SpeakingTest 3

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Richmond Practice Tests for Movers

Test 3

My name is .............................................................................................................

Speaking Script

Part Examiner does Examiner says this Minimum response Back-up

this expected questions
Introductions Hello, (child’s name), my Hello.
name’s ____.

How old are you, (child’s Nine Are you nine? Ten
1 Find the difference Now look at these two Candidates describe four 1 Point to other
pictures. They look the other differences from the differences the
Show candidate same, but some things following. candidate does not
the card with two are different. mention.
slightly different - Book in front of her /
pictures. Here the girl is wearing papers 2 Give first half of
a jumper, but here she is - a boy / a girl response:
Point to the wearing a T-shirt. - teacher writing on board Here, there is a book
difference / reading a book in front of the girl,
mentioned in the What other different but …
example. things can you see?

2 Tell the story Now look at these (Variations on the sugges- 1 Point at the
pictures. They tell a tions below are appro- pictures.
Point to the pictures story. priate)
in the story. The name of this story 2 Ask questions
is ‘Car Problems On They are in the country. about the pictures.
Point at the first Holiday’’.
picture. The car has got a problem. Where is the family?
Look at the first picture. Is the car moving?
Point at the other There is a family. They The car can’t move. Is the family happy?
pictures. are happy because they Who has arrived?
are going on holiday. The family isn’t happy. What’s he driving?
What does the farmer
They are putting A farmer arrives. He is do?
suitcases in the car. driving a car. Are the family happy
The farmer pulls the car.
The Family is happy.
3 Odd-one-out Now look at these four Candidate suggests a What are the objects?
pictures. difference – any plausible (ON the sofa, ON the
Point to the first set One is different. difference is acceptable. bed, On the TV.)
of four pictures. The hospital is different.
And this? (UNDER the
Point to the second, Earache, stomach-ache table)
third and fourth set and headache are
of pictures in turn. things that hurt. What are these?
A hospital is the place (places in the
you go when you hurt. countryside.)

Now you tell me about And this? (an animal)

these pictures. Which
one is different? (Why?) What are these?
(different types of

And this? (a house)

Richmond Practice Test 3 Page 1


Speaking Script

Part Examiner does Examiner says this Minimum response Back-up

this expected questions
4 Personal questions Now let’s talk about
where you live?
Put the pictures
away and turn to What’s your town/city’s It’s called (name of town/ Is your town/city
the candidate. name? city). called (name of
What shops do you go I go to the supermarket. Do you go to the
to in your town? The toy shop. Sports shop. supermarket? The
toy shop. The sports

Where do you play with In the park. Near my home. Do you play in the
your friends? In the street. park?

Near your home? In

the street?

Tell me about what you I go to my friend’s house. Do you visit your

do with your friends at We play on the computer. friends? Do you play
the weekend. We go to the park to play on the computer? Do
football. you play in the park?

Okay, thank you (Child’s

Goodbye. Goodbye

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Object Cards

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Object Cards

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Object Cards

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