Mapeh Reviewer

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Classification of Traditional African Instruments

A. Idiophones – are percussion instruments that are either struck with a mallet or
against one another.
B. Membranophones – are instruments, usually drums, which have vibrating
animal membranes.
C. Lamellaphone – percussion instruments, which is a set of plucked tongues or
keys mounted on a sound board.
D. Chordophones – are instruments which produces sounds from the vibration of

Folk Music – refers to melodies and songs of the common people are handed down
from one generation to the next.

Pop Music –

Rap Music -

Michael Jackson – The King of Pop

The Beatles’ – Apo Hiking Society


Mobile Phone – communication tool into a creative device that allows you to generate
original works of art for an entire range of purposes.

Pic Collage – allows you to make collages incorporating photos, stickers, text, and

Instagram – a fast and fun way to share images with others; snap a photo, choose from
among the available filters, and share via facebook, twitter, tumblr, and more.
DSLR Camera (Digital Single Lense Reflex) – provides the film-less and instant
review features of a point “point-and-shoot” type of digital camera, but gives the
photographer more artistic freedom and control.

Point-and-Shoot – type of digital camera which automatically makes all the

adjustments in lighting, focus, zoom-in, and zoom-out.

Computer-generated images – can be created original images from scratch, you may
make your own illustrations using specialized programs for image generation and

Many professional photographers remain loyal to the traditional (nondigital) single lens
reflex camera which still uses films.


Get 7-8 hours of sleep per night

Recreation – is an activity that people engage in during their free time, that people
enjoy, and that people recognize as having socially redeeming values and generates a
general sense of well-being

Eating Disorders

 Anorexia nervosa – an eating disorder characterized by self-imposed starvation

to lose and maintain very low body weight due to a false/disorted of being fat.
 Bulimia nervosa – an eating disorder characterized by a pattern of binge eating
and purging in an attempt to lose weight and/or maintain low body weight.
 Binge-eating disorder – an eating disorder characterized by uncontrollable
episodes of eating excessive amounts of food within a relatively short time.
 Emotional eating – the consumption of large quantities of food to suppress
negative emotions.

Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 or Republic Act No. 10175

- any crime committed in cyberspace

Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law or Republic Act No. 10586

- penalizes vehicle drivers who are under the influence of drugs and alcohol

Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009 or Republic Act No. 9775

- refers to any representation, whether visual, audio, or written combination

thereof, by electronic, mechanical, digital, optical, magnetic or any other means,
of child engaged or involved in real or simulated explicit sexual activities.

Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 or Republic Act No. 9165

- protects citizens from the harmful effects of dangerous drugs to their physical and
mental well-being

Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act or RA 10354

- provides for maternal and child healthcare, family planning and responsible

National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008 or Republic Act No. 9512

- provides for the inclusion of environmental education programs in various

national instates

Anti-Hazing Law or Republic Act No 8449

- prohibits physical and emotional harm and abuse as initiation to a certain social

Reproductive health – is defined as a state of physical, mental, and social well-being

in all matters relating to the reproductive system, at all staged of life.

The TAMA of 1997 states that there are more than 2000 available medicinal plants in
the country, but only 10 are approved by the Department of Health

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