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Republic of the Philippines

Benguet State University

La Trinidad, Benguet

LIVING IN IT ERA DAY 2: January 10, 2024

Activity: VMGO Quest – Exploring Our Vision, Mission, Goals, & Objectives
Objective: This interactive and motivating activity on the first day of class is design to familiarize students with the
university’s vision, mission, goals, and the course objectives, while promoting teamwork and active engagement.


1. Pre-Preparation: The course facilitator created a series of clues and questions related to the VMGO
statements (Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives), as well as the course objectives. [REFER TO THE
2. Form Teams: You will be divided into small teams, ensuring a mix of students from different backgrounds
and interests.
3. Quest Start: The rules of the VMGO Quest shall be explained to you. Each team will be provided with the
first clue or question related to the institutional vision or mission.
4. Find the Answers: Teams will work together to find the answers to each clue or question. You can visit
designated locations on campus or search for information on university websites, posters, or brochures.
Keep in mind that integrity is much encouraged in this activity.
5. Connect to Course Objectives: Each clue or question should lead the teams to connect the VMGO
statements with specific aspects of the course objectives related to platform technologies.
6. Progression: Take note of your progression as you search for the answer for each clue. Those will be part
of the output for this activity.
7. Collaboration and Reflection: Encourage collaboration and discussion among your team members as
you progress through the quest. At various points, discuss how the VMGO statements align with the course
8. Quest Completion: The VMGO Quest concludes when all teams have successfully answered all the clues
and questions and made connections between the university's vision, mission, goals, and the course


- The activity encourages teamwork, communication, and collaboration among students from the start of the
- It familiarizes students with the university's vision, mission, goals, and objectives, fostering a sense of
ownership and connection to the institution's values.
- By connecting the VMGO statements with the course objectives, students gain a deeper understanding of
how the course aligns with the university's broader mission.
- The VMGO Quest sets a positive and interactive tone for the course, promoting active engagement and
enthusiasm from day one.
- Students develop a holistic perspective on the significance of platform technologies and their impact on
various industries in line with the university's core values.

Clue 1: Find the place on campus where the university's Vision is prominently displayed. The Vision describes BSU as
an "International Smart University engendering graduates to walk the intergenerational highways." How does this
Vision inspire the students' journey?
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University

La Trinidad, Benguet

Clue 2: The Mission of BSU is to "Challenge Innovation, Advance Technology and Facilities, Revitalize Administration,
Engender Partnership, and Serve Intergenerational role." Discover a department or office that exemplifies one of
these mission elements and explain its significance in shaping the university's direction.

Clue 3: In the university's Core Values, you'll find the acronym "CARING TEAM PRINCIPLE." Locate a bulletin board
or online resource that lists these values. Choose one value, such as "Inclusivity" or "Godliness," and discuss how it
aligns with the course objectives of understanding computer system organization and resource optimization.

Clue 4: The Institutional Goals of BSU focus on innovation, technology, administration, partnership, and
intergenerational service. Look for a specific campus project or initiative that exemplifies one of these goals. How
does this initiative contribute to achieving the course objective of fostering technological advancements in computer
systems and network technologies?

Clue 5: Explore the College's Goals related to producing socially responsible and competent graduates in
development communication, information technology, and library and information science. Visit the department
associated with your course and inquire about their efforts in achieving these goals. How does the department's
mission align with the course's objective of achieving academic excellence in information and communications

Clue 6: For the Program's goal of achieving academic excellence in information and communications technology,
speak with a faculty member about the program's curriculum and its alignment with the course objectives. How do
they ensure that graduates gain competence in modern computer systems and their applications?

Clue 7: The final clue leads you to a campus landmark that embodies the values of collaboration and inclusivity.
Reflect on how these values relate to the course's affective objectives of active participation, appreciation for
platform technologies' significance, and effective collaboration in pairs or groups.

By solving these clues and questions, you will have deepened your understanding of BSU's VMGO statements and
how they connect with the course's objectives, aligning your learning journey with the university's broader vision and

Output for VMGO Scavenger Hunt:

For the VMGO Scavenger Hunt activity, each team should submit a collaborative report detailing their
findings and connections made during the scavenger hunt. The report should include the following sections:

1. Introduction:

- Briefly introduce the purpose of the scavenger hunt and the significance of the VMGO (Vision, Mission,
Goals, and Objectives) statements in the context of the university and the course on platform technologies.

2. Clue and Riddle Solutions:

- List all the clues and riddles provided during the scavenger hunt and provide the correct solutions for each
of them. Describe how the team solved each clue and how they reached the correct locations or resources.

3. VMGO Statements Analysis:

- Analyze the university's Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives. Explain how these statements reflect the
institution's commitment to excellence, innovation, and serving the community.
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University

La Trinidad, Benguet

4. Connections to Course Objectives:

- Explain how the VMGO statements align with the course objectives related to platform technologies.
Discuss specific aspects of the VMGO that directly relate to the skills and knowledge students are expected to gain
from the course.

5. Collaborative Reflection:

- Reflect on the experience of working together as a team during the scavenger hunt. Discuss the
challenges faced and how effective communication and collaboration strategies were employed to overcome them.

6. Personal Insights:

- Each team member should share their personal insights and key takeaways from the scavenger hunt
activity. Discuss how the activity enhanced their understanding of the university's values and its connection to the
course objectives.

7. Conclusion:

- Summarize the main findings and insights from the scavenger hunt. Emphasize the importance of the
VMGO in guiding the institution and the relevance of the course in fulfilling the university's mission and goals.

Rubrics for Scoring: 100 points

The submitted reports will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

1. Clue and Riddle Solutions (20 points): Correctly solved all clues and riddles.

2. VMGO Statements Analysis (20 points): Thoroughly analyzed the university's Vision, Mission, Goals, and

3. Connections to Course Objectives (20 points): Clearly explained the alignment between the VMGO
statements and the course objectives.

4. Collaborative Reflection (15 points): Demonstrated effective teamwork and collaboration during the
scavenger hunt.

5. Personal Insights (10 points): Provided meaningful and reflective personal insights. Each member of the team
shall give an insight.

6. Presentation and Writing (15 points): The report is well-organized, clear, and free from major errors. You
can use any form of presentation as preferred by the group (example: Blog, Vlog, Scrapbook, eScrapbook, PPT)

The team with the highest total score will be recognized for their outstanding performance in the
VMGO Scavenger Hunt activity. The activity aims to encourage active engagement, critical thinking,
and a deeper understanding of the university's values and its connection to the course objectives.

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