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Data Structures and Algorithms – Midterm Examination 15 March 2020

University of Science & Technology Level : 2nd Level IT/CN

Ibb Branch Semester : 2nd 2019/2020
Faculty of Computer Science & Duration : 1 Hour
IT IT and CN Programs Lecturer : Dr. Redhwan Q. Shaddad

Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Major: ………………..

Answer all the following questions:

Q1. 10 For stack of characters, define its data type by using the array. Write C++ functions to:
a) Add a new element to the top of the stack.

b) Return the top element of the stack.

c) Remove the top element of the stack.

















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Data Structures and Algorithms – Midterm Examination 15 March 2020
University of Science & Technology Level : 2nd Level IT/CN
Ibb Branch Semester : 2nd 2019/2020
Faculty of Computer Science & Duration : 1 Hour
IT IT and CN Programs Lecturer : Dr. Redhwan Q. Shaddad

Q2. 10 A C++ program defines a record of student (studentType) which has the following
I. name : name of student.
III. average: grade of student.
II. id : identity number of student.
IV. gpa : grade point average of student.
Write C++ code to define:

a) studentType record.

b) readrecord() function to read a record of student (name, id, and average).

c) findgpa() function to find the gpa for specified average.

d) printrecord() function to print a record of student(name, id, average, and gpa).














Good Luck

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