DSA MidTerm Exam 20202021 Sample001

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Data Structures and Algorithms – Midterm Examination 16 March 2021

University of Science & Technology Level : 2nd Level IT

Ibb Branch Semester : 2nd 2020/2021
Faculty of Computing & IT Duration : 1 Hour
IT Programs Lecturer : Dr. Redhwan Q. Shaddad

Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Answer all the following questions:

Q1. a) Write a C++ function evenNo( ) to return the count of even numbers in a
positive integer array with n elements.











b) Write a code to call this function for an integer array A with 5 elements. Assign the returned value to an

integer variable x.


c) Run the code in (b); since the array A is given as: { 12, 13, 15, 3, 2}.




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Data Structures and Algorithms – Midterm Examination 16 March 2021
University of Science & Technology Level : 2nd Level IT
Ibb Branch Semester : 2nd 2020/2021
Faculty of Computing & IT Duration : 1 Hour
IT Programs Lecturer : Dr. Redhwan Q. Shaddad

Q2. 12 For a linked list head with 5 nodes with the following information:

10.3 -2.5 13.4 25.7 -8

a) Write a definition for nodeType record which is used to declare this linked list.





b) Declare the linked list head.


c) Write definition of buildListBackward( ) function to create a linked list.













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Data Structures and Algorithms – Midterm Examination 16 March 2021
University of Science & Technology Level : 2nd Level IT
Ibb Branch Semester : 2nd 2020/2021
Faculty of Computing & IT Duration : 1 Hour
IT Programs Lecturer : Dr. Redhwan Q. Shaddad

d) Write a code to call the buildListBackward( ) function for the head list.


e) Write definition of Neg_to_Zero()function which resets the negative data of list nodes to zeros.









f) Run the following code for the given data above for head list:

head = Neg_to_Zero(head);

nodeType* current;


while (current != NULL)

{ cout << current->info << " ";

current = current->link; }




Good Luck

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