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Journal of Environmental Management 331 (2023) 117310

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Research article

The coastal protection and blue carbon benefits of hybrid mangrove

living shorelines
Rebecca L. Morris a, *, Benedikt Fest a, 1, Debra Stokes b, Charlotte Jenkins c, Stephen E. Swearer a
National Centre for Coasts and Climate, School of BioSciences, The University of Melbourne, VIC, 3010, Australia
Marine Ecology Research Centre, School of Environment, Science and Engineering, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, 2480, Australia
NSW Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries), Nelson Bay, NSW, 2315, Australia


Handling editor: Jason Michael Evans Hybrid living shorelines use a combination of engineered structures with natural ecosystems to achieve coastal
protection and habitat restoration outcomes, with added co-benefits such as carbon sequestration. Rock fillets
Keywords: constructed along eroding estuarine banks are designed to accumulate sediment, establish mangroves, and
Avicennia marina stabilise the shoreline. There is, however, a lack of data to support whether rock fillets are achieving these goals.
Bank erosion
We used a chronosequence of rock fillets to determine their effect on mangrove development, bank stabilisation
and carbon sequestration in four estuaries in New South Wales, Australia. Aboveground biomass and adult
Ecological engineering
Chronosequence density increased with age of rock fillets, and mangrove structure was similar to a natural fringing mangrove
Nature-based coastal defence after 15 years. The rock fillets accumulated sediment, which reduced the eroded estuary bank height, however,
little effect of the fillets on bank slope was observed. Sediment carbon stocks were not different between rock
fillets, eroding estuary banks and natural fringing mangroves. Rock fillet design had a significant effect on
mangrove structure and coastal protection function, with greater wave transmission through lower rock fillets,
suggesting design optimisation is needed. As the construction cost of the rock fillets was equal or less than
traditional rock revetments, where suitable they present a more economic and environmentally sustainable so­
lution to estuarine erosion management.

1. Introduction defence’ (Bilkovic et al., 2017; Morris et al., 2018). Living shorelines can
restore the habitat alone (‘soft approach’) or in combination with
Nature-based solutions are increasingly viewed as important tools to engineered structures (‘hybrid approach’), with the suitable technique
tackle socio-environmental challenges that include climate change, being determined by a combination of factors related to infrastructure
water pollution, food security, biodiversity loss and disaster risk man­ risk and environmental suitability (Morris et al., 2020).
agement (Cohen-Shacham et al. 2016). Along coastlines, the risk of Hard engineered structures, such as seawalls and breakwaters are a
erosion and flooding could increase by 48% by 2100 due to common approach to hazard risk reduction. Living shorelines provide
climate-induced changes in hazard drivers (e.g., sea level rise and benefits over hard structures in that they are a living, growing system
greater storminess) (Kirezci et al., 2020). Topographically complex with the potential to adapt to changes in climate (Rodriguez et al., 2014;
ecosystems created by the habitat-forming species in dunes, saltmarshes, Sasmito et al., 2016) and self-repair after storm events (Gittman et al.,
mangroves, seagrasses, and reefs provide natural protection from 2014). This contrasts with the expensive maintenance and upgrades
erosion and flooding (Duarte et al., 2013; Narayan et al., 2016). These required to maintain hard built infrastructure under changing environ­
same systems are increasingly vulnerable to anthropogenic impacts and mental conditions. Further, living shorelines can provide several po­
are already degraded in many locations (Beck et al., 2011; Goldberg tential co-benefits, such as habitat provision, water filtration,
et al., 2020). Recovering this ecosystem service through restoration of recreational value and carbon sequestration (Barbier et al., 2011; Bil­
coastal habitats is a goal of nature-based solutions for coastal protection kovic et al., 2016; Humphries and La Peyre, 2015). Blue carbon is of
and is often referred to as ‘living shorelines’ or ‘nature-based coastal particular interest for climate mitigation; mangroves, saltmarshes and

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R.L. Morris).
Current address: Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University Australia, Mt Helen, Victoria 3350, Australia.
Received 6 June 2022; Received in revised form 9 January 2023; Accepted 14 January 2023
Available online 20 January 2023
0301-4797/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
R.L. Morris et al. Journal of Environmental Management 331 (2023) 117310

seagrasses are internationally recognised for their ability to sequester and globally. Further, the potential co-benefits provided by mangrove
carbon in their above and below ground biomass and to trap, bury, and hybrid rock fillets can greatly increase their cost-benefit relative to
store carbon in their sediments (McLeod et al., 2011). Hard engineered traditional structures. Blue carbon is one co-benefit that could make
coastal defence structures can cause degradation of these habitats, mangrove rock fillets an important climate mitigation, as well as
which might be associated with a reduction of their carbon stocks and adaptation, technique.
carbon sequestration capacity (Dugan et al., 2018). Living shorelines We used existing rock fillets of known construction ages to establish
that integrate one or more blue carbon ecosystems into their design a space-for-time trajectory of mangrove development, bank stabilisation
could sustain and/or increase carbon stocks and carbon sequestration and carbon sequestration in four estuaries in New South Wales,
capacity. Australia. Specifically, we hypothesised that mangrove aboveground
Mangroves are increasingly targeted in restoration efforts for their biomass, density of adults, saplings, seedlings and pneumatophores, and
ability to provide coastal protection. As adults, the pneumatophores, soil organic carbon content would increase with age of rock fillets, while
trunks and canopies of multiple trees in a forest provide large-scale estuary bank height and slope would decrease with age. Further we
ecosystem roughness that dissipates wave energy, as the roughness hypothesised that these variables would become more similar to a nat­
creates drag forces as it interacts with the hydrodynamic flow (Duarte ural fringing mangrove, and less similar to an eroding bank with age. In
et al., 2013; Sánchez-Núñez et al., 2020). The reduction in near bed addition to age, the effect of rock fillet height on mangrove structure,
flows results in the accumulation of sediment, which is further stabilised bank stabilisation, wave attenuation, and carbon sequestration was
through the mangrove root system (Duarte et al., 2013). Although adult tested at a site in the Hunter River.
mangroves have a significant effect on the hydrological and geomor­
phological processes that influence erosion and flooding, these processes 2. Methods
can also enhance or hamper the initial establishment of mangrove
seedlings (Hurst et al., 2015). This is especially true for pioneer vege­ Rock fillets were sampled in four estuaries in New South Wales,
tation where mangroves are colonising bare mudflats, for example at Australia: Hunter River; Wallamba River; Manning River; and Richmond
many restoration sites. Successful seedling establishment requires a River in October 2019 (Fig. 1). In each estuary, fillets that were three
‘window of opportunity’ relative to the magnitude of disturbance at a different ages were chosen (Fig. 1): (1) one year (H3; W3; M3; R3); (2)
site (Balke et al., 2011). The propagule must first have a sufficient 6–8 years (H2; W2; M2; R2); and (3) > 9–10 years post-construction
inundation-free period to develop roots, which then must grow quickly (H1; W1; M1; R1). All fillets were made of locally quarried rocks
enough to resist subsequent forces by wave and currents (Balke et al., (mean ± S.E. size = 567 ± 18 mm), with the exception of the one-year
2011). Following that developmental stage, the root length must be old fillets in Hunter River, which were made of timber logs. Felled trees
greater than any mixing or erosion that occurs in the upper layer of the (‘snags’) with root balls in place were also incorporated into the one-
sediment for the seedling to remain in place (Balke et al., 2011). In areas year old rock fillets in the Richmond River for fish habitat enhance­
where mangroves have been lost, unfavourable hydrodynamic and ment. Data collected from the fillets were compared to adjacent, un­
geomorphological conditions can make mangrove establishment chal­ protected estuary banks. These banks were either natural fringing
lenging (Hurst et al., 2015). mangroves, or eroding banks with no mangroves; at each site only one of
Hybrid mangrove restoration uses engineered structures to manip­ these two reference habitats was present (Table 1).
ulate the environmental conditions to reduce hydrodynamic stress and Data were collected on the mangrove structure, soil organic carbon
increase the success of seedling establishment. Previous hybrid methods content, and bank and rock fillet profile at each of the aged fillet
for establishing mangroves have included planting within structures treatments and reference habitats. Three replicate transects were run
such as rubber tyres (Gilman and Ellison, 2007) or concrete pots from low tide to 5 m landward of the estuary bank edge. For mangroves,
(Krumholz and Jadot, 2009), or using permanent or temporary offshore all adults (defined as > 1.4 m height or 5 cm trunk diameter) 0.5 m
breakwaters. These breakwater structures have been assembled from either side of the transect were counted and the trunk diameter prior to
plastic piles (Hurst, 2013), rubble mounds (Hashim et al., 2010) and the first branching of the trunk was measured. Within a 1 m2 quadrat,
timber (Van Cuong et al., 2015). In New South Wales, Australia, ‘rock saplings (defined as 0.5–1.4 m height or < 5 cm trunk diameter),
fillets’ are constructed adjacent to eroding estuary banks for stabilisa­ seedlings (defined as < 0.5 m tall), and pneumatophores were counted,
tion (Jenkins and Russell, 2017). Rock fillets are energy dissipating and the height of ten of each were randomly selected and measured. The
structures, which are typically built to mean high water level from virgin species of mangrove in the Hunter, Wallamba and Manning River was
excavated natural material (VENM) – usually locally quarried rock, Avicennia marina, at Richmond River the mangrove stand was domi­
although fillets may also contain other habitat enhancement structures nated by A. marina but was mixed with the river mangrove, Aegiceras
such as timber snags, or prefabricated reef balls (Jenkins and Russell, corniculatum. For this study, mangroves were not differentiated by
2017). The fillets are a bank parallel structure, keyed into the bank at species.
one end and open at the other, creating an area of low hydrodynamic The profile of the bank and fillet was measured along the three
energy in the intertidal zone between the fillet and the bank (Fig. S1). replicate transects at each of the aged fillet treatments and reference
This area of still water encourages sediment accumulation, and the habitats at 1 m intervals using a laser level. Additional measurements
regeneration of mangroves and other estuarine vegetation, where the were made around the estuary bank to calculate the height and slope of
mangrove propagules, fish, and other estuarine fauna can pass through the bank. This provided information on surface height at these intervals
the fillet opening (Jenkins and Russell, 2017). relative to the starting point, but not in relation to a chart datum. To
Despite wide use of the hybrid rock fillet technique within several determine the elevation of the site and treatments, aerial surveys were
estuaries of the New South Wales coast, there is a lack of quantitative performed by a trained pilot using a DJI Phantom 4 RTK drone. The
data supporting their success for mangrove regeneration and bank sta­ drone performed fully automated flight routes at approximately 30 m
bilisation. Monitoring of mangrove rock fillet sites has commonly been altitude, which were programmed on site, and produced fine spatial
done through photo diaries by the local land manager (Jenkins and resolution images with 80% overlap. Two smart ground control points
Russell, 2017; except see Vincent et al., 2018). Some sites have report­ (Propeller AeroPoints™) were placed within the flight area. The length,
edly failed in recruiting mangroves or halting erosion (Taylor, 2013). height, width, distance from bank, and average rock size (measured
Without consistent monitoring of key indicators for success across pro­ from five randomly selected rocks) of each fillet was also recorded.
jects, and quantitative data to support the success or failure of mangrove Three sediment cores were collected at low tide within each rock
rock fillets, it is a challenge for these existing projects to become a fillet at each site, and the corresponding eroding reference site, at 1.5 m
precedent for broader implementation of this technique, both nationally distance from the estuary bank. The undisturbed, volumetric cores down

R.L. Morris et al. Journal of Environmental Management 331 (2023) 117310

Fig. 1. Map of estuaries and sites in New South Wales, Australia.

Table 1
Elevation (in m relative to Australian Height Datum) of the estuary bank behind the treatments (rock fillets aged 1 [H3; W3; M3; R3], 6–8 [H2; W2; M2; R2] and >9–10
years [H1; W1; M1; R1]), the sediment elevation within the treatments, and the crest of the rock fillets. Also presented are the bank and sediment elevations for the
eroding bank [EB] or natural mangrove [NM] reference sites. Values are the mean ± S.E. from three point measurements from the digital terrain model. – Missing data
due to adverse drone flying conditions or high vegetation coverage.
Estuary Site Bank elevation Sediment elevation Fillet elevation Ref. Bank elevation Sediment elevation

Hunter H1 1.60 ± 0.12 0.50 ± 0.02 0.95 ± 0.11 NM 1.83 ± 0.16 0.02 ± 0.02
H2H 1.23 ± 0.03 0.48 ± 0.07 0.72 ± 0.08 NM 1.26 ± 0.09 0.09 ± 0.03
H2L 1.27 ± 0.05 0.41 ± 0.03 0.19 ± 0.05 NM
H3 - - - EB - -
Wallamba W1 1.03 ± 0.19 0.03 ± 0.03 0.35 ± 0.01 EB 0.65 ± 0.13 –
W2 0.91 ± 0.05 0.26 ± 0.02 0.74 ± 0.03 EB 0.69 ± 0.15 − 0.03 ± 0.05
W3 0.96 ± 0.25 − 0.06 ± 0.04 0.49 ± 0.04 NM 0.89 ± 0.02 –
Manning M1 2.51 ± 0.08 – – NM – –
M2 3.15 ± 0.14 0.80 1.11 ± 0.11 NM – –
M3 – – – NM – –
Richmond R1 1.36 ± 0.24 – 0.74 ± 0.25 EB 0.56 ± 0.03 − 0.34 ± 0.03
R2 0.70 ± 0.07 – 0.18 ± 0.03 EB
R3 0.83 ± 0.01 − 0.03 ± 0.04 0.25 ± 0.09 EB

to 100 cm were collected with a Russian Peat Corer (chamber length 50 sediment samples were immediately stored on ice and stored at 4 ◦ C
cm, chamber diameter 5 cm) (Kauffman and Donato, 2012) via two until further sample processing.
consecutive cores extractions (0–50 cm and 50–100 cm) in proximity. At Scott’s Point (Site H2), Hunter River, two types of rock fillets had
The sediment cores for the sediment carbon analysis were segmented in been applied: (1) full rock fillets constructed within 300 mm of the high
the field into 10 segments of 10 cm thickness each (0–10 cm, 10–20 cm, water mark; and (2) low rock fillets that consisted of a single line of rocks
20–30 cm, 30–40 cm, 40–50 cm, etc.). The segments of corresponding at low tide level (Jenkins and Russell, 2017). To determine if there was
depth of the three cores per sampling location were bulked in the field to any difference in effectiveness of high versus low rock fillets, in addition
form one composite sample for further analysis (Fest et al., 2022). All to the collection of the mangrove, bank profile and sediment core data

R.L. Morris et al. Journal of Environmental Management 331 (2023) 117310

previously described, we deployed six high frequency pressure sensors following allometric relationship developed by Bulmer et al. (2016):
(RBR®solo D wave; hereafter RBRs) to measure the attenuation of waves
Tree aboveground biomass (g) = 1.24 × exp(0.194 + 2.766
through the rock fillet and reference fringing mangrove from 7th –
October 15, 2019. At each treatment (high fillet; low fillet; natural × ln(circumference, cm))
mangrove) two RBRs were deployed, one each placed offshore of the Similarly, GLMs were used to test the magnitude of difference (i.e.,
fillet and onshore of the mangrove fringe. The RBRs were attached with reference minus fillet) in the aboveground biomass, density of mangrove
cable ties to a metal fence picket that was hammered into the sediment. stages, and soil organic carbon between different aged fillets and their
The RBRs were programmed using the software Ruskin (v1.13.12) and reference sites (either eroding bank or natural fringing mangrove).
recorded wave data at a frequency of 8 Hz for a burst duration of 8.5 min Likelihood ratio tests were used to test the significance of adding estuary
within a 20 min interval. or treatment to the model and the interaction of estuary or treatment
and age of fillet. Prior to analysis, plots of the residuals were visually
2.1. Sample processing inspected for non-linearity and heteroscedasticity.
Point measurements extracted from the digital terrain model or the
Digital terrain models were generated from the images collected laser level surveys were used to calculate the height and slope of the
during the drone surveys. The survey images exchangeable image file estuary bank. The height of the bank was calculated by subtracting the
data were corrected/georeferenced via post-process kinematic methods elevation in metres at the top of the bank from that at the toe of the bank.
utilising the smart ground control points and the survey data recorded The percent slope of the bank was calculated by multiplying by 100 the
by the drone platform (Propeller Aero cloud processing platform). The ratio of the bank height and transect distance between the height and
resulting corrected images were processed in Pix4Dmapper Pro for 3D slope measurements. GLMs were again used to determine the influence
point cloud, digital surface model, digital terrain model and orthomo­ of rock fillet age on the bank profile (i.e., height and slope) and in
saic generation. comparison to reference sites.
The core segments for sediment carbon analysis were oven dried at To determine the effect of rock fillet height on the aboveground
80 ◦ C to constant weight and dry bulk density for each sample was biomass and density of different mangrove stages, a one-way analysis of
calculated by dividing sample dry mass by sample volume. Following variance with treatment (3 levels: low fillet; high fillet; and natural
bulk density determination, samples were passed through a 2 mm sieve mangrove) as a fixed factor was used. Box-Cox (R package MASS) were
to remove coarse roots and gravel and then homogenised to a fine power used to suggest the appropriate data transformation (Venables and
with a mortar and pestle (Fest et al., 2022). Organic carbon content Ripley, 2002), and where appropriate post hoc comparisons were un­
(concentration) on a subsample of each sediment bulk sample was dertaken using the package lsmeans to identify sources of treatment
determined via elemental analysis (Dumas Combustions – LECO Tru­ effects (Lenth, 2016). The bank profiles for low and high rock fillets and
mac) after removal of any present inorganic carbon with HCL (1 M, natural mangroves were compared as previously described; the soil
Howard et al., 2014). The carbon density of each sample was calculated organic carbon content was unable to be analysed due to the lack of
by multiplying the sample’s bulk density with the sample’s carbon replication of low versus high fillets across estuaries. Regression slopes
concentration. between onshore measured and predicted significant wave heights were
Wave heights were generated from the obtained pressure data from compared (based on 95% CIs) among low and high fillets and the natural
the RBRs using the method described in Morris et al. (2021). Meteoro­ mangrove reference.
logical data (wind speed, wind direction and sea level pressure) were
obtained from the Australian Government’s Bureau of Meteorology
station, Williamtown RAAF base (061,078). The measurements at this 2.3. The cost of rock fillets
station during RBR deployment were used to correct the pressure data
for atmospheric pressure, after which these corrected pressure values Data on the cost of each project studied were provided by the local
were converted to water depth. The water levels were linearly detrended land manager. Costs were either provided as per linear metre, or were
to remove low-frequency signal. A Fast Fourier Transform based algo­ standardised to this based on the total project cost and the length of bank
rithm was used to correct the wave energy spectrum for depth and sig­ where fillets had been deployed. The original cost was adjusted from the
nificant wave heights were determined from this spectrum (Moeller year of completion to 2020 AU$ using the online inflation converter
et al., 1996). Linear wave theory was used to calculate wave length, from the Reserve Bank of Australia (
celerity and group velocity, based on wave conditions at the offshore or/annualDecimal.html; e.g., Ferrario et al. 2014).
RBR and assuming wave period did not change as the wave approached
shore. The wave group celerity was used to calculate a shoaling coeffi­ 3. Results
cient, which multiplied by the offshore wave height generated a pre­
dicted onshore wave height that accounted for the change in depth 3.1. Fillet specifications
between the offshore and onshore RBRs. The wave transmission coeffi­
cient was defined as the ratio of measured to predicted wave height. All The fillets sampled varied in their size. At Hunter River, the average
processing was done in MATLAB (MathWorks, 1996) and resulted in length of an individual rock fillet at H1 and H2H was 18.2 ± 1.3 m, with
hourly data for water depth, significant wave height at each RBR, wave a width of 2.6 ± 0.2 m and an elevation relative to the Australian Height
period and the wave transmission coefficient during the period the RBRs Datum (AHD) of 0.8 ± 0.1 m (Table 1). The timber fillets at H3 were two
were underwater (i.e., at high tide). largely continuous lengths of ~100 and 200 m, with a width of 1.9 ±
0.2 m. The mean distance between the internal edge of the rock fillet and
2.2. Data analysis the estuary bank at the sites in Hunter River was 3.7 ± 0.4 m. At Wal­
lamba River, the average length and width of the fillets were 32.4 ± 7.8
The effect of the age of the rock fillet on the aboveground biomass, m and 1.8 ± 0.1 m, respectively. The distance of the fillets from the
density of adult mangroves, saplings, seedlings and pneumatophores estuary bank was 3.2 ± 0.4 m, with a fillet elevation of 0.5 ± 0.1 m. At
and soil organic carbon was tested using general linear models (GLMs). Manning River, the average length of the fillets at M1 and M3 was 38.5
Age was included as a continuous variable, and estuary (Hunter River, ± 2.2 m, while M2 was a largely continuous length of ~120 m. The
Manning River, Richmond River, and Wallamba River) as a categorical width, distance of fillet from the estuary bank and fillet elevation (M2
variable in the model (for the mangrove measurements only). For each only, Table 1) was 1.7 ± 0.1 m, 3.9 ± 0.4 m and 1.11 ± 0.11 m,
transect area, the aboveground biomass was calculated using the respectively. At Richmond River, the average length, width, distance of

R.L. Morris et al. Journal of Environmental Management 331 (2023) 117310

fillets from the bank and fillet elevation was 32.6 ± 4.7 m, 1.7 ± 0.1 m, the Hunter (− 0.23 ind. m− 2yr− 1), Wallamba (− 0.18 ind. m− 2yr− 1) and
2.8 ± 0.1 m and 0.4 ± 0.1 m, respectively (Table 1). Manning Rivers (1.9 ind. m− 2yr− 1). The density of pneumatophores also
increased with age of fillet, at an average annual density of 24 ± 4
pneumatophores per m2 for the Hunter, Wallamba and Richmond
3.2. Mangrove structure
Rivers, which was significantly less in the Manning River (4 pneumat­
ophores m− 2yr− 1; Fig. 2e).
There was a significant effect of fillet age on the aboveground
There was a significant effect of age and reference type on the dif­
biomass (F7,28 = 8.12, P˂0.001), and density of adult mangroves (F7,28
ference between fillets and either the eroding bank or natural mangrove
= 10.79, P˂0.001), saplings (F7,28 = 7.72, P˂0.001), seedlings (F7,28 =
reference site for the aboveground biomass (F2,33 = 14.19, P˂0.001).
7.37, P˂0.001) and pneumatophores (F7,28 = 2.87, P˂0.05; Fig. 2). The
The difference between the aboveground biomass in fillets compared to
aboveground biomass and adult density increased with age, however,
natural mangroves became less with time, tending to no difference after
the slope of this increase differed among estuaries (Fig. 2 a,b). For every
approximately 15 years (Fig. 3a). In contrast, the difference in above­
year of age, the aboveground biomass increased by 187, 652, 968 and
ground biomass between fillets and the eroding bank became greater
2324 g per m2 in the Hunter, Wallamba, Manning and Richmond Rivers,
over time, with an annual biomass addition of 1603 g m− 2 in the fillets
respectively (Fig. 2a). The adult density (individuals per m2) increased
compared to the eroding bank. The density of adult mangroves was
by 0.11 in Hunter River, 0.10 in Wallamba River, 0.27 in Manning River,
significantly greater in fillets compared to the eroding bank and natural
and 0.85 in Richmond River per year (Fig. 2b). The effect of age on
mangrove references and this increased with age (F3,32 = 8.03, P˂0.001;
sapling density was positive for the Hunter, Wallamba and Richmond
Fig. 3b). The difference, however, was greater for eroding banks (0.58
Rivers, however, this relationship was negative for Manning River
individuals m− 2 yr− 1) compared to natural mangroves (0.15 individuals
(Fig. 2c). Sapling density increased annually by 0.42, 0.09 and 2.24
m− 2 yr− 1; Fig. 3b). A similar pattern was also observed for the saplings.
individuals per m2 at the Hunter, Wallamba and Richmond Rivers,
The density of saplings was greater in the fillets compared to the eroding
respectively, however the density of saplings decreased by 0.14 in the
bank references and this increased with age, with an annual addition of
Manning River. The greatest effect of age on seedling density occurred at
1.4 saplings per m2 within the fillets compared to the eroding bank
Richmond River, where annual seedling density decreased by 22 per m2
(F3,32 = 4.19, P˂0.05; Fig. 3c). The slope of the difference between fillets
(Fig. 2d). There was minimal difference in seedling density with age at

Fig. 2. Linear relationships between the age of fillets and (a) aboveground biomass (AGB), (b) adult density, (c) sapling density, (d) seedling density and (e)
pneumatophore density for four estuaries in New South Wales, Australia: Richmond River (squares; dashed line); Hunter River (circles; solid line); Manning River
(triangles; dashed line); and Wallamba River (diamonds; solid line). The error bars are standard error.

R.L. Morris et al. Journal of Environmental Management 331 (2023) 117310

Fig. 3. Linear relationships between the age of fillets and the difference (Δ) between the reference sites (either eroding bank [black squares] or natural fringing
mangrove [grey circles]) and rock fillets for (a) aboveground biomass (AGB), (b) adult density, (c) sapling density, (d) seedling density and (e) pneumatophore
density. The error bars are standard error. A positive Δ means that the variable measured was greater at the reference than the rock fillet, while a negative Δ means
that the variable measured was greater at the rock fillet compared to the reference.

and natural mangroves was significantly less than the eroding banks 4.92, P˂0.05; Fig. 4c). There was no significant effect of age or reference
(− 0.07 individuals m− 2 yr− 1; Fig. 3c). Age had a significant effect on the type on the difference in the bank slope between fillets and natural
density of seedlings (F3,32 = 4.03, P˂0.05), which differed between mangroves or eroding banks (F1,34 = 2.29, P˃0.05; Fig. 4d).
eroding banks and natural mangroves as the reference. There was no
difference in the density of seedlings in the natural mangrove and fillets 3.4. Carbon storage
with age (Fig. 3d). In contrast, seedling density was initially greater in
the fillets compared to the eroding banks, but this pattern reversed after There was no significant effect of the rock fillet age on soil organic
~7 years (Fig. 3d). The pneumatophore density difference between fil­ carbon content for 20 cm (F1,10 = 0.09, P˃0.05) or 50 cm (F1,10 = 0.42,
lets and eroding banks became greater with age, with the addition of 26 P˃0.05) core depth (Fig. 5a and b), or the difference between reference
pneumatophores per m2 per year in the fillets compared to eroding and fillet soil organic carbon content for 20 cm (F1,10 = 0.22, P˃0.05) or
banks. The pneumatophore density was greater in natural mangroves 50 cm (F1,10 = 0.04, P˃0.05) core depth (Fig. 5c and d).
compared to fillets, and this relationship changed little with age of fillet
(F3,32 = 9.25, P˂0.001; Fig. 3e). 3.5. Rock fillet height

3.3. Erosion control The average rock fillet crest elevation (m AHD) was 0.73 ± 0.07 at
the high fillets compared to 0.19 ± 0.05 at the low rock fillets. The width
The estuary bank height significantly decreased with age of the fillet of the high fillets (2.5 ± 0.3 m) was greater than the low fillets (0.8 ±
(F4,31 = 19.91, P˂0.001; Fig. 4a, e). There was, however, no significant 0.2 m), whereas the distance from the bank was greater for the low fillets
effect of rock fillet age on the slope of the estuary bank, except at Hunter (4.3 ± 1.0 m) compared to the high fillets (2.7 ± 0.3 m). The soil organic
River where the slope of the bank had an annual decrease of 617% (F7,28 carbon content was greater in high fillets compared to low fillets for both
= 1.91, P˃0.05; Fig. 4b). There was no effect of age on the difference the 20 cm (3.13 versus 1.96 kg m− 2) and 50 cm (7.01 versus 2.82 kg
between fillets and either the eroding bank or natural mangroves for m− 2) core depth.
bank height, however, the magnitude of this difference was greater for There was a significant effect of treatment on the aboveground
natural mangroves (0.29 m) compared to controls (0.03 m) (F2,33 = biomass (F3,6 = 376.86, P˂0.001), and density of adult mangroves (F3,6

R.L. Morris et al. Journal of Environmental Management 331 (2023) 117310

Fig. 4. Linear relationships between the age of fillets

and (a) the height and (b) slope of the estuary bank
behind the fillets for four estuaries in New South
Wales, Australia: Richmond River (squares; dashed
line); Hunter River (circles; solid line); Manning River
(triangles; dashed line); and Wallamba River (di­
amonds; solid line); and the difference (Δ) between the
reference sites (either eroding bank [black squares] or
natural fringing mangrove [grey circles]) and rock fil­
lets for the (c) height and (d) slope of the estuary bank;
(e) example profiles generated from the digital terrain
model comparing one year old fillets and the eroding
bank for Richmond River (site R3), note that the in­
crease in elevation for the 1 year old rock fillets (light
grey line) at ~4 m is the rock fillet. (e) Also shows the
approximate location cores were taken for sediment
analysis. A positive Δ means that the variable
measured was greater at the reference than the rock
fillet, while a negative Δ means that the variable
measured was greater at the rock fillet compared to the

= 20.43, P˂0.01), seedlings (F3,6 = 21.11, P˂0.001) and pneumato­ from this direction (a mean ± S.E. of 15 ± 1.2 m s− 1; Fig. S2). The
phores (F3,6 = 491.57, P˂0.001), however, there was no effect on the conditions recorded during the study period were therefore considered
sapling density (F3,6 = 0.35, P˃0.05; Fig. 6a–e). Although the post-hoc calm, with wave heights reaching only a maximum of 0.05 m (Fig. 8).
tests were not powerful enough to detect what treatments were signifi­ During these conditions, wave attenuation was greatest at the high fillet,
cantly different from each other for the aboveground biomass, adult and with very low wave heights recorded behind the high fillet, in com­
pneumatophore density, Fig. 6a suggests that aboveground biomass was parison to a 31% and 17% wave attenuation at the low fillet and natural
greater at natural mangroves than high or low fillets, but the adult mangrove treatments, respectively (Fig. 8).
density was greater in the high fillet treatment (Fig. 6b). Pneumatophore
density was smallest in the low fillet treatment (Fig. 6e). The high fillets 3.6. Cost of rock fillets
had a significantly greater number of seedlings than the low fillets
(Fig. 6d). The cost of the fillets ranged from $140–948 m− 1, and had an
The fillet crest elevation had a significant effect on the height (F3,6 = average cost of $376 m− 1 (Table 2).
175.54, P˂0.001) and slope (F3,6 = 295.08, P˂0.001) of the bank. Again,
while post-hoc tests could not detect where these differences were, 4. Discussion
Fig. 7a suggests that the bank behind the low fillets is greater than that
for the high fillets. Similarly the slope of the estuary bank behind the low The purpose of rock fillets is to provide estuary bank erosion control
fillets was significantly greater than the high fillets (Fig. 7b). and habitat enhancement of fringing mangrove ecosystems. Here, the
The winds speeds recorded at the weather station during RBR aboveground biomass of mangroves within rock fillets increased with
deployment were a maximum of 10 m s− 1 predominantly from a south fillet age and became similar to a natural fringing mangrove within 15
and south-easterly direction (Fig. S2). The fetch is greatest at site H2 years, with adult densities that exceeded natural mangroves over this
from the north-west, and this was the predominant wind direction time. Larger rock fillets had greater wave attenuation in low energy
observed over the last five years, with greater wind speeds recorded conditions, however, this greater wave attenuation did not translate into

R.L. Morris et al. Journal of Environmental Management 331 (2023) 117310

Fig. 5. Linear relationships between the age of fillets

and soil organic carbon content for (a) 20 cm core
depth, and (b) 50 cm core depth. Linear relationships
between the age of fillets and the difference (Δ) be­
tween the soil organic carbon content at reference
sites (either eroding bank [black squares] or natural
fringing mangrove [grey circles]) and rock fillets for
(c) 20 cm core depth, and (d) 50 cm core depth. A
positive Δ means that the variable measured was
greater at the reference than the rock fillet, while a
negative Δ means that the variable measured was
greater at the rock fillet compared to the reference.

more aboveground biomass in high compared to low fillets, although density and aboveground biomass with rock fillet age differed between
adult mangrove and seedling densities were higher. The resulting effect estuaries. This followed the expected latitudinal pattern (Morrisey et al.,
of mangrove establishment on estuary bank stabilisation was less clear, 2010), where the rate of increase in adult density and aboveground
with a reduced bank height with rock fillet age, but non-significant ef­ biomass was greater at the subtropical (Richmond River) compared to
fects for bank slope. Further, the soil organic carbon content of temperate sites (Hunter, Manning, and Wallamba Rivers).
mangrove rock fillets did not increase with age of the fillet, contrary to In contrast to Salmo et al. (2013), where seedlings and saplings were
what was expected. This is the first large-scale evaluation of mangrove absent from planted mangroves, here we found that sapling density
rock fillets for coastal protection and carbon sequestration, which has increased with rock fillet age in three out of the four estuaries. Seedlings
provided a baseline for gaining a more predictive understanding of the were also found in rock fillets, but these were in similar numbers
benefits and co-benefits of this nature-based method. regardless of the fillet age in three out of the four estuaries. Further,
The rock fillets provided conditions for mangroves to establish, the there was no difference between the seedling density in rock fillets
structure of which became similar to natural fringing mangrove refer­ compared to natural fringing mangroves. In the Richmond River, seed­
ence sites over time. Chronosequences of naturally regenerated ling numbers were very high in the one year old rock fillets, and this
mangrove forests have shown that younger mangrove stands are domi­ number declined with age. Similarly, seedlings were recruiting to the
nated by a greater density of smaller trees, while older stands have eroding bank references, however, these were not surviving past the
fewer, larger trees (Azman et al., 2021). Natural mangrove forests show seedling stage into saplings and adults. The amount of recruitment to
a decrease in density of trees with age due to self-thinning (Deshar et al., rock fillets will depend on propagule supply, which can be provided by
2012). Our results support these findings, the density of adult man­ mature mangroves within the fillets, or nearby intact forests. Thus, rock
groves increased with rock fillet age, but was greater than natural fillet establishment would be expected to be variable depending on the
fringing mangroves, which suggests that mangroves within fillets may extent of mangroves present, particularly within a kilometre of the rock
go through a self-thinning process with time. The greater maturity of fillets based on previous observations of A. marina seed dispersal
mangroves in natural fringes was further supported by the number of (Clarke, 1993). The presence of seedlings and saplings in the rock fillets
pneumatophores, which were higher for mangroves in natural compared indicated that the conditions were favourable for recruitment, and that
to rock fillet settings. In contrast to Azman et al. (2021), the above­ there was a propagule supply, which is important for resilience against
ground biomass of rock fillet mangroves was not significantly different disturbance. The evidence suggests that the rock fillets provide a win­
to natural fringing mangroves after 15 years, albeit this was achieved dow of opportunity for mangroves to establish (Balke et al., 2011) and
here through a greater adult density in rock fillets compared to fewer, create a self-sustaining fringe along the estuarine banks.
older trees in natural mangrove fringes. This result is a similar time­ The primary objective of rock fillets, to accrete sediment, appeared
frame to that found in planted mangroves in the Philippines, where the to be achieved at all study sites. Fillets are designed to protect the toe of
aboveground biomass took 18 years to approach that of the natural the eroding estuary bank and accrete sediment between the fillet and the
mangrove reference (Salmo et al., 2013). The slope of increase in adult bank to provide favourable conditions for mangrove establishment, with

R.L. Morris et al. Journal of Environmental Management 331 (2023) 117310

Fig. 6. Mean (±S.E.) (a) aboveground biomass, (b) adult density, (c) sapling density, (d) seedling density, and (e) pneumatophore density for high fillets (dark grey
bars), low fillets (light grey bars), and natural mangroves (white bars) at site H2, Hunter River.

Fig. 7. Mean (±S.E.) (a) height and (b) slope of the estuary bank behind high fillets (dark grey bars), low fillets (light grey bars), and natural mangroves (white bars)
at site H2, Hunter River.

a resulting stabilisation of the bank. Sediment accumulation resulted in vertical erosion scarps or undercutting. Previous observations of the
decreased bank heights adjacent to the rock fillets over time. In contrast, evolution of rock filleted estuary banks stated that continued bank
nearby eroding estuary banks were generally characterised by near- erosion following fillet installation resulted in a naturally graded slope

R.L. Morris et al. Journal of Environmental Management 331 (2023) 117310

this study is somewhat counterintuitive given that our results clearly

show that the rock fillets are effective at collecting sediment and pro­
mote mangrove establishment. However, given that at each site the
sediment that accumulates in the rock fillets via deposition is a mix of
the sediment that is eroding from the estuary bank behind the rock fillet
itself and the sediment that is transported within the river system
(Saintilan et al., 2013; Drexler et al., 2020), it is possible that it has a
very similar carbon density when compared to the eroding bank at the
same site. In cases where an eroding bank has a relatively high carbon
density and the sediment transported within the estuary has a low car­
bon content, it is quite possible that the accumulating sediment in the
rock fillet will have a lower carbon content compared to the sediment of
the eroding bank. Therefore, a low carbon signal of the sediment that
predominantly settled in the rock fillets after establishment might mask
the newly sequestered carbon from the establishing mangroves. Given
our experimental design and coring method did not allow us to trace
sediment sources or carbon age we cannot exclude this as an explanation
of our findings. Regardless, this possibility highlights the problem of
separating allochthonous and autochthonous carbon contributions to
sediments in blue carbon ecosystems.
Despite this limitation, the rock fillets did accumulate and sequester
a considerable amount of carbon in their sediment when compared to
the eroding banks, because the tidal elevation of the core taken in the
Fig. 8. Comparison of measured (y-axis) and predicted (x-axis) significant
eroding bank was always lower compared to the core taken in the rock
wave height (m) for high fillets (R2 = 0.02), low fillets (R2 = 0.95), and natural fillet (Fig. 4E). Therefore, a proportion of the sediment profile sampled
mangroves (R2 = 0.92). Values below the dotted line indicate a decrease in in the rock fillet had accumulated on top of the sediment profile of the
wave height. The decrease in wave height is given as a percentage on the graph. eroding bank and this gain in tidal elevation will have resulted in
The shaded areas are the 95% confidence intervals. accumulation of both autochthonous carbon, from the establishing
mangroves, and allochthonous carbon that entered the rock fillets in the
that allowed for a shoreward transition from mangroves to saltmarsh form of eroding sediment. Unfortunately, our coring strategy was not at
and/or coastal forest such as Casuarina spp (Taylor, 2017). Here, how­ a high enough spatial resolution to allow us to calculate the accumulated
ever, we observed no effect of age on bank slope adjacent to rock fillets. sediment volumes and carbon density in the rock fillet with any confi­
Indeed, Vincent et al. (2018) reported no evidence of active erosion in dence and we also have no information on how fast the sediment
the short-term using presence of dirt clods as an indicator following the accumulation occurred. In future, it would be ideal to generate a digital
installation of timber and rock fillets in the Kalang Estuary, NSW. The terrain model of the rock fillets shortly after installation together with
discrepancies between different observations of how estuary banks sediment cores and to use sediment traps and surface elevation tables to
respond to rock fillets warrants further research, with many factors such track the sediment accumulation pattern within the rock fillet over time.
as rock fillet design, bank sediment profile, sediment supply and hy­ Lower rock fillets were trialled at Scott’s Point, Hunter River to
drodynamic conditions likely affecting the outcome. Bank height and protect the exposed roots of existing juvenile mangroves that had
slope were used as proxies to understand the potential efficacy of rock established along the bank (Jenkins and Russell, 2017; Taylor, 2017).
fillets for bank stabilisation. Direct measurements of bank retreat before Previous observations of the lower rock fillets deemed them successful in
and after the installation of rock fillets is, however, required to get a full protecting established juvenile mangroves, and at a significantly lower
understanding of whether the fillets are successful at achieving this goal. cost than the high rock fillets (Jenkins and Russell, 2017). Our results
In lieu of any on ground measurements on bank position before and after provide further information about the functioning of low versus high
the installation of rock fillets in New South Wales, the analysis of his­ rock fillets for consideration when designing these structures. The rock
torical aerial imagery has proven a useful tool in evaluating the effec­ fillet structure is important for maintaining the accumulation of sedi­
tiveness of other living shoreline methods, such as oyster reefs ment behind it, which also opens discussion on the resilience of man­
(McClenachan et al., 2020). groves within rock fillets as the rock structure degrades, or if it were to
The absence of an effect of rock fillets on sediment carbon stock in fail (Taylor, 2017). There was evidence that the high rock fillet

Table 2
Costs of the fillet projects studied. The year denotes the year of construction, the length is the total shoreline protected by fillets per project.
Estuary Site Year Length (m) Original cost (AU$) Clarke, 1993 (AU$) Cost (AU$ m− 1)
− 1 − 1 1
Hunter River H1 2010 140 785 m 948 m 948 m−
H2 2011 300 500 m− 1 604 m− 1 604 m− 1

H3 2018 200 800 m− 1 820 m− 1 820 m− 1

Wallamba River W1 2009 565 80,000 99,470 176 m−
W2 2012 ? 500,000 574,610 ?
W3 2018 573 120,000 122,966 214 m−
Manning River M1 2000a ? 141 m− 1 154 m− 1 154 m− 1

M2 2012a ? 141 m− 1 154 m− 1 154 m− 1

M3 2018 290 131 m− 1 140 m− 1 140 m− 1

Richmond River R1 2007 700 133 m− 1 176 m− 1 176 m− 1

R2 2013
R3 2018
Costs were calculated using a 2014 project at the same site.

R.L. Morris et al. Journal of Environmental Management 331 (2023) 117310

accumulated more sediment than the low rock fillet, as the bank height Earth Systems and Climate Change Hub by the Australian Government’s
was greater in the latter and this resulted in a greater density of adult National Environmental Science Program.
mangroves and seedling recruitment. Although the density of adult
mangroves appeared to be similar between low fillet areas and natural Declaration of competing interest
mangroves, there was less recruitment in the low fillets. Further,
aboveground biomass was not different between high and low fillets, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
although this could be due to older trees being present in the low rock interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
fillets as they had already established juveniles at the time of con­ the work reported in this paper.
struction. The effect of the rock fillet height on mangrove structure was
therefore not straightforward, and we lacked power to detect differences Data availability
between treatments due to the existence of only one low rock fillet site.
Due to the potential of low rock fillets to allow for a more cost-effective Data will be made available on request.
design with possible environmental benefits of less artificial structures,
more trials, which could be supported by physical testing in wave flumes Acknowledgements
or numerical modelling (e.g., Gijón Mancheño et al., 2021), are needed
to determine the optimal design. Under the wave conditions observed in We thank J. Tachas for her assistance in the field. We also thank T.
this study, wave transmission through high rock fillets was extremely Alletson, T. Cross, P. Dwyer, P. Goonan, J. Schmidt, S. Skelton, M.
low, compared to a 17% and 31% reduction in wave height at low rock Taylor, C. Turrell, J. Weingott, and P. Wilson for providing information
fillets and natural mangroves, respectively. Although this result needs to on the rock fillet sites in their areas.
be tested under a greater range of hydrodynamic conditions, this begs
the question as to whether high rock fillets are currently Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
4.1. Conclusion org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117310.

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