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40 questions

Only one possible answer for each question

One point for correct answer et -1 pour les fausses.

The contribution of to OB have been mainly at the individual or micor level analysis.

a) Psychology
b) Sociology
c) Anthropology
d) Political science

Occurs when people work less hard in groups than they would individually.

a) Asch effects
b) Social loafing
c) Group think
d) Deindividuation

Which one of these levels is not part of the Organizational Behaviour “territory”?

a) The organizational level

b) The social level
c) The group level
d) The individual level

Personality and upbringing are the most explicative factors to understand individual behaviors in the

a) True
b) False

The Big Five Model of personality uses all the following facets or sub-traits except:

a) Extraversion
b) Locus of control
c) Conscientiousness
d) Openness to experience

When we describe people as quiet, passive, loud, aggressive, or loyal, we are categorizing them in
terms of:

a) Emotions
b) Personality traits
c) States
d) Idiographic behaviors

According to distributive justice theory based on Adam’s Equity theory (1995), individuals will
compare their input/output ratio to

a) The output of their managers in their organizations

b) The output of their individuals within their groups of reference
c) The input/output ratio of other members of their group of reference
d) To the outcome of the best individual within their group pf reference

According to Maslow’s theory (1943), esteem is the highest human need?

a) True
b) False (it’s self-actualization)

Which of the following is not a motivator factor according to Herzberg?

a) Challenge
b) Working conditions
c) Responsibility
d) Autonomy

Which of the following are symptoms of poor structural design?

a) Inefficient decision making

b) Information overflow
c) Departmental conflicts
d) Failure to adapt to environmental change
e) All of them

The primary cause of human motivation is:

a) Money
b) Needs
c) Interests
d) Goals

According to a researcher, managers have one of two main motivations in mind regarding their
employees’ motivation: X: people are intrinsically lazy or Y: peope naturally like to grow in their work.
Who was the researcher? Mc Gregor

Which of the following is a symptom of groupthink?

a) Expression of disagreement
b) Overestimations of the group = its power and morality
c) Open conflict
d) Critical thinking

Which of the following is not an organization’s structural option:

a) Network (very important)

b) Multiorganic (not important)
c) Horizontal
d) Divisional

In terms of organizational structure, which of the following two forces are said to be opposing forces:

a) Integration and centralization

b) Decentralization and differentiation
c) Specialization and centralization
d) Differentiation and integration (the more you differentiate, the mlore you have to

A mechanistic system:

a) Is more fitted in a stable environment (it can only respond to slow changes, not rapid)
b) Is more fitted in an uncertain environment
c) Is more fitted in a dynamic environment
d) Is useful to respond to both rapid and slow changes.

Solomon Ash found found In 1951 that:

a) The Hawthorne effects is unimportant is small groups

b) Conformity is only important in time of crisis
c) Group members ostracize those who do not agree
d) Individuals would give answers they knew were wrong In order to be consistent with the
other group members

Which of the following is not a condition for the matrix organization: (when the environment is
stable we prefer mechanistic organization)

a) Share resources across the organization

b) Environment is stable and predictions can be made
c) Two or more critical outputs required: products and technical knowledge
d) Environment is complex and uncertain

In distributive justice theory, in case of perceived inequity, changing the group of reference is a
cognitive tactic to balance the input/output ratio: true ou false.

The unpreparedness at Pear Harber in 1941, the Bay of Pigs fiasco in the early 50s, and the launch of
the space shuttle Challenger disaster are all examples of:

a) Hawthorne effect
b) Zimbardo effect
c) Social loafing
d) Groupthink

Which of the following is not a strength of the divisional structure:

a) Involves high coordination

b) Allows units to adapt to differencies
c) Decentralizes decision making
d) Is best with only one or a few products

When we have only one product, the best structure is the functional structure.

The presence of written documents, procedures, job description, policy manuals is an indicator of the
level of:

a) Centralization
b) Formalization
c) Professionalism
d) All of the above

A full time integrator: (coordination devise that exist in functional structure that are modify)

a) Ca be found in modified functional structures

b) Can be found in functional structures
c) Always has formal authority
d) All of the above

According to the Hawthorne studies:

a) Recognition, security and sense of belonging improve workers’ motivations and

b) Employee turnover is related to motivation
c) Job decisions are based on scientific principles
d) Supervisors’ support improves organizational performance

Which of the following is not structural dimension of the organization

a) Formalization
b) Technology
c) Specialization
d) Professionalism

A major difference between motivation factors (also called motivators) and hygiene factors,
according to Herzberg is that:

Which of the following are not characteristics for an organic system:

a) Few rules
b) Knowledge is located anywhere in the organization
c) Tasks are broken down into specialized, separate part (characteristic of a mechanic system)
d) Horizontal communication

Which of the following statements on motivation is not true:

a) Motivation is strongly contextualized

b) Motivation depends on intrinsic factors
c) Motivation depends on extrinsic factors
d) Motivation is a personal trait


a) Is a fact that groups work better and more efficiently

b) Is equivalent to synergy
c) Results form in-group pressures
d) Is a famous American think-tank whose objective was to study group behaviour.

Which of the following books advocates a change in the management paradigm from that centered
on control and efficiency?

a) The No Asshole Rule

b) Drive
c) What got you here won’t get you here
d) The future of management

The MBTI is the most widely used personality instrument worlwide participants are classified within
four scales to determine 1 of 16 possible personality types. Which of the following four dichotomy is
not within the scope of the MBTI?

a) Sensing and intuitive

b) Thinking and feeling
c) Judging and perceiving
d) Planning and executing

A commercial airline pilot who is secure, relaxed and clam while flying is likely to achieve a high score

a) Conscientiousness
b) Extroversion
c) Emotion stability
d) Openness to experience

Alderfer’s ERG theory categorizes of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory as “existence”.

a) Safety & security

b) Love
c) Esteem
d) Self-actualization

According to organizational justice theory refers to the extent to which employees fairly
treated when their supervisors implement decision procedures

a) Distributive justice (giving something)

b) Procedural justice (making a decision)
c) Interactional justice (how you communicate decisions to people)

According to Dan pink, are financial, extrinsic rewards effective for motivation? (money works only
for simple tasks, you can be motivated without money with complex tasks)

a) They do not work for motivating people at all

b) They work for simple, repetitive tasks
c) They work creative and complex tasks

Which of the following is an advantage of adopting matrix organizational design ---

a) Facilitating competition
b) Enhancing interdependence of activities
c) Reducing structural complexity
d) Singular chain of command

Conformity refers to yielding to group pressures when no direct request to come with the group is
made. Which of the following experiment does NT deal directly with conformity? Wilderness

Grouping individuals and resources in an organization around products, service, clients, territories, or
legal entities is an example of structuring.
a) Divisional
b) Functional
c) Matrix

Answer the question, “To what degree are tasks sudvided into separate jobs”?

a) Departmentalization
b) Work specialization
c) Span of control
d) Chain of command

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