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~o. 12.


Department of Minerals and Energy


10919.-(PRICE, ls.]

Gold is known as a royal metal ; it is also a rare metal, because, although widely
distributed, it is generally found in small quantities and in fine grains. Occasionally
larger lumps or nuggets occur, and these have always created more interest than
equal amounts of gold in a more divided form. Victoria has not only proved itself a
land unusually rich in gold, but nuggets have been more lavishly distributed in this
State than elsewhere, and in sizes that have never been exceeded.

In the early digging days the discovery of nuggets exercised a greater fascination
than the wonderful yields of finer gold, and many a langillshing rush has been rejuvenated
by the finding of a nugget.

Owing to the conditions of life on the early gold-fields, it was more prudent to
conceal the discovery of a large lump of gold than to publish it, and, in consequence, the
records of nuggets are very incomplete, and it may safely be assumed that less than half
of those found were recorded. Many nuggets were found by Chinamen, and accounts
of these were rarely preserved. An occasional lump of gold chopped off a large
mass was sold to gold-buyers, but details were seldom divulged. No systematic records
were kept even of those that were made known, and hitherto there has been no complete
A list has been compiled from several different sources, and every endeavour has
been made to bring together the essential data concerning all the nuggets that have
been recorded and to eliminate such as are doubtful or that have been duplicated. The
"Nugget Book" referred to in this list is a manuscript record that has been kept by the
Mines Department. As regards the weights, they are in many cases approximate only,
for they were frequently weighed in pounds avoirdupois in the early digging days. "Gross
weight'' refers to the total weight of gold, quartz, ironstone, and perhaps clay which
together formed the nugget when discovered. "Net weight" is the total weight of the
gold in the nugget. "Estimated weight" means the amount of gold assumed to be present
after the gross weight has been determined, but before the gold was separated from the
other constituents of the nugget. Both alluvial and quartz reef nuggets are dealt with.
It is intended later on to publish a map showing the distribution of nuggets within the
State, and plates of all the models. The bulk of the work in compiling the list has
fallen on Mr. A. E. Smith.
Formerly an impression prevailed that alluvial nuggets resulted from the aggrega-
tion of gold while in the gravels, and that an originally small piece might increase in size
and ultimately become a nugget. Such a theory is not borne out by an examination
of the surfaces of alluvial nuggets, which invariably show much scratching and rounding,
and the common occurrence of angular quartz with the gold does not favour such a
view. Still further evidence against such a theory is the frequent discovery of very
large masses of gold in quartz reefs, as at Ballarat and elsewhere. That all the large
masses have not yet been found was proved a few years back, when a fine group of
nuggets was obtained at Poseidon. Doubtless still more remain to be unearthed.
Many nuggets are thoroughly rounded by the action of water; others are water-worn
on one side only.
A. 2

One of the prominent features about nuggets is that they are far more abundant
in "indicator" country than elsewhere, such as the area between Ballarat on the south,
Wedderburn on the north, Tarnagulla on the east, and Ararat on the west. Within
this tract nearly all the nuggets have been obtained.

l\fr. George Foord, chemist and assayer, demonstrated in the early sixties that
in any nugget there was very little difference in the fineness of the gold in one part from
chat in another; but even if there were differences it would not be very remarkable,
seeing that it is sometimes the case that in the same piece of quartz there are two distinct
qualities of gold.

Professor Liversidge, formerly of Sydney University, sliced and etched many

gold nuggets with interesting results. The experiments proved that the gold in nuggets
was crystalline.

It is remarkable that some very heavy nuggets were found not resting on bedrock
but sometimes several feet above it in the gravel. Such was the case with the Viscount
Canterbury nugget, found at Rheola, as the famous Berlin rush is now named. On
this field the gold was so coarse that washing the gravel was not resorted to. The top
material-drift, gravel, clay, &c.-was stripped for 10 or 12 feet to the wash-dirt, and
this latter was turned over with a long-handled shovel and thrown back. If there was
any gold present it was either seen in the gravel or felt on the shovel. Large nuggets
have been found lying on the surface of the rocks, as in the case of those found below
the Matrix Reef, Mcintyre's, which weighed 810 and 805 ozs. respectively. The largest
of all-the Welcome Stranger nugget--was only a few inches below the surface, and was
discovered in a rut cut by a dray wheel.

Although a large mass of gold would offer great resistance to running water when
alone, on account of its high specific gravity, if associated with a considerable block of
quartz the specific gravity of the whole would be greatly reduced, and then the two masses
together might easily be conveyed long distances.

Nuggets were transported by the aborigines. No doubt the colour and lustre
attracted their attention, but the great weight probably prevented them from carrying
nuggets for very great distances. At Watchem a 40-oz. nugget was found at one of
their myrniongs, or camping places. Between Mt. Tarrengower and the Loddon another
nugget was found that was probably transported by the blacks. Many other nuggets
have been found in such situations as to suggest that they had been brought there
by human agency. Small nuggets have been found in Mallee hens' nests.

Quite commonly nuggets contain pieces of quartz or they are sometimes embedded
in quartz; where in contact with the gold the quartz is always angular and just such
as occurs in reefs, and not rounded and water-worn as would be the case if the gold had
accumulated while in the alluvial deposits. Limonite frequently occurs associated with
the gold of nuggets, sometimes with, at other times without, quartz. The limonite has
resulted from the oxidation of iron pyrites that existed originally in the lode.

In the case of the Welcome Stranger nugget, the largest found in this State,
there was 68 lbs. of quartz associated with the gold. A small sample of this quartz,
shewn by Mr. Deason to the writer, was of a grey colour, and similar to what occurs in
the Matrix Reef associated with the nuggets and rich patches along the intersection of
the indicator and quartz veins.

Although there is no evidence that accretion of gold occurs so as to en1arge the

size of nuggets in the drifts, there is ample proof that drift waters do contain gold in
solution in some cases. It is also a remarkable fact that the clay near some of the large
nuggets found at Poseidon contained impalpably fine crystalline particles of gold dis-
seminated through it, as though the mass of gold had in some way jnfluenced the deposition
of this fine gold near it from solution. Nuggets are frequently stained with ferruginous
clay, iron oxide, or manganese oxide.

There is a tragic side to nuggets also, for in the early digging days the sudden
acquisition of more or less wealth in the form of a nugget often caused the mind of the
finder to become unhinged. Crimes were also committed to obtain possession of nuggets.


Models in the G<'olosicn.l ?.{useum.

Name of Nugget.. Date when Fiudrr~. Authority. Reru1\l'ks.

Where found. Depth.
....0 found .
0 Gross. Net. Estimated.
z- ----- -------- - --- - - ---------- --------------- ---------------
oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr .
A 2,520 0 0 2,284 Hl 22 Bb.ck Lead, Molia- 1 inch '' The W clcomc 5.2.1869 John Deason and F. Knox Orme, Wn.rden, Nugget The site of discovery is marked by
gul Stranger" Richard Oates Book a. stone obelisk. The gvld in
this nugget was associated with
68 lbs. of quartz
2 A 2,844 0 0 1,363 18 0 At Dunolly -.10. 1857 William Birkmyre, p. 362 R. In two nuggets. Associated wit.b
Brough Smyth's Gold-fields quartz
u.nd Mineral Districts of Victoria
A 2,217 l6 0 2, 195 0 0 Bn.kcry Hill, Bal- 180 feet " The W elcomc" 15. G. 1SGS Heel l1 ill Mining Co ... W. Birkmyre, p. 361 R. B. Contained about IO lbs. of qu:utz,
laarat Smyth's Go ld-fi eld~, &c. clay, and oxide of iron
4 A l,74-3 13 0 Kingower 13 feet " The Bbnchc 27.8.1857 W. Birkmyre, p. 362 R. B. Contained about 2 lbs. of qwirtz
B;i,rkly" Smvth's Gold-fields, &c. clay, and oxide of iron
"'5 A 1,717 0 0 1,621 2 0 c. .,tto's P ncldock, 12 fret " The Preciowi " 5. 1 . 1871 Ah Chr.ng and pii.rt.y F. K. Orme,vVr.rdcn, Nugget Book Not much waterworn
B erlin
A l,GlD 0 0 1,319 1 12 C'1rnD.din.n Gully, 60 feet " The C:i.nn.dian " ;}1, l.1 853 W. Birkmyre, p. 362 R. B.
] hiJ,\,:). l'<t t Smyth's Gold-fields, &r.
7 A 1,177 17 0 D:1 lton's Flat, near 135 feet "The Ladv 8. !).1854 W. Birkmyre, p. 363 n.. B. ConLained mueh quartz and iron.
Canacliil.n Gully, Hot.Jl!lm " " Smyth's Gold-fields, &c. Also obtained from same hole
Ba.llaarat 2,640 ozs. in smaller nuggets
8 A 1,117 11 0 Canadia.n Oully, 60 feet "Tho Sarnh 20.1.1853 w. Tiirkmyre, p. 363 R. n. Associated with quartz
Balln:unt Sande" Smyth'::; Golcl-fields, &c.
A 1,114 0 0 Allot,ment Ko. 12, 8 feet "Vi'3count. Can- :n. 5.1870 Sehlof>i:;mnn nncl DaYis E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report, 4 fret a bo,·c the bottom, which
John's Paddock, t erbury,; June, 1890, p. l6 "as hornblende rock
10 A 1,034 5 0 833 14 0 Bln C'kman's Lend, 5 feet -.6.1855 W. Birkmyrc, p. 363 R. B.
Mary borough Smyth's Gold-fields, &r.
ll A 1,011 15 0 Canadian Gully, 60 fret 22.1.1853 lV. Birkmyre, p. 363 R B. In the shnpe of a pyramid.
Balla1nat. Bmyth's Gold-fields, &c. A:::rncinted with Ycry " ·hite
12 A 1,008 0 0 1,008 0 0 K<'nr Old Golden " The Heron " 29.3.1855 W. Birhmyre, p. 364 R. B. A c-olid lump of gold
Poin t , Fryer's Smyth's Gold-fields, &r.
Creek, Mt. Alex-
:mdl' t'
13 A 1,000 0 0 Christmas Flat, Rhe- E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report.,
ola, Kangderaar June, 1890, p. lG
*14 A 953 0 0 703 0 0 Poseidon, Tarna- 10 inches " The Poseidon " 18.12.1906 Woodall and party A. M. Howitt, R.ecords G.S., Vol. 2 inches above the bedrock. With
gulla III., Part 1. much qua.rtz
*15 A 912 0 0 Allotment No. 21, 61 feet " Viscountess 3.10.1870 Felstead and party E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report, 4 feet n bo,·e the bedrock
John's Paddock, Canterbury" June, 1890, p. 16
16 A 893 0 0 893 0 0 Langham Flat, Ber- 20 feet 12.3.1869 Patrick and James Inglewood Advertiser Newspaper,
lin, Kangderaar Hoare 19th March, 186"9. Nugget Book
17 A 834 0 0 834 0 0 Ballaara t West 400 feet "The Koh -i- - . 8.1860 Koh-i-noor Mining Co. w. Birlcmyre, p. 364 R. n. A soli<l lnmp of gold
noor" Smyt.h's Gold-fields, &c.
18 A 810 0 0 Mcintyre Diggings, Surface " The McEvoy " - . 3.1857 \V. Birkmyre, p. 364 R. B.
Moliagul Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
19 A 805 0 0 No. I Gully, East of 1 foot E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report.,
Matrix Reef, June, 1890, p. lG
Mcintyre's, ~foli -
20 A 801 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Smylh's
Dunolly - . 10 .1868 Gold-fields, &c.
"' 21 A 795 19 0 718 5 0 Catto's Paddock, 12~ feet " The Kum Tow " 17.4.1871 Loo Ching and party H. J. Hughes, Mining Registrar,
Berlin Fla.t, Kang- Nugget Book
22 A 782 0 0 Mcintyre Diggings, -.2. 1861 w. Bi.rkmyre, p. 364 R. B.
P11.rish of Moliagul Smyth's Gold-fields. &c.
23 A 715 0 0 Daisy Hill, Town- 3l feet 22.10.1855 w. Birkmyre, p. 364 R. B.
ship of Amherst Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
24 A 708 0 0 No. 1 Gully, East of Surface E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Matrix Reef, June, 1890, p. 16
Mcintyre's, Moll-
>!<25 A 675 0 0 Poseidon, Tarna- 15 inches " The Leila " 3.1.1907 Smith, Stephenson, A. M. Howitt, Records G.S., Vol. 6 inches nbove the bedrork
gull a and Rogers III., Purt 1.
26 A 672 0 0 Berlin 12 feet 12.3.1860 F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book
27 A 658 0 0 Mcivor, Heathcote lG feet - . 10.1858 w. Birkmyrc, p. 364 R. B.
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
28 A 648 0 0 648 0 0 Back Creek, Tara- 12 feet -.5 .1856 w. Birkmyre, p. 364 R. B. A Rolid lump of gold
dale Smyth 's Gold-fields, &c.
29 A G45 0 0 571 0 0 Mel vor, Heathcote 12.10.1855 William Birkmyre, p. 364 R. B.
Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
Districts of Victoria.
30 A 625 0 0 Eureka, Ballaarat "The Lady 7.2.1854 William Birkmyre, p. 364 R. B. Nearly free from quartz
Barkly" Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
Districts of Victoria
:n A 624 0 0 Langham Flat, !:l feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
North of Gilmore's June, 1890, p. lG
Gully, Kangderaar
•ai A Gl7 0 0 Sulky Gully, Parish 114 feet "The Lady 23.8.1887 Midas Mining Co. Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
of Ascot Loch" Reports, September, 1887, p. 14
33 Q 606 0 0 Balla.arat " The Lady Don " 12.1 1.1866 'fhe Lady Don Co. Dicker's Mining Record, Novem- One of the firat nuggets found in
her, 1866, p. 298 n. reef
3• A 000 0 0 Allotment No. 14, 12 feet 11. 9.1869 E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Berlin Flat, Kang- June, 1890, p. 16
as A 600 0 0 Fryer's Creek, Parish Shallow 1854 W. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushes In shn pe like a leg of mutton
of Fryers of the Fifties, p. 71


Oro33. Net. E ~ tlmated .
Where found . Depth. Name of Nugget. Date whrn
found . Finders. Authority. Remarks.

oz. dwt. gr . oz. dwt. gr . oz. dwt . gr .

36 A 600 0 0 57 5 17 0 Parish of Yandoit -.4.1860 . . William Birkmyre, p. 364 R. B.
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
37 A 588 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to . . F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly 21.10. 1868 Gold-fields, &c.
38 A 573 0 0 White Hor e Gully, 1 foot .. - . 10 . 1852 . . William Birkmyre, p. 365 R. B. Partly encrusted with quartz
Bendigo Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
39 A 571 7 0 Bakery Hill, Bal- 185 feet 6 . 3 . 1855 . . William Birkmyre, p. 365 R. B. Found 150 yards from the
laarnt Smyth's Gold-fields, &c. "Welcome" Nugget
40 A 540 0 0 Native Youth Flat, 9 feet "Nil Despernn- 29.11 . 1857 . . William Birkmyre, p. 365 R. B.
Black Hill, Bal. dum" Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
•41 A 538 5 0 478 0 0 The 'hoots Gully, 3 feet "The Schlemm " 11 . 7. 1872 Henry Davey . . F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book Associated with quartz and iron.
between Dunolly stone
and Jones' Creek
42 A 537 5 0 Blackman's Lead, 6 feet 15 . 1.1858 . . William Birkmyre, p. 365 R. B.
Puish of Mary· Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
43 A 528 0 0 Christ mas li'lat, Rhe- 6 feet . . E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
ola, Kangderaar June, 1890, p. 16
44 A 524 5 0 335 10 0 Tarrengower 18 feet 1836 . . William Birkmyre, p. 365 R. B.
Smyth\i Gold-fields, &c.
45 A 520 0 0 Nuggetty Gully, 3 f et 1866 . . F. Knox Orme, p. 372, R. B.
near Belgian Reef, Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
46 A 515 0 0 Dunolly . . . . - . I 0 . 1865 . . Dicker's Mining Record, October,
1865, p. 251
47 A 512 0 0 477 18 0 Christmas Flat, Ber- 9 feet 8. 5 . 1872 Scott and Murphy . . H. J. Hughes, Mining Registrar,
lin, Kangderaar Nugget Book
"'48 A 502 0 0 Poseidon, Tarna- l!· feet " The Hazel " .. 5. 1. 1907 Smith, Stephenson, A. M. Howitt, R ecords G.S., Vol. A few inches above the bedrock
gulla a nd Rogers III. , Part 1.
49 Q 500 0 0 430 0 0 l mile from Bell 20 feet . . - . 10 . 1868 J. Stewart and party Dicker's Mining Record, October,
Rock Claim, St. 1868, p. 102
50 Q 500 0 0 On Baker's Creek, 54 feet Snow and Liddel . . 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Progress Re- On indicator
West of Moliagul port No. XI., p. 15
51 Q 500 0 0 Ballaarat 950 feet - .4.1910 North Woah Hawp Age Newspaper, 28th April, 1910 On the indicator. Specimens
Mining Co.
52 A 500 0 0 In Allotment No. 2, 12 feet . . E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Catto's Paddock, June, 1890, p. 16
Berlin, Kang-
53 A 500 0 0 White Horse 50 feet . . 25 . 12.1875 . . Progress Report No. IV., p. 49
Ranges, Ballaarat
54 A 493 0 0 Evans' Gully, Glen- Shallow Mining Surveyor's Reports, p. 377
albyn, near Kin- R. B. Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
55 A 480 0 0 Bakery Hill, Ballaa- 185 feet -. 3. 1855 William Birkmyre, p. 365 R. B. A solid lump of gold. Found in
rat Smyth's Gold-fields, &o. claim adjoining that in which
No. 39 was found
56 A 480 0 0 Catto'sPaddook, Ber- 12 feet - . 9 . 1869 Party of Chinese Diokor's Mining Record, 11th Sep-
lin, Kangderaar tember, 1869
57 Q 480 0 0 375 0 0 Cham pion Reef, near 35 feet 1902 Noonan Bros. 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir No. X., On an indicator
Bobsem's Hill, p. 25
58 A 480 0 0 Guy's Rush, North Surface 1869 Brodie and party E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report, Iron-stained nugget
of Orville, Moli- June, 1890, p. 16
•59 A 461 0 0 422 0 0 Ironbark Gully, Tar- 41 feet "Magnum Bo- 16 . 7. 1889 Charles Smith H. Joyce, Nugget Book Iron-stained nugget
nagulla num"
60 A 456 0 0 Allotment No. 20, Shallow E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Fortunate Gully, June, 1890, p. 16
61 A 452 17 0 442 15 0 Mcintyre's, Moliagul 4 inche 11.11.1870 John Rogers and party H. J. Hughes, Mining Registrar, Flat
62 Q Nugget Book
444 0 0 Ballaarat 753 feet -.1.1910 Woah Hawp Canton W. Baragwanath, jun. On indicator
Mining Co.
63 A 440 0 0 Spark's Gully, Moli- 12 feet 1859 F. K. Orme, p. 372 R. B. Smyth's
agul Gold-fields, &c.
64 Q 410 8 0 Queen Victoria 14 feet 25.12 .1875 Queen Victoria Mining W. Baragwanath, jun. On indicator
Lease, Ballaarat Co.
65 A 410 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. Knox Orme, p. 374 R. B.
Dunolly 21. 10.1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
66 A 408 0 0 The Twisted Gum w. Birkmyre, p. 365 R. B.
Tree, Ballaarat Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
67 A 396 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Smyth's
Dunol\y 21. 10.1868 Gold-fields, &c.
•68 A 387 0 0 322 10 0 Poseidon, Tama- 15 inches " The Federal " .. 12 . 12.1906 Smith, Stephenson, A. M. Howitt, Records G.S., Vol. 2 inches above bedrock
gull a and Rogers III., Part 1.
•69 A 386 0 0 370 10 0 Dunolly . . 161 feet " The Burnt 10.8.1888 Burnt Creek Mining Nugget Book
Creek" Co.
70 A 384 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly 21.10. 1868 Gold-fields, &c.
71 A 384 0 0 White Horse Gully, 8 to 10 feet 1852 W. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushes
Eaglehawk of the Fifties, p. 78
72 A 384 0 0 New Nuggetty Shallow Prior to Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 378
Gully, Yandoit 1869 R. B. Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
73 A 381 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly 21.10.1868 Gold-fields, &c.
•74 A 377 6 0 Robinson Crusoe " The Platypus " - .3.1861 w. Birkmyre, P· 365 R. B.
Gully, Bendigo Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
75 A 373 0 0 306 0 0 Poseidon, Tarna- 15 inches " The Christmas 18.12.1906 Williamson and Steph- A. M. Howitt, Records G.S., Vol. 9 inches above bedrock
gulla Box" enson III., Part 1.
76 A 371 2 0 Canadian Gully, 60 feet -. 3.1853 w. Birkmyre, p. · 365 R. B. Associated with much quartz
Ballaarat Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
77 A 368 0 0 Canadian Gully, 60 feet -.2.1853 W. Birkmyre, p. 366 R. B.
Ballaarat Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
78 A 361 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly 21.10. 1868 Gold-fields, &c.


Depth. Name of Nugget.. Date when Finders. Anthorit.y.

Whrrc found. found. Rcm:uks.
Gross. Net. Estimated.

- - ---- - - - - - -- - -
oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. d111 . gr
79 A 3GO 0 0 Clodhopper Gully, Shallow W. H. Ferguson's Dunolly Report
80 A 360 0 0 Blackman's Lead, About 34 1854 W. E. AdC'Ock, The Gold Rushes
Maryborough feet of the Fifties, p. 154
81 A MO 0 0 Blackman's Lead, About 34 1854 W. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushes
Maryborough feet of the li'ifties, p. 154
82 A 3GO 0 0 Nuggetty Gully, Shallow Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 377
Amherst R. B. Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
83 A 3(10 0 0 Mcintyre's Gully Shallow 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Progress Re-
No. 1, l\foliagul port No. XI., p. 18
84 A 360 0 0 Christmas Flat, 15" feet " The Old Cigar.,, W. H. Ferguson's Dunolly Report
near Hard IIill,
85 Q 353 10 0 200 0 0 Foster 40 feet 14.12.1875 No. 1 South Amal- G. R. Murphy, :Mining Registrar, In a small quartz vein, "ith
gamated Mining Co. Nugget Book pyrites
86 A 350 0 0 V'i ' hipstick, Bendigo -.2.1865 Dieker's Mining Record, Vol. IV.,
February, 1865, p. 252 ......
87 A 3-10 0 0 \Vhite Horse Gully, " The Victorian " 20.9.1852 W. Birkmyre, p. 366 R. n. Purchased for £1,650 for presenta-
Bendigo Smyth's Gold-fields, &c. tion to Queen Victoria
88 A 3.10 0 0 Re:.i.ch's Claim, Wed- Prior to E. J. Dunn, Quarterly R eport,
derburne 1888 December, 1888, p. 67
89 A 338 17 0 314 0 0 Bendigo .. 1854 W. Birkmyre, p. 366 R. B.
Smyth'1:1 Gold-fil'ids, &c.
*90 A 336 0 0 330 0 0 O'possum Point, Pot- 12 feet " The Opossum " 7 . 5. 188.!) Cos to Cellevich X ugget llook Associated with quartz tmd iron
ter's Hill, W cclder- stone
91 A 336 0 0 Langha m Flat, Ber- 9 feet 15. 6.186!) J . F. Gardiner and Co. E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report, Flat in shape and waterworn.
lin, Kangderaar June, 1890, p. 16 Nearly pure gold
A 335 5 0 300 0 0 Star of the Loddon 102 feet " Star of the 14 . 3. 1906 Star of the Loddon A. M. Ho\\·itt, Records G.S., Vol.
Mine, Ne\\·bridge, Loddon" Mining Co. III., Part 2
03 A 333 14 0 1!)7 14 0 Chri:>tm:ts Flat., Ber- 9 feet 23. 3.1871 W. Brown and W. Col- H. J. Hughes, Mining Registrar, Nearly round, and associated with
lin, Kangderaar lins Nugget Book some quartz
94 A 332 0 0 330 15 0 White Horse Gully, l foot "The Dascombc" -.1.1852 W. Birkmyre, p. 366 R. B. Nearly pure gold
Bendigo Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
95 A 328 0 0 Mel vor Diggings, Shallow 1857 W. Birkmyre, p. 366 R. B. And several pieces, a,ggregating
Henthcote Smyth's Gold-fields, &c. 35! ozs., were found around
this nugget., W. E. Adcock~
p. 139
gr, A 32G 10 0 McCallum's Crflek, W. Bi.rkrnyre, p. 366 R. B.
Amherst Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
97 A 324 0 0 Old Lead, Inkrrman 40 feet \\'. R. Ferguson's RPport.
street, Dunoll)
08 ,\ TCoh-i-noo1 Mi ne, " ~1r Doll1 in ick -. :>. l ()1 Koh i-noor lining o. Dicker's Mium,.,. ncrord, Mnnh, • ·a met{ nfll•r Hi,: • clkn y • n
Bo.llnnrnt Dnly" l G'.?, p. HJ I ominick D11h. "ho ,i itc,l
the rlnim ·
99 Q :l 1.) () (l Blo.ck Hill, Bnll1.11.1rnt 4 0 fe et niled Illnd Hill D 'bn:ty. 'llinin rr Regi trin. Tn fi, e nug ls, tlH l:ugr:;t bt mg
Mining C'o. 'ugg t Book 1, (l (11s.
100 A 30S 0 Xeighl>ou1hood of E K. rm . p 374 R. B., 'mylh' ·
Dunolly Gold-fields, &l'.
1()1 /\ :WO o O \\'attic Fln t, Dunoll _, bout 20 W. H . Fergu~on's I pott
102 A 30 0 0 300 0 0 .Ton s' reek, 'Vnon- 1 foot -- . 10. 1 Dwkrr't:i lining Ree rd, to brr, l'ml' ~oh\
ynn·ll l ()3, p. 233
l 03 (~ 30 0 0 :\'orth \Voah Ho\\)l 840 feet rn10 rorth Wonh Ha\\ 1' " " Bnraa\1nnath, Jlll1.
JHuH', Bo.llaarot Mining 'o.
J ll4 A 300 0 0 Pola to Diggings, G1 inrhcs .1ining m,·eyors' Repot l" p. 377
Korong R. Brough , myth's ,old-fi ldll
. nd Min rn l D' ti i ts of Yi ctorin
A 300 0 0 :\1clntyrc Diggings, G feeL -.Q. l '" Bir! rnyre, p. 366 R. Brough
Molingul myth's ,old-fields and Mincrnl
Dl'lrict. of ictorin
l 0() \ ;{00 0 0 Billy Goat Gully, G feet . 1 G1 \\'. Birkm) i , p. 3 G R BrouF,h
Kin go" er Hmyth's ,old-fi Ids o.n<l lin rnl
Ditstrirls of Victorin
107 A 207 0 0 "N"eighbourhootl of Prior to F K. 01 me, p. 374 R Brough
Dunolly ~l . l (). l 8(i Smyth'i; old-fields 11nd 1inrr J
Distrirl;• of ' icto1 i1l
10 A 2fl(l 0 0 .:\ eigb bou rhood of Prior to F. K. rme, p. 374 R. Brough
Dunolly ~l.10.18G8 , myth'. (~olcl-fi ld · nnd Min tnl
Di t rirls of Victoria
lOfl () 2 0 0 180 0 (l A.rgui:i, _line, Sailor'~ 320 feet fJ.G.l 70 Argu~ .Mining Co. N. tephens, lining R gilllinr. A~o inlul iii h tprnr(7, p) rill' ,
Gul..', andhur, t Nugg t Book :ind iznh 111
110 ~ s 0 0 C'lo\'er's Gully, Shnllo\\' l G2 F K. Orme, p. 372 I. B., mylh't'
Dunoll'r Gold-fields, &c.
111 A 288 0 0 Fortuna tr Cully. hnllow E. J. Dunn, uniterly R poil,
Knngdern:i.r JullE', 1 90, p. 1G
112 288 0 0 !3encli6o .. 1852 \V . B1l'kmyre. p. 3 1 1 . B.
mylh's Uold-firld., t\e.
J 13 A 2 G 0 0 3erlin Rush, Kang- G feet - . 11.1868 shephrrrl D1cker's Mi.J1u1g R rd, 'on m-
dernar ber, 1 () . p. l 07
114 A 1 fi2 1(i lJ Kingo\\ er 1854 \V. Buhm.He, p. 366 R. H.
, myth's iold fiC'ldll, &r
J 15 A 10 0 Union Jack Gully. 28.2.1 67 .J W G1rp.01J, !rmon No. IY ..
Buninyong p. 7
) JG •)
10 0 Evans' Gully, Glen- , 'hallow -.4.l Gl \\'. Bir1'1npr, p. 366 R. B.
o..lbyn, ne11r Kin- myth'::. old hclds, r
l l7 A 281 0 0 .Jones' reek, Wo.nn- Shallow 185G W. Bi.rhm) re, l' 3 17 R. l~ .
ynrrn myth's Gold-fields,
l lR \ 2 0 0 0 North of To\\nship Shnllow \ M. Ho\\itl, f nlhh·
of Moonam bel, Rep rt, , ·o III. , p. ·
Pnrii>h of 'Varren-
11 277 0 0 New Nuggetty Iminp;~\\l\C')'Ol'S'
HPpods, p. 37 With mnll) 111:111r11u
Gully, Ynn oit R. B. myth's (lold.fit>ld , &:r
120 A 270 0 0 267 0 0 Nugg Uy Gully, 4 feet l8G5 J. Corbett fork Amos, tining , uneyor. "1th li1tl1· q11 tt7.
Fryers town Nugget Book
..- - .........-.......----·.. --

0 ....;

;~ ·~
::3 Date when
z Where found. Depth. Name of Nugget. Finders. Auth ority. R emarks.
,.c:o:::3 found.
Cl ......,i::=~

0 Ji o>-< Gross. Net. Estimated.

z ~.s ~
----- -----
oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.
121 A 275 13 0 Splitter's Gully, 5 feet -.3.1868 A German, named Dicker's Mining Record, March, Almost pure gold, with a little .
0 Whipstick, Ben- "Jacob" 1868, p. 71 ironstone
~ligo District
122 A 270 0 0 Potter's Hill, Wed- Surface E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
derburne December, 1888, p. 67 •
123 Q 266 0 0 Woah Hawp Canton About 800 -.11.1910 Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspape'r, November 25th, In nuggets, for fortnight. On
Mine, Ballaarat feet Mining C~. 1910 indicator
124 A 266 0 0 Berlin, Kangderaar 12 feet -.3.1870 Dicker's Mining Record, March
26th, 1870
125 A 264 0 0 Near Old Golden About 1852 w. Birkmyre, P· 367 R. B.
Point, Fryer's Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
126 A 264 0 0 I Old Lead, Dunolly 20-40 feet -.4.1868 Dicker's Mining Record, April,
1868, p. 147
127 A 264 0 0 No. 2 Gully, East Shallow E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
I of Mcintyre's June, 1890, p. 16 ~
Ranges, Moliagul to
128 A 263 8 0 Brown's Diggings, 23.10.1856 w.
Birkmyre, P· 367 R. B.
$_carsdale Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
129 Q 262 0 0 Woah Hawp Canton 850 feet -.7.1909 Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspaper, July 5th, 1909 .. Tn nuggets, for week. On
Mine, Ballaarat :\\'lining Co. indicator
*130 A 260 0 0 _Daylesford 7.2.1900 Nugget Book
131 A 260 0 0 Kingower 4 feet -.5.1856 W. Birkmyre, p. 367 R. Brough
Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
Districts of Victoria
132 A 260 0 0 I Berlin, :Kangderaar 12 feet -.3.1870 Dicker's Mining Record, March
26th, 1870
133 A 259 12 12 Daisy Hill, Amherst Shallow 1856 w. Birkmyre, p. 367 R. B.
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
134 Q 257 0 0 130 · 0 0 W oah Ha wp Canton 850 feet -.8 .1909 Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspaper, AugustJOth, 1909 On indicator
Mine, !tallaarat ·· 1
Mining Co.
135 A 256 0 0 Christmas Flat, Rhe- 6 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
ola, Kangderaar June,1890, p. 16
136 A 254 0 0 3! miles from Dun- -.10.1865 Dicker's Mining Record, October,
olly 1865, p. 280
*137 A 252 0 0 200 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 6 feet "Little Jack " 4.2.1907 Jackson and Hughes A. M. Howitt, Records G.S., Vol. Containing much quartz
nagulla III., p. 11
138 A 251 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Smyth's

A 250 15 0 237 0 0
I Dunolly
Kitty's Lead, Bunin- Shallow
21.10 . 1868
11.7.1878 Benjamin Betts
Gold-fields, &c.
Progress Report No. VI., p. 35
140 Q 250 0 0 I
0 C~tto'sPaddock,Ber-
12 feet "The Needful"
1889 Tinworth's party
10. 5.1871 Gardiner and party ..
W. Baragwanath, jun.•.
H. J. Hughes, Mining Registrar,
From the indicator
*141 A 249 0 0 246 16
lin, Kangderaar .. Nugget Book
142 Q 245 9 0 196 0 Ballaarat
7 310 feet 8.12.1876 Parade Mining Co. Progress Report No. \ ., p. 43 .. Clorn to line of indicator
143 A 244 10 0 Gilmore's Gully, 20 feet 3.3.1869 Mining Surveyor "Mason," Nug-
Berlin, Kang- get Book
.() 144 A 243 0 0 Kan aroo Gully, Shallow Prior to A Welshman, named J. A. Patter on, The Gold-fields
Bendigo -.6.1862 Jones of Victoria 1862, p. 66
*145 A 242 17 6 Kangaroo Gully, 9 feet " The Beauty " 1858 Nugget Book
146 A 242 0 (I Baron Rothschild's 242 feet -.9.1875 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
Claim, Spring Reports, September, 1875
Hill, Creswick
147 A 240 18 0 167 18 0 Mount Blackwood, On surface 1855 W. Birkmyre, p. 367 R. Brough Associated with quartz and iron-
Parish of Black- Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral stone
wood Districts of Victoria
148 A 240 0 0 Langham Flat, Ber- 9 feet -.3.1869 Dicker's Mining Record, March
lin, Kangderaar 29th, 1869
149 Q 240 0 0 170 0 0 Head of Welcome 35 feet 1.9.1894 White and Jackson w. Trenkner, MinU:g Registrar, On an indicator
Gully, Parish of Nugget File
Franklin, Dayles-
150 A 240 0 0 Clover's Gully, Dun- 14 feet 1862 F. K. Orme, p. 372 R. B. Smyth's
olly Gold-fields, &c.
151 A 240 0 0 Cleeland's Gully, Shallow About E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
West of John's 11. 9.1869 June, 1890, p. 16
Paddock, Kang-
152 A 240 0 0 Tyler's Flat, Kang- 12 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report, .......
deraar June, 1890, p. 16 w
153 A 240 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 20-40 feet W. H. Ferguson
154 A 240 0 0 240 0 0 Yandoit .. 20 feet 1860 w. Birkmyre, p. 367, R. B. A solid lump of gold
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
155 A 238 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly 21.10.1868 Gold-fields, &c.
*156 A 238 0 0 ..• Poseidon United 85 feet -.8.1910 Poseidon
Mining Co.
United Age Newspaper, August 11th, 1910
Claim, Poseidon,
157 A 236 0 0 236 0 0 White Hills, Mary- 12 feet 1856 w. Birkmyre, P· 367 R. B. A solid lump of golJ.
borough Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
158 A 236 0 0 Hard Gully, Kin- Surface -.2.1861 w. Birkmyre, p. 367 R. B.
gmy_er Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
159 Q 230 0 0 Woah Hawp Canton 753 or 930 1910 and Woah Hawp Canton W. Baragwanath, jun. On indicator
Mine, Ballarat feet 1911 Mining Co.
160 Q 230 0 0 North Woah Hawp 840 to 945 -.1.1910 North Woah Hawp Age Newspaper, January 13th, On indicator
Mine, Ballaarat feet Mining Co. 1910
161 A 230 0 0 188 15 0 Kingower On surface -.5.1860 w. Birkmyre, p. 367 R. B.
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
162 A 229 0 0 Eureka Lead, Bal- Deep " The Sleeping 19.12.1862 Confederate party W. Baragwanath, jun. Nearly pure gold
laarat Beauty" E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
163 A 228 0 0 On road between 12 feet June, 1890, p. 16
Allotments Nos.
12 and 21, John's
Paddock, K.an.g-
164 A 225 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 12 feet Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375 R. B. Smyth's
Kin o_W"er 31.12.1868 Gold-fields, &c.

1 1--i~
fa "

Where found. Depth. Name of Nugget. Date when

found. Finders. Authorlt.y . Remarks.
.g ~.s !:l
GrOll8. Net. Estimated.

O&. dwt. gr. 01. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.

--------- -------- ---------- ---------------
165 A 224 0 0 Evans' Gully, Glen- Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 377 Amongst several other nuggets
albyn, near Kin- R. Brough Smyth's Gold-fields
gower and Mineral Districts of Victoria
166 A 220 0 0 Inkerman, Dunolly 14 feet 1856 F. K. Orme, p. 372 R. Brough
Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
Districts of Victoria
•167 A 216 0 0 215 0 0 New NuggettyGully. 12 feet 26. 7 .1895 G. Brown Nugget Book
Pa.rish of Camp-
168 A 216 0 0 Catto's Paddock, 12 feet -.2.1871 E. J. Dunn, Quarterly R.eport,
Berlin Flat, Ka.ng- June, 1890, p. 16
169 A 216 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 30 feet 1867 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. Brough Amongst several other nugget!.',
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c. some of which were obtained
from 5 to 10 feet above the
170 A 216 0 0 178 10 0 Prince of Wales -.12.1865 Dicker's Mining Record, Decem- A specimen. This mine was .....
Claim, Ba.llaarat her, 1865, p. 364 ~
working both quartz and allu-
vial at this date
171 A 215 0 0 200 0 0 Green Gully, about 27 feet -.6.1870 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors' On a pipe-clay bottom
8 miles South of Reports, June, 1870, p. 35
Fryers town, Par-
ish of Holcombe
172 A 212 0 0 209 0 0 Tylilr's Rush, Berlin, 9 feet 12 . l.1870 F. Knox Orme, Warden, Nugget
Kangderaar to Book
173 A 207 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. Knox Orme, p. 374 R. Brough
Dunolly 21.10.1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
•174 A 206 5 0 About Wragge Bros.' Claim, 11 feet "The Port Ar- 1. 2.1907 Wragge Bros. A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III., Contained much qua.rtz, and was
104 0 0 Poseidon, Tarn a.- thur " Part 1. found on the bottom
gull a.
175 A 204 0 0 Nuggetty Gully, 3 feet 1866 F. K. Orme, p. 373, R. Brough
Dunolly Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
176 A 204 0 0 Potter's Hill, Wed- Surface E. J . Dunn, Quarterly Report,
derburne December, 1888, p. 67
177 A 204 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 20 to 60 W. H. Ferguson's Quarter-Sheet
feet Map, No. 53n, S.W.
178 A 202 0 0 Break-of-Day Gully, 20 foot -.12.1865 Unabolished Com- Dicker's Mining Record, Decem-
Rokewood pa.ny's Claim ber, 1865, p. 389
•179 A 201 16 0 Near Inglewood " The Ingle- -.l.1881 Bank of N.S.W., Inglewood, Nug-
wood" get Book
180 A 200 15 0 200 15 0 Tyler's Diggings, - . ll.1869 F. Knox Orme, Warden, Nugget. Pure gold
Berlin, Kang- Book
181 A 200 0 0 Green Gully, Middle- 27 feet -.5. 1870 T. L. Brown, Mining Surveyor, Flat in shape
ton Creek, near Nugget Book
182 Q 200 0 0 North W oah Ha wp 840 feet -.3.1910 North Woah Hawp Age Newspaper, March 7t.h, 1910 On indicator
Mine, Ballaarat Mining Co.
183 Q 200 0 0 W oah Ha wp Can ton, 950 feet -.9.1910 Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspaper, September 2nd, On indicator
Ballaarat Mining Co. 1910
184 A 200 0 0 Wattle Flat, Dun- 20 feet W. H. Ferguson's Quarter-sheet
olly Map, No. 53n, S.W.
185 A 200 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 20 to 60 W. H. Ferguson's Quarter-sheet
feet Map, No. 53n, S.W.
186 A 198 0 0 Evans' Gully, Glen- Shallow Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 377
albyn, near Kin- R. Brough Smyth's Gold-fields
gower and Mineral Districts of Victoria
187 A 197 0 0 New Year's Flat, 14 feet 1857 F. Knox Orme, p. 372 R. Brough
Dunolly Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
Districts of Victoria
188 A 197 0 0 169 18 0 Saw Pit Gully, Kin- 2 feet 18.6.1883 Simon Stephens Progress Report No. VII., p. 126 Associated with qunrtz
189 A 196 0 0 Near It.alian Point, Sha I row 1859 0. A. L. Whitelaw's Quarter-sheet
F. Gallyer ..
Wedderburne Map, No. 63n, S.W.
190 Q 194 0 0 W oah Ha wp Can ton 850 feet -.6.1909 Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspaper, June 23rd, 1909 On indicator
Mine, Ballaara t Mining Co.
191 A 192 0 0 Catto's Paddock, About -.9.1869 Party of Chinese Dicker's Mining Record, Septem -
Berlin, Kang- 12 feet ber, 1869
192 A 192 0 0 Christmas Flat, About Douglas O'Neil and W. H . Ferguson
Hard Hill, Dun- 20 feet party .....
olly Ol
193 A 192 0 0 Iron bark Gully, Shallow 1859 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir
Wedderburne No. X., p. 11
194 A 192 0 0 Italian Point, Wed- Shallow 1859 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir
F . Gallyer
derburne No. X., p. 11
•195 A 191 0 0 Rokewood -.2.1900 Nugget Book
196 Q 190 0 0 North Woah Hawp 950 feet -.12.1910 North Woah Hawp Age Newspaper, December 3rd, On indicator
Mine, Ballaarat Mining Co. 1910
197 A 190 0 0 Whipstick, Bendigo 2! feet -.2.1865 A boy named Jere- Dicker's Mining Record, February,
miah Fullerton 1865, p. 252
198 A 190 0 0 Spring Gully, Fry- -.2.1865 Dicker's Mining Record, February,
er's Creek, Fryers 1865, p. 330
199 A 187 5 0 178 18 0 Break-of-Day Mine, 30 feet -.9.1878 Break-of-Day J. F. Coleman, Mining Registrar, Found about 100 feet from the
Rokewood Co. Nugget Book " Christmas Gift "
200 A 186 15 0 Break-of-Day Mine, 10 to 15 4.4.1867 Break-of-Day J. F. Coleman, Mining Registrar,
Rokewood feet Co. Nugget Book
201 A 183 8 12 Bryant's Ranges, On surface 1854 W. Birkmyre, p. 367 R. Brough
Tarrengower Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
202 Districts of Victoria
A 180 0 0 Potter's Hill, Wed- On surface E. J . Dunn, Quarterly Report,
derburne December, 1888, p. 67
203 Q 180 0 0 North Woah Hawp 950 feet -.4.1910 North Woah Hawp Age Newspaper, April 22nd, 1910 On indicator
Mine, Ballaarat Mining Co.
204 A 180 0 0 Tarrengower -.5.1855 W. Birkmyre, p. 367 R. Brough
205 Q Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
180 0 0 Argus Mine, Speci- 320 feet Argus Mining Co. Nugget Book In the centre of a spur, and al!!Bo-
men Hill, Bendigo ciated with galena and pyrites

lz 1--jl.
~ r:I

Where found. Depth. Name of Nugget.. Date when

found. Finders. Authority. Remarks.
~er~ Gross. N~ Estimated.
Ii'< ~.9 ~
-- ---
oz. dwt. gr. 01. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr .
--------- ----- -------- ----- ---------- ~-------------- --
206 A 180 0 0 .. .. Old Lead, Dunolly 40 feet .. .. 1860 .. .. .. F. Knox Orme, p. 372 R. Brough
Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
Districts of Victoria
207 A 180 0 0 .. .. Allotment No. 12, 9 feet .. .. -.10.1868 .. .. .. E. J . Dunn, Quarterly Report,
John's Paddock, June, 1890, p. 16; and Dicker's
Kangderaar Mining Record, October, 1868,
p. 93
208 A 180 0 0 .. .. Graveyard Hill, 10 feet .. .. 1855 .. .. .. F. K. Orme, p. 372 R. Brough
Burnt Creek, Dun- Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
209 A 180 0 0 .. .. Possum Hill Lead, Surface .. .. .. .. .. .. E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Orville, Moliagul June, 1890, p. 16
210 A 180 0 0 .. .. New Year's Flat, 12 feet .. .. 1857 .. .. .. F. K. Orme, p. 372 R. Brough
Dunolly Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
211 Q 180 0 0 .. .. Woah Hawp Canton 850 feet .. .. -.8 .1909 Woah Hawp Canton
Mining Co.
Age Newspaper, August 16th, 1909 On indicator
Mine, Ballaarat
•212 A 179 0 0 .. 176 8 0 John's Paddock,
Berlin, Kang-
2 feet " The Crescent " 2.4.1872 Archibald Gray .. Walter Smith, Member of Mining Found in red clay
Board, Nugget Book; and E. J.
deraar Dunn, Quarterly Report, June,
1890, p. 16
•213 A 178 18 12 .. .. Break-of-Day, Roke-
40 feet " Lit.tie High-
lander "
18.7.1878 Turner and part,y .. G. Perry, Mining Registrar, Nug- Found about 100 feet from the
get Book " Christmas Gift "
214 A 178 16 0 .. .. Mary borough . . .. .. .. 1854 .. .. .. W. Birkmyre, p. 368 R. Brough Associated with quartz and iron-
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c. stone
215 Q 177 0 0 .. .. Mcintyre,
Berlin, .. .. .. -.7.1910 Cain and party .. Age Newspaper, July 14th, 1910 On indicator

216 A 177 0 0 .. .. Berlin, Kangderaar .. .. .. - . 3.1870 .. .. .. Dicker's Mining Record, :M:arch,

217 A 176 0 0 .. .. Poseidon Lead, Tar-
13 feet .. .. 20.3.1907 Cox and Newitt .. A. M. Howitt

218 A 176 0 0 .. .. Red Jacket Gully, .. .. .. -.1 1.1863 .. .. .. Dicker's Mining Record, Novem- Exhibited at Oriental Bank, Eagle-
Whipstick, Ben- her, 1863; p. 248; and Bendigo hawk
di go Advertiser Newspaper
•219 A 175 12 0 .. 170 0 0 Eldorado Gold Mine,
155 feet " The Eldorado " 26.8.1873 Eldorado Mining Co. John Lynch, Mining Surveyor, 6 inches above bedrock. Absence
Nugget Book of fine or other gold around it
•220 A 175 0 0 .. 162 0 0 Break-of-Day, Roke- 29 feet "The Christmas 12.12.1877 Turner and party
.. Progress Report No. VJ., p. 35
22l A 175 0 0 .. .. Hard Hill, Dunolly .. .. . . - . 12.1881 .. .. .. Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
Reports, December, 1881, pp. 36
and 37
222 A 175 0 0 .. 169 0 0 Nuggetty Gully, 2i feet .. .. 3. 2.1865 William Fullerton .. Mark Amos, Mining Surveyor,
Fryer's Creek
223 A 174 0 0 .. .. Berlin Diggings,
Kan gderaar
.. .. .. Prior to
31.12 . 1868
.. .. ..
Nugget Book
F. Knox Orme, p. 375 R. Brough
Sm y th's Gold-fields, &c.
224 A 174 0 0 100 0 0 Gibraltar, Majorca 70 feet ll1ining Surveyors' Reports, p. 376 The gold and quartz curiously
R Brough Smyth's Gold-fields, mingled
225 A 173 12 0 160 0 0 Adelaide Lead, 25 feet
<O Mole'sDam, Mary-
15.10. 1869 Thomas Mole P. Virtue, jun., Mining Registrar, Flat, and on indicator line, with
~ Nugget Book several other nuggets
<O borough
226 A 172 0 0 152 0 0 Near Newstead 50 feet -.12.1865 Dicker 's Mining Record, Decem- Associated with quartz
ber, 1865, p. 389
227 A 172 0 0 Iron bark Gully, 8 to 10 1852 W. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushes
Bendigo feet of the Fifties, p. 81
228 Q 170 0 0 85 0 0 North Woah Hawp 950 feet -.4.1910 North Woah Hawp Age Newspaper, April 25th, 1910 On indicator
Mine, Ballaarat Mining Co.
229 Q 170 0 0 Woah Hawp Canton 850 feet - .10 . 1909 Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspaper, October 4th, 1909 On indicator. Nearly pure gold
Mine, Ballaarat Mining Co.
230 A 170 0 0 170 0 0 Berlin, Kangderaar 1 foot 9 . 8 . 1870 P. Lorimer and party F. K. Orme, Warden. Nugget Book Found in red clay. All gold
231 A 170 0 0 Gooseberry Hill, 50 feet 1866 F. Knox Orme, p. 373 R. Brough
Dunolly Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
232 Districts of Victoria
A 168 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 40 feet 1867 F. Knox Orme, p. 373 R. Brough Coarse red drift
Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
233 Districts of Victoria
A 168 0 0 At foot of the Hard 16 feet 1857 F . Knox Orme, p. 372 R. Brough Found in gravelly clay
Hill, Dunolly Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
Districts of Victoria
%34 A 168 0 0 Milkmaid's Flat., 6 feet 1863 F. Knox Orme, p. 372 R. Brough
Dunolly Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
235 Q Districts of Victoria
m 168 0 0 Knowles' Dyke, Rogers and party 0. A. L. Whitelaw
Wood's Point '"""'
236 A 168 0 0 Junction of Snake About W. H. Ferguson
Gully and Old 20 feet
Lead, Dunolly
•237 A 167 5 0 Midas Mine, Sulky 114 feet " Lady Brassey " 4 . 6 . 1887 Mida11 Mining Co. James Stevenson, Mining Regis-
Gully, Dowling trar's Report, June, 1887, p. 12
Forest, Ascot
238 A 167 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 40 feet 1867 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. B. Smyth's In coarse drift, amongst nugge ts,
239 Q Gold-fields, &c. from 5 to 10 feet above bedrock
167 0 0 100 0 0 Woah Hawp Canton 950 feet -.11 . 1910 Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspaper, November 18th, On indicator
Mine, Balla.arat Mining Co. 1910
240 A 166 10 0 29 0 0 No locality given .. 1853 William Birkmyre, p. 368 R.
Brough Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
241 A 163 0 0 136 60 German Gully, 4 feet 27. 8 .1872 Henry Austin J. Smith, Mining Surveyor, Nugget
Craigie Book
242 A 162 0 0 Berlin, Kangderaar 2 feet 13 . 8 . 1870 P. Lorimer Nugget Book
243 A 162 0 0 162 0 0 Power's Gully, Ber- Shallow -.l.1869 Dicker's Mining Record, J 11.nuary, All gold
lin, Kangderaar 1869
244 A 161 6 0 152 8 12 Napoleon's, Bunin- 175 feet 29 . 11 . 1873 Slow and Sure Mining Progress Report No. II., p. 58
yong Co.
245 A 161 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. Knox Orme, p. 374 R. Brough
Dunolly 21.10.1868 Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
Districts of Victoria
246 A 161 0 0 Union Gold Mine, Mt. 450 feet 4.10.1878 Progress Report No. VI., p. 35
Greenock, Amherst
247 A 160 0 0 New Nuggetty 15 feet 10.2.1902 Nugget Book Close to several sther large nuggets
Gully, Y andoit

.; 'd
Iii § Weights.
z"'::I .£ ~~
~]::i Where foun<l. Devth . Name of Xugget. Date when Finders. Authority . Remarks.
0 Coun<l.
Gros~. Net. Est.lrnated.
i: _g ~ ------ - -- - - - - - - - -------- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -----··--·-- --·-- ---- ·--~-- -- · ---·· ---- - - - - - · - - - - · -- --·---- -
oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.

248 A 158 0 0 N cighbourhoo<l of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. Brough

Dunolly 21.10 . 1868 Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
Districts of Victoria
249 Q 157 0 0 Catherine United, 1,136 feet -.4. 1909 .\ party of Tributers .. Age Newspaper, April 24th, 1909
250 Q 156 0 0 120 0 0 Head of Welcome 20 feet 13 . 2.18()4 White and Jnckson .. w. Trenkner, Mining Registrar, From an indicator
Gully, P1uish of Nugget File
Franklin, Day les-
251 A 156 0 0 Allotment No. 2, 12 feet F,. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Catto's P1tddock, June, 1890, p. 16
252 A 156 0 0 No. 3 Gully, Mein- Surface E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
tyre's, Molingul June, 1890. p. 16
253 A 156 0 0 Iron bark Gully, Shallow 1868 Riley and Murphy 0. A. L. Whiteln.w, Memoir No.
Wedderburne X., p. 11 ......
25'1- A 156 0 0 129 0 0 Smythesdale G feet 31.1.1873 Richard Scott Nugget Book Associated with quartz and iron- 00
•255 Q 155 10 0 130 0 0 Eureka Gully, Jor- 8 feet " Spondulix " -.11 . 1872 Wilton and party W. Nicholas, Nu gget Book Associated with quartz and iron -
d ans stone
256 A 152 0 0 120 0 0 Poseidon, Ta.rna- 4 feet " Little Ben " 14.12 .1G06 Jackson and Hughes A. 1\:1. Howitt, Records G.S., Vol. l foot abo~·e the bedrock
gull11, III., Part I .
257 A 152 0 0 Evans' Gully, Glen- l:lhallow 1861 Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 377
a.lbyn, near Kin- R. Brough Smyth's Gold-fields
gower and Mineral Districts of Victoria
258 A 150 0 0 .Junction of Three- Under W. H. l!'ergurnn
Grain Gull.v and 20 feet
Burnt ('reek,
259 A 150 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 10 to 60 W. H. Ferguson
260 Q 150 0 0 Woah Hnwp Canton, 850 feet -.9.1909 Woa.h Hawp Cnnton Age NewRpapcr, Reptember 29th, On indicator
B11ll::i.11rat Mininft Co. 1909
261 Q 150 0 0 W oa.h Ha wp Canton, About 1910 and Woah awp Canton W. Bo.rng"·anath, jun. On indicator
Ballaarat 843 feet 1911 Mining Co.
262 A 148 10 0 120 0 0 Poseidon, Tnrna- 1 foot 19.2 . 1907 Bravo and Leighton A. M. Ho"itt, ltecords G.S., Vol. 3 feet from the " Groper "
gulln III., Part I.
263 A 148 0 0 114 0 0 Nuggetty Gully, 52 feet 28. 4.1897 Dunning and party .. A. Rolfey, Mining Registrar,
Tai tot Nuggt' t File
264 A 146 0 0 126 5 0 Poseidon, Tarnn - It feet "The Groper" .. 16.2.1907 Bravo and Leighton A. M. E owitt., Records G.S., Vol. 2! feet above the bedrock
gulla III., Part I.
•265 A 145 14 0 136 0 0 Almn, Consols Mine, 120 feet " Alma No. 1 " 14.4.1873 Alma Consols Mining P. Virtue, Mining Registrar, Impregnated with quartz and
:\In ry borough Co. Nugget Book black cement
Mtl A 145 5 0 Jones' Creek, \Vann- 1855 w. Birkmyre, p. 368 R. B.
yarra Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
267 A 145 0 0 141 10 0 Tyler's Ru.sh, Ber. 12.1.1870 F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book
lin, Kangderaar
268 A 144 0 0 Pogsum Point, W cd- 1854 T. W. Cosh 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir No. X.,
derburne p. 11
269 A 144 0 0 102 0 0 Creswick Creek, -.5.1860 w. Birkmyre, p. 368 R. B.
Creswick Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
270 A 144 0 0 Kitty's Lead, Bun- -.3.1873 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors' Found amongst other nuggets
inyong Reports, March, 1873, p. 26
271 A 144 0 0 Canadian Gully, 60 feet 1874 W. Baragwanath, jun. Same loca.Iity as the Nugget No.
Ballaarat 77, of 368 ounces, was found
272 A 144 0 0 Wattle Flat, Dun- About 20 W. H. Ferguson
oily feet
273 A 144 0 0 Pensam's Gully, Old 10 feet W . H. Ferguson
Lead, Dunolly
273A A 144 0 0 Corinclla Mine, Egans· About 40 1900 to Corinella Mining Co. W. H. Ferguson
town, Dnylcsford to 50 feet 1902
274 A 143 15 0 Canadian Gully, Bakery 60 feet -.2.1853 W. Birkmyre, p. 368 R. Brough Found near to where " W clcomc "
Hill, Ballaarat Smyth's Gold-fields, &c. Nugget was found
275 A 143 13 0 135 0 0 Webbville, Bunin- 145 feet 2.8.1869 Skewes and party J. G. Taylor, Warden, Nugget Rough, irregular, and sligh tly
yong Book water worn
276 A 143 0 0 140 0 0 George's Leo,d, 1 foo t A. M. Howitt .. On line o{ Rowlo's indicator
Almn., Wa.reek
277 A 141 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. , myth's
Dunolly 21.10.1868 Gold-fields, &c.
278 A 140 0 0 126 0 0 Jones' Creek, Waan- 20 feet w. Birkmyre, p. 368 R. B.
N yarra. Smyth's Gold-fields, &c. ~
279 A 139 9 0 Creswick 210 feet 11.10.1886 Australasian Mining Co ... Nugget Book co
*280 A 138 18 0 138 18 0 Smythesdale 30 feet 29.6.1911 Boyd's Hydraulic Nugget Book A very solid waterworn nugget
Sluicing Co.
281 A 137 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F . K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly 21.10.1868 Gold-fields, &c.
282 Q 137 0 0 Woe.h Hawp Canton 494 feet Woah Hawp Canton J. W . Gregory, Memoir No. IV. , On indicator
Mine, Ballnara.t Mining Co. P· 8
283 Q 136 8 0 Leviathan Reef, 20.5 . 1896 ShA.rpe and Barry M aryboro-wgh Advertiser News- A cluster of specimens
Mary borough Am1tlgamated Min- paper
ing Co.
284 A 136 0 0 Jim Crow, Dayles-
4 feet - . 9.1858 W. Birkmyre, l' 368, R. B.
Smyth's Gold- elds, &c.
285 A 136 0 0 German Gully, Am- 4 feet - . 9.1872 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
herst Reports, September, 1872, p. 35
286 A 136 0 0 131 14 0 Kitty's Lea.d, Bunin. 9 feet 9 . 12.1870 W . Kitt andP. Flood R. M. Harvey, Mining Surveyor,
yong Nugget Book
287 A 135 0 0 Blackman's Lead, About 34 1854 W. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushes In shape like a fltittened pear
Mary borough feet of the Fifties, p. 153
288 A 132 9 0 90 14 0 Mt. Korong 4! feet - . 10 . 1856 w. Birkmyre, P· 368 R. B.
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
289 A 132 0 0 No. 3 Gully, Mein- 5 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
tyre's Ranges, June, 1890, p. 16
200 Q 132 0 0 North Woah Hawp 260 feet North Woa.h Ha.wp J. W. Gregory, Memoir No. IV., On indicator
Mine, Balla.a.rat Mining Co. p. 8
291 A 131 IO 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to w. Birkmyre, P· 374, R. B.
Dunolly 21.10 . 1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
L1sT OF NUGGETS J'OUND IN V1cTORI A--contin ued.

lz lw~~ Welahu.

~ .s ts
GrOl!S. Net. Estimated.
Where found. Depth. Name of Nugget.
Date when
found. Finders. Authority. Remarks.

oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.

292 A 131 0 0 127 10 0 Humbug Gully, 40 feet 14. 6.1878 George Adlow and Progress Report No. VI., p. 35
Chinaman 's Flat., party
Tim or
•293 A 131 0 0 110 2 11 Caledonia Flat, 7 feet 6.12.1881 J. Beattie and J. Hoase Progress Report No. VII., p. 125 Associated with quartz
294 A 130 0 0 Neighbour hood of Prior to w. Birkmyre, p. 374 R. B.
Dunolly 21.10.186 8 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
295 A 130 0 0 Kingower 8 feet 4.11.1890 Joseph Jenkins Nugget Book
296 A 130 0 0 106 0 0 Whiskey Lead, 14 feet 3.9.1875 Tuohey and Jackson Progress Report No. III., p. 119 Associated with ironstone
Wombat, Dayles-
297 A 130 0 0 Blue Gully, Black- 5 feet 1896 Atkins and Seymour Nugget Book
298 A 130 0 0 85 10 0 Back Creek, Tara- Surface 27.6.1879 Jam es Cadola Nugget Book
-.11.191 0 North Woah Hawp Age Newspape r, November 28th, On indicator t-o
299 Q 130 0 0 North Woah Hawp 950 feet 0
Mine, Ballaarn.t Mining Co. 1910
300 A 128 10 0 Great Extended About 330 -.12.186 2 Great Extended Dicker's Mining Record, Deccm-
Mirie, Ballaarat feet Mining Co. her, 1862, p. 28
301 A 128 2 12 103 0 0 No locality given .. 1854 w. Birkmjre, p. 368 R. B.
Smyt.h's Gold-fields, &c.
302 A 128 0 0 Penny" eight Hill, Shallow -.3.1910 Age Newspape r, March 18th, 1910 Found near tho Canadian and
Eureka, Ballaarat Lady Barkly nuggets
303 A 128 0 0 Berlin, Kangdera ar -.3.1870 Dicker's Mining Record, March,
•304 A 127 10 0 Poseidon, Tarna- 13 feet "The Shellback " 24. 1. l!l07 Cox and Newitt A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III., Much quartz
gull a Part 1.
305 A 127 0 0 Quakers' Gully, 10 feet 1854 F. Knox Orme, p. 372 R. B.
Dunolly Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
306 A 126 10 0 126 0 0 Chinaman 's Flat, About 120 3.12.1872 Henry Treloar P. Virtue, jun., Mining Registrar, Found on Magnum Bonuru Co.'s
Mary borough feet Nugget Book mullock heap
307 A 126 0 0 Baker's Gully, Shallow W. H, Ferguson's Dunolly Report
308 A 126 0 0 Webbville , Bunin- - . 9 .186fl Mining Registrars ' and Surveyors '
yong Reports, September , 1869, p. 26
309 A 125 0 0 Neighbour hood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly 21.10.186 8 Gold-fields, &c.
110 Q 125 0 0 Nuggetty Gully About 1895 Nugget ty Gully Mining S. B. Hunter, Special Report
Mine, Creswick Co.
311 A 124 0 0 New Nuggetty 15 feet 1899 Nugget Book
Gully, Yandoit
312 Q 124 0 0 Wisbeach Hill, Ko- 26 feet Mining Surveyors ' Reports, p. 377
rong R. B. Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
313 A 123 0 0 .. Nuggetty
Gully, 3 feet 1866 F. IC Ormr, p. 372 r:. B. Smyth's
Gold-fields, ,\,c·.
314 A 122 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F . K. Orme, p. 374 R. n. Smyth's
Dunolly 21.10.1868 Gold-fields, &c.
•31 5 Q 122 0 0 East United Mine, 400 feet 15.2. 1876 Ea.st United Black Hill Progress Report No. i V., p. 49
Black Hill, Bal- Mining Co.
:nn A 121 0 0 N l' ighbolll'hood o[ Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Srnylh's
Dunollv 21.10.1868 Gold-fields, &c.
317 A 120 14 0 .Break-of-·Day, Roke- -.8. 1866 Dicker's Mining Record, August,
wood 1866, p. 116
318 Q 120 0 0 !)!) 0 0 Butler's Reef, 1 ! feet 1874 E. Hnn ·en E. Hansen, Nugget Book Associated with some ironstorui
31!) A 120 0 0 48 0 0 Old Lead, Tnrna- - .ll.1862 Dicker's Mining Record, Novcrn-
gull •• ber, 1862, p. 2
320 A 120 0 0 Brown's Oully, 18 feet 1859 Srurry :rnd p<trty Mark Amos, Mining Surveyor,
Mirlcllcton Ur eek, Nugget Book
321 A 120 0 0 Surface Gully, Moli- Surface 1860 F. K. Orme, p 372 R. B. Smyth's Found in red clay
ngul Gold-fields, &c.
322 Q 120 0 0 80 0 0 Head of Welcome 35 feet 29.9. 1894 ·white and .fockson w. Trenkner, Mining Regi:;trar, On an indicator
Gully, Parish of Nugget File
323 A 120 0 0 On road between 9 feet E. J . Dunn, Quart erly Report,
Allotments 12 and June, 18fl0, p. 16
21, John's Pad-
dock, Knngde-
raar t>O
324 A 120 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 15 feet 1866 F. K. Ormt:>. p. 373 R. B. Srnyth's
Gold-fields, &c.
325 A 120 0 0 Forest Creek, Pn.rish Shallow 1854 W. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushes Many nuggets over 10 lbs. II\
of Chewton of the Fifties, p. 70 weight were found in Forest
and Fryer's Creeks
326 A 120 0 0 Allotment No. 15, 12 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Borlin Flat, Kang- June, 1890, p. 16
327 A 120 0 0 Fryer's Creek, Parish Shallow 1854 W. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushe11
of Fryers of the Fift.ies, p. 70
328 A 120 0 0 Old I.ead, Dunolly 12 feet 1867 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. B. Smyth's
Gold-fields, &c.
329 A 120 0 0 Tylor's Flat, Kang- 12 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
deranr June, 1890, p. 16
330 A 120 0 0 Kingower Few inches -.9.1858 w. Birkmyre, p. 369 R B.
Smyth'a Gold-fields, &c.
331 A 120 0 0 Caledonia. Gully, Surface -.12. 1874 Andrew Hansen Mining R egistrars' and Surveyors'
Red Hill, Heath- Reports, December, 1874, p. 32
332 Q 120 0 0 Ballaarat 160 feet Dalzell and Buchanan J. W. Gregory, Memoir No. IV., On indi<'a.tor
p. 8
333 A 120 0 0 Milkmaid's Gully, 10 feet W. H. Ferguson
Wattle Flat, Dun-
334 A 120 0 0 Milkmaid's Gully, 10 feet W. H. Fergu1on
Wat tie Flat, Dun-


Depth. Date when Finders. Authority. &marks.

Where found. Name of Nugget. found .
Gros8. Net. EsUmat.cd.

oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.

33::; A 119 19 0 John's Paddock, 9t feet 23.12.1869 F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book The bottom was composed o(
rotten elate and granite
Berlin, Kangdc-
336 Q 119 14 18 Tarrengower 1861 W. Birkmyre, p. 369, R. B.
Smyth'e Gold-fields, &e.
337 A 117 15 0 116 5 0 Tyler's Rush, Ber- 7 feet 15. 9.1873 C. Barrett nud F. Mai- Nesbitt Cockburn, Mining Regis- Flat and solid, with large void in
lin, Kangderaar gret trar, Nugget Book the centre
338 A 117 0 0 109 0 0 Perseverance Claim, 70 feet 17.2.1870 Peter Scott and party John Lynch, Mining Surveyor,
Pitfield Nugget Book
339 A 117 0 0 Quaker's Gully, 10 feet 1859 F. K. Orme, p. 372 R. B. Smyth 's
Dunolly Gold-fields, &c.
340 A 116 10 0 Break-of-Day Mine, 10 to lo 2.10.1866 Break-of-Day Mining J . F. Coleman, Mining Registrar,
Rokewood feet Co. Nugget Book
341 A 114 10 0 109 0 0 Berlin, Kangderaar 5! feet 23. 3.1870 Ah Hing and pa,rty .. F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book
342 Q 114 5 0 100 0 0 Black Hill Mine, 320 feet II. 5.1874 Elaek Hill Mining Co. Progress Report No. II., p. 58
343 A 114 0 0 Break-of-Day Mine, 10 to 15 11. 8.1866 Break-of-Day Mining J. F. Coleman, Mining Registrar,
Rokewood feet Co. Nugget Book
344 A 114 0 0 Main Flat, Wedder- About 40 1866 Philip Archey 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir No.
burne feet X., p. 11
A 114 0 0 108 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Ta.r- 68 feet " The Maldon " 8. 8. 1D07 Duschka and party Nugget Book Associated with cement
A 113 12 0 Killni's Creek, 12 feet 23. 5.1878 Samuel Beardmore Progress Report No. VI., p. 35 The largest nugget found m the
Wood's Point district to date
347 A ll3 0 0 Red Stre:1k Gully, About 50 W. H. Ferguson's Quarter-sheet
Old Lead, Dun- feet Map, No. 53n, S.W.
3-!8 A 113 0 0 ~-Tear Black Reef, Surface 1.3.1869 J. Stirling, Progress Report No. Found close to the place where the
l\foliagul III., p. 21 "Welcome Stranger" nugget
was unearthed
349 A 112 0 0 112 0 0 Spring Hill, Cres- 196 feet 2.4.1875 Richardson'B Western James Stevenson, Mining Sur- Solid gold
wick Freehold Mining Co. veyor, Nugget Book
350 A 112 0 0 HO 0 0 Leviathan Mine, 195 feet 25.4.1874 Leviathan G. Mining Progress Report No. IL, p. 58
Ballaarat Co.
351 A ll2 0 0 Ilerlin Flat, Kang- Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375 R. B. Smyth's
derao.r 21.12.1868 Gold-fields, &c.
35~: A 112 0 0 8ons of Freedom About 300 -.2.1866 Dicker's ~fining Ti rcord, :F ebruary,
Mine, Durham feet 1866, p. 1C4
Lead, Ballaarat
353 A 112 0 0 l! Miles S.W. of IG7 feet 21.5.1903 Captain Thoma.a and H. S. Wl1itl'!irn
Marong Township, party
A II I 19 0 Little WonderClnim, 140 feet 3.4.1880 Little Wonder Mining J . Dormi:u, Xuggrt Book
TRrndal c Co.
355 A llO 15 0 Cosmopolitan Mine, About400 - . l. l8G4 Cosmopolitan Mining Dicker'R :.\[inin~ Record; January,
Ballaarat feet Co. 1864., p. !)
356 A llO !) 0 NPighbourhood of 1854 w. Birkmyre, p. 369 R. B.
Dunolly Smyth ',1 (iold -flelrls, &c.
•357 A 109 6 0 109 6 0 Rh cola, Berlin, 9 feet 9.2.188:.? Nu gget Rook All gold
358 ,\ 100 0 0 107 12 0 Berlin, Kangderaar 9 feot 12.1.1870 F. K. Orme, \Varden, Nugget Book
24.3. 1870
359 A 108 14 0 Breuk-of-Da,y Mine, 10 to 15 20.11.1866 Brcnk-of-Day :Mining J. Coleman, Mining Registrar,
Roke"·ood feet Co. Nugget Book
360 A 108 12 0 108 12 0 Berlin, Kangderaar 2 feet 20.8.1870 Ah Son and party F. K . Orme, Warrlen, Nugget Book Found in n·d clay. All gold
361 A 108 0 0 84 0 0 Havelock, Parish of 3 feet 18.10.1878 Michael Fit,zharris and P. Virtue, Mining .Registrar, Nug- Associated with quartz
Mary borough party get Book
362 A 108 0 0 Ashe's Lend, Bal- IO feet 1874 W. Baragwanath, jun.
laarat East
363 A 108 0 0 Peg Leg Gully, Shallow 1851 or W. E. Adcock, Tho Gold Rushes
Englehawk 1852 of the Fifties, p. 7:1
364 A 108 0 0 .\1ilkmaid's Gully, 10 feet W. H. Ferguson
363 A 108 0 0 Clodhopper Gully, Shallow W. H. Ferguson
near Moliagul
366 .-\ 108 0 0 106 10 0 Koh-i-noor Mine, :.?50 feet 26 . 5 . l8d0 Koh-i-noor :\fining l-1. Wood . Mining Regi ,trar, :X11g- l~ound below 2 stra tn, of basalt
Bn.ll:w,rnt Co. get Book
3G7 .\ 107 12 0 105 12 0 Berlin, Kn,ngderaar 5 feet 2H.7 . 1870 If. J. Hughes, :Mining Hogistrnr, In shape like a twist loaf
Nugget Book
368 .-\ 107 5 0 Neighbourhood of Prior t,o F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. 13. Smyth's t..O
Dunolly 21 . 10 . 1868 Gold-fields, &c. ~
•aw A 107 4 0 77 6 7 Loth air Mine, 307 feet " The Lothn.ir " .. 11.7 . 1875 Lothnfr l/Iining Co. Nugget Book
370 Q 107 0 0 I'rinco of Wales 400 feet, HHO W. lhrng1rnnath, jun.
Mine, Ballaarat
371 A lOG 15 0 Kingo1rer Shallow - . 0.18()1 w. Birkmyre, p. 369 R. Brough
Smyth's Gold-fields, &C'.
372 A 106 10 0 Vaughan, Castle- 3 feet - . 7 . 1867 Richard Dunstan Dicker's Mining Record, July,
maine 1867, p. 36
373 A 106 10 0 90 0 0 Kt>ep-it-Dnrk Gully, 10 feet 9 . 10.1869 J. W. Walker nnd c:. T. Hale, Mining Registrar, Nugget Nearly all gold
Hepburn Ln1rnon Book
3H A 106 0 0 Gilmore's Gully, 9 feet F" J. Dunn, Quo,rtC';·ly Report,
Langham Flat, June, 1890, p. 10
375 A 106 0 0 106 0 0 13lanket Flat, Hep- Shallow - . 9 . I87i) T. H1ile, Mining Registrar, Mining Pure golrl
burn Surveyors' Report1l. Septemb<>r
1875, p. 32
376 A 106 0 0 W aa.nyarrn Rush 26 feet 22.6.1003 'faig, Rymer, and Nugget Book 2 feet above the bedrock
, 'torer
377 A 106 0 0 Dunolly District Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 3U R. B. Smyth's
21.10 . 1868 Gold-field8, &c.
378 A 106 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 10 feet -.6 . 1907 Juck,.,on and Hughes Nugget Book
379 Q 106 0 0 Woa.h Hawfi Canton 441 feet Woah Hawp Canton J. W. Gregory, i\Irmoir No. n ·., On indicator
Mine, Ba laarat Mining Co. p. 8
380 A 105 0 0 Old Lead, Dnnolly 40 feet 1867 F. J\. Orme, p. an n. R. Smyth's
Distrir t Gold-fidct;, &r.

"' § Weights.
~ WlJNe found . Depth. Name of Nugget. Date when Finders.
1l Authority. Remarks.
0' found.
~ -o ~~ . Gross. Net. Estimated.

- - --- ------ ----- - - - ------- - - --- - -------- - ----- --------- - - -- - -·- -- - - - -- - - --------- -----
oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.
*381 A IOG 0 0 .. .. Irishman'1:1 Claim, 50 feet .. .. 21 . 11.1904 Hayes, Firth, nnd A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III.,
Nick-of-Time party Part I.
Lead, Tarnagulla
382 A 105 O· O 61 13 0 .. Poseidon Lend, Tar- 68 feet " Tho Bi\by " .. 23 . 0 . 1907 Hockey and Roach .. Nugget Book
383 A 10-i 10 0 75 0 0 .. Poseidon Lea d, Tiir. 13 feet "New Year':; 8 . 1 . 1907 Mackenzie and parLy A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. 'nr., Nearly on bedrock
nagulla Gift,, Part I.
38-i A 10-1 8 0 .. .. Mount Molingu l . . Shallow .. .. -.11. 1857 .. .. .. W. Birkmyre, p. 369 R. Brough Solid lump of gold
Smyth's, &o.
38:> A 10·1 0 0 .. .. G dfrey's Creek, .. .. .. - . 1 . 1869 .. .. .. Dicker's Min.ing Records, J1\nuary,
Alexn.ndrn 1869
:186 Q 101 0 0 .. 60 0 0 Woah Hawp Canton 8-10 feet .. .. - . 10 . 1000 Woah H awp Ci•nton Age Newspaper, October 6th, 1909 On indicator
Mine, Ballaara t Mining Co.
3 7 A 10·1 0 0 .. .. Wilson's Lond, Dun- 13 feet .. .. 1863 .. .. .. F. K. 0l'mc, p. 372 R. B. Smyth's
olly Di:!trict Gold-fiolds, &c.
383 :\ 10-l 0 0 .. 84 0 0 Hit or
Vaughan, Pariah
Miss, 4 feet .. .. - . 6.1867 Richard nnd Benj1•min l\fark .Amos, Mining Surveyor, Flat nugget
Dunsta n Nugget Book
of Fryers
389 .\ 103 IO 0 100 10 0 .. Cobbler's Gully, 6 feet .. . . 28 . 12 . 1874 J a.mes Good:>on .. Progress Report No. III., p. 118
Caledonia, Wnr-
300 A 103 0 0 103 0 0 . . Berlin Diggings, 20 inches .. .. 12 .8 . 1870 P. Lorimer and p:il'Ly F . K. Orme, Warden,Nugget Book Solid gold
30 l A 103 0 0 .. 101 0 0 Near John':; Pad- Surfa ce " Tho Doncn.stor " 15 . 7 . 1872 l imn.c Doncaster .. H. J. Hughes, Mining Rrgist.rar, Fln.t nugget
dock, Berlin, Nugget Book
392 Q 102 0 0 .. .. Woah Hawp Canton GOO feet .. .. .. Woa,h Ifow p C1•11Lon J. w. Gregory, Memoir No. IV., On indioator
Mine, Ballnarat Mining Co. P· 8
3!)3 A 102 0 0 .. .. r i\ddy's Gully, 12 feet .. .. .. .. .. .. E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Kangd oraar June, 1890, p. 16
394 A 101 0 0 .. .. Berlin Diggings, 12 feet .. .. - . 3. 1869 .. .. .. Dickcr's Mining Record, Mn.rch, In two pieoes
Kano-deran.r 1869
•395 A 101 0 0 101 0 0 .. Working
Miners, lG5 feet "Tho H ome- 21. 7 . 1881 .. .. .. Progres11 Report No. VII. , p. 126 All gold
Hom ebu sh bush "
30G A 100 10 0 .. .. r-ingo wcr Diggings .. .. .. - . 11. 1837 .. .. .. w. Birkmyre, p . 369 R. B.
Smyth's Gold-ficld1:1, &r.
307 A 100 0 0 .. .. Ba.ker's Gully, near 10 feet .. .. .. .. .. .. W. H. Ferguson
Molingul Town -
3Q8 A 100 0 0 .. .. Old Lead, Dunolly 20 to 60 .. .. .. .. .. .. W. H. Ferguson
309 A 100 0 0 .. .. Wattle Flat, Dun - 20 feet .. .. .. .. .. .. W. H . Ferguson
oil y
400 A 100 0 0 Wattle Flat, Dun- 20 feet W. H. Ferguson
401 A 100 0 0 Poseidon J,ead, Tar- 80 feet -.2.1910 Dividend Syndicate .. Nugget Book
402 Q 100 0 0 Redbank, head of 15 feet Hl.12 . 1902 W. Lusrombe Nugget Book From an indicator
Walking Stick
~03 A 100 0 0 Berlin Flat, Kang- 12 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
deraar June, 1890, p. 16
40-t A 100 0 0 Broadman's Flat, About 20 W. H. Ferguson
Dunolly feot
405 .\ 100 0 0 W11ttle Flat, Dunolly 20 foct W. H. Ferguson
40<l A 100 0 0 Kangaroo Flat, Ben- - . l0.18G7 Dicker's Mining R ecord, October,
di go 1867, p. 165
407 A 100 0 0 Nuggetty Gully, 4 feet 1856 Daniel Fitz .. Mark Amos, Mining Surveyor, Close to several other!
Fryerstown Nugget Book
408 Q 100 0 0 Woah Hawp Ca.nton Between 1910-1911 Woah Ha.wp c .mton W. Barngw11nath, jun. On indicator
Mine, Ballaarnt 753and 930 Mining Co.
400 Q 100 0 0 Woah Hawfi Canton
Between 1910-1911
Woah Hawp Canton W. Baragwnnath, jun. .. On indicator
Mine, Ba laarat 753 and 930 Mining Co.
410 Q 100 0 0 Woah Hawp Canton Between 1910-1911 ~Voah H <iwp Canton W . .Barugwanath, jun. .. On indicator
Mine, Ballaarat 753 and 930 Mining Co.
411 Q 100 0 0 North Woah Hawp 840 to 945 1910-1911 North Woah Hawp W. Banigwanath, jun. On indicator
Mine, Ballaarat feet Mining Co.
4J~ Q 100 0 0 t.:>
Llanberris Mine, Bal- 453 feet Lla.nberris Mining Co. J. W. Gregory, Momoir No. IV., On indicator ~
laarat p. 8
4l:l Q ~9 10 17 28 6 0 Tarrongo11·er 1861 w. Birkmyre, p. 369 R. B.
414 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
A 99 2 0 93 0 0 Jones' Creek, Waan- Shallow -.12.1888 Mining Registrars' Reports, De- With ironstone and qua.rt.
yarrn cembcr, 1888, p. 24
•415 A 99 0 0 97 0 0 Shicer Gully, Wed- J 3 feet 9.8.1880 Philip Archer Progrei:;s Report No. VII., p. 125
4 l!i A 98 7 0 69 12 0 Cosmopolitan Mine, About -.6.1863 Dickcr's Mining Records, June, Afisociated with quartz
Ballaarat 400 feet 1863, p. 147
417 A 98 0 0 88 11 0 Ca.mpbell's Hill, 9.8.1871 PnrLy of Chinese J. Lynch, Mining Surveyor, Nug-
Smythesdale get Book
418 A HG 0 0 Steel's Gully, Wed- 12 feet 1854 James Rogerson 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir No. X.,
derburne p. 11
41!) A 96 0 0 Potter's Hill, Wed- Rhallow 1853 James Bangery 0. A. L. Whitela.w, Memoir No. X.,
derburne p. 11
420 A 96 0 0 Ilocca Flat, Wed- Shallow 3.2.1869 Nugget Book
421 A !!6 0 0 Wis beach Rush 40 feet 1!-:. J. Dnnn, Quarterly Report,
(Allot. 8, Sec. 1, June, 18!!0, p. 22
4~2 A 96 0 0 76 11 0 Gipsy Rush, Dunolly 20 feet -.12.1868 Levi nnd party Dicker's Mining Record, Decem-
.. 23 ber, 1868, p. 152
A 96 0 0 Mosquito Gully, near -.6.1874 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
Spring Hill,. Crea- Reports, June, 1874, p. 26
424 A 96 0 0 Langham Flat, Ber- 9 feet .. -.12.1874 Mining Registrars' and Sun·eyors' Solid gold on granite bottom
Jin, Kangderaar Reports, December, 1874, p. 34

...., ~ Weights .
:z; :~i ~~ - - - ----- - - - - · · - - - Date whon
\YhNn iound. Depth. Name of Nuggot. Findou. _\ ·1th o1ri ty . Ro marks.
found .
~O'~ Gross. Net. Estimated.
;i; ~ .!3 t:l
-- --- oz . dwt. gr. or.. dwt. gr . oz . dwt. gr.
·--- -- -----·-. - - -
426 A {)6 0 0 .. .. Strnthulbyn, a I ribu-
b.ry of Arm onian
Shallow .. .. - . 12 . 1870 .. .. .. :\lining H.ElgL~trnrs' and Rm\ cyors'
Report.'l, December, 1870, p. 3.3
Gully, bet \\"CCfl
Redbauk nnd
Stull.ft Mill - . 12 . 18Hii .. .. .. Diokcr's Mining Record, Dcccm-
426 A 96 0 0 .. .. Unabolished J\line, .. .. .. ber, 1866, p . 389
Break . of - Day,
427 A !)6 0 0 .. 94 11 6 John'!:! 1'1\tlclock, 3 feet .. .. 23.4. 1873 ,\rrhie 1,.;rny .. .J. :.ti\ rt in, Mining Re3i,,;t.rar, N ug -
fiMJin, Knngde- <"et Book
raar "'
428 A !)6 0 0 .. 57 12 12 Hit or Miss Gully, 20 feet .. .. 2!).7.l 8W> l ! en ry l )unslan . . ~fo.rk Amos, Mining Survryor, Nearly round
Fryers Nuggt-t Book
429 A 95 6 0 .. .. Ji •n Crow Creek, Shnllow .. .. 133;; . ' .. . . w. Birkmyre, p. 369 n.. ll.
Daylesford Smyth's Golcl-flcld:,1, &o.
430 .\ 95 0 0 .. .. Turkey, Flut, Dun- 20 feet .. .. .. .. .. . . W. H. Ferguson
-.l3l A 94 7 0 .. 90 19 21 Bre:ik . of - D11y 12 feet .. .. - . 6. 1871 Break o' Dny ~lining
"·' l•'. Coleman, ~linin ~ Hegi~trnr.;' A&8ocit\ted with ironstone
Rokell'ood Co. :\nd Surveyors' H.nports, June,
1871, p. 23
432 A 94 0 0 .. .. ~uggetty Gully, 4 feet .. .. 18.:>H .f ohu Uurke .. ~fork Amos, Mining 1-;m·v yol',
Fryers town Nugget Book
433 A !)3 17 6 .. 84 9 12 Mosquito Gully, n cnr 15 feet .. .. 18 . !). 187 ~ ,\h Fl'C• n ml p11rty .. l'rogrcss R por~ Ko. If. , p. 58
Spring Hill, ('res-
434 A 93 17 0 .. 92 14 !J Tyler'::l Digging!'!, ll feet .. .. 2!L !) . I 87:l T . \V. Horlgson nnd n.. .\.
Willinm ~ . H11nk of N .• '.\V., A square nugget
Berlin, K:ingde- U. Torrnnce Hedm, N ug,c.; ct, ilook
•435 A 93 14 0 93 8 18 .. G11rden Flat, Ma- 18 feet .. .. 24.7.187!) Rowe nntl Mullignn .. Progress Ucport No. 'v Tf., p. 12.3 Solid gold
jorca, Craigie
436 A 92 0 0 .. .. Nt1ggetty Hill, Dun-
olly District
lG feet .. .. 1860 .. .. ..
ft'. K. Orme, p. 3n R B. Rmyth's
Oold-fields, &c.
•437 A !)2 0 0 .. 90 0 0 Dunolly .. .. 15 feet .. . ' 2G . 7 .1881 Peter Miller and pnrty Pl'ogress Report, No. Vj f., p. 126 \Vat,erworn, flat, and triangul&r
438 A 92 0 0 .. 84 8 0 New Nug~etty 14 feet .. .. 23.u.1882 Drenton 1rnd party . . J11 mes Rtevenrnn, l\l ining negis-
Gully, nenr Yan- trnr, Nugget Book
do it
439 A 92 0 0 .. 87 14 0 Kitty's Lrod, Bunin- !) inches .. . ' 16. 12 . 1870 Sutherland and party Nugget Book .. . . In red clay
440 A 91 17 0 80 14 0 .. Poseidon J,end, Tar- 4 feet .. .. 13 . 7. 1907 Jnekson nnd Hughes :\ . M. Ho"·itt
4!1 A 91 0 0 .. .. Wmore's Gully, 9 feet .. .. .. .. .. .. E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Lnngha m Fln t June, 1800, p. HI
442 A 90 0 0 .. 87 10 12 Tyler\, Rush, Berlin,
10 feet .. .. 24.3.1870 'iVhit,t,ington nnd pu.rt.y F. Y. OrnH', K'11g~et nook .. Ji'lat nugget
443 Q !)0 0 0 New Normanby so:; feet .Tew Norman by Minin ~! ,J. \Y. Gregory, Memoir No. IV., On indicator
Mine, Ballitarat Co. P· 8
444 Q !)0 0 0 North Woah Ha.wp 950 feet -.8.1910 North Woah Ha.wp Aye ne"<;pnper, August 11th, 1910 On indicator
Mine. Bn.llaa.ra t Mining Co.
«5 Q !)0 0 0 Woah Ha.wFt Canton 850 feet - . 7.1909 Woa.h Ha.wp Canton Age newspaper, July 12th, l9C9 Ou indicator
Mine, Ila la.a.rat ~ining Co.
4·iG A 00 0 0 Kingower 2 feet Mining Sun·eyors' Reports, p. 377,
R. B. Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
447 A 90 0 0 Black Hill, Ballna- 14.10. 1851 W. Bi1 km)Tc, p. 369 R. Tl. A solid masR of gold
mt Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
448 A 90 0 0 80 0 0 rn Bn.ker's Orchard, 20 feet 22.4. H10 i 1l. ty\\'ood uncl part y :'.'fogget .Book ('lose to an indicator line
Jones' Creek,
449 A 90 0 0 Nuggett.y Gully, 4 feet 18G6 F. K. Orme. p. 373 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly District Gold-fidds, &c.
4:30 A 90 0 0 La.dv Don Mino, - .3.1867 Ln.dy Don Mining C'o. Dicker's Mining Record, Murch. Taken from a mo.chine of washdirt
Ballas.rat 18()7. p. 160
451 A HO 0 0 06 10 0 .Jericho, .Jordan 15 feet 28.3.1867 Grogan and party A. B. Ains·.rnrth, l\Iining Surveyor, 3 inches a.hove the bedrock
River, Woods Nugget Ilcol ~
452 A 89 G 0 89 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Shallow -.11.1869 F. K. Orme, \Yn.rclen, Nugget Book Puro gold
•453 A 88 0 0 80 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- \l feet " The Gem" 29.11 . 1906 Wruggc Bro:J. A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III., Found on the bedrock
na.gulb Pa.rt 1.
454 A 88 0 0 85 10 0 Hard Hill, Talbot 0 feet l. l l.1866 Thos. Thomas and J n". Joseph Smii.h, Mining Surveyor,
Moore Nugget Book
455 A 87 0 0 Dunolly District . . Ab<., ut Mining Surveyc.rs' Reports, p. 374
21.10.1868 t~
R R. Smyth's Gold-fields, &r. --l
4/5li A 87 0 0 Prospectors' Claim, 20 feet 3. 6.1876 "Found by tributers C. n.. Murphy, Mining Registrnr, Found 160 yards from the No. l
Stockyu.rd Creek, Nugget Book South Prospectors' Claim
*-l57 A 87 0 0 Poseidon I,ead, Ta.r- 3 feet " The Outsider " 2.2 . 190/ Hnnnnn and Go.sroY.n" .-\. M. Ho"·itt, Records, Vol. IlJ.. 15 inches above the bedrock
nagulln Pa.rt 1.
458 A 87 0 0 Near Jericho Town - -.7.186G Ditker's 1lining Rcrorw, July,
ship, Jordan River 18G6, p. 55
469 A 87 0 0 Near Township of Shallow ,\. M. Howiit
Moonambel, War-
•460 A 86 18 12 86 0 0 Old Dunolly, i mile 7 feet. 14. !l.1 83 1 Will in m Hogcri; Nu~grt B co !·~ .. Like n clinker, filled with holea
south of Bealiba
•461 A SG 16 21 Garden Gully, Sta.- Surface 15.10 . 1887 . . • ~ ugget Book
well, l l miles from
TownBhip of Great
462 A 86 10 0 Break-of-Day Mine, 10 to lG 12.!>.1866 Dreak-of-Du.y Mining J . F . ( 'oleman, Mining Registrnr,
Rokewood feet Co. Nugget Book
•403 A 86 10 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 15 inches "The Georgina. " 4 . 1. 1907 8mith, Stephenson, A. ~L Holl'it.t, Records, Vol. III. , A fow inches above the bedrock
nagulla and Rogers Part I
464 A 86 0 0 86 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 16 inches 11. 8.1870 Ah Son and party F. K. Orme, 'Varden, Nugget Book All gold
465 A 86 0 0 65 0 0 Specimen Creek, Big - .6.1871 Thomas Do.vis ,\ . R .\in;;worth, }lining Surveyor, Associated with ironstone and
River Nugget Book quartz
460 A 86 0 0 Stirlin~ Rush, West From nro!Of'.!rn l Rnpid Sur•ey
of Wcddcrbnrnc Pim


Wh rrc fonnd. Depth. Dl1tc when Finders. .\uthority. Remarks .

Name of Nugget. found.
Gross. Net. Estimated.

oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. 'oz. dwt. gr.

467 A 85 0 0 54 0 0 Back Creek, Sim- 20 feet -.3.1882 Mining R egistrars' and Surveyors'
mons' Reef, Black- Reports, March, 1882, p. 26
468 A i4 rn o 71 3 12 Kitty's Lead, Bunin- 1 foot 26.10.1870 Nugget Book
•409 A 84 •.1 0 Inglewood 7 feet 30. 1 . 1890 Joseph J cnkin1 Nugget Book
470 A 84 0 0 Inkerman Lead, Shallow 1855 .L<'. K. Orme, p. 372 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly Gold-fields, &c.
471 A 84 0 0 Nuggetty Gully, 6 foot 1857 B. K. Orme, p. 372 R. B. Smyth'ti Found in gravelly clay
Dun oily Gold-fields, &c.
472 A 84 0 0 84 0 0 Berlin Flat, Kang- 10 inches 6. 8. 1870 Sn m uel Scgra ve and F. K. Orme, Mining Registrar, All gold
deraar party Nugget Book
473 A 84 0 0 78 0 0 Happy Valley, Shallow F. K. Orme, p. 378 R. B. Smyth's
Queenstown Gold-fields, &c.
474 A 84 0 0 Nuggetty Gully, 3 feet 1866 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R.. B. Smyth's
Dunolly Gold-fields, &c.
47i5 A 84 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 40 feet 1867 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. B. Smyth's
Gold-fields, &c.
476 A 84 0 0 Pick and Shovel 5 feet Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 377.
li'lat, Korong R. B. Sinyth's Gold-fields, &c.
477 A 84 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 71 feet - . D. l008 Last Chance Mining Age Nemipaper, 21 st September,
nagulla Co. 1908
478 A 84 0 0 Mt. Greenock, Am- Deep - . 3. 1871 H offnung Mining Co. Mining R egistrars' and Surveyors' fn three nuggets. Below basalt.
herst Reports, Mn.rch, 1871, p. 31
479 A 8-! 0 0 Potter's Hill, Wed- 2 feet Rench's party E. .J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
derburne December, 1888, p. 67
480 A 83 0 0 Neighbourho od of PL"ior Lo F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly 21.10.1868 Gold-fields, &c.
481 A 83 0 0 83 0 0 Break-of-Da y Mine, 12 feet 3. 7. 1869 Break-of-Da y Mining .J. F. Coleman, Mining Registrar, Found three feet above bottom
H,okcwood Co. Nugget Book
482 A 82 0 0 60 0 0 Prospector's Claim, 26 feet 2.10.1872 E. W. Turner, Mining Registrar,
Foster Nugget Book
483 A 82 0 0 Jndy Point, Wcd- Shallow 1859 John Horlon and pa.rty 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir
dcrburne No. X., p. 11
484 A 82 0 0 Near Black Jn.rk's Shallow 0. A. IJ. Whitelaw's Quarter-
Gully, Weddcr- shcet Map, No. 63n, S.W.
485 A 82 0 0 48 2 0 Specimen Gully, 14 feet 7. l .1875 Joseph Tyson anrl Progress Report No. III., p. 118
Jones' Creek, party
486 A 82 0 0 56 0 0 Olli Lead. Dunolly 20 to 60 -.3.1868 Dicker 's Mining P.cconl, March,
feet 1868, p. fli5
487 A 81 3 0 15 0 0 Stockyard Creek, 47 feet 13.10.1873 Prospectors' Claim G. S. Coulson. Mining Registrar,
l"oster Nugget Book
488 Q 81 l 0 59 0 0 White Ilol'se Reef, 46 feet About White Horse Mining Progress Report. No. Y., p. 43 .. In ahape like a tortoise
Amherst -.4.1877 Co.
489 A 81 0 0 78 12 0 Poseidon Lead, Tor- 64 feet 14. 9.1908 Hickey and Ellerton A. M:. Howitt
490 A 81 0 0 Berlin Rush, Kong- 8 feet -.11.1869 F. K. Orme, Warden, N uggct Book
401 Q 80 0 0 New Speed well Mine, 3!)0 feet J. '"· Gregory, Memoir No. IY., On indicator
Ballaarat p. 8
492 A 80 0 0 Catto's Paddock, 12 feet - .9.1869 Party of Chinese Dicker'!! Mining Record, Scptem-
Berlin, Kang- ber, 1869
493 A 80 0 0 Union No. 1 South ·-. 12.1871 Union No. l South Mining Registrnrs' and SurYeyors' A specimen
Mine, Sloekyarcl Mining Co. Reports, December, 1871, p. 32
Creek, Foster
494 A 80 0 0 67 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 4 feet 13.4.HJ07 Jackson and Hughes A. M. Howitt
495 A 80 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 20 to 60 - . 10.1865 Dicker's Mining Record, October,
feet 1865, p. 251
496 A 80 0 0 80 0 0 Berlin Flot, Kang- 10 inches 5.8.1870 Peter Lorimer nnd F. K. Orme, Mining Registrar, All gold
deruar party Nugget Book
497 A 80 0 0 Back.
Creek Dier. 0 About 35 - .3.1859 W. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushes
gmgs, Talbot, Am- feet of the Fifties, p. 199
498 Q 80 0 0 Woah Hawp Canton 850 feet -.6. HJO() Woah Hawp Canton The Age Newspaper, 30th June, On indicator; 696 ounce11 of
Mine, Ballaarn t Mining Co. 1909 specimens for fortnight
-!99 A 80 0 0 Mcintyre's Clnim, 17.11.1906 Mclnt.yre's Mining Co. Nugget Book
•500 A 80 0 0 Working Miners' 170 feet 24.3.1880 Working Miners' Progrees Report No. VI., p. 35 tv
Claim, Hom ebu1>h <D
Mining Co.
501 Q 80 0 0 60 0 0 Woah Hawp Canton 950 feet - . 11.1910 Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspaper, 11th November, On indicotor
Mine, Ballaa.ra t Mining Co. 1910
502 Q 80 0 0 Woah Hawp Canton 850 feet -.9 .190!) Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspaper, 28th September, On indiC'a tor
Mine, Ballaal'at Mining Co. 1909
603 Q 80 0 0 North Woah Hawp 950 feet -.11.1910 North Woah Ha.wp Age Newspaper, 26th November, On indicator
Mine, Ballanrat Mining Co. 1910
604 A 80 0 0 Wattle Flat, Dun- Shallow W. H. Ferguson's Quarter-sheet
olly Map, No. 53n, S.W.
505 A 79 5 0 70 5 0 Tyler's Rush, Kong- 11 feet 13.4.1870 William Aldus and T. Richardson, Mining Regist.rar, Flat nugget., nll gold
deraar party Nugget Book
506 Q 79 0 0 Spring Gully Mine, 30.11.1904 A pnrt.y of Tributcrs .. Nugget Book In quartz reef
507 A 78 19 0 Mount Blackwood, 1851 w. Birkmyre, P· 369 R. B.
Parish of Black- Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
508 A 78 10 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to .F. K. Orme, p. 374. n. B. Smyth's
Dunolly 21.10.1868 Gold-fields, &c.
509 A 78 0 0 Gooseberry Flot, 40 feet 1866 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly Gold-fields, &c.
610 A 78 0 0 Berlin Flnt, Kang- 12 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
deraar June, 1890, p. 16
511 A 77 0 0 \Velshman's Point, 1854 Fll:th and party 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir No. X.,
Wedderbumc P· 11
lS12 A 77 0 0 Evans' Gully, Glc>n- Shallow Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 377,
a.lbyn, near Kin- R. B. Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.

"i § Weights.

0 •

Where found. Depth. Name of Nugget.
Date when
!ound. Finders. Authority. Remarks.
<>a~ Gro3s. Net. Estimated .
~.6 ~
oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.

513 A 76 10 0 Berlin Rush, Kang- 12 feet 9.6.1869 Young and party R. Mason, Mining H.egistrar,
deraar Nugget Book
514 Q 76 0 0 North Woah Ha wp 500 feet North Wuah Hawp J. W. Gregory, Memoir No. ] V., On indicator
Mine, Ballaarat Mining Co. p. 8
616 A 76 0 0 Neigh bou.rhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Smyth's
Dunoily 21.10.1868 Gold-fields, &c.
516 A 76 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. I3. Smyth's
Dunolly 21.10.1868 Gold-fields, &c.
617 A 76 0 0 Canadian Gully, 60 feet 31.1.1853 w. Birkmyre, p. 369 R. B.
Ballaarat Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
•518 A 75 12 0 74. 15 0 Golden Age Co-op- 150 feet 8.4.1880 Golden Age Mining Co. Progress Report No. VII., p. 125
perative Mine,
Browns, Scarsdale
519 A 75 10 0 Merri jig Creek, " The Argu:1 " 11. 9.1895 Nugget Book
Elysian Flat, Den- 45 feet 28.12.1877 James Webster Progress Report No. VJ., p. 35 .. Found in cement ~
•520 A 75 6 0 73 4. 6 0
di go
•521 A 75 5 0 75 0 0 Ma.dam Berry Mine, 475 feet " The Ear " 31.1.1882 Madam Berry Mining Progress Report No. VII,. p. l 26 In the shape of an ear
Gres wick Co.
522 A 75 0 0 St. John'e Patch, Shallow E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Mcintyre's, Moli- ,June, 1890, p. 16
G23 A 75 0 0 Green Gully, about 30 feet - .3.1 870 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
8 miles south of Reports, March, 1870, p. 32
Fryerstown, !fol-
com be
524 A 75 0 0 Bocca Flat, Wedder - Shallow 1862 H. Presnell and party 0 . A. L . Whitelaw, Memoir No. X. ,
burne p. 11
525 A 75 0 0 Milkmaid 's Gully, Shallow W. H. Ferguson's Qu A.rtcr-sheet
Dunolly Map, No. 53n, S.W.
526 A 75 0 0 72 0 0 Green Gully, 8 miles 30 feet 21. 3.1870 William Lilford Mark Amos, Mining Surveyor,
south of Frvcrs- Nugget Book
town, Holcon; be
527 Q 75 0 0 Berlin Reef, Mary- A. M. Howitt, Memoir No. XI ... Flat nugget, appears to be on a n
borough indicator line
528 A 75 0 0 71 0 0 Break-of-Day, Roke- 3 feet 20.9.1872 Elders Estate Co.'s J. F. Coleman, Mining Registrar,
wood Claim Nugget Book
529 A 75 0 0 74 12 0 Tyler's Rush, Kang- 6 feet 22.2. 1870 G. Crowe and party F. Knox Ormo, Warden, Nugget, A flat nugget
deraar Book
530 A 74 0 0 Gooseberry Hill, 50 feet 1866 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. Brough
Dunolly Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
531 A 73 0 0 Iron bark Gully, Shallow 1857 Mr. Jessup 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir No. X.,
Wedderbume p. 11
532 A 73 0 0 01'.1 T,cad, Dunolly .. -.6.1872 Mining Registrars' nnd Surveyors'
Reports, June, 1872, p. 36
533 A 73 0 0 Nuggetty Gully, 3 feet 1866 F. K. Orme, Warden, R. Brough
Dunoily Smyth's Gold-ficlcfa, &c., p. 372
•534 A 72 14 10 Rokewood 24.11.1904 Nugget Book Associated with quartz
535 A 72 10 0 71 11 12 Kingower 6 inches 21.11.1887 Michael Crowley Nugget Book In shape like a hand
536 A 72 0 0 70 0 0 Green Gully, about 27 feet -.1.1870 William Lilford Mark Amos, l\fining Sun-eyor, Found 3 feet above bedrock
8 miles south of Nugget. nook
Fryers town, llol-
com be
537 A 72 0 0 Bocca. Flat, Wedder- 8 feet 0. A. L. Whitelaw's Quarter-sheet
burne Map, No. 63D, S.W.
538 A 72 0 0 Snow's Gully, Wed- 1857 James Lubbock 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir No. X ..
derburne p. 11
539 A 72 0 0 Bloomfield Gully, About 80 -.6.1872 L. R. Carter and party J ames Stevenson, Mining Regis-
Cres'l-'ick feet trar, Report, June, 1872
*5.W A 72 0 0 71 10 0 New Nuggetty 15 feet "The Yandoit" 31.12.1880 G. Vinecombe and Progress Report No. VII., p. 125
Gully, Yandoit party
541 Q 72 0 0 50 0 0 No. l R. Amalga- 40 feet 14 . 12. 1875 Party of quartz miners Progress Re port No. IV., I'· 49 .. On quartz vein and associated
mated l\1ine, Fos- with pyrites
542 A 72 0 0 64 14 0 Hanl Hilli:1, Berlin 33 feet 12.5.1875 Thomas Wa.rden and rrogrcf'~ R<"y: rt. No. llf., p. 119 On ii granite bedrock n.nd asso-
Robert Bai.rd ciated with a small quantity of
543 A 72 0 0 Poseidon Lead, T11r- 78 feet 20.7.1910 Dividend Syndicate .. A. M. Ho"itt
644 A 72 0 0 Wattle Flat, Camp- Shallow -.2. 1853 l\'. E. Adco ck, The ,old Ru~hes of ~
bell 's Creek, parish the Fifties, p. 57 I-'
of Caatlemaine
545 A 72 0 0 Rcf'crve, Rheola., 12 feet E. J. Dunn. Quarterly Report.
Kangderuar June, 1890, p. 16
546 A 72 0 0 B rlin Flat, Kang- 12 feet K .T. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
<leraar June. 1890, p. 16
647 A 72 0 0 Tyler's Flat, Ka.ng- 12 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report.,
deraar · June, 1890, p. 16
548 A 72 0 0 Gilmore's Gully, 9 feet E. J. Dunn, Qunrterly Report,
Langham Flat, JunC', 1890, p. 16
649 A 72 0 0 Between St. Arnaud 2 Lo 3 feet 27.2.1871 Theodore Cerrel Simpson. )fining Surveyor, Found in red clay and associated
and Bell Rock Nugget Book with blue slate and qunrtz
550 A 72 0 0 41 17 0 Boots Gully, Parish 10 feet 3.6.1884 Thompson Brothers . . Nugget Book Associated with quartz
of Wombat
551 A 72 0 0 Potter's Hill, Wed- 2 feet Reach'a party 0. "\. L. Whitelaw, Memoir No.
derburne x., Jl· 12
552 A 71 15 0 Sporting Flat, Dun- 16 feet 26.4.1871 J. H. French and T. F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget
oily Snow Dcok
553 A 71 0 0 Bocca Flat, Wed- 8 feet 1858 James Pretty 0. A. L. 'Vhitelaw, Memoir No.
derburne X., p. 11
554 A 71 0 0 71 0 0 Berlin Flat, Kang- 8 inches 5.8.1870 J. Lidster and party F. K. Orme, Wnrden, Nugget All gold
deraar Book
555 A 71 0 0 64 3 0 Old Inglewood 18 feet 2.11.1881 W. Brooker and party Nugget Bock Associated with cement
556 A 70 0 0 Neighbourhood of -.12.1865 Diclcer's Mining Hccord, Deecm-
Dunolly ber, 1865, p. ·109
657 A 70 0 0 :N'uggett.y Gully, 4 feet 1866 F. K.. Orme, p. 373 R Brough
!Junolly Sm)'th'~ Gold -fields, &C'.

:: ~ Weights.
z .s .. ~ Date when
....0 ~~cl Where foand. Depth. Name of N~et.
found. Finders. Authority. Remarks.
~"'.;! Gross. Net. Estimated.
z0 ~E~
oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.

558 A 70 0 0 Gooseberry Flat, 50 feet 1866 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. Brough

Dunolly Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
559 A 70 0 0 70 0 0 Berlin, Kangdera.ar 6 inches 4. 8.1870 James Lidster and F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget All gold
party Book
560 A 70 0 0 60 0 0 Hepburn Estate 28.1.1888 Hepburn E state Nugget Book Found in the sluice- box
Mine, Smeaton Mining Co.
561 A 70 0 0 Jones' Creek, Waan- 26 feet Hl03 Hertmann and party Nugget Book
562 A 70 0 0 Nuggetty shaft, Ely- 10 to 20 H. S. Whitelaw's Map of Ray-
sian Flat, Neil- fe et wood, 1904
563 A 70 0 0 Old Madam Berry prior to Old Madam Berry Nugget Book
Mine, Creswick -.1.1905 Mining Co.
5G4 Q 70 0 0 25 0 0 North Woah Hawp 840 feet -.10.1909 North Woah H awp Age Newspaper, 2nd October, 1909 On indicator
Mine, Balla.rat Mining Co.
565 Q 70 0 0 North W oah Ha wp 840 feet -.3.1910 North Woah Hawp Age Newspaper, 5th March, 1910 On indicator w
Mine, Ballas.rat Mining Co. tv
5G6 A 70 0 0 Reach's Claim, Wed- Reach's party E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
derburne December, 1888, p .. 67
567 A 70 0 0 Wedderburne 1876 T. Linkleter 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir No.
x., p. 11
568 A 70 0 0 Turkey Flat, Dun- Shallow W. H. Ferguson's Quarter-sheet
olly Map, No. 53D, S.W.
569 A 70 0 0 Bismarck Lead, About 20 W. H. Ferguson's Quarter-sheet
Dunolly feet Map, No. 53n, S.W.
570 A 6!) 5 0 65 10 0 Green Gully, 8 miles 30 feet -.9. 1869 Charles Lilford, jun. Mark Amos, Mining Surveyor, Found on a white soft sandstone
south of Fryers- Nugget Book bottom
town, Holcombe
571 A 69 0 0 65 10 0 Tyler's Rush, Berlin, 12 feet 2.2.1870 J. Scott and party ..
F . K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Associated with ironstone
Kangderaar Book
572 A 68 17 0 Ryrie's Freehold - . 12.1876 Ryrie's Freehold Co. Progress Report No. VJ., p. 35
Mine, Creswick
573 A 68 10 0 65 12 0 Johnstown, Berlin, 8 feet 23.11.1870 Solomon Schlossman H. J. Hughes, Mining Registrar, The nugget was in shape like a
Kangderaar and party Nugget Book dome
674 A 68 0 0 67 10 0 Kitty's Lead, Bunin- 4~ feet 17.10.1870 Robert Miller and Nugget Book Found in red clay. Nearly pure
yong to party gold
575 A 68 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 40 feet 1867 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. Brough
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
•576 A 68 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Ta.r- 78 feet - . 7.1910 "Dividend Syndicate" A. M. Howitt .. Associated with pinkish quartz
677 A 67 12 0 Spring Gully , Fryer's Sha !low -.6.1865 Dicker's Mining Record, June,
Creek 1865, p. 330
578 A 67 10 0 Corinella Extended About 19.1.1895 Corinella Extended w. Trenkner, Mining Registrar,
Mine, Eganstown, 30 feet Mining Co. Nugget File
..... 579 A 67 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Smyth's
<O Dunolly 21. 10. 1868 Gold.fields, &c.
!" 580 A 66 10 0 Positano Syndica.te, 72 feet -.4.1909 Dickenson, Kelsall, Age Newspaper, 5th April, 1909
Poseidon Lead, and party
581 A 66 3 0 40 0 0 Near City of Bath Surface 20.5.1884 John Blenkworth Mining Registrars' and Surveyors' Associated with quartz
Reef, Inglewood Reports, June, 1884, p. 19
582 A 66 0 0 Pound Rush, Dun- 30 feet 1866 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. B. Smyth's
olly District Gold-fields, &c.
583 A 66 0 0 66 0 0 Berlin, Kangdemar 15 feet 19.8.1870 P. Anglam and party F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book Pure gold, and honeycombed
584 A 65 18 0 65 0 0 Black Jack's Gully 6 inches 4.6.1891 Charles Rose 0. A. L. Whitelaw's Quarter Sheet Found in red cla.y. Associated
and Judy Point, Map No. 63n, S.W. with ironstone
585 A 65 17 0 60 0 0 Commissioners' Flat, 15 feet 1859 The Ba.llaara t Mining Progress Report No. III., p. 118 In shape like a hand
Fryerstown, Fry- Co.
er's Creek
586 Q 65 10 0 65 10 0 Matrix Co., Mcln- -.11.1865 The Matrix Mining Co. Dicker's Mining Record, Novem- Specimens from quartz leader
tyre's, Moliagul ber, 1865, p. 322
587 A 65 3 0 48 4 0 No locality gi...-en . . 1854 w. Birkmyre, p. 369 R. B.
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
588 A 65 0 0 Chinaman's Flat, Deep -.12.1877 East Duke Co-opera- Mining Surveyors' Reports, De-
Mary borough tive party cember, 1877, p. 23
589 Q 65 0 0 Britannia United 480 feet Britannia. United J .W. Gregory, Memoir No. IV., 45 feet east of an in di ca tor
Mine, Ballaara t Mining Co. p.8 ~
0 590 A 65 0 0 42 15 0 Golden Age Mine, 47 feet 17.6.1872 The Golden Age Mining E. W. Turner, Mining Surveyor, Flat., in shape like a man's hand, ~
Stockyard Creek, Co. Nugget Book with quartz on one side
691 A 64 8 0 Sailor's Gully, Ben- Surface -.5.1866 William Harper Dicker's Mining Record, May,
digo 1866, p. 340
692 A 64 0 0 Godfrey's Creek, -.1.1869 Dicker's Mining Record, January,
about 6 miles N.E. 1869
of Molesworth,
Alexandra District
593 A 64 0 0 Between Bell Rock 2 to 3 feet 30.2.1871 Theodore Cerrel P. Simpson, Mining Surveyor, Found in red clay on a slope of a.
and St. Arnaud Nugget Book hill. Associated with blue slate
and quartz
594 A 64 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly 21. 10.1868 Gold-fields, &c.
695 A 64 0 0 Tyler's Rush, Berlin, 2! feet 13.1.1870 William Wannick F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book
696 A 6, 0 0 19 10 0 Stockyard Creek, 47 feet 3.10.1873 Prospectors' Company G. C. Coulson, Mining Registrar, Associated with pyrites, galena,
Foster Nugget Book and mundio in a quartz boulder
697 A 63 19 0 Rokewood 4.11.1904 Nugget Book Associated with quartz
598 A 63 17 0 61 IO 0 Break - of - Day, 18 feet 19.8.1873 Turner and party G. Perry, Mining Registrar, Smooth and wa. terworn
Rokewood Nugget Book
699 A 63 5 0 49 4 0 Blacksmith's Gully, 6 inches l.7.1875 James Brogan Progress Report No. III., p. ll9
600 A 63 0 0 Gooseberry Flat, 40 feet 1867 F. IC Orme, p. 373 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly Gold-fields, &c.
801 A 63 0 0 Tyler's Rush, Berlin, Shallow 12. 1.1870 F.K.Orme, Warden, Nugget Book
Ka.ngdera.ar to

~ "d
~ Welghis .
~ 0 ....;
..... .!j ·~
:S~ ~ ::st>
Q) O';j
~.s :g
Gross . Net. Estimated.
Where found. Depth. Name of Nugget. Date when
found. Find era. Authority. Remarks.

oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.

oz. dwt. gr.

602 Q 63 0 0 New N . mn:rn by l,300 feet -.8. 1908 New Norman by Agt Newspaper, 21st August, 1908 On indicator
Mine, Ba.llaarnt Mining Co.
603 Q 63 0 0 Lhi nberris Mine, 453 feet Lian berris Mining Co. J. w. Gregory, Memoir No. IV., On the Pencil l\fa,rk Indicn.tor
B<\llaarnt p.8
604 A 62 0 0 ' 'aledonia Gully, Surface - . 10.1859 W. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushes
Heathcote of the Fifties, p. 139
605 A 62 0 0 •.lun.ker' a Gully, 10 feet 1857 Ii'. K. Orme, p. 372 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly District Gold -fields, &c.
606 A 62 0 0 Chiltern Divii:;ion .. Shallow ;V. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushes
of the Fifties, p. 194
607 A 62 0 0 "Berlin Diggings, Sha.llow 1868 J<. K. Orme, p. 375 R. B. Smyth'a
K.nngd ern,;i,r Gold-fields, &c.
608 A 62 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Shallow 1868 l•'. K. Orme, p. 375 R. B. Smyth's
Kangderaar Gold-fields, &c.
609 A 61 18 0 34 17 0 No localit,y given .. 1855 \V. Birkmyre, p . 369 R. B.
Smyth '1:1 Gold-fields, &c. ~
61 18 0 61 5 0 Humbug Hill, Ber- 6 inches 22, 8. 1872 ff. J. Hughes, Mining Registrar, ~
610 .\
lin, Kangderc\lH Nugget Book
6Jl A 61 5 0 41 8 0 Rising Suu Claim, 130 feet ll. 12. 1878 .Toho Conway and ProgreRs Report No. VI., p. 35
Ballaarat party
•612 A 61 1 0 59 17 0 "Boo rt, near L:J.ke Surface " The Boort " 18.7.1881 :School Children named Reach Stephens, Mining Regis-
Yando Petersen trar, Nugget Book
613 A 61 0 0 Eigg's Gully, Dun- Surface - . -.1868 l<'. K. Ormt-, p . 372 R. B. Smyth's Found in red cliiy
olly District Gold-fields, &c.
614 A 61 0 0 Ballaa.ra.t Freehold About - . 7 . 1867 Balla.arat Freehold Dicker's Mining Record, July,
Mine, Ba.llaarat 250 feet Mining Co. 1867, p. 17
615 Q 61 0 0 45 0 0 Commissioners' Flat, 265 feet 9.10.1874 Philip Rowe, Manager, Progress Report No. IT., p. 58 . . Found in quartz vein, 18 inche1J
Fryers town Fryers Mining Co. wide
616 A 61 0 0 53 16 12 "N esuChristmas Reef, 7 feet 10.6.1880 Mark Phillips "Progress Report No. VII., p. 125 Resembling a. clinker, and asso-
Ray wood cia.ted with quartz
•617 A 61 0 0 :\-Iclvor Hydraulic Shallow 11.6.1906 Mclvor Hydra.ulic :Nugget Book
Dredging Co. , Dredging Co.
618 A 60 10 0 60 0 0 Little Bendigo, Ba.I - 25 feet 14.1.1881 A party of Chinese Progress Report No. VI r., p. 125
laara t
619 A 60 9 0 33 12 0 No locality given .. 1854 w.
Birkmyre, P· 360 R. B.
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
620 A 60 0 0 56 18 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar - 71 feet " "Rurkank'1 - . 9.1908 Burbank, Brett, and Age Newspaper, 12th September,
no.jlulla Pride" party 1008
621 Q 60 0 0 North Wooh Hawp 950 feet - .9.1910 North Woah Hawp Agt Newspaper, 30th September, On indicator
Mine, Ba.llna rat Mining Co. 1010
622 Q 60 0 0 North Won.h Hawp 840 feet -.3.1910 North Woa.h Hawp Age Newspaper, 4th l\Iarch, 1910 On indicator
Mine, Ba.Jlaarat Mining Co.
623 Q 60 0 0 North Woah Hnwp 950 feet -.4.1910 North Woah Hawp Age Newspaper, 23rd April, 1910 On in di ca tor
Mine-, &llaarat Mining Co.
624 A 60 0 0 Working Miners' 170 feet - .12 .1877 Working Miners' party Mining Surveyorn' Reports, De-
Claim, Homebush cember, 1877, p. 31
6:25 A 60 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 20 to 60 W. H. Ferguson
626 A 60 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 20 to 60 W. H. Ferguson
627 A 60 0 0 Nea.r Herbert's 20 feet W. H. Ferguson
Orchard, south
of Wattle Flat,
628 A 60 0 0 Near Ironstone Hill, l ~ feet About Progress Report No. III., p. 119 Found in red clay
Bendigo 18 . 6.1875
629 A 60 0 0 20 0 0 Mt. Alex:i.nder Sha llow 1853 W. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushes About two-thirds white quartz and
Diggings, Camp- of the Fifties, p. 59 one- third gold
bell's Creek,
630 A 60 0 0 Patchy Flf\. t Hill, 60 feet 1865 F. K. Orme, p. 372 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly Gold-fields, &c.
631 A 60 0 0 Cleelnnd's Gully, 3t feet -.10.1868 Dicker's Mining Record<i, October,
Berlin, Kang- 1868, p. 93
632 A 60 0 0 Nuggetty Gully, 4 feet 1866 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. R. Smyth's
Du no Uy Gold-fields, &c.
633 Q 60 0 0 Woah Hawp Canton 850 feet -.8.1009 Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspaper, 14th August. 1909 On indicator
Mine-, :Ballaarat Mining Co.
634 A 60 0 0 Berlin Rnsh, K11.ng- 20 feet 6.4.1869 Craig l\Ild p&rty R. Mason, Mining Registrar, c..:
N Ol
dernar Nugget Book
636 A 60 0 0 Niok-o' -Time Lead, 100 feet 26.4.1906 Star of Loddon Claim A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. Ill.,
Ta.ma~ll1~ Part 1
636 A 60 0 0 Gooseberry Flat., 50 feet 1866 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly Gold-fields, &c.
637 A 60 0 0 Godfny's Creek, - . 1.1869 Ed wards and party .. A. P. Alrehurst., Warden, Nugget
about 6 mileeN.E. Book
of Molesworth.
.Ale-xandra District
638 A 60 0 0 Blue Gully, Black- 5 feet 16.7.1908 Alfred Bennett Nugget :Book In 1896, a 130-oz. nugget wue
wood found in this loca.Iity
639 A 60 0 0 Old Tom Gully, About 20 -.12.1870 Dunmore and party Mining Surveyors' Repcrt::s, De-
Pa.risb of W(lmbat feet eember, 187~ p. 37
MO A 60 0 0 Wiogfield's Gully, 20 feet A party of Chinese E. Lidgey, SpeoiaJ Report
641 A 60 0 0 Hepburn, Dayles- Minmg Surveyors' Report~ p. 378
ford R. B. Smytb's Gold-fields, &c.
642 A 60 0 0 Potter's Hill, Wed- Shallow O. A. L. Whitelaw's Quarter-sheet
derburne Map, No. 63D, S.W.
643 A 60 0 0 At Raywood -.1.1864 Dicker's Mining Record, January,
1864, p. 3
644 A 60 0 0 White Patch, Wattle 20 feet W. H. Ferguson's Report
Flat, DunoHy
&i5 A 60 0 0 Sons of Freedom 300 feet - .10.1865 Sons of Freedom Min - Dicker's Mining Record, October,
Mine, Ba.llaarat ing Co. 1865, p. 278
846 A 60 0 0 W oolshed Lead, Po- About 20 A. M. Howitt
seidon feet


Where found. Depth. Name of Nugget. Date when Finders.

found. Authority. Remnrk.s.
Gross. Net. Estimated.

oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.

647 A 60 0 0 Langham Flat, 9 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Kangderaar June, 1890, p. 16
648 A 60 0 0 Chapel Gully, Rhe- Shallow E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
ola, Kingower June, 1890, p. 16
649 A 60 0 0 Christmas Flat, Rhe- 6 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
ola, Kangderaar June, 1890, p. 16
650 A 60 0 0 O'possum Gully, 6 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Rheola, Kangde- June, 1890, p. 16
651 A 60 0 0 East of Oater's Hill, 3 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
and northof Hum- June, 1890, p. 16
bug Hill, Moliagul
6.)2 A 59 17 0 57 17 6 Old Tom's Gully, 8 inches 15.11.1873 Celeste Lafranchi Progress Report No. II., p. 58
Parish of Wombat
653 A 59 10 0 58 5 6 Board of Advice 73 feet 21.7 .1875 Board of Advice Claim Progress Report No. III., p. 119 In shape like a pyramid
Claim, Buninyong
A 59 10 0 40 0 0 Nick-o'-Time Rush, 25 feet 16.10.1903 Yeo, Hatt, and Bravo Nugget Book
Tarnagulla Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375 R. Brough
655 A 59 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 12 feet 31.12.1868 Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
Kingower DiRtricts of Victoria
656 A 59 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 12 feet Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375 R. Brough
IGngower 31.12.1868 Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
Districts of Victoria
657 A 59 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 12 feet Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375 R. Brough
K.ingower 31.12.1868 Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
Districts of Victoria
658 A 58 18 0 No locality given .. Prior to W. Birkmyre, p. 369 R. Brough
7.1.1852 Smyth's Gold-fieldii and Mineral
Districts of Victoria.
659 A 58 0 0 52 0 0 Star Hill, Talbot .. 6 feet 3.7.1871 T. Thomas J. Smith, Mining Registrar, Nug- Honeycombed, and associated
get Book with quartz, gravel, and cement
660 A 58 0 0 Store Creek, Nichol- -.l.1861 W. Birkmyre, p. 370 R. Brough
son River, Gipps- Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
ft61 A 58 0 0 Berlin Flat, Kang- 12 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
deraar June, 1890, p. 16
A 58 0 0 55 0 0 Boot.r:1 Gully, Parish 15 feet 25. 8 .1888 Leopold and party Nugget Book
of Wombat
663 A 58 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. Brough
Dunolly 21.10.1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
664 A 58 0 0 Berlin Flat, Kang· 12 feet - . ll.1869 F. K. Orme, Nugget Book
665 A 57 15 0 40 2 0 No locality given .. 1855 W. Birkmyre, p. 370 R. Brough
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
666 A G7 15 0 Old Tom Gully, About 20 -.12.187:3 Mining Surveyors' Reports, De-
Po.rish of Wom- feet cember, 1873, p. 35
667 A 57 5 IO Berlin, Kangderaar 9 feet 12.1.1870 F. K. Orme, \Varden, Nugget
to Book
668 A 57 3 12 55 6 0 Norfolk Gully Ru sh, 45 feet 16.3.1876 Webb and Shepherd .. Progress Tieport No. IV., p. 49 Nearly spherical
669 A 57 0 0 Be.rlin Diggings, Shallow Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375 R. Brough
Kangdora11r 31. 12.1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
670 A 57 0 0 56 0 0 Golden Point, Surface - . 4.1852 John Banner Progress Report No. III., p. 118
671 A 57 0 0 Evans' Gully, Glen- Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 377
albyn, near Kin- R.. Brough Smyth 's Gold-
gower fields, &c.
672 A 57 0 0 Bismarck Lead, 20 feet, W. H. Ferguson
673 Q 57 0 0 Black Hill Flat, 400 feet 16.2.1876 United Black Hill Nugget Book In three nuggets ; on the eastern
Ballaarat Enst Mining Co. indicator, from 5 to IO feet
above the bedrock
674 A 56 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 30 feet 1867 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. B. Smyth's
Gold-fields, &c.
675 A 156 0 0 Scotchman's Gully, 15 feet 1863 F. K. Orme, p. 372 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly Gold-fields, &c.
676 A 56 0 0 Scotchman's Gully, 15 feet 1863 F . K. Orme, p. 372 R. B. 8myth's
Dunolly Gold-fields, &c.
677 A 56 0 0 Happy Vnlley or - . 12.] 880' Mining Sun·eyors' Reports, De- In two nuggets
cember, 1880, p. 36
Cobbler's Gully -l
678 A 56 0 0 Baker's Orchard, 20 feet 1903 Nugget Book
,Jones' Creek,
679 A 56 0 0 Nursery Flat, Wed- About 20 0. A. L. Whitelaw's Quarter-sheet
derburne feet Map, No. 63D, S.W.
680 A 56 0 0 Township of \Ved- About 30 0. A. L. Whitelaw'R Quarter-sheet
derburne feet Map, No. 63D, S.W.
681 A 56 0 0 German Red Gully, 9 feet G. Ulrich's Quarter-sheet Map, No.
Franklin ford 15, S.E.
082 A 56 0 0 Berlin Rush, Kang- 12 feet 12.3.1869 F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget
deraar Book
083 A 55 0 0 54 0 0 Break - of - Day, 30 feet 29.1.1903 T. O'Loughlin Nugget Book Flat, with a. hole through it
684 A 55 0 0 Tinpot Gully, Wed- 1860 George Dupuy 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir No. X.,
derburne P· 11
085 A 55 0 0 Finn's Flat, Wedder- 1860 John Finn 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir No. X.,
burne P· 11
GS6 A 55 0 0 Finn's Flat, Wedder- 1860 John Finn 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir No. X.,
burne p. 11
087 A 55 0 0 54 0 0 Welcome Gully, 4 feet 19.10.1871 Alfred Cole Peter Virtue, Mining Registrar,
Mary borough Nugget Book
688 A 55 0 0 Black Jack's Gully, About 20 0. A. L. Whitelaw's Quarter-sheet
Wedderburne feet Map, No. 63D, S.W.
689 A 55 0 0 51 0 0 Green Gully, 8 30 feet 26.3,1870 William Ulford Mark Amos, Mining Surveyor, Found close to where No. 523 wa.a
miles south of Nugget Book obt11.ined
Fryers town, Par-
ish of Holcombe


Name of Nugget. Date when Finders. ARthorl\y. Remarks.

Where found. Depth . found.
0 GrOlll. Net. Eetlmated.
oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.
A 66 0 0 Irishman's Claim, 50 feet 6. 4. 1905 Hayes, Firth, and Nugget Book
Nif.:k - o' - Time party
Lead, Ta.rnagulla
691 A 55 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Shallow . . F. K. Orme, p. 375 R. B. Smyth's
Kingower Gold-fields, &r.
A 55 0 0 50 0 0 Madam Berry West Deep. - .1. 1905 Mada.me Berry West Nugget Book
Mine, Creewick Mining Co.
693 Q 55 0 0 North Woah Hawp 840 feet .. -.10 . 1909 North Woah Hawp Age Ncw!:!paper, 4:th October, 1909 On indicator
Mine, Ba.liaara.t Mining Co.
694 A 55 0 0 Whipstick, Raywood 10 .9. 1879 J . Hcnston . . H. S. Whitelaw

695 A 55 0 0 Poseidon United 80 feet 27.4.1911 Poseidon United Syn- Nugget Book
Syndicate, Po- dicate
696 A 55 0 0 Long Gully, Wcdder- Shallow 1858 John Horton . . 0. A. L. Whitela\Y, Memoir No. X .,
burne P· 11
697 A 55 0 0 Judy Point, Wed- About 20 1863 Trotman and Hayes 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir No. X.,
derburne feet p. ll
A 54 13 14 54 1 14 Godfrey St.reet 18 feet 11 . 4. 1904 Gabriel Duckett .. Nugget Book
Claim, Wedder-
699 A M 12 0 38 1 6 Neighbourhood of 51 feet 29.8.1874 Thomas Storey .. Progress Report No. II., p. 58 ..
700 A 54 5 0 54 0 0 Mo wit Prospect, 6 inches - .4.1870 .. T. Hale, Mining Registmr, Nugget Fow1d by a ploughman on Mr.
Bulla.rook Book Allan's fa.rm
701 A 54 0 0 Snake Gully, Old 40 feet 1867 .. F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. B. Smyth's
Lead, Dunolly Gold-fields, &c.
702 A 54 0 0 Evans' Gully, Glen- Shallow .. Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 377,
nlbyn, near Kin- R. B. Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
703 A 54 0 0 Near Old Nurserv 24.5. 1897 .. J . Roach, Mining Registrar, Nug-
Gully, t mile east get File
of Wedderburne
704 A 54 0 0 47 2 0 Catto's Paddock, 12 feet 4.11.1875 Peter Apple and Phil- Progres::; R eport No. IV., p. 49 .. On granite bedrock
Berlin, Kangde- lips
705 A 54 0 0 l mile west of Keep - Shallow -.9.1889 .. Mining Registrars' Reports, Sep-
it-Dark R eef,Da.y- tember, 1880, p. 25
70G A 53 18 0 Homebuah, Avoca 135 feet .. 18.12.1870 Golden Lake Co.'s P. Simpson, Mining Surveyor, Honeycombed and associated with
Tributers Nugget Book cemented sn ncl and clay
A 53 5 0 52 10 0 Nick-o'-Time Lead, J 5 feet 8. 9. 1903 Yeo, Hatt, and party A. M. Howilt, Records, Vol. III.,
Tarna.gulla Part l
708 A 53 0 0 53 0 0 Spring Hill, Cres- 190 feet 6.3.1875 Wes tern Lewers Free- J. Stevenson, Mining Surveyor, All gold
wick hold Mining Co. Nugget Book
709 A 53 0 0 42 14 0 Key Company's 150 feet 28.4.1874 Key Mining Co. J. Stevenson, Mining Surveyor,
Mine, Creswick Nugget Book
710 Q 53 0 0 No. 1 Llanberris 453 feet J. W. Gregory, Memoir No. IV., On indicator
Mine, BallMrat p. 8
711 Q 53 0 0 Spring Gully Mine, 30.11.1904 Spring Gully Mining Nugget Book
Castlemn.ine Co.
71! A 53 0 0 44 10 0 Poseidon Lcarl, Tar- 71 feet 21. 9 .1908 Burbank and party .. A. M. Ho"i tL
71:4 A 53 0 0 Alexandra Co.'s -.4.1866 Alexandra. Mining Co. Dicker's Mining Record, April, In two nuggets
Mine, Ballaarat 1866, p. 252
714 A 53 0 0 Phipp's Flat, Black- Gunner and party .Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 376
wood R. R. Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
•71J A 52 10 0 50 0 0 3 miles west of Surface 24.2.1905 J11mes Wn.terson H. S. Whitelaw On grn.ni!e country. This nugget
Mount 'l'arren- was probably transported by
gower blur ks
716 A 52 10 0 Kangl\l'oo Flitt, Till- - . 6.1862 Dicker's Mining Record, June,
bot 1862, p. 3
717 A 52 6 0 Berlin, Kangderaa.r Shallow 15.6.1869 Skinner and party R. Mason, Mining P.egistrar, Nug -
get Book
713 A 52 0 0 Old Lend, Dnnolly 20 to 60 W. H . Ferguson's Report
719 Q 52 0 0 North Won.h Ha.wp 950 feet - . 4.1910 North Woah Hawp Age Newspaper, 23rd April, 1910 On indicator
Mine, Bollaarat Mining Co.
720 A 52 0 0 Little Chinaman's 15 feet 1866 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. Brough
Flat, Dunolly Smyth's Gold-fields and Minernl
Districts of Victoria. w
721 A 52 0 0 Sheepyard Gully, 9 feet E. J. Dunn, Quii.rterly Report,
K.angderaar June, 1890, p. 16
722 A 52 0 0 Clover's Gully, Dun - 14 fret 1863 F. K . Orme, p. 372 R. B. Smyth's
olly Gold-fields, &c.
•723 A 52 0 0 44 1 0 Poverty Reef, TiHnn. Surface 13.8.1880 Bonn irnd Morton Progress Report No. VII., p. 123
724: A 52 0 0 Hiud Hill, Dunolly Shallow - . 6.1877 w. G. Couchman, Mining Sur-
veyor, Quarterly Report, June,
1877, p. 32
7-25 A 52 0 0 Patchy Flat Hill. 60 feet. 1865 F. K. Orme, p. 372 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly Gold-fields, &c.
7-26 Q 152 0 0 Holloway's Enter- 140 feet 1889 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir No. X.,
prise Reef, Wed- p. 22
727 A 5~ 0 0 Quakers' Gully, 10 feet 1857 F. K. Orme, p. 372 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly Gold-fields, &c.
728 A 52 0 0 W a. ttle Flat, Dunolly About 17 \V. H. Ferguson's Report
729 A 52 0 0 Western or White About 20 "'r· H. Ferguson's Report
Lead, Dunolly feet
730 A 52 0 0 44 2 Spring Gully, Ben- 4 inches 22.1.1873 Barber irnd Fiirley N. G. Stephens, .Mining Surveyor, Flat nugget, nnd associated with
digo Nugget Book quartz and gravel
731 A 51 17 12 47 l 0 No locality given .. 1854 W. Birkmyre, p. 370 R. Brough
Smvth's Gold-fields, &c.
732 A 51 11 4 50 10 0 Jackson's Gully, 9 feet 12.1.1870 N .. Sanderson F. I( Orme, Wii.rden, Nugget
Berlin, Kilngde- to Book
rl\ar 24.3.1870

~ Weights.
~ ti
Where found. Depth. Name of Nugget. Date when
found .
Finders. Autnortty, n.emaru,
Q)O'~ Gross. Net. Estimated.
~ -o
-- --- ----- ---------- ------ ---- .........---- ------ ------ ---
oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.
733 A 51 4 0 .. .. Poseidon Lead, Tar- 72 feet .. .. 3.2.1908 Mackenzie and party A. M. Howitt .. .. .. Muoh quartz attached
734 A 51 0 0 .. .. Peep-of-Day, Wed- . . .. .. 1859 Sandera .. .. 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Memoir No.
derburne x., p. 11.
735 A 51 0 0 .. .. Jones' Creek, Waa.n-
26 feet .. .. 1903 I. Pallat .. .. Nugget Book .. ..
736 A 51 0 0 .. .. Chinaman's Flat Aboutl20 .. .. -.5.1867 Magnum Bon um Ex- Dicker's Mining Record, MA.y,
Lead, Township of feet tended Mining Co. 1867, p. 213
Tim or
*737 A 50 19 0 50 0 0 .. Chinaman's Flat, Deep .. .. 1.2.1877 Band of Hope Mining Progress Report No. V., p. 43 .. Smooth and waterworn
Mary borough Co.
*738 A 50 7 0 .. 50 6 0 Springhill, Creswick 190 feet " Hobitrt PashA. " 7.8.1878 Ryrie's Junction Mine Progress Report No. VI., p. 35 .. In quartz wash, below basalt
739 A 50 6 0 .. 26 6 0 Kimberley, Avoca 23 feet .. .. 11.1.1873 Richard Moore and P. Simpson, Mining Surveyor, Associated with quartz a nd iron-
party Nugget Book stone
740 A 50 0 0 .. .. Rhcola, Berlin, 7 feet .. .. .. - Wilcox .. .. W. H. Coffey, Mining Registrar, In shape, oblong
Ka.ngderaar Nugget Book
741 A 50 0 0 .. .. Jones' Creek, We.an- 26 feet .. .. 1903 Smith and Mason .. Nugget Book
742 A 50 0 0 .. .. Koh-i-noor Mine, .. .. .. -.7.1868 Koh-i-noor Mining Co. Dicker's Mining Record, July,
Ballaarat 1868~. 31
743 A 50 0 0 .. .. Prospector's Tribute 50 feet .. .. Prior to Prospector's tribute G. R. urphy, Mining Registrar,
Claim, Foster 8.11.1876 party Nugget Book
744 A 50 0 0 .. .. Hatters' Gully, Dun- About 20 .. .. 1865 . . ... . W. H. Ferguson's Report
oily feet
745 A 50 0 0 .. .. Koh-i-noor
.M:ine, 400 feet .. .. -.1.1862 Koh-i-noor Mining Co.
Dicker's Mining Record, January,
1862, p. 3
746 A 50 0 0 .. .. Pound Rush, Dun- 30 feet .. .. 1866 .. ..
. . F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. Brough
oily Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
Districts of Victoria
747 A 50 0 0 .. .. Great Extended About330 .. .. -.8.1863 Great Extended Min- Dicker's Mining Becord, August, Thickness of wash, 7 feet
Mine, Ballaarat feet ing Co. 1863, p. 181
7·18 A 50 0 0 50 0 0 .. Waterson's Pad - Surface .. .. 2.10.1904 James Waterson .
. Nugget Book .. ..
Pure gold
dock, Po.rish of
749 A 50 0 0 .. .. Gooseberry Flat, 50 feet .. .. 1867 .. .. .. F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. B. Smyth's
750 A 50 0 0 .. .. Gooseberry
Fl:i.t, 50 feet .. .. 1867 .. .. ..
Gold-fields, &c.
F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. B. Smyth's
751 A 50 0 0 .. .. Gooseberry
Fl11.t, 50 feet .. .. 1867 .. .. ..
Gold-fields, &c.
F. IC Orme, p. 373 R. B. Smyth's
752 A 50 0 0 .. .. Bendigo .. .. .. .. .. -.10.1865 .. .. ..
Gold-fields, &c.
Dicker's Mining Record, October,
1865, p. 251
753 A 50 0 0 Berlin Rush, Kang- 23. 4. 1869 R. Ma.son, Mining Registrar, Nug-
deraar get Book
•754 A 50 0 0 Well in the Desert 90 feet 1. 6.1906 W. Pollock Nugget Book
Lead, Timor
755 A 50 0 0 Turkey Flat, Dun- About 20 W. H. Ferguson's Report
olly feet
756 A 50 0 0 Langham Flat, 9 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Ka.ngderaa.r June, 1890, p. 16
757 A 50 0 0 Gilmore's Gully, 9 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Langham Flat, June, 1890, p. 16
758 A 50 0 0 48 4 12 Tyler's Flat, Berlin, 9 feet 17 . 11.1873 E. Forrest and John Progress Report No. II., p. 58
Kingower Owens
759 A 50 0 0 Bismarck Lead, 25 feet W. H. Ferguson's Report
760 A 50 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 10 to 60 -.12.1873 W. H. Ferguson's Report
761 A 50 0 0 Kingower, Ingle .. About 20 -.6.1888 Mining Surveyors' Reports, June, Obtained from cement
wood feet 1888, p. 22
762 A 50 0 0 Wedderburne About 50 - . 12.1886 Mining Surnyors' Reports, De-
feet cember, 1886, p. 23
763 Q 50 0 0 New Year's Flat, 5 feet 2.9.1902 John Willett Nugget Book Flat thin nugget, from th& indi.
Walking Stick ca tor
Gully, Redbank
764 A 50 0 0 No locality given .. 1854 W. Birkmyre, p. 370 R. Brough
Smyth's Gold-fields and Mineral
Districts of Victoria.
765 Q 50 0 0 50 0 0 North Woah Hawp 840 feet -.10.1909 North Woah Hawp Age Newsp:tper, 20th October, Pure gold, on indicator ~
Mine, Ballaarat Mining Co. 1909
766 Q 50 0 0 Woah Hawp Canton 850 feet -.10.1909 Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspaper, 29th October, On indicator
Mine, Ballaarat Mining Co. 1909
767 Q 50 0 0 North Woo.h Ha wp 950 feet -.7.1910 North Woah Ha.wp Age Newspaper, 23rd July, 1910 On indicator
Mine, Ballaarat · Mining Co.
768 Q 50 0 0 50 0 0 North Woah Hawp 950 feet -.11.1910 North Woah Hawp Age Newspaper, 25th November, Pure gold, on indicator
Mine, Ballaarat Mining Co. 1910
769 A 50 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 72 feet 31. 8.1910 Positano Claim Age Newspr.per, 31st August, 1910
770 A 50 0 0 40 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 46 feet 20. 3.1007 Pola and pnrty A. M. Howitt
771 A 50 0 0 Wattle Flat, Dun- About 20 W. H. Ferguson's Report
olly feet
772 A 50 0 0 Gipsy Flat, Dunolly About 20 W. H. Ferguson's Report
773 A 50 0 0 23 15 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 23 feet 18.12.1906 Michael and party A. M. Howitt, _R ecords, Vol. III., On the bedrock
nagulla Part 1
774 A 50 0 0 Whipst.ick, Bendigo -.12.1868 Dicker's Mining Record, Deccm- In several nuggets
her, 1868, p. 152
775 A 50 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- About 85 -.8.1912 Poseidon United Min- Age Newspaper, 9th August, 1912
nagulla feet ing Co.
776 A 49 14 12 26 2 0 No locality given 1854 w. Birkmyre, p. 370 R. B.
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
777 Q 49 0 19 26 15 0 Tarrengower 1861 W. Birkmyre, p. 370 R. B.
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
778 A 49 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly 21.10.1868 Gold-fields, &c.


Where found. Depth . Name of Nugget, Date when Finders. Authority. Remarks.
Gross. Net, Estimated.

oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.

779 A 48 5 0 Right-hv.nd branch 4 feet 28.3.1869 P1\trick Murphy Mr. Peers,l\fining Surveyor, Nug- Found on the edge of bank of a.n
of Store Creek get Book abandon('d claim
(Mitchell Rivec)
780 A 48 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 4 feet 20. 3. 1007 J aclcson 1md Hughes A. M. Howitt
781 A 48 0 0 The Nursery, Wed- 5 feet 1852 W. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushes of In shape like a pyramid
derburne the Fifties, p. 101
A 48 0 0 Try Again Syndi- 22.5.1908 Try Again Synd1c11.te Nugget Book
cate's Mine, R<>ke- Mining Co.
783 A 48 0 0 Narrloo Ranges, -.6.187!) Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
Wedderburne Quarterly Reports, June,
1874, p. 39
784 Q 48 0 0 No. 1 South C<>m- 120 feet - . 6.1876 No. l South Mi.ning Mining Surveyors' and Registrari;'
pany, Foster Company Reports, June, 1876, p. 38
785 48 0 0 Pinchgut Gully, -.9.1889 W. H. McDoMld, Mining Regis-
Growlcl''s Creek trar, Jlflining Surveyors' and
Registrars' Reports, September,
1889, p. 12
786 A 48 0 0 32 15 0 Billygoat Gully, 1 Surfoce 21.9.1884 Am11.nnamedWebb .. Nugget :Bo1)k
mile from Kin-
gower Township
787 A 48 0 0 Specimen Point, 13 feet . . 22. 12.1875 Edwd. Robinson and Progrci's Report No. lV. , t>· 49
Jones' Creek, Chas. Methven
788 A 48 0 0 Great Extended About 400 . . -.12.1862 Great Extended Min - Dicker's Mining Record, Decem-
Mine, Bllllaan.t feet ing Co. ber, 1862 p. 28
789 A 48 0 0 Langham Flat, 9 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Kangderaar June, 1890 p. 16
700 48 0 0 30 0 0 Near Ha.rd Hills, 14 feet - . 9.1871 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
between Redbank Reports, September, 1871, p. 33
and Stuart Mill,
St. Arna.ud
7!)1 A 47 18 0 Break • of • Day, IO to 15 15. 9.1866 Break-of-Day Mining .T. F. Colemn.n, Mining Registrl\r,
Rokewood feet Co. Nugget Book
702 A 47 17 0 23 8 0 No locality given .. 1855 W. Birkm.yre, p. 370 R. B.

793 A 47 10 0 Close to the Charles-

ton Amalgamated
Shallow .. .. -.12.1865
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
Dicker's Mining Record, Decem-
ber, 1865, p. 379
Mine (in the B.B.
Creek), Wood's
A 47 9 0 46 15 0 Broomfield's Gully, 100 feet .. 12. 8.1872 L. K. Carter and party J. Stevenson Mining Surveyor, Found in yellow clay
Cree wick Nugget Book
795 A 47 9 0 45 0 0 Alma Consols Mine, 120 feet 31. 5. 1873 Almf\ Consols Mining P. Virtue, jun. , Mining Registrnr, Irreguln.r ova.I shape, honeycombed
M11,ryborough Co. Nugget Book and impregnn.ted with bl(l.ck

796 A 47 8 0 41 6 0 Kitty's Lead, Bunin-

1 foot .. 26.11.1870 Nugget Book
cement nnd quMtz

797 A 47 0 0 Nick-of-Time Lead, 17 feet 5.10.1903 Yeo, H !ttt, and Bmvo A. l\I. Howitt
798 A 47 0 0 Cathcart. Mine, 100 feet 1909 CathcA.rt Mining Co. Legal !lfana.gcr, Cathc11.rt Mining Photograph of nugget obtained
Ararat Co.
799 A 47 0 0 Pott's Gully, near 15 feet W. H. Ferguson's Report
WA.ttle Flat, Dun-
800 A 47 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 12 feet Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375, R. B. Smyth's
Kangderaar 31.12.1868 Gold-fields, &c.
801 A 47 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 40 feet 1867 F. K. Orme, p. 373, R. B. Smyth's
Gold-fields, &c.
•so2 A 46 15 0 Crusoe Gully, Bendi- 3 feet 13. 7 .1875 Marks a nd McKenzie Pl'ogrc::1s Report No. III., p. 119 Irregular and wa terworn
•so:l A 46 6 18 3 miles N.E. of Dun- 14 feet 23. 7. 1888 Imadoe Jerold Nugget Book Nearly all gold
oily, Parish of
*804 A 46 0 0 Star of Loddon 100 feet IO. 4 .1905 Star of the Loddon Nugget Book
Mine, New bridge, Mining Co.
805 A 46 0 0 Gilmore's Gully, 9 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Langham Flat June, 1890, p. lG
80<1 A 46 0 0 44 0 0 Green Gully, Ho!- 30 feet - . 9 .1869 William Lilford, sen.. . Mark Amos, Mining Surveyor, Found on n. soft white sandstone
com be, 8 miles Nugget Book bottom
south of Fryers-
807 A 46 0 0 Neighbourhood of 5l feet 29 . 8 . 187 4- Thomas Storey W. G. Couchman, Mining Sur-
Dunolly veyor, Nugget Book
808 A 46 0 0 Whiskey Lead, Hep- Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 378,
burn R. B. Smyth's Gold-fields,
809 A 45 18 0 45 10 0 Nicholl's Freehold 110 feet 1. 11. 1870 Nicholl's Freehold Nugget Book .. Nenrly all gold
Mt. Greenock Mining Co.
South, Talbot
810 A 45 0 0 Near Black Hifl Surface 29. ll.1857 Nil Desperandum ~r. W. Gregory, Memoir No. IV.,
Lea.d, Ballaarat Mining Co. p. 7
811 Q 45 0 0 Prince Regent Mine, 554 feet 1. 8.1869 J . W. Gregory, Memoir No. IV., On indicator
Ballaarat p. 8
812 Q 45 0 0 North Woah Hawp 750 fee t -.2.1910 Age Newspaper, 14th Februa.ry, On indica.tor
Mine, Ballaarat 1910
813 A 45 0 0 Shoots Gully, be- Shallow - . 9.1872 - Dn.vy Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
tween Dunolly Reports, September, 1872, p. 36
and Jones' Creek
814 A 45 0 0 German Gully, Am- 4 feet - . 9.1872 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
herst Reports, September, 1872, p. 35
815 A 45 0 0 Green Gully, Hol- 23 feet - . 7 .1869 W. Lilford and party M1irk Amos, Mining Surveyor, Nearly pure go]d. Very little
combe, 8 miles Nugget Book quartz
south of Fryers-
816 A 45 0 0 Moli11,gul .. Shallow •• 1867 F. K. Orme, p. 373, R. B. Smyth's
Gold-fields, &c.


Wh ere found . Depth. Date when ..t.nthorlty. Remarks.

Name of Nugget. found . :l!' inders.
Gross. Net. Estimated.

oz. dwt. gr.

- -------- - - - - - - -- - - -- - ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ---------- - - - -
oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.

817 A 45 0 0 Bakery Hill, Bal- 180 feet Dickeris Mining Record, February, Found close to the site of the
13 . 6.1858 Red Hill Mining Co .. .
la.a.rat 1868, p. 36 Welcome Nugget
818 A 45 0 0 W edderburne Surface About 1852 W. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushes of
the Fifties, pp. 102 and 103
819 A 45 0 0 45 0 0 Springhill, Creswick 196 feet 21. 6. 1875 Richardson's Western J . Stevenson, Mining Surveyor, All gold
Freehold Mining Co. Nugget Book
820 A 45 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly About 30 W. H. Ferguson's Report
821 A 44 5 0 Havelock Mine, -.12 . 1865 Havelock Mining Co. Dicker's Mining Record, Decem-
Smyt,hesdale ber, 1865, p. 399
822 Q 44 4 6 13 2 0 Tarrengower 1860 W. Birkmyre, p. 370, R. Brough Quartz specimen broken off tho
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c. reef
823 A 44 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 12 feet Prior to F . K. Orme, p. 375, R. Brough
Kangderaar 31.12.1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
824 A 44 0 0 Golden Stream 250 feet - . 8 . 1865 Golden Stream Mining Dicker's .Mining Record, August,
Mine, Scarsdale Co. 1865, p. 25
825 A 44 0 0 Gooseberry Flat, 6v feet - . 3. 1867 Prince of Wales Mining Dicker's Mining Record, l\farch,
Dunolly Co. 1867, p. 165
826 A 44 0 0 44 0 0 Moliagul .. 5 feet 5 . 9.1873 John Scott W. G. Couchman, Mining Sur- Pure gold
veyor, Nugget Book
827 A 44 0 0 Near Hard Hills, 14 feet - . 12.1870 P. Simpson, .Mining Surveyor,
between Redbank Report, 1870, p. 35
and Stuart Mill,
St. Arnaud
828 A 44 0 0 Jones' Creek, Waan- 26 feet 1903 T. Conolly and party. . Nugget Book
829 A 44 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 4 feet - . 6.1907 Jackson and Hughes A. l\J. Howitt
830 A 43 17 0 42 8 0 Blanket Flat, near Shallow 28. 8.1873 P. Nelson and party T. Hale, Mining Registrar, Nugget
Daylesford Book
831 A 43 13 12 Guy's Rush, Rheola, Very -.3.1885 N. J . Maude, Mining Surveyors'
Kangderaar shallow Reports, March, 1885, p. 22
•832 A 43 9 18 42 18 12 Kingower 6 inches 23.7.1888 Nugget Book
833 Q 43 0 0 No. 4 Llanberris 600 feet About Lbnbcrris Mining Co. J. W. Gregory, Memoir No. IV., On indicator
Mine, Ballaarat 1.8.1869 P· 8
834 A 43 0 0 Specimen Gully, 26 feet - . 12.1876 W. G. Couchman, Mining Sur-
Jones' Creek, veyors' Reports, December,
Waanyarra. 1876, p. 32
835 A 43 0 0 Forest Creek, Parish 4 to 8 foet 1852 W. E. Adcock, The Gold Ru shes of
of Castlemaine or the Fifties, p. 63
83tl A 43 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374, R. Brough
Dunolly 2 1. 10 . 1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
837 A 43 0 0 43 0 0 Catto's Paddock, 20 feet 7 .4.1870 T. Richardson, Mining Registrar, Flat nugget, solid gold
Berlin, Kang- Nugget Book

838 A 43 0 0 43 0 0
Mine, 360 feet .. 19.7.1871 Koh-i-noor Mining Co. H. Wood, Mining Registrar, Nug- All gold, and in shape like
get Book child's foot

839 A 43 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 20 to 60 W. H. Ferguson's Report

840 A 42 16 0 Chiltern Division .. Shallow W. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushes
of the Fifties, p. 194
841 A 42 15 0 Near Talbot, Pariah -.6.1872 Joseph Smith, Mining Registrars'
of Amherst and Surveyors' Reports, June,
1872, p. 36
842 A 42 11 0 36 5 0 Mount Blackwood .. 1855 W. Birkmyre, p. · 370, R. Brough
Smyth'a Gold-fields, &c.
843 A 42 10 14 41 1 7 Maximilian Creek, 8! feet 26.4.1870 Rasmus Thomson W. Foster, Warden, Nugget Book Shaped like a flattened pear
844 A 42 8 2 Butterfly Gully, Shallow -.9.1873 T. Hale, Mining Registrars' and
Hepburn Surveyors' Reports, Septem-
her, 1873, p. 37
845 A 42 0 0 Happy Valley, St. Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 378,
Andrews R. Brough Smyth'a Gold-fields,
8"6 A 42 0 0 40 0 0 Green Gully, Hol- 30 feet - . 9.1869 Tooknell and party Mark Amoa, Mining Surveyor, Found resting on a soft white
com be Nugget Book sandstone bottom
847 A 42 0 0 Berlin Rush, Kang- 12 feet 22.5.1869 Kennedy and party . . R. Mason, Mining Registrar, Nug-
deraar get Book
848 A 42 0 0 Berlin Flat, Kang- 12 feet Between F. Knox Orme, Warden, Nugget
deraar Book ~
24.3.1870 Clt
849 A 42 0 0 36 12 0 Near Tipperary Flat., 8 inches -.3.1872 J. F. Hansen, Mining Registrars' Found on hiJJaide
Blackwood and Surveyors' Reports, March,
1872, p. 24
850 Q 42 0 0 Spring Gully Mine, 30.11.1904 A party of tributers . . Nugget Book
851 A 42 0 0 Peg Leg Gully, Shallow 1852 W. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushes of
Eaglehawk the Fifties, p. 75
•852 A 41 10 0 Inkerman Sluicing 16 feet 13.6.1906 lnkerman Sluicing Co. Nugget Book Found on Chadwick 's indicator
Co., Maryborough line
•853 A 41 8 0 White Horse Ranges 50 feet 25.12.1875 Roxburgh, Trinfield, D. Christy, Mining Registrar,
Ballaarat and party Nugget Book
854 A 41 0 0 25 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 60 feet 20.4 . 1907 Williams and Glover A. M. Howitt
855 A 41 0 0 Neighbourhood of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374, R. Brough
Dunolly 21 . 10.1868 Smyth'a Gold-fields, &c.
856 A 41 0 0 37 14 18 New Nuggetty 15 feet 10. 2.1902 W. Hoffa and A. Ken- Nugget Book Found close to where three large
Gully, Pariah of nett nuggets were found, the largest
Cam pbelltown weighing 216 oza.
•867 A 41 0 0 Blacks' Camp, "The Watchem" 18.8 . 1904 A ho~ named Frank Nugget Book Carried there by Aboriginals
Watchem, Mallee Col ert
858 A 41 0 0 Durham Lead, Bun- About 300 -.10 . 1865 The Sons of Freedom Dicker'a Mining Record, October, In nuggets
inyong . feet Mining Co. 1865, p. 238
869 A 4.1 0 0 35 11 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 71 feet "Euphemia u 2. 10. ID07 Wilkins and Baker . . A. M. Howitt


Depth. Name of Nuaet. Date when Finders. Authority. Remarks.

Where found. found.
Gr08~. Net. Estimated .

860 A
41 0 0
dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.
40 10 0
oz. dwt. gr.
Blink Bonny Gully,
near Freestone
16! feet .. -.1.1870 J. Thornton W. Foster, Warden, Nugget Book Associated with quartz a.nd iron-
Creek, Briagolong
861 A 40 13 0 38 14 12 Green Hills, near 40 feet 13.12.1879 Carney and party H. Bate, Mining Registrar, Nug- Rather flat
Sta well get Book
•862 A 40 13 0 Tarnagulh 9.9.1887 Nugget Book
863 A 40 7 0 39 0 0 Tambourine Gully, 3 feet 4.9.1880 H. Kropp .. J. Reach, Mining Registrar, Nug- Found in red clay, honeycombed
Wedderburne get Book and associated with quartz
864 A 40 5 0 20 2 0 Prospectors' Tribute 50 feet 8.11.1876 Prospector's tribute G. R. Murphy, Mining Registrar,
Cll\im, Foster claim Nugget Book
865 A 40 4 3 40 4 3 Tyler's Diggings, 8 feet -.8.1869 F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Pure gold
Berlin, Kangde- Boo~
866 A 40 3 12 39 10 0 Hoffnung Claim, 70 feet 4. 2.1871 Hoffnung Claim J. Smith, Mining Surveyor, Nugget Oblong in shape
Amherst Book
867 A 40 2 0 Griffiths' Gully, 6 feet A. M. Howitt, Memoir No. XI. . . Found on line of lamprophyre
Mary borough dyke
868 A 40 0 0 32 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 25 feet 29. 11. 1906 Bravo and party A. M. Howitt, Records, Vo!. III., Found on the bedrock
nagulla Part I.
869 A 40 0 0 Paddy's Gully, 6 inches -.3.1873 J. Coleman, Mining Registrars'
Rokewood J unc- and Surveyors' Reports, March,
tion 1873, p. 26
870 A 40 0 0 Watt.le ]'lat, Dun- 20 feet W. H. Ferguson's Quarter Sheet
olly, near Her- Map, No. 53D, S.W.
bert's orchard
871 A 40 0 0 Pound Rush, Dun- 20 feet 1867 W. H. Ferguson's Report
872 A 40 0 0 Break-of-Day, Roke- About 30 -.3.1878 Turner and party George Perry, Mining Surveyors'
wood feet and Registrars' Reports, March,
873 A 40 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 12 feet Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375, R. Brough
Kangderaar 31.12.1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
874 A 40 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 12 feet Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375, R. Brough
Kangderaa.r 31.12.1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
875 Q 40 0 0 30 0 0 Speedwell Claim, 60 feet 2.8.1869 Speedwell Mining Co. J. F. Coleman, Mining Registrar,
Stuffordshire reef Nugget Book
876 A 40 0 0 Burnt Creek, Dun- Shallow -.12.1908 Burnt Creek Hydraulic Age Newspaper, 7th December,
olly Sluicing Co. 1908
877 A 40 0 0 Gully near AToca Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 376,
R. Brough Smyth's Gold-fields,
878 A 40 0 0 Catch-me-if-you-can Shallow W. H. :Ferguson's Quarter Sheet
Lead, Dunolly Map, No. 53D, S.W.
79 A 40 0 0 Stockyard Cl'eek, Tomkins 0. A. L. Whitelaw
Howqua River
880 A 40 0 0 CosmopolitR.n Mine, About -.9.1862 Cosmopolitan Mining Dicker's Mining Record, Septem-
881 A 40 0 0
Old Lead, Dunolly
400 feet
20 to 60
.. -.12.1865
Co. ber, 1862, f' 9
Dicker'e Mining Record, Decem-
her, 1865, p. 388
882 Q 40 0 0 W0ah Hawp Ca.nton 850 feet -.8.1909 Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspaper, 14th August, 1909 On indicator
883 A 40 0 0 39 0 0
Mine, Ballaarat
Tyler's Rush, Kang-
.. -.9.1869
Mining Co.
F. Knox Orme, Warden, Nugget Hollowed and honeycombed
Book one side
884 Q 40 0 0 North W oah Ha wp 950 feet -.8.1910 North Woah Hawp Age Newspaper, 25th August, On indicator
Mine, Ballaarat Mining Co. 1910
885 A 40 0 0 Berlin Flat, Kang- 19 feet -.3.1869 Dicker's Mining Record, 29th
deraar Marcb, 1869
886 A 40 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 10 feet About Jackson and party A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III., Found 4 inches above the bedrock
nagulla 18.12.1006 Pa.rt I.
887 A 40 0 0 Baker's Gully, near Shallow W. H. Ferguson's Report
Moliagul Town.
888 A 40 0 0 29 8 0 Nick-o' -Time Lend, 15 feet 6.10.1903 Yeo, Hatt, and Bravo A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III., Photo. of nuggot in Annunl Re-
Tarnngulla Part I. port, 1903
889 A 40 0 0 Stuart's Gully, near Surface About 1870 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
Maximilian Creek, Reports, March 1874, p. 37
Lower Gladstone
890 A 39 17 0 19 4 0 No locality given .. 1854 W. Birkmyrn, p. 370, R. Brough
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
891 A 39 15 0 39 0 0 Chinaman's Flat, Deep 10.7.1873 Band of Hope Mining P. Virtue, jun., Mining Registrar, Found in sluice box, nearly pure ~
Mary borough Co., Timor Nugget Book gold -l
892 A 39 15 0 39 15 0 Berlin Diggings, 8 to 12 20.7.1870 Walter Wright and F. Knox Orme, Warden, Nugget All gold
Kangderaar inches party Book
893 A 39 12 0 39 11 6 Berlin Diggings, 14 feet 16.9.1870 H. J. Hu~, Mining Registrar, Jn shape like a crucifix
Kangdera.ar Nugget k
•894 A 39 0 0 Argyle Load, Sulky 82 feet 3.3.1887 Midas Mining Co. Nugget Book
Gully, Ascot
895 A 39 0 0 34 10 0 Tambourine Gully, 2 feet 13.8.1880 Robert Willis Progress Report No. VII., p. 125
896 A 39 0 0
Argyle Gully, Heath -
.. Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 376,
R. Brough Smyth's Gold-fields,
897 A 38 10 0 25 0 0 Burgess' Gully, 2 feet 23.6.1870 J nm es Burgess N. G. Stephens, Mining Registrar, Encased in a weatherworn quartz,
Whips tick, Ben- Nugget Book slightly ferruginous, and about
digo the size and shnpe of a man's
898 A 38 8 0 29 15 0 Frenchman's Gully, 8 feet 21.10.1875 Thomae MoMeikan .. Progress Reports, No. IV., p. 49 Rough nnd rnggcd
899 A 38 0 0 26 10 0 Poseidon Lead, Ta,r- 16 feet 17.6.1907 J. Porter (Prospector's A. M. Howitt
nagulla Claim)
900 A 38 0 0 Berlin Digging!', 8 to 12 Prior to Mining Surveyors' Reports, De-
Kangderaar inches 31.12.1868 cember, 1868, p. 376
901 A 38 0 0 Whipstick, Bendigo -.2.1869 W. G. Stephens, Mining Registrar, "V aterworn
Nugget Book
902 A 38 0 0 Langhnm Flat, Ber- 9 feet •• -.12.1869 F. K. Orme, " 7arden, Nugget
903 A 38 0 0 .. lin, Kangderaar
John's Paddock, Ber-
lin, Knngderaar
9 feet 7 .1.1870 George Keys
F. Knox Orme, Warden, Nugget


Where found . Depth. Name of Nugget. Date when Finders. Authority. Remarks.
.....0 found .
ci Gross. Net. Estimated.

oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.

904 A 38 0 0 38 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 8 to 12 19. 7 .1870 Ah Yea and party F. Knox Orme, Warden, Nugget All gold
Kangderaar inches Book
905 A 38 0 0 Near Rheola, Kang- About 12 E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
deraar feet June, 1890, p. 16
906 A 38 0 0 25 0 0 Whipstick, Bendigo -.6.1870 N. G. Stephens, Mining Registrars' Associated with quartz
and Surveyors' Reports, June,
1870, p. 32.
907 A 37 17 0 36 0 0 Poseidon Lead, 'l'al'- 72 feet "McKenzie's 14. 9 . 1908 McKenzie and Michael A. M. Howitt
nagulla Luck"
908 A 37 10 0 Break . of . Day, 30 feet -.9.1878 G. Perry, Mining Registl'ars' and
Rokewood Surveyors' Reports, September,
1878, p. 24
A 37 0 0 35 7 0 Havelock Lead, Bet 18. 7 .1911 Stanley and Phillips .. Nugget Book
A 37 0 0 Argyle Lead, Sulky 82 feet 3.3.1887 Midas Mining Co. Nugget Book
Gully, Ascot
911 A 37 0 0 35 10 16 Berlin Diggings, 8 feet 24.2.1870 Jamieson Bros. F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget
Kangderaar Book
912 A 37 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 8 to 12 Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375 R. Brough
Kangderaar inches 31.12.1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
913 A 37 0 0 Baker's Gully, near About 20 W. H. Ferguson's Dunolly Report
Moliagul Town- feet
914 A 37 0 0 37 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 10 inches 6. 8. 1870 Jam es Lidster and F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget All gold
Kangderaar party Book
915 A 37 0 0 Corinella Extended About 30 23. 5. 1896 Corinella Extended W. Tre 1kner, Mining Registrar,
Mine, Eganstown, feet Mining Co. Nugget File
916 A 37 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 10 feet 13.4.1907 Harding and party A. M. Howitt
917 A 37 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 10 to 60 13.4.1907 W. H. Ferguson's Report
918 A 36 19 0 Whipstick, Bendigo 10. 9.1879 J. Henston Progress Report No. VII., p. 125 Honeycombed and waterworn
919 A 36 15 0 35 4 0 Berlin, Kangderaar Close to 25. 4. 1873 A party of miners J. Martin, Mining Registrar, Nug- Ragged in appearance
surface get Book
920 A 36 12 0 36 12 0 Merri jig Creek, 24 feet 16.6.1887 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors' Pure gold
Gippsland Reports, June, 1887, p. 31
A 36 10 0 Midas Co. 's Mine, About 114 - . 10 .1887 Midas Mining Co. Nugget Book
Sulky Gully, Ascot feet
922 A 36 0 0 Western Lead, Dun- - .9 .1874 W. G. Couchman, Mining Regis.
olly trars' and Surveyors' Reports,
September, 1874, p. 34
923 A 36 0 0 18 12 0 Crusoe Gully, Ben- Close to 8 . I . 1876 Richard Marks Progress Report No. IV., p. 49 . . Associated with quarts
digo surface
924 A 36 0 0 34 10 0 Specimen Gully, 14! feet 25.3.1875 J. T. Bragg and E. Progress Report No. Ill., p. 119
Jones' Creek, Robinson






W a.anya.rra.
Old Lead, Dunolly

Berlin Diggings.
10 to 60
12 feet
18 .3. 1869

Prior to
Nugget Book

F. K. Orme, p. ~75 R. Brough

Kangderaar 31.12.18!38 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
•927 .\ :36 0 0 36 0 0 Turton's Creek, near Shallow " The Oldham ., -.4.1873 Oldhn,m and Furness W. Oldham, Nugget Book All gold. Flat, and very much
Foster waterworn
928 .\ 3() 0 0 Po eidon Lead, To.r- 30 feet 21 .3. Hl07 Ryan and Bret.t A. M. Howitt
929 A 36 0 0 Long Gully, Tarren- Near Sur. - . 1 . 1862 Dicker's Mining Record, January,
gower face 1862, p. 3
930 A 36 0 0 Nuggetty Guliy, 15 feet 1858 - Woolf Mark Amos, Mining Surveyor,
Middleton's Creek, Nugget Book
a.bout 8 miles
south of Fryers-
931 A 36 0 0 Berlin Rush, Kan:s- 11} feet - .7 . 1869 F. Knox Orme, Wardon, Nugget l!'lat and waterworn
deraar Book
932 A 36 0 0 Langham Flat, 9 feet -.12.1874 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
Kangderaar Reports, December, 1874, p. 34
~33 Q 36 0 0 Wolh Hawp Canton 750 feet - .5 . 1910 Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspaper, 6th May, 1910 .. On indicator
Mine, Ballaarat Mining Co.
934 A 36 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- Shallow lG .2 .1907 Carling and party Nugget Book Found between Jackson end
nagulla Gascoigne's Claims
t:1 935 A 3G 0 0 Wattle Flat, Dun. 20 feet W. H. Ferguson's Quarter-sheet ~
oily Map, No. 53D, S. W. co
936 A 3() 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 20 to 60 W. H. Ferguson's Quarter:sheet
feet Map, No. 53D, S.W.
937 A 36 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 20 to 60 W. H. Ferguson's Quarter-sheet
feet Map, No. 53n, S.W.
938 A 36 0 0 Pott's Gully, noiir Shallow W. H. Ferguson's Report
Wn,itle Flat, Dun.
939 A 36 0 0 Pott's Gully, ne:ir ShnJlow W. H. Ferguson's Report
Wattle Flat, Dun -
940 A 36 0 0 Near Black Reef, Surface .J. Stirling, Monthly Progress Re- Close to "Welcome St.rangrr"
Moli1tg11l p0rt, No. HI., June, 1899, p. 21
!HI A 3:5 l;) 0 :!2 0 0 Whip::;t.id;, Bcncl"r;o 8 t.o IO 31 . 7 . 1SH!! N. <i. 8tophenR, Mining Rcgistrnr, i\:,;i-:oci11l<'<l with quartz and iron-
feet Nug~et Book stone
942 A 3,5 10 0 Old Lead, Dnnolly 10 to 60 -.6 . 1866 Dicker s Mining Record, June,
feet 1866. p. 425
:143 A 3.1 3 llrea.k-of-D<iy Mine. 10 to 15 28 .4 .1866 Break-of.Day Mining J. }'. Coleman, Mfoing Registrar,
Rokewood feet Co. Nugget Book
044 A 35 0 0 35 0 0 Berlin, Kangderaar 2 to 18 16.9.1870 H. J. Hughes, Mining Registrnr, All gold
inches Nugget Book
•943 A 35 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 80 feet 18.10.1910 Dividend Syndicate .. A. M. Howitt
946 A 35 0 0 Poseidon Le1d, Tar- 13 .4 .1907 CroBs and Forbes A. M. Howitt
947 A 35 0 0 Poseidon LcMl, Tar. 72 feet 8 .4 .1907 McKmzie's Party A. M. Howitt


z Where found. Depth. Nnme of Nugget. Dnte when Finders. Authority . Remarks.
Gross. Net. Estimated.
- - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- -- ------------- --
oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.
948 A 35 0 0 Poseidon LeAd, Tn.r- IO feet - . (\ . Hl07 ,fa c k~on and Hugh rs A. M. Howitt.
949 A 35 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- JO feet l!) .3.1907 ,Jack1;on nml Hu ghaH A. M. Howitt
950 A 3G 0 0 Gipsy Diggings, 20 feet Prior to .F. K. Orme, p. 375 R. Brough
Dunolly 31.12 . 1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
951 A 35 0 0 31 0 O Haddon South, 6 inches 7 . 10 .1903 W. Wnl8h and W. Nugget Book Found in red clny
Smythesdale \Villis
952 A 35 0 0 Hard Hill, Dunolly 16 feet 1857 F. K. Orme, p. 372 R. B. Smyth 's
Gold-fields, &c.
953 A :w 0 0 Gooseberry Flat, oO feet 1866 F. K. Orme, p. 37!l R. B. Smyth 's
Dunolly Gold-fields, &c.
954 A 35 0 0 Gooseberry Hill, 50 feet 1866 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly Gold-fields, &o.
955 A 35 0 0 34 0 0 Green Gully, 8 miles 30 feet - . 9 . l 869 William Lilford , sen. Mark Amos, Mining Surveyor, Found on n soft white sandstone
south of Fryers. Nugget Book bottom
town, Holcombe
956 A 34 17 12 34 0 0 Hoffnung Claim, 70 feet 4.2.1871 Hoffnung Mining Co... J. Smith, Mining Surveyor, Nugget A triangulaMhapcd nugget
Talbot, Parish of Book
957 A 34 13 0 Whiskey Gully, 11 feet 26 .4 .1869 Charles Hirt, jun. A. Armstrong, Mining Registrar, In shape like n cucumber
Caledonia, War- Nugget Book
958 A 34 IO 0 Jones' Creek, Speci- Shallow - .3 .1875 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
men Gully, Waan- Reports, March, 1875, p. 34
959 A 34 7 0 33 2 0 Robinson Crusoe 112 feet 29 . 9 .1870 Finn and party R. A. F. Murray, Mining Surveyor, Almost pure gold. Much wnter-
Gully, Alexandra. Nugget Book worn
960 A 34 3 0 31 9 Hoffnung Claim, 90 feet 16 .1.1882 Hoffnung Mining Co. Nugget Book Found amongst fossil fruit nnd
Talbot, Parish of woorl, in wallh
961 A 34 0 0 Nick-of-Time Lead, Smith and party A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. Ill.,
Tamagulla Part I.
962 A 34 0 0 Clodhopper Gully, 5 feet 1860 F. K. Orme, p. 372, R. B. Smyth's Found in gravelly clay wit.h iron-
Dunolly Gold-fields, &c. stone boulders
963 A 34 0 0 Break - of - Day, 10 to 15 29.8.1866 Break-of-Da.y Mining J. F. Coleman, Mining Registrar,
Rokewood feet Co. Nugget Book
964 A 34 0 0 Spark's Gully, Moli- 1860 F. K. Orme, p. 372, R. B. Smyth's
agul Gold-fields, &c.
965 A 34 0 0 Berlin Rush, Kang- 12 feet -.8.1869 F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book
966 A 34 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Shallow Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375, RB. Smyth's
Kangderaar 31.12 .1868 Gold-fields, &c.
!167 A 3t 0 0 Old I.end, Dunolly 10 to 60 1867 F. K. Orme, p. J73, R. B. Smyth's Jn coarse cl rift.
feet Gold-fields, &c.
968 A 34 0 0 Great Extended About 400 - .3 . 1863 Great Extended Dicker's Mining Record, Marrh ,
Mine, Balla.a.rat feet Mining Co. 1863, p. 85
969 A 34 0 0 Township of Wed- 0. A. L. Whitelaw's Quarter Sheet
derburne Map, No. 63D, S.W.
970 A 34 0 0 28 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 67 feet 7 . 10 .1907 Yates and party A. M. Howitt .. Coated with bla ck oxide of
nagulla mnnganese
•971 A 34 0 0 30 1 0 Red Streak, Cres- 180 feet 31.8 . 1872 Key Mining Co. James Stevenson, Mining Regis-
wick trar, Nugget Book
972 A 33 16 0 Great Gulf Mine, Deep - .7 . 1867 Great Gulf Mining Co. Dicker's Mining Record, July,
Ballaarat 1867, p. 36
973 A 33 10 0 Neighbourho od of Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 374, R. B. Smyth's
Dunolly 21 . 10 . 1868 Gold-fields, &c.
074 A 33 10 0 8tar of Loddon, JOO fcrt. About Star of Loddon Claim A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. JU ..
Nick - of - Time, 19011 Pa.rt].
New bridge, T11r-
975 A 33 4 0 33 0 0 Wedderburn e 7 feet 5 .9.1884 William Hill Nugget Book
976 A 33 2 0 Robinson Crusoe 112 feet -.9. 1870 Finn and pnrty Nugget Book
Gully, Alexandra
977 A 33 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 13 feet About C'ox and Newitt A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. IIT.,
nagulla 18 . 12 . 1906 Part 1.
978 A 33 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Shnllow 20 . 6 . 1870 F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book
979 A 33 0 0 Bigg's Gully, Molia- Surface 1860 F. K. Orme, p. 372, R. B. Smyth's Found in red rlay
gul Gold-fields, &c.
9SO A 33 0 0 Gooseberry Hill, 50 feet 1866 F. K. Orme, p. 373, R. B. Smyth's ,_.
Dunolly Gold-fields, &c.
9Sl A 33 0 0 Break - of - Day, - .9.1866 Break-of-Da y Mining Dicker's Mining Record, Septem-
Rokewood Co. her, 1866, p. 167
9S2 A 33 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Sh11llow Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375, R. B. Smyth's
Kingower 31.12.1868 Gold-fields, &c.
983 A 33 0 0 Sporting Flat, Dun- - .9.1871 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
oily Reports, September, 1871,
p. 32
984 A 33 0 0 Victoria Gully, Tara- Prior to Minin11: Surveyors' Reports, p. 377, In gravel, on sandstone bottGm
dale 1869 R. B. Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
985 A 33 0 0 Nick-of-Tim e Lead, 10 feet About Yeo, Hatt, and Bravo A. M. Howitt, Recorde, Vol. III.,
New bridge, Tar- 1903 Part I.
936 A 33 0 0 Argyle Gully, Heath- Prior to Minin11: Surveyors' Reports, p. 376,
cote 1869 R. B. Smytb's Gold-fields, &c.
*987 A 32 11 0 32 10 12 Caris brook Consols 65 feet 13.11.1878 Caris brook Mining Co. Peter Virtue, Mining Registrar, 30 to 40 ozs. of nuggetty gold
Mine, Carishrook Nugget Book mixed with cement were ob-
tained with this nugget
988 Q 32 10 0 Dreadnough t Claim, 8 feet -.7.1909 Stratman and party A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III., On the Dreadnough t Indicator
Home bush Part 2
989 A 32 7 16 Waterloo Mine, Bun- 215 feet -.6.1864 Waterloo Mining Co. Dicker's Mining Record, June, In several nuggets, individual
inyong 1864, p. 102 weights not known
990 A 32 7 0 Jones' Creek, Speoi- 13 feet 22 . 12 .1875 Edward Robinson and W. G. Couchman, Mining Registrar,
men Point, Tar- Chas. Methven Nugget Book
991 A 32 5 0 31 15 0 Near Middleton 8 feet 5.2.1875 T. Jones, sen. Mark Amos, Mining Registrar,
Creek, Sebastopol Nugget Book
LIST OF NuaGi:'l's FOUND IN V1cTORIA-co ntinued.


Where fuuud. Depth. Name of Nugget.. Date whl'll Jfludcrs. Authority. Remadc.11.
round .
Gros~. Not. Estimated.

- - - - - - - - - - ------ -------- --- -- .- - - -------- - ------ ----·---- -·- - ------- ------- -- ------- ------- --
or.. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.
092 A 32 2 0 32 l 0 \Velslunan's Point, 8 feet 4. 8 .1890 .\.ntonio Petrovitz Nugget Book Close to 33G-oz. nugget found at
Wedderburne O'pos&um Point. .fure gold
9!)3 A 32 0 0 Bigg's Gully, Jones' l5 feet 1860 F. K. Orme, p. 372, R. Brough Jn gravelly clay, pipeclay bottom
Reef, Molia~ul Smyth's, &c.
994 A 32 0 0 Tyler's Rush, erlin, About 9 12 . 1 . 1870 .I!'. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book
Kangderaar feet to
24 .3 . 1870
995 A 32 0 0 Back Creek Dig- About 35 - . 3 . 1859 W. E. Adcock, The Gold Ru~hes
gings, Talbot, Am- feet of the Fifties, p. 199
9il6 A 32 0 0 Mosquito Gully, 14 feet 1860 .I!'. K. Orme, p. 372, R. Brough In coarse drift,
Dunolly Smyth's, &c.
997 A 32 0 0 Borlin Diggings, Shallow 20 .6 . 1870 F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book
•998 A 32 0 0 Key Co., Creswick - . 1.1871 Key Mining Co., Ores- ,J. Stevemon, Mining Surveyor, Much water" 01n und honey-
wick Nugget Book combed, the cavities being 01
filled with quartz gravel
999 A 32 0 0 Gooseberry Hill, 50 feet 1866 F. K. Orme, p . 373, R. Brough
Dunolly Smyth's, &c.
•1000 A 32 0 0 Midas Co., Sulky 114 feet 8 .8 . 1887 Midas Miniug Co. Nugget Book
Gully, Dowling
Forest, Ascot
1001 A 32 0 0 Moliagul .. Shallow 1866 F. K. Orme, p. 373, R Brough
Smyth's, &c.
•1002 A 32 0 0 Midas Co., Sulky 114 feet 11 .4 . 1888 Mid ns Mining C'o. Nugget Book
Gully, Dowling
Forest, Ascot
1003 A 32 0 0 25 0 0 Haddon South, () ind1c1; l . 10 . l\JO:l w.
Willi:; H llli \\ '. Nugget Book .. found in rc<l clay
Smythesdale Walsh
1004 A 32 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar - 83 feet 1.3 . 1909 Junction Claim A. M. Howitt
1005 A 32 0 0 Poseidon Lead, 'l'ar- 10 feet 18 . 12 . 1906 Jackscn and party A. M. Howitt, Records, _Yo!. J lI., Found 4 inches above bedrock
n(l.gulla Part I.
1006 A 32 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Shallow Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375, R. R1 ough
Kangderaar 31 . 12 . 1868 Smyth's, &c.
1007 A 32 0 0 Positano Chim. 72 feet 31 .8.1910 Dicken eon, Kehmll, Nugget Book
Poseidon Lead, nn<l party
1008 A 32 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 30 . 8.1909 T. Moore .. A. M. Howitt .. On western foll of Woolshcd Reef
nagulla near where large nuggets were
found 1906--1907
1009 A 32 0 0 Gipsy Diggings, Under 20 Prior to F. K. Orn- e, p. 375, R. Brc ugh
Dunolly feet 31.12 .1868 Smyth's, &c.
1010 A 32 0 0 Koh-i-noor Mine, -.5.1862 Koh-i-noor Mining Co. Dicker's Mining Record, May,
.... Balla.a.rat 1862, p. 10
0 1011 A 32 0 0 Koh-i-noor Mine, -.7.1863 Koh-i-noor Mining Co. Dicker's Mining Record, July,
Ballaarat 1863, p. 165
~ 1012 A 32 0 0 Stoney · Rises Dig- Dicker's Mining Record, October,
Shallow -.10.1863
gings, 3 miles 1863, p. 221
from Borhoney-
ghurk R.S.
1013 A 32 0 0 Nick-of-Time Lead, Shallow About Conolly and party A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III.,
Tarnagulla 1903 Part I.
1014 A 32 0 0 Near Glasgow Hill, 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Quarter Sheet
Wedderburnc Map No. 63n, S.W.
1015 A 32 0 0 Township of Wed- 0. A. L. Whitelaw, Quarter Sheet
derburne Map No. 63n, S.W.
1016 A 32 0 0 Near Fraser's Gully, Shallow W. H. Ferguson
1017 A 32 0 0 31 10 0 Dead Horse Gully, 6 feet 28.8.1873 W. Passobi and p11rty P. ViJ:tuc, jun., Mining Registrar,
Mary borough Nugget Book
1018 A 32 0 0 Wattle Flat, Dun- 10 to 20 W. H. Ferguson
olly feet
1019 A 31 15 0 30 15 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 67 feet 25 .5 . 1908 Kellam and party A. M. Howitt .. With cement
1020 A 31 5 0 30 15 0 Golden Reef Mine, 200 feet 22.9 .1874 Golden Reef Mining H. Marquand, Mine Manager, Waterworn
Ballaarat Co. Nugget Book
*1021 A 31 5 0 United Leads Mine, 64 feet 16 . 12.1904 The United Leads A. M. Howitt, and Nugget Book
Newbridge, Tar- Mining Co.
iq 1022 A 31 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Shallow Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375, R. Brough c..n
Kangderaar 31.12.1868 Smyth 's, &c.
1023 A 31 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375, R. Brough
Kangderaar 31.12 . 1868 Smyth's, &c.
1024 A 31 0 0 Red Streak Lead, 40 feet - .6 . 1879 Progress Reports, Nos. VI. and
Parish of Dun- VII. , June, 1879, p. 35
1025 A 31 0 0 Old Lead, Duuolly 10 to 60 1867 F. K. Orme, p. 373, R. Brough
District feet Smyth 's, &c.
1026 A 31 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly On surface 1867 F. K. Orme, p. 373, R. Brough
District Smyth's, &c.
1027 A 31 0 0 Nuggetty Hill, Dun- 10 feet 1860 F. K. Orme, P- 372, R. Brough In coarse drift with sandstone
olly District Smyth's, &c. boulders
1028 A 31 0 0 Nuggetty Gully, Old Surface 1867 F . K . Orme, p. 372, R. Brough In red clay
Lead, Dunolly Smyth's, &c.
1029 A 31 0 0 Cosmopolitan Mine, -.9 . 1862 Cosmopolitan Mining Dicker's Mining Record, Septem-
Balla.a.rat Co. her, 1862, p. 9
1030 A 31 0 0 31 0 0 Red Streak Rush, 40 feet -.5 . 1879 W. G. Couchman, Mining Regis- Pure gold
Dunolly trar, N~get Book
1031 A 30 18 0 Havelock Mine, -.12.1865 Ha velook Mining Co. Dicker's ining Record, Decem-
Smythesdale her, 1865, p. 399
1032 A 30 15 0 30 15 0 Kitty's Lead, Bunin- 3 inches 16 .12 .1870 McPherson and party S. D. S. Huyghue, Warden's Clerk, Found in red clay. Pure gold
yong Nug~et Book
1033 A 30 15 0 Between Guildford Shallow -.6.1867 Dicker s Mining Record, June,
and Vaughan, 1867, p. 265
1034 A 30 12 0 Berlin Diggings, 2 to 18 16.9 .1870 H. J. Hu~es, Mining Registrar, Irregular shape, and almost pure
Kangdere.e.r inches Nugget ook gold

..; ~
§ Weights.
z .s .. ~
~t! =
"'Cl Gross. Net. Estimated.
Where found . Depth. Name of Nugget. Date when
found. Findera. Authority. Remarks.

z ~.s ~

oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.

1035 A 30 12 0 Near Amherst Prior to •• Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 377,
Pound, Amherst 1869 R. BrouJh Smyth's, &o.
1036 A 30 10 0 30 10 0 Berlin Diggings, 8 to 12 20.7 . 1870 Ah Ji and party F. Knox rme, Warden, Nugget All gold
Kangderaar inches Book
1037 A 30 3 18 Old Ned's Gully, Norman Taylor, Mining Regis.
Rushworth trars' Reports, March, 1886,
1038 Q 30 1 0 Union Hill, Creswick Near Sui-- -.10.1868 Dicker's Mining Record, October, In quartz reef
face 1868, p. 83
*1039 A 30 1 0 29 5 0 Band - of - Hope, 230 feet " The Virtue " 11.3 .1871 Band of Hope Mining P. Virtue, Mining Registrar, Found with other fiat thin pieces
Chinaman's Flat, Co. Nugget Book
Mary borough
1040 A 30 0 0 Schicer Gully, Mary- About A. M. Howitt, Memoir No. XI.
borough 20 feet
1041 A 30 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 80 feet 3.6.1910 Dividend Syndicate .. A. M. Howitt
nagulla Cl
1042 A 30 0 0 Berlin Diggings,
11 feet •.. 16.9.1870 H. J. Hughes, Mining Registrar,
Nugget Book

1043 A 30 0 0 25 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 68 feet 21.9.1908 Hockey, Roach, and A. M. Howitt
nagulla party
1044 A 30 0 0 Bigg's Gully, Molia- 15 feet 1860 F. K. Orme, p. 372, R. Brough In gravelly clay, pipeclay bottom
gul Smyth's, &c.
1045 A 30 0 0 Berlin Diggings, -.12 . 1869 F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book
1046 A 30 0 0 Gooseberry Hill, 50 feet 1866 F. K . Orme, p. 373, R Brough
Dunolly Smyth's, &c.
1047 Q 30 0 0 Victoria United Victoria United Mining J. W. Gregory, Memoir No. IV., On indicator (Duchess slates)
Mine, Ballaarat Co. p.23
1048 A 30 0 0 Burnt Creek Lead, -.6.1872 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
Dunolly Reports, June, 1872, p. 30
1049 A 30 0 0 28 0 0 Upper Sheepwash, 4 feet -.9.1869 N. G. Stephens, Mining Registrar, Found on pipeclay bottom
Mandurang Nugget Book
1050 A 30 0 0 24 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 13 feet 10 .6 .1907 Cox and Newit A. M. Howitt
1051 A 30 0 0 Dreadnought Claim, Surface -.7 .1909 Stratman and party A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III., On the line of the Dreadnought
Home bush Part 2 indicator
1052 A 30 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 10 to 60 1867 W. H. Ferguson
1053 Q 30 0 0 North Woah Hawp, 840 feet -.2.1910 North Woah Hawp The Age Newspaper, 19th Febru- On indicator

1054 A 30 0 0 .. Balla.a.rat
Back Creek Dig-
gings, Talbot, Am-
About 35
-.3.1 859
Mining Co. ary, 1910
W. E. Adcock, The Gold Rushes
of the Fifties, p. 199
1055 ..\ 30 0 0 .. Western or White
Lead, Dunolly
Under 20
W. H. Ferguson
1056 A 30 0 0 Catch-me-if-you-can Under 20 W. H. Ferguson
Lead, Dunolly feet
1057 A 30 0 0 Ca. tch-me- if-you-can Under 20 W. H. Fergueon
Lead, Dunolly feet
1058 A 30 0 0 Catch-me-if-you-can Under 20 W. H. Ferguson
Lead, Dunolly feet
1059 A 30 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375, R. Brough
Kangderaar 31.12 .1868 Smyth's, &c.
1060 A 30 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 3715, R. Brough
Kangderaar 31.12.1868 Smyth's, &c.
1061 A 30 0 0 Hatter's Gully, Dunoll.,,v Shallow W. H. Ferguson
1062 A 30 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 10 to 60 W. H. Ferguson
1063 A 30 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 10 to GO W. H. FerguEOn
1064 A 30 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 10 to 60 W. H. Ferguson
1065 A 30 0 0 Gipsy Diggings, Under 20 Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375, R. Brough
Dunolly District ft>et 31.12 . 1868 Smyth's, &c.
1066 A 30 0 0 Gipsy Diggings, Under 20 Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375, R. Brough
Dunolly District feet 31.12.1868 Smyth's, &C'.
1067 A 30 0 0 Gipsy Diggings, Undel' 20 Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375, R. Brough
Dunolly District feet 31 . 12 . 1868 Smyth's, &c.
1068 A 30 0 0 In Raglan Mining - .9 .1869 James Daly, Warden, Nugget
Division Book
1069 A 30 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- - .5 .1912 Mrs. Rowlands Age Newspaper, 22nd May, 1912 Found on n mullock henp Ol
1070 A 30 0 0 Clough's Garden, 15 feet J . Clough .. J. Clough, l\Iaryborough
Madman's Gully,
Mary borough
1071 A 30 0 0 Clover's Gully, Dun- Shallow - .2 .1863 Mr. Clover (the pros- Dicker's Mining Record, February, A lump as flat, as n pnncake
oily pector) 1863, p. 62
1072 A 30 0 0 Township of Kin- -.12 . 1863 Dicker'11 Mining Record, Decem- Found near the" Blanche Bnrldy"
gower ber, 1863, p. 270
1073 A 30 0 0 Emu Diggings, Am- -.6.1865 Found by Aborigines Dicker's Mining Record, June,
herst 1865, p. 342
1074 A 30 0 0 Alexandra Mine, -.4.1866 Alexandra Mining Co. Dicker's Mining Record, April,
Ballaarat 186(), p. 283
1075 A 30 0 0 Lady Don Mine, - . 4 . 1867 Lady Don Mining Co. Dicker's Mining Record, April,
Ballaarat 1867, p. 182
1076 A 30 0 0 Langham Flat, E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Ko.ngderaar June, 1890, p. 16
1077 A 30 0 0 Clay Gully, Mc.In- E. J . Dunn, Quarterly Report,
tyre's. Molia.gul June, 1890, p. 16
1078 A 30 0 0 25 0 0 Fryer's Creek, Fryers 16 feet 1854 George Williams Pro~ess Report No. III., p. 118 In shape like a finger
1079 A 30 0 0 25 0 0 Ro~ers' Gully, Dun- Very W. . Ferg'?son
0 ly shallow
1080 A 30 0 0 Christmas Flat, Under 20 - .12 .1881 W. H. Ferguson
near Ha.rd Hills, feet
1081 A 30 0 0 Ha.rd Hills, between -.9 .1875 G. W. Moore, Mining Surveyors'
Mcintyre's a.nd Reports, September, 1875, p. 31

~ "'~ Weight.a.

.9 !:!
GMlll8. Net. Estimated .
Where found. Depth. Name of Nuaet. Date when
found. Finders. Authority. Remarks.

01. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.
--------- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - --------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1082 Q 30 0 0 Prince Regent Mine, Prince Regent Mining J. W. Gregory, Memoir, No. IV., On indicator
Balla.a.rat Co. p. 8
1083 A 29 3 0 Gooseberry Hill, 1 foot 4.8 .1905 William Dodd W. H. Eerguson
•t084 A 29 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 9 feet " The Lancaster " 1.2 .1907 Jackson and party Records, Vol. III., Pa.rt 1 On the bedrock
1085 A 29 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375, R. Brough
Kangdera.ar 31.12.1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
1086 A 29 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375, R. Brough
Kangderaar 31 . 12 .1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &o.
1087 A 29 0 0 29 0 0 Upper Boggy Creek, 4 feet 9.9.1873 R. Taite G. Allan, Mining Registrar, and Pure gold
Bullumwaa.l A. W. Howitt, Warden, Nugget
1088 A 29 0 0 Billy the Drummer Prior to Mininl Surveyors' Reports, p. 378,
Flat, Hepburn 1868 R. rough Smyth's Gold-fields,
1089 A 29 0 0 Nuggetty Gully, -.7 .1868 Dicke r's Mining Record, July, t.'l
Amherst 1868, p. IO
1090 A 29 0 0 27 0 0 Dunolly .. 42 feet 29 .10 .1880 T . Costello and another W. G. Couchman, Mining Regis- Dark spongy gold, irregular in
tra.r, Nugget Book shape
1091 A 29 0 0 Ho.rd Hills, Dunolly -.12.1881 P. Secor Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
Reports, December, 1881, p. 37
1092 A 29 0 0 Break - of - Day, -.6.1879 Break-of-Day Mining Geo. Perry, Mining Surveyors'
Rokewood Co. Reports, June, 1879, p. 24
1093 A 29 0 0 Jones' Creek, We.an- 26 feet 1903 E. Williamson Nugget Book
•1094 A 29 0 0 Nick-of-Time Lead, 10 feet 14 .10 .1903 Yeo, Hatt, and Bravo Nugget Book
Newbridge, Tar-
1095 A 29 0 0 22 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 58 feet 26 .8 .1907 Cullen and Yates A. M. Howitt
1096 A 28 19 12 25 0 0 Eames' Gully, i mile 3 feet 28 .9 . 1876 Samuel Nicholas N. G. Stephens, Mining Registrar, Flat nugget
West of Flagstaff Nugget Book
Reef, BendilJi
1097 A 28 16 0 27 10 0 Seaham Mine, ary- 70 feet 1 .3 . 1872 Scaham Mining Co. P. Virtue, jun., Mining Registrar, Honeycombed
borough Nugget Book
1098 Q 28 15 12 11 4 0 Ta.rrengower 1800 W. Birkmyre, p. 370, R. Brough
Smyth's Gold-fields, &o.
1099 A 28 15 0 Big River Distric:t -.12.1869 A Chinaman Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
Reports, December, 1869, p. 28
llOO A 28 14 12 27 14 12 Freestone Creek, 21 feet 4.3 . 1871 J. H. Pope and party W. Foster, Warden, Nugget Book Very fin.t, and in shape like a
Upper Gladstone tobacco pipe
llOl A 28 11 0 17 12 0 Cobbler's Gully, 6 feet 28.12.1874 James Goodson Progress Report No. III., p. 118
1102 A 28 10 0 Dunolly District .. - . 5 . 1866 Dioker's Mining Record, May,
1866, p. 340
1103 A 28 10 0 Berlin Rush, Kang- 11 feet - . 9 . 1869 }'. Knox Orme, Warden, Nugget Ragged
deraar Book
1104 A 28 8 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 10 to 60 - . 12 .1881 Fielder and McDonald Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
feet Reports, December, 1881, p. 37
1105 A 28 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 71 feet 3 .5 . H>09 Burbank, Brett, and A. M. Howitt
nagulla p arty
1106 A 28 0 0 Specimen Gully, 26 feet - . 3 . 1875 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
Jones' Creek, Reports, March, 1875, p. 33
1107 A 28 0 0 Sporting Flat, Dun- Under 20 - . 3.1873 Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
olly feet Reports, March, 1873, p. 35
1108 A 28 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 12 feet Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375, R. Brough
Kangderaar 31.12 . 1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
1109 A 28 0 0 28 0 0 Catto'sPaddock,Ber - 20 feet 7 .4 . 1870 T. Richardson, Mining Registrar, Fla t and solid. P ure gold
lin, Kangderaar Nugget Book
1110 A 28 0 0 Fryer's Creek, Big Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 376,
River, Kevington R. B. Smyth's, &c.
1111 A 28 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 12 feet Between F . Knox Orme, Warden, Nugget
Kangderaar 24 .3 . 1870 Book
20.6 . 1870
1112 A 28 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Between F. Knox Orme, W arden, Nugget
Kangderaar 24.3.1870 Book
20 .6 . 1870
1113 A 28 0 0 Keep-it-dark Gully, 10 feet Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 378, ~l
Hepburn R. Brough Smyth's Gold-fields,
1114 A 28 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 12 feet 19 .9 . 1870 F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book
1115 A 28 0 0 Spark's Gully, Moli- 12 feet 1859 F. K. Orme, p. 372, R. Brough In gravelly clay, with sandstone
agul Smyth's Gold-fields, &o. boulders
llHl A 28 0 0 Waterloo Mine, 215 feet - .6.1864 Waterloo Mining Co. Dicker's Mining Record, June,
Buninyong 1864, p. 102
1117 A 28 0 0 Nuggetty Gully, Shallow - .7 .1868 Dicker's Mining Record, July,
Talbot 1868, p. 10
1118 A 28 0 0 Whipstick Rush, 4 feet - .7 .1868 Dicker's Mining Record, July,
Sydney Flat, 1868, pp. 34 and 35
lll9 A 28 0 0 Reach's Claim, Pot- 2 feet Reach and party E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report, 170 ounces, mostly in nuggets
ter'sHill, Wedder- December, 1888, p. 67 was obtained from this 10 feet
burne x 10 feet claim
1120 A 28 0 0 ! mile S.E. of Under 20 W. H. Ferguson
Wattle Flat, Dun- feet
1121 A 28 0 0 l mile South of Under 20 W. H. Ferguson
Wattle Flat, Dun- feet
1122 A ·28 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 10 to 60 W. H. Ferguson
1123 A 27 10 0 27 6 0 Blink Bonny Creek, 6! feet 9 .9 .1870 Rasmus Thomson and W. Foster, Warden, Nugget Book
near Freestone party
Creek, Briagolong

..; ~

.. >
::! ::l
Whore fonnd. Depth. Name of Nugget. Date when
found. Finders. Authority . Remarks.
ci JlO'~ Gross. Net. Estimated.
z ~ .9 ~
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --·-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.
1124 A 27 10 0 .. .. Poseidon Lead, Tar- 27 feet .. .. -.12 . 1906 O'Brien and party .. A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III., On the bedr ock
nagulb. Pt. I.
1125 A 27 0 0 27 0 0 .. Berlin, Ka.ngderaar 8 to 12 .. .. 20.7 . 1870 Ah Yea and party .. F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book All gold
l 12G A 27 0 0 .. .. Jones' Creek, Waan-
26 feet .. .. 1903 C. Desanti and party Nugget Book
1127 A 27 0 0 .. .. Nick- of-Time Lead, 50 feet .. .. About Irishman's Claim .
. A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III.,
Tarnagulla. 1905 Pt. I.
1128 Q 27 0 0 .. .. Woah Hawp Canton 750 to 930 .. .. -.4.1910 Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspaper, 4th April, 1910 Specimen. On indicator
Mine, Ballaarat feet Mining Co.
1129 A 27 0 0 .. .. Whipstick, Bendigo .. .. .. - . 10.1868 .. .. .
. Dicker's Mining Record, October,
1868, p. 93
1130 A 27 0 0 .. .. l mile South of 20 feet .. .. - .12 . 1865 .. .. . . Dicker's Mining Record, Decem-
Wattle Flat, Dun- her, 1865, p. 409
1131 A 27 0 0 .. .. Jones' Creek, \.Vaan-
26 feet .. .. 1903 Lockett and Scholes Nugget Book
1132 A 27 0 0 .. .. Cumberland Reef,
. . .. .. Prior to
. .. .. Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 377,
R. B. Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.

1133 A .. .. 27 0 0 Golden Point, Black- On surface

.. .. 31 .3 .1869 A party of Chinese .. J. F. Hansen, Mining Registrar,
Nug~et Book
1134 A 27 0 0 .. .. B:iker's Gully, Dun-
6 feet .. .. 1860 .. .. .. F . K. rme, p. 372, R. B. Smyth's
Gold-fields, &c.
1135 A 27 0 0 .. .. Berlin Diggings, 11! feet .. .. -.7 .181\9 .. .. .. F. Knox Orme, Warden, Nugget
113 5 A 27 0 0 .. .. Gooseberry
Flat, 40 feet .. .. 1866 .. .. ..
F. K. Orme, p. 373, R. Brough
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
1137 A 27 0 0 .. .. Tyler's Rush, Berlin,
9 feet
. .. 12.1.1870
.. .. .. F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget
24 .3 .1870
1138 A 27 0 0 .. .. Tyler's Rush, Berlin,
9 feet
.. .. 12.1.1870
. .. .. F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget
24.3 .1870
1139 A 27 0 0 27 0 0 .. Berlin Diggings,
8 to 12
.. .. 20 . 7 . 1870 Ah Yea and party . . F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book In red cla.y. All gold
1140 A 27 0 0 .. .. Township of Golds-
borough, Dunolly
3 feet .. .. .. .. .. . . w. H. Ferguson's Quarter-sheet
Mn.p, No. 53n, S. W.
1141 A 27 0 0 .. .. Old Lead, Dunolly 10-60 feet .. .. .. .. .. .. w. H . Ferguson's Quarter-sheet
1142 A 27 0 0 .. .. Milkmaid's Gully,
near Wattle Flat,
Rhallow .. .. .. .. ..
Map, No. 53n, S.W.
.. w. H. Ferguson's Qua.-ter-sheet
Map, No. 53n, S.W.
1143 A 26 15 0 25 15 0 .. Gibraltar, Majorca,
Parish of Crai gie
.. .. .. -- .4.1862 Ekerstein .. .. Dicker's Mining Record, April, The gold waR found in " boulde r
1862, ), 16 of q uartz
1144 A 26 14 0 Berlin Ru3h, Kang- 26.6.1869 Criss and party n.. Mason, Mining Registrar,
dera.ar Nugget Book
1145 A 26 14 0 Hoffnung Co., Am- 100 feet 11.5 .1876 Hoffnung Co. Progress Report No. IV., p. 49 In shape like a heart
1146 A 26 11 0 Break-of-Day, Roke- - .4.1866 Break-of-Day Mg. Co. Dicker's Mining Record, April,
wood 1866, p. 252
1147 A 26 10 0 Berlin Rush, Kang- 19 .9.1910 Nugget Book
"'1148 A 26 9 0 Little Wonder Mine, 140 feet 26 .3 .1880 Little Wonder Mining Progress Report No. VII., p. 125
Tara.dale Co.
1149 A 26 8 0 25 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 71 feet 1908 Little Homeward A. M. Howitt
nagulla Bound Claim
1150 A 26 7 0 Creswick - .4 . 1866 Dicker's Mining Record, April,
1866, p. 276
1151 A 26 3 0 Italian Point, 13 feet 30 . 11 .1 875 Stephen Salovitch Progress Report No. IV., p. 49 Wedge shaped
1152 A 26 2 0 20 19 18 Kitty's Lead, Bunin- 1 foot 8 . 11 . 1870 Nugget Book
1153 A 26 1 0 Berlin Rush, Kang- 27 .4 .1869 Freeman and party .. R. Mason, Mining Registru.r,
deraar Nugget Book
1154 A 26 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 25 feet -.12.1906 Cummins and party A. M. Howitt .. On the bedrock
1155 A 26 0 0 Keep-it-dark Gully, Prior to Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 378
Hepburn 1868 R. Brough Smyth's Gold-fields,
1156 Q 26 0 0 N"orfolk Reef, Du- 10 feet W. H. ]erguson'EZ Report
1157 A 26 0 0 \V i~ttle Fln.t, Dunolly Under 24 .4.1866 W. H. Fergullon's Quarter-sheet CJ1
20 feet Map, No. 53D, S.W.
1158 A 26 0 0 Wattle Flat, Dunolly 20 feet W. H. Ferguson's Quarter-sheet
Map, No. 53D, S.W.
1169 A 26 0 0 Berlin Rush, Kang- 19.9.1870 F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget Book
1160 A 26 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 46 feet 8 .4 .1907 Wat ts and party A. M. Howitt
1161 A 26 0 0 WRttleFlat, Dunolly Under W. H. F erguson's Rep9rt
20 feet
11G2 A 26 0 0 Butler's Paddock, 80 feet -.6 .1887 Adams and party Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
Holcombe Reports, June, 1887, p. 26
1163 A 26 0 0 .Jones' Creek, Parish 26 feet 1903 J. Conolly and party Nugget Book
of Waanyarra
1164 A 25 10 0 Waranga - . 7 .1875 Henry Snelling J. G. Taylor, Warden, Nugget
1165 A 25 5 () Yorkey's Gully, About 16.10.1894 J,eopold and party W. Trenkner, Mining Registrar,
P.irishofWombat, 9 feet Nugget File
1166 A 25 5 0 Amherst. .. 9.7.1875 Joseph Smith, Mining Surveyor, Flat on one side
Nugget Book
1167 A 25 1 0 23 16 6 Kitty's Lend, Bunin- 1 foot - .11.1870 McKenzie and party S. D.S. Huyghue, Warden's Clerk, Found in reel clay
yong Nugget Book
1168 A 26 0 0 Bi-3marck Lead, Under W. H. Ferguson's Quarter-sheet
Dunolly 20 feet Map, No. 53D, S.W.
1169 A 25 0 0 Blue Gully, Black- 5 feet Prior to Nugget Book
wood 16. 7 . 1908
1170 A 25 0 0 25 0 0 Red Streak Rush, Under -.5.1879 W. G. Couchman, Mining Regill- Pure gold
Dunolly 50 feet. trar, Nugget Book

z ~ ~ . .Weights.
.. Dnte when
~~" Where found . Depth. Name of Nugget. found. Finders. Authorlt.y . Rcmarka.
~a~ Gross. Net. Estimated.
~ .9 ~
- - - - - ------ ------ ---------- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- ~ .... ------------- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr .
1171 A 25 0 0 .. .. Prince of Wales 50 feet .. .. -.6.1875 Prince of Wales Mg. Co. Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
Mine, Dunolly Reports, June, 1875, p. 33
1172 A 25 0 0 .. .. Spark's
Gully, 10 feet .. .. 1860 . . .. . a'
. F. K. Orme, 372 R. Brough
Smyth's Gol -fields, &c.
1173 A 25 0 0 .. .. lt miles south of
Wattle Flat,
20 feet
.. .. .. . . .. ..W. H, Ferguson's Quarter-sheet
Map, No. 53D, S.W.
1174 A 25 0 0 .. .. Adelaide Lead, .. .. .. - .6.1862 .. .. .. Dicker's Mining Record, June,
Mary borough 1862, p. 3
1175 A 25 0 0 .. .. Poseidon Lead, Tar- 67 feet .. .. 7 . 10 .1908 Yates and party .. A. M. Howitt
1176 A 25 0 0 .. .. Old Lead, Dunolly 15 feet .. .. .. .. .. . . w. H. Ferguson's Quarter-sheet
1177 A '.25 0 0 .. .. Leviathan Mine, .. .. .. -- .7 .1865 Leviathan Mining Co.
Map, No. 53n, S.W.
Dicker's Mining Record, July,
Napoleon's Lead, 1866, p. 17
1178 A 25 0 0 .. .. German Gully, .. .. .. 0.7.1875 .. .. .. Progress Report No. III., p. 119
1179 A 25 0 0 .. .. Majorca .. . . .. .. . . - . 12.1868 .. .. .. Dicker's Mining Record, Decem-
her, 1868, p. 152
1180 A 25 0 0 14 0 0 .. Poseidon Lead, Tar- 10 feet .. .. 25.5.1907 Jackson and Hughes A. M. Howitt
1181 A 25 0 0 .. .. MacMahon's Creek, Shallow .. .. 25.7.1897 .. .. .. Nugget File
12 miles from
Mitta Mitta Post
1182 A 25 0 0 .. .. Smith's Gully, Kin- 5 feet .. .. .. .. .. . . E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
gower June, 1890, p. 16
1183 A 25 0 0 .. .. Paddy's Gully, 12 feet .. .. .. .. .- .. E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Kangderaar June, 1890, p. 16
1184 Q 25 0 0 .. .. New Norman by 1,400 feet .. .. - . 10.1909 New Norman by Age Newspaper, 6th October, 1909 On indicator
Mine, Balla.rat Mining Co.
1185 Q 25 0 0 .. .. Woah Hawp Canton 750 feet .. .. - .12.1909 Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspaper, 11th December, On indicator
Mine, Balla.rat Mining Co. 1909
*1186 A 25 0 0 .. .. Poseidon Lead, 80 feet -. .. :n.10.1910 "Dividend Syndicate" A. M. Howitt
1187 A 25 0 0 .. .. Nick-of-Time Lead, 15 feet .. .. About Yeo, Hatt, and Bravo A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III.,
Tarnagulla 1903 Pt. 1
1188 A 25 0 0 .. .. Nick-of-Time Lead, 17 feet .. .. About Yeo, Hatt, and Bravo A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III.,
Tarnagulla 1903
1189 A 25 0 0 .. 14 0 0 Poseidon Lead, 10 feet .. .. 20.5.1907 Jackson and Hughes
Pt. 1
A. M. Howitt
1190 A 25 0 0 .. .. Poseidon Lead, 67 feet .. .. 7 .10.1907 Yates and party .. A. M. Howitt
Tama g ulla
1191 A 25 0 0 15 10 0 Iron bark Gully, 4l feet - . 6 . 1910 Fossicker .. Age Newspaper, 13th June, 1910 Close to" Magnum Bonum"
ll92 A 24 lG 0 24 10 0 Green Gully, Hep- 20 feet 20.10.1869 Shearman and party T. Hale, Mining Registrar, Nugget Honeycombed, and nearly eolid
burn, Parish of Book gold
•u93 A 24 9 0 Midas Co.'s Mine, 82 feet 3.3.1887 Midas Gold Mining Co. Nugget Book
Sulky Gully, Ascot
•1194 A 24 7 0 24 3 0 Broom field's Gully, 100 feet 8.8.1872 L. K. Carter and party J . Stevenson, Mining Surveyor, In yellow clay
Creswick Nugget Book
ll95 A 24 4 0 22 6 0 Po3itano Syndicate, 72 feet 21. 7 .1908 Dickenson,Kelsall, and A. M. Howitt
Poseidon Lead, party
1196 A 24 0 0 Burnt Creek, Dun- 20 feet 15 .12.1908 Burnt Creek Dredging W. H. Ferguson
olly Co.
1197 A 24 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 80 feet rn. 7 .1909 Poseidon United Min- A. M. Howitt
nagulla ing Co.
1198 A 24 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 4 feet 8 .4 .1907 Cullen and Yates A. M. Ho~itt
1199 A 24 0 0 16 0 0 Daisy Hill, Amherst Surface 1849 Thos. Chapman, White- Dicker's Mining Record, Ma.y, First nugget bought in Melbourne
chapel, England 1863, p. 119 Mrs. Brentani, purchaser
1200 A 24 0 0 Caledonia Gully, Shallow - . 9 . 1874 E. Bride J. T. Strong, Mining Registrars'
Red Hill, Heath- and Surveyors' Reports, Sep-
cote tember, 1874, p. 32
1201 A 24 0 0 Red Streak Lead, 40 feet 5 .0 . 1879 Progress Report No. VI., p. 35
1202 A 24 0 0 19 0 0 Harrison's Hill, near On surface 8 .3 . 1879 -. Trcgardi Progress Report No VI., p. 35 .. Rough and associated '\\ith quartz
Blucher's Gully,
Caris brook >--
1203 A 24 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Shallow Prior to l!,. K . Orme, p.
375 R. Brough
Kingower 31 . 12 . 1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
1204 Q 2-1 0 0 "The Advance" 220 feet - . 10 . 1867 Advance Mining Co. Dicker's Mining Record, October, Upwards of 170 ozs. in nuggets
Mine, East Vic- 1867, p. 156 were obtained at this depth
tori.a Line, Bendi-
1205 A 24 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 14 feet 19 .9 .1870 F. K. Orme, Mining Registrar,
Kingower Nugget Book
1200 A 24 0 0 Berlin Diggings, 14 feet 19 .9 .1870 F. K . Orme, Mining Registrar,
Kingower Nugget Book
1207 A 24 0 0 Happy Valley, Shallow Prior to Minin! Surveyors' Reports, p. 378,
Queenstown 1869 R. rough Smyth's Gold-fields,
1208 A 24 0 0 United Extended, Deep - .12 .1867 United Extended Band Dioker's Mining Record, Dccem- Presented to H.R.H. the Duke
Band of Hope, of Hope Mining Co. ber, 1867, p. 237 of Edinburgh on the occasion of
Balla.rat his visiting the mine
1209 A 24 0 0 Shanty Jack's Gully, 25 feet 1867 F. K. Orme, p . 373 R. Brough
neighbourhood of Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
1210. A 24 0 0 9 0 0 Coa te's Lead, Parish Shallow A. M. Howitt, Memoir No. XI.
of We.reek
1211 Q 24 0 0 New Reef, near the About 7 .8 .1908 Nichols and Nicholas Nugget Book
Old Working 2 feet and party
Miner's Claim,
1212 A 24 0 0 Koh-i-noor Mine, 400 feet -.7 . 1868 Koh-i-noor Mining Co. Dicker's Mining Record, July,
Balla.rat 1868, p. 31

..; 'Cl
~ Weights •
z... ~f~
1l ""'~ Where found. Depth. Name of Nugget. Date when
found . Finders. Auth ority. Remarka.
-.;a~ Gross. Not. Eatlmated.
z0 ~.a~
-- ---
oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. o:r.. dwt. gr.
1213 A 24 0 0 .. .. R1iyw0-0d
Ray wood
Gully, Shallow .. . . - . 11.1863 .. .. .. Dicker's Mining Record, Novem-
ber, 1863, p. 239
1214 A 24 0 0 19 2 0 .. Positano Syndicate,
72 feet .. .. 22 .6 . 1908 Dickenson,Kelsall, and A. M. Howitt
1215 A 24 0 0 18 10 18 .. Newcastle Co.'s .. .. .. - . 11 . 1863 Newcastle Mining Co. Dicker's Mining Record, Novem- The gold was honeycombed, but
Claim, Bottle Hill, her, 1863, p . 252 did not appear to be waterworn
1216 A 24 0 0 .. .. Poseidon Lead, Tar- 2 feet .. . . 8 .4 . 1907 Woddall and party . . A. M. Howitt .. Found near the "Poseidon"
nagulla nugget
1217 A 24 0 0 .. .. Belgian Rush, Nug- Surface to .. .. - . 11.1865 Prospector's Claim .. Dicker's Mining Record, Novem-
getty Gully, Dun- 8 feet ber, 1865, p. 348
1218 A 24 0 0 .. .. New Company's .. .. .. -.4 . 1868 New Company Mining Dicker's Mining Record, April,
Mine, Buninyong C'o. 1868, p. 113
1219 A 24 0 0 .. .. Wattle Flat, Dun- Under 20 .. . . - . 10 .1868 .. .. . . Dicker's Mining Record, October,
feet 1868, p. 93
1220 A 24 0 0 .. Langham Flat, 9 feet .. . . .. .. . . . . E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report
K.angderaar June, 1890, p. 16
1221 A 24 0 0 .. .. Near Humbug Hills,
Shallow .. .. . . .. .. .. E. J . Dunn, Quarterly Report,
June, 1890, p. 16
•1222 A 24 0 0 .. .. Poseidon Lead, Tar- 11 feet One of ''The 1 . 1 . 1907 Wragge Bros. .. A. M. Howitt, Rccorde, Vol. III., On t.110 bedrock
nagulla Twins" Part I.
1223 A 23 16 3 .. .. Berlin Rush, Kang- Shallow .. . . l!). 6 . l 869 A party of Germans .. R. Mason, Mining Registrar, Nug-

1224 A 23 16 0 .. 23 12 0
Duke's Freehold
Mine, Spring Hill
280 feet .. . .
get Book
23.9.1878 Duke's Freehold Min- J. Stevenson, Mining Surveyor,
ing Co. Nugget Book
•1225 A 23 15 0 .. .. Poseidon Lead, Tar- 11 feet One of "The 1 . 1.1907 W r ;1 gge Bros. .. A. M. Howitt, Record s, Vol. III., On the bedrock
nagulla Twins" Part I.
1226 A 23 6 0 23 6 0 .. Old Tom Gully, Hep- 5 feet .. . . 25.8 . 1875 A party of sluicers ..
Thomas Ha.le, Mining Registrar, One side was honeycombed. Pure
burn Nugget Book
1227 A 23 5 0 21 11 12 Norfolk Gully, Stony
Creek, Parish of
25 feet .. .. 26 .2 .1876 A youth named Hill .. Joseph Smith, Mining Surveyor, Honeycombed, with quartz at-
Nugget :Hook tached
1228 A 23 4 0 .. .. No. 1 South Claim, .. .. . . 30 .9 . 1893 Brown and party .. J. Mooney, Mining Registrar,
1229 A 23 0 0 .. .. Foster
Berlin Flat, Kang-
Shallow .. .. 19.9.1870 .. .. ..
Nugget File
F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget
1230 A 23 0 0 .. .. Nuggetty Gully,
Shallow .. . . .. .. .. ..
Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 376, 4 ozs. of quartz atta ched to the
R. Brough Smyth's Gold-fields, nugget
1231 A 23 0 0 .. .. Surface Hill, Ararat At surface .. .. 12 .9 .1910 .. .. .. Nugget Book
1232 A 23 0 0 12 3 0 Nichol's Freehold, 106 feet 12.4.l8i0 Nichol's Freehold Min - .J, Smith, )lining Surveyor, Nug- Houey<'om Led
Amherst ing Co. get Book
1233 A 23 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Shallow Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375 R. Brough
Kingower 31.12 .1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
1234 A 23 0 0 11 10 0 Poseidon Lend, Tar- 60 feet 10. 2. 1908 Williams and Glover A. M. Howitt
1235 23 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly .. 30 feet -.12.1881 W. H. Ferguson Paree! of nuggets
123G A 23 0 0 New Band of Hope, - .3 . 1871 New Band of Hope Joseph Smith, Mining Registrars'
Cockatoo, Amherst, Mining Co. and Surveyors' Reports, March,
Parish of Craigie 1871, p. 31
1237 A 23 0 0 Godfrey's Creek, -.1.1869 Dicker's Mining Record, 2nd Jan-
Alex1tndr11 uary, 1869
1238 A 22 15 0 Hard Hills, Talbot 3 feet 26 .10 .1865 Nugget Book
123!) A 22 15 0 Neighbourhood of 10 to 60 - .6.1866 Dicker'!:! Mining Record, June,
Dunolly feet 1866, p. 425
1240 A 22 10 0 21 10 0 illt. Greenock, Parish 300 feet 5 . 11.1875 Union Mining Co. Joseph Smith, Mining Registrar, Honeycombed
of Amherst Nugget Book
1241 A 22 6 0 22 0 0 Ba.nd of Hope Mine, 233 feet 5.3 . 1872 Ba.nd of Hope Mining Peter Virtue, jun., Mining Regis- Rounded and waterworn
Mary borough Co. trar, Nugget Book
*1242 A 22 6 0 Poseidon Lel\d, Tar- 11 feet "Little Nell" 4 .2 .1907 Wragge Bros. A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III., Found 10 inches above the bed-
nagulla Part I. rock
1243 A 22 4 0 Wedderburne 10 feet 9.2.1876 G. Bellingham and J. Reach, Mining Registrar, Nug- Jn black gravel ; waterworn
party get Book
1244 A 22 2 16 Yorkey's Gully, 9 feet 16 .10 . 1894 Leopold and party w. Trenkner, Mining Registrar,
Parish of Wombat, Nugget File
1245 A 22 1 0 19 5 0 Kangaroo Gully, 20 feet A German J. Smith, Mining Registrar, Nug-
Amherst get Book Ci)
124fi A 22 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 72 feet 1908 Ml\ckenzie and party A. M. Howitt ~

1247 A 22 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tll.r- 11 feet 7 .3 .1907 Wragge Bros. A. M. Howitt
1248 A 22 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Ill feet Prior to I<'. K. Orme, p. 375 R. Brough
Kangdera.ar 31.12 .1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
1249 A 22 0 0 Berlin Diggings, Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375 R. Brough
Kangderaar 31.12 .1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
1250 A 22 0 0 Norfolk Gully, - .3 .1876 J. Smith, Mining Registrars' and Gold honeycombed in character
Stoney Creek, Surveyors' Reports, March, l\nd asrnciated with quartz
Amherst 1876, p. 31
1251 A 22 0 0 Gipsy Diggings, 10 to 20 Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375 R. Brough
Dunolly feet 31.12 .1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
1252 A 22 0 0 Gipsy Diggings, 10 to 20 Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375 R. Brough
Dunolly feet 31.12 . 1868 Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
1253 A 22 0 0 21 12 0 Green Gully, Glen- 20 feet 23 .3 .1871 George Marriott Mark Amos, Mining Surveyor, A fiat piece of gold, and a little
!yon Nugget Book fine gold in vicinity
1254 Q 22 0 0 Woah Hawp Canton 850 feet -.10 . 1909 Woah Hawp Canton Age Newspaper, 21st October, On indicator
Mine, Ballar1tt Mining Co. 1909
1255 A 22 0 0 Welbaum Reef, Ray- 4 feet Prior to Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 376
wood 1868 R. Brough Smyth's Gold-fieldfl,
1256 A 22 0 0 Homeward Bound, 50 feet About 1904 Homeward Bound A- M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III.,
Nick o' Time Mining Co. Pa.rt I.
Lead, Tarnagulla
1257 A 22 0 0 New Bendigo Rush, F. K. Orme, p. 377 R. Brough In washdirt 2 fret to 5 feet in
St. Arn11ud Smyth's Gold-fields, &c. thickness

~ Weights.
~ ,g ~

lZ4 Where found. Depth. Name ot Nugget. Date when Finders. Authority.
....0 found . Remark&.

0 Gr08t1. Net. Estimated.
----- ------ --------- - - - - - ----- ---------- ---------------
oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.
1258 A 22 0 0 Victoria Gully, Tara- F. K. Orme, p. 377 R. Brough Found on sandstone bottom 11·ith
dale Smyth's Gold-fields, &o. smaller nuggets
12(;9 A 22 0 0 Quaker's Gully, Shallow 1858 F. K. Orme, p. 372 R. Brough
neighbourhood of Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
1260 A 22 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 10 to 60 1867 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. Brough
feet Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
1261 A 22 0 0 Cosmopolitan Mine, - . 10.1862 Cosmopolitan Mining Dicker's Mining Record, October,
Ballaarat Co., Balla.a.rat .1862, p. 8
1262 A 22 0 0 Berlin Rush, Kang- IIt feet - . 7 .1869 F. Knox Orme, Warden, Nugget
deraa.r Book
1263 A 22 0 0 Berlin Rush, Kang- -.12.1869 F. Knox Orme, Warden, Nugget
deraa.r Book
1264 A ·22 0 0 Turkey Flat, Dun- 20 feet W. H. Ferguson
1265 A 22 0 0 Bismarck Lead, 25 feet W. H. Ferguson
1266 A 22 0 0 21 12 0 Green Gully, Hol- 20 feet 23.3.1871 George Marriott Mark Amos, Mining Surveyor, Flat
com be Nugget Book
1267 A 21 14 0 21 8 0 Avoca Lead, Avoca 107 feet 13 .9.1873 Trevithick and party P. Simpson, Mining Surveyor, W a.terworn and associated with
Nugget Book quartz cry11tal11
1268 A 21 10 0 16 0 0 Fryer's Creek, Par- 16 feet 1854 George Willia.ms Progress Report No. III., p. 118
ish of Fryers
1269 A 21 8 0 Corinella. Extended About 30 19 . 1 .1895 Corinella Extended w. Trenkner, Mining Registrnr,
Mine, Egan.stown, feet Mining Co. Nugget File
1270 Q 21 0 0 Norfolk Reef, Dun- Near sur- W . H. Ferguson
olly face
1271 A 21 0 0 Storekeepers' Gully, Norman Taylor, Mining Regis-
Rushworth, tra.r's Report, March, 1886, p. 92
1272 A 21 0 0 15 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 38 feet 10.6 .1907 Tormey and Hines A. M. Howitt
1273 A 21 0 0 Berlin Rush, Kang- 11! feet - .8 .1869 F. K. Orme, ·w arden, Nugget
deraar Book
1274 A 21 0 0 Cleeland's Gully, 5 feet E. J. Dunn, Quarterly Report,
Parish of Kang- June, 1890, p. 16
1275 A 21 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- lft. 3 in. About 1907 Smith, Stephenson, A. II. Howitt, Records, Vol. III., A few incha. above the bedrock
nagulla a.nd Rogers Part I.
1276 A 21 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 13 feet 26 .2.1907 Mackenzie and party A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III.,
na.gulla Pa.rt I.
1277 A 21 0 0 18 15 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 64 feet 21.10 .1907 Douthat and Brown A. M. Howitt
1278 A 21 0 0 Between Bell Rock 2 to 3 feet 28.2.1871 Theodore Cerrel P. Simpson, Mining Surveyor, Fow1d in red clay and associated
and St. Arnaud Nugget Eook with blue elate and quartz
l2i9 A 21 0 0 20 17 0 Freestone Creek, 13 feet 19.7.1872 Patrick McKenna W. Foster, Warden, Nugget Book Flat and waterworn
Lower Gladstone
1280 A 21 0 0 20 0 0 Pound Rush, Dun. Under 30 - . 11 . 1865 Dicker's Mining Record, Novem.
olly feet her, 1865, p. 348
1281 A 21 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar· About 85 - .8 .1912 Poseidon United Min. Age Newspaper, 9th August, 1912
na.gulla feet ing Co.
•1282 A 20 16 0 20 0 0 Wedderburne 3i feet l .3 . 1881 Ed ward Jones Progress Report No. VII., p.
•1283 A 20 13 0 Yankee Gully, Am. 14 feet 18 .5 .1908 Amherst Flat Dredg. Nugget Book
herst ing Co.
1284 A 20 12 0 18 5 18 Simmon's Reef, 6! feet 17.9 . 1875 Robert Skinner and Progress Report No. III., p. 119 Honeycombed
Blackwood Son
1285 A 20 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly IO to 60 Prior to W. H. Ferguson's Quarter Sheet
foot 7.I0.1867 Map, No. 53n S.W.
1286 A 20 0 0 19 0 0 Woodstock Station, 21 feet 12 .3 .1896 Mitchell and party A. Roffey, Mining Registrar, Nug-
Parish of Lillicur get File
1287 A 20 0 0 Berlin, Kangderaar 12 feet 19.9.1870 F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget
1288 A 20 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 40 feet 1867 F. K. Orme, p. 373 R. Brough
Smyth's Gold-fields, &c.
1289 A 20 0 0 Berlin, Kangdera.ar 9 feet Between F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget
24.3 .1870 Book
20.6 . 1870
1290 A 20 0 0 Berlin Ka.ngderaar 9 feet F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget
Book ~
12!H A 20 0 0 Gibsy Digging;i, 10 to 20 Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375 R. Brough
unolly foot 31.12 .1868 Smyth'e Gold-fields, &c.
1292 A 20 0 0 Git? Diggings, IO to 20 Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 37 5 R. Brough
unolly feet 31.12 .1868 Smyth'e Gold-fields, &o.
1293 A 20 0 0 Gipsy Diggings, 10 to 20 Prior to F. K. Orme, p. 375 R. Brough
Dunolly feet 31 .12.1868 Smyth'e Gold-fields, &c.
1294 A 20 0 0 Mountain Creek, 65 feet Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 377
Moona.mbel R. Brough Smyth's Gold-fields,
1295 A 20 0 0 Happy Valley, Mining Surveyors' Reports, p. 378
Queenstown R. Brough Smyth's Gold-fields,
1296 A 20 0 0 Whipstick. Red -.4 .1863 Dicker's Mining Record, April,
Jacket Gully, 2! 1863, p. 100
miles north of
1297 A 20 0 0 W a.ttle Flat, Ma.lms- - . 11.1865 Wattle Flat Claim Dicker'e Mining Record, Novem-
bury her, 1865, p. 328
1298 A 20 0 0 Belgian Rush, Nug- l to IO feet -.ll.1865 Dicker'e Mining Record, Novem-
getty Gully, Dun- ber, 1865. p. 334
1299 A 20 0 0 Gooseberry Hill, 10 to 60 - . ll.1865 Lord Palmerston Min- Dicker'e Mining Record, Novem-
Dunolly feet ing Co. her, 1865, p. 334
1300 A 20 0 0 Golden Lake, Home- -.10.1868 Golden Lake C!aim Dicker's Mining Record, October,
bush, Avooa. 1868, p. 101
1301 A 20 0 0 Berlin Rush, Kang-
lli feet ... - .9.1869 F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget
LIST oF NuGGETB ll'OUND IN V1cTORIA---continued.



!a~ Gr088.

Net. Estimated.
Where found. Depth. Name of Nqget. Date when
found. Fin den. Authority. Remarb.

~ .fl!;;
01. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.
1302 A 20 0 0 Tyler's Rush, Ber- 12 feet Between F. K. Orme, Warden, Nugget
lin, Kangderaa r 12 .1.1870 Book
1303 A 20 0 0 Patchy Flat, Whip- 9 feet 2.10.1873 Progress Report No. II., p. 58 Flat and irregular
stick, Bendigo
1304 A 20 0 0 Golden Point, Black- Shallow -.8.1884 A party of Chinese Mining Registrars' and Surveyors'
wood Reports, March, 1884, p. 30
1305 A 20 0 0 Between Bell Rock 2 to 3 feet 30.2.1871 Theodore Cerrel P. Simpson, Mining Surveyor, Found in red clay, associated with
and St. Arnaud Nugget Book blue slate and quartz
1306 A 20 0 0 Bloomfield Gully, 100 feet -.6.1872 L. Carter James Stevenson, Mining Surveyor
1307 A 20 0 0 Close to Calder's Shallow A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III.,
Reef, Parish of Part II.
1308 A 20 0 0 German Gully, about Shallow - .9 .1 875 G. Ulrich, Geologist, Quarter Sheet O")
2 miles south-weet Map, No. 15 S.E. O")

of Franklinford
1309 A 20 0 0 Brown's Golden Age 150 feet About Golden Age Co-opera- John Lynch, Mining Surveyor, Found lying on the real
Co-operative Mine, 8.4.1880 tive Mining Co. Nugget Book
1310 A 20 0 0 The Upper Glad- -.6.1870 Thornton and party A. F. Walker, Mining Registrars'
atone and Surveyors' Reports, June,
1870, p. 41
l3ll A 20 0 0 Little Homeward 71 feet About Baker and party A. M. Howitt
Bound, Poseidon, 14.9.1908
1312 A 20 0 0 Poseidon Lead, Tar- 85 feet 10.8 .1910 Junction Syndicate A. M. Howitt

1313 A 20 0 0
Poseidon Lead, Tar-
10 feet .. About
Jackson and party A. M. Howitt, Records, Vol. III., On bedrock
Part I.
13l4 A 20 0 0 Wattle Flat., Dun- About 20 W. H. Ferguson
olly feet
1315 A 20 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 10-60 feet W. H. Ferguson
1316 A 20 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 10-60 feet W. H. Ferguson
1317 A 20 0 0 Old Lead, Dunolly 10-60 feet W. H. Ferguson
1318 A 20 0 0 Hatter's Gully, east 10 feet W. H. Ferguson
of Old Lead, Dun-
1319 A 20 0 0 Frenchman's Gully, 10 feet W. H. Ferguson's Report
l mile souU1 of
Burnt Creek, Dun-
1320 A 20 0 0 .. .. Surface Hill, ! mile
south of Burnt
10 feet .. .. .. .. •• .. W. H. Ferguson'e Report
1321 A 20 0 0 .. .. Creek, Dunolly
N uggetty Gully, near
Belltopper Reef,
8 feet .. .. .. •• .. .. W. H. Ferguson's Report
1322 A 20 0 0 .. .. Dunolly
Baker's Gully, near
Township, Molla-
Shallow .. .. .. .. .. .. W. H. Ferguson's Report
.. ..
1323 A 20 0 0 .. .. gul
Baker's Gully, near
Tow'Ilship, Molia-
Shallow .. .. .. .. .. .. W. H. Ferguson's Report

1324 A 20 0 0 17 18 0 ..
Poseidon Lead, Tar-
71 feet .. .. 24 .9 .1908 Wilkins and Baker .. A. M. Howitt

1325 A 20 0 0 .. .. Cameron's, on Burnt About 20 •• .. .. .. .. .. W. H. :Ferguson's Report

1326 A 20 0 0 .. ..
Creek, Dunolly
90 feet •• .. 1.6.1906 Pollock and party .. A. M. Howitt, Memoir No. XI.
a l 1327 A 20 0 0 .. .. Tim or
Back Creek Dig-
gings, Talbot,
About 35
•• .. -.2 .1859 .. .. .. W. E. Adcock," The Gold Rushes
of the Fifties," p. 199


'"""" I Gross
:oz. ,dwt. ,gr
Weight of
Pure Gold
oz. ,dwt. ,gr.
Where found & name from the
Surface at
Date when found Finder General Remarks & Authority

621 ll - Junction Syndicate,Poseidon 83' 31.10.10 Tvo Nuggets

ll -

622 Poseidon United Syndicate, 27. 4.11 The latest recorded in Memiu
1 55 - Poseidon No. 1312, Photo obtained onli

623 37 - 35 , 7 Havelock. Maryborough 18. 7 .ll Stanley & Phillips Mould & cast obtained, also
District. photo.

624 13.17 Havelock, near Maryborough 16. 8.11 Comet Syndicate

625 30 - Poseidon Gold Field, found 22. 5.12 Mrs. Rowlands "Age"
on a mullock heap at one of
the old claims.

626 50 - Poseidon United Claim 80' 9. 8 .12 No model or cast

21 - Tarnagulla Sand, clay, gr ave 1 and wash
18 - 15 chains E. of the Fede-
ration reef,

627 91.16 Cathcart Mine 150' 9.ll.12 A black coating on the nuggc:
Ararat and of a smooth long shape.
(No. 3 Shaft Workings) The largest in the Ararat d:,
trict. Model. Clay, sand, g11
vel and wash. All Gold.

628 80 - Jordan River 8' Notified by In alluvial & within SO' oi

37 - Gipsland OAL Whitelaw each other almost on the Bi
14. 3 .13 line of reef where it inter·
sects a dyke in Jordan River.
30ch above junction of the 81
Creek & the Jordan River,
All Gold.

629 80 - 50 In ground formely held 64, 24. 7.13 Associated with this were '
by Maldon Syndicate "The gets 17 oz. , 10 oz., 4 oz,
Uncle Sam" Sand, clay, gravel & wash.

630 279.87 180 .40 Kitten claim, late 80' 25. 9 .13 And nuggets of 14oz., 9 o;
Poseidon United. Mould & cast made by Mess1>
Perugia Bros. Sand, clay
gravel and wash.

631 25.15 23 Kitten Claim, late Poseidon 80' 27. 9.13 No Model.
United. 15 chains East of Sand, gravel, clay and was
the Federation Reef.

632 144~ 94 ' l Moliagul. On an Indicator, 8' 8 .11.13 James Montgomery In several pieces one 54 01
Golden Goose, in weight. The indicator
(slate Er quartz). No Model
Ordovician slates etc.

633 80 - 80 ( appx) -do- 8' 16 .11.13 On indicator in small nugg1.

pieces. Ordovician slates 111

634 50 44 Tallandoon. On a quartz 18.12.13 Ellis & Jones On an old reef.


635 100 96 Frenchman 's Reef, Corindha,. 13' 14. 3 .14 Roberts Bros. 60 oz watervorn piece the r I
60 Half a mile away. ragged specimens. Model 1·: J
30 3/4 cast of the 96 oz nugget. ~
Photo obtained. Sands, ell'
and wash.


Weight of Where found & name
frOlD the
Surface at
Date ..,hen found
I Pinder
I Ge neral Rema r ks & Autho r ity
Pure Gold
bz, ,dwt. ,gr .oz, ,dwt. ,gr,
..,hich I
obtained I
) 60 59 Frenchman's Reef, Corindhap 13' 18. 7.14
I Roberts Bros. IWa terwor n fl at nugget . Photo ,
Mo del & Cas t by Perugia Bros.
18 . 7.1914 Sands , c l ay & wash.

7 41 39 .45 Break-0-Day, Surface 12. 3.16 Thomas Gunn Fl at nugget. Li ttle quar tz .
Kangaroo Flat, Bendigo, Mo uld & cast obta i ned by Pe-
One u.ile from the Break-0- ru gia Bros. (Cost 2 Pound) .
-Day Reef.

l 89 .61 Barnes Flat, near the old 14. 4.1934 Wm. Baker and Ap prox. size 4~" x 2-li " x 2" ,
cemetery Waanyarra, 5 miles Matthews (partner) a l i ttle quartz attached .
from Dunolly. Va lued at abou t £ 700 .

) 113 84 Bowenvale near Maryborough, 5. 7 .34 Mr. Rowe and Qu artz with i ron oxi de as so-
Parish of Bet Bet, partners ci ated with nugget.

) 120.62 111.47 !Stewart Hurnall, Armstrongs 6" from 14. 4. 36 Th is nugget was turned up with
Silver "The Stewart" surface a plough. No further gold wa s
.040 oz fo und in the near vicin1ty.

l 62.4 The "Blackwood Eagle" 11. 2.31 Mathews & Waters w. McKee J.P.

2 18-li Waanyarra. S. of Tarnagulla. 22' 5.10.29 Baker, Hurford Mo del presented by Mr. J. Hur-
The "Birthday" and S. Lawson fo rd. Value £60.

l 67 ~learg' s Gully,, Tarnagulla, 13.11.31 Stanley McNamee Mo del presented by Mr. J .

!? 'The oomerang Hu rford. Value £500.

71.1.19 65.18.19 Inglewood near the Lady 6' May 41 J. Hendrickson Sb allow alluvial
Don Line of Reef 6' below We ight before smelting 71.1.19
the surface , oz
We ight after smelting 65.18.19
te As say 9540
i' Va lue £619.13.6

) 29 Mine worked about 1870 1. 2 .43 Le tter from Inspector Broad.

Gulf Mine, Napoleons. Fo und in washed gravel of
ab ondoned alluvial.
Va lue £280

) 145 ,45 116. 23 Buttericks Claim, Wedderburn 11. 4.50 Fo und within 6 inches of
"Wedderburn Dog" Go lden Retriever.
Va lue £1793

l•J r 72.42 54.30 Buttericks Claim, Wedderburn 11. 4.50 Va lue £834
- "Golden Retreiver"

I 5.17.8 Kingower 3. 4. 72 Mrs. Evans Ca st made by National Museum

pe r favour Dr. Beasley.

I 3.12 3.12 Gooseberry Hill, Dunolly. 10. 1. 72 J, Flett, Dunolly. Re plies donated by J, Flett.
) 182 Tarnagulla 9.11.75
- "Robbin's Nugget"

50 Loddon River, Bridgewater 1978 Fo und by farmer on property

ne ar Bridgewater. Purchased
by National Museum in 1978.

ounce per daY per man.-- . - TIt... h
-FOUXn- t~ '~~lf 6
J .'\. 0 I t U"r <.l t TT l .Y·
Y~l't~rda:t', a man named John Miller,
working in Red tTacket Gally, unearthed n nu~~et
we;ghing 11 lbs. 1 ez. troy. .As i~ gcncrnlly the
cue ,,.here these cxtr:iordina ry finds occur, the I
lucky fellow is a soHtar.r " hatter," had been
bard up for '~eeks preTiout-in fact, in the pre- i
sent ca~e, ~tiller had only come out of the ho~pi- ;
tal a ,.-eek or t,,.o sgo, and had been working !
under great difficulties for some da~·:4 back. I;

I \\"here the nuga-et 1ra9 found, our informant

: state' w:u unbroken g-round, a• a depth of about j
1 ~ix feet, nnd about n foot before the pipecl.'ly hot-
! tom w:u reached. The luckv finder curied his I
! pr:ze into Eagleh~wk. where the news of the find

; naturally caused a sensation;' ~o long i~ it since

· the c.r)· of "nuggets" hM been heard in that J

; Jocalit~. 'fh.e nugget is of a flatti~~ ~hlpc, about I

· seTcn rnche5 in length, about four m breadth at I
· one end. ancl three a\ the other. The owner ,.a~
oflcred .£ .)'28 for hi~ prize by one of the 1old !
bu:-·er!1 of Eaglchawk, but he prctirred bringing !
it into San<lhurst for sale. I

Tu B S1:u .\STl.\S Rc~n.-~lr. Howitt w:u '"•"'-

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