ensure that his development follows a structured and systematic
approach rather than happening randomly.

According to Maslow, having different and challenging job assignments helps to satisfy an
employee’s __________ needs.
a. self-actualisation
b. safety
c. esteem
d. physiological

a. self-actualization

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, self-actualization is the highest level of need and refers to
the desire for self-fulfillment, personal growth, and reaching one's full potential. By having different
and challenging job assignments, an employee can experience personal growth and development,
which aligns with the self-actualization needs identified in Maslow's hierarchy.

Line managers of a company are informed that performance appraisals will be done throughout the
year. The performance information will be used to ……..
a. compile job specifications, compile a training and development programme, and provide feedback
to the employees on their performance.
b. provide a basis for financial rewards, determine whether employees should be promoted, and
provide employees with feedback on their performance.
c. compile requirements for each job, provide a basis for financial rewards, and determine whether
employees should be promoted.
d. provide a basis for financial rewards, provide feedback to the employees on their performance,
and to compile job descriptions.

b. provide a basis for financial rewards, determine whether employees should be promoted, and
provide employees with feedback on their performance.

Performance appraisals are used for various purposes, and in this scenario, line managers are
informed that the performance appraisals will be done throughout the year. The information
gathered from these appraisals is used to determine financial rewards such as bonuses or salary
increases for employees based on their performance. It also helps in identifying potential candidates
for promotion based on their demonstrated abilities and achievements. Additionally, performance
appraisals provide valuable feedback to employees about their performance, highlighting areas of
strength and areas that need improvement.
Read the scenario below and answer questions that follow:

Vusi, a Human Resources graduate, has just been appointed as an intern at Exemplify. Within the
first few months of Vusi’s internship his supervisor informs him that they need a new receptionist for
their head office in Pretoria, and asks him if he can recommend anyone for this position. Vusi
immediately called his friend Naledi and asked her to send her CV as he knows she was urgently
looking for a job. Naledi was shortlisted within three days and was invited for an interview the next
week. Before Examplify could offer Naledi the position she had to do a personality test as this forms
part of their recruitment and selection process. After the assessment Naledi was offered the position
and she started as the receptionist the next month.

During which one of the following phases of the selection process did Naledi’s interview take place?
a. Phase 4
b. Phase 2
c. Phase 1
d. Phase 3
b. Phase 2

Naledi's interview took place during Phase 2 of the selection process. In the scenario provided, the
selection process can be broken down into the following phases:

Phase 1: Vusi recommends Naledi for the receptionist position, and she submits her CV (application
Phase 2: Naledi's CV is reviewed, and she is shortlisted for an interview (shortlisting phase).
Phase 3: Naledi undergoes a personality test as part of the recruitment and selection process
(assessment phase).
Phase 4: Naledi is offered the position and starts as the receptionist (job offer and acceptance
So, Naledi's interview took place during Phase 2, which is the shortlisting phase.

Which of the following are factors that influence the reliability and practicality of performance

a. Senior management goals

b. Rating errors
c. Criteria used for measuring performance
d. Organisational environment

a. a, b, c, d
b. b, c
c. a, b, d
d. a, c, d
c. a, b, d

Factors that influence the reliability and practicality of performance appraisals include:

a. Senior management goals: The goals and objectives set by senior management can influence the
performance appraisal process and the criteria used to evaluate employees' performance.
b. Rating errors: The accuracy and consistency of ratings provided by appraisers can impact the
reliability of the performance appraisal results.
d. Organisational environment: The overall work environment and culture within the organization
can influence how employees are evaluated and how the performance appraisal process is
Criterion (c) is not listed as one of the influencing factors in this case. So the correct answer is (c).

_______________ believed that there are three core need existence, relatedness and growth (ERG).

a. Herzberg
b. Alderfer
c. McClelland
d. Maslow
b. Alderfer
The belief that there are three core needs, existence, relatedness, and growth (ERG), is associated
with Clayton Alderfer's ERG theory of motivation. In contrast, the other options—Herzberg,
McClelland, and Maslow—are associated with different motivational theories. Herzberg proposed
the Two-Factor Theory, McClelland developed the Theory of Needs, and Maslow is known for the
Hierarchy of Needs theory.
Mark has recently been hired as a chef in a Michelin Star restaurant serving gourmet food to
celebrity guests. What types of motivation factor will motivate Mark
a. Self-actualisation
b. Job security
c. Supervision
d. Salary
a. Self-actualization

Mark, as a chef working in a Michelin Star restaurant serving gourmet food to celebrity guests, is
likely to be motivated by self-actualization. Self-actualization is a higher-level need in Maslow's
hierarchy of needs, which refers to the desire for self-fulfillment, personal growth, and reaching
one's full potential. In this context, Mark's work in a prestigious restaurant and the opportunity to
showcase his culinary skills to celebrity guests align with the self-actualization need, as it allows him
to pursue his passion and excel in his profession. While other factors like job security, supervision,
and salary may play a role in Mark's overall motivation, the nature of the job and the work
environment suggest that self-actualization would be a significant motivating factor for him.

According to Maslow, safety and security needs include

a. job security.
b. the desire for clothing.
c. pension plans.
d. all of the above choices.
d. all of the above choices.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, safety and security needs include various aspects related
to physical and psychological safety. This includes job security (a), the desire for clothing (b) to
protect oneself from the elements and maintain modesty, and pension plans (c) to ensure financial
security in the future. All of these choices are considered to be part of the safety and security needs
category in Maslow's hierarchy.
Read the scenario below and answer questions that follow:

Vusi, a Human Resources graduate, has just been appointed as an intern at Exemplify. Within the
first few months of Vusi’s internship his supervisor informs him that they need a new receptionist for
their head office in Pretoria, and asks him if he can recommend anyone for this position. Vusi
immediately called his friend Naledi and asked her to send her CV as he knows she was urgently
looking for a job. Naledi was shortlisted within three days and was invited for an interview the next
week. Before Examplify could offer Naledi the position she had to do a personality test as this forms
part of their recruitment and selection process. After the assessment Naledi was offered the position
and she started as the receptionist the next month.

Vusi’s internship at Examplify can be viewed as ________ training and development.

a. graduate
b. on-the-job
c. internal
d. away-from-the-job
b. on-the-job

Vusi's internship at Examplify can be viewed as on-the-job training and development. On-the-job
training refers to the process of learning and developing skills while working within the actual work
environment. In this scenario, Vusi, as an intern, is gaining practical experience and knowledge
related to Human Resources by working in the real-world setting of Examplify's HR department.
Read the scenario below and answer questions that follow:

Vusi, a Human Resources graduate, has just been appointed as an intern at Exemplify. Within the
first few months of Vusi’s internship his supervisor informs him that they need a new receptionist for
their head office in Pretoria, and asks him if he can recommend anyone for this position. Vusi
immediately called his friend Naledi and asked her to send her CV as he knows she was urgently
looking for a job. Naledi was shortlisted within three days and was invited for an interview the next
week. Before Examplify could offer Naledi the position she had to do a personality test as this forms
part of their recruitment and selection process. After the assessment Naledi was offered the position
and she started as the receptionist the next month.

Which one of the following recruitment methods did Examplify make use of?
a. Recruitment through personal approach
b. Sundry recruiting strategies
c. Recruitment through existing employees
d. E-recruiting
c. Recruitment through existing employees

Examplify made use of the recruitment method of "recruitment through existing employees." In this
scenario, Vusi, as an intern, recommended his friend Naledi for the receptionist position when his
supervisor informed him about the job opening. This is an example of recruitment through existing
employees, where current employees refer or recommend potential candidates for job openings
within the organization.
Joshua works as a delivery driver for Mr Delivery South Africa. What types of maintenance factor,
based on Herzbergs theory, will Joshua look for from the job?
a. Supervision
b. Belongingness
c. Esteem
d. Physiological
a. Supervision

Read the scenario below and answer questions that follow:

Vusi, a Human Resources graduate, has just been appointed as an intern at Exemplify. Within the
first few months of Vusi’s internship his supervisor informs him that they need a new receptionist for
their head office in Pretoria, and asks him if he can recommend anyone for this position. Vusi
immediately called his friend Naledi and asked her to send her CV as he knows she was urgently
looking for a job. Naledi was shortlisted within three days and was invited for an interview the next
week. Before Examplify could offer Naledi the position she had to do a personality test as this forms
part of their recruitment and selection process. After the assessment Naledi was offered the position
and she started as the receptionist the next month.

The personality test which Naledi had to do forms part of the __________ of the selection process.
a. induction
b. preliminary screening
c. intensive assessment
d. final selection
b. preliminary screening

The personality test that Naledi had to do forms part of the "preliminary screening" of the selection
process. Preliminary screening involves the initial assessment of applicants to determine if they
meet the basic qualifications and requirements for the job. Personality tests are often used as part
of this screening process to evaluate candidates' personality traits and suitability for the role they
are applying for. Based on the results of the personality test, candidates like Naledi may be
shortlisted for further assessment or interviews as part of the selection process.

The Retail Academy offers a range of learning opportunities, from technical, financial, management
and leadership, to graduate and internship programmes for industrial psychologists to a beauty
technology certification.

Which away-from-the-job training and development method best describes the Retail Academy?
a. Vestibule/simulation
b. E-learning
c. Conference
d. Case study
c. Conference
c. conference

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