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Crafting a literature review on the topic of handwashing can be a daunting task.

It requires extensive
research, critical analysis, and the ability to synthesize information from various sources. The process
involves searching through numerous academic journals, books, and other scholarly publications to
gather relevant literature. Additionally, one must meticulously review and evaluate each source to
determine its credibility and significance to the topic at hand.

Writing a literature review requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and the ability to
present complex ideas in a coherent manner. It involves summarizing key findings, identifying gaps
in existing research, and offering insights for future studies. Furthermore, organizing the information
in a logical and structured manner is essential to ensure clarity and coherence.

Given the challenges associated with writing a literature review, many individuals may find it
beneficial to seek assistance from professional writing services. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert
assistance in crafting high-quality literature reviews on a wide range of topics, including
handwashing. Their team of experienced writers possesses the necessary expertise to conduct
thorough research and produce well-written literature reviews that meet the highest academic

By ordering from ⇒ ⇔, individuals can save time and effort while ensuring that their
literature review is comprehensive, well-researched, and effectively communicates the significance of
handwashing in promoting public health. Whether you're a student, researcher, or professional in the
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The effectiveness of hand hygiene interventions is dependent on mode of influenza transmission and
may be attenuated when the mode of transmission is not through contact. Students in kindergarten
and first grade were shown a 2-minute video titled “The Sneeze,” and children in grades 2 and 3 saw
a 10- minute video titled “Haley’s Germs” (GOJO Industries, Inc., Akron, Ohio). Building and use
of toilets The safe disposal of child faeces Handwashing with soap after defecation, before preparing
and eating food, and after handling child faeces. Positive Associationd of HW with Other WASH
Factors. In addition, several policies have been implemented by the health sector to further promote
hand washing practices. Therefore, it is clear health care workers have the education and knowledge
of its benefits. Let the water run back into the sink, not down to your elbows. 4. Dry hands
thoroughly with a clean towel. The intervention consisted of four hand hygiene (HH) promotion
components and was evaluated in a cluster-randomized controlled trial among 8275 children and 18
kindergartens from May to October, 2015 in Shenzhen, China. Wet Hands under Running Water.
Add soap. Scrub for at least 20 seconds. Want Berxi articles delivered straight to your inbox. Norm-
based messages used in motorway service stations in England to promote hand washing (Curtis et al.
2001) is just part of the larger campaign of United Kingdom called, My Five Moments for Hand
Hygiene. In light of its proven effectiveness in other settings, there is no compelling evidence to stop
using good hand hygiene practice to reduce the risk of influenza infection and transmission in the
community setting. Although our research has focused on lack of hand- washing after bathroom use
and did not address the effect on absenteeism, several articles have docu- mented the effect of
handwashing education on absenteeism. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers
as your own, that is cheating. Also you. BMJ, volume 325, p. 362 Objective: To compare the efficacy
of handrubbing with an alcohol based solution versus conventional handwashing with antiseptic soap
in reducing hand contamination during routine patient care. Only those studies conducted among
subjects in United Kingdom in the last five years were selected. It has millions of presentations
already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Sobsey
ENVR 890-2 Spring, 2009 Effect of Handwashing on Diarrhea Risk - Curtis and Cairncross (2003)
Effect of Handwashing on Diarrhea Risk - Curtis and Cairncross (2003) Positive Associationd of
HW with Other WASH Factors Hygiene Behavior Studies - Curtis Et. To browse and
the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The
3 fathers of handwashing: Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis Louis Pasteur.
Moreover, in controlled clinical trials conducted in high-income settings, there may already be high
baseline levels of hand hygiene practice rendering intervention and control groups more similar
irrespective of hand hygiene intervention. These studies did not specify or report the use of
handwashing criteria in estimating handwashing frequency or counting handwashing events. Two
studies assessed self-reported quality of hand hygiene practice, that is, good or poor Footnote 20, and
optimal or suboptimal Footnote 23, and of these, one defined optimal hand hygiene practice
according to published best practices Footnote 20. The authors found that from several hygienic
practices, hand washing is indeed the most studied. Handwashing with soap and water after contact
with fecal material can reduce diarrheal diseases by 42%% or more. Download Free PDF View PDF
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Impact of a Large-Scale Handwashing
Intervention on Reported Respiratory Illness: Findings from a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial
Shaila Arman Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry,
preview is currently unavailable. Ottawa (ON): Public Health Agency of Canada; 2012. Furthermore,
Randle et al. (2010) was able to impart that while strict adherence to the policies should be practiced
especially in the healthcare settings, complete compliance is difficult to achieve as it was deemed to
be impractical given the work demands of healthcare staff. Three necessary components of proper
hand washing include: Soap Clean water Friction. Findings from lower income settings (e.g., rural
Bangladesh) may not be generalizable to high-income settings and vice versa.
For the observational studies, which relied on self-reported Footnote 20 Footnote 21 Footnote 23
Footnote 25 Footnote 26 or observed Footnote 18 Footnote 19 hand hygiene practice, most found
statistically significantly lower likelihood of possible infection Footnote 18 Footnote 20 Footnote 21
Footnote 23 Footnote 26. Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) in the USA Today. Two-thirds of
studies suggested hand hygiene practices may help prevent influenza infection. Effectiveness of
non-pharmaceutical measures in preventing pediatric influenza: a case-control study. Then turn off
the water with a clean paper towel and dispose of it in a proper receptacle. It is formulated with skin
moisturizers such as glycerin and propylene glycol. Doubts on the efficacy of hand hygiene in
preventing hospital acquired infections, and boundaries between health worker cadres were
identified as the strongest barriers towards change. A majority of these studies assessed influenza
transmission in the community setting by estimating secondary attack rates (SARs) at the household
level (e.g., the proportion of susceptible individuals who became ill) for laboratory-confirmed or
possible influenza Footnote 11 Footnote 12 Footnote 14 Footnote 16 Footnote 17. Liquid soap
containers (which day care centers must use) should be used until empty and cleaned before refilling.
The germs that get on your skin get trapped in the oil. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. There are several factors that play a role in whether or not concerned individuals
adhere to the policies. The best prevention method all the times and important in whole aspect of
human life’s. Objectives. For this research, the presenter was the same individual, a junior high
school student. Therefore, it is clear health care workers have the education and knowledge of its
benefits. However, when children are in school, reinforcement of hand- washing by parents often
decreases. The interpretation of the evidence leads one to believe health care workers have not made
this practice habitual or an automatic ritual. While there are several infectious diseases that cannot be
prevented by mere hand washing, the simpler ones are actually of more significance because of its
prevalence in the society. The Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias in randomised
trials. Janet Binga. Hand washing is the single most inexpensive health intervention in the world.
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title and description Handwashing is one of the most important factors in controlling the spread of
micro-organisms and in preventing the development of infections. Compliance was 44.2% before the
first intervention, 42.3% between interventions, and 48% after the second intervention. However, a
downside of this kind of study is that it is too broad that it covered several countries, both developed
and developing, which may not be comparable. The profile has been compiled by GlobalData to
bring to you a clear and an unbiased view of the company’s key strengths and weaknesses and the
potential opportunities and threats. Imprints taken of fingertips and palm of dominant hand before
and after hand hygiene procedure. Each guide is broken up into sub-sections for you to tackle on
your own time. Conducted over a two-month period, the researchers find that hand hygiene
adherence rates were higher during the day than at night with differences in compliance adherence
rates between senior and junior physicians. For the longest time, proper hygiene has been regarded as
the most effective way to reduce the transmission of diseases (Gould 2010, p.50). While there are
several ways to maintain hygiene, the unelaborated practice of hand washing alone has been
considered as a single effective measure for disease prevention. This was fol- lowed by a video on
micro-organisms and disease transmission. The number of lost school days annually among
kindergarten through twelfth-grade students is 164 million, with an average of 4.5 days a year per
stu- dent.
We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Absence rate due to URIs were 12.4 and 23.4
as well as 5.62 and 11.72 per 100 schoolgirls in the control (CG) and experimental (EG) groups,
respectively. Time was deter- mined by averaging the estimates reported by each school for preparing
assignments and reme- dial work. The number of absences was 50.6% lower in the test group (.
Teachers were given a form to monitor each episode of illness. Although most observational studies
collected exposure data on self-reported handwashing frequency, these studies did not specify or
report the use of criteria for counting handwashing events; therefore, optimal and suboptimal hand
hygiene practices cannot be differentiated in the overall reported handwashing frequency. WHO
guidelines on hand hygiene in health care: first global patient safety challenge clean care is safer care.
If you are interested in more resource tools and updates, visit our Resources Hub and make
submissions following our guidelines. This could have resulted in higher hand hygiene rates due to
the fact that a healthcare worker may have hit the dispenser a few times. In household studies, direct
and indirect protection conferred by hand hygiene practice for more susceptible individuals (e.g.,
children) cannot be readily assessed due to a lack of information on hand hygiene practice collected
at the individual level. This study was conducted in a pediatric emergency room and a pediatric
intensive care unit and these locations due not make up a general hospital setting. A multi-country
study in Bangladesh, Cameroon, India and Malawi by Mactaggart et al. (2018) also confirms that
people with disabilities may have limits on WASH access within the household. Get a COI
Download a Certificate of Insurance (COI) to provide to your employer. Winner of the Standing
Ovation Award for “Best PowerPoint Templates” from Presentations Magazine. Use of alcohol rose
from 15.2% of HH indications to 25.2% between interventions and 41.5% after the second
intervention. Also, a continuing study related to nurse’s frustrations with workloads on hand
motivations were suggested. Directions were given if proper technique was not followed.
Effectiveness of alcohol-based hand disinfectants in a public administration: impact on health and
work performance related to acute respiratory symptoms and diarrhoea. The 3 fathers of
handwashing: Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis Louis Pasteur. Learn More About
Our Medical Malpractice Coverage Dental Malpractice We provide dental malpractice insurance for
everyone in your practice, including dentists, dental hygienists, and assistants. Nevertheless, it is able
to formulate suggestions in the direction of research towards hand washing and other related public
health practices. However, in light of its efficacy in general infectious disease prevention and control,
there is no compelling evidence to stop using good hand hygiene practice to reduce the risk of
influenza infection and transmission in the community. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Hand hygiene to reduce community
transmission of influenza and acute respiratory tract infection: a systematic review. In addition,
several policies have been implemented by the health sector to further promote hand washing
practices. Good hand washing technique is easy to learn and can significantly reduce the spread of
infectious diseases among children and adults. In this study 20 volunteers contaminated their hands
deliberately by touching door handles and railings in public spaces. We first filtered articles with
publication dates between December 1, 2017, and December 31, 2018, using keywords in titles and
relevant subject terms, including: handwashing, hand hygiene, hand disinfection, and low- and
middle-income countries. Nine studies evaluated the effectiveness of hand hygiene interventions or
practices in preventing laboratory-confirmed or possible influenza infection in the community
setting; six studies showed a significant difference, three studies did not. If so, just upload it to We’ll convert it to an HTML5 slideshow that includes all the media types you’ve
already added: audio, video, music, pictures, animations and transition effects.
Let us write or edit the literature review on your topic. Our blog offers a variety of articles and
guides that will help you get the information you need to grow and protect your career. Do this away
from the running water for at least 20 seconds, being careful not to wash the lather away. By clicking
“Accept all,” you consent to the use of five cookies and the corresponding functions in the website.
RI episode rates were compared through multilevel Poisson regression models. Effect of hand
hygiene on infectious disease risk in the community setting: a meta-analysis. These are the same
steps being followed by the World Health Organization. Moreover, since it is merely a compendium
of various sources, it is difficult to make a conclusion by looking at the data alone. The researches
conducted, are therefore rooted on the premise that since hand washing can prevent the transfer of
disease-causing bacteria between surfaces, the different aspects of this practice should be explored in
depth. Catherine Carney, RN SUNY Institute of Technology Nursing Leadership-344. Overview.
Ottawa (ON): Public Health Agency of Canada; 2012. The application, Arbi Care, is a game that
delivers healthy lifestyle education. Keeping your fingers interlaced, run the backs of your fingers
along the back of the opposing hand. Our new CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for
PowerPoint is a collection of over 1000 impressively designed data-driven chart and editable diagram
s guaranteed to impress any audience. Two hundred ninety students from 5 i ndependent schools
were enrolled in the study. In response to a stronger need of ensuring proper hand washing practices
in the control of diseases, the World Health Organization launched the program, “Save Lives: Clean
Your Hands” in 2009 in the aim to increase public awareness on the importance of infection control
and to promote compliance (WHO 2011). The germs that get on your skin get trapped in the oil. One
RCT delivered an internet-based intervention educating and promoting handwashing without
provision of any hand sanitizer or soap to participants Footnote 15. Hand hygiene practices are non-
invasive and have broad applicability as an infection prevention and control intervention with no
demonstrated evidence of harm. This increase in publications drove our decision to brand the
compilation as an index this year. Unfortunately, the evidence reveals that a majority of health care
workers lacked proper hand hygiene techniques even though awareness existed. Here are a few
hints: It takes only 20 seconds (if you do it the right way). Recommendations: 3. Increase vigilance
for hand washing observation. A. Conduct unannounced observations to check for compliance. B.
Make patients and family members aware of hand washing policies. Imprints taken of fingertips and
palm of dominant hand before and after hand hygiene procedure. Children are taught this basic
principle very early in life and are given daily reinforcements by parents. The medianduration of
hand hygiene was 30 seconds in each group. Similar results were reported by Early and colleagues.
Teacher time in the test and control groups represents the hourly rate multiplied by the episodes of
illness (1 hour of teacher work per episode). To browse and the wider internet faster
and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. As such, focus has been
given to diarrhea, being one of the leading causes of child death (Boschi-Pinto 2008) and viral
respiratory infections.
In this situation, good hand hygiene of staff, patients and visitors are essential. Summary Hand
hygiene is the easiest and best line of defense for disease and infection prevention. This article is an
open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
license ( ). Household transmission of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) and nonpharmaceutical
interventions among households of high school students in San Antonio, Texas. After using the
restroom Coughing and sneezing Touching your eyes, nose, or mouth Before food preparation After
playing any sport After exercising After recess Before you eat. In response to a stronger need of
ensuring proper hand washing practices in the control of diseases, the World Health Organization
launched the program, “Save Lives: Clean Your Hands” in 2009 in the aim to increase public
awareness on the importance of infection control and to promote compliance (WHO 2011). Another
review of intervention trials and observational studies found evidence of a reduction in influenza
infection with hand hygiene interventions in schools, but no effect on secondary transmission of
influenza in households in the community that had already experienced an index case Footnote 7.
Most studies that looked at influenza transmission, however, had non-statistically significant results.
Findings from a household randomized controlled trial of hand washing and face masks to reduce
influenza transmission in Bangkok, Thailand. The second limitation was the counting of the
electronic devices. Because you've touched it with dirty hands, there's a good chance that it's
harboring the bacteria and germs you just washed off. Another study collected self-reported
information on adoption of various non-pharmaceutical interventions, including washing hands more
often and hand sanitizer use Footnote 22. Time was deter- mined by averaging the estimates reported
by each school for preparing assignments and reme- dial work. A multi-country study in Bangladesh,
Cameroon, India and Malawi by Mactaggart et al. (2018) also confirms that people with disabilities
may have limits on WASH access within the household. While it has been found by the study of
Burton et al. (2010), as discussed previously, that washing with soap is the most effective way to
decontaminate hands from bacteria, this information remains to be helpful. Received November 24,
2010; Revised December 30, 2010; Accepted December 31, 2010. Physical interventions to interrupt
or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses: systematic review. Handwashing. 80% of common
infections spread by hands Most effective way of preventing the spread of respiratory tract
infections. Yet through the information obtained by the authors, they were able to find hope that the
present situation in terms of hygiene would gradually improve. Select link below to access the policy
to review the updates. PCM 511.003 Hand Washing Procedure. There are no existing data regarding
compliance of patients in hand washing; therefore, conclusion cannot be made on whether there has
been an improvement or not. Sign Up Sign Up How we use your email address Kristy Snyder is a
contributing writer through CopyPress, a content creation company that's working with Berxi to
provide the best content around. A review of randomized controlled trials found that hand hygiene
as a co-intervention with facemask use in the community setting was efficacious against laboratory-
confirmed influenza infection or influenza-like illness, but hand hygiene alone was not Footnote 6.
Our new CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint is a collection of over 1000
impressively designed data-driven chart and editable diagram s guaranteed to impress any audience.
Protect your microbial cultures from contamination. One RCT delivered an internet-based
intervention educating and promoting handwashing without provision of any hand sanitizer or soap
to participants Footnote 15. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your
own, that is cheating. Also you. In fact, a surprising amount of them either gloss over or completely
skip some critical sanitizing steps in the washing process. Doubts on the efficacy of hand hygiene in
preventing hospital acquired infections, and boundaries between health worker cadres were
identified as the strongest barriers towards change. Use of alcohol rose from 15.2% of HH
indications to 25.2% between interventions and 41.5% after the second intervention.

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