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Writing a literature review on afforestation can be a daunting task, requiring extensive research,

critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature on the topic. It involves reviewing a wide range
of scholarly articles, books, reports, and other sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the
current state of research and knowledge in the field of afforestation.

One of the key challenges in writing a literature review is sifting through a vast amount of
information to identify relevant studies and sources that contribute to the understanding of
afforestation. This requires careful selection and evaluation of literature to ensure that only the most
pertinent and reliable sources are included in the review.

Moreover, synthesizing information from various sources and presenting it in a coherent and
organized manner can be challenging. Writers must critically analyze and interpret the findings of
different studies, identify common themes, gaps in research, and areas of disagreement or

Additionally, maintaining objectivity and avoiding bias in the literature review is essential. Writers
must present a balanced perspective on the topic, acknowledging differing viewpoints and
interpretations within the scholarly community.

Given the complexities involved in writing a literature review on afforestation, many individuals
may find it beneficial to seek assistance from professional writing services. ⇒ ⇔
offers expert assistance in crafting literature reviews that meet the highest academic standards. By
ordering from ⇒ ⇔, individuals can ensure that their literature reviews are well-
researched, well-written, and tailored to their specific needs and requirements.
Soil Erosion 2. Global Warming 3. Extinction of Forest Animals 4. Since then, rising human
populations have also cleared forests the hard way—by hand. Literature reappraisal:Deforestation is
non a new phenomenon and it has been continued since centuries but its reverberations were non
known in the medieval or subsequently periods. From the very beginning, trees have provided us
with all the necessary components that humankind requires. Reduction of floods by absorbing the
excessive flood water or by directing it towards proper drainage basins. The main aim of the
company is to reduce carbon credits and the forest plantation will help in sequestration measures. The
forests are being destroyed and more land is being cultivated, thus destroying the environment. Some
of the forest areas have been cleared up in such a way that it has lost its fertility, productivity, and
biodiversity, leading it to become barren or wasteland. The plantation may affect the properties of
soil, as trees planted will require different constituents for its growth and thus may lead to depletion
of several soil constituents. Footer Picture Dictionary English Speech English Slogans English Letter
Writing English Essay Writing English Textbook Answers Types of Certificates ICSE Solutions
Selina ICSE Solutions ML Aggarwal Solutions HSSLive Plus One HSSLive Plus Two Kerala SSLC
Distance Education Disclaimer Privacy Policy Area Volume Calculator. Around the year 1900 in the
United States, forest conservation became popular with the uses of natural resources. Answer:
National Afforestation Programme is practised in India. Question 4. Name two methods to promote
afforestation. Afforestation in water catchments thus reduces runoff and water availability for other
uses. Annual rates of deforestation in 52 tropical countries nearly doubled from 1981 to 1990. Since
a detailed understanding of the complex drivers and pressures are poorly understood, local presence
is required to inform policy responses and for intervention to be adaptive and effective. The plants
being planted being an invasive species instead of being a native species may lead to the extinction
of other species. Every year we hear news of forests catching fires. Conservation management of
water in raised mires and lowland wet grasslands. Rising agricultural productivity has since allowed
much temperate farmland to revert to forest. Its main aim is to increase planting trees to meet the
increasing needs of human. Many of the problems stem from the fact that the plantations are even
aged monocultures consisting of an exotic species. The Rhetoric of Deforestation The first image,
entitled WWF: Lungs, is an anti-deforestation advertisement published by the World Wildlife Fund,
a group well-known and respected for its conservation work. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. In addition,
logging can destroy the diverse habitat where forest and grassland meet. Afforestation has a major
role to play to promote the economy of the nation. That will help the environment to regain its
ability. One of the best examples of public participation and awareness is the CHIPKO
MOVEMENT, in 1973 which was based on the conservation of trees and forests. In this essay I will
write about the affects of deforestation, how we can protect the rainforest and the ways the
rainforest survives and the plants get their food. In the introduction phase, we have given a brief
overview of the problem alongside a brief look at the details of the problem itself. It is an economic
aspect which can be carried out easily.
Reduction of floods by absorbing the excessive flood water or by directing it towards proper
drainage basins. Deforestation is the process of cutting down the trees that cause the emptying of the
forests. Indigenous forests now cover 21% of the earth’s land surface. Furthermore, the use of plant-
based products should be promoted so as to grow the industry of tree-based companies. From the
very beginning, trees have provided us with all the necessary components that humankind requires. It
is proceeding at about 17 million hectares each year (170,000 sq km or 65,000 sq mi, an area larger
than England, Wales, and Northern Ireland combined). Uttrakhand state in India has witnessed a
revolution because of afforestation. They are very helpful to every living being on the planet. Various
NGO’s and Government agencies have involved themselves in the process of afforestation. Tropical
deforestation increased rapidly after 1950, helped by the availability of heavy machinery. Since. One
of them, and the most noteworthy one, is the glade of woods for cowss ranching. But on a whole,
afforestation is a better method to see the barren land turning to lush green along with rendering of
important ecological and functional services. Deforestation is a severe problem and we must prevent
and control cutting down precious trees. Answer: Planting trees fulfil all need of humans since trees
provide food, oxygen and many more basic requirements of humans. Question 3. Name an
afforestation program in India. Soil Erosion 2. Global Warming 3. Extinction of Forest Animals 4.
What is the difference between afforestation and reforestation. A tropical rainforest is full of tall
trees, thick undergrowth and it is full of a wide variety of wild life. Thus overgrazing of the greener
areas turns it into a bare one. However, there is now more awareness among foresters of the social
and environmental losses arising from this. Reforestation is the process of planting more trees in a
forest that is already existing but undergoing depletion or is recovering. The WWF has become an
authority on... Related Essays. Forest Conservation. This is a great example of profound research
work. To combat global warming and soil erosion, human beings need to indulge themselves in
afforestation and reforestation activities so that planet earth can be saved from the ill-effects of
desertification. Rising agricultural productivity has since allowed much temperate farmland to revert
to forest. What is needed as a remedy, is a serious awarness of afforestation. That will help the
environment to regain its ability. People are moving to jungles and felling trees for the sake of
farming and settlement. Most of England's woodlands were deforested by 1350. Deforestation
affects the livelihoods of between 200 and 500 million people who depend on forests for their food,
shelter, and fuel. Rather than providing support for dominant narratives of response to tropical
deforestation in DRC (war-torn, impoverished, failed state), analysis of these case studies show
forest loss is occurring because there is a lack of a detailed understanding of the complex set of
drivers and pressures affecting forest cover changes within LTLT.
Regular woodland burning to maintain pasture is common in dry land Africa. By clicking “Check
Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. People should encourage
themselves and their surroundings to make their own forests. The company has successfully planted
20 million trees in areas including the project and areas outside the projects. Many government and
non-government institutions participate in many programs that are related to afforestation with the
sole aim of creating forests or increasing the number of trees. 10 Lines on Afforestation Essay in
English 1. As a result air and water carries away the top layer of the soil. Thus people are often
forced to move on and clear more forests in order to maintain production. Why is deforestation a
cause of conflict between many groups of people. Today the greatest risk to species extinction are
human activities. Soil Erosion 2. Global Warming 3. Extinction of Forest Animals 4. They cut the
trees uncontrollably which leads to deforestation. They reduce biodiversity (the range of habitat,
species, and genetic types), particularly significant in tropical forests that are home too much of the
world's bio-diversity. Footer Picture Dictionary English Speech English Slogans English Letter
Writing English Essay Writing English Textbook Answers Types of Certificates ICSE Solutions
Selina ICSE Solutions ML Aggarwal Solutions HSSLive Plus One HSSLive Plus Two Kerala SSLC
Distance Education Disclaimer Privacy Policy Area Volume Calculator. This land keeps us together
within its mountains; we come to understand that we are not just a few people or separate villages,
but one people belonging to a. The paper is excellent and written according to all of my instructions.
Deforestation affects the livelihoods of between 200 and 500 million people who depend on forests
for their food, shelter, and fuel. The government is putting all its power to prevent deforestation at all
levels. It is a threat to the environment and the existence of life on Earth. The rise in population and
demands for meeting their needs is leading to the degradation of forests. Rising agricultural
productivity has since allowed much temperate farmland to revert to forest. So the forests are
gradually proceeding towards extinction as the man is felling trees unrelentingly and thoughtlessly.
The most salient drivers occurring in LTLT are political and economic drivers and slash-and-burn
agriculture and poverty pressures. What is needed as a remedy, is a serious awarness of afforestation.
Deforestation, which is the permanent removal of trees from a specific area, can be caused by
changes in land use or natural events such as fires, disease, and storms.According to the Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO), the demand for wood and land has led to an increase in forest
destruction. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Instead, the once breathtaking
forests are now sights to avert from. However, afforestation is the method of planting trees or sowing
seeds naturally or artificially, at a place that is barren due to some natural or man-made calamity.
Road development encourages timber exploitation, which opens the forest for agricultural settlement
and fuel wood salvaging. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best.
These forests after being planted and raised up would provide us with different forest products,
shelter, and ecological services.
Why is deforestation a cause of conflict between many groups of people. Its main aim is to increase
planting trees to meet the increasing needs of human. The concept of social forestry should be
popularised. Cattle ranching are the taking cause of deforestation in Brazil. Rather, this analysis
reveals that both drivers and responses largely fluctuate based upon national and international
institutional and economic factors, e.g. both drivers and responses are controlled by national and
international bodies. Conservation management of water in raised mires and lowland wet grasslands.
In addition, logging can destroy the diverse habitat where forest and grassland meet. I had 5 days to
complete my paper and not even a single chance to do it by myself. The accidents in the forest areas
must be reduced or checked. Afforestation can create an ecological balance to manage the evolving
population and its effects. We’ll occasionally send you promo and account related email. The
observance of Government-sponsored movement of afforestation or Vana-Mahatsava should be
implemented seriously now-a-days. Its reverberations have shown great diverseness of menaces non
merely to mankind but besides to the Earth and the scientists and other organisations have been
keenly working on its. What is the difference between afforestation and reforestation. Due to
increased human necessities, the forests are regularly being cut down for many purposes. This effort
is being made to reduce the pressure on the use of the existing hardwood species, like black cherry
and walnut. Since then, rising human populations have also cleared forests the hard way—by hand.
Cited in: Words: 1242 Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper: 74461239 Deforestation, as a
specific subject of study, is particularly salient to sociological research, given that the felling of trees
largely results from human activities. The bats, through proximity spread the Nipah to pigs. Forest
area is generally stable in Europe and North America, although the rate of transition from old-growth
forest to other forms in North America is controversially high. So the forests are gradually
proceeding towards extinction as the man is felling trees unrelentingly and thoughtlessly. Almost all
of this deforestation occurs in the moist forests and open woodlands of the tropics. Words: 2049
Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper: 27107513 Humans on Ecology- Deforestation in razil
Humans have been supposedly trying to protect the eco-system and environment for a long time. The
plantation may affect the properties of soil, as trees planted will require different constituents for its
growth and thus may lead to depletion of several soil constituents. Afforestation is the process of
planting areas of land with trees, to form a forest. It acts as a boon for the agricultural sector since
the entire world and its functioning depends upon it. The process of plant cutting is disrupting the
natural carbon cycle and increasing its level in the environment day by day. Fossil fuel combustion
and deforestation together account for the majority of man-made CO2 releases. There are around
14,500 species of flowering plants.

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