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Results and Discussion

The following values within the graph show the results of the experiment pertaining to the
overall analysis of the acetic acid in two separate trials.

Trial 1 Trial 2
Initial volume of NaOH 0 mL 0 mL
Final volume of NaOH 14.8 mL 14.7 mL
Volume of NaOH 14.8 mL 14.7 mL
−3 −3
Moles of NaOH 3.072 ×10 mole 3.0 5 2× 10 mole
Moles of H C2 H 3 O2 −3
3.072 ×10 mole
3.0 5 2× 10 mole
Weight H C2 H 3 O2 grams 0.1845 g 0.1833
Volume of Vinegar, mL 5 mL 5 mL
Weight of vinegar, grams 5g 5g
% w/w acetic acid 3.69 % 3.67 %
Average % 3.68 %

Figure #: Table of values acquired from the experiment with the overall percentage average

As shown in Figure #, the results of both Trial 1 and Trial 2 vary on such a marginal
scale. An error was made during Trial 1, in which it caused a small difference between the final
volume in comparison to Trial 2. During the titration process, the solution turned into a little dark
hue of pink instead of light pink, which is the visual reference for the appropriate volume of
Sodium Hydroxide required to be able to find its final volume. The results are nearly identical
but not exact, thus providing a reference for the comparison of the trials.

Figure #: Mole and Gram Calculations

Figure #: Weight and Percent by Weight Calculations

Figure #: Percent Average Calculations

This shows the calculations for the weight of the vinegar solution and the percentage by
trial. To acquire the number of moles and grams of both NaOH and HC2H3O2, basic
stoichiometry was applied. Figure # provides an overview of the mole calculations of NaOH and
HC2H3O2 via standard stoichiometry methods. The moles and grams are required for the
computation of the weight of the vinegar solution, percent by weight (HC2H3O2) from both
trials, and the overall average percent by weight.
As shown, the formulas were applied to get the overall weight of vinegar required to get
the percentage weight of the acetic acid. With these results, in which the average weight in two
trials is 3.68%, the researchers have found out that the acidity of the vinegar is lower than the
standard applied (not less than 4%) by the FDA in terms of semi synthetic and natural vinegar

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