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In case you find it difficult to answer the activities in this module, don’t hesitate to consult your teacher

or assigned facilitator. You can also ask help from your mother or father, or anyone who is older than you at
home. Remember that you are not alone in this new normal education.
We are hoping that through this module, you will experience a meaningful learning and you will get a
deeper understanding about the competencies. You can do it!
This module was written for you to accomplish at home. It was carefully designed so that you can
work at your own pace and allow self-discovery of the concept through activities that you will perform.
Activities were also selected to allow independent learning which also aims to develop students’ reading
comprehension skills through understanding written texts.
Topic Competencies Objectives
Quarter  Carbohydrates  Recognize the At the end of this modules, students will be able
4 /Week 3- and Its major to:
4 Classification categories of  Describe carbohydrates and its
 Lipids biomolecules classification (monosaccharides,
 Proteins such as disaccharides and polysaccharides);
 Nucleic acids carbohydrates  Identify foods that contains carbohydrates,
, lipids, lipids, proteins and nucleic acid; and
proteins, and  Appreciate the importance of
nucleic acids. carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic
S10MT - IVc - acid as one of the bases of the molecules of
d -22 life.

Let’s Try
Activity 1: Nutri-Facts!
Have you eaten these following foods? What biological macromolecules you might get from these foods?

Let’s Explore Hello! I am your nutritionist for

today. Go ahead and think for a
moment about your favorite food.
Activity 2: Meal Plates!
1. Write/ Draw inside the first plate an example of food rich in carbohydrates that
you have eaten a while ago and tell us what you feel after eating it.

What did you feel after eating the food rich in carbohydrates?

2. Write inside the second plate an example of food rich in lipids that
you have eaten a while ago.

What did you feel after eating the food rich in lipids?

Marjorie R. Amplayo Changing

Science Email: Lives,
10 FB: Marjie Rivas Amplayo
Contact No. 09703812741 Bridging the

3. Write inside the third plate an example of food rich in protein that you have eaten a while ago and tell
us what you feel about what you have eaten.

What did you feel after eating the protein - rich



4. Write inside the glass the function of nucleic acids.

Let’s Dig

Carbohydrates are the major source of energy in our body. These are simple sugar, starch sugar and
cellulose. All carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.


Carbohydrates are classified as monosaccharide, disaccharide, and polysaccharide according to the

number of monosaccharides linked together to form a molecule.

1. Monosaccharide, “mono” means one and saccharides also known as carbohydrates. They often
called simple sugar that cannot be hydrolyzed to simple sugar. It is white solid at room temperature
and very soluble in water. Glucose (C 6H12O6) is the most important of the monosaccharides. It is
found in the free state in the plant and animal tissue. It is the major carbohydrates of the body and it
is carried by the bloodstream to all parts of the body. It is sometimes known as blood sugar because
it is most abundant carbohydrates in the blood found in urine of those who have diabetes mellitus
(sugar diabetes).
Examples of Monosaccharides
a. Glucose is chemically identical to Dextrose. The body’s main source of energy and can be
found in rice, bread and pasta.
b. Fructose or fruit sugar can be found in fruits and honey
c. Galactose or milk sugar can be acquired through consuming dairy products such as cheese, ice
cream, butter and yoghurt.

2. Disaccharides are carbohydrates that yield two monosaccharide molecules upon hydrolysis. This
provides quick source of energy, because they’re only made up of two sugar molecules, they’re
easily broken down by enzymes in your digestive system into their monosaccharides and then
absorbed into their bloodstream Some examples include, sugar cane and sugar beet, table sugar,
manufactured foods, such as cakes, cookies, and dark chocolate, sweet root vegetables such as
beetroot and carrots.
Examples of Disaccharides
a. Sucrose (C12H12O11), glucose + fructose -commonly known as table sugar in the free state
throughout the plant kingdom. Good sources of sucrose are sugar cane, sugar beets, maple
syrup and sorghum.
b. Lactose (C12H12O11), glucose + galactose-or milk sugar is found in nature mainly in the milk of
mammals. Human milk contains about 6.7% lactose and cow’s milk contains about 4.5% of the
c. Maltose, glucose + glucose-is found much less commonly in nature than either sucrose or
lactose. It is found in sprouting grains.

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Science Email: Lives,
10 FB: Marjie Rivas Amplayo
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3. Polysaccharides are also called complex carbohydrates and can be hydrolyzed into many
monosaccharide units’, examples, vegetables, fruit, nuts, cereal bran.
Examples of Polysaccharides
a. Starch is a polymer of glucose. It is found mainly in the seeds, roots and tubes of plants. The
chief sources of starch are corn, potatoes, rice, and cassava whose uses are for foods.
b. Cellulose, like starch, is also a polymer of glucose. It differs from starch in a way the cyclic
glucose unit are linked together to form chains. It is the chief structural components of plants and
woods. Cotton fibers are almost pure cellulose. After removal of moisture, these fibers consist of
about 50% cellulose. It is also used for making rayon fibers, photographic fil and cellophane. It is
an important source of bulk in the diet.
c. Glycogen is the reserve carbohydrates of the animal kingdom and it is often called animal
starch. It is formed in the body by polymerization of glucose and stored, especially, in the liver
and muscle tissue. When the body needs it, glycogen is converted back to glucose, which is
ultimately oxidized to carbon dioxide and water with the release of energy. The energy is used
by the body for maintenance, growth, and other normal functions.

Some health-conscious individual is very particular of what we call a high and low carb (carbohydrate)
intake. Do we really need to consider this low and high carb intake in our health habit? Studies typically
describe carbohydrate intake as a percentage of energy, instead of an amount in grams. There is no agreed
definition of what constitutes low or high-carb intake – but above 45% of total energy intake is generally
considered high, and below 26% is low (The Conversion Academic Rigor, Journalistic Flair, September 13,
2018). The low-carb group sometimes gets better results due to higher protein intake, examples lean meat,
vegetable, nuts and seeds and some fruits. The logical conclusion from these studies is that we should think
more about overall diet rather than single macronutrients, on the other hand, either diet can outperform the
other if you eat less—groundbreaking, we know.


In the previous lesson, you have learned that carbohydrates are important in providing “instant”
energy for cells. There is another class of biomolecules called lipids that have the “job” of storing energy for
later use. Lipids are also found in hormones and cell membrane components.


Lipids have different structural types such as carboxylic acids or fatty acids, triglycerides or neutral
fats, steroids and waxes, to name a few. Naturally occurring esters are lipids that contain one or more long –
chain carboxylic acids called fatty acids. These are insoluble in water but soluble in nonpolar solvents.
When Aaron Jay accidentally mixed oil and water he observed that they do not mix. He was late in
his Chemistry class the following morning but he was able to catch up the discussion of his teacher on lipids.
His teacher explained that oil and water do not mix because they do not have the same polarity. Also, oils
are composed primarily of long hydrocarbon chains. They are formed reaction between an alcohol and one
or more long – chain carboxylic acids.
The most abundant of lipids are the fats and oils, also called triglycerides. Table 4 below shows
the structures of common fatty acids. The presence of double bonds in the fatty acids lowers its melting
point. At room temperature, lauric acid is solid while linoleic acid is liquid.

Fats are solids at room temperature and contain saturated fatty acids. Aaron Jay still remembered
that all saturated hydrocarbons contain single bonds and they are produced only by animals. Examples of
animal fats are lard and butter.
Oils are liquids at room temperature and contain unsaturated fatty acids. Again, he recalled that
unsaturated hydrocarbons contain one or more double bonds. Most oils, such as vegetable oil, corn oil, and
olive oil are produced by plants. Table 5 gives the fatty acid content of some glycerides.

Table 5. Fatty acid of Some Triglycerides

Source Saturated Unsaturated Others
Myristic Palmitic Stearic Oleic Linoleic
Animal Fat Butter 10 29 9 27 4 31
Lard 2 30 18 41 6 5
Beef 3 32 25 38 3 2
Plant Oil Corn 1 10 4 34 48 4
Soybean - 7 3 25 56 9

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Contact No. 09703812741 Bridging the
Peanut - 7 5 60 21 7
Olive 1 6 4 83 7 -

Sometimes we prefer to buy a product in solid form rather than in liquid. Which do you prefer?
Spreading margarine on a pandesal or pouring oil on it? Of course, margarine is more acceptable to
consumers when it is solid because it looks more like butter. However, margarine is made from vegetable
oils that are liquid at room temperature. The oils can be processed to form solid margarine. How is this
Can we consider fats good or bad? It depends. If you eat in moderation, fats are good sources of
body fuel. They are considered good emergency food and are efficient energy storage system. However, an
excess quantity of fats is not good for the heart. The reason why fats are not good for the heart is because
they tend to clog arteries and overwork the heart. While carbohydrates are the main source of energy in your
body, your system turns it to fat as a backup energy source when carbohydrates are not available. Vitamins
A, D, E and K cannot function without adequate daily fat intake they are fat soluble vitamins. If you don’t
meet your daily fat intake or follow a low-fat diet, absorption of these vitamins may be limited resulting in
impaired functioning.
Steroids are another class of lipids whose molecules are composed of fused ring of atoms. The
most important steroid is cholesterol. It is a sterol because of the presence of alcohol or the hydroxyl
functional group. It is found mainly in animal cells although cell membranes of plants may contain small
quantities of cholesterol as well as its major derivatives, sitosterol.
Cholesterol consists of four linked hydrocarbon rings forming the bulky steroid structure. There is a
hydrocarbon tail linked to one end of the steroid and a hydroxyl group linked to the other end. Cholesterol is
known as a “sterol” because it contains an alcohol functional group – OH. Cholesterol is present in most
animal membranes with varying amounts but is absent in prokaryotes.
Cholesterol plays an important role in eukaryotes and especially abundant in cell membranes of
animal cells. Small amount of cholesterol can also be found in the membrane of some organelles inside the
cells, such as mitochondrion and the endoplasmic reticulum. It is not only abundant in cell membrane, but
also in brain tissues of the nervous system. An important nerve cell, myelin, covers nerve axons to help
conduct the electrical impulses that make movement, sensation, thinking, learning and remembering
possible. Studies have shown that cholesterol was found to be the most important factor in the formation of
synapses, which greatly affect our memory and learning ability. Animals are able to use cholesterol to
synthesize other steroids like cortisone, testosterone and estrogen. Although cholesterol is an essential lipid
for humans, excessive levels of cholesterol in the blood can lead to deposits in the arteries of the heart.
These arterial deposits are leading cause of heart disease.
Aaron Jay’s journey to the world of carbohydrates and lipids gave him a clearer view of the
importance of these biomolecules in providing the body with energy. However, he still wants to know which
type of molecule has the higher calorie content.
A calorie is actually a unit of heat energy. We think of calories as something that are present in food
and all food have calories. However, your body sees calories as energy in the form of heat. Heat energy is
what really fuels our body in the same way that gasoline fuels your car’s energy.
Now all foods have calories and different food have different amounts of calories. Calories are
provided by fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Fats have the highest concentration of calories. On the
average, that’s nine calories per gram of pure fat. Proteins and carbohydrates each have four calories per
gram of pure protein or pure carbohydrate on the average. So, understanding the role of calories in your diet
can help you balance your calories in with your calories out, and help you achieve weight management

C. Proteins

The word protein is derived from Greek word, “proteios” which means primary. As the name shows,
the proteins are of paramount importance for biological systems. Out of the total dry body weight, 3/4th is
made up of proteins. Proteins are used for body building; all the major structural and functional aspects of
the body are carried out by protein molecules. Abnormality in protein structure will lead to molecular
diseases with profound alterations in metabolic functions. Proteins contain Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and
Nitrogen as the major components while Sulfur and Phosphorus are minor constituents. Nitrogen is
characteristic of proteins. On an average, the nitrogen content of ordinary proteins is 16% by weight. All
proteins are polymers of amino acids.

Amino Acids are Linked by Peptide Bonds

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Alpha carboxyl group of one amino acid reacts with alpha amino group of another amino acid to form
a peptide bond or CO-NH bridge. Proteins are synthesized by polymerization of amino acids through
peptide bonds. Two amino acids combined to form a dipeptide; three amino acids form a tripeptide; four will
make a tetrapeptide; a few amino acids together will make an oligopeptide; and combination of 10-50 amino
acids is a poly peptide. By convention, long poly-peptide chains containing more than 50 amino acids are
called proteins.
In a tripeptide, there are 3 amino acids, but these 3 can be any of the total 20 amino acids. Thus 20 3
= 8000 different permutations and combinations are possible in a tripeptide. An ordinary protein having
about 100 amino acids, will have 20 100 different possibilities. This number is more than the total number of
atoms present in the whole universe. Thus, even though there are only 20 amino acids, by changing the
sequence of com-bination of these amino acids, nature produces enormous number of markedly different


Proteins have different levels of structural
organization; primary, secondary, tertiary and
1. Primary structure of protein means the
order of amino acids in the polypeptide
chain and the location of disulfide bonds, if
2. Secondary structure is the steric
relationship of amino acids, close to each
3. Tertiary structure denotes the overall
arrangement and inter-relationship of the
various regions, or domains of a single
polypeptide chain.
4. Quaternary structure results when the
proteins consist of two or more polypeptide
chains held together by non-covalent

The first step in enzymatic catalysis is the binding of the enzyme to the substrate. This, in turn,
depends on the structural conformation of the active site of the enzyme, which is precisely oriented for
substrate binding. Carbonic anhydrase catalysis the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide. This enzyme
makes it possible for the precise positioning of the CO 2 molecule and the hydroxyl (OH–) ion for the
formation of bicarbonate ion. The enzyme has a zinc ion located at a deep cleft coordinated to histidine
residues. The CO2 binding residues are very near to the zinc ion. Water binds to zinc ion, gets ionized to
hydroxyl ion and it binds to the CO 2 which is proximally located. The substrates are brought in close
proximity for the reaction to proceed.

Transport Proteins
Hemoglobin, the transporter of oxygen is a tetrameric protein (alpha 2, beta 2), with each monomer
having a heme unit. Binding of oxygen to one heme facilitates oxygen binding by other subunits. Binding of
H+ and CO2 promotes release of O2 from hemoglobin. This allosteric interaction is physiologically important,
and is termed as Bohr effect. Even a single amino acid substitution alters the structure and thereby the
function, e.g., in sickle cell anemia (HbS), the 6th amino acid in the beta chain is altered, leading to profound
clinical manifestations.

Structural Proteins
Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals and is the main fibrous component of skin, bone,
tendon, cartilage and teeth. Collagen forms a superhelical cable where the 3 polypeptide chains are wound
around itself. In collagen, every 3rd residue is a glycine. The only amino acid that can fit into the triple
stranded helix is glycine. Replacement of the central glycine by mutations can lead to brittle bone disease.
The triple helix of collagen is stabilized by the steric repulsion of the rings of hydroxyproline and also by the
hydrogen bonds between them. In vitamin C deficiency, failure of hydroxylation of proline/lysine leads to
reduced hydrogen bonding and consequent weakness of collagen. The quarter staggered triple helical
structure of collagen is responsible for its tensile strength. Different arrangements of collagen fibrils in

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tissues are seen. Parallel bundles in tendons and sheets layered at many angles in skin. Heat denatured
collagen is gelatin.


Aaron Jay wonders why siblings resemble each other,

or how a mother and her daughters look alike. He will
discover the answer as he explores the next lesson.

Nucleic acids are molecules that code for heredity

traits by controlling the production of protein. Like proteins,
nucleic acids are long chain of polymers consisting of simpler
units or monomers. There are two kinds of nucleic acids:
DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid and RNA or ribonucleic
acid. DNA found mainly in the cell nucleic contains the
genetic information that codes for the sequences of amino
acids in proteins. RNA is found in many places in the cell and
carries out the synthesis of proteins.
The monomers of nucleic acids are nucleotides.
They are made of three parts: a five-carbon sugar (pentose), a phosphate group, and a ring – shaped base
containing nitrogen.

The double – helix consists of two linear strands of polymerized nucleotides that bound about each
other. The two strands are held together by hydrogen bonds that form between pairs of nucleotides. Adenine
(A) forms hydrogen bonds with a thymine (T) of the other. Strand. Cytosine (C) forms hydrogen bonds with a
guanine (G) of the other strand.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid Ribonucleic Acid
Description It contains the genetic instruction used It is responsible for the template in the
in the development and functioning of synthesis of proteins which in turn control
all living organisms. the operation & function of the cell
Function Long – term storage and transmission Transfer the genetic information for the
of genetic information. creation of proteins from the nucleus to
the ribosomes
Sugar and Bases Deoxyribose r Ribose sugar

Phosphate backbone; Four Bases: Phosphate backbone; Four Bases:

adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil
Pairing of Bases A – T (Adenine - Thymine) A -U (Adenine - Uracil)
G – C (Guanine - Cytosine) G – C (Guanine - Cytosine)

The process by which an identical copy of the DNA is formed is called DNA Replication. An analogy
of DNA replication is opening a zipper. As you open, each side of the zipper acts as a template for the
synthesis of a new, complementary strand. The result is two new DNA molecules, which have the same
base pair sequence as the original double helix.
Proteins are the ones responsible for observable traits like curly hair, blue eyes, dark skin, etc. DNA
and RNA molecules direct the synthesis of proteins in the cells.

Let’s Do It
Activity 3: Knowing my Diet!
Direction: Think of a 2 – day healthy meal plan for a teenager like you following the table below. Make sure
that you choose the right kind of food containing carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Copy the table below
and answer the questions that follow.
Day 1
Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids

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10 FB: Marjie Rivas Amplayo
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Day 2
Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids

Follow up questions:
1. Have you experienced not eating for a day or two? What happened?
2. Why is it important to know whether the food we eat has carbohydrates, lipids and proteins?

Let’s Evaluate
Activity 4: Multiple Choice!
Directions: Analyze each question carefully then choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Nutritional chemists have found that burning 1 gram of fat releases twice the amount of heat energy
as burning 1 gram of starch. Based on this information, which type of biomolecule would cause a
person to gain more weight?
a. Carbohydrate b. Fat c. protein d. nucleic acid
2. Lipids are insoluble in water because lipid molecules are _____?
a. Hydrophilic b. Neutral c. hydrophobic d. Zwitter ions
3. Which of the following groups are classified as polysaccharide?
a. Sucrose, glucose, and fructose c. Glycogen, sucrose and maltose
b. Maltose, lactose and fructose d. Glycogen, cellulose and starch
4. Amino acids are the building blocks of which group of biomolecules?
a. Proteins b. Carbohydrates c. lipids d. nucleic acid
5. Which of the following is the major function of carbohydrates?
I. Structural framework III. Energy production
II. Storage
a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I & III only
6. In which organs are glycogen stored in the body?
a. Liver and spleen b. Liver and muscle c. liver and bile d. liver and adipose tissue
7. When digesting a complex carbohydrate, water is added and simple sugar is obtained through which
a. Photosynthesis b. Condensation c. Hydrolysis d. Dehydration
8. Disaccharide is formed by combining two monosaccharides. What do you call the process of
combining 2 or more simple sugar?
a. Hydrolysis b. Peptide bonding c. Condensation d. Saccharide bonding
9. Which of the following element is NOT present in carbohydrates?
a. Carbon b. Oxygen c. nitrogen d. hydrogen
10. Which of the following biomolecules contain only the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen?
a. Carbohydrates and lipids c. proteins and nucleic acids
b. Lipids and proteins d. nucleic acids and carbohydrates

Activity 5: Matching type.

Directions: Match the terms in column A to column B. Write your answer on the space provided before
each number. Use another sheet of paper for your answer.
Column A Column B
1. Maltotriose a. has C(H2O)n formula
2. Lactose b. solid at room temperature
3. Disaccharide c. ribose sugar
4. Carbohydrates d. nucleic acid
5. Maltose e. amino acid
6. Unsaturated fat f. composed of galactose and glucose
7. Saturated fat g. liquid at room temperature
8. RNA h. made up of 3 glucose
9. Nucleotide i. linked by 2 monosaccharides

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Contact No. 09703812741 Bridging the
10. Protein j. fatty acid

Reflect and Rate Yourself!
Put a check mark ( ) on the column that shows your efficiency in answering the activities in this
3 - I understand and I am confident that I can teach this to others.
2 - I understand, but I cannot do it by myself.
1 - I understand some parts, but I still have questions.
0 - I don’t understand it at all! I need new activities or tasks.

Topic 3 2 1 0
 Carbohydrates and Its
 Lipids
 Proteins
 Nucleic acids

R efer en ces


Marjorie R. Amplayo Changing

Science Email: Lives,
10 FB: Marjie Rivas Amplayo
Contact No. 09703812741 Bridging the

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