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DMMM-07 Project

Gecat Safety Officer Daily Checklist

Sn Items to be verified Yes/No

1 Did Pre-Job meeting conducted and JSA reviewed?

2 Do Certified WPR available at site and permit received?
3 Was there scope of work/ATW/site layout available at site?
4 All workers with full PPE?
5 Only Aramco certified operators working and drivers with SAG licensed.
6 All equipment certified by 3rd party.
7 Equipment equipped by PWASS system.
8 Certified flag man available at site.
9 Hard barricades available near the excavation.
10 Excavation check lists available and updated
11 Certificate Fire-watch and first aiders available at site.
12 Portable toilet available and functioning.
13 Ambulance with driver available at site and inspected daily
14 Pre-job inspection conducted for all equipment.
15 Enough gas detectors and daily inspected (portable and multi gas)
16 Equipment log available
17 Both entrances are controlled by dedicated trained person.
18 Competent foreman and safety officer available at site
19 All personal with certified H2S card and site orientation
20 Heat stress program / Ramadan days’ work effectively controlled
21 Temperature monitoring devices available at site and logged daily
22 Windsocks available and functioning
23 Required/mandatory sign boards are available
24 Fire extinguisher available and inspected
25 Transportation bus/pick up available and inspected.
26 ERP available and updated
27 Emergency notification alarm system available and function tested
28 911 call sheet available and updated
29 Communication devices available and tested
30 Medivac Plan including nearby Hospitals posted on stand and
31 Portable office trailer/ assembly Point available
32 First Aid Kit and Stretcher available
33 Emergency Response Teams available and names are updated

Signed By

Site Safety Advisor/Dammam-7

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

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