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Jokowi's Billboards Burned by Crowds in Front of the KPU


President Jokowi is accused of oppression and deception against the Indonesian

nation. Jokowi is labeled as the root of the nation's unrest. #kbanews

JAKARTA | KBA - Hundreds of demonstrators held a protest into the night in

front of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Office, Central Jakarta, on
Monday, March 18, 2024. Participants from various groups also burned
billboards featuring President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

As the night progressed, the orations from the participants intensified the
situation. Demands for President Jokowi to resign grew louder. In turn, the
demonstrators shouted for President Jokowi to immediately step down.

Shouts of "burn Jokowi," "overthrow Jokowi," and "bring down Jokowi" were
echoed by participants in front of the KPU Office. The music encouraging the
action and the beating of drums added to the lively atmosphere.

The demonstrators believe that President Jokowi's regime, along with its
cohorts, has made the nation and the state suffer. President Jokowi is considered
the source of the nation's problems. Therefore, they demand Jokowi's

"Destroy Jokowi's regime and its cohorts. We demand Jokowi to step down from
his position as President of the Republic of Indonesia. Because he has made
many policies that deviate from the constitution," said one of the action orators.

The action orators stated that President Jokowi has committed oppression and
deception against the Indonesian nation. Jokowi is seen as the root of the
nation's unrest. Therefore, he is no longer deemed fit to lead the nation of

Jokowi's policies, according to the action orators, do not favor the interests of the
people and the nation. Instead, they serve foreign parties and his group. Jokowi's
policies are seen as evil plans to destroy the Indonesian nation.

"The policies of President Jokowi are evil plans to destroy the Indonesian nation.
There is plenty of evidence for this. Therefore, we demand Jokowi's resignation
from the presidency," they stated emphatically.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday (March 19), the protest moved to the DPR/MPR Building,
also demanding Jokowi's overthrow.

The mass, part of the Presidium for the Enforcement of People's Sovereignty
(GPKR), began to approach the DPR/MPR Building on Jalan Gatot Subroto,
Central Jakarta, on Tuesday, March 19, 2024.
According to KBA News' observations at the location, the mass of demonstrators
arrived from various regions and came from both the west and east directions.
They carried attributes and posters with demands for today's action.

They unfolded a large banner and walked towards the main gate of the DPR
Building while holding a giant banner. Despite the scorching sun, the
demonstrators, mostly comprising older adults and youths, did not lose spirit.

They continued to cheer while unfolding the giant banner. The banner contained
messages of support for the parliament to roll out the DPR's right of inquiry to
investigate alleged fraud in the 2024 Election.

"Topple & prosecute Jokowi, fire the head of KPU RI and the head of Bawaslu RI,"
it read.

"Before breaking the fast, first cancel the announcement of the 2024 Presidential
Election results," read another banner.

Moreover, the banner messages also demanded the arrest and prosecution of
President Jokowi. They consider Jokowi to be the source of all problems in

"Arrest and prosecute President Jokowi, the source of all problems in Indonesia.
A destroyer of democracy and the constitution," it stated.

There was also a banner stating that what Jokowi wants cannot be done

"Jokowi, your people are not your property," it read.

"Jokowi out, Prabowo and Gibran out," it stated. (kba).

March 18, 2024

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