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Richmond Practice Tests for Movers

Test 2

My name is .............................................................................................................

part 1

5 questions.
Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Kim Fred Paul Jane

Nick May Sam

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part 2

5 questions.
Listen and write. There is an example.

School Questionnaire

Name ..............Nick Short...............

1 Age ...................................................

2 Where live? opposite the ....................... station

3 How comes to school? by ............................................

4 Where has lunch? ...................................................

5 Who sits with? Paul ..........................................

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part 3

5 questions.
What did Nick do last week?
Listen and draw a line from the day to the correct picture.
There is one example.








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part 4

5 questions.
Listen and tick ( ) the box. There is one example.

Where did Paul play football on Saturday?


1 What did Paul have for lunch?


2 Who did Paul go to the shops with?


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part 4

3 What did the family buy at the shops?


4 What was the matter with Paul on Sunday morning?


5 Which person is Paul’s cousin?


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part 5

5 questions.
Listen and colour. There is one example.

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Richmond Practice Tests for Movers

Reading and Writing

Test 2

My name is .............................................................................................................
Reading and Writing

part 1

6 questions.
Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.

an island a cup

a beard the moon

a forest a bowl

a glass a moustache

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Reading and Writing

part 1

You put hot drinks like coffee in this. ..................a cup.......................


1 In this place there are lots of trees. ...................................................

2 This is hair on a man’s face below his nose. ...................................................

3 You can eat soup from this. ...................................................

4 This is hair on a man’s face below his mouth. ...................................................

5 Look up and you can see this at night with ...................................................

the stars.

6 You put cold drinks in this like water or cola. ...................................................

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Reading and Writing

part 2

6 questions.
Look and read. Write yes or no.

There are six people in the picture. ....................yes........................

The boy who is jumping into the pool has got
blond, curly hair.

1 The man who is having a shower has got
a moustache. ...................................................

2 There is a camera in the handbag. ...................................................

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Reading and Writing

part 2


3 There are five towels in the picture. ...................................................

4 The ball is on the pink towel. ...................................................

5 The girl on the green towel has got longer ...................................................

hair than the girl on the blue towel.

6 You can see the cat’s tail. ...................................................

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Reading and Writing

part 3

6 questions.
Read the text and choose the best answer.
Peter’s dad is asking him about his day out at the zoo.

Dad: Did you enjoy the zoo today?

Peter: A Yes, thanks.

B Yes, Okay.
C Yes, it is.


1 Dad: How did you go there?

Peter: A This morning.

B We went by bus.
C There were twenty children.

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Reading and Writing

part 3

2 Dad: What was the weather like?

Peter: A It was hot and sunny.

B I like the snow.
C Rain comes from clouds.

3 Dad: Were there a lot of animals to see?

Peter: A They were in cages.

B Some of the animals were very big.
C Yes, it’s the biggest zoo in the world.

4 Dad: Did you give food to the animals?

Peter: A Yes, I had sandwiches for lunch.

B No. I’m not hungry.
C Yes, we gave food to the elephants.

5 Dad: Which animal did you like best?

Peter: A The monkeys were my favourite.

B It was better than school.
C Yes, it was great.

6 Dad: What did you bring back home from the zoo?

Peter: A We arrive home at 5 o’clock.

B Some photos and a map of the zoo.
C Yes, I’m going back again next week.

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Reading and Writing

part 4

7 questions.
Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to the numbers 1 – 6.
There is one example.

My name is Vicky. Last weekend it was my ……birthday. I had lots of presents and my
parents took my sister and me to see a film at the (1)…………… . The film was about a little
boy called Ben who lived on the beach on a beautiful (2) ………… . He took a boat and went
fishing in the sea every day. One sunny morning he went out in his boat and he caught lots of
fish. In the afternoon the weather was very bad. It was windy and it started to (3)…………. .
Then the boat hit a rock and Ben had to (4)………..… back to the beach. His arms were very
tired and he couldn’t see the island. He was lost in the sea. He thought he (5)…………… a
shark and was very (6)…………… . Then a dolphin picked him up and carried him to the
beach. It was a good film.

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Reading and Writing

part 4


birthday afraid swim rain

forest island climbed saw cinema

(7) Now choose the best name for the story. Tick one box.

A boring birthday.
A film that Vicky watched.
A day at the beach

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Reading and Writing

part 5

10 questions.
Look at the pictures and read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the
story. You can use 1,2 or 3 words.

Visiting the grandparents

John lives with his parents and his brother, Rob, in a small town. Last weekend they went to the
city to visit their grandparents. John is nine and Rob is six. On Friday afternoon they travelled
by bus and their grandmother and grandfather were waiting for them at the bus station. The
bus journey took about one hour. John listened to music and Rob read his favourite comic.

John lives with his parents and his brother, ....................Rob......................
John and his brother went to the city last .................weekend..................

1 The boys went to the city by ..........................................
2 The bus journey took about .......................................... .
3 John listened to .......................................... .

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Reading and Writing

part 5

On Saturday they went to the zoo. John watched the dolphins with his grandmother. The dol-
phins jumped very high to get some fish. Rob looked at the tropical birds with his grandfather.
There were many different kinds and colours. It was sunny and hot. Everyone was happy.

4 On Saturday they went to the ..........................................
5 John watched the dolphins with his ..........................................
6 Rob and his grandfather looked at the ..........................................

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Reading and Writing

part 5

On Sunday they went to a restaurant for lunch. John ate pizza but Rob didn’t want pizza. He ate
a hamburger. After lunch they got on the bus and went back home.

7 On Sunday the family went to ..........................................
8 John ate ..........................................
9 Rob didn’t want pizza, he ate ..........................................
10 After lunch they .......................................... .

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Reading and Writing

part 6

5 questions.
Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines.


Dolphins ………are……… very intelligent. They (1) …………… see and hear very well. There
are many different kinds of dolphins. The Killer Whale, which is (2)…………. dangerous, is in the
dolphin family.
Dolphins (3) ………..… in groups, which are called pods or schools. They eat fish. They make
(4)…………. . different noises. They also jump and play a lot. Dolphins can learn how to dance
and jump. People like to (5)…………. . dolphins at the zoo.

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Reading and Writing

part 6

Example are can cannot

1 can could couldn’t

2 very not many

3 living live lives

4 much any many

5 look watch watched

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Richmond Practice Tests for Movers

Test 2

My name is .............................................................................................................

Speaking Script

Part Examiner does Examiner says this Minimum response Back-up

this expected questions
Introductions Hello, (child’s name), my Hello.
name’s ____.

How old are you, (child’s Nine Are you nine? Ten
1 Find the difference Now look at these two Candidates describe four 1 Point to other diffe-
pictures. They look the other differences from the rences the candidate
Show candidate same, but some things following. does not mention.
the card with two are different.
slightly different - glasses of milk on table / 2 Give first half of
pictures. Here there is a cake, but no glasses of milk response:
here there is a chicken. - wearing T-shirts / wea- Here, there are
Point to the diffe- ring jumpers glasses of milk on the
rence mentioned in What other different - a man (dad) sitting at table, but …
the example. things can you see? table / no man (dad)
- sunny / raining (rainy)
and windy
2 Tell the story Now look at these pic- (Variations on the sugges- 1 Point at the pictu-
tures. They tell a story. tions below are appro- res.
Point to the pictures The name of this story is priate)
in the story. ‘The Lost Ball’. 2 Ask questions
The girl and her dad find a about the pictures.
Point at the first Look at the first picture. ball on the ground.
picture. There is a girl and her What do the girl and
dad walking the dog in The girl picks the ball up. her dad see?
Point at the other the park . Where is the ball?
pictures. They see a boy crying. How does the boy
Now you tell the story. feel?
He is pointing at the ball. What is the boy poin-
ting at?
Maybe it is his ball. What does the girl
The girl gives the boy the Is the boy happy?
ball and he is very happy.
3 Odd-one-out Now look at these four Candidate suggests a What are these?
pictures. One is diffe- difference – any plausible (transport)
Point to the first set rent. difference is acceptable.
of four pictures. And this? (an animal)
The park is different.
Point to the second, The bathroom kitchen What are these?
third and fourth set and bedroom are rooms (clothes)
of pictures in turn. in the home.
A park isn’t in the home. And this?
It’s outside. (a vegetable)
It’s a place in the town.
What Is he doing?
Now you tell me about (riding)
these pictures. Which
one is different? (Why?)

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Speaking Script

Part Examiner does Examiner says this Minimum response Back-up

this expected questions
4 Personal questions Now let’s talk about
your school.
Put the pictures
away and turn to What’s the name of your (Name of school.) Is your school (name
the candidate. school? of school)?

What is your favourite Maths and Music. Is your favourite sub-

subject? ject maths?

How do you get to I walk. Do you walk?

school? Go by car?

Tell me about what you We play hide and seek. We Do you play games?
play with your friends at sing and do dances.
Okay, thank you (Child’s
Goodbye. Goodbye

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Object Cards

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Object Cards

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Object Cards

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Object Cards

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Richmond Practice Tests for Movers

Answer Key
Test 2

Part 1 (5 marks)
Lines should be drawn between:
1 Kim and girl sitting on a box drawing a tiger
2 Fred and boy wearing a blue T-shirt and black trousers and carrying an ice cream.
3 May and girl wearing a red T-shirt and looking at a map of the zoo.
4 Nick and boy wearing a T-shirt and with a monkey on his shoulder.
5 Sam and blond-haired boy taking a photo.

Part 2 (5 marks)
1 twelve
2 train
3 bike
4 at school
5 S-T-R-O-N-G

Part 3 (5 marks)
Wednesday Friday
Monday Sunday (example)
Saturday Thursday

Part 4 (5 marks)
1 B
2 C
3 C
4 A
5 A

Part 5 (5 marks)
1 Colour the puppy – yellow
2 Colour the doll in the girl’s bag – pink
3 Colour the football on the ground near the man - orange
4 Write ‘puppy’ below the puppy
5 Colour the skates the girl is carrying -green

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Part 1 (6 marks)
1 a forest
2 a moustache
3 a bowl
4 a beard
5 the moon
6 a glass

Part 2 (6 marks)
1 yes
2 no
3 yes
4 yes
5 no
6 yes

Part 3 (6 marks)
1 B
2 A
3 C
4 C
5 A
6 B

Part 4 (7 marks)
1 cinema
2 island
3 rain
4 swim
5 saw
6 afraid
7 “A film that Vicky watched”

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Part 5 (10 marks)

1 bus
2 one hour
3 music
4 zoo
5 grandmother
6 tropical birds
7 a restaurant
8 pizza
9 a hamburger
10 went home

Part 6 (5 marks)
1 can
2 very
3 live
4 many
5 watch

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