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‫‬‪‭ r.

‫‬‪‭Talmud 8‬‬

‫‬‪‭December 4, 2023‬‬
‫‬‮כ"א כסלו תשפ"ד‬





‫‬‮נץ החמה‬





‫‬‮כולי עלמא‬






‫‬‪‭Be able to explain how the Gemara uses the following Frank terms:‬‬


‫‬‮כי תניא ההיא‬

‫‬‮איבעיא להו‬

‭ r. Silberstein‬
‭Talmud 8‬

‭December 4, 2023‬
‫‬‮כ"א כסלו תשפ"ד‬

‭You will be expected to identify the follow parts of a daf of Gemara;‬

‭ age Number‬
‭Chapter Number‬
‭Chapter Title‬
‭Masechet Title‬
‭Beginning of a Mishna‬
‭Beginning of the Gemara‬

‭ ou will be expected to know the content of our Mishna and Gemara. The questions on the‬
‭assessment assume you know what was said, and you will be expected to synthesize and‬
‭analyze these ideas.‬

‭Be able to expand on 3 of 5 topics:‬

‭ The motives of the Tanna Kama and Rebbe Yehuda when they gave their opinions about when‬

‭-Be able to explain the contradiction the Gemara finds between our Mishna and the‬
‭supplemental Beraita‬
‭-Be able to explain the fear that the Rabbis have if we do not create specific guidelines about‬
‭when we can say the Amidah at different parts of the day‬
‭-Know how the Rabbis fix the problem of someone missing the Amidah at different parts of the‬
‭day, and the problem that automatically arises from it.‬

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