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Review Article

Guidelines for Medial

Patellofemoral Ligament
Reconstruction in Chronic Lateral
Patellar Instability

Vicente Sanchis-Alfonso, MD, PhD The standard surgical approach for chronic lateral patellar instability
with at least two documented patellar dislocations is to stabilize the
patella by using an anatomic medial patellofemoral ligament
reconstruction with a mini-open technique and a graft that is stronger
than the native ligament to compensate for the uncorrected
predisposing factors underlying patellar instability. Even though medial
patellofemoral ligament reconstruction has evolved notably during the
past two decades, many aspects of the surgical technique need to be
refined, and more information is needed toward this end. Adequate
positioning of the graft on the femur, as well as inducing the appropriate
degree of tension, are critical steps for the overall outcome of medial
patellofemoral ligament reconstruction. Moreover, it is necessary in
some cases to pair medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction with
other surgical procedures to address additional patellar instability risk
factors, such as trochlear dysplasia, malalignment, and patella alta.

V arious surgical techniques have

been used to treat chronic lateral
patellar instability (CLPI), including
with CLPI who have had at least two
documented patellar dislocations.
Although patellar instability treat-
bony procedures, such as the distal ment has evolved significantly during
and/or medial transfer of the anterior the past two decades, many aspects of
tibial tubercle and trochleoplasty, and the surgical technique need to be
soft-tissue procedures, such as medial refined, and more information is
From the Hospital Arnau de patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) needed about the technical aspects of
Vilanova, Valencia, Spain. reconstruction and medial retinacular this procedure. Moreover, the com-
Neither Dr. Sanchis-Alfonso nor any reefing. According to several ana- plication rate of 26% associated with
immediate family member has tomic and biomechanical studies, the MPFL reconstruction is not trivial.5
received anything of value from or has MPFL is the most important restraint Application of guidelines supported
stock or stock options held in
a commercial company or institution
to lateral patellar displacement from by this article may help to optimize
related directly or indirectly to the zero to 30° of knee flexion.1-3 More- MPFL reconstruction.
subject of this article. over, it has been demonstrated that
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2014;22: MPFL deficiency is the essential
175-182 lesion in CLPI.4 Therefore, the logical Anatomic Versus
treatment approach for CLPI is to Nonanatomic MPFL
JAAOS-22-03-175 reconstruct the MPFL. Since the Reconstruction
1990s, interest in MPFL reconstruc-
Copyright 2014 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. tion has increased, and it is currently Graft placement is considered cru-
the first-choice procedure for patients cial to achieving a good outcome in

March 2014, Vol 22, No 3 175

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Guidelines for Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction in Chronic Lateral Patellar Instability

ligament surgery, and MPFL recon- of anterior knee pain and loss of found that a dynamic reconstruction
struction should be no exception. flexion. Moreover, excessive graft ten- medialized the patella significantly
However, there is little research sion with knee flexion could stretch less than did a static reconstruction
regarding the most appropriate the graft and lead to its failure, and protected against excess graft
locations for graft attachment, and predisposing the patient to repeat tension. Deie et al15 also showed that
controversy exists about the impor- patellar dislocation, even though the a dynamic MPFL reconstruction
tance of anatomic MPFL reconstruc- tendon graft used for MPFL recon- could achieve notably improved
tion. Moreover, there is also struction is substantially stronger clinical outcomes, without recurrent
disagreement about the clinical than the native MPFL. In contrast, dislocations.
effects of nonanatomic femoral tun- a femoral tunnel that is too distal
nel placement in MPFL reconstruction. may lead to graft tension in exten- Clinical Relevance of the
sion and laxity in flexion. Its clinical Patellar Attachment
presentation would be an extension
Reconstruction of the Native lag.9 Finally, according to Smirk
The patellar attachment of the MPFL
Femoral Ligament has received less scrutiny than the
and Morris10 and Steensen et al,11
Attachment femoral attachment. Kang et al16
a femoral insertion into the adductor
described two functional bundles
Several studies have demonstrated tubercle should be avoided because it
based on the patellar insertion of the
the importance of replicating the will cause an MPFL reconstruction
ligament: the inferior and the supe-
native anatomic femoral insertion to be extremely tight in flexion and
rior. The inferior bundle is a static
in reconstructing the MPFL. In a bio- unacceptably loose in extension.
restraint, whereas the superior bun-
mechanical study using compu- Based on these laboratory and clin-
dle is a dynamic restraint because it is
tational knee models, Elias and ical studies, we conclude that the
associated with the vastus medialis
Cosgarea6 analyzed how recon- femoral tunnel should mimic native
oblique. To reproduce the MPFL’s
struction influences patellofemoral anatomy as closely as possible to
broad attachment site on the patella,
force and pressure distributions. avoid the indicated problems.
Farr and Schepsis17 advise the use of
They concluded that technical mis- However, in a biomechanical lab-
a double semitendinosus graft (ie,
takes in the femoral attachment oratory study using cadaver knees,
“anatomometric” placement). Inter-
location and graft length could sub- Melegari et al12 found that the use of
estingly, Mochizuki et al18 showed
stantially increase both the patello- a nonanatomic attachment point
that the ligament is not really an
femoral joint reaction force and (ie, adductor tubercle) alters neither
MPFL because the proximal fibers
pressure over the medial patello- the contact area nor the pressures in
are attached to the vastus inter-
femoral cartilage, subsequently the patellofemoral joint compared with
medius, whereas the distal fibers are
overloading the medial cartilage and the anatomic femoral attachment.
attached to the medial margin of the
leading to patellofemoral osteoar- Servien et al13 prospectively studied
patellar tendon, not into the patella.
thritis and pain. Bollier et al7 showed a correlation between femoral tunnel
They suggest that contraction of the
in a clinical study that anterior location and clinical outcome at 2
vastus intermedius induces tension
malpositioning of the femoral tunnel years of follow-up and found no
on the MPFL and thus stabilizes the
can cause overloading of the medial relationship. It is possible that the
patella during knee extension. Con-
patellofemoral cartilage. According malpositioning of the femoral
sequently, reconstructing the MPFL
to Camp et al,8 a nonanatomic attachment from the ideal anatomic
into the patella may not be anatomic
MPFL femoral attachment, which position was not of sufficient mag-
in many cases, thus bringing into
can be identified radiographically, is nitude to cause a significant clinical
question the practice of drilling into
a risk factor for unsuccessful surgery. difference between the two parame-
the patella to construct a ligament
These authors found that 80% of ters. Additionally, the follow-up may
that does not exist.
patients with an incorrectly posi- have been too short, and it is possible
tioned femoral attachment suffered that these patients may have devel-
a dislocation within 4 years of MPFL oped patellofemoral osteoarthritis How to Choose the
reconstruction. later. Finally, Ostermeier et al14 Attachment Points
Thaunat and Erasmus9 suggested compared static femoral reconstruc-
that a femoral tunnel that is too far tion of the MPFL with a dynamic Servien et al13 highlighted the diffi-
proximal may lead to graft laxity nonanatomic femoral reconstruction culty of performing reproducible
in extension and graft tension in using the medial collateral ligament MPFL reconstructions. The authors
flexion, with a clinical presentation (MCL) as a pulley. These authors analyzed 29 femoral tunnels, and

176 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Vicente Sanchis-Alfonso, MD, PhD

Figure 1

A, Lateral radiograph demonstrating the anatomic femoral attachment point (blue dot) according to Schöttle et al19 and the
anatomic patellar attachment point (red dot) according to Barnett el al.20 The red lines represent the reference lines used by
Schöttle et al19 to locate the femoral attachment point. The yellow lines represent the reference lines used by Stephen et al21
to locate the femoral attachment point. B, Lateral radiograph demonstrating the anatomic femoral attachment point (blue dot)
according to Stephen et al.21 Assuming that the anterior-posterior measure is 100% (bottom yellow arrow), the medial
patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) attachment is 40% from the posterior, 50% from the distal, and 60% from the anterior outline.
C, Lateral radiograph demonstrating the anatomic malpositioning of the femoral tunnel in a patient with severe anterior knee
pain and medial patellar instability after MPFL reconstruction.

only 20 (69%) were considered on Despite the reproducible radio- outcome tool in evaluating patients
conventional radiographs to be well graphic landmarks, however, the with persistent pain or instability
positioned. curved outline of the posterior femo- after MPFL surgery (Figure 1, C).
In a 2007 laboratory study, Schöttle ral cortex varies as a consequence of However, at best, C-arm identifica-
et al19 were the first to describe a patient’s history of weight-bearing tion of the graft placement site is an
reliable radiographic landmarks for activity.21 Therefore, Stephen et al21 approximation and should not be
an anatomic femoral attachment suggested that the posterior femoral the sole basis for femoral attachment
during MPFL reconstruction. They cortex may not represent a consistent location. The final placement must
indicated that the radiographic point anatomic landmark for reliably be based on a thorough under-
of the anatomic MPFL femoral determining the femoral attachment standing of the relevant anatomy. It
attachment, on a true lateral radio- location. To avoid the limitations of is also important to make a suffi-
graph, is located 1 mm anterior to the previous methods, Stephen et al21 ciently large incision to unequivo-
the tangent to the posterior femoral used normalized dimensions of the cally identify the anatomic structures
cortex (reference line), 2.5 mm distal articular geometry and determined involved. It is only in this way that
to the perpendicular line traced the anatomic femoral attachment of one can be sure of anatomic place-
through the initial part of the medial the MPFL in relation to the size ment of the graft and perform an
femoral condyle, and proximal to the of the medial femoral condyle: if accurate execution of this type of
perpendicular line traced through anterior-posterior size is 100%, then surgery.
the most posterior part of the Blu- the MPFL attachment is 40% from Barnett et al20 described reliable
mensaat line (Figure 1, A). In a lab- the posterior, 50% from the distal, radiographic landmarks to perform
oratory study using human cadaver and 60% from the anterior outline an anatomic patellar attachment
knees, Redfern et al22 also concluded (Figure 1, B). Therefore, radio- during MPFL reconstruction. Based
that radiographic landmarks can be graphic landmarks could be helpful on their study, the patellar attach-
used to precisely locate the anatomic intraoperatively for anatomic graft ment is located 7.4 mm anterior to
femoral attachment of the MPFL. placement and postoperatively as an a line tangent to the posterior

March 2014, Vol 22, No 3 177

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Guidelines for Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction in Chronic Lateral Patellar Instability

patellar cortical line and 5.4 mm ligament rather than strive for absolute effect.11,21 However, these studies do
distal to the proximal edge of the isometry. Therefore, knowledge about not address whether the femoral tun-
articular surface of the patella MPFL anatomy and functionality is nel position is essential to the graft
(Figure 1, A). Furthermore, the MPFL- crucial. length changes in an MPFL recon-
patellar attachment encompasses Most authors now state that the struction in vivo. Tateishi et al25
33% of the total length of the patella MPFL is nonisometric over the com- showed in a clinical study that the
and is located at the junction of the plete range of knee motion. Smirk and femoral attachment position is essen-
proximal third and the distal two Morris10 performed an anatomic tial to the graft length changes in
thirds of the longitudinal axis of the dissection study on 25 embalmed MPFL reconstruction. Moreover, they
patella (Figure 1, A). knee specimens and evaluated the also confirmed that the center of the
Another consideration to be noted isometricity from zero to 120° of knee femoral tunnel determines the graft
is that the femoral origin and patellar flexion. They defined isometry by length change pattern. If the femoral
insertion of the MPFL are character- a length change of ,5 mm through attachment has a large effect on the
ized by notable individual anatomic the complete range of knee motion graft length change pattern and this
variations.23 Therefore, anatomic and showed that the MPFL remains change is important for predicting
localization of both the patella and isometric only between full extension a good postoperative outcome, then
femoral insertions by a mini-open and 70° of knee flexion. In another the femoral tunnel position appears to
approach may be imprecise in cadaver study evaluating isometry, be crucial to achieving a good post-
a particular patient. According to Steensen et al11 found a length change operative outcome.
Siebold and Borbon,23 the MPFL of 5.4 mm between the femoral and Erasmus26 noted that patellar
footprint, both femoral and patellar, patellar attachments from zero to 90° height is very important in MPFL
can be visualized arthroscopically of knee flexion; from zero to 120°, isometry; specifically, the higher the
using an extra-articular approach the length change was 7.2 mm. They patella, the greater the nonisometry
from the knee joint. This would concluded that the MPFL is non- of the ligament. Therefore, a distal
allow personalized anatomic MPFL isometric. Victor et al24 confirmed tibial tubercle transfer should be
reconstruction and, in theory, could this conclusion in a laboratory study considered in cases of severe patella
reduce postoperative complications. by demonstrating differences in the alta. In this way, the nonisometry of
nonisometry between the two MPFL the MPFL would be decreased.
bundles: the proximal bundle was Moreover, this transfer would per-
Favorable MPFL tauter at zero, whereas the distal mit more precise tension on the
Anisometry bundle was tauter at 30° of knee reconstructed ligament. This is in
flexion. In contrast, Stephen et al21 agreement with Tateishi et al,25 who
The concept of isometry was developed recently showed in a laboratory study demonstrated clinically that the
in the 1960s in the literature of anterior that the native MPFL is almost iso- anisometry of the MPFL graft was
cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery. An metric through zero to 110° of knee related to the degree of patella alta.
isometric placement of the ACL flexion. The experimental methods Triantafillopoulos et al27 investi-
implied that a full range of knee motion used for evaluating isometry may gated MPFL isometry after recon-
can be achieved without evident explain the contradictory results of struction using a semitendinosus
ligament elongation, thereby allowing the aforementioned studies, all of autograft with a “dynamic” femoral
the graft length to remain constant which were performed in cadaver fixation with two different pulleys:
throughout the range of motion. Thus, normal knees. the medial intermuscular septum
isometry would prevent graft failure Previous studies on the ACL have (MIS) and the posterior third of the
due to overstretching. However, clini- shown that small changes in the fem- MCL. When the MIS was used as
cal experience has indicated that this oral attachment have a large effect on a pulley, the average difference in
assumption is invalid. Currently, the the length change pattern throughout graft length from zero to 90° of knee
objective of ACL reconstruction is not the range of motion of the knee. This is flexion was 4 mm; with the MCL as
to achieve isometry but to replicate the also true for the MPFL. In cadaver a pulley, the difference was 1 mm.
native ACL anatomy and function (ie, studies, Steensen et al11 and Stephen However, although the MIS pulley
anatomometric reconstruction). If we et al21 found that the position of the was less isometric than the MCL
extrapolate the lessons learned from MPFL-graft femoral attachment sub- pulley, MIS was more stable,
ACL reconstruction to MPFL recon- stantially affected its length change restoring better patellar stability.
struction, we should aim to replicate pattern. In contrast, the position of the Parker et al28 compared patello-
the anatomy and function of the native patellar attachment has very little femoral kinematics of isometric versus

178 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Vicente Sanchis-Alfonso, MD, PhD

Figure 2

A through E, A three-dimensional CT model at 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, and 120°, respectively, of knee flexion. The red circle in each
panel identifies the anatomic femoral attachment point of the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) according to Stephen
et al.21 The red line in each panel identifies the virtual anatomic MPFL, and the blue line in each panel, the MPFL graft. The
blue arrow in panel B identifies anterior malpositioning of the femoral tunnel in a patient with severe anterior knee pain and
medial patellar instability after MPFL reconstruction. The length of the graft is defined as the distance between the center of
the femoral attachment site and that of the patellar attachment. Inset, The isometry in the anatomic MPFL is maintained from
zero to 30°, following the isometry criteria defined by Smirk and Morris10 (,5 mm difference in length). However, the graft
becomes lax with increasing knee flexion. The flexion angle at which the graft is the longest is 30°; therefore, the best flexion
angle for fixation of the graft in cases with an anatomic femoral fixation point should be 30°. In our case of reconstructed
MPFL with a poor outcome (blue line), the isometry is maintained during the entire range of knee motion. This, together with
the graft being stronger than the native ligament to compensate for the underlying predisposing instability factors, produces
greater patellofemoral compression in a joint with preexisting medial patellar chondropathy, which would eventually worsen.
This fact could explain the anterior knee pain in our patient. Therefore, in a knee with a chronic lateral patellar instability, it
may be desirable to obtain isometry only from zero to 30°.

anatomic MPFL reconstructions in matics of the patella in deeper angles be to have an MPFL graft isometric
a cadaver study and showed that of knee flexion. However, a non- from zero to 30° of knee flexion,
isometric MPFL reconstruction did isometric MPFL reconstruction which duplicates the isometry of the
not restore normal patellofemoral restored the kinematics of the patella native ligament. This is called
kinematics at any flexion angle, better than did an isometric MPFL favorable anisometry.29 Therefore,
whereas anatomic MPFL reconstruc- reconstruction. a grafted ligament should tighten in
tion restored normal patellar tracking An MPFL graft should duplicate extension and be lax in flexion, with
from maximal knee extension to 28° the nonisometry of the native MPFL a length change pattern of at least
of knee flexion. Neither technique (Figure 2). According to Thaunat 5 mm between complete extension
was able to restore the normal kine- and Erasmus,29 the objective should and deep flexion. This would protect

March 2014, Vol 22, No 3 179

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Guidelines for Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction in Chronic Lateral Patellar Instability

the patella because it is more prone substantially stronger than the native achieved more tension in the patellar
to dislocation from zero to 30° of MPFL but with a tension similar to tendon than in the MPFL graft dur-
knee flexion. That the graft is slack that before its rupture. With normal ing maximal quadriceps contraction.
with increased knee flexion is less trochlear anatomy, it is easy to apply Farr and Schepsis17 tensioned the
critical. the proper tension on the MPFL graft with the knee at 30° of flexion,
graft without overconstraining the which resulted in the MPFL graft
medial patellar facet. However, with being lax with knee flexion and
Graft Tension and severe trochlear dysplasia, there is tighter in terminal extension. Ac-
Successful MPFL a lack of normal anatomic land- cording to Yoo et al,32 the best angle
Reconstruction marks for centering the patella for graft fixation is 30° of knee
intraoperatively, and it is more dif- flexion, but LeGrand et al33 recom-
Apart from the tunnel position, ficult to achieve the proper tension mended tensioning the graft at 45° to
another crucial factor contributing to on the MPFL, with a tendency to 60° of knee flexion. Steiner et al34
a successful MPFL reconstruction is overtighten it. tensioned the graft between 60° and
graft tension. Even a perfectly placed A primary question centers on iden- 90° of knee flexion to ensure that the
graft can create problems if it is fixed tifying the most appropriate graft ten- patella would engage in the trochlea.
too tightly. Thaunat and Erasmus9 sion for optimal restoration of Regardless of the degree of knee
reported on two cases of restricted patellofemoral kinematics. From flexion, the range of knee motion
knee motion after graft over- a controlled biomechanical laboratory after graft fixation should be com-
tightening; one resulted in loss of study using cadaver knees, Beck et al30 plete, and there should be a good end
extension and the other one in loss of concluded that low tension (2 N) point to lateral patellar translation
flexion. If the MPFL graft is too applied to the MPFL graft stabilized from zero to 30° of knee flexion. The
tight, it can provoke a medial the patella without increasing medial MPFL should tighten only on lateral
patellar subluxation as the knee is patellofemoral pressure. Higher loads patellar translation.
flexed. Given that there is a high restricted lateral patellar translation
prevalence of medial articular lesions and increased medial patellofemoral
in these patients, care must be taken pressure. To calculate the most The Importance of
to avoid overloading the medial appropriate graft tension from a prac- Additional Patellar
patellofemoral joint during recon- tical point of view, the contralateral Instability Risk Factors on
struction of the MPFL. Moreover, patella could be used as a reference, Clinical Outcome
overtightening the graft can place but only if it is stable. The idea would
too much strain on it and eventually be to get the same transverse patellar One complication following MPFL
cause its failure. Overtightening the displacement in the reconstructed knee reconstruction is recurrent lateral
graft, particularly with a concurrent as in the contralateral knee. This patellar instability. It is unclear
lateral retinacular release, can lead to would require draping both knees whether graft failure occurs because of
an iatrogenic medial patellar sub- during surgery and comparing trans- rupture or loosening or whether addi-
luxation7 and is therefore best avoi- verse displacement of the patella. In tional patellar instability risk factors
ded. However, a lack of adequate patients with bilateral symptoms, are involved. The etiology of CLPI is
tension on the graft (ie, under- normal patellar motion should allow often multifactorial, encompassing
tightening) can result in inadequate approximately two patellar quadrants not only MPFL incompetence but also
medial restraint and recurrent lateral of lateral translation.31 trochlear dysplasia, malalignment (ie,
patellar instability. Another important question in- tibial tuberosity2trochlear groove
From a conceptual point of view, volves the most appropriate knee [TT-TG] distance .20 mm, patellar
however, so-called tensioning of the flexion angle for tensioning the tilt .20°), and patella alta.35 Isolated
MPFL graft is incorrect given that the MPFL graft. This is controversial. It MPFL reconstruction may not be
MPFL is not under tension in its seems logical to tension it at the knee sufficient to obtain good clinical re-
native state. It comes under tension flexion angle at which the length of sults if these risk factors impede its
only when a lateral force acts on the the MPFL graft is greatest (Figure 2). success, and treatment of the risk
patella.5 Therefore, tensioning the Thaunat and Erasmus29 recom- factors may be needed in conjunction
MPFL graft could, in fact, restrict the mended that the ligament be tight- with MPFL reconstruction.
range of knee motion. The objective ened in full knee extension. To Wagner et al36 found that high
of MPFL reconstruction should be to achieve this, they pulled the patella degrees of trochlear dysplasia were
replace the torn ligament with a graft proximally with a bone hook and correlated with a poor clinical

180 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Vicente Sanchis-Alfonso, MD, PhD

outcome. This could be explained by a recurrent lateral patellar disloca- 34-36 are level IV studies, and refer-
the MPFL graft’s being overloaded tion in a patient with a TT-TG ences 1-4, 6, 7, 9-12, 14-33, and 37
in trochlear dysplastic situations. distance ,20 mm, a positive appre- are level V expert opinion.
Therefore, Wagner et al36 concluded hension test until 30° of knee flexion,
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March 2014, Vol 22, No 3 181

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Guidelines for Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction in Chronic Lateral Patellar Instability

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