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Struggling with your literature review on employee work-life balance? You're not alone.

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currently unavailable. The individual with a work-life balance is more satisfied with their work
because can participate in an important role (Greenhaus et al., 2003 in Haar et al., 2014). The
problem of job satisfaction is important because high satisfaction will create a pleasant work
atmosphere and encourage employees to improve their performance. Cambridge Dictionary’s
definition — “the amount of time you spend doing your job compared with the amount of time you
spend with your family and doing things you enjoy” is too simplistic. This study is to identify the
workplace determinants of worklife imbalance and to elicit some solutions for the problem.
Furthermore, the financial or non-financial outcomes of the employee which are closely related to
the performance and success of the organization is also reflected by employee performance. Work
Life Balance Questionnaire Background The objective of this survey is to understand how Work Life
Balance affects the employee in service sector. Research published in the International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health in 2019 indicated that long working hours make people
very sick. It is the Human resource department’s responsibility to find the solutions in order to
balance personal life and work. Human resources think in order to ensure human being. Despite the
fact that the conversion of age-old supernatural quality and great old free enterprise sounds bit
chronologically misguided, this between play has turned into a subject of interest for both experts
and academicians atleast from the point of view of work environment most profound sense of being.
To achieve the targets that have been given, in general, currently many companies have been
implemented work life balance. Organizational commitment comprises a number of elements.
However, about 85% of performance problems reside in the work life balance of the organizations.
Results of the Study: Statistical tools can be applied to identify relationship among employees
performance considering work-life balance determinants. The imbalances have a negative impact in
both personal life and professional life, Thus, maintaining an adequate balance between professional
and personal life is very important. Effective policy of work-life balance embraced by the
organization allows the employees to socialize with the community while assuring that cost and
turnover are under control and productivity is improved. There are generally three primary concerns
pertaining work-life imbalance considering that it is impacted by technological influence. According
to a research by Keneza Research Institute in 2007, employees who were more positive toward their
organization’s efforts to support work-life balance indicated a much lower intention to leave the
organization, greater pride in their organization, a willingness to recommend it as a place to work
and higher overall job satisfaction. Bring in a live instructor or utilize online classes. Employees
would much rather schedule their PTO than lose their hard-earned time off. Other events that are
ideal for employees’ families and even pets to attend are company picnics or other company outings
like sports events or concerts. Work and health are always two of the most important aspects of a
single married life. Deshpande AI-enhanced title it includes the literature review of work life
balance. With respect to the notion of enjoyment, it does not denote happiness. The managers with a
contemporary view they have a partnership attitude between the employee and the manager with the
scope of reaching the targets: professional and personal for both sides. The companies solicit more
time and energy from the employees to cope with realities and pressure of competitive business
environment. Past studies on work engagement of employee found that employees who are engaged
are likely to demonstrate positive organizational outcomes such as lower turnover intention, greater
customer satisfaction, and greater level of productivity and profit. This research found that elements
of work life balance have significant impact on the Work Life Balance among the academicians in
higher education sector. Even when a great idea comes to mind, write it down and share it tomorrow.
In order to improve daily employee’s activity and to make daily work satisfying and fun, the
establishment, Amigo, organizes anniversaries (a small half hour party with drinks and cakes and a
nice speech from the manager), Saint Nicholas party for the kids and in January a big staff party.
For instance, stress can cause physiological and psychological problems and can lead people to
consume alcohol and smoke. Does Happiness at work (employee engagement, job satisfaction, and
affective organizational commitment) impact employee performance. Team building games bring
laughter and fun into the office which can reduce some of the stress that employees feel at work.
When there is imbalance between effort and reward, fatigue, poor performance and declined life
quality can result. However, the hotel places at the disposal of the HR’s department company cars.
My supervisor accommodates me when I have a life problem (e.g. vacation) v 3. My supervisor
understands when I talk about personal issues v 4. When meetings were banned two days a week,
productivity jumped a massive 71%. Indeed, it can be dangerous for a company to reveal the salaries
of the various job positions because it can entertain bigger frustrations within the company. As a
general conclusion for both companies, they do have an effective HR department sustained by a good
management, but as in every competitive business there is always place to improve. The context of
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia presents a unique set of challenges to female academic employees,
because of a modern conundrum stressing the importance of globalization and therefore. Download
Free PDF View PDF Different factors of Work Life Balance Affecting Employee Job Satisfaction: A
Study of Banking Sector of Sargodha Region Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Journal
ISSN: 2310-0079, Saif Amin This research was accomplished to explore the effect of different
factors of work-life balance on employees' job satisfaction. Helps me to develop my abilities and this
helps me be a better family member v 3. Furthermore, during Saint Nicolas and during the Christmas
party (annual staff day), chocolate “Neu-haus” is distributed to every employee. If someone can give
time to the needs of work and outside work well, it will create job satisfaction. In order to improve
daily employee’s activity and to make daily work satisfying and fun, the establishment, Amigo,
organizes anniversaries (a small half hour party with drinks and cakes and a nice speech from the
manager), Saint Nicholas party for the kids and in January a big staff party. Main attributes affecting
the work-life balance: workload, inflexible working arrangements, and long working hours, job
stress, family support, and demographical factors were analyzed in this study. Study results found
that there was an effect of work-life balance on job satisfaction as much as 8.3%, and there was an
effect of work-life balance on employee retention of 4.4%. One of the managerial implications of the
research results that can be implemented is organization should provide a good work environment
and facilities to increase the motivation of the employees. Meanwhile, in a study, job satisfaction was
described as the extent to which employees are fond of their work. Bachelor 4 11. Job experience in
current organization? (in years) 0.4 e. Master 5 12. Marital Status: f. Other: 6v a. Yes (Married) 1v
13. Team buildings are organized once a year and only for the managers in different locations as
Ardenne, France and consists of paintball, kayak etc. International Journal of Innovation and
Economic Development, 7(3), pp.18-26. However, some employees don’t take advantage of it when
it’s not encouraged. These elements include the sense of affective devotion towards the organization,
loyalty towards to the organization, and identification of the goals and values established by the
organization. It provides them a break from their daily transactional work and will increase work
satisfaction. They take fewer sick days off and are more immune to burnout. Compensatory rest It is
granted to employees for the worked extra hours and it takes the form of days off; its purpose is to
adjust the worked hours to the legal working hours ceiling. Even when organizations have versatile
insurance policies, employees, typically, don’t use it as a result of they worry that they may be
perceived by managers as somebody who shouldn’t be very severe about work when work-life
balance is essential. But how can you improve work-life balance for your employees. Objective of
the Study: To study the prevalence of work-life balance among the employee?s in Insurance industry
with reference to Life Insurance Corporation and Max New York Insurance Company at Guntur
District, Andhra Pradesh. However, some forms of absence from work are legally protected and
cannot be grounds for termination.
Absenteeism The habitual non-presence of an employee at his or her job. The obtained results
revealed that there is no significant difference between BPO employees dwelling as nuclear and joint
families in Quality of work life. Secondly, we used self—reported health as the outcome variable.
Time away from work enables work-life balance by giving employees more time to be with their
significant others, families, and friends. European Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 9( 11 ),
43-53. Employee Satisfaction Employee satisfaction is the terminology used to describe whether
employees are happy and contented and fulfilling their desires and needs at work. They experience
higher rates of family conflict and divorce. Workaholics have increased stress, health problems,
lower productivity, and will eventually succumb to burnout. When you improve your employees’
work-life balance, they are more engaged, more likely to stay at the company and more likely to
recommend the company as a great place to work. Furthermore, the family related variables
considered in the study all together only have the potential to explain six percent of variance in
employee WLB level, further validating the small effect that the family demographic characteristics
have on WLB level. An individual has two roles to play- personal and professional; each role having
different set of demands. This time off should be an addition to their paid time off. The researcher
had developed the five point rating scale consisted a few variables under the factors pertaining to
work-life balance. Employee retention consists of 5 questions, for example I want to stay with my
company because there is career advancement for me. This builds a foundation on which the entire
research is carried out. Respondents for the study are selected from Life Insurance Corporation and
Max New York Insurance Company. According to Rahmawati et al. (2019), millennials at work do
not always prioritise work in their lives but value flexible working hours and a supportive work
environment. As a sequel, the work has become highly demanding and more challenging in all
spheres of business. A favourable work environment results in better quality of work life and vice-
versa. If your employees feel like they can depend on each other for support they are more likely to
express themselves or seek help when feeling stressed or overwhelmed. My coworker is supportive
when I have a life problem v 2. Through the analysis, the results showed that various tips of
developing satisfactory level of employee’s worklife balance in the study area. A work-life balance
makes employees feel job satisfaction because they can work well while in the office; therefore they
do not need to be burdened with problems outside of work. Thirdly, we will analyze the actual
results of these implemented policies and finally, we will draw our general conclusions. How many
hours do you sleep on an average work night. Indeed, according to the budgets allocated to each
country, each company has the right as it should be to manage its staff while respecting the main
idea. Having a creche at the office, or tying up with a good youngster care facility close by may help
the organizations help the kid care wants of working dad and mom. There have been a lot of
explanations regarding work life balance and the notion would have different meaning to different
individuals with generational differences which greatly contribute to these differing perspectives. My
supervisor really cares about the effects that work demands have on my personal life v 5. Helps me to
understand different viewpoints and this helps me be a better family member v 2.
First Part: Demographics Please circle or use tick (v) on the most appropriate number in answer
column or write your answer in the space provided. S.No. Questions 1. Identification Number 2.
Employee performance has linkage to the activities and tasks employees carry out in effective and
efficient manner, and it also dictates how much employees contribute to the organization and among
the contributions of employees are output quantity, work attendance, and accommodating attitude.
When such role demands overlap, multiple problems are faced leading to losses for all concerned: the
individual, the family, the organization and the society. It is called millennial generation because this
kind of generation lives at the turn of the millennium. Employers have taken proactive measures in
providing programs and initiatives in order to help their employees to cope with work-life balance.
Info sessions in order to discuss the results of the company are organized every 3 months. Work
placement agency Companies which attempt to match the employment needs of an employer with a
worker having the required skill set and interests. Research published in the International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health in 2019 indicated that long working hours make people
very sick. Post globalization India witnessed maximum number of changes in working scenarios of
women employees, however the plight of women employees still screams for help in the segment of
job satisfaction and life satisfaction resulting work life balance. So, we should propose to make a
survey among the staff to see who wants to work in the weekends, and how many weekends a
month. The “always-on” expectation of businesses has become so pervasive that several European
countries have passed “right to disconnect” laws to protect workers from the pressure of being
available around the clock. The full questionnaire should take approximately fifteen minutes to
complete. As an employer, you have the power to encourage them to take the PTO they have earned
and enjoy time to relax and refresh. Work-life balance refers to various attributes of an individual?s
perspective. In addition, research reported by the Harvard Medical School revealed that working
more than 55 hours a week raises the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The contracts of the
employees passed from 38h a week to 40h a week. Relevantly, affective organizational commitment
has been viewed as a force uniting a person to action that relates to one or more targets, This term
has been used in defining organizational commitment whereby three characteristics are involved as
follows: a solid conviction and acceptance towards goals and values of the organization; readiness to
make significant effort on behalf of the organization; and a strong wish remain as part of the
organization. Case Hotel Amigo According to the HR manager: “our hotel is a mix between familiar
and English structure it means we have to respect the hierarchy but the managers can be approached
in a familiar way”. In terms of Indian context, the concern over work-life balance is gradually
becoming a common talk. To study the effect of work-life balance on the quality of life of employee
performance among the employees. To retain employees, employers should use practices that benefit
both employers and employees and lead them to high standards of performance. It causes employees
to feel depleted of energy, mentally detached, and cynical about their job. If your perks aren’t
cutting it, use our checklist to see where you can improve. In this article, I am going to talk about
work-life balance strategies for employees. However, some employees don’t take advantage of it
when it’s not encouraged. A flexible work schedule (or “flextime”) allows employees to choose their
hours rather than adhering to the traditional Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 workday. When a worker
carries out both responsibilities between work and his role in the family, there will create job
satisfaction because by working at the company, an employee will not feel burdened by problems
outside of work. Time away from work enables work-life balance by giving employees more time to
be with their significant others, families, and friends. However, there are lacunas in empirical studies
undertaken in private organizations regarding the relationship between work-life balance and job

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