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MATERIAL SELF possessions, cars, home, body,

clothes are part of the material self
❖ "Diderot Effect" (one of the most
❖ Think of your material self as to that
commonly- experienced phenomena
of what you are clothed of, what
of consumption out there) has once
interests you or are passionate
already taken hold of people.
about, what you spend for?
❖ “the Introduction of a new
❖ For the "material self " objects help
possession into a consumer's
make the person but they also show
existence will often result in a
what the person is made of.
process of spiraling consumption."
❖ In other words, the purchase of one
new item often leads to the purchase Psychologists who study the impact of
of another. wealth and inequality on human
behavior have found that money can
powerfully influence our thoughts and
The Material Self: Living in the Material actions in ways that we're often not
World aware of, no matter what our economic
circumstances are (Gregoire, 2014).
❖ For 19th century philosopher William
James (1842-1910), an individual's Curtis (2017) manifested that cash can
selfhood can be broken down into have serious bearing on one's belief
several fragments, with the material regarding the way a person views
self being one. him/herself. The following are evidences
❖ Aside from the physical body, which behind the idea that money truly can
is considered its central constituent change people:
unit, this facet of the self also
a. Social and Business value
includes family and reputation but
also his material possessions Hayman and Ariely (2004) stated that
(clothes, house, lands, bank account there are two motivations for completing
etc). a task. First is social. By seeing a task's
social value, a person it as a worthy
investment of time and is usually happy
to help out.
• When money is offared as the
motivation, people then start thinking
less of the social aspect and more about
the business value.
b. Self-sufficiency and Service

THE MATERIAL SELF Those who are conscious of money

typically strive to be more self-sufficient
❖ All the physical elements that reflect than those for whom money isn't a
who a person Is, maybe priority.

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c. Self-view SHAPING the Way, We See Ourselves:

The Roles of Consumer Culture on Our
The amount one earns could have an
Sense of SELF and IDENTITY
effect on how he/she views the self and
others. The wealthiest people are those • Possessions and the Extended Self
with the deepest sense of class
If possessions are viewed as part of self,
essentialism - the idea that differences
it follows that an unintentional loss of
between classes are based upon
possessions, should be regarded as a
identity and genetic rather than
loss or lessening of self.
Goffman (1961) provides a thorough
d. Ethics
review of the evidence of deliberate
Those who perceive themselves to be in lessening of self-manifested in such
a higher class were most likely to institutions such as: mental hospitals,
engage in unethical behavior, home for the aged, military training
particularly when a symbol of wealth camps, boarding schools among others.
was introduced such as cutting off a
pedestrian when in a luxury car. • Non voluntary loss of possessions
may bring about a diminished sense
Piff, 2012 in his study labelled the of self is when possession are lost
behavior, "self-interest maximization" an due to theft or casualty. In case of
idea that suggests those who have the burglary victims Rosenblatt, Walsh
most money or occupy higher classes and Jackson (1976) suggest that a
are more like to have a "what's in it for process of grief and mourning may
me?" attitude. They actively work toward follow the discovery of theft, just as
the most benefit for themselves. one might grieve and mour the death
of a loved one who had been a part
e. Addiction
of one's life. What is lost in both
Many addictions begin because a cases may be a part of self.
person gets a positive response from a • Snatching of handbags
certain type of behavior. Whether it's a • Victims of natural disasters
happy feeling that one gets from • Immediate family
shopping or a thrill that comes from
gambling, actively seeking out that
behavior again and again for the same Living in a Material World
outcome can trigger an addiction. This is
called "behavioral or process addiction" • This rationalizes our feeling of
a compulsive behavior not motivated by sadness upon losing some of our
dependency on an addictive substance, personal belongings.
but rather by a process that leads to a • This is what William James, in the
seemingly positive outcome. face of material loss, considers the
"shrinkage of the personality".
• The is why we die a little every time
we lose some of our possessions.
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therefore 1 am; I have, therefore, I

Cycle of work and spend 2. Pets as Extended SELF
• Pets are regarded commonly as
• As what Juliet Schor (1988) puts it- representative of self and studies
work more to buy more. show we attempt to infer
• The level of consumption is set characteristics of people from
mainly by people's choices about their friends (Foote, Heiman
how much to work, and therefore 1967). Others have observed
how much income to work. that, like people, pets are
• The income earned determines the regarded as family members
level of consumption. (Cain 1985; Friedmann and
The individual chooses the level of Thomas, 1985, Hickerod and
working hours and the quantity of Schmitt 1982).
3. Body Parts
• Body parts are among the most
SPECIAL CASES OF EXTENDED SELF central parts of the extended self.
• Csilxzentmilhalyl and Rochbero-
1. Collections (“I Shop, therefore I Halson (1901) proposed that
Am”) seemingly identical concept of
• Collection has become a significant psychic energy investment to
activity in our consumer society as it describe the process of
has more widely affordable through identification with possessions of
the discretionary time and money any type.
available to the general population • The loss of a limb is often viewed
rather than just to the wealthy elite by those from whom it has been
(Mason, 1981). severed in Just this way (Parker,
• Goldberg and Lewis (1978, p. 64) go 1981; Schilder 1950). One is
further in suggesting that "Many literally and symbolically afraid of
collectors who are inhibited and being loss of a person following
uncomfortable in social interaction an amputation.
themselves with favored objects
upon which they project human-like
qualities. Best Buys: Consumer Culture and the
• A compulsive tendency urges them Material Self
the increasing desire to collect as
much as they could which gives ▪ In supermarkets and malls, we give
them a greater feeling of security and away what is essentially the material
therefore becoming a basis of the manifestation of our labor (money) in
sense of self and identity “I shop, exchange for items.

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▪ We are made aware of these items 2. Information Search

through commercial advertisements. • buyers begin to look around to find
out what's out there in terms of
▪ Back then, our ideas about
consumer items are picked up from
print and TV. 3. Evaluation of Alternatives
▪ But with the advent of social media, • sees the evaluation of the available
information on goods and services alternatives; the buyer then decides
are now able to reach us at a much upon a set of criteria by which to
faster rate. assess each alternative
▪ In effect, advertisers need only to
strategically tap into our
smartphones. 4. Purchase Decision
• buyer makes the final choice of what
to buy and from whom to buy it.
▪ On the flip side, not every society
puts premium on material
consumption. 5. Post-purchase Behavior/Feelings
▪ In some agrarian societies, basic • The process continues even when
subsistence is the way of Iife. the product or service Is being
▪ Food is not so much bought as they consumed by the individual or
are planted and eventually business.
▪ This stands in stark contrast with
contemporary Wester cultures, which SUMMARY
removes focus on austerity while
increasing emphasis on buying. • The MATERIAL SELF refers to all of
the physical elements that reflect
who a person is which includes one's
How Do I Decide What to Buy? body, possessions and home. The
family, home, and clothes also come
1. Five Stages in Philip Kotler's from a person's material self.
(1980) Buyer Decision Process: Practical interests of a person is part
• Needs Arousal/Recognition of one's material self which includes
the instinctive Impulse of collecting
• Information Search property. Luxury and materialism are
• Evaluation of Alternatives by -products of the material.
• Materialism refers to the theory or
• Purchasa Decision belief that nothing exists except
• Post-purchase Behavior/Feelings matter; its movements and its
modifications; the theory or belief
that consciousness and will are
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wholly due to material agency; a ❖ This can be a healing process that

tendency to consider material leads to a personal development.
possessions and physical comfort as
more important than spiritual values.
• As we shape the way we see THE SPIRIT AND SOUL
ourselves and develop our sense of
❖ As mentioned by L. Mercado (1994)
self and identity, reflecting on this
“the spirit in the Hebrew language is
familiar statement might help;
ruach or pneuma in Greek which
means breath (breath of life).
❖ It is described as the disposition of
CREATED TO BE USED, the reason
an individual, a person’s habitual
why the world is in so much chaos
attitudes, as man’s supernatural
right now is because PEOPLE ARE
power which comes from God.
❖ SOUL in Hebrew, nephesh or in
Greek psyche originally meaning
‘throat’ or ‘neck’ which means
‘human life’.
SPIRITUAL SELF ❖ Modern psychology, it is described
as the ‘will, mind the seat of emotion,
❖ In search for one’s true identity, man can
never do away from considering his
spiritual well-being He is composed of *Both spirit and soul mean life.
both body and soul.
❖ The concept of the soul is very
❖ The Body points to his relationship with
familiar to Filipinos. This is the
the material world.
nonphysical aspect of the person,
❖ The Soul is directed towards his
the complexity of human attributes
relationship with the spiritual world.
that manifests as consciousness,
thought, feeling, and will.
THE CONCEPT OF SPIRITUALITY *It is the person’s emotional and moral
nature, where the most private thoughts
❖ SPIRITUAL SELF is who we are at
and feelings are hidden.
our core. It is more permanent than
the other two selves (material and
social self).
The Filipino Traditional Understanding of
❖ Is our objective and most intimate
❖ It is the aspect of self which develops ❖ According to Demetrio et al in the
a certain level of spirituality which is book of “The Soul Accord to
deemed as man’s way of seeking as Indigenous Filipino “, kaluluwa,
well as expressing the meaning and kararwa, kadkadduwa all come from
purpose of his life. the root word duwa, which means

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❖ The soul has two existences - one strong dungan is the intellectual and
physical that is connected to the psychological capacity to dominate
human body and its life, the other is or persuade others to one's way of
spiritual where it exists on its own. thinking.
❖ The llocano kadkadduwa' is further
derived from the kadduwa, meaning
'companion'. The doubling of 'kad’ Two things are considered in the
intensifies the nature of evaluation of one's spiritual self: Belief
companionship so that it means and Practice
'constant companion' or an
inseparable partner,' therefore an ➢ Belief – sets the foundation for
attached companion of the living one's actions.
person. – Unlimited, no boundaries.
❖ The Tagalogs call the soul kaluluwa;
the Bagobos gimokud; the ➢ Practice – action which
Bukidnons, makatu; the Ilokanos manifests one's belief.
kadkadduwa or kararwa (inside – Limited by the laws and rules
physical body); the llonggos,
dungan (if person is alive), and kalag BELIEFS IN SUPERNATURAL BEINGS
(if person is dead); and the AND POWER
Visayans, dungan (willpower) • Belief guides one in his moral
(Demetrio, et al 2011). decisions and actions. (example:
❖ For the Cebuanos, the soul is Live in a community of same faith,
referred to as kaluha, and the marriage, voting, political etc.)
Mindoro folks karadwa or kalag. For • ex. Mass suicide committed by
the Kankanays of Cordillera, abi-
members of a cult headed by Jim
abiik is the termed used for the
spiritual self which is also applicable
to trees, stones, rivers etc which are
also believed to have abi-abiik.
1. Christians
❖ The dungan (not normally seen by
➢ Man was created in the image of
the human eye) for the llonggos
and Cebuanos sometimes comes
2. Buddhism and Hinduism
out of the body and takes on a visible
➢ Man's goal is to reach Nirvana
form such as that of an Insect like a
➢ There is no personal God.
housefly or even a lizard.
3. Muslim
❖ Alicia Magos (1986) as cited by
❖ one who surrenders and submits to
Demetrio et al (2011) also indicates
Allah and his laws.
that another cause of the withdrawal
4. Protestantism
of the soul from the body is when the
❖ Salvation through Jesus Christ
body is badly maltreated. Magos
5. Indigenous beliefs
says that the Visayan dungan has a
❖ Animism, inanimate objects are
secondary meaning of ‘willpower'. A
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2. Signifies commitment (I will not be

doing these sacrifices if I wasn't
• Worship – Celebrations 3. Gives assurance that members will
• Rites – Matrimonial not be free riders. (Why will I do this if
• Rituals- Funeral you cannot trust me? Only believers and
• Sacrifices – Baptismal services those who will do their share will do
• Fiestas some of the rituals.)
• Trances
• Dances
They become religious practices when ❖ Magic – (not the same as the illusion
they are considered sacred by the or tricks). It is a method that interface
practitioners. with the supernatural and by which
people can bring about particular
Hence, relative on the religion. ❖ Gives people a sense of control on
what is going to happen.
Example: Burning incense, Holy
communion. Wine can be profane but How does magic affect our spiritual self?
when used in mass, it becomes holy.
Ex. During exam: Student can go either
to religion and pray. Or go to magic and
do a ritual. How does one do magic?
Student will wear a shirt that has
brought him luck or use a ballpen, etc.
❖ Often incorporates different religious thinking that, by wearing that shirt, one
practices. Thus, in one home one will pass.
can see Buddha, incense, altar,
Sto.Nino etc.
❖ The mixture and blending of different WHY SHOULD I CONTINUE TO LIVE?
religious practices made it confusing WHAT CAN I GIVE LIFE?
as to what is biblical, spiritual,
Viktor Frankl (1905-1997)
traditional or cultural.
▪ Prisoner in the Nazi concentration
camps at Auschwitz and Dachau
DO WE NEED THEM? ▪ Parents, brother, wife, and children
died in the camps
Sosis 2004 Main benefit of rituals:
▪ Logotherapy - existential approach to
1. Promotion of cooperation psychological practice
▪ Rejects the deterministic view of
human nature (not fatalistic)
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"The main motivation why men continue - University of Santo Tomas (UST)
to live is the will to meaning." A person - University of San Carlos of Cebu
must see meaning in life.
The Philippines is not only the country in
Southeast Asia to gain Independence: It
is also the only country in the world
known to hoist the flag upside down
1. CREATIVE VALUES during war.
❖ By creating a work or doing a deed-
find value in the things that we do.
❖ By experiencing something or
▪ In terms of animals, our Philippine
encountering someone. When
eagle soon being the largest eagle in
people experience something
the world.
positive like goodness, love, beauty
▪ Longest snake
or just merely experiencing culture
▪ Longest reptile
and nature.
▪ Giant clams (almost 90 percent of
giant clam species in the world is
❖ By the attitude we take toward
found in the Philippines.
unavoidable suffering. This
emphasizes that even in suffering,
one can find meaning in life where
one can turn one's predicament into Filipinos are also known for
triumph. (ex, Sacrifice) greatness
▪ Dr. Jose Rizal
▪ Dr. Abelardo Aguilar helped in the
THE POLITICAL SELF discovery of antibiotic erythromycin
that has been saving millions or
Developing a Filipino Identity, Values,
people until today.
Traits, Community, and Institutional
▪ Carlos P. Romulo first Asian to
factors Establishing a Democratic
become President or the Limited
▪ Not mention the countless
professions, athletes, beauty titlists,
and artists.
Things that we can be proud of. These
With more than 7,100 islands
are among the oldest schools in the
world, they have outdated most of the ▪ The Philippines is known for this one
known schools today. particular island province —
CAMIGUIN, who has 7 volcanoes

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that outnumbered the number of ➢ The system of government

towns. (5) was wide-ranging in small
▪ The country’s geography also units called balangay— a fern
contributed to more than 170 spoken derived from a wooden boat
languages and 200 ethnic groups. used by a community of
families for their living.
Filipinos are known for being...
• Hospitable ▪ The notes of Antonio Pigafetta, the
• Joyful scribe of the Spanish explorer
• Cheerful – eagerness to connect Ferdinand Magellan, revealed that
with one another the natives of the Phlippine Islands
• Observe Christmas season from were autonomous and economically
September -mid-January – the prosperous.
longest season in the world ▪ When Spanish colonizer, Miguel
• Though this does not give a Lopez de Legazpi made a kinship
positive Impression, the pact, the sanduguan, the native
Philippines is considered as the chieftain Sikatuna of Bohol, the pact
text capital of the world. The was initially understood as a mutual
number of text messages sent by promise, like brothers, helping one
Filipinos everyday is sold to be another in times of need and
more than the text messages development.
sent by Americans and ▪ The blood compact was primarily
Europeans combined. grounded on a Filipino value of
Katapatan (true to one’s promise).

We will now trace the historical roots

of our values, traits, and community For over three centuries the Filipinos
and institutional factors that affect helped the colonizers.
the Filipino identity.
• Build their military fortress
❖ Role of the self in establishing a
democratic culture. • Paid their taxes
❖ PRIMARY GOAL: Help the self- • Joined their civilian guards
discover one's source of pride
national heritage from which one can • Constructed their government and
truly develop a political self with an religious infrastructures
authentic Filipino.

However, the Spanish colonizers did not

Developing a Filipino identity remain faithful to the pact that they have
agreed with the Filipinos:
➢ Flipinos were free.

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➢ They required the natives to render BLOODY REVOLUTION

forced labor
➢ The philosophy honors more than
➢ They have monopolized the market
just the social contract existing
by determining price of farm products
between the colony and the
produced by the natives
colonizers. It seeks to uphold and
➢ They have grabbed the lands of the
advocate the pact between brothers
to sustain kalayaan (liberty) and
➢ They have limited the freedom of the
pakikipagkapwa-tao (being faithful to
natives and they have kept the
the goodness of the other)
Filipinos ignorant.
➢ The Americans intervened to help
the Filipinos win the war and gain
liberation from Spain. 1898 the
• Towards the end of the century under country gained Independence Spain.
the Spanish rule, a few educated
indios (Filipino natives)
• *reminded themselves of the original
Japanese-sponsored Philippine
kinship pact
• faithful to the traditional values and
traditions of the prosperous balangay
• *They manifested the value of ESTABLISHING A DEMOCRATIC
katapangan (courage) to fight back CULTURE
against the oppressive rule of the
colonizers. ❖ Pres. Jose P. Laurel cushioned the
impact of the atrocities and violence
constantly winning the trust of the
▪ The reformist Dr. Jose Rizal used his Japanese while faithfully serving the
talent and sidi as a poet and a writer suffering Filipinos. He was the
to enlighten the Filipinos about the guerilla who fought his battle not in
oppressive structures brought by the the jungles but in the embattled
colonizers. office in Malacañang.
▪ He burned in them the spirit of ❖ The defeat of the Japan in the World
pagka-makabayan (patriotism) once War II also meant regaining the
again after centuries of Philippine Independence. Since then,
hopelessness and desperation. we struggled to rebuild our
▪ He trusted the Filipino intelligence communities and structures or our
and banked on it to awaken the democracy.
consciousness of the people
▪ His satirical novels- NOLI ME
TANGERE and EL • Filipinos lived their liberated hopes
FILIBUSTERISMO candidly depicted and dreams until the 1973 Marcos
the worsened tyranny, oppression Constitution. This placed the entire
and domination of Filipinos under nation under the authoritarian rule of
colonial rule. President Ferdinand Marcos.
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• The dictator initially delivered the 2. That everyone guarantees the

needs of the Filipino people by right of workers to self-
improving infrastructures and organization, collective
government systems. After 13 years bargaining and negotiations, and
under Martial Law, the people peaceful concerted activities in
became fed up with so much accordance with law. (Art XIII Sec
corruption, injustice, and violence. 3).
That eventually led to EDSA 3. That institutions recognize the
Revolution. rights of farmers and land
• The People Power in EDSA remains owners, as well as cooperatives
to be compelling messoge to the and farmer's organizations (Art
world that the Flipinos value freedom XIII Sec 3).
dearly. 4. That authorities protect the rights
• The historical People Power of subsistence fisherfolks (Art XIII
Revolution guided the Promulgation Sec 7).
of the 1987 Constitution.

▪ From the time of President Corazon ▪ is described as the awareness and
C. Aquino up to the present understanding that the self and
President, Filipinos became vigilant community are both the foundation of
and watchful to safeguard the a democratic practice and the result
democratic processes in the of it.
government and communities.
▪ The people's assertions to peaceful Attributes of a democratic society:
and assertive means of participation
✓ Empowerment of the people
to democratic election and
✓ Consultation
representation are healthy
✓ Popular decision-making
indications that the Filipinos have
✓ Total development
matured in their quest for real
✓ Delivery of services
✓ Far and impartial system of justice
▪ In recognition of the importance of
✓ Accountability of public officials
✓ Promoting respect for the rights of
fortification of democratic culture, the
1987 Constitution ensures the
✓ Concern for their welfare
✓ Unity, justice, and equality.
1. That the government shall afford
all protection of Filipino workers
• The vibrant history of our nation
here and abroad, and provide
emphasized out fidelity to our
equality of employment
promises and our desire to attain
opportunities (Art XIlI Sec 3).

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