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The history of rejang in Curup hamlet

In ancient times, the committee office (head office) was built during the Dutch era. The rice fields are
inhabited or occupied by the indigenous people of the Rejang tribe who are the founders of the

The existence of ethnic diversity in the region occurred because at that time Indonesia was colonized
by the Dutch, Japanese, then the arrival of other regional tribes who lived, such as the Javanese.

Early founder, prince Datuk pemulu alam during the Dutch era. Descendants of the Padang Sultan
Raja Malelo, Batu Sangkat, 1890. Sulran Raja Malelu, one of his sons Ma Ali.

Then his son mad arif-he was the founder of the village. From here the village or hamlet of rice fields
was formed starting from the development of these descendants and then spreading in this RL

Dusun sawah including menteu hamlets or pioneering hamlets for RL cultural traditions. The culture,
among others, is how to marry the berasanan, the Kejei dance. The Kejei dance is a local dance from
the original rejang lebong culture.

The rejang tribe is also a special tribe because the rejang tribe has its own script, namely Ka Ga Nga

Factors that affect the Rejang tribe in the hamlet of sawah. There are many kinds of rejang tribe. The
rejang tribe moved and spread in several tenoat like the barns of thieves.

The process of the formation of the hamlet of the rice fields is the beginning of this area is a gutter.
Then inhabited by the founders.

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