Boys Vs Girls

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Boys v.s.


For me the first good thing about being a girl is that I can have a baby but I hate the colics. I like
the different clothes that we, girls, can use, I’m a person who loves the clothes and dressing
different. Another good thing about being a girl, is that we can spend to many hours talking about
anything with our friends but we can be so gossipmongers.

But above all, I like being a girl because I can be pregnant. I love the nailpolish because I really like
to paint my nails. Also, I think that more of the fashion is made for girls or women than for man.

However, there are many differences between boys and girls. I think it might be because we live in
a machista society. First of all, I hate that boys can have so many girls, I mean, couples and it isn’t
so bad seen as if the girls do that. Secondly, if a boy smokes, drinks or does in drugs that means
that he is cool, but if a girl does that kind of things it's a synonymous of a bad person.

Although I have permissions to go out, my parents always say to me that I have to be on time, but
with my brother is too different. The boys have more permissions and can go out with his friends
without any restriction by their parents. Also, the girls can’t sleep in different houses, but boys

But in general I love being a girl, I love the makeup, the clothes, and all the experiences (well,
almost all the experiences) I have had and all the possibilities I can have because I am a girl.

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